GE JS998TK3WW, JS998BK3BB, JS998SK3SS Owner’s Manual
Safe_In_ruedons ...... 2-8
Operating Instructions
Canning ................ 12
Clock, Timer and
Control I_ockout .......... 17
Controls ............. 14-16
Convection ........... 29-32
Cookware ............ 11, 19
Defrost .............. 24, 25
Introduction ............. 13
Oven ................... 18
Oven Thermostat ......... 39
Proofing ................ 34
Rack Placement .......... 23
Recipes ................. 33
Sabbath Feaulre ....... 40, 41
Self-Cleaning Oven ..... 35, 36
Settings .............. 37, 38
Speedcook ............ 19-22
Speed Baking/
Speed Roasting ........ 20-22
Speed Broiling ........ 22, 23
Surface Units .......... 9, 10
Timed Baking
and Roasting ............. 27
Baking/Roasting .......... 26
Traditional Broiling Guide . .98
_'a rming ................ 34
Care and Cleaning
Broiler Pan _%Grid ....... 45
Cleaning Oven Door . ..... 43
Control Knobs ........... 42
Control Panel ........... 42
Glass Cooktop ........ 46, 47
Oven Light .............. 44
Oven Vent .............. 42
Packaging Tape .......... 42
Racks .................. 44
Stainless Steel Surfaces ..... 45
Storage Drawer . ......... 45
Tips ................ 48-52
Consumer Support
Support ......... Back Coxer
Product Registration . . . 53, 54
Warranty ............... 55
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model # Serial #
You can find them on a label
behind the open oven door on the lower leit corner of the
range fl'ame.
1!-05 Jfl
For your safe_, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
_{;_Do not attempt to operate this oven with
tile door open since ope,l-door operation can result in hal_nfll] exposure to microwme energy'. It is important notto
defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
_i:.iDo not place any ol)ject between the oxen
front lace and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing
_?{:_The oxen should not be adjusted or
repaired by anyone except properly qualified service personnel.
_?{:_Do not operam file oven if it is damaged.
It is particularly important that file oven door close properly and that there is no damag_ to tile:
[] door (bent),
[] hinges and latches (broken or
[] door seals and sealing sur£tces.
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers ofpotential exposure to such substances.
The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide during the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation
fan or hood.
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
All ranges can tip andinjury could result.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the wall and floor by installing the Anti--tip
device supplied.
Tocheck if the device is installed and engaged properly, remove the storage drawer and inspect the
rear leveling leg. Make sure # fits securely into the slot.
[fvotl ptlll tile range Otlt fronl tim wall for any reason, make sure tile device is properly eng_aged when you push tile range back ag_dnst tile wall. If it is not, there is a possible lisk of tile rang_ tipping ox_r and causing il_jmT if you or a child stand, sit or lean on all open door
Please _efer to die Anti-Tip device information ill this manual. Failule m take this piecaudon could resuh ill tipping of tile rang> and injm T.
When using electrical appliances, basic safe_/precautions should be followed, including the following:
;_i:.iUse this appliance only for its intended
pml)ose as descnbed in this )wner s Manual.
_; Be sure your appliance is properly
installed and grounded by a qualified installer ill accordance with tile provided
installation insm_ctions.
qT{_:Hme tile installer show you tile location of
tile circuit breaker or filse. Mark it tbr easy reference.
;_;Do not attempt to repair or replace ally
part of your range unless it is specifically recommended ill this mamml. All other
set\icing should be referred to a qualified technician.
_::Do not coxer or block any openings
on tile appliance.
;_?:':Be%re per%nning ally' service, disconnect
tile range power supply at dm household distribution panel by removing the fllse or switching off tile ciivuit breaker
_::Do not leax> children alone---children
should not be left alone or unattended ill all area where all appliance is ill use. They
should nex>r be allowed to sit or stand on ally' part of tile appliance.
;_):.iDo not allow awone to climb, stand
or hang on tile dooi; storag_ drawer or cooktop. They could damage the rang> and exen tip it ox_i; causing sex,re
personal illjni>
iiii_ll_,i!i_,,,,,,:, i,,_,_
Do not operate the oven or cooktop controls if the glass is broken. Foodsplatter or cleaning solution may penetrate abroken control panel or cooktop and create a risk of electrical shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately should your glass control panel or cooktop become broken.
_{;:Do not store flammable materials in an _{;:
oxen or near tile cooktop.
Do not let cooking grease or other
flammable materials accumulate in or
near tile range.
CAUtiON: temsofinterestto
children should not be stored in cabinets
aboxe a range or on the back of a range--
children climbing on the range to reach items could be seriously injured.
Never wear loose-fitting or hanging garments while using the appliance.
Be carefid when leaching for imms stored
ox>r the range. Flammable mamrial could be ignited if brougtlt in contact with hot
surface units or heating elements and may
cause sexPre bnrns.
Use only d_y pot holders--moist or damp pot holders on hot surfaces may resuh in
bnrns fioll/smam. Do not let pot holders
touch hot surl_ace milts or heating
elements. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth in place of pot holders.
Do not use water on grease fires. Never
pick up a flaming pan. Turn the controls off. Smother a flaming pan on a surface
unit by coveting the pan completely with
a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or fiat tray. Use a mulfi-puq)ose d U chemical or
foam-type fire extinguisher. Flaming grease outside a pan can be put
out by cox>ring it with baking soda or, if"available, by using a multil)uq)ose dI y
chemical or foam-type fire exfinguishen Flame in the oxen can be smofllered
complemly by closing die oven door
and ulrning the oven off or by using a mulfi-puq)ose &Y chemical or
fbam-type file extinguisher
E:,IFor your safety, nexer use your appliance
for warming or heating tile room.
Do not touch the surface units, the heating elements or the inte.fior surl_ace
of tile ox>n. These surfiices m W be hot enougt_ to bun_ exen thougt_ they are
dark in color During and _tfter use, do not
much, or let clothing or other flammable
materials contact tile surface units, aieas
nearby the sml_ace units or any inmfior area of tile ox>n; allow sufficient time for
cooling first.
Potentially hot snrl_aces include the
cooktop, areas fi_cing the cooktop, oxen xent opening, surfaces near the opening,
crevices around tile oxen doon
REMEMBER:The inside surface of die oxen
may be hot when tile door is opened.
Do not store or use combustible mamfials, gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in tile vicinity of this or any other
Kee I) the hood and grease fihers clean
to maintain g_od xenting and to mold grease fires.
Teach children not to play with the controls or any other part of tile range.
E:,IAlways kee I) dish towels, dish cloths, pot
holders and other linens a safe distance fiom your range.
_]{;_Always kee I) wooden and plastic utensils
and canned food a safe distance from your range.
_{;_Always kee I) combustible wall coxefings,
curtains or drapes a safe distance flom
vonr range.
Cookmeat andpoultry thoroughly--meat toat least anINTERNALtemperatureof 16O°Fandpoultry toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotects against
Use proper pan size--select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit heating element. The use of undersized cookware will expose a portion of the surface unit to direct contact and may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of cookware to surface unit will also improve efficiency.
;fi:,iNex_r leave file surJZace units unattended
at high heat settings. Boilo_>rs cause smoking and gTeasy spillox>rs that may
catch on fire.
E:,IOnly certain types of glass, glassA;eramic,
earthenware or other glazed containers are suitable for cooktop service; others m W break because of the sudden chang.e in ten_peratme.
_{_:To minimize the possibili U of burns,
ig_ifion of flammable materials and spillage, the handle of a container
should be turned toward the cenmr of rite rang.e without exmnding over nearl)y
surface units.
;fi:,iAlways turn rite surfi_ce units off before
removing cookware.
_{_:V_l_en preparing flaming %ods under
die hood, turn the Pan on.
_{:_Use care when touching the cooktop. The
glass suii_ce of the cooktop will retain heat after die conuols hax.e been turned off:
_{:_Kee I) an eye on foods being fl_ied at high
or medium high heat setfinKs.
_{:_Foods fbr flTing should be as dry as
possible. Frost on flozen tbods or moisture on flesh foods can cause hot fht to bubble
up and the sides of the pan.
q?{:_Use little flit for efl_cdx_ shallow or deep
l_atflTing. Filling the pan too fldl of l_atcan cause spillovers when food is added.
_?{:_If a combination of oils or l_atswill be
used in fEving, stir tog.edler before heating,
or as Pats melt slowly. ;_'Always heat l_atslowly, and watch as it heats. q_{:_Use a deep l_atthem_omemr whenever
possible to prex.ent ovefl_eafing fat beyond
the smoking point. _; Avoid scratching the glass cooktop. The
cooktop can be scratched wifl_ imms such
as sharp instrmnents, rings or other
jewelry, and rix.ets on clothing.
i,arg.e scratches or impacts to glass doors or cooktops can lead to broken or shatmred glass.
Do not operate the radiant surface units if the glass is broken. Spillovers or cleaning soludon m W penetrate a broken cooktop
and c_.eam a risk of electrical shock. Contact a qualified mchnician immediamly
should your glass cooktop become broken. use the glass cooktop snifitce as a
cntfing 1)omd. Do not place or store items that can melt
or catch fire on the glass cooktop, ex.en
when it is not being used.
Be careflfl when placing spoons or other stirring utensils on glass cooktop surfime
when it is in use. They may become hot
and could cause bums.
Clean the cooktop Mfl_ caution. If a wet spong.e or cloth is used to wipe spills on a
hot smPace unit, be careflfl to axoid smam bnrns. Some cleaners can produce
noxious tirades if applied to a hot surl_ace.
NOTE,"_*;e recommend flint you mold wiping any surlCace unit areas nnul they hme cooled and the indicator light has g_ne off'. Sugar spills are the exception
m this. Please see the Cleaning the glass
cooktop section.
E:,I$41_en fl_e cooktop is cool, use only' the
CE_ BRYTE a'>Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner and the CE_ BRYTE
Ceramic Cooktop Cleaning Pad to clean the cooktop.
To axoid possible damag.e to d_e cooking surPace, do not apply cleaning cream to the glass surPace when it is hot.
Mter cleaning, use a d U cloth or paper
towel to remox.e all cleaning cream residue. Read and follow all instructions and
warnings on the cleaning cream labels.
Read and follow the specific "Precautions toAvoid Possible Exposureto Excessive Microwave Energy" section in this manual
Toreduce therisk of fire in the ovencavity:
_:;Do not ox.ercook tbod. Carefully attend
appliance if pat)el; plastic or other combustible matexials are placed indde die ox.en m fi_cilitam cooMng.
;_i:,:Ira deflost mode, remove wire twis>fies
flom paper or plastic containers before placing bag:s ira the ox.en.
_?{:_Oven Cooking Bag:s--Do not use file wire
twist-de m close file bag.
;f; Do not use paper rowels. ;_i:,:Do not use your ox.en m dU newspapers. ;f; Do not ovexvook potatoes. They could
dehydram and catch rix.e, causing damag.e to your ox.en.
_{;_Do not operate file ox.en while empty to
ax_id damag.e to the ox.en and the of fix.e.
_{;:Do not use tile ox.en fox stoxag.e pnii)oses.
Do not leax.e paper products, cooking umnsils or food ira file ox.en when not
ira use.
_;:If mamrials inside the ox.en should ignim,
kee I) the ox.en door closed, tnrra the ox.en off and shut off power at flae fllse or circuit
breaker panel. If tile door is opened, the fire may spread.
;f; Some products such as whole eggs and
sealed containers fox example, closed
jaw will explode and should not be
heamd ira fills oven. Such use of tile ox.en
could resuh in injm T.
;_?:':Do not boil egg,s in this ox.en. Pressure will
build up inside the egg yolk and will cause it m burst, possibly x.esulting ira irljui>
_{_Do not pop popcorn ira your ox.en. _;;Foods with unbroken outer "skin" such as
potatoes,, tomatoes, apples, egg yolks, chicken lix.ers and other giblets
should be piexved m allow smam m escape
during cooking.
_;;Don't deflost flozen ira nan-ow-
necked bottles (especially carbonamd Ex.en if the container is opened, pr.essure can build up. This can cause die container m bnrst, possibly
resulting in irlju U.
;_;Hot foods and smam can cause bums.
Be carefld when opening any containers of hot food, cooking pouches and boxes. To pr.ex.ent possible irljm T, dix.ect smam
away flom hands and face.
_; As with any appliance, close supervision is
necessa U when used by childr.en.
_::This oven is not appiox.ed or msmd tbr
nlarine use.
_?{:_Steam or xapor escaping flom around
tile door
_fi:,:Dimming of the oxen light and change
ira the blower sound may occ/lr-
q?{::Tile microwaxe fan may operate with 1)oth
oxens of£ It is cooling tile control and will turn itself off.
_?_::Some TV-radio interference might be
nodced while using your oxen. It is similar to the inmrference caused 1)yoflaer small appliances and does not indicate a
problem with your o\era.
If you see arcing, open the door and correct the problem.
Arcing is themicrowave term for sparks in the
oven. Arcing is causedby:
_:_Metal or tbil touching tile side of tile o_en. ;_i:,:Foil not molded to food (upturned edges
act like antennas).
;_i:,:Metal, such as twist-des, poultry pins or
gol&rimmed dishes ira tile oxen.
_:;Recy'cled paper towels containing small
metal pieces being used ira tile oxen.
Liquids such as watei; coflbe or ma are able to be oxerheated beyond tile boiling point
without appearing to be boiling. Visible bubbling or boiling when tile container is
removed flom tile microwme o_en is not always present. THISCOULDRESULTIN VERY
Stand away from the range when opening the oven door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause
bums to hands, face and/or eyes.
_{;_Do not heat unopened food containers.
Pressure could build up and tile container
conld bnrst, causing an iI_nI T.
_i:Kee I) tile o\_n \_nt unobstructed. _i_Kee I) the ox>n free flom grease buildup. _{;:Place ti_e oxen shelf in tile desiled position
while the oxen is cool. If shehes must be
handled when hot, do not let pot holder
contact tile heating elements.
_i:,:When using cooking or roasting bags
in ti_e oxen, fbllow tile manufl_cturer's directions.
;fi:,:Pulling out the shelf to the stop-lock is a
comenience in lifting heax y foods. It is also
a precaution against bnrns tom touching hot surfi_ces of tile door or oxen walls.
_{;_Do not use tim ox>n to di T newspapers.
If ox>rheamd, tiley can catch on fire.
_fi:,iDo not use ti_e oven for a storag> aiea.
Imms stoied in an oxen can ignim.
_?{:_Do not lem> paper products, cooking
utensils or food in the oxen when not
in use.
Do not use aluminum foil to line oxen
bottoms, except as suggested in this manual, hnproper installation of
ahmfinum foil may resuh in a risk
of electric shock or fire.
Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner or oven liner protective coating of any kind
should be used in or around any part of the oven. Residue from oven cleaners will damage the inside
of the oven when the self-clean cycle is used.
_{;;Do not clean the door gasket. Tile door _;
gasket is essential for a good seal. Care
should be token not to rob, damag> or
mow the gasket.
_:;Before self-cleaning the o_n, remo_ _:;
the racks, broiler pan, grid and other
cookware. ;f;
_{_Be sure to wipe up excess spillage before
starting the self-cleaning operation.
If ti_e self-cleaning mode malflmcdons, turn the oven off and disconnect tile
power supply. Haw it serviced by a qualified mchnician.
Clean only parts lismd in tills Owner's Manual.
Listen for fim--A tZannoise should be heard sometime duiJng the cleaning Q'cle.
If not, call a serviceman before self- cleaning again.
Usingthe surface units,
NOTE: Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
How to Set
iiii!!iii ii i ii !!i i
i I ¸ _ ' e
Be sure you turn the control knob to
OFFwhen you finish cooking.
Push the knob in and mrn in either direction to the setting you want.
At both OFFand HI the control clicks
into position. You may hear slight clicking sotmds dtwing cooking,
indicating the control is keeping the power level you set.
A HOTSURFACE indicator light, on the
cooktop, will glow when any radiant element is tin'ned on. It will remain
on tmtil the smti_ce is cooled to approximately 150°E
Hotsurfaceindicator lightwill:
!5:comeonwhentheunitishottothetouch. !i:istayonevenaftertheunitisturnedoff.
_:glowunti/theunitis cooledtoapproxlmate/y
Usingthesurface units.
Dual Surface Unit Control Knob
selectfromsoyoucanmatchthesl2eof theunit tothesl2eofthecookwareyouareusing.
To use the small (6 inch) surfi_ce unit, turn the control knob to the SMALL
settin rs
To use the large (9 inch) stmfi_ce unit,
ttli'ii the control knob to the LARGE
settin ,s
About the radiant surface units...
Never cook directly on the glass. Always use cookware.
Always place the pan in thecenter of the surface unit you are cooking on.
The radiant cooktop teatures heating units beneath a smooth glass surfi_ce.
NOTE."A sfl)ht odorIs normal when anew cooktopis usedfor the first time.It is causedby the heating of new partsand insulatingmaterials andwill disappearin a short t/me.
NOTE"Onmodelswith light coloredglass cooktops,it is normal for the cookingzonesto changecolor when hotor cooling down. Thisis temporaryand will disappearas theglass cools to roomtemperature.
The surIi_ce unit Mll c)cle on and off to maintain _ot:u"selected control settin ,
It is sale to place hot cookware on the glass surli_ce exert when the cooktop
is cool.
Do not slide cookwara across the cooktop because it can scratch the
glass--the glass is scratch resistant, not scratch proof.
Even alier the surli_ce units are turned off, the glass cooktop retains enough
heat to continue cooking. To avoid eve>cooking, remove pans fl'om the
surli_ce units when the food is cooked. Avoid placing anything on the Stli-lilce
unit until it has cooled compleml>
_: Waterstains (mineraldeposits)areremovable
using thec/eanlbgcream or furlstrength white
::Ji::Useof window cleanermay leavean
iridescent film on thecooktop. Thecleanlbg
cream will removethis discoloration.
If theydropontothecooktop,theycancause damage.
Temperature Limiter
Every radiant surf h0e unit has a temperature limited:
The tempe_wture limiter protects the glass cooktop ti'om getting too hot.
The temperature limiter ma) c) cle the
units off for a time if:
!;> Thepanboils dry.
ij_::Thepanbottom/s not fiat.
ij_::Thepan is off center
!;> There/sno panon theunit.
Thefoflowing information will help you choose cookware which will give good performance onglass cooktops.
Check pans for flat bottoms by using a straight edge.
Stainless Steel'.
heavy weight recommended
(;ood conductivity. _Muminun/ residues somefin/es appear as scratches on the
cooktop, but can be removed if cleaned immediately, Because of its low melting
point, thin weight ahmfinum should not be used,
(bpper may leave residues which can appear as scratches. The residues can
be relnoved, as long as the cooktop is cleaned immediately. Howe\'e_; do not let these pots boil dry. Overheated metal can
bond to glass cooktops. An overheated COl)per bottom pot will leave a residue
that will pemmnenfly stain the cooktop if not removed immediately.
Poor perfimnance. Ma) scratch the
StlI'J[il ce,
usable, but not recommended
Poor perfimnance. Ma) scratch the
StlI'J[il ce.
Pans with rounded, curved, ridged or warped bottoms are not
Use only flat-bottomed woks.
Porcelain EnamelCoveredCastIron:
_&s long as the cookware is covered
completely with porcelain enamel, this cookware is recommended. Caution is
i'ecoilli//ended ti)r cast ii'on cookwai'e that is not completely covered with
smooth porcelain enamel, as it may scratch the glass ceramic cooktop.
Wok Cooking
Do not rise i'otlnd-bottoi/l wolds. _i_)tl
could be seriously bm'ned if the wok tipped ox'e_:
Selecting typesof cookware.
Observethe Following Points in Canning
Pots that extend beyond l" of the
surfiice unit's circle ;ue not
i'ecoI/lIllended _)r Illost Stlr_;ice
Note: Flat-bottomed canners are required for glass eooktops,
cooking. However, when canning with wate>bath or pressure calmer,
large>diameter pots may be used. This is because boiling water
temperatures (even trader pressure) are not harmfld to the cooktop
surfimes surrounding tile surthce units. HOWEVER, DO NOT USE lARGE
or satlce I/lixttlres--and all types of
fi'ving--cook at temperatures much
higher than boiling wate*: Such temperatures could e\ entually harm
the glass cooktop surthces.
] Be sure the canner fits over tile
center of tile surthce trait. If your cooktop or its location does not
allow the caroler to be centered on the surfime trait, use smaller
diameter pots for good canning results.
Flat-bottomed Callllers I/l[ist be
used. Do llOt use Callllers x_ith
flanged or rippled bottoms (often found ill enamelware) because
they don't make enough contact with tile surthce units and take
a hmg time to boil water.
When camfing, use recipes and
procedures from reputable sources. Reliable recipes and
procedm'es are a\_dlable Kern tile
I/lalltl_;lCttlrer of VOtlr canner;
m anufhct t/rers ot: glass jars for canning, such as Ball and Kerr
brand; and tile United States Department of Agriculture
Extension Service.
[] Remember that c'umiw,,_ is.a
process that generates large
alllO/lnEs of steanl. To avoid brims
froill steam or heat, be carehll
when canning.
NOTE:If your househas low voltage, canning may take longer than expected, even though directions have been carefufly foflowed. Theprocess time will be shortened by:
(1) using a pressure canner, and
(2) starting with HOTtap water for fastest
heating of large quantities of water
_ Safe canning requires that harmful
microorganisms are destroyed and that thejars are sealed completely. When canning foods in a water-bath canner, a gentle but steady boil must be maintained for the required time. When canning foods in a pressure canner, the pressure must be maintained for the required time.
;;J_::After you have adjusted the controls,
it is very important to make sure the prescribed boil or pressure levels are maintained for the required time.
_ Since you mustmake sure to process
the canningjars for the prescribed time, with no interruption in processing time, do not can on any cooktop surface unit if your canner is not flat.
Introduction. Be.corn
The GEProfile oven with TrivectionTMtechnology is a microwave-assist oven designed to cook food up to five times faster than a traditional oven. This oven gives the user the flexibility to cook food in traditional cooking modes (Bake or Broil), convection modes (convection bake and convection roast) or in speedcook modes (speed bake and speed broil). This oven features easy-to-use controls that will guide you through oven operations.
Baking is cooking with heated aii: The upper and lower eleinents cycle back
and torth to heat the air and niaintain tenII)erature. Used %I" traditional baking
and roasting. Best tor delicate itenis.
Heat is pi'oxided b) the upper eleinent to broil your flied. Ma) be used with the
()veil door open or ch)sed.
Convection Bake--Multi and Single Rack
Heat is pixMded by the eleinent in the back ot the oven, along with the upper
and lower elenients. The air is circulated with a reveIsing tim svstenl. The tim will
change directions to provide optiinal
Convection Roast
Heat is provided by the upper eleinent and drculated with the reveIsing tim
systeIn. The tim will change direct.ions to
provide (ii)finial e\'enness and browning.
Good tor roasting laige milder cuts of
Speed Bake
Heat is provided by the three eleinents and niicrowave. The exact conibination
of eleni ents is a utonlaticallv detei_nined by the food categoi T selected. _di" is
Speed Broil
Heat is provided by the upper eleinent and nlicrowave. _di" is circulated with the
i'evei_ing tim svstein described above. Oven door Inust be closed. Ideal for
broiling foods to medium to well done
e\'enness and browning. The Multi Rack
option is ideal tor evenly baking toods
when using nlore than one rack. Tile
I RackOl)[ion , tlsed ti)I" one i'ack ot ti)o(l,
cooks tood ti_steI" than BAKEnlode.
nleat or poultiT; uncoxei'ed. Roasts fi_o(ls up to 25% filsteI:
circulated with the i'exeiMng tan systenl described ab(_ve. Ideal forbaking and
masting foodsup to five times faster.
doneness levels two times faster than trad#ional broil.
(Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.)
[ }
O} @ (Z}(Z}@- @@@@@
Control Screen & Keypad
M1 cooking modes, spedal teattlI'eS and oven settings are directed and operamd
ti'om tile control screen. Directions tor operating tile oven and prompting for
required information are displayed within
tile control sci'een.
Numeric Keypad
Used to enter infbmmtion requiring
numbeis such as time of day on tile clock, time_; oven temperature, start time and
length of operation for timed baking and selfZcleaning.
Control Lock
Mlows tile user to lock tile control so that tile touch pads cannot be activated when
-time and Temperature Display
M] time and temperatm'e infimnation is displayed in this area as teedback to
tile user.
ff "F- anda numberorletter"flashin thedisplayand theovencontrolsignals,thisindicatesafunction errorcode.PresstheCLEAR/OFFpac_Allow theovento
coolforonehourPuttheovenbackintooperation.If the
ff your oven was set for a timed oven operation and a power outage occurred, theclock anda// programmedfunctionsmust be reseL
The time of day will flash in the display when there
has been a power outage.
Kitchen -timer
Tm'ns tile kitchen timer on and off.
Does not control tile o'_ell.
Oven Light
Tm'ns oxen light on or off'.
Cancels ALL oxen operations EXCEPTtile clock and timex:
Press pad beside display to select item in display.
Oven Control Sleep Feature--Any time tile oven is not in use (no cooking, no cleaning, no hel I) and
no timely) fi)r more than l 0 minutes, tile oven control will go to sleep. While sleeping, the control display will not show any text; it will go
blank. Tile clock will remain displayed in tile time and temperature display unless tile "no clock"
option has been selected. There will be no audible signal given to indicate
that the control is entering the sleep feature. The control will enter the sleep feature even
when the control is locked.
The user cannotturn this feature OFF.
How to Exit the Sleep Feature_Touch any key: The
function associated with that key will not be started, but tile control display main menu will reappeaI:
In Speedcook mode, tile user will be pronq)ted to enter fi)od category,
temi)eramre and cooking time. Speed Bake--Bakes fi)od faster than
traditional cooking modes. Speed BroiL--Broils food tilster than
traditional Hi/i,o Broil.
Traditional bakemode.
Convl-Rack Convection bake flmcfion
used for baking on ()tie rack.
ConvMultL-Convecfion bake flmction
used fl)r baking on more than one rack.
ConvRoas_onvecfion roast flmcfion.
LO& HL--Tradifional broil flmction.
Additional cooking-related features
Defrost--This teature is used to thaw ti'ozen fi)ods. Enter tile deli'ost time using
tile chart in tile Usingthe DefrostFeature section.
Self-Clean--This teature cleans tile oven. See tile Using the self-cleaning oven section.
Warmer--This feature keeps hot, cooked
fl)od waml for up to 3 hotH_. It is not intended R)r reheating cold fi)o(1. See the
How to Set the Oven for Warmer section.
Proo_-This teattli'e illaintains a _'_liill emironnlent useflfl for rising yeast-
leavened i)roducts. It is not inmncled to kee I) fi)od waml or reheat cold fi)o(l. See tile How to Set the Oven for Proofsection,
Warm (Cook & Hold)--_]len this feature is
turned on, it will kee I) hot, cooked fi)ods
wmm fl)r up to 3 ho/u_ fi)llowing a Timed
Bake fimction. See tile How to Sot the Oven
for Warmsection.
Sab//ath_Designed fi)r use on the Jewish Sabbath and Holidays. See tile Usingthe
(Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.)
This o_,en has additional settings that y(:,u ma} choose to rise. See the Settings section,
This oven feature alhm:s tile user to store up to six temperatm'e/cooking
time combinations. Tile user can then speed bake, bake or convection bake/roast
one ot the six stored fiworite recipes without having to choose the settings
each time.
o elp
Provides basic infimnafion on each flmction and how to find tile flmcfion.
If selected fl'om tile home screen, it gives general hell). If selected while peril)rating
a flmcfion, it gives hel I) on that flmction.
Select Exit t(>leave Help.
O SelectPrompt
Visual prompt to tile user indicating
that a selection needs to be made fl'om
tile control screen.
DoorLock Indicator
Indicates that tile oven door is locked fin" self clean.
Usingthe clock, timer andcontrollockout, gecom
To Set the Clock
Make sure the clock is set to the correct time of da_
i ¸
Thetimer is an hour and minute
timer only.
Thetimer does not control oven
operations. The maximum setting on the timer is 9 hours and 59minutes.
Toset I0 minutes, enter 10.DO NOT
enter I0:00!
The clock must be set to the correct time ot day tot tile aumnmtic oven timing
fimcfions to work properly. Tile time of day cannot be changed during timed baking, a sel6cleaning cycle or delayed
start time.
ToSet the Timer
[] Press tile KITCHENTIMER pad,
[] Press tile number pads tmtil tile
}llll()//nt of time yell want shows
in tile display; For example, to set 2 hom_ and 45 minutes, press 2, 4[
and 5 in that order: If wm make a mistake, press the KITCHEN TIMER
pad and begin again.
Select START
thistellsyouthetimeis countlwdown,
To Reset the Timer
[] Select SETTINGS. [] Select CLOCK.
[] Press tile number pads. [] Select ENTER.
oneminute haspassed Secondswill not be shown in the displayuntil the last minute is
When tile timer reaches .'0/7,
the control will beep 3 times followed b', one beep exerv
6 seconds t/nfil tile KITCHEN
TIMERpad is pressed once.
The continuous beep can be canceled b_ fi_llowing the steps in the Settings section
under Tonesat the End of a Timed Cycle.
i i!i@i iiii!( iii
If tile remaining time is not in tile display
(clock, delay start or cooking time are in
tile display), recall tile remaining time by pressing the KITCHEN TIMERpad or using
To Cancel the Timer
PressKITCHENTIMERpad twice.
Control Lockout
Yourcontrol will allow you tolock out the touch
padsso theycannot beactivated when pressed
To lock/tmhwk tile controls:
[] Press tile CONTROLtOCKpad fin 3
seconds, until the control screen shows CONTROLIS LOCKED.
[] To/mhx'k tile control, press tile
CONTROLtOCKpad fin 3 seconds, until CONTROL IS LOCKEDdisappeaxs
ti'om the control screen and the
Illain Illentl is displayed.
Ym may change it by pressing tile
KITCHEN TIMERpad, then press tile number pads until tile time w)u want appea_ in tile display.
X'_hen this teatm'e is on and tile touch pads are pressed, tile control will show
_: Thecontrollockoutmodeaffeca
+ 39 hidden pages