GE JVM1660WH03, JVM1660WB008, JVM1660WB007, JVM1660WB006, JVM1660WB005 Owner’s Manual

Model: JVM1660
SpacemakerXLMicrowave Oven
Important Safety Information
7 _ ....
Helpful Information
If Something GoesWrong
GEAnswer Center®
www.geappliances, corn
PartNo.164D3370P107] Pub.No.49-40110
02-00 (JR)
For your sale/v lhe in/brmation in lifts manual mus| be fbllowed/o minimize die risk of fire or
PRE CA TrTIONS e_plosionor,opreven_propertydamage.
/_ !.A. (J ,_,x _,_, personal injmT or loss of life,
TO AVOID ooNo,A.e,n..o OoNo,O.e..,e,heoven
operale dlis oven wit1 if il is damaged. 11is
lhe door open since particularly importam open<loot operation thai lhe oven doo_ can resuh in harmtill close properly and that exposure to microwave there is no damage m energy, it is important the:
MICROWAVE n°t defl_at °r/amper I door (bemL
ENER GY ir.eriocks. _brokeno_loosened,.
with file satety 2 hinges and latches
Do Not Place any object 3 door seals and scaling belween lhe oven J[i'onl SUflacc_.
faq e and the door ur The Oven Should Not
allow soil or cleaner
residue to accumulate by anyone except orl sealing surii_ces.
be adjusted or repaired
properly qualified
service personnel.
Welcome to the GE _amilw We're proud of our qualit3
prodn(ts and we believe in dependable servi(e.
YotFlI see it in this eas}-to-
use Ulalltlal alld '_o1.1'11 hear
it in tile l_'iendl)voices of
()Ill" consllFiler service
Start Here!...B@re using your Microwave
Best of alI, you'll experience these values
each time you use your microwave. Th at' s
importam, because your new microwave wilI be part
o_ }ou[" famil} tot a lonp£ time,
Write down themodeland
are on a label inside tile
_ _ serial numbershere.The?
Model number
Serial number
Date of purchase
It/Orltaixls ixlstrtlctiorrs to
Help lzs
help you
help you use and maintain your microwave properly.
If you received a damaged
oven...imrnediately / (intact
800. 626. 2000
the dealer (or builder) that sold you tile oven,
Save timeandmoney.
Before you call tor service, there are a tew things )ou carl do to help us serve you
Check the se/tion titled "If Something Goes
Wron_,-" before calliw,- This section helps you
solve common problems that might occur.
Staple your receipt to the inside back cover of this
manual. You will need it to obtain service under
If you do need service, )ou can relax knowing help is only a phone call away.
A list of toll-t]'ee customer
service numbers is included ill the back ot
this manual. Or call the GE Answer CenteF at
800,626.2000, 24 hours a day, 7 clays a week.
Thismicrowave ovenis
ULlistedfor installation overelectric andgas
Thismicrowave ovenis
notapprovedor tested formarine use.
Read and follow the
specific "Precautions to Avoid PossiMe Exposure
to Excessive Microwave Enerov"_. on page 2.
This appliance must be grounded. Coru-lect oMv to properl} grounded
outlet See (;roundiw,- Instrtlctions section Oil
page 10.
Do not mount this appliance over a sink.
Install or locate this appliance only in
accordance with the provided Installation
This over-the-range oven was designed for use over ranges no wider than 42 inches. It may be installed over both gas and electric cooking equipment.
I)o not operate this appliance if it has a (tamaoed power cord or plug, if"it is not working properly, or if it has been damaoed or dropped.
I)o not cover or block
allY, oI)enino-so, on tile
Use this appliance only for its intended use as
described in this manual. I)o not use corrosive
chemicals or vapors in this appliance. This
microwave oven is specificall} designed to
heat, dry or cook tood, and is not intended
for laboratory or industrial use.
Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do
not use this product near
water-fl_r example, in a wet basement, near a
swimming pool or near a sink.
Keep power cord away t_'om heated surtaces.
Do not immerse power cord or plug in water.
To reduce tile risk of fire in the oven cavity:
- I)o not overcook tood.
Caretiflly attend appliance if paper,
plastic or other conl- bustible materials are
placed inside the oven
while cookir N.
-- Renlove wire twist-ties
and metal handles ti'om paper or plastic con-
tainers betore placir_g them in tile oven.
-- I)o not use tile oven
for storage purposes. I)o not leave paper
products, cooking utensils or ti)od in the
oven when not in use.
-- 1t materials inside oven
should ignite, keep ttle oven door closed, turn
the oven off and disconnect the power
cord, or shut oil power at the ti.lse or circuit
breaker panel. If the door is opened, the fire
may spread.
See door surface cleaMng- instructions in the Care
and CleaMng section (s) of this manual.
This appliance should be serviced only by
qualified service personnel. Contact
nearest authorized service t_lcility tor
examination, repair or a(!jusunent.
As with any appliance, close supervision is
necessmT when used by children.
iii__U__i¸¸ !_!!_!_!!_!_r_7_+_ _!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!_!VlT!_ii_
il If yousee arcing,press
the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct theproblem.
Arcing is the microwave term tor sparks in the oven. Arcing is caused b?:
The temperature probe in the microwave but not
inserted in the tood.
The metal shelf not installed correctly so it
touches the nlicrowave wall.
Metal or foil touching the side ot the oven,
Do not pop popcorn in your microwave oven unless in a special microwave popcorn accesso_ T or unless you use popcorn labeled tor
use in microwave ovens.
Some products such as whole e_,-_g_,-sand sealed containers-tor example, closed jars will explode
and should not be heated in this microwave oven. Such use of the microwave
oven could result in i_ljury.
I)o I1Otboil eggs in a
nlicrowave ovei1. Pressure
will build up inside egg yolk and will cause it to burst, possibl} resulting in injul3-,
Foil not molded to tood (upturned edges act like
Metal, such as twist-ties,
poult_) pins, or gold- rimmed dishes, in the
P.ecyded paper towels
containing small metal pieces being used in the
()perating the microwave
with no ti)od inside for
more than a mimlte or t_tx)may cause damage to
the oven and could start a tire. It increases the heat
around the magnetron and can shorten the lite
ot the oven.
Foods with unbroken
outer "skin" such as
potatoes, hot dogs, sausa¢es tomatoes.
apples, chicken livers and other giblets, and egg yolks should be pierced to allow steam to escape during cooking.
Microwaved water and other liquids do not
always bubble when they reach the boiling
point. They can actually
get superheated and not bubble at all.
Superheated liquid will bubble up out of the cup
when it is moved or
when something like a spoon or tea bag is put
into it.
Toprevent this frmn happening and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for more than 2 minutes per cup. After heating, let the cup
stand in the microwave for 30 seconds before
moving it or putting anything into it.
Avoid heating baby food ln¢l S "
g ais lars, even with the lid off. Make sure all
infaru food is thoroughly cooked. Stir food to
distribute the heat evenly. Be careful to
prevent scaldirlg when warming [ornmla or
breast milk. The container may teel cooler than the
milk really is. Always test ttle milk before teediw,-
tile baby.
Spormmeous boilirlg-- Under certain special
circumstances, liquids may start to boil during
or shortly atier removal ii'oin the microwave oven.
To prevent burns t_'om splashing liquid, we recommend the tollowing: before removing tile
container ti'orn the oven, allow the container to
stand in the oven t0r 3(1 to 40 seconds atier the ovell has shHt off. Do ilot
boil liquids in narro_ necked containers such
as sott drink botdes, wine flasks and especially
narro_necked cottee cups. Even if the
container is opened, excessive steam can build
up and cause it to burst or overflow.
Don't defl'ost t_'ozen bevera_,-es in Ilarrow-
necked bottles (especially carbonated beverages).
Even if the container is opened, pressure can
build up. This can cause the container to burst,
possibly resuhing in
Hot i6ods and steam
can cause btlrns. Be careful when opening
ally containers of hot food, includino_l )o t)c°rn bags, cooking pouches
and boxes. To prevent possible i_jury, direct
steanl away ti'orn hands and titce.
I)o not overcook potatoes. They could
dehydrate and catch fire, causing damage to your oven.
Cook meat and poult D- thoroughl}-meat to at
least an INTERNAL temperature of 160°F. and poultry to at least nil
INTERNAL temperature ot 180°1 `. ('ookino to
these temperatures usually protects against
t0odborne illness.
Make sure all cookware
used in yollr microwave
oven is suitable tor microwavir_g. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard /_lps, pottery or china
dinneiavare which does not have metallic trim or glaze
with a metallic sheen can
be used. Some cookware is labeled "suitable t0r
How to test for amicrowave- safe dish.
Ityou are not sure ifa disll is microwave-safe,
use tllis test: ['lace in the oven both tile dish you
are testinc and a olass measuring cup filled with
1 cup of water-set tile
measuring cup either in or next to the dish.
Microwave 1 minute at high. If tlle dish heats, it
should not be used t0r 1-11icrowavi ng.
If tile dish remains cool and only tile water in tile
cup heats, then the dish is microwave-sate.
If you llse a meat tiler-
mometer while cookin , make sure it is safe for
llse in microwave ovens.
Do not use recycled paper products. Recycled
paper towels, napkins and waxed paper can
contain metal flecks which ma} cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products containing nylon or
nylon filaments should be avoided, as they may
also ignite.
Some St}Totoam trays
(like those tllat meat is
packaged on) have a thin strip ot metal embedded
in tile bottom. When nficrowaved, tile metal
can burn ttle floor of tile oven or ignite a paper
Do not use tile microwave
to dry newspapers. Not all plastic wrap is
suitable t0r use in micro- wave ovens. Check the
package for proper use.
Paper towels, waxed
paper and plastic wrap can be used to cover
dishes in order to retain moisture and prevent spattering. Be sure to
vent plastic wrap so steam
can escape.
Cookware may become hot because of heat
transterred fl'om tile heated food. Pot holders
may be needed to handle tile cookware.
"Boilable" cookirw
pouches and tightl} closed plastic bags should be slit, pierced or vented as directed b? package. If
they are not, plastic could burst during or immed-
iately atier cooking, possibly resulting in injuly.
Also. plastic storage
containers should be at least partially uncovered because they form a tight
seal. When looking with containers tightl} covered
with plastic wrap, remove
covering careflllly and direct steam away t_'om hands and tace.
Use foil only as directed in this manual. TV
dinners may be nlicrowaved in toil trays
less than 3/4" high; remove ttle top fifil cover
and return the tray to tile box. When using toil in
the nlicrowave oven, keep ttle foil at least
1 inch away t]'om ttle
sides of ttle oven.
Tile f'an Mll operate automatically tinder certain conditions (see
Automatic Fan feature).
Take care to prevent the starting, and spreading of
accidental cooking" fires
while the vent fan is in use.
(;lean the underside of tile microwave often. I)o
not allow grease to build up oil tile microwave or
the tiul filters.
Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware designed for
microwave cooking is vei T usetill, but should be used
carefiflly. Even microwave- salt plastic may not be as
tolerant of overcookino conditions as are glass or
ceranlic materials and may soften or char if subjected to short periods
of overcooking. In longer exposures to over- cooking, the tood and cookware could ignite.
Ill tile event of a grease fire on tile surl_tce units
below tile microwave oven, snmther a flaming
pan on tile SUl'fate unit bv c( ver w,- tile pan
completely with a lid, a cookie sheet or a flat tray.
Use care when cleanin_r the vent tiul filters.
Corrosive cleaning agents, such as lyed)ased
oven cleaners, may danlage ttle filters.
Follow these guidelines:
I Use microwave-safe
plastics only and use thenl in strict compliance
with ttle cookware
nlal-lUf _lCtl_lrer's
2 l)o not nlicrowave erupt}
3 l)o not permit children
to use plastic cookware
without complete
When preparing flaming foods under
ttle microwave, ttlrn tile
vent fan oil.
Never leave surt_lce units beneath your microwave oven unattended at high
heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greasy
spillovers that may ignite and spread if tile
nlicrowave Veil[ f_ll-i is
operating. To minimize automatic Pan operation,
use adequate sized cookware and use high
heat on surt_tce units only
when necessaD-.
Ensure proper ground exists before use.
hnproper use of the grounding plug can result in
a risk of electric shock.
This appliance must be grounded. In the event ot
an electrical short circuit, groundinc reduces the risk
, o
of electric shock by providing an escape wire
for the electric current.
This appliance is equipped with a power cord having a
grounding wire with a grounding phtg. The phtg nmst be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded.
Consuh a qualified electri- cian or service technician it
the grounding instructions are not completely under- stood, or it doubt exists as
to whether the appliance is properly grounded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is
ymr personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall
l)o not under any circum- stances cut or remove the
third (ground) prong fl'om the power cord.
I)o not use an adapter phtg
with this appliance.
I)o not rise ai1extension cord with this appliance. It
the power cord is too short, have a qualified electrician
or service technician install an outlet near the
appliance. For best operation, phtg
this appliance into its own electrical outlet to prevent
t]ickeriw,- of lights, blowir_g ot fltse or tripping ot
circuit breaker.
o , ,
Filler PanelKits JX48WH--White JX48BL--Black JX48AL--Ahnond
When replacing a 36" or 49"_range, hood, filler panel
kits fill in the additional
width to provide a custom
built-in appearance.
For installation bem-een cabinets only; not tor end-
ot<'abinet installation. Each kit contains t_x) 3'%vide
filler panels. Two kits are needed fi_r a 42" opening.
FilterKits JX81A--Recirculating
CharcoalFilter Kit
lqher kits are used when the nlicrowave oven cannot be vented to the outside.
DecorativePanel Kit dX22SS--Stainless Steel
When replacing a Hi/Low ranoye the decorative panel
kit fills in the area between the microwave and tile ranoe left by the Hi/Low model.
Available at extra cost ti'om
your GE supplier.
Features of Your Microwave
(Throughout this manual,/kat'ures arid a]Jpea_m'lce may vau fiwn yo'm modal.)
O /7277777yvv_
1 TemperatureProbe.
Use with Temp Cook
and Roast functions only.
2 Shelf, Lets you
nlicrowave several toods at once. Food microwaves best when
placed directly on tile turntable.
3 Door Handle. Pull to
open the door. Tile door nmst be securely
latched tor the microwave to operate.
4 Door Latches.
5 Window with Metal
Shield. Screen allows
cooking to be viewed
while keeping
nlicrowaves conthled in tile oven.
6 Outletfor Temperature
Probe nmst be se/mely inserted into the oven
wall outlet betiwe the
oven will Temp Cook or Roast.
7 TouchControlPanel
You must set tile (lock and calendar betore
using the microwave.
8 CooktopLights.
9 Grease Filters.
10 RemovableTurntable.
Turntable and support must be in place when using tile oven. Tile turntable nlay be removed tor cleaning.
11 ConvenienceGuide.
NOTE:Rating plate, oven
vent(s) and oven light are
located on the inside walls ot tile lnicrowave oven.
The Cont_rols on Your Microwave Oven
(Th_mghout this manual, J_atu_s arid appeamrlce may vao'Jmm your modal.)
You Call
microwave by time, temperature,
or with the sensor features.
P°w,.1[,°°1LEVEL 30 SEC.
Time and Auto Features
Time Cooking
Press Enter
TIME COOK I & II Press once or twice Amount of cooking time.
DEFROSTAUT0/TIME Press twice Amount ()f defi'()sth-lg time.
CUSTOM 1 Follow displayed dire(tions. CUSTOM 2 Follow displayed directions.
EXPRESS COOK Starts immediately! POWER LEVEL Power level ]-] 0.
ADD 30 SEC Starts immediately!
Defrosting by Weight
Press Enter
DEFROST AUTO/TIME Press once Food weight.
Press this pad and any feature pad for usage
instructions and tips.
Before you begin, check the guide located on the
inside front of the oven when you open the door.
Sensor Cooking
I 'ooR'_IIoEw.o _l RE"Eo_1I,o,A,o_I
Temperature Features
TEMP COOK/ROAST Press once Desired food temperature. TEMP COOK/ROAST Press twice Medium automaticall;, selected. TEMP COOK/ROAST Press three times Well autornaticall} selected. TEMP COOK/ROAST Press four times Simmer automati(ally sele(ted.
Press Enter Option
POPCORN Starts inunediatel} ! more/less time BEVERAGE Starts immediatel} ! REHEAT Starts immediatel} ! more/less time
POTATO Starts immediatel} ! more/less time VEGETABLE Starts immediatel} ! more/less time
Pressonce (fresh vegetables) more/less time Presstwice (frozen vegetables) more/less time
Pressthree times (canned vegetables) more/less time (on some models)
GROUNDMEATS Starts immediatel) ! more/less time FISH Starts immediatel} ! more/less time CHICKENPIECES Starts immediatel} ! more/less time
: i>i ill
entering the feature
time 10r TIME COOK,
power !evel may also be
changed during time
countdmvn. }
1 Press TIMECOOKor
select TimeDefrost.
i12 Ente_cookingor : ii defrostingtime.
ii4 Select desiredpower
level 1--10. :_
ii 5 PressSTART
Variable power levels add
tlexibility to microwave cooking. The power levels
on the microwave oven can be compared to tt_e surfi_ce
units on a ranoe High
(power level 10) or t_fll
power is the titstest way to cook and gives )ou 100%
power. Each power level gives }ou microwave energ T a certain percent of
to "equalize" or transl_'r heat to the inside olthe
10od. An example ot this is shown with power level 3 the deti'ost cycle. 1t micro-
wave energy did not cycle
off. the outside of the 10od
would cook beti)re die
inside was det_'osted. Here are some examples
O1 uses l{ir variollS power
the time, Power level 7 is microwave energ T 7(1% of
the time. Pox_wrlevel 3 is energ T 30% of the time.
_,liioh setting (10) will cook filster but tood may need more t_'equent stirrino rotating or turning over. Most cooking will be done on High (power level
10). A lower setting will cook more evenly and need less stirring or rotating of the food.
Some foods ilia}, have
better t]avor, texture or appearance it one of the
lower settings is used. Use a lower power level when
cooking l()ods that have a delicate sauces. tendertcy to boil over, such
as scalh)ped potatoes. Warm I Keeping Iood
Rest periods (wherl the ,,vercookinu: lilicrowave el-terg)" cycles soncnin_
ott) give tirne tor the tood
' " " ])litter.
Power Level Best Uses
High10 [ish, bacon,
vegetables. boilin_ li_uids.
Med-High7 I ,cnflc
cooking ol mcJl and
poulnT; bakint_
ca,,_croles and reheatinu.
Medium5 Sl,)wcookin_
and/ende_iz- in_ such a.,
Stt_WS alld less
lellder cu/s Ol
tow2 or3 l)eli'ostin_
withom c//okina
warm wi@tou
Time Features
1 Press TIME COOK.
2 Entercookingtime.
3 Changepower level
ifyou don'twant full
power. (PressPOWER
LEVEL.Select a desiredpower level
14 PressSTART.
Alh)ws you tonlicrowave tor any time up to 9,',)
minutes and ,',t9seconds.
Power level 10 (High) is automatically set, but you may change it tor more flexibility.
You may open the door durir_o_Time Cook to
check the t()o(t, Ch)se tile door and press START to
resume cooking.
Iets you chano-e power
' , o
levels automatically durino
cooking. Here's how to do it:
1 Press TIME C()()I<..
2 Enter tile tirst cook time.
3 Change the power level
ityou don't want full power. (Press POWER
LEVEL. Select a desired power level 1 10.)
4 Press TIME COOK. 5 Enter tile second cook
6 Char_ge the power level
ityou don't want full power. (Press P()WER LEVEL. Select a power
level 1-10.)
7 Press START,
At the end ot Time Cook l.
Time Cook II counts down.
Cooking Guide for Time Cook I & II
NOTE:Usepower level High(10)unlessotherwise noted.
Vegetable Amount Time Comments
(fi'esh spears_ 1 lb.
(fi'ozen spears_ ]0-oz. packatre
(fi'esh green l 1 lb. (ut in halt (fi'ozen_reem lO-oz, patkatre
,fi'ozen lima, Beets
,t]'esh, whole, Broccoli
,fi'esh cut
l O-oz. packwre
] bunch In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.
1 bunch
to lbs.)
(flesh spears
1 bma(h
l V*to lbs.)
,fi'ozen. 1O-oz.packatre chopped}
(fi'ozen spears_ IO-oz. packatre
1 medium head
al)out 2 lbs,)
(fi'esh. sliced) 1 lb. (fi'ozen, 1O-oz.packatre
(flowerets) ] medium head (fi'esh, whole J 1 medim-n head
(irozen l O-oz. packatre
6 to 9 rain,, Med-High (7)
5 to 7 mira
9 to 11 nfin. 6 to 8 rain.
6 to 8 rain,
17 to 21 rain.
7 to 10 min.
9 to 13 rain.
5 to 7 rain.
5 to 7 rain.
8 to 11 nfin.
7 to 10 rain.
7 to 9 min, 5 to 7 rain.
9 to 14 nfin.
10 to 17 rain.
5 to 7 rain.
In 19t,-(lt, oblong glass baking dish,
)late 1/4 tup water.
In l-qt. casserole.
In 115-qt, casserole, place 1/2 cup water, In l-(l t. casserole, place 2 tablespoons
In l-(tt, casserole, place 1,/4 cup water,
In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.
h) 2-qt. oblong glass baking dish, place
1/4 cup water.
In l-qt. casserole.
In l-qt. casserole, place 3 tablespoons
In 1 !_)-or 2-qt. casserole, place 1,/4 cup
In 2- or 3-qt. casserole, [)lace 1/4 cup
In I i'}-(lt. casserole, place 1,/4 cup water,
In 1-(lt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons
In 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.
h) 2-qt. casserole, place 1/2 cup water.
In l-qt. casserole, place 2 tablespoons
+ 36 hidden pages