It contains detailed information on the operation
andrecommendedmaintenanceof your newMicrowaveOven. Once you haveread the book, keep it
handyto answeranyquestionsyou mayhave.
Ifyou haveanyadditionalquestionsconcerning the
operationof your MicrowaveOven,write—including
IF YOU RECEIVEDA DAMAGED OVEN, immediately contact the retail dealer (or builder) from
whom you purchased it. Your dealer has been informed of the proper procedure to take care of
suchmattersand canhandleit for you.
Check “Common Problems” section on page20. It
lists manyminor causesof operating problems that
you can correct yourself and may save you an un-
It is important that we the manufacturer know the
location of the MicrowaveOven you are now using
shoulda needoccur for adjustments.
Pleasecheck with your supplier to be sure he has
registeredyou as the owner; alsosend in your Purchase Record Card. If you move,or if you are not
the original purchaser please write to us, stating
modeland serial numbers,This appliance must be
regh3tf3red.Pleasebecertain that It is.
In many cities, there’s a General Electric Factory
ServiceCenterwith expertsin fixing GE appliances.
Callthem and a radio-dispatchedtruck will come to
your home by appolntrnent-morning or afternoon.
Chargethe work, if you like, All the centers accept
both Master Charge and Visa ~ards. (Phone numbersareon page21J
A nameplateon which is stampedthemodeland se-
rial number is located either inside oven at top left
side,or on bottom lower leftcorner of case.
Modeland serialnumbers are alsoon the Purchase
Record Card which came with your Microwave
Oven. Before sending in this card, please record
the numbers in the space provided, or get them
from nameplatedescribedabove,andrecord here.
Pleaserefer to both model and serial numbers in
anyfuture correspondence or product servicecalls
concerningyour MicrowaveOven.
1. Contact the people who serviced your micro-
swave oven. Explain why you are dissatisfied. In
mostcases,thiswill solvethe problem.
2. If you are still dissatisfied, write all the details—
including your phone number—to:
Manager,Consumer Relations
General Electric Company
Appliance Park
Louisville, Kentucky 40225
3. Ifyour problem is still not resolved,write or telephone:
This panel, known as MACAP,is a group of independent consumer experts under the sponsorship
of several industrial associations.Its purpose is to
study practices and advisethe industry of ways to
improvecustomer service. BecauseMACAPis free
of industry control and influence, it is able to make
impartialrecommendationsand consider each case
Or look for the General Electric Franchised Customer Care@servicers.You’llfind them intheYellow
Pagesunder “General Electric Customer Care@. . .
(c)1980GeneraiElectrieCO,,U,S,A.All rights reservadt
to,havea qualifiedelectricianreplaceit with a properiy
Oonot,underanyclrcuinstanees,cutor removethethird
1. For personalsafetythe oven must be properly
grounded.Seegroundinginstructionson Page3 of
this book.
2. Cooking utensils may become hot because of
heat transferred from the heatedfood. This is especially true if plastic wrap has been covering the top
and handles of the utensil. Pot holders may be
3. Sometimes,theovenshelfcanbecometoohotto
touch.Becarefulwhentouching the shelfduring and
4 ‘CBoiiabl&>cooking pouche$i$and tightly ~l~~ed
piasticbagsshould be slit, pricked or vented as di-
rected in Cookbook. If they are not, plastic could
burst during or immediatelyafter cooking, possibly
resulting in injury. Also, plastic storage.containers
should be at least partially uncovered becausethey
form a tight seal. When cooking with containers
tightly covered with plastic wrap, remove covering
carefully and direct steam away from hands and
5. Don’t defrost frozen beveragesin narrow necked
bottles especiallycarbonated ones. Even if the container is opened, pressure can build up. This can
causethe containerto burst,resultingin injury,
6. Don’t overcook. Excessive overcooking dehydrates potatoes, and may cause them to catch fire
causing damage.
7. If food should ever ignite, keep the oven door
closed. Turn off the power immediately. Touch
CLEAR/OFF or disconnect power cord or shut off
powerat thefuseor circuit breakerpanel.
8, Remove the tempmture probe from the oven
whennotu$lngit to cook with. Ifyou leavethe probe
inside the oven without inserting it in food or liquid
and turn cmmicrowave energy, it can create electrical arcing in the oven, and damageoven walls or
9, Remove wire twlsbtles on paper and plasticbags before placing in oven. Twist-ties sometimes
causebag to heat,and maycausefire.
10. E#olllngegg$(In oroutof theshell) 1snotrecom-
mendedfor microwave cooking. Pressurecan build
up inside egg yolk and causeit to burst, resulting in
11.Do riot pop popcorn in your microwaveoven
unless in a special microwavepopcorn accessoryor
unless you use popcorn in a packago labeled for
microwave ovcms,Elecaixmof the heat generated,
without thoseprecautions,the container could catch
12, like metal only as diroWd in cookbook. Metal
strips as used cmmeat roasts are helpful in cooking
food when usedas directed, Metaltrays maybe used
for TV dinners. However, when using metal in the
microwave oven, keep metai at ieast l-inch away
DO not use any thermometerin food you are
microwavingunlessthat thermometeris designedor
recommendedfor useinthe microwaveoven.
14. Do not store fiammabiemateriaisin an oven.
Also, do not use flammable fluids in the vicinity of
15. Do not use your microwave oven to dry newspapers.Ifoverheated,theycan catchfire.
16. Piastic Utensiis--PIastic utensils designed for
microwave cooking ar6 very useful, but should be
usedcarefully.Evenmicrowaveplastic maynot be as
tolerant of overcooking conditions as are glass or
ceramic materials and may soften or char if subjected to short periods of overcooking. In longer exposures to overcooking, the food and utensils may
even ignite. For these reasons: 1) Use microwave
plasticsonly and use them in strict compliance with
the utensil manufacturer’s recommendations.2) Do
not subject emptyutensils to microwaving.3) Do not
permit children to use plastic utensils without completesupervision.
17. Don’toperatethe ovenwhile empty in order to
prolong the life of the oven and save energy. if, by
accident,the ovenshould run emptya minute or two,
noharm isdone.
THE 1+001%
1. Have
Itinstalledandproperlygroundedbya quai-
Ified installer.See the special installation booklet
packedwith themicrowaveoven.
2. The ventfan in yourSpacemakerovenw!!I oper-
ate autorna?lcallyundar certain corwfltkms(see
AutomaticFanFeature,page7), Whilethe fan isoperat[ngcaution Is requiredto preventthe starting
and spreadingof acckfentalcookingfires whilethe
A. Neverleave surfaceunits unattendedat high
heatsettings.Boiiovercausessmokingand greasy
spilloversthat may ignke and spread if vent fan is
operating. To
HMiimimautomatic fan operation,
useadequatesized utensilsand use high heatsettingsonly when necessary.
B, M the event of a greasefire, smother flaming
pan on surface unit by covering pan completely
withwell-fitting lid, cookiesheetor flat tray,
C. Neverfhmwfoodsundertheovenwiththevent
fanoperatingbecauseit mayspreadthe flames,
D. Keep hoodand greasefiltersciean,according
to instructions on pages 17 and 19, to maintain
goodventing andavoidgreasefires.
.DoorHandle,Ovendoesn’toperate unlessdoor
2. DoorLatch. Pushin to open
3.Window with Metal Shield. Screen allows cookingto beviewedwhile keepingmicrowavescon-
fined in oven.
4, PlastlcMode Skrer Cover.Protects the
stirrer which distributes microwave energy into
5.(Mm Vent.
6.(lve~ Light,Goes on when door is opened or
whenoven isoperating in anyfunction.
8.Micro’1’herrnometerTMTemperatureProbe. Use
with 7’emperatureCook and Auto Roast functions only.
9. Receptaclefor TemperatureProbe.
10.Time or TemperatureDisplay. During microwaving,shows cooking times in minutes and
seconds or temperaturein degrees.Whenoven
is not in use,displayshows timeof day,
11,Functkm M@ay, Cooking signal lights as to
what to do next, then lets you know what function is being used as well as what Power Level
or Auto Code.
2.Clock,OvenwIIIwork without setting the clock,
but will not display correct time of day, (To set
theClock seethe following page.)
13.FunctionPads. Use these to select a microwaving method-either cooking or Hold/Timer,
(See followlng page for brle~ explanation of
14.Number Pads.Touch these to enter Time or
Temperature,and PowerLevelorAuto Code.
1%PowerLevelPacLToSetor ChangePowerLevel,
touch this padfirst,then number.
16.Wart, Always touch Start last after setting all
1?,Clear/Off. Stops the oven and erases all set-
tings6xcqMtimeof day.
18.AutoCook Pad.Chart helps you select appro-
priate Code, Using codes for popular foods
eliminates looking in Cookbook for cooking
timesand powerlevel.
19.Auto Roast Pad, Use
Control for temperature cooking of meats or
slow simmering, Temperature Probe must be
usedduring Auto Roastfunctiori.
20, GreaseIWters.
21. CX)oktopLight,
Fan Switch,FYessonce for high
lowspeeds,Pressagain for off,
LampSwitch.Pushand hold until lamplights.
thisAutomatic Cooking
and twice for
J.. ------. . . . . .
The TouchControl Pane!allowsyou to setthe oven
controls electronicallywith the touch of a finger.It’s
designed to be easy to use and understand. With
your microwaveoven,you havethe option of using
your automatic cooking control pads for quick and
easy conveniencecooking. Or you may makeyour
own programs to suit your individualized cooking
Readout Panel. Displaystime of day, time or temperature during cooking functions, power level ~
being used, cooking mode and pertinent instruc-
tions of whatto do next.
TempCook.Usethe temperatureprobe to cook by
using a preset temperature, Oven shows temperature until preset temperature is reached and then
turns off. (Seepage15.)
Time Cook. Microwavefor a preset amount of time
using automatic PowerLevel 10 or change power
~umber Pads. Touch these pads to enter Time,
Temperature,PowerLevel,Cook Codedigits,or Au-
tomatic Cooking Codenumber.
Power LeveL Touch this pad before entering an-
other power level number If you want to change
from automatic Power Level10(I-KM) for cooking
or PowerLevel3 (LOW)for defrosting,
Start. Must touch this pad for oven to begin any
Auto Cook. Touch this pad and then number pad
for desired Code number, and oven automatically
microwaves at pre-programmed power levels and
determinesthe proper amount of cooking times until the food is done and ovenshutsoff,
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---- —.—.. .—----
. . . . . . . .... . . . ...——.
-... .—-.. —
—---- -
“WKM3E?’ Appears On Readout:
@Probe has been forgotten when Auto Roast or
TempCookfunctions arebeing used.
@Probe is not securely seated in oven wall recep-
.——-—..—-—...— —..-——————————.—-—-.-.—.
Defrost.Gentle,more uniform thawing with little or
no attention at automatic PowerLevel3, or change
. ..—-
-— ——-.——--....———
‘fl A‘
. .-:
--- ..
--—- .-—
-. ---
. .
--- —
‘- 4
Holcf/Timer. This feature uses no microwave
energywhile it functions as both a kitchen timer or
as a holding period between defrost and time or
temperaturecooking. (Seepage16.)
Clock. Touchthis pad to enter timeof dayor check
time of day while microwaving. To set clock, first
touch CLOCKpad and then enter time of day. For
example, if time is 1:30,touch number pads 1, 3,
=andO and 1:30 will appear in readout display.
“Start” will flash on readout directing you to touch
STARTthus settingthe clock. Ifyou wishto resetor
CookCod&!’’’Usethis pad as a short-cut method for
~enteringcooking time, and power level.(See page
Clear/Off.Whentouched,it stops the oven and er-
~asesallsettingsexcepttimeof clay,
Auto Roast. Insert probe, touch this pad, and de-
=sirednumber pad for Codeto slow-cook or temper-
aturecook meatwit,hautomaticpresetprogram,
-::-ia-~e&i; .-=.. .,ci. ci
“,. ..=....,..”.!.,.., .=. -”,..->=-. =———
- . -— . . . . - .———.—————————-- —-——— ——
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- . -— . . . . - —--..--———————-- —-—————
.,.’-= . ,., ,. FS-J, I*. —....—*W9
—— --———
—--.-...- .........--.—.-—
.. D—--
Cookingappliancesinstalledunder the oven might,
undersome heavyusageconditions, causetemperatureshigh enough to overheatsome internal parts
ofthe microwaveoven.
To prevent overheatingfrom taking place, the vent
fan is designed to automatically turn on at low
speedif excessive temperatures occur. Should this
happen,the fan cannot be manuallyturned M, but
it will automaticallyturn off when the internal parts
have cooled, The fan may stay an up to approximately80 minutes after the range and microwave
ovencontrols havebeen.turned off.
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