GE JT952SK4SS, JT952SK3SS, JT952SK2SS, JT952SK1SS Owner’s Manual
Safety Instructions . ........ 9-4
Operating Instructions
Clock and Timer ............ 19
Control i,ockout ............ 19
Controls .................... 5
Convection .............. 15-17
Oven .................. 1O, 11
Probe .................. 14, 17
Sabbath Feature ............. 9
Self Cleaning Oven ....... 20, 21
Special Features ............ 6-8
Thermostat ................ 19
Timed Baking
and Roasting ............ 13, 18
Cleaning Oven Door ......... 23
Control Panel .............. 25
Lift-Off Oven Door .......... 23
Light Bulb ................. 22
Oven Floor ................ 23
Probe ..................... 24
Removing Packaging Tape .... 22
Shelves .................... 24
Stainless Steel Surfaces ....... 25
f1"912-30" Single Wall Oven
,f1"952-30" Double Wall Oven
Troubleshooting Tips ..... 96-28
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ...Back Cover
Product Registration ...... 99, 30
Warranty .................. 31
Model # Serial #
You can find them on a label
on the flont of the oven behind the oven door on single oven
models, or the flont of the lower oven behind the oven door on double oven models.
49-80470 07-07 JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of California topublish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
Thefiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide during the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation
fan or hood.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as desoibed in this Owner's
iiiiiiiiiiiii!! iiiiiiiiiiiii!!
Be sure your appliance is properly installed arid _ounded by a qualified
technician in accordance Mth the prox,ided installation instructions.
Do riot attempt to repair or replace any part of your oven unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other ser\,icing should be referred to a qualified
Have the installer show you the location of the circuit breaker or fuse. Mark it fi)r
easy reference.
Before perfiwming any ser\,ice, disconnect the oven power supply at the household distribution panel by removing the fuse or switching off the circuit breaker-
Do riot leave children alone---children should riot be left alone or unattended in
an area where an appliance is in use. They should never be allowed to sit or stand on
any part of the appliance.
Do riot allow anyone to climb, stand or
hang on the door- They could damage the oven, or cause severe personal in,juU.
_ Be sure the oven is securely installed in
a cabinet that is firmly attached to the house structure. Never allow anyone to climb, sit, stand or hang on the oven door:
Never leave the oven door open when you
are riot watching the oven.
Always keep combustible wall coveting,
curtains or drapes a s_e distance fiom
your overI.
Always keep dish towels, dishcloths, pot
holders arid other linens a s_e distance
from your oven.
Always keep wooden arid plastic utensils
arid canned food a s_e distance m_,ay
from your" oven.
Teach children riot to play xdth the
controls or any other part of the oven.
Large scratches or impacts to glass doors
can lead to broken or shattered glass.
Do not store flammable materials in
all oveil.
children shouM not be stored in cabinets above an oven; children climbing oll the
oven to reach items could be seriously in,jured.
Never wear loose-fitting or han_ng garments while using the appliance. Be careful when reaching fi_r imms stored in
cabinets over the oven. Flammable material could be i_dted if brought in contact with
hot surfaces or headng elements and may cause severe burns.
Use only d U pot holders--moist or damp pot holders oll hot surf`aces may result in burns flom steam. Do not let pot holders touch hot headng elements. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth.
For your safety, never use your appliance for warming or heating the room.
Do not let cooking grease or other flammable materials accumulate in or
ilear the oveIl.
Do not use water oll _ease fires. Never pick up a flaming pail. Turn the controls off{.
Flame in the oven can be smothered completely by closing the oven door and
turning the oven off or by using a multi- purpose dU chemical or fkmm-type fire extinguisher.
Do not touch the heating elements or the interior surface of the oven. These surf`aces
may be hot enough to burn even though they are dark in color During and _ter use, do not touch, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact any interior
area of the oven; allow sufficient time fi)r cooling first.
Potentially hot surf`aces include oven vent openings, surf`aces near the openings, cre\,ices around the oven dooi, the edges of the window and metal trim parts above
the door
REMEMBER:The inside surf`ace of the oven
may be hot when the door is opened.
Never leave,jars or cans of f`at drippings in
or ilear your oveIl.
Do not store or use combustible materials, gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the x,icinity of this or any other appliance.
Stand away from the oven when opening the oven door. Hot air or steam which
escapes can cause burns to hands, face and/or eyes.
Do not heat unopened food containers. Pressure could build up and the container could burst, causing an in,juU.
Keep the oven vent unobstructed.
Keep the oven flee from grease buildup.
Place the oven sheff in the desired position while the oven is cool. If shelves must be
handled when hot, do not let pot holder contact the heating elements.
When using cooking or roasting bags in the oven, follow the manuf`acturer's directions.
Pulling out the sheff to the stop-lock is a convenience in lifting heaxT foods. It is 'also a precaution against burns from touching
hot surf`aces of the door or oven walls.
Do not use the oven to diy newspapers. If overheated, they can catch oll fire.
Do ilot use the ovell f()r a storage area.
Items stored in an oven can ignite. Do not leave paper products, cooking
utensils or food in the oven when not in use.
After broiling, always take any broiler pall out of the oven and clean it. Leftover
grease in a broiler pan can catch fire next time you use the pail.
Clean only parts listed in this Owner's Manual.
Do not use aluminum foil to line oven bottoms. Improper installation
of aluminum fifil may result in a risk of electric shock or fire.
Cookmeat andpoultry thoroughly--meat to at leastan INTERNALtemperatureof 160°Fandpoultry toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainst
Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket is essential for a good seal. Care
should be taken not to rob, damage or move the gasket.
Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner or oven liner protective
coating of any kind should be used in or around any part of the oven. Residue from
oven cleaners will damage the inside of the oven when the self clean cycle is used.
Before selfk:leaning the oven, remove shiny, silvePcolored oven shelves (on some models) and all other cookware.
Be sure to xdpe up excess spillage before starting the self cleaning operation.
If the self cleaning mode malfunctions, turn the oven off and disconnect the power supply. Have it ser\@ed by a qualified
Usingthe ovencontrols.
(Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.)
Double oven control shown.
Press to select file bake fimcdon.
Press to select the broil fimcdon.
Press to select baking with tile convection
Press to select roasting with the convection
Must be pressed to start any cooking or cleaning flmcfion.
Shows file time of day, oven temperature,
whefller rile oven is in file bake, broil or
self'cleaning mode and tile times set for rile timer or automatic oven operations.
If "F-anda numberor letter" flashin the displayand theovencontrolsignals,thisindicates a function
errer code. PresstheCL,91R/OFFpactAllow theovento coolforonehou_Puttheovenbackintooperation.If the
ovenandcallforservice. If your ovenwasset fora timedovenoperation
andapower outageoccurred, theclockandall programmedfunctionsmustbereset.
Thetimeofdaywill flashin the displaywhenthere
hasbeena poweroutage.
Clockand TimerFeaturesandSettings
Press to select self'cleaning fimction. See
the Usingtheself-cleaningoven section.
Press to turn tile oven light on or of_
Use along widl COOKINGTiMEor
SELFCLEANSTB/LOWpads to set tile
oven to start and stop automatically at a time you set.
Press and then press the mmlber pads to set file amount of time you want your food to
cook. The oven will shut off automaticaUy when file cooking time has run out, unless
rile Cook and HoM feature was set.
Press to cancel ALL oven operations except tile clock and filller
Press before setting tile clock.
Number Pads
Use to set any fimcdon requMng ntm).be_
such as tile time of day on tile clock, tile fime_; tile oven mmperamre, tile internal
food temperature, tile start dine and length of operation for dined baking
and self cleaning.
Press to select tile timer fe.ature.
Press when using tile probe to cook food.
Special features ofyour ovencontrol.
Yournew touch pad control has additional features that you may choose to use. Thefollowing are the features
and how you may activate them.
Thespecial feature modes can only be activated while the display is showing the time of day. They remain in the control's memory until the steps are repeated.
When the display shows your choice, press the STARTpad. The special features will remain in memory after
a power failure, except for the Sabbath feature, which will have to be reset.
12-Hour Shutoff
ovenon,thecontrolwill automaticallyturnoff the ovenafter 12hoursduringbakingfunctionsor
after3 hoursduringabroilfunction.
If you wish to turn OFF this feature,
follow the steps below.
[77 Press the BAKEand BROILHI/LO
pads (on double oven models, use the upperoven controls) at the same
time for 3 seconds, undl the display
12-Hour, 24-Hour or Clock Blackout
Yourcontrolis settousea 12-hourdock.
If you would prefer to have a 24-hour
milimi T time clock or black out the clock
display, follow the steps below.
Press the BAKEand BROILHI/I.O
pads (on double oven models, use the upper oven controls) at the same time for 3 seconds, until the display
Press the CLOCKpad once. The display will show 12hr. If tiffs is
the choice you want, press the
[_ Press the BEL4YSTARTpad undl
noshdn(no shutoff) appears in
the display.
[_] Press the STARTpad to activate the
no shutoff and leave the control set in this special features mode.
NOTE:Ondoubleovenmodels,thisactivatesthis specialfeaturefor bothovens.
Press die CLOCKpad again m change to file 24-hour milim_y time
clock. The display will show 24 hr. If this is the choice you want, press
the STARTpad. Press die CLOCKpad again m black
out the clock display. The display will show OFF.If this is the choice
you want, press the STARTpad.
NOTE:If theclockis in theblack-outmode,you
ill _ _ _i_
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Selection
Yourovencontrolissetto usetheFahrenheit temperatureselections,butyoumaychangethis
Press the BAKE and BROILHI/LO
pads (on double oven models, use the upper oven controls) at the same
time for 3 seconds, until the display
shows SE
[_ Press the BROIL HI/LO and COOK
TIME pads at the same time. The
display will show F (Fahrenheit).
[_ Press the BROIL HI/LO and COOK
TIME pads again at the same time.
The display will show C (Celsius).
[_ Press the STARTpad.
Tones at the End of a Timed Cycle
At theendof a timedcycle,3 shortbeepswill soundfollowedbyonebeepevery6secondsuntil
To cancel the &second beep:
Press the BAKE and BROIL HI/LO
pads (on double oven models use
the upper oven controls) at the same
time for B seconds, until the display shows SE
Tone Volume
pad. The display shows CONBEEP
(continuous beep). Pressthe
again. The display shows BEEP.
(This cancels the one beep every
6 seconds.) Press the STARTpad.
NOTE:Ondoubleovenmodels,thiscancelsthe end-of-cycletoneforbothovens.
! i_ i i I
volumesto amoreacceptablevolume.Thereare threepossiblevolumelevels.
Press the BAKEand BROILHI/LOpads
(on double oven models, use the upper oven controls) at the same
time for Bseconds, until the display shows SF.
[_ Press the OVENLIGHTON/OFFpad.
The display will show 2 BEEP.This is the middle volume level.
Press the OVENLIGHTON/OFFpad again. The display will show 3 BEEP.
This is the loudest volume level.
Auto Recipe TM Conversion (onsomemodels)
Conversionfeaturewill automaticallyconvert enteredregularbakingtemperaturesto
Thisfeatureisactivatedsothedisplay willshowtheactualconverted(reduced)
temperature.Forexample,ifyouentera regular
recipetemperatureof350°Fandpressthe STARTpad,thedisplaywillshowCON
andtheconvertedtemperatureof325°E NOTE:Thisfeaturedoesnotconvertconvection
Press the OVENLIGHTON/OFFpad again. The display will show 1BEEP. This is the quietest volume level.
Fox each time the level is changed, a tone will sound to provide an
indication of the volume level.
[_] Ghoose the desired sound level
[_ Press the STARTpad to activate the
desired level shown.
NOTE:Ondoubleovenmodels,thisactivatesthis specialfeaturefor bothovens.
Todeactivatethe feature:
[77 Press the BAKEand BROILHI/LO
pads (on double oven models, use the upperoven controls) at the
same time for 3 seconds, until the display shows SE
Press the CONVECTIONBAKEpad. The display will show CONON.Press
the CONVECTIONBAKEpad again.
The display will show CONOFF.
[_ Press the STARTpad.
To reactivate the feature, repeat steps 1l-3 above but press the STARTpad when CON ON is in the display.
Special features ofyourovencontrol
Cook and Hold
keepscookedfoodswarmfor upto 3hoursafter
TimedBakingorRoastingis finished.
NOTE."Thisfeaturecan only beprogrammedto
work with timed Bakingor Roasting.(Seethe
Usingthe timed baking ormasting features section.)After TimedBakingorRoasting has
automaticallystopped, the programmedcook andhold wit automaticallystart.
To activate this feature for use after Timed Baking or Roasting, follow the
steps below.
[7] Press the BAKE and BROILHI/LO
pads at the same time for 3 seconds until the display shows SE
[_ Press the COOK TIME pad.
The display will show Hid OFF. Press the COOKTIME pad again
to activate the feature. The display
will show Hid ON.
Press the STARTpad to acdvate
the cook and hold feature and leave the conuol set in this special
features mode.
Usingthe SabbathFeature.
(Designed for use on the Jewish Sabbath and Holidays.)(on some models)
TheSabbathfeaturecan beusedfor baking/roastingonly.It cannotbeusedfor convection,broiling,self-cleaningor
DelayStart cooking. NOTE:Theovenlight comes onautomatically(on somemodels)when thedooris openedandgoesoff whenthedooris closed.
Thebulbmaybe removed.Seethe OvenLight Replacementsection.Onmodelswith alightswitch onthe controlpanel, the oven
lightmaybe tumedon andleft on.
How to Set for Regular Baking/Roas_g
When the display shows D the
oven is set in Sabbath. When the display shows D C the oven is
Make sure the clockshows thecorrect t/me of day and the ovenis of[.
VT] Press and hold both the BAKE and BROIL
HI/tO pads, at the same time, until the display sho_vs SE
NOTE" If bake or broil appears in the displa), the BAKE:rod BROIL HI!tO pads
were not touched at the same tittle. Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad and begin again.
F_] Tap the DELAYSTART pad until SAb bAtH
appears in the display.
[_] Touch the START pad ;and D will appear
in the displa?c
[-_ Touch the BAKE pad. No signal will
be given.
Using the number pads, enter the desired
temperature between 170°F ;and 550°F.
No signal or temperature will be given. Touch the START pad.
[_] After a 1,mdom delay period of
approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute, D C will appear in tlae display indicating
that tlae oven is baking/r0asting. If D C doesn't appear in the displa); start again at Step 4.
To adjust the oven tempelature, touch the
BAKEpad, enmr the new mmperature using
the number pads, and touch the STARTpad.
NOTE"The CLEAR/OFFandcoogrlMEpadsare
active during the SabbatlJ feature.
ii /ii i i _ i
When the display shows D the
oven is set in Sabbath. When the display shows D C the oven is
i!i i iiii! iii!@i! iii IIIII
How to Set for Timed Baking/Roasting - Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
Make sure the clockshows the correct t/me of day and Touch the BAKEpad. No signal will be the ovenIS off. [_ gixen.
[_q Press ;and hold both the BAKE ;and BROIL /LLJ
HI!tO pads, at the same time, until the displa) shows SE
NOTE" If bake or broil appears in the displa); the BAKE;rod BROILHI!tOpads
were not touched at the same time. Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad ;and begin
I-_ Tap the DELAYSTART pad until SAb bAtH
appears in the display.
_-] Touch the STARTpad ;and D will appear
in the display.
[_ Touch the COOKTIMEpad.
[_ Toucla the number pads to set the
desired length of cooking time between 1 Imnute ;and 9 hours ;and 99 minutes.
The cooking time that you enmred will be displayed.
Touch the START pad.
Using the number pads, enter the
desired tempelature. No signal or
tempelamre will be gixen.
Touch the START pad.
After a 1,mdom delay period of
approximately 30 seconds to 1 minute,
D C will appear in tlae display indicating
that tlae oxen is baking/r0asting. If D C
doesn't appear in the displa); start
ag'ain at Step 7.
To adjust the oxen tempelature, touch the
BAKEpad, enter the new tempecature using the nmnber pads ;and touch tlae STARTpad.
When cooking is finished, the display will change from D C to D ;and 0:00will appem; indicating that tlae oxen has turned 0rEbut is
still set in SabbatlJ. Remoxe the cooked tood.
How to Exit the Sabbath Feature
Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad.
If the oven is cooking, wait tor a candom dela) period of approximatel)30 seconds
to 1 minute, until onl} D is in the displa}c Press ;and hold both the BAKE ;and BROIL
HI!tO pads, at the same time, until the
displa) sho_vs SE
Tap the DELAYSTART pad until 12shdn or no shdn appears in the displa}. 12shdn
indicates that the oxen will automaticalls
turn off after 12 hours, no shdnindicates
that the oxen will not automaticall}
turn ott:
[_ Touch the START pad.
NOTE"If a power outage occurred wlaile
the oven was in Sabbath, the oven will
automatically turn off ;and stay off even when the power returns. The oven control
mtlst be reset.
Usingthe oven.
Toavoid possible bums, place the shelves in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin...
Theoven has 7shelf positions.
The sheNes have stop-locks, so thin when placed correctly on file supports, they will
stop before coming complemly out, and will not tilt.
When placing and removing cookware, pull the shelf out to the bump on the shelf support.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
[7] Press the BAKEpad. [_ Press the number pads to set the
desired temperature.
[_ Press the START pad. [_ Check food for doneness at
minimum time on recipe. Cook longer if neces_uT:
[_ Press the CLEAR/'OFFpad when
cooking is complete.
NOTE"Acoolingfanmayautomaticallyturnon andoff tocoolintemalparts.Thisisnormal,and thefanmaycontinuetorunevenaftertheovenis
Toremovea shelf,pull it toward you,
tilt the flont end up and pull it out.
Toreplace,place the end of the shelf (stoI>locks) on the support, tilt up the
flont and push the shelf in.
Type of Food Shelf Position
Frozenpies CorD (oncookiesheet)
Angelfoodcake B Bundtorpoundcakes B Biscuits,muffins, CorD
brownies,cookies, cupcakes,layer
cakes,pies Casseroles CorD
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preheat the oven if file recipe caUs for it. To preheat, set the oven at the correct
mmpemture. Preheating is necessa_ Tfor
good results when baking cakes, cookies,
pasuT and breads.
Forovenswithoutapreheatindicatorlightor tone,preheat10minutes.
Aluminum Foil
Donotusealuminumfoilonthebottom oftheoven.
Never entirely cover a shelfwifll ahllIlintllI1 foil. This will disturb the heat
circulation and result in poor baking.
Baking results will be better if baking pans are centered in the oven as much as
possible. Pans should not much each other or the waUsof the oven. If you need
to use two shelves, stagger the pans so one is not directly above the otbei; and leave
approximately 1½" between pans, from the flont, back and sides of the waU.
A smaller sheet of foil may be used to catch a spillover by placing it on a lower
shelf several inches below the food.
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