Models: JVM1653
SpacemakerXL Microwave Oven
Important Safety Information
m £xcessiv_ Mic_ew,_M,eY_;e_%y
SI2edal NotesAB#_*Mmmwa d#%
T_e Co#fYoB; e_ Ye_Y MF_'_'ewave
Helpful Information
If SomethingGoes Wrong
For your satbty die infbrlnafion in this mamlallnus/be tollowe(1 re Ininimize the risk of fire
DRI_"t°A _#1"UI'lY)IUI_3_kTq or explosion or ,o prevem property damage,
F!_(_ t_J'l Ilersonal i,_juI_ or loss of life,
_TO AVOID ol, er_,te this oven wi,h oven ifi, is damaged.
Do Not Attemptto Do Not Operate tile
die door o',)en snlce [/is particularl)
open-door operation ilnportan/Ilia! thc
Call resull in |larllltill oven door close
I o EXCESSIVE eXl,OS,lretO,lncro,va,,eprollerl_nd,lla__l_ere
energy'. It is impormm is no dalnage to /tie:
MICROWAVE not ,o deteat or ,anlpeI /door(bent),
ENER GI_ imerlocks, broken or loosenedL
with tile sati_t} 2 hinges and la/clles
Oe/Vet Place ally object 3 door seMs mid sealing
betweeIt/he o_ql _i'Oli/ suI [_lces.
Ihce and llle door or The Oven Should Not "
allo_ soil or cleaneI be adjusted or reI/aired
residue /o acctnllulale bv allyolle exce][/I
on sealing surlaces, properly qualified
O/IF (-onslliiler service
Start Here!... Before using your Microwave
Best of all, you'll
experience ihese values
each time voll use VO/lr
microwave. That's
important, because your
new microwave will be
part of your tiunily ti)r
a long time.
Beli)re you call ti)r service,
there are a/ew things you
can (to [o hel t) llS serve
vo[i 1)elleE
Write down the model and
serial numbers here. "I'h(?
are on a label inside the
()'_ el I,
Model number
Serial number
Date of purchase
Read this manual.
It contains instructions t_
help you Ilse and maintain
VO/lr lilicrowave properly.
If you received a damaged
oven...immediately (onta( t
the dealer (or buiMer)
that sold you the oven.
Save time and money.
(_he(k file se(tion tith'd
"l/ Something (;oes
Wrong" t)e/i)re calling.
This section helps you
soEe common problems
tl'_t might ot im'.
Staple your receipt to the
inside back cover of this
manual. You will need it
to obtain service under
If you do need service,
you can relax knowing
hel t) is only a t)hone call
away. A list of toll-fi'ee
customer service mmlt)(rs
is included ill the back
of this mmmal.
This inicrowave oven is
i not approved or tested
for lnarine use.
• Read and/ollow the
speci[ic "Precamions to
A_oid Possible Exposure
t/) Excessive Micro_vv_\ e
Energ-y" on page 2.
• This appliance must be
grounded. Comlect only
t/) properly g*ounded
/)inlet. See (',rom_ding
Instr/lct]olls sect|on
on page 10.
• 1)1)not mount this
applian(e over a sink.
• Install or locale dlis
al)pliance only in
accordance with the
t)rovide(I Insiallation
InstlTllCt] OilS.
• This ovel:the-range I)\'('I1
was designed t6r use over
ranges no wider than 36."
It may be installed over
1)oth g_lsand electric
cooking equipment.
• [)1) not operam this
appliance if it has a
damaged p/)wer cord 1)17
plug, if it is not workillg
proi)erl}; or if it has been
damaged or dropped.
If the power cord is
damaged, it must be
replaced l)} General
Electric Set\ice 1)1:an
authorized se_Mce agent
/lsiI/g a 1)()_ er cor(/
available |i'om General
• Do not cover or block
any openings on the
• Use this appliance only
/or |is i11tende(I lisp as
descdbed in this mmmal.
Do n/)t use (orrosive
chemicals or vapors in this
al)pliance. This microwme
o\en is specilically
designed to heat, dry or
cook t()o(t, and is not
intended t_)r laboratory
or indusu:ial use.
• Do not store this
applian¢e outdoors.
Do not use this product
near watelmfl)r exanlple,
in a wet basement, near
a swimming pool, near
a sink or in similar
• Kee t) power cord away
troln heated surthces.
• Do not il/)l//erse power
cord or phlg in watel:
• To reduce the risk of fire
in tile ()veil cavity:
-- Do not overtook tk)od.
Carefllllv attend
appliance when paper,
plastic or other
c()mbustible materials
are placed inside file
()veil while cooking.
-- Remove wire twist-ties
and metal handles
from paper or plastic
eontainel:s beti)re placing
dlen/ ill the o_en.
-- Do not use the oven
ti)r storage purposes.
1)o not leave paper
products, cooking
utensils or ti)od in the
oven when not in use.
-- If materials inside the
oven ignite, keep the
()veil door ch)sed,
ttlrn the ()Veil ()it and
diseollnect the power
cord, or shut off power
at the fuse or circuit
breaker panel. If the
door is opened, the
tire ma} spread.
-- Do not use the Sensor
Features twice in
succession on the same
tbod portion. If/i)od
is mldercooked after
|he tirst (o/lnt(tOWll, /Ise
Time Cook/i)r additional
cooking time.
• See door sur/hce
cleaning instructions ill
the Care and Cleaning
section(s) of this manual.
• This appliance must only
be serviced by qualified
service personnel. Contact
nearest authorized service
/imilitv tor exanlination,
ret)air or a(!iHStl/lent.
• As wifll any appliance,
close supervision is
ne(ess;_.r_ when used
bv children.
• Do not store anyflfing
(tirectly on top of the
microwave oven surta(e
when the nlicrowave oven
is ill ot)eration.
Arcing is the n/icrowave
term lot sparks in the
oven. Arcing is caused by:
• The metal shelf not
installed correctly
so it touches tile
microwave wall.
• Metal or loll touching
the side of the oven+
• Do not pop popcorn in
your microwave oven
mlless ill a special
microwave popcorn
accessory or unless YOU
use popcorn labeled tor
use in microwave o_ens.
• Sortie products such as
whole eggs and settled
containers /or exmnple,
dosed jars--m:e able to
exl)lode and should not 1)e
heated in this microwme
oven. Such use of tile
microwave oven cotfld
resuh in il_iury.
• 1)o not boil eggs ill a
microwave oven. Pressure
will build ut) inside egg
yolk and will cause it to
burst, possibly resuhing
• Foil not n/olded to/ood
(ut)turned edges act like
• Metal, such as twist-ties,
poultry pins, or gold-
rinm/ed dishes, in the
n/icrowa_ e.
• Recycled paper towels
containing sn/all metal
pieces being used in
tile nlicrowave.
• Operating the microwave
with no tood inside tot
more than a minute or
tWO n/ay cause danlage to
the ovell alld ¢otlld start a
/h:e. It increases the heat
aromld the nlagnetron
and can shorten the litc
of tile o_,en.
• Foods with unbroken
OtlteF "skill" S/ICh _!S
potatoes, hot dogs,
sausages, tOli/at oes,
apples, chicken li_ers
and other giblets, and
egg yolks shouM be
pierced to allow stean/
to escape dm:ing
Liquids,suchas water,
coffee ortea are able to
he overheatedbeyondthe
boilingpoint without
appearingtohe boiling.
whenthe container is
removedfromthe microwave
ovenis not always present.
To red uce the risk o/illj mT
to persons:
-- Do not ow'rheat tile
-- Stir the liquid both
be/i)re and hail'way
through heating it.
-- Do not use straight-
sided containers with
narrow necks.
-- Atter heating, allow
tile contahler to Stal/d
ill the microwave ()veil
/k)r a short time belt)re
rel//OVil/g tile COl/tailleL
-- Use extreme care when
illsertillg a sl)OOll or
other/ltensil il/to tile
• A\old heating baby food
in glass jars, even with
tile lid ott. Make sm:e all
in/ant t_)od is thoroughly
cooked. Stir/i)od to
distribute tile heat evenly.
Be (areful to prevent
scal(fing when warming
ti)rnlula or t/reast nlilk.
The container max/i'el
cooler t]lal/ the milk
really is. Always test the
nlilk be/i)re ti'eding
tile baby.
• Dol/'t det_'ost tl'ozell
beverages ill I/arrow-
ne(ked bottles (especially
(arbonated beverages).
Even if tile (ontainer is
ot)elled _ t)ress/lre C_lll
1)till(/ up. This (an (ause
tile COlltainer to bllrst,
possibly resulting in
• t lot foods and steam
call cause burns. Be
careflll when opening
any containers of hot
R)od, including popcorn
bag.s, cooking pouches
and boxes. To prevent
possible il{jm:y, direct
steam awm/i'om hands
• Do not overcook
potatoes. They could
dehydrate and cat(h
fire, (ausing damage
to your men.
• Cook nleat and poultr}
thoroughl}--meat to
at least all INTERNAI_
temperature of 160°E
al/d t)otlltry to at least aH
INTERNAI, ten/perat ure
of 180°E Cooking to
these tenlperat ures
usually protects against
/i)odborne illness.
Make sure all cookwal:e used
in _X)/lr nlicl:owa_x' /)_X'll is
suitable tot n/icrowaving.
Most glass cassetx)les,
cooking dishes, n/easuring
cups, custard cups, pottery
or china dilmerware which
does not l/m_' metallic tlJm
or glaze with a metallic
sheen Call lie Itse(t. SolI/e
cookwal:e is labeled "suitable
/or nlicr{lwming."
How to test for a microwave-
safe dish.
• If you are not sure ifa dish
is microwa\ e-sale, use this
test: Place in the oven both
the dish you are testing
and a glass measuring CUll
filled with 1 cup ofwaml_
set the XIleasHXJllg CIll)
eithel: in or Hext to the
dish. Microwa\ e 30M5
seconds at high. If the dish
heats, it should not be
used tbr micx'owavilxg.
ff the dish remains cool
and only tile water in tile
cut) heats, then the dish
is lnicrowa_ e-salb.
• [/ VO/I rise a xIleat
tlxel+u/ometer while
cooking, make sm'e
it is sale/Ol: use in
micmwm e o\ ens.
• Do not use recycled tlaper
1)roducts. ReQ,_ led paper
towels, IX_lllkilxs alld waxed
1);-IlleF (';-Ill ('()lXt_lilX lxxetal
flecks whi(h may (mxse
mxixlg Or iglxite. Paper
products contailfing nyloll
or I]vlon filmnents should
be avoided, as th(\v may
also ignite.
•SOHIe St_l:()l{/;,llXX IFW_2_4
(like those that meat is
t)ackaged on) hm e a thin
strip of metal eml)edded
ill the bottoI//. Whexl
XXli(-x'{i_l\ ell, t]xe ii/et;,ll (;,ill
lItllPIX t]xe Jlool? oJ tlxe ovelx
or iglxJte a t)aller towel
• Do Hot use the ini{1Powave
to dr} xlewsl)_qlelPs.
• Not all t)lastic wrap is
suital)le lot use in
HIi(X'O_I\ e O\CXlS. Check
the tla(kage {or tlrOtx'r use.
• Pal)el: towels, waxed ]}al)er
and plastic wra 1) can be
used to co_vr dishes ill
Ol'(lelP tO 1)etail/ lXXOiStlllPe
all(t l)x'evellt Sl);,ittevixlg.
Be sure to veto ]}lasti{ wrap
SO St(TlI// (;,llX es(;,llle.
• Cookware lXX;,ivt)ecoxlle hot
be(a/lse ot l/(';,it tl:alxsl{'lTed
/t'om the heaWd/ood. Pot
holdelPs may be Ixeeded to
halxdle the cookware.
• "B(/ilable" cookilxg
t}ouches and tightly closed
t}lasti( bags should lye slit,
tlier{ ed or vented as
(tire(Wd by package.
It th(\v alPe not, ])ktsti(
(ouM burst during or
immediately a/ier cookilxg,
possibly x'esuhJlxg in il_jtwy.
Also, plastic storage
contaillers should be at
least partially uncovered
1)ecause th(\_ Ibm] a tight
seal. When cookilxg with
COl]tainers tightly co\ ered
with plastic wrap, remove
c(Befing carefiflly mid
direct stemn awm {i'om
halxds and {i_ce.
• rise toil only as directed ill
this manmd. TV dinners
ram' be microwmed in/oil
mr_s less than 3/4" high;
remove the toll toil eoxer
_lll(l retlH'll tile trm to the
box. When using/oil in the
mierowme o_en, kee t) the
toil at least 1" away ti'om
tile sides of tile ()\ell.
"It)e tim will ol)emte
auton/aticallv tll/der certaJl)
CoI/ditiollS (see Automatic
Fan/_'atm'e). Take care to
t)re\ ell[ tile starting and
spread)rig of aceideHtal
cooking fires while tile
vent/ira is in use.
• Clean the underside of the
microwmv often. Do not
allow grease to buiM up
OH the IIliCI'OVv_l\ e or the
tan filters.
• Plastic cookx_mre--Plastic
eookware des)greed/or
mierowa\ e cooking is _'++_r
use/ul, but should be used
( aretifllv E_en mi( rowax e-
st/i: plastic ma} not be as
tolenmt of o\ el'cooking
conditions as are glass or
ceramk matmfials and may
solten or )t)ar if sul!jected
to short periods of
o_vr) ooking. Ill longer
exl)osures to overcooking,
d)e tbod and cookware
could iguim.
• In tile e\ ent of a grease
fire on tile surtime units
below tile l//icrow_l_,_ _ ()_,_+l/,
smother a flaming 1)an
oil the sur/i)ce ullit l>x
( o\ ering tile pan
completely with a lid, a
cookie sheet or a {]at trav.
Use ca)'e when cleaning
the veto tan filters.
Corrosive clealliHg agelltS,
S/Ich as 1,)'-based OVell
eleal/ers, l//}ly dalllage
the filters.
Follow these guidelines:
I Llse microwa_v-satb
plastics only and use
them in strict COml)liance
with the cookware
l//aH/ltilct t I)'er+s
reCOil ll//ell(tati OHS.
Do I/Ot l//iCl?OWaVe elllt)t }
3 Do not t>ermit children
to use t)lastic cookwatx'
without complete
• When t)rel)aring flaming
/()o(Is tlllder the II/JCI'OWHVe_
tllrIl the ]ill/ Oil,
• Never lea\ e stlrlilce till)IS
beneath your microwave
oxen unattended at high
heat settings, goiloxers
cause smoking and
gTeasy sl)illovers that may
ignite and spread if the
l//icrowave Velll/illl is
operating. "Ib minimize
all)ore)lie till/ ot)eralioH ,
use adequate sized
cookx_u:e all(t use high
heat on sin:thee units only
when he( essarv.
Ensure DroDer grouna
huproper use of the
grounding plug can result in
a risk of electric shock.
This appliance must be
gTom_ded. In the event
of an elecuJcal short circuit,
gTounding reduces the
risk of electric shock 1)_
t)roviding an escape wire
/or the electric current.
This appliance is e(tuip1)ed
with a power cord t'taviu, g
a gT(mn(ting _,ire with a
groml(ling plug. The plug
must l>e t)h:tgg`(,d into an
outlet that is t,rot)erl}
installed and gTotm(ted.
Constflt a qtmli[ied electrician
or service technician if the
grotto(ling instructions at'('
not completely tmderstood,
or i/(toul)t exists as to
whether the al)l)liance
is t)rol)erly grom_de(t.
If the outlet is a standard
2-t)rong wall outlet, il is yore:
personal responsibility and
obligation to have it
replaced with a t,rol)erly
gtxmnded 3-t,rong wall
[)O not /lll(lel: _lllV
('il;('/lI//slan( es €lit or 1;el/love
the third (gTomld) prong
/i'om the power eot'(I.
Do not use an adal)ter
plug with this appliance.
Do not use an extension
cord with this appliance.
If the power cot'(/is too
short, hm e a qualilied
elecuJcian or ser_iee
technician install an outlet
near the al)l)lian(e.
For best ol)eration, plug
this at)l)lianee into its own
electlJcal outlet to t)re_'nt
flickering of lights, blowing
offllse or tril)l)ing of eit`(uit
Filler Panel Kits
When tvl)lacing a 36" range
hood, filler panel kits Jill in
the additional width to
t)rovide a cttstom lmilt-in
For installation between
eat)inets only; not Jot
end-o/:cabinet installation.
Each kit contains two
3" wide filler panels.
Filter Kits
Charcoal Filter Kit
Fiher kits are used when the
microwa,, e ovelJ, cannot be
+,vnt,.'d to the outside.
,\\ailable at extra (()st Ji'om
xx)tu: GE sut)l)liel:
1000 Watts
///////I I I I\
| I
1 Door Handle. Pull to 4 Shelf. I ets you
open the door. The dool: micr()w_l_e several
must t)(' s('(ur('h l_t(h('(t too(ts at on(e. IFoo(I
J()t" ill(' IIIi(FOW_W(' to IIIi(FOW_W('S b('st wh(']l
ot)('t;_t(', t)la(cd (tJr('(th' on ill('
2 Door Latches. oven tloor or tm:ntabl('.
3 Window with Metal 5 Touch ControIPanel
Shield. S(w('n alh)ws '_bu must s('t dw
(ooking- to b(' vi(,w(,d
(lo(k l)('tbr(' using
whil(' kc('l)ing th(' mi( row_w('.
I/]](])OV¢_.X(!S (OI]_]l/(!(t 6 Cooktop Lights.
ill th(' o\('n. 7 Grease Filters.
8 Removable Turntable.
Tm:nt_l)l(' and SUl)pOl:t
must b(' in t)l_w(• wN('I/
using the o_vn. The
ttlt'llt_lbl(' Ill}iV t)('
relno\ed/_)r cleaning.
9 Convenience Guide.
NOTE: R_lting plate, (wen
vent (s) and o_vn lJght are
located on the inside walls
oJ th(' _/ic_'owa\ (' ov(ql.
The Controls on Your Microwave Oven
(Tlnvugt_oul this ma_ua!, f.alur_'._ m_d a/_/_earm_c_ma) vm3 ji_m 3our model.)
You Call
microwave by
time or with the
sensor features.
rPowE.1 I,°o]
_ LEVEL J 30SEC. _
Time Features
Press Enter
TIME COOKI & II (Press once ortwice) Amount of (ooki.g time.
DEFROSTAUTO/TIME(Presstwice) Amount of (te_'osting time.
EXPRESSCOOK Starts immediately!
POWERLEVEL [_()_r_"h!xel l--I O.
ADD 30 SEC Starts imm_,(liatelv!
Defrostingby Weight
Press Enter
DEFROSTAUTO/TIME(Pressonce) /'_ood'_'vr_!i_']lt
Press Enter Option
POPCORN Starts iHiHlediatelv! Hlore!less time
BEVERAGE Starts immediately!
REHEAT St art s JlllllledJat ely! lllore! less |Jl//e
POTATO Starts immediately! more!less time
COOK Food tT_l)e1-6
Press i for Chicken Starts immediately!
Press 2 for Fish
Press 3 for Ground Meats
Press 4 ibr Fresh _getables
Pres s 5 tbr Frozen Vegetables
Press 6 tbr Cairned Vegetables
ii(i7) IP
TI_e power levd m_y be
entered or changed
.....immediately after
enterin ' tile feature
ime tbr TIME _L_OOf_,
power leve! may also be
changed during time
.... Select Time Defrost.
2 Enter cooking or
V;iriable 1)ower h'_'ls add
flexibilip_ to microwave
cooking. The 1)o_,_'r levels
on the IIli(ToWa\ e o\en (_tn
be (Oml)at'ed to the sm:t_t(e
units on a rallge. Iligh
(power level 10) or flfll
power is the/i,stest way to
cook and gives you 100%
t)ower. Each 1)ower h'_'l
g,J_'s _'()t_microwavt enet'_}
a certain percellt of tile
lime. Power level 7 is
IIliCt'owa_' energ?' 70% of
the time. Power level 3 is
enet'g-y 30% of the time.
A high setting (10) will cook
tipster but toed may need
more/i'e(lt_em stirtillg,
rotating or turHing o\er.
Most cooking will be done
on Itigh (t)o_,,_'r le_'l 10). A
lower setting will (ook more
evenly and need less stirt'ing
or rotating of the toed.
Some ti)o(ts may ha_' be|ter
llama)r, texture or at)pearance
if one of the lower settings
is used. Use a lower power
le_'l \vllen cookillg/[)ods
that ha_' a tenden_v to
boil o\er, such as scalloped
Rest t)eriods (_*_rt'ten the
rail rowaxe (_(_:_r (_'cles ott)
gJxe time for the food
to '_'qtlalize" or lr_ll/sler ]|ca|
to 1]/e insi(le o[ |h(' J_)o(t.
All exal/ll)]_ +O[ IBis is sh(>wn
witt_ power )e_('l 3 lhe
(teli_ost (, cle./f lnicrowa_.e
(+l/(+l_'\did 1/OI (V(-|( + Oil lhe
oulside ot lhe ][>od wotfld
(o(,k bclk_t'_+the inside was
I/(+r_+are SO/lie cxal[l] i](_s
el/lses toT _,3tlJO[IS power
Power Level BestUses
High 10 Fish. b_,con.
boiling liquids.
Med-High 7 Gentle
cooking oi
nle_ll and
and reheating.
Modiom 5 Slow cooking
k,nd tenderizing
SIlCh _lb _[{-'WS
am tcs,, r_rldt_r
CUIS O1 lne_lL
tow 2 or3 Deti'osting
delic_,_e s_,uces.
Warm 1 Ke_ ping fbod
_,Vflrill x_'it|l on r