Safety Instructions ....... 2-4
Operating Instructions
Bridge Surfi_ce _!nit ......... 6
Cookware Tips ............ 7, 8
Dual Smfilce l,Jnit .......... 6
Surface Units ............ 5, 6
Tempe_ature I,imite_ . ........ 6
Care and Cleaning
Control K_:_obs ............. 9
(-;lass Cooktop .......... 10, 11
Troubleshooting Tips ...... 12
Consumer" Support
Constm_er Suppo_t . . ga_k Co_e_
Product Registration ..... 13, 14
_,_arrantv . ................ 15
.pg 0
Write the model end scrim
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Yol_ cam_ fim_d them om_ a ]abe]
m_der the cooktop.
iiii {iiiiiii
16404290P118 49-88181 09-82 Jfl
For your safeN the information in this manual must be followed to minim)e the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal i_ury, or loss of #fe.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precaufions should be followed, including
the following,"
Use this appliance only f_)I"its imei_ded use
as described ii_ d_is mamml.
Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of yore cooktop tm]ess it is specifically
re(ommei_ded i_l this manual. All other
servicing should be _ef>ned to a qualified
Be%re pei%rmi_lg aily service, disconnect
the cooktop power supply at tile household
distribmi(m paI_el by removiI_g the fl_se or
switchi_lg off the ciIvuit breakeI:
Be sme yore appliance is properly installed
and gro{mded by a qualified tedmician iil
accoTdance with the p_ovided i_lstalladoIl
iIl stTu(ti(m s.
Hme the iilstaller show _<m the lo( ation of
the ciTcuit breaker or f:Nse. Mark it f_)_ easy
Do llot lea\e childreil akme--<hildTeil
should not be left alone oT tmattei_ded
iil an area where an appliance is in use.
They should _le_eT be allowed to sit or
staild o_l aW part of the applia_lce.
Teach childTen Ilot to play with the
comTols oT any otheT part of the cooktop.
Do not allow amone to climb, sta_ld of
haIlg o_l the cooktop.
CAUTlON: ofi. ei.e
(hildren shotdd ilot be stoTed ill cabiilets
abo_e a (ooktot>---<:hildren (limbing (m
the cooktop to Teach items c(mld be
seriously iI_imed.
AE_avs kee I) dishtowels, dish cloths, pot
holde[s and other lineI_s a safe distailce
m_av fiom yore (ooktop.
AE_avs keep wooden aIld plastic utensils
aild ( armed %od a safe distance avxw fiom
yore cooktop. They may become hot aild
cotdd cat/se bmlls.
Nexwr weal loose-fittiIlg or bangling
garments while using d_e appliance.
Flammable mateIial could be igIlited if
brought i_l contact _dth hot smf'ace mlits
aIld may cause se_wIe bmIls.
Use only (tiT pot holde[s--moist of damp
pot holders oil hot smfi_ces may resldt in
brims fiom steam. Do not let pot hok_ers
touch hot smfbce traits. Do llot use a tov_el
oT otheT bulk_ _cloth. Such cloths caIl catch
fire oil a hot smfi_ce mlit.
For yore safety; _e_eI use yore applia_lce
fL)I _armi_lg of heating the Toom.
Do not use water on grease fires. Ne_wr
pick up a flami_g pail. Tm_l the comrols
off'. Smothei a flamiilg pail on a smf:ace
mlit by co, wring d_e pall completely _dth
a well-fittiilg lid, cookie sheet or fiat t_av.
_,_sea muhi-pmpose diw chemical or
f_)am-type extiilguishe{
Flamblg grease outside a pail call be
put out by coxwfing with baking soda oi;
if' available, by usi_lg a muhi-pmpose dU
chemical o_ foam-type fii> extinguishei-
When preparing flami_lg fk)ods raider the
hood, tuT_l the fire oil.
Always keep combustible wall co, eft rigs,
cmtai_ls or drapes a safe distaIlce flom
vom- cooktop.
Do not let cookiI_g gTease oT otheT
flammable materials accmmdate o_l
the cooktop.
www, GEAppliances,cem
Do llot touch smf_ce milts. These smfilces
may be hot enoHgh to 1)m_l e_n thoHgh
they are dark ill color Dining and after
use, do not touch, or let (:lothing or other
flammable materials contact the smfkwe
traits or areas healthy the smf_ce milts;
allow sHf[_ciellt fiI_le for coolillg first.
Potentially hot smfbces include the
cooktop aild areas fhciIlg the cooktop.
To minimize the possibility of bmns,
ignition of flammable materials and
spillage, the handle of a contaiiler
should be tinned tov_ard the centei
of the cooktop _dthout exteIldiIlg over
am' neaibv smfbce mlhs.
Always turn the smfi_ce trait comrol to off
be}bre removing the cook_are.
grse proper pan size--select cook_are
hm'ing flat bottoI_]s large enough to co\wr
the smfi_ce mlit heatillg elemem. The use
of mldersized cookery*I> _dll expose a
portion of the sm face mlit to direct
contact mid may result ill ignificm of
ck)thiIlg. Proper i>lationship of cook_v*I>
to surfilce unit will also improxw efl_cien@
Nexer leave surfhce milts unattended at
high heat settillgs. Boilovers cause smoking
and greasy spilk)_ers that may catch on fire.
Only certain types of glass, glass/ceramic,
earthemvare or other glazed comaiIlers are
suitable R)r cooktop cookiIlg; others may
break because of the suddell challgv ill "
Use little f_t fbr effectRe shallow or
dee[>fi?t fi)'ing. Filling the pail too full
of fi_t call cause spilloxers whell food is
If a combinatioil of oils or f_tts will be used
ill fi'ying, stir together befi)re heating, or as
fi_ts melt slov, lv.
Always heat fbt slowly, and watch as it heats.
Use a dee}) }:at thermometer whellexer
possible to pre_ent o'_ed_eatillg fat bey<rod
the smokiIlg poim.
Never Wv'to move a })all of hot fiat,
especially a dee}) fht flvei: D,_fit mltil
the fht is cool.
Do not store flammable materials llear
the cooktop.
Keep the hood and grease filters clean
to maimain good xemillg alld to mold
grease fires.
Do Ilot store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors alld
liquids ill the vicillitv of this or ally
Clean cmly parts listed ill this Owller's
Man uaL
Do not leaxe paper products, cooking
uteIlsils or R)od on the cooktop v,heIl
Ilot ill rise,
Keep cooktop clean and fiee of
accumulation of grease or spilk)xers
_d_ich may ignite.
Keep all eve (m foods being fiied at high
or medium-high heat settiIlgs.
Foods %r fl?'ing should be as dry. as
possible. Frost on fiozen foods or moisture
cm flesh foods call cause hot fi_t to bubble
up alld oxer the sides of the pall.
Ne_er heat unopelled food containers.
Pressure buildup may make comaiIler
burst and cause in juU:
Never leave,j ars or call s of Fat dfippiIlgs
(m or ilear yore cooktop.
Nexer use yore appliallce for v,armiilg or
heatiIlg the ioom.
Cookmoat andpoultry thoroughly--meat toat bast anINTEgNALtemperatureof/60°f andpoultry
toat bast an/NTEflNALtemperatureof/SO°F.Oookingto thesetemperaturesusua/lypmteotaagainst
ill I
Use care when touching the cooktop. Theglass surface of the cooktop will retain heat after the
contro/s have been turned off,
Avoid scratching the glass cooktop.
The cooktop can be scratched with items
such assharp instrm-_ems, ri_gs or other
jewelry and rivets on clothing.
Nexer use the glass cooktop smfi_ce as
a cutting board,
Do not place or store items (m top of the
glass cooktop sm fbce when it is not in use,
Be carefld when placing spoons or other
stirring utensils on glass cooktop surfitce
when it is in use. They may 1)ecome hot
aI]d coldd catlse BIH_]s,
A_oi(t heating an empb, pan. Doing so m av
damage the cooktop and the pan.
Do not allow wateI; other liquids or g_ease
to remain on the cooktop.
To minimize the possibilhy of bums, always
be certain that the controls fbr all smfi_ce
traits are at the off position and the emire
glass surfhce is cool befi)re atmmpting to
clean the cooktop.
Do not operate the ,glass smfi_ce m_its if
the ,glass is bioken. Spilk)_rs or cleaning
solution may penetrate a broken cooktop
and cream a iisk of electrical shock.
Contact a qualified technician immediamlv
should yam glass cooktop become broken.
Clean tile cooktop with caution. If a wet
spong_ or cloth is used to wipe spills on
a hot sm f'ace m_it, be careflfl to m_)id
steam burns. Some cleansers can produce
noxious fmnes if applied to a hot smfi_ce.
NOTE."We recommend that you avoid
wiping any smfi_ce unit areas undl they
haxw cooled and the indicator light has
gone offl Sugar spills are the exception
to this. Please see the Cleaning the Glass
Coektop section.
_Aq_en the cooktop is cool, rise anN'
CERAI_,L-kBRYTE" Ceramic Cooktop
Cleaner and the CEP_r_4_ BR\TE"
Cleaning Pad to clean the cooktop.
To a!oid possible damage to the cooking
smfi-_ce, do not apply the cleaning cream
to the glass smfi_< e when it is hot.
After cleaning, use a dry doth or paper
towel to remo_e all tile (leaning (ream
Read and %11o_ all instructions and
x_ami_gs on the cleaning cream labels.
(Jse care whe_? touching the cooktop. The
glass smfi_l(e of the cooktop will retain heat
after the controls haxe been tinned OFF.
'4 Do not stand on the glass cooktop.
Large scratches or impacts to glass
(ooktops (an lead to broke_ or
shattered glass.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
How to Set
Be sure you turn the control knob
to OFFwhen you finish cooking,
Pmh the knob im__md mm h_ either
di recti ol_ to th e s ett] m_g yo I_ _ m_t.
At both OFFamidN/tile c<mtro] cricks
h/to positiom \i_ll m_Lv hear slight
c/icJdng som/ds dmJm/g cookim/g,
h/dic_th/g the co_m'ol is keeph/g the
po_ er ]el e] yol_ set.
The c<mtro]s Itbr the _diam/t sm'fi_ce m/its
can be set m/_avhere between LO amid HI
fi_r a m/Ilm/hm] ted m/im]ber <Wh eat setti m/gs.
_Sth the in:th/ite s_itc]l the m/it cycles
oil and o[t to mah/taim/ vomit selected
The col/tro] mmt be [rushed h/ to set
ON/Iv{}'ore tile OFF p]}s] tiom W]len th e
comm'o] is ira/amly positioi/ other t]lm/ OFF,
it may be rotated Wit]lout pllsl/il/g it ill.
The UNITON indic_tor light wi]] glow
when any sm'ii_ce m/it is (m.
A NOTSURFACEh/dicator light _r[]]glOW
when mw 1;_di;mt element is mr]led oil
_(1 _rH]] remah] ore/ m/t]] the sm'iilce is
cooled to approxim_te]y ISO°K
,_Itcomesonwi_entM unit ishotto#_etouch.
it stap:_onevenaMr tDeunitis'turoedofL
ltg/owsbrighUyund theunitiscoobdto
About the radiant surface units,..
Never cook directly on the glass.
Always use cookware.
;iiii#}iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiti_ ii
Always place thepan in the center of
the surface unit youare cooking on,
The re(limit c(}oktop featm'es heath/g
traits 1)e]/eath _ smoot]/ glass sIn'{itce.
NOTE:A sligi_todorisnorroa/_d_enanew
cooktopis usedfortDefirsttiroe.It iscaus'edby
andwill disappearsT_ashortts_e.
teropomryandwill disappearasg/asscoolst_)
Tile sm'fhce m/it will cycle oil and off to
Ilia] I/ta] i/_,,(}l a se]ected col/tro] setfi i/,-
It is sa:te: to phlce hot c(}okware [}'ore the
]}veil tit SlH'f;_]ce Oil the g];/ss c(}{}ktop
whe]/ the sm'fi_ce is coo].
E_en a[ter the sm'fhce m/its are tin'ned
oft, the glass cooktop retai_/s eno_lgh
heat to c{mthme cookil/g. To avoid
(}lercooki_/g, remove pm/s {_'om tile
sm'fi_ce m/its whe_l tile {i}()(t is cooked.
Ayoi(1 placidly a_/ythh/g o_/ tile sm'fi_ce
m/it m/ti] it h_s cooled complete]}.
Don?storeheavy itemsabove tDecooktop.
/f tDeydroponto be cooktop,bey can cause
0o not useti_esurfaceas a cutt/bg board.
Do not stifle cookware across the
cooktop because it can scratch the
glass, Theglass is scratch-resistant_
not scratehproof,