Safety Instructions ............. 2-6
Operating Imlruaions
Bake Features ............ 10, 18, 20
Best Method of Cooking Chart .... 21
Changing Power Lex>l ........... 14
Cooking Options ................ 10
Cookware Tips .................. 20
Fast Bake Feaulre ......... 10, 19, 20
Featules of Your Oven ......... 8, 9
Microwave Temps ............... 14
Other Features .............. 23-25
Auto Recipe "_Com_rsion .... 18, 24
Automatic Fan ................ 25
Auto Nite I,iOat ............... 24
Bake Temp. Adjust ............. 24
Beeper Volume ............... 24
Child i,ock-Out ............... 23
Clear/Off .................... 23
Clock ........................ 23
Cooking Complem Reminder....23
Displ W i,anguag_ .............. 24
Displ W ON/OH? .............. 94
Displ W Speed ................. 24
Hel I) ........................ 23
Measmes ..................... 25
More Trine Message ............ 95
Resume ...................... 23
Start/Pause ................... 93
Surface Light ................. 95
Timer ....................... 95
Turntable On/Off ............. 95
Vent Fan ..................... 95
Roast Features ............ 10, 18, 90
Sensor Features .............. 15-17
Time and Auto Features .... 9, 11-13
VLmn Feature .................. 22
Care and Cleaning
Charcoal Fihers .................. 29
Inside .......................... 26
Outside ....................... 96
Replacing file Light Bulbs ........ 27
Stainless Steel .................. 97
Vent Filters .................. 28, 29
Troubleshooting Tips ........ 30, 31
Things That Are Nomml
VFith Your Microwme Oven ....... 32
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ...... Back Co_r
Optional Kits .................... 7
Product Regisuafion ......... 33, 34
Warrant;' ....................... 35
For a Spanish xersion of tiffs
manna], visit our _4:ebsite at g_.com.
Para consultar una version en
espafiol de este manual de
instmcciones, visite nuestro sifio de
inmrnet g_.com.
JI,{_117 90
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label when the
door is opell.
3828WSA4_78 49-40480 01-06JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock,
exposure to excessive microwave energy, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
(a) DoNotAttemptto operate this oven with the door
open since open-door operation can result in haI_nful
expos/li'e to illicrowave enert,_'i ]t is iIllpOI't;lnt not to
defeat or taniper with tile safeW inteitocks.
(b) DoNotPlaceany object between tile o_en fl'ont face
and tile door or allow soil or cleaner residue to
accunlulate on sealing Slii-ti_ces.
(c) Do Not Operate the oven if it is danlaged. It is
particularly inlportant that tile oven door ch)se
propeity and that there is no danlage to tile:
(1) door (bent),
(2) hinges and latches (broken or loosened),
(3) door seals and sealing sui-ti_ces.
(d) The Oven Should Not be ac!iusted or repaired by
anyone except properly qualified service pei_onnel.
When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
_: Read and follow tile specific pi'e(atlfions in tile _: To reduce tile iJsk of fii'e in tile ()veil (-avil_':
_: This appliance inust be grounded. (]onnect only
to a properly grounded outlet. See tile GROUNDING
INSTRUCTIONSsection on page 6.
_: hlstall or locate this appliance only in accoMance with
tile provided hlsmllation hlstructions.
::Ji::This niicrowave ()veil is UI, listed tor installation over
electric and gas ranges.
_: This nlicrowave ()veil is not approved or tested for
i/laiJne tlse.
_: This ovei:the-range oven is designed for use over ranges
no wider than 362, It nlay be installed over both gas and
electric cooking equipnlent.
::Ji::Do not operate this appliance if it has a danlaged power
cord or phIg, if it is not working propeity, or if it has
been danlaged or dropped. If tile power cord is
danlaged, it ni ust be replaced by General Electric
Service or an authoiized service agent using a power
cord awfilable fl'oni General Electric.
--Do not overcook todd. Careflilly attend appliance when
papei; plastic or other conlbustible inaterials are placed
inside tile ()veil while cooking.
--Reinove wire twist-ties and nletal handles ti'onl paper or
plastic containeis before placing thenl in tile ()veil.
--Do not use tile (wen for storage ptli])oses. Do not leave
paper products, cooking utensils or food in tile oven
when not in/Ise.
--Do not pop popcorn in your inicrowave ()veil unless in
a specM i/licrowave popcoi'n accessolw or unless VO/l use
popcorn labeled tor use in niicrowave ovens.
--If InateI_ials inside the ()veil ignite, keep the ()veil door
closed, turn the oven off and disconnect the power cord,
or shut off power at the fllse or circuit breaker panel.
If tile door is opened, tile fire nlay spread.
--Do not use tile Sensor Features twice in succession oil
tile sanle tODd portion. If tODd is undercooked after
tile fiI_t countdown, use time Cookti)i" additional
cooking tiine.
::Ji::Do not cover or block any openings on tile appliance.
?_:Use this appliance only for its intended use as described
in this nlanual. Do not use corrosive chenlicals or vapois
in this appliance. This nlicrowave oven is specifically
designed to heat, dry or cook tODd, and is not intended
for laboi'atorv or industI_ial use.
?_: When using the Bake, Roast or Fast Bake flulctions,
both the outside and inside of the ()veil will beconle
hot. Mwa):s use hot pads to reinove containei_ of fl)od
and accessories such as the oven shelf,
_: Thermometer--Do not use regular cooking or oven
thermoinetei_ when cooking by niicrowave or using
the fastBake nIode. The metal and nlercui y in these
thei_noinetei_ could cause arcingand I)ossible danlage
to the (wen, Do not rise a theiillOilletei" in tood )'Oil ai'e
inicrowa_ng unless the theimoineter is designed or
i'ecoi/lillended tk)i" rise in the illici'owave ()veil,
::Ji::Do not clean with inetal scouting pads. Pieces can burn
off the pad and touch electrical parts involving risk of
electric shock,
::)i::Do not stoi'e [llly IllateI_als, otheI" th[ln o/ii"
reconlniended accessories, in this oven when not in use.
9_:Do not store this appliance outdooi3. Do not use this
l)roduct near watei_fl)r exainl)le, in a wet basenlent,
near a swinmling pool, near a sink or in sinlilar locations.
9_: Kee I) power cord away fl'onl heated suYfhces.
::Ji::Do not iinnieise power cord or phig in water.
_: Do not inount this al)pliance over a sink.
_Ji::See dIIor sui_i_ce cleaning instructions in the Care and
cleaning of the microwavo ovon section of this nlanual.
_Ji::This appliance ni ust only be seiMced by qualified service
i)ei3onnel. Contact nearest authorized service ti_cilitv fi)r
exaininafion, repair or a(!justnient.
_: _s with any apl)liance, close SUl)er\'ision is necessai T
when used bv chiMren.
::Ji::Do not store anything directly on top of the niicrowave
oven suil'i_ce when the niicrowave oven is in oi)eration.
If Vousee arcing, press the C£EAR/OFFbutton and correct the problem.
Arcing is the niicrowa\'e teim fi)r spar!cs in the ()veil.
Arcing is caused by:
_: The nletal shelf not installed correctly so it
touches the niicrowave wall.
::Ji::Metal or fi)il touching the side of the oven.
_: Turntable ring SUl)port not installed correctly,
::Ji::Foil not niolded to fi)od (Ulmirned edges act
like antennas),
::Ji::Metal, such as twist-ties, poultI T pins, or gold-
i_iinined dishes, in the nlicrowave.
_ Recycled paper towels containing snlall nletal
pieces being used in the nlicrowave.
Do not pop popcoi'n in VO/IF i//ici'owave oven
unless in a special microwave popcorn accessory
or unless you use popcorn labeled fiw use in
microwave ovens.
_: Do not boil eggs in a microwave oven. Pressm'e
will build iiI) inside egg yolk and will cause it to
bm_t, possibly resulting in iqjurv
_: Operating tile microwave with no food inside for
I/loI'e than a Illintlte oi" two II/ay Catlse dalilage
to tile oven and could start a fire. It increases tile
heat around the magnetron and can shorten
the life ot the oven.
::Ji::Foods with tmbroken outer "skin" such as
potatoes, hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes, apples,
chicken live_ and other giblets, and egg yolks
should be pierced to allow steanl to escape
(hllJng cooking.
::Ji::Some products such as whole eggs and sealed
containei_--lbr example, closed jade--are able
to eN)lode and should not be heamd in this
iilici'owave oven. Stlcl/ rise of tile iilici'owave
oven could result in injury:
Liquids,such as water,coffee,ortea, are ableto
be overheatedbeyondtheboilingpoint without
appearingto beboiling. Visiblebubblingor boiling
whenthecontainer isremovedfromthe microwave
ovenis notalwayspresent.THISCOULDRESULTIN
::Ji::Foods cooked in liquids (such as pasta) may
tend to boil more rapidly than foods containing
less inoisture. Should this occtli; refer to tile
Care and cleaning of the microwave oven section
fin" instructions on how to clean tile inside of
tile oven.
_: Avoid heating baby fi)od in glassja_s, even Mth
the lid off, Make sm'e all infimt tood is thoroughly
cooked. Stir tood to distribute the heat evenly:
Be carefifl to prevent scalding when wamfing
tommla. Tile container may feel cooler than tile
tommla really is. Mwa\:s test tile titan ula befi)re
fi_eding tile baby.
_: Don't defl'ost fl'ozen be\'erages in narro_necked
bottles (especially carbonated beverages). Even if
tile container is opened, pressm'e can build ill).
This can cause the container to bulst, possibly
resulting in iqjtu T
_: Hot foods and steam can cause burns. Be caretul
when opening any containei_ of hot food,
including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and
boxes. To prevent possible iqjm'y, direct steam
away fl'om hands and tace.
Do not overcook potatoes. Thev could dehvdrate
and catch fire, causing damage to yore" oven.
Cook meat and poultry thoroughl}_meat to at
least an ]NTERNM, temperature of 160°F and
poulti T to at least an INTERNAl, temperatm'e of
180°E Cooking to these temperatm'es usually
protects against ti_odborne illness.
To reduce tile risk ot iqjm y to pei_ons:
--Do not overheat the liquid.
--Stir tile liquid both before and halfway through
heating it.
--Do not use straight-sided containers with narrow
--_dter heating, allow tile container to stand in tile
microwave oven fi:,r a short time before removing
tile container.
--Use extreme care when inserting a spoon or
other utensil into tile containe_:
Do not operate the oven in the microwave mode without the turntable and the turntable support seated
and in place. Theturntable must be unrestricted so it can rotate.
Make sure all cookware used in your microwave oven is suitable for microwaving. Most glass casseroles,
cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware which does not have metallic
trim or glaze with a metallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is labeled "suitable for microwaving."
::Ji::If you are not sure ifa
dish is microwave-sate,
use this test: Place in the
()veil both the dish you
are testing and a glass
ineasulJng cup filled with How to test for a
1 cup of watei_set the microwave-safe dish.
illeastlYing ('tip either in or next to tile dish.
Microwave 30-45 seconds at high. If tile dish
heats, it should not be used %r microwaving.
If the dish remains cool and only the water in
the cup heats, then the dish is microwave-sale.
N OveI_ized food or oveIMzed metal cookware
should not be used in a microwave/convection
()veil because they increase the risk of electric
shock and could cause a fire.
Sometimes tile oven flora; turntable and walls
can become too hot to touch, Be careful touching
tile flora; turntable and walls during and after
If you use a meat tl/emlometer while
microwa\ing or using the FASTBAKEmode,
II/ake stII'e it is sate fin" rise in i/li(ToWa;'e ovens.
Do not use rec)'cled paper products. Recycled
paper towels, nal)kins and waxed paper can
contain metal flecks which may cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products containing nylon or
nvhm filaments should be avoided, as they
may also ignite.
Some swrotbmn trays (like those that meat
is packaged oil) have a thin strip of metal
embedded in tile bottom. When microwaved,
tile metal can burn tile floor of tile oven or
ignite a paper towel.
::Ji::Use (ff tile shelf accessory:
-- Remove tile shelf" fl'on/ tile (wen when
not in rise.
-- Use pot holdeI_ when handling tile shelf and
cookware. They may be hot.
-- Be sure that tile shelf is positioned properly
inside tile ()veil to prevent product damage.
-- Do not c(wer tile shelf or any part of tile oven
with metal fifil, This will cause overheating of
the illiCi'OWa;'e/convection oven,
_: Do not rise votIr illiCi'Owave/convection ()veil
to (liT newspal)ei_.
::Ji::Not all plastic wrap is suitable fin" use in
microwave ovens. Check tile package fi)r
proper tlse.
::Ji::Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic
wrap can be used to cover dishes in order to
retain moisture and prevent spattering while
microwaving. Be sure to vent plastic wrap so
ste_lI// C_lIl escape.
?_:Do not use paper products when tile microwave/
convection oven is operated in the BAKE,BOAST
or FASTBAKEmode.
_: (_ook\vare may become hot because (ff heat
transferred fl'(nn tile heated fl)od. Pot holdei_
may be needed to handle tile cookware.
::Ji::When microwaving "boilable" cooking pouches
and tightly closed plastic bags, they should be slit,
pierced or vented as directed by package. If they
are not, plastic could built duiJng or immediately
after cooking, possibly resulting in injury. Mso,
plastic storage containeis should be at least
partially uncovered because they timn a fight seal.
When cooking with containei_ tightly covered
with plastic wrap, remove covering careflllly and
direct steam away fl'om hands and ti_ce.
::Ji::Use toil (rely as directed in this manual. X4]/en
using tbil in the microwave oven, kee I) the fifil at
least 1" away fl'om the sides of the oven.
Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware designed fin.
microwave cooking is vei N useflll, but should be
used carefilllv. Even Inicrowa;'e-sate plastic may
not be as tolerant of overcooking conditions as
are glass or ceramic materials and may soften or
char if subjected to short periods of overcooking.
In longer exposures to overcooking, tile fi)od and
cookware could ignite.
Follow these guidelines:
_Use microwave-sale plastics ()Ill}' and use
them in strict compliance xdth the cookware
illan tililcttii'eY's i'e COilli//e ndatio ns.
_Do not i//ici'owa_,e eilll)t}, containeis.
_Do not pemfit children to use plastic
cookware without c(nnl)lete superxision.
This appliance must be
grounded. In tile e\'ent of
an electrical short circuit,
gro/mding reduces tile
risk of electric shock by
Ensure proper ground
exists before use.
This appliance is equipped Mth a power cord
having a gm/mding Mre Mth a gm/mding plug.
Tile plug Inust be plugged into an outlet that is
properly installed and grolmded.
Consult a qualified electridan or service technician
if the gro/mding instructions are not completely
tmde_tood, or if doubt exists as to whether tile
appliance is properly gro/mded.
If tile outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet,
it is yore" personal responsibili_' and obligation
to have it replaced with a properly gro/mded
B-prong wall outlet,
providing an escape wire
ti:,r tile electric cmTent.
Tile tim will operate automatically trader certain
conditions (see Automatic Fan feature). Take care
to prevent tile starting and spreading of accidental
cooking fires while tile vent tim is in use.
::Ji::Clean tile trade,Male of tile microwave often.
Do not allow grease to build up on tile microwave
or the tim filte_s.
9_:In tile event ot a grease fire on tile sur{hce units
below tile microwave oven, smother a flaming
pan on the sur{i_ce trait b)' covering the pan
completely with a lid, a cookie sheet or a fiat tray.
Do not tinder [lliV cii'Clli/]stances Cllt or i'elilo_,e tile
third (grolmd) prong fl'om tile power cord.
Do not use an adapter plug Mth this appliance.
Do not use an extellsion cord with this appliance.
If tile po_vr cord is too short, have a qualified
electridan or service technician install an outlet
near tile appliance.
D)r best operation, plug this appliance into its
own electrical outlet to prevent flickering of lights,
171()wing of fllse or tripping of circuit breaker:
::Ji::Use care when cleaning tile vent tim filtet_.
Corrosive cleaning agents, such as lye-based
oven cleane_, may damage the filte_.
::Ji::_._]/en preparing flaming ti)()ds tinder tile
IllicI'OWaVe_ t/lI'n tile J[_lIl Oil.
9_:Never leave sm-li_ce milts beneath vom" microwave
oven tmattended at high heat settings. Boilove_s
Catlse Sll/oking and greasy spillove_ that may
ignite and spread if tile microwave vent tim is
operating. To minimize automatic fan operation,
use adequate sized cookware and use high heat
(711 S/lI'J_lce units only when necessai'v:
Optional kits 9e.co,.
Available at extra cost from your GEsuppfier.
Filler Panel Kits
_ JX4OWH--White
_: JX41--Black
When repladng a 36" range hood, filler panel kits
fill in tile additional width to provide a custom
built-in appearance.
For installation between cal)inets only; not fin.
end-of:cabinet installation. Each kit contains
two 3" wide filler panels.
Filter Kits
::Ji::JX81D--Recirculating Charcoal Filter Kit
Filter kits are used when
tile ()veil cannot be
vented to tile outside.
Available at extra cost
fron/w_ur GE supplier.
See tile back cover fi_I"
ordei_ing by phone or
at ge.coIn.
Aboutthe featuresofyouroven.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Featuresof theOven
O Door Latch Release Handle.
O DoorLatches.
O indow with Metal Shield. Screen allows
cooking to be viewed while keeping
microwa;es confined in the o;en.
ControlPanel and Selector Dial
O Removable Turntable.Do not operate the oven
in the microwave mode with(rot the turntable
and turntable suppml seated and in place.
O Removable TurntableSupport.Do not operate
the oxen in the microwaxe mode without the
turntable and turntable support seated and in
O Shelves. Use with CONVECTION BAKE,
BAKE. (Do not use when microwave cooking.)
For best results, tlse one shelf in the lower
posit.ion and leave at least a 1-inch gap
between the cooking dish and the sides of the
oven. D)r two-level Baking or Fast Baking rise
both shelves.
Aboutthe cookingand warmingfeatures ofyour
microwave/convectionoven. gecom
Youcan cook by Microwave, Convection Bake, Convection Roast or Combination Fast Bake. Keep hot, cooked foods at
serving temperature with the Warm feature.
o Microwave Cooking Time and Auto Features
Press Turnandpushdialtoenter
TIMECOOK Amountofcool<ingtime
Pressonce(TimeCool<I)to microwave
Presstwice(TimeCookII)to changepower
MICROEXPRESScook/Add30sec. Startsimmediately!
Pressonce(Fast) Foodweightuptoonepound
Presstwice(Auto) Foodweightuptosixpounds
Pressthreetimes(Time) Amountofdefrostingtime
BEVERAGE Startsimmediately!
Pressonce(6-7 oz.)
POWERlevel Powerlevel1-10
Sensor Features
Press Turnandpush dialtoenter Option
POPCORN Startsimmediately! more/lesstime
REHEAT Startsimmediately! more/lesstime
Pressthreetimes(½to 1cup)
Pressfourtimes(1to2 cups)
AUTOCOOK Foodtype more/lesstime
Convection Baking or Convection Roasting
Press Turnandpushdialtoenter
CONVECTIONBAKEor Oventemperatureandcool<time
o ombination Fast Baking
WARM Oventemperatureandwarmtime ,9
Available cooking options.
Microwave Cooking
_OtlI" oven rises Illi(I'()wave energy to cook by a set [ii/le or weight, or a tltOillati('allv
by sensoI:
Sensor micr()wave w(wks by detecting the increasing h umidiw released during cooking.
The oven automatically a(!iusts the cooking time to \m_ous types and amotmts oI tood.
Do not use theshelves when
microwave cooking.
Always use the shelf when baking.
For best results, use one shelf in the
lower position. For two-level cooking
only, use both shelves,
Always use the shelf with Fast Bake.
For best results, use one shelf in the
lower position. For two-level cooking
only, use bothshelves.
Cooking Method
Microwave energy
is distributed evenly
throughout the oven
for thorough, fast
cooking of food.
Heat Source
Microwave energy.
Heat Conduction
Heat produced
within food by
instant energy
Fast,high efficiency
cooking. Oven and
surroundings do
not get hot.
Convection Baking and Convection Roasting
During baking or roasting, a heating element is used to raise the temperature ot the air
inside the oven, Any ()veil temperature fl'onl 225°F. to 450°E may be progranmled, A tim
gently circulates this heated air throughout the ()veil, over and around the fi)od, producing
golden brown exterim_ and rich moist intefioi_. This drculafi(m ot heated air is called
Because the heated air is kept constantly moving, not pemlitting a laver ()f cooler air to
develop around the fi)od, s(nne foods cook tipster than in regular oven cooking.
Cooking Method Heat Source
Hot air circulates Circulating
around food to heated air
produce browned (Convection).
exteriors and seal
in juices.
Heat Conduction
Heat conducted
from outside offood
to inside.
Aids in browning
and seals in flavor.
Cookssome foods
faster than regular
Combination FastBaking
Your oven also oflei_ the option of Combination Fast Bake, using microwave energy along
with convection cooking. Ym cook with speed and accuracy, while br()wning and crisping
to perfection.
Cooking Method
Microwave energy
and convection heat
combine to cook
foods upto 25%
faster than regular
browning and
sealing in juices.
Heat Source
Microwave energy
and circulating
heated air.
Heat Conduction
instant energy from
penetration and heat
conducted from
outside of food.
cooking time from
microwave energy,
plus browning and
crisping from
convection heat.
Always use the shelf when warmflTg.
The wamling feature will kee I) hot, cooked too(ls at serving temperature. _Mways start with
hot food. Use cookware and utensils that can withstand temperatures up to 230°F.
Cooking Method
Warm air circulates
around food to keep
previously cooked
food warm.
Heat Source
Circulating heated
air (Convection).
Heat Conduction
Warmth conducted
from outside offood
to inside.
Keepshot, cooked
foods at serving
Aboutthe timeandautomicrowave features, ge.com
Usingthe Dial
You can make selections on the oxen b',
turning, the dial and l)ressing, it to enter
the selection,
Time Cook (Donot use the shelves when
microwave cooking.)
Pressing the dial can also be used in place
of the START/PAUSEbuttonfor quicker
I)r°gramming, , of the oxen.
Time CookII
_6dlows xou to nlicrowave lbr all} time
bep,_een 15 seconds and {)5 I-ainutes.
Power level 10(High) is a utomadcallx set,
but }ou me} change it fin more fleMbilit}
Press the TIME COOKbmton.
Turn the dial to set the cook time and
press the dial to enter:
]_'l] Change po_er lexel i_vou don't w:mt
full powel: (Press POWER.Turn tile dial
to select. Press the dial to enten)
k_'_ Press tile dial or the START/PAUSE
button to start cooldng.
You may open the door during 17meCook
to check the _bod. (;lose the door and press
the dial or $TART/PAUSEto resume cooldng.
NOTE: Youmay change the cook t/nTeat any
time during cooking by tumlhg the dial You
may also change the power level by pressing
the POWER button,
Lets you change power levels automatically
during cooldng. Here's how to do it:
_ Press the TIMECOOKbmton.
_'_ Turn the dial to set the fi_t cook time
and press the dial to enter=
B Ch'm,,e the power level _fxou don't
*<rot full pox_e_: (Press POWER. Turn the
dial to select. Press the dial to ente*:)
D Press the TlMECOOKbutton again.
_Tm'n tile dial to set the second cook
time and press the dial to enter=
[_ Ch'm,,e the po_er level ff_ou don't
want full powe_: (Press POWER. Turn the
dial to select. Press the dial to entel:)
p_ Press the dial or the START/PAUSE
button to start cooldng.
At the end of Time Cook/, time Cook//
CO/lnts down,
NOTE: Youmay change the cook time at any
time &ring cooking by tumlhg the dial, You
may also change the power level by pressing
the POWER button,
Micro ExpressCook(Donot use the
shelves when microwave cooking.)
This is a quick way to set and start cooking
in 30 second blocks each time the MICRO
EXPRESSbutton is pressed. The cook time
may be changed by tuming the dial at any
time during cooking.
The power level Mll automatically be set
at 10 and the oven will start immediateh'.
The power level can be changed as time is
counting down. Press the POWERbutton,
ttlrn the dial and press to enter: