SaJb_ Instructions ....... 2-4
Operating Instructions
Clock and Timer . .......... 13
Control I,ockout ........... 13
Controls ................... 5
Oven ................. l 1, 12
Sabbath Feature .......... 9, 10
Self-Cleaning Oven ...... 16, 17
Special Features ........... 6-8
Thermostat ............... 15
Timed Baking and Roasting . .14
Care and Cleaning
Broiler Pan and Gdd ........ 19
Control Panel ............. 18
Glass Surfitces ............. 21
Heating Element ........... 21
Kn ob .................... [ 8
Lift-Off ()yen Door . ..... 18, 19
Light Bulb ................ 20
Oven Interior. ............. 21
Packaging Tape ............ 18
Painted Surfaces ........... 21
Shelves ................... 19
Stainless Steel Surfi_ces ...... 21
JKP20-27" Single Waft Oven
JTP20-30" Sb_gge Waft Oven
JKP25-2 7' Si*_gfe Wall ()ve_
JTP25-3(/' Si_gge _19fi()ve_
JKP2S-27" Doub# _'!91{Oven
JTP2S-30" Doub# _'!_t£ (h_en
JKP4b'-27" Doub# Wa[[ Oven
JTP4S-30" Double _'97/£ (h:m_
JKPSO-27" Doub# _'!9fl (h_en
JT[_5()-30 " Doub# 14_tg (h_en
Troubleshooting Tips .... 22-24
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . Ba(k Co_er
Product Registration ..... 25, 26
XAarrantv . ................ 27
Write the model and serial
nmnbers here:
Model #
You cam_timid them oral a ]abe]
o]] the sk]e trh]] or o]] the {_'o]]t
of the (lower) ovem] bebim]d the
ovem_ door.
1640429OP38f 49-80229 08-03 JR
For your safety, the information in thb manual must be followed to minimize the risk offire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal idury, or loss of life.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act requires the Governor of California to
publish a/istofsubstances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
The fiberglass insulation in self=clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide during
the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation
fan or hood'.
When using electrlea/ appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including #le fo/lewing:
Use this applian(e (rely fbc its intended
propose asdescribed iI_ this ()_l_eFs
Man ual.
Be sme yore appliai_ce is pcopedy
ii_stalled and grotmded by a qualified
technician in accoidance _dth the
provided i_stallaticm ii_stcucti<ms.
Do not atte,-_lpt to i>pair or replace any
part of yore" o_wn tmless it is specifically'
recommended in this mammal. All other
servicing should be cetbned to a qualified
Haxe the installer show _<m the location
of the ciccuit breakec or rinse. Mark it fk)r
easy reference.
Before per%truing any service, discom_ect
the o_n power supply at the househokt
distribution panel by removing the fuse or
s_dtchiI_g off the circuit bi>aker
Do not lemv childre_ alone---<hildren
should not be left alone or mmttended in
an ai>a whe_> aI_ appliance is in _lse. They
should never be allowed to sit or staI_d (m
am' part of the appliance.
Do I_ot allow anycme to climb, stand or
ha_g (m the door They could damage the
o_v_, or cause se\v_e pe cson al i_j u_>
Be sin> the o\w_ is secm>ly iI_stalled iI_ a
cabinet that is firmD attached to the hoHse
strHcture. Nexwr allow am'one to climb, sit,
stand or hang (m the o_wn door
Never lemv the o\_n doo_ open when you
are _ot wamhing the ove_?.
Always kee I) combustible v,M1 cove_h_gs,
cmtah_s or &apes a saf> distm_ce flom
VOIU" O\_1],
Always keep dish towels, dish cloths, pot
holdecs and other linens a sa_e dista_ce
}_om votH o_elL
Always keep wooden a_d plastic utensils
a_d camped food a sa_e distance away flom
•voHr o_eil.
Teach chikken _ot to play' with the
comrols or any othec part of the oven.
Large scratches o_ impacts to gtass doors
can lead to broke_ or shatte_>d glass.
www, GEAppfiances,com
Do not store flammable materials i33
an oxe3L
CAUHON:I e.,sofi. e,est
children shoukt i3ot be stored in cabi_3ets
aboxe an oxen; children3 (limbii3g on the
oxen to reach items could be seiiousb
igi u_ed.
{{Ne_er v_>a_loose-fitting or hanging
garments xd_ile usii3g the appliance. Be
(arefid when reaching %r items stored
in cabinets o_er the oxen. Flammable
material coidd be ignited if brought ii3
(omact _{th hot smfitces or heatii3g
elements and may cause se_e[e bm_3s.
Use only dU pot holders--moist or damp
pot holders <m hot surfaces may _esuh in
bt_n3s fiom steam. Do not let pot holders
touch hot heating elements. Do not use a
to_w]or other bulkycloth.
For your safety, hexer use your applia_3ce
%r v, arming or heating the coom.
{ Do not let ( ookiI3g grease or other
flammable materials accmmdate i_3
o_-near the o_e13.
Do not use water <m g3ease fires. Nexer
pick up a flaming pare Tm_3 the commls
Flame in the oven can be smothered
completely by closing the o_wn door and
turning the o_wI3off orby usiI3g a m uld-
pm]x_se d W chemical or f_mm-ty'pe fiI>
Stand away flom the o_en when opening
the o_en door Hot air or steam which
escapes can (ause btHlls 10 hands, fi<e
m3d/or eves.
Do not heat unopened %od containers.
Pressme could build up and the conmh3er
could bmst, causii3g an inj u i>
Keep the o_wn \wI3t m3obstcucted.
Keep the o_wn fiee from g_ease buildup.
Place the o_wn shelf in the desired positiol3
while the o_wn is cool. If shehws must be
handled when hot, do not let pot holder
contact the heating elements.
_A]_en using cooking or roasting bag:s
in the oven, f}Jllow the mantdilctmeFs
Do not touch the heafi_3g elements or the
inte_{o_ sm fi_ce of the ove_3. These sm f:aces
may be hot enough to burn even though
they are dark h3 cok)r Dming and afie_
use, do _3ot touch, or let clothing or other
flammable materials comact any imefior
area of the o_w_3; allow suflkiem time fk)r
cool i13g first.
Potemiallv hot smfitces include oswn \w_3t
openings, smfaces near the openings,
crevices arom3d the o_wn do<m the edges
of the _ndow and metal tdm pints above
the door
REMEMBER: The inside smfbce ofthe o_el3
may be hot whe_3 the door is ope_3ed.
Ne_wr lemwjars or cans of fht drippings i]3
or near yore oswn.
Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline o_ othe_ flammable vapors and
liquids in the vici_3itv of this or m3v other
Pulling out the shelf to the stot>lock is a
com'eniei_ce in lifitii_g heaw %ods. It is
also a precaution against bmns fiom
touching hot smfimes of the door or
oxen _Mls.
Do not use the oxeI? to dry ne_spapers.
K oxerheated, they ca_ catch cm fire.
Do I_ot Hse the o_eD f()[ a stoFa_e aFea,
Items stoIed i_ aI_ oxe_ can ig_ite.
Do not leaxe papei pioducts, cooking
ute_sils or food iI_ the oxe_ whe_ _ot
ii) Hse.
,4dter broilh_g, always take the broilec paI_
<rot of the oxwI_ a_d clean it. Leflo_wr
grease in the broiler pan ca_ catch rice
next time you use the pal?.
Clean ol_ly parts listed in this Owner's
Do I_ot t_se ahm_hmm %il to line oxel?
bottoms, except as suggested in this
manual. Imp_ope_ i_stallaticm of
almninmn %il may cestdt i_ a dsk
of electric sbo(k or fire.
Cookmeatandpoultry thoroughly_meat to at leastaniNTERNALtemperatureof 160%-andpou/try
toat least an iNTERNALtemperatureof 180_ Cookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainst
Do not clea_ the door gasket. The door
gasket is essential fL_ a good seal. Cme
shotfld be taken _ot to cub, damage or
moxw the gasket.
Do not use oven cleaners. No coi_li_ler(ia]
o_vn cleaner or o_vn lh_er protecti_w
coath_g of a_w kind shouM be used in or
around any part of the oven. Residt_e fiom
o\wn cleaners _dll damage the inside of the
o_wn M_e_ the selfk'lean cycle is used.
Before sel_Zclea_?ing the oven, remove the
b_oile_ pan, grid and othec cookwme.
Be sine to wipe up excess spillage befi_re
starting the selfkleani_g open-_fion.
If the selfk:leani_g mode malfimctions,
tmn the o_w_ off and discom_ect the
powe_ sHpply'.Haw it serviced by a
qualified technician.
Using the oven eontroN. . .*EApp.ancee.com
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Double oven control shown
OvenControl Clockand TimerFeats,msandSettings
0 BAKE Pad
Press th_s pad to select the bake t_ m ctio_L
d¢_ BROILHI/tO Pad
Press this pad to seled the broil fimctiom
IPre_ this pad to, se]ed the self_.lem_i_g
flmctio]]. See the Using the self-cleaning oven
M_st be pressed to start m_) cookim_g or
Shows the time o{ day; ove_ temperature,
whether the <B'el_ is i_] the bake, broil or self 2
c]em_ing mode m_d the times set {or the
timer or al0tomat]c <B'em_opemd<ms.
If "F--and a nnmber or letter" flash in the display
and the oven control signals, this indicates a
fnnction error code. Presst¢_eCLEAR/OFFpac_A/low t¢_e
oventocoo/for onehou£ Putthe ovenbackinto operation./f
the function errorcode repeats:disconnectbe power to the
ovenand carlforservice.
If Font oven was set for a timed oven opemdon and
apower outage occurred, t¢Teclockandall programmed
functionsmust be reset.
Thet#ne ofday will flash inthe display whenthere
hasbeena power outage.
Press this pad to mm the oven light (m or oft.
[!se ai<mgwid_ COOKINGT#PIEor SELF
CLEAN pads to set the ovem_ to start m_d stop
alaomat]caIh _/t a t]m e _ol0 set.
Press this pad m_d the_ press the HOURm_d
MIN ÷ a m]d = pa (is t(_ set th e m_ o Im t of ti _n e
vail wm_t vollr tk>od to cook. The ox e]_ will
s]mt offa&tomatica]]y _d_e_ the cooki_g time
]]as mn o_t m_]ess the Cook ;rod Hok]
tear,Ire _s set.
Press this pad t(} c;mce] ALL oven
opemti{ms except the clock m_d timen
TEMP ÷ and- Pads
Press these pads to set the cooki_g
te]?/pe]_Kilre yoll w_/t to Ilse.
Press this pad be{ore settings, the clock
_'_ HOURarid MIN ÷ arid- Pad's
Press these pads to set times _[_ to 9 ham's
a_](;159 mhmtes--{br example, the time of
day (m the dock, the time_; the sta_ti_g and
length o{ c(}o]dng time }in" tim ed bake an d
the sm _1i_]g a n]d ] ell gt h at c] ea _]i_]g tim e
tar selfZc]ea m
Press d_is pad to se]ed t]_e diner feature.
Lower OvenControl Settingsonmodels with a knob
Tm'_ this k_ob t(}
setth_g ?ol0 warn.
OFF LOWER TheOVENCYCLElightglows until theovenreachesyour
selected temperature,then goes off and on wi#} theoven
e/ement{s')during cooking.
Special featuresof your oven control.
Yournew touch pad control has additional features that you may choose to use. The following are the features
and how you may activate them.
Thespecial feature modes can only be activated while the display b showing the time of day. Theyremab
in the contro/2 memory until Pie steps are repeated.
When the display shows your choice, press the STARTpad. Thespecial features wi/! remain in memory after
a power failure, except for the Sabbath feature, which will have to bereset.
With#_isf_ture, shouldyouforgetandleavethe
ovenon,thecontToIwill automaticallyturnoff #To
ovenaMr 12hoursd_ingbakingfunctionsor
after3 hoursduringabro#MTction.
I:[_ol_ wish to mm OFFd_is feature, f_llow
[] Press the upper ovel_ BAKE amid
BROILBI/LOpadsat d_esame time
for 3 sectmds m_d] the display
Onmodels with ovenknob(s),t¢fs featureis
not avai/ab/e for the lower oven.
[] Pressd_eBELAYSTARTpad m_dl
fie $hdff (m_ sitar-of[) appears im_the
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Selection
Yourovencontrol is set touse the Fahrenheit
temperatureselectionsbut youmay changethis
touse the Celsiusselections.
[] Press the upper (_'e_ BAKE a_d
BBOIL BI/LO pads at the same time
for 3 seco_ds _mtil the display
[] Press the BROILHI/LOm_d COOKING
TIMEpads at the same tickle.The
displa) will show F (Fahre_heit).
[] Press d_e BROIL HI/LO m_d COOKING
[] Pressd_eSTARTpad.
Onmodels wiff} touchpad controls"for bot¢}
ovens,the new setting will be disp/ak_dfor
both ovens.
Onmodeb with ovenknob(s),t¢fs featureis
not avai/ab/e for the lower oven.
Press the START pad to lock im_the
fie ShdYt (_o sh_t-of[) [eatm'e amid
lea_'e the co_trol set im_this special
TIME pads agai_ at the same dine.
The displ;_y will S_(}_ r C (C,elsi_s).
Tones at the End of a Timed Cycle
At theendofa timed@v/e,3 shortbeeps"will
To cam_cel the 6-see(rod beep:
P_'ess the upper ove_/ BAKE _:m(]
BROIL. B//l.O pads at die same time
fk)r 3 seco_/(]s m/dl die display
pad. The dispht) shows CON BEEP
(condm_ol_s beep). Px'ess tl/e
The disphLv shows BEER (This
cm/ce]s the o_/e beep e', e_w 6
Px'ess the START p'ad.
Onmodels"witfl touchpad controlsfor botfl
ovens,re}is'cancels be endof cycletone for
Yourcontrolissettousea 12-hourdock.
If TOll woldd Ix'eIe'x" to ha_e a 24-horn"
mi]ita_'; time clock o_"black ol_t the dock
display, fbllow the steps be]o*_;
[] P_'ess the upper (>'yell BAKE amid
BROILB//LOpadsat the same time
fb_" _4see(rods, m/ti] the (lisp]aT
Press d_e CLOCK pad once. The
(lispla} will show 12hr.I[ d_is is
tile choice _ou warn/t, p]'ess tile
P_'ess the CLOCK pad agah/ to
cham/ge to t]/e 24-horn" m]]km'_ time
dock The disp]ay _%rH]] S]_O_ 24h£ ff
this is the choice yol_ _am/t, p_'ess the
P_'ess d_e CLOCK pad agah/ t/_ black
o_lt the c]ock disp]av. The disp]av
will sho;_ OYE K this is the choice
yo_ _a_/t, Ix'ess the STARTpad,
NOTE"If theclockisin tt_eblack-outmode,you
willnotbeabletousebe DelayStartfunction.
Specialfeaturesof Fourovencontrol.
Cook and Hold
TimedBaklT_gor floastbgisfinishect
NOTE" Thisfeaturecanonly beprogrammedto
work with Tl2_edBakingor Roasting.5_e ti_e
Us/7}gfl}e timedbaking and roasting features
section.)After timed Bakingor floasfinghas
automatTca//ystoppe_ t¢}eprogrammedCook
andHoldwill automatically start.
To ;tctivate this {eatm'e [kn" I_se _ffter
Timed Bakim_g or Roastim_g, f'(}]](}_r the
steps below.
Both tolmh pad ovem_sfld]o*_ the
same step ]i. First press the llppey
ovem_BAKE m_d BRO/t N//tO pads ;_t
the sm_e time fkn"3 seco_ds m_ti]
the display shows SE The_ proceed
v, ri[h steps 2 d_rol_gh 3, I_sh_g t]_e
pads fin" the Iq:)per or ]o_er o,,em_.
Changing the Speed of the + or- Pads
As you use the + or- pads when sett/?_ga time
or temperature, you may notice the display
changes s/ow/_ This special feature allows you to
change t¢_espee_ Toset the speed you prebr,
follow be steps below.
[] Press the COOKINGT/MEpad. The
(lisp]a) wi]] show HidOFF,
Press d_e COOKINGTIMEpad ag'aim_
to _ctivate the {eatm'e. The display
wi]] show Nd ON,
[] Press the START p;_d to acti','ate the
cook a]]d ]]o]d {eatm'e a_d leave the
co]]tro] set 1_ this special featm'es
isnot avai/abbfortheloweroven.
[] Press the _jgper o','en _A_'(E m_d
BflO/t HI/tO pads at the same time
for 3 sec_ m (Is, _m ti] the disp]a)
[] Press m_? + pad. The dispLLv wi]]
S]/(}_ r _(}_ _ set speed between/ 1
a_d 5.
] Press a_} + pad to i_crease the
speed _l> to th e _ umber 5.
Press a_} = pad to decrease the
speed dow]_ to the mm_ber 1.
] Press STNNT to activate the setti_g
a_d leax'e the co_m'ol set i_ this
speci_] featm'es mode.
Usingthe Sabbath Feature.
(Designed for use on t,_eJewish Sabbath and Holidays.) www.CEApp#ances.com
The SabbaLhfeature can be used for baking/roasting only. It cannot be used for broiling, self-cleaning
or Delay Start cooking.
NOTE: The oven light comes on automatically (on some models) when the door is opened and goes off when the
door is closecL Thebulb may be removed. See the Oven Light Replacement sect;on. Onmodels with a light switch on
the control panel, the oven light may be turned on andleft on.
Hew te Set Safl#atfl Feature fer RegMar Baking/Roasting
NOTE:TounderstandhowtM ovencontrolweft<L% acorn"_t( _(/_j_(:]:_t[_'( S(:t _1_. ) r]_
Iii iiii!
WTmnthe display shows D the
oven is setin Sabbath. When the
fiisplay shows D C the oven is
practice usingregubr baking (ne/i-Sabbat/1)before
entering Sabbafll mode.
Make sure fl_edock shows 1becorrect time
of da_
Ih'_ ssand hold both @e BAKE ",rod RRRtL
Rl/_R pads, at tbe same time, umiI it_
dispI _ sho_s SE
[_] "['ap @e BELAY STARTpad m_dl
SAb bAtRappe_irs i]_ d_ displa}:
] Press d/_ BAKE pad. No sig_al @11
b(! gJ_(!n.
] The p_es(t staring/empera/m'( _ilI
a_ttomadcally be set/() 35(P. ']hp @<
the temp( t:atl_['e in 5 _hKr{ meres. (The
TEMP+or -p@ should be tapped {i)17
e_ch {e/llpe_lttlF( (:hal/g(; pt:essi[_g md
hokling these pads wiI1 not @o_
temperatm_ can be s(t b(twe(n ] 70 _
md 550L No signd or tcmpcmmrc wiI1
!)e gg,zelL
Pr(.ss the START pad.
] Al'Ier a _'a]_dom (Ida? peiod o_
appvoximat(4) 30 se(onds to ] mhm_(,
c will _ppea_ in the dispI_?, hHIR @_g
t[_at the o_cn is b &ingiro _sdng. 1[ D c
do(s no_ q)pear i_ the displa}, s_aH
_gain _ swp 4.
'1i) _(/j_s_ dw ()x{n l(mp(r m_re, pHss die
RAKEpad md tap the TEMP + or - p@s to
i_K:c{.ase or d((;leaa( tl_e tPlllpe['ttllF{ ii_ 3 °
i_(:r( meres. (The TEMP+ or = p@ sho@d be
tal)p(d !or each _(mp(ramre chang('; pr{ ssing
md holding these p@s wilt not al!ow acc[II"4te
temper4mre se@_g.) Press the STARTpad.
pads arc a(d',c du[ing the Sabbath lu:tmr(,.
VV?tenthe display shows _ #le
oven is setin Sabbath. VVhenthe
display shows _ c the oven is
Hew te Set Sabbath Feature fer Timed Baking/Reasting
= immediate Start and Autematie Step
NOTE: Toundmssnfl how theow?ncontrol wor_,
praclfce usingr_qu/ar(non-Sabbatic)[mmediat_ Start
andAuSm<_ticStop before entering fi_eSabbathmode
Ma/<esure theclock sho_s file correct time
of da/
] Pr(ss a_d hold both @e RAKE and RRRtL
Rb'LR pads, at the same time, umiI @_
display shows SE
[_] TAp d*e REL_YSTARTpad m@l SAb bAtH
ap!)ea_'s i]_ @( dispk_}:
] Press @e START p@ a_d D _iI1 apt}(_r
i]_ dw dispIa?,
[] l'_(,ss d*( CRRKtNR TtME pad.
hess @( BRRRand MIN + o_"= pads _o
] set dl( desi_'( d Ie]%@ ot'(ooking din(
b(qwu(_n ] minut{' md 9 ho[l_T; ;rod 3(.}
mimm.s. The cooki]_g timu that }ou
emvred wilI be dispL_bud.
P_vssthe STARTpad.
Press @( RAKEpad. No sig_mI wii!
!)(! g,_'_ (!1L
_i/Holn;/ti(: _l[} B(T S(t to 2_)() k '1;_}) tlI(T
TEMP + or -pads _o i]}(Tl(}_ts(of (](f(T1(f_ta(T
the tel!/liel'_Ht['( ill 3' ii_cF<'lll( nts.
(The TEMP+ or -pad should be rapped
[br (a(h temperature' chang_ ; pressing
m*d [*()lding these p_v!s wilI _*ot allow
_c(:u['a_e temperature setdng.) The
temp(ramre can be s(t be_wee]_ ] 70'
inK/55(t. No sig_al or temp( r m_>
wi]l be gJYc*L
Press the START pad.
] ,\t_er _ rmdom d(da}, p(riod ot
approximawl; 30 seco]_da to I mimm,
D c wilI _pl{){_:{_i_ thu disli_y indk;@ng
that the o_ e_ is bakh_g!roasdng.
[[ D C does not appear i_ the dispia},
smH %4i_* at step 7.
'1"o _(!}ttst the o_e_ t(mpenm_['e, press the
RAKEp @ md tap the TEMP+ or - pads to
incrc _s(! o[" d( cFc;{s( th{ _ tt_IHI)( r_'{HII'{ _ il! ,_')'
inc['(.munts. ('[hu TEMP+ or-pad sholdd b('
t_qppcd _b["c_(h _{'mpcr4t_rc c[m_gu; p['cssing
md holdh_g @ese pads will n()_ aUow tc(;m" _w
temperatm-u setting.) Pruss the STARTpad.
Whe]* cookh*g is linish{d, th{ display will
(hang(' !i'om D c to D md 0:00wilI tl)pea&
indk; @rig that @e {n'un has turned OFF
but is s@l set in S:d)b @L Rcmov( th(.
cooked [hod.