GE JVM1870SF03, JVM1860BD002, JVM1860BD001 Owner’s Manual
Safety Instrudions ...2-9 Operating Instru_¢ions
Auto Features ........ 20
Care and
Cleaning ......... 33, 34
Changing the
Power I,evel .............
Cooking Guide .... 15, 16
Defrosting Guide ..... 18
Exhaust Feature ...36, 37 Features of Your Microwave Oven ...11, 12
Microwave Temps ..... 32
Other Feattlres .... 25-31
Replacing Bulbs ...... 35
Sensor Features .... 21-24
Time Features .... 14-19
Troubleshooting 7_ps .... 8
Things That Aa'e Nomml With Yimr
Microwax e (-)\ en ....... 39
Consumer Support
Support ...... Back Cover
Optional Kits ......... 10
Registration ....... 41, 42
Warranty ............ 43
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JVMI850 JVM1851 JVM1860 JVM1861 JVMI870
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these mmfl)ers on a label inside
the O\ ('11,
164D3370P235 49-40295-1 11-02Jfl
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be foflowed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to pre vent property damage, personal injury,
or loss of life.
Do Not Attempt t() operam dfis oxen with the door open
sin(e open-door operation (an tx'suh in hm:mflfl
exposure to mi€rowave cnt'rg}, It is important not
|o de|bat or t:alnpcr with die sal('t_ imcrhxks.
Do Not Place any object butwccn thu ()\('ll [l'on[
{ime and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to
ac(umulmc on scaling
Do IVotOperate the ov('n if it is damaged. It is particularly
i))lport;allt that t])(' o_,_'I1 door
close prol)erb! and {|)at thor(' is no damage to the:
.........................(broken or loosened),
.........................SH]?t_t( (!S.
The Oven Should/V0tt)e
a(!jt tsted or rep;fi)'(,(I by
qualiticd scr\'i(c t)('r.,omu'l.
This microwave oven is UL listed for installation over electric and gas ranges. This microwave oven is not
approved or tested for marine use.
Read and tolh)w the spe(iti( precautions in
the Precautions to Avoid
Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave
Energy sc(tion abo_e.
;; Install or locate this
appliance only in accordance with the
provided Installation Inswuctions.
This applian( c must t)(' grounded. Conne(t only
u) a properly gr(mndcd outlet. See fl)e Grounding
Instructions sccdon on page 8.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
1)o llot lllO/Ult this at)pliance To reduce tile risk of fire o_er _t sillk, ill tilt' o\ell c_\'itv:
This ovel=the-r_tll_e ovell _s
desiglled t_)r use (wer ranges llo wider thall 36'[ It n/a\ be
illstalled over both g:_s and electric cookillg equipn/em.
I)o llOt operate this _q)l/liance if it has a dmnaged power
(ord or l)lug, if it is llot working t)rollerly, or if it has
1)een damaged or dl'otltled. If tile power lord is
damaged, it must be repla(ed
1)\ Gelleral ElectlJC Ser\'i( e or an autho]Jzed service
agent using a l/OX_'r cord _1\_fikd)le ti'on/Gelleral
I)o llot coxer or block alw ot)enings oll tile appliance.
Use this _q)lllim/ce only t_)r its inteHded use _s
desclJt/ed in this manual. I)o liar use corl'osive
chemicals or v_q)ors in this _ll/t)liml( e. This n/i(rowm e oven is ,_t)ecifi(Mly designed
to heat, dry or cook/()od, mid is llot iHtended ti)r
lal)ol_ltor\ or industriM use.
I)o not stol'e this _q)llliance outdoor.',. Do not use this
t)l)odtl(t lle_ll) Vv_lt('r ]()l)
ex_ll//l)le, ill _l wet t)_lsel//en[,
lle_tr _t SWill/i/ling ileal or lle}tr }t sink,
Kee l) l/O_,,_'r cord _r_ ff()_ heated surtil(es.
- I)o not oxercook ff)o(t. Careflllly attend alll)liance
if pallel; plastic or ()tiler colnbustible matelJ_ds are
placed inside tile ovell while cooking.
- Rem(l_ wife twist-ties and meted handles ti'om paper
or plastic contaillers be/[)re t)laci]lg them in tile o_'n.
-- [)O not use tile ()_,/'I1 tar
stol_ge purposes. Do not leme paper products, cooking utensils or/k)od in
tile oxen when llot in use.
- ffmaterials inside tile ovell should ignite, kee t )tile ()\'ell
door closed, [UFII tile oven Off and discomlect tile power
col'd, or shut Offl)ower at tile fllse or circuit breaker t)mlel.
II tile door is ot)elle(t, tile/ire
1//}1}' spread.
;_ See door sur/sce cleallillg
instructiolls ill tile Care and
cleaning of the microwave
over s,t'(tioll O/this n/a]lua].
;_ This _q)l/liance should be
ser\'iced only Ix} qualified ser\'ice t)ersonne]. Colltact
nearest authol'ized selMce /itcility/k)r exmnination,
l'epair or _t(!i/IStlI/ellt.
;_ ,kS with ally appliance,
close SUl>er\'ision is llecessarv whe_l used bv children.
il!i ii+!iiiii!l+"iii iiii!l!
I)o llot immerse power cord or t)lug in water:
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct the problem.
Arcing is tilt' liliCl'OW_lve tel'l//
/i)r sparks ill the oven. Arcing is caused by:
The n/etal shelf not installed correctly so it
touches the n/icrowa_e wall.
Metal or/i)il touching tile side of tile oven.
;+ Foil not molded to fi)od
(upturned edges act like
:+ Metal, smh as twist-ties,
t/ouhry pins, or gold- rinmled dishes, ill the
llli( low,lye.
:_ Recycled paper towels
containing small n/etal pieces being used ill the
l)o not pot/popcorn ill
VO/IF IIli( 17OW_lVe oven /lnless
ill a special microwave t)opcorn ac/essory or mlless
you use pOllcorn labeled ti)r use ill microwave ovens.
Some llro/hlcts such as whole eggs and sealed
/ ontainers--/or exanlt/le, dosed jars--will exph)de
and should not be heated ill this Illi(17()Vv_lve oven.
Such use o/tile mi(row_ve oven (ould result ill ill.j/IT}i.
l)o not boil eggs ill a
IIIi(Fow_IVC oven, t)FCSSIlFC
will build Ul/inside egg yolk and will cause it to burst,
t)ossibly resulting ill il_i m_y.
()perating the microwave widl no food inside tor
more than a minute or two lna_' cause damage to the
oven all(t Co/lld start a tire. It increases the heat aromld
the n/agnetron and can shorten tile lit_' of the oven.
Foods with/lntlrokell Ollte17
"skill" siicl/ as t)otatoes, hot
dogs, sausages, tomatoes, apples, chicken li_ers and
other giblets, and egg yolks should tie pierced to allow
stealil to es€ape (lilting cooking.
Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble
when they reach the boiling
point. They can actuafly get superheated and not bubble
at all Superheated liquid will bubble
up out of the cup when it is moved or when something like
a spoon or tea bag is put into it.
Toprevent this from
happening and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for
more than 2 minutes per cup. After heating, let the cup
stand in the microwave for 30seconds before moving it
or putting anything into it.
Axoid heatill}J, baby Jood ill glass jars, e_en with the lid
off'. Make sure all in/hnt tbod is thoroughly cooked.
Stir Jood to distribute the heat evenh. Be (arefitl to
pre_ent scalding when warming Jorm ula or breast
milk. The container may ti'el cooler than the milk
really is. Alwa}s test the milk be/ore/ceding tile baby.
Don't defi'ost fi:ozell beverages in narrow-necked
bottles (especially carbonated be_ erages).
Even if tile container is opened, pressure can build
up. This can cause file colltainer to burst, possibly
resulting in iqj u W.
:_ Spontaneous boiling -
Under certain special circumstances, liquids
may start to boil during or shortly after removal ff()m
the microwave oven. To |)revent 1)urns fl:om
splashing liquid, we recommend tile/bllowing:
be/ore removing the
COlltail/er ]i'Ol/l the OVel/,
allow the COl/tailler to stand iH tile oven tbr
30 to 40 seconds a/ler the
OVel/ has shill o]]_ Do llOt
boil liquids in narrow- necked COlltail/eFS StlC]l as
soft drink bottles, wine flasks and especially narrow-necked co/lbe cups.
E_en if tile container is opened, excessive sleai//
can build up and cause it to burst or o_erflow.
Ilot foods and steam can
cause burns. Be carefltl when opening any
containers of hot tbod, including popcorn bags,
cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent possible
iqjmT, direct steam away fl:om hands and/hce.
;{ 1)0 llO[ ovel:cook potatoes.
They could dehydrate and catch fire, causing damage
to your o_en.
:_ Cook meat and pouhr}
thoroughly--meat to at least an INTERNAl,
temperature of 160°F and pouhr} to at least an
INTERNAl temperature of 180°E Cooking to
these temperatures
usually protects against /ood-borne illness.
iiii/iiili,i iiii:ili
iilii! iiiiii
Make sure all cookware used in your microwave oven is
suitable tk)r microwaving. Most glass casseroles, cooking
dishes, measuring cups, custard Cllt)S , potter} or china
dim_erware which does not ha_e metallic trim or glaze
with a metallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is
labeled "suitable/i)r llliCrowavillg."
:_ If you are not sure if a dish
is microwave-sati,, use tllis test: Place in the oven both
the dish you are testing and a glass measuring cup tilled with 1 cup of watetmset the
measm:ing cup either in or next to the dish. Microwave
30-45 seconds at high. If the dish heats, it should not
be used/i)r microwaving. If the dish remains cool
and only the water in the cup heats, then the dish is
:_ If you use a meat
thermometer while ( ooking, make sure it is
saJi_' t_)r Ilse ill microwa_.e ovens.
1)o not use recycled paper products. Recycled paper
towels, napkins and waxed
t)aper can contain illetal flecks which mm cause
arcing or ignite. Pal)er t)rod ucts containing I/'vrl()//
or talon /ilamems should
be avoided, as they mm also ignite.
_Ol//e StVFO/()alll tFaVS
(like fllose fl_at meat is
t)a(kaged on) have a thin strip of metal eml)edded
in the bottom. When lilicrowaved, the liletal can
burn tile floor of tile o_en or ignite a paper towel.
Do not use the microwave
to dr} newst)at)ers.
Not all plastic wrap is suitable/i)r use in
microwave ovens. Check
tt_e package/i)r proper use.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap can be
used to cover dishes in
order to retain moisture and prevent spattering.
Be sure to vent plastic wrap so ste_.m cm/esc_q_e.
(',ookware l//_lv t)econ/e hot
because of heat transti'rred fl:om tile he,d.ted t_)o(t. Pot
holders may be needed to handle the cookware.
"Boilable" cooking 1)ouches and tightly closed plastic
bags should be slit, t)ierced or vented as dire(ted b_
t)ackage. If they are not, plastic could burst during
or immediamlv atter cooking, possibly resulting
in ii_im T. Also, plastic storage containers should
be at least partially uncovered because tliev
torm a tight seal. When (ooking with containers
tightly (overed with plasti(
wrap, tel/love coveril/g
caretullv and direct steam away t_:om hands and fi_ce.
Llse toil only as directed in dfis nlamlal. TV dinners
may be microwaved in toil u:ms less than 3/4" high;
remove the to t) toil co_er and return the tray to tile
box. When using/oil in the microwave ()veil, kee t) the
foil at least 1" awm/i'on/ the sides of the oven.
;_ Plastic cookware - Plastic
cookware designed fi)r microwave cooking is very
useflfl, but should be used (areflllh. Even nlicrowave-
sa/i' plastic may 1lOt be as
tolerant of overcooking
conditions as are glass or ceran/ic n/aterials and may
sofwn or char if suk!jected to short periods of
o_ercooking. In longer ext)osures to o_ercooking,
die/ood and cookware could ignite.
Follow these guidelines:
Us,, e-safe
t)lasti(s oI/ly all(t
use them in strict (on/t)lian( e with
the cook\_ are
Illal//l/_tct liter's recolill//elldat iOl/S.
Do IlOt 1/IiCFOV%t'_e el//l)t }' (Ol/taillel%.
I)o not permit children
to IL_e t)l_13tl( (ookw_ll?e
without comt)lem sut)ervision.
il!i ii !iiiii!lli i"iii iiii!l!
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in arisk of electric shock.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event of an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the risk of electri( shock by
providing an escape wire {or the electric current.
This appliance is equipped with a power cord ha_ing a gr(mnding wire with a grom_ding plug. The plug must be
plugged into an outlet that is prot)erly installed and grotmded.
Consuh a q ualified ele( trician or service technician if the grom_ding instructions are not completely tmderstood, or if doubt exists as to whether the appliance is properly grotmded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properly
grotmded 3-prong wall outlet.
Do l/O| /lnder anv circ/lnlStallces Ctl| or relilove the third
(gromld) t)rong/i'om the t)ower cord.
Do not use an adat)ter t)lug with this al)l)liance. I)o not use an extension cord with this appliance. If the t)ower
cord is too short, have a qualified electrician or service technician install an outlet near the at)t)liance.
For best operadon, plug this ap1)liance into its own electrical outlet to t)revent flickering of lights, blowing of fuse or trit)t)ing
of circuit breaker.
The tml will operate automatically m_der certain condidons
(see Autolm_.tic F;_.n (k';_.tul'e). Take care to prevent file starting
_md spreading of accidental cooking fires while the vent t_ul is in use.
Clean the mlderside of tlle microwave often. I)o not allow
grease to build up on the microwave or the/an filters.
In the e_em of a grease fire on tlle sm:/hce traits below the
microwave oven, smother a/laliling t)an on the surlhce Illlit by covering tlle pan completely with a lid, a cookie sheet or
a flat tr_.
Use care when cleaning the vent/ira filters. Corrosive cleaning
agents, such as lye-based oven cleaners, may damage the tilters.
When preparing flaming/i)ods raider the microwave, tm:n
the/hn on.
Never lea_e surthce milts beneath vom: microwave oven
mmttended at high he;_t seuings. Boih)vers (ause smoking and greasy sl)illovers thin m;ly ignite ;rod sl)read if the
microwave vent /hn is opera, ring. "Ik) minimize mnOlm_tic tml ol)eradon, use adequate-sized cookware and use high heat
on surlilce units only when ne(essarv.
iiili !iiil
Filler Panel Kits JX52WH- White
JX52BL - Black JX52CT- Bisque
When replacing _ 36" r_mge hood,/ilh'r pam'l kits till in the additional width to provide a custom buih-in appearance.
For installation between cabinets only; not/i)r end-otLcabinet installation. Each kit contains two 3"-wide/iller panels.
Filter Kits JX81B - Recirculating Charcoal Filter Kit
Filter kits art' used when the lili(row[-iv(' oven ([-illnOt be vented
to the Otltside.
Decorative Panel Kit JX22SS - Stainless Steel
When repli_cing _ t ]i/I ,()_r _'_l_lg_I, the (le(or_d_e panel kit/ills in tile area between tile microwave and tile range le/} by tile
t ti!I,ow model.
A_ailable at extra (()st t_'om your GE sut)t/lier.
Aboutthefeaturesofyour microwaveoven.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your modeL
/////I / I I I t \ \\\%\
0 O
o- .....................6 /)
Featuresof the Oven
O Door Handle. Pull to open
the d()()l_ Tlle door must
bt' s('(tll't'lv ]at(h('d ]()l" the
nli(ro_+avc to ()tlel_te.
Door Latches.
Window with Metal Shield.
S('l:('('ll ;-I]]()WS (()()king to
1)(' Vi('W('(| _l/ilc keeping
lIliCl'owdvt's COllJil/ed ill
the o+xel 1+
_ Antive Vent (on some
models). The xent door
SWil/gN op(l/_rh( I/the
[;dl/ Op(?lT+lt(S _t11(t (IOS(!S
x_r]_(_the tin/struts oil
Defrost Rack Wllell (tefl:osting, tar best results,
place toed (tire(d'_ on the (tdi'ost m(k and l)la(e the
r_t(k Ol/ tll(f ttll:llta|)l('.
O She/f. I,ets you n/icrowm'('
scv('ral ][)()ds at ()liCe. Food microwaves best
when placed directly on the turntable.
TouchControl Panel Display.
O Cooktop Lights.
0 Grease Filters.
@ Removable Turntable.
Turntabl(' mid support mnst It(' ill llla(e x_r]_(_ using the o\cn. The
turntable lnav be r(,nlov(,d ibr (lem/ing.
NOTE: Rating plate, oven vent(s) and oven light are located
on the inside walls of the microwave oven,
iii iHiil!iiii!ili
Aboutthe features of yourmicrowave oven.
Youcan microwave bytime, with the sensor features or with theauto features.
0 0
O Timeand Auto Features
Press Enter
TIME COOKI & II Amountof cookingth_ne Pressonceor twice
AUTO/TIME DEFROST Amountof defrosting time
CUSTOM Followdisplayedinstructions EXPRESSCOOK Starts immediately!
ADD 30 SEC Starts immediately!
POWER LEVEL Powerlevel 1-10
Pressonce upto 6 Ibs. 1 lb. QUICKDEFROST Starts immediately!
O SensorFeatures
Press Enter Option
POPCORN Starts immediately! more/lesstime BEVERAGE Starts immediately!
REHEAT Starts immediately! more/lesstime POTATO Startsimmediately! more/lesstime
VEGETABLE Startsimmediately!
Pressonce(freshvegetables) more/lesstime Presstwice (frozenvegetables) more/lesstime
Pressthreetimes (cannedvegetables) more/lesstime
CHICKEN/FISH Startsimmediately! more/lesstime Pressonce(chickenpieces) Presstwice (fish)
Aboutchanging the power level.
X_triable power levels add flexibility to microwaxe cooking. The power le_vls on the mkrowa_e oven
C_tl/ be COli/])ared to tile stlrl_zee tlllits on _t Fange+
Itigh (power level 10) or flfll power is the/ilstest _lv to cook and gives you 100% power. Each t)ower level gives you microwave energ-y a certain percem
I+.:000g+ c00
How to Change the Power Level
The power level may
be entered or (hanged immediately atter
entering tile/('ature
tinle tot TIME COOK,
The t)oWeF lev('] IlI_IV also be changed during
time cotmtdown.
++@l++_,+e+s TIMECOOKor
selelt Time Defrost.
+++++ Pr( ss POWER LEVEL
Selelt desired t)OWeF le'_el 1-10.
of the time. Power level 7 is microwave energy 70% of tile time. Power level 3 is energy 30% of the time.
A high setting (10) will cook/aster but/ood may
need more fl:equelH stirring, rotating or turlfing (wet: Most cooking will be done on tligh (power level 10). A lower setting will cook more e_enlv and need less stirring or rotating of tile toed.
SolIle ]()o(ts iil}l} ha',e better/lavo_; texture or
appearance if one of the lower settings is used. Use a lower power level when cooking leeds that have a tendency to boil ovec such as scallotled potatoes.
Rest lleriods (when tile nficrowave energy Qeles o/t) give time tot tile food to "equalize" or transt_'r heat to the inside of tile toed. All example of this is shown with power level 3--the deti'ost (-vele. If microwaxe energy did not cvcle ott_ the outside of
tile/ood would cook be/ore tile inside was de/i'osted.
Ilere are some examples of uses tor various power levels:
Power Level Best Uses
High10 /qsh, bacon, vegetabh's, boiling
Med-High 7 (',entle cooking of meat and poultlT;
baking casseroles and reheating.
Medium 5 Slow cooking and tenderizing such
as stews and less tender cuts of meat.
Low2or3 De/i'osting without cooking;
simmering; delicate sauces.
Warm 1 Keel)ing/ood warm without
overcooking; softening butte+:
il!+ ii+!ii++ iiii++iiiiYl+
iii iHiil!iiii!ili
Time Cook I
/\l]ows YOU to mi{rowa'_e for mB tillle lip to
(.)(.) l/]illlltes all{t (.)(.) se{ OlldS.
Power level 10 (t ligh) is automatically set, but you may change it/or more flexibiliD.
You ma} ol)en the door during TIME COOK to
{he( k the 1oo{1. Close tile door alld t)ress START to resume cooking.
full t}owe_ (Press
S{,h,{-t a desir{'d
1)OWel"level 1-10.) Press STARE
Time Cook II
I {'is you change t)owel7 levels automati{ ally (tm:ing cooking. IIere's how to do it:
' } S
t res. TIME COOK.
Fnter the first (ook time.
:_ ChaHge the 1)ower lexel it you don't %%r_t_n|t[111
power. (Press POWER LEVEL. Sele(t a desired
t)OW{'F level 1--10.)
t}ress TIMECOOKagain.
Enter the se(on(t (ook tilne.
{:l]_l_g_ t]](' 1)(''r{'" ]('Y_I i_ yr(''' (]('']'t '%r_l] [ tI'll
.....................t)oweF. (I)ress POWER LEVEL. Sele{t a t)owel"
level 1-10.)
{ l)ress START
At the end of Time Cook I, Time Cook II {omits do_'ll.
+ 30 hidden pages