GE JVM1540SN1SS, JVM1540SM2SS, JVM1540SM1SS, JVM1540LN1CS, JVM1540LM2CS Owner’s Manual

Models: JVM1540
JNM1541 HVM1540
Spacemaker Microwave Oven
If SomethingGoes Wrong
Write the model and serial nmnbers here:
I:illd/h¢_bt mmtbers o11:-tl:d),t:l illside/]w oven.
08-06 JR
Foryoursafety,theinformationinthis manualmustbe followed tominimizetherisk offire or explosion, electric shock,or toprevent property damage,personal injury,or loss of life.
For your safiqy, die intbrma|iolt ill this manual
lnus/be tollowed to mininlize /he risk of fire or explosion or/o prevem property damage,
Pt_CAUIYONS persollal_l_>.orlosso,li*_
Do Not Attempt DoNot Operate1tie oven
/o operate /his oven ifil is damaged. 1/is
with lhe door open particularly importan/
_ince opell-door that tile OVell door
operauon call resul/ close properly and
TO EXCESSIVE i,l_l_,rmr_,lexposuretlla,,llereisllO
lo illicrowave ellergw, dalllage to tile:
MICROWA_ It is impor,anl no, to ' door (ben,).
ENERGY ,hesali_'y interlocks.
deti_a_ or tmnper with 2 hiJlges and lmches
,broken or loosened _.
DoNot Place rely objec_ 3 door seals and sealing
between lhe oven [i'Oll/ surthces tace and tile door or The OvenShouldNot
allow soil or eleaneI be adjusted or repaired residue to accumulaw by allVOlle excepl
on sealing sur[aces
properly qualified
servlce persolllle].
This microwave oven is intended for household use and is IlL listed for installation over electric
and gas ranges. This microwave oven is
not approved or tested for marine use,
Read and tollow the specific "Precautions to
A\oid Possible Exl)osure
to Excessive Microwave Energy" on 1)_ge 2.
This _lppliml(e must be groml(le(t. C(mnect only
to properly gr(mnded outlet. See Grom_ding
Instru( tions section on [)_ge 9.
I)o not m(mm this _q)l)liam e o_er _ sink.
Install or lo(_w this _q)l)lian(e only in
_l(-cor(tan(e with the provided Installation
hlstrtl( tions+
This o_et:the-range oven was designed/or use over
ranges no wider dmn 36". It may be installed over
both gas mid ele(tri( cooking e(luit)ment.
I)o not ot)eraw this al)l)liance if it has a
damaged power cord or plug, if it is not working
t)rol)erly, or if it has t)een damaged or drot)ped.
If the power cord is damaged, it must lie
replaced t)v General Electric Service or an
m_thorize(t service agent using a power cord/i'om
General Electric.
I)o not cover or block any openings on the
Llse this at)t)liance only /or its linen(led use as
described in this mmmal.
[)O not IISe corrosive
chemicals or vapors in this appliance. This
microwave oven is sl)eci/ically designed to
heat, dry or cook/oo(t, and is not intended
/()r laboratory or industrial use.
®Do not store this appliance
outdoors. Do not/lse this
llFodHc[ Ileal; watel_
tot examllle, ill a wet
[)aS( l/lell[, near a
swin/ining pool, near a sink or in similar locations.
o Keep power cord awm
fl_onl heated surli_ces.
®Do not iinmerse power
COlXlor l)l/lg in watel_
* 'Ib reduce tile risk of fire
in file oven cmi|v:
-- Do not overcook lood. Careiullv attend
appliance when llape C plastic or other
conlbustible matelJals are placed inside tile
oven _llile cooking.
-- R('Ino_e _ire twist-ties and metal hmldles
li'OIl/ i)_qler or plasti( c()i/taii/ers belore placing
them ill tile oxen.
-- Do not use file o_en tor storage p/n'llOSeS.
Do not lem e paper lllz)ducts, cooking
ulensils or lood in tile
ovell Wllell llOt ill use.
-- If inate rials inside o_en ignite, keep tile oxen
door closed, turn tile
OVCll Oil and disconne€t
tile t)ower cord, or sh/H off llower at tile Ihse or
circuit breaker panel. If tile door is opened,
tile thx' may spread.
-- Do not use tile
SeI/SOl; Fe;HIll'l'S Iwi(e iI/
smeession on tile skulle lood portion. If t;.)od is
under cooked after tile first (:ountdown, use
7_meCook/i)r additional
cooking time.
®See door surli_ce cleaning
inso uctions ill file Care and Cleaning section (s)
of this nlan/lal.
®This apllliance must only
be se r\ice d by q/lalified set\ice tlersonnel. Contact
nearest authorized se r_ice litcilil}/ill; examination,
l>tlair or a/!j/lstn/ent.
®.ks with any appliance,
close s/qlervision is neeessar\, when used
1)v !:hildren.
* Do not store anyflling
directly on tot) of tile l/liCl'ow_lve O\ell S/ll;]ilce
whei/tile l/liCrOWm'e ()veil
is in operation.
Arcing is the microwave
term lot sparks ill the oven. Arcing is caused by:
The metal shelf (if included) not installed (orrectly so it touches the
microwave wall.
The te]//l)elTatllre probe
(if included) in the
lilicrowave t)tlt 110[ inserted in the tood.
Metal or foil tou(hing the side oI the ovel/.
I)<) not pop popcorn in your microwave oven
imless in a special microwave popcorn
accessory or unless you use popcorn labeled tor
use in microwave o_ens.
So1//e ])yodllctS sIIcl/ as
whole eggs and sealed containers tor example,
closed jars--are al)le to explode and should not
be heated in this
lIlicrowa_' ovel/. Sllch/Ise
of the microwave ovel/ could resuh in h_iury.
1)1) not boil eggs in a
IlIiCI'OWi-I_,_' OVCI/, PF('SSIlF('
will build ut) inside egg yolk and will cause it to
bin\st, t)ossibly resulting
ill iHj IIFV.
Foil not molded to tood
(upturned edges act like
Metal, such as twist-ties, poultry pins or gold-
rinnned dishes, in the microwave.
Recycled paper towels containing small metal
pieces being used in the microwave.
Operating the microwave witl't Ho tood iHside/or
more than a mimne or
tWO IIIi'IV C_HISC (]_tl//i-lge
to the oven and could
start a life. It ill(]?eases
the t'teat aromld the magnetron and (an
shorten the lilt of the o_eH.
Foods with mlbroken
OtlteF "skill" s/Ich as
potatoes, hot dogs,
S_I/IS_Igcs, IOIlI_tI()US,
apples, chicken livers and other git)h'ts, and
egg yolks should be pierced to allow steam
to escape dm:ing cooking.
SUPERHEATED WATER Liquids, such as water,
coffee or tea, are able to be overheated beyond the boiling pohlt without appearing to be hoi/ing.
Visible bubbling or boiling
when the container is
removed from the microwave oven is not always present.
To red u(e the risk ol ill jut?.
tO i)ersons:
-- Do not overheat the
-- Stir tile liquid both
belore and halli_av through heating it.
-- Do not use straight-
sided containers with narrow necks.
-- Al_er h_ ating, allow file
container to stand ii/ tile l/licrow_{\( o'_en l()r a short time belore
rel/ioving tile contai]le]2
-- IJse extrel/le (:are when
inserting a si/oon or other/ltensil into tile
contain_ r.
* Axoid heating 1lab}. Iood
in glass jars, e_('n with tile lid oil Make sure all
inlimt Io(/(1 is thoro/lghlv (ook_ (t. Stir Iood to
(listritmt_ the ll('_tt evenl}. Be car(tiff to 1)rev(nt
scalding when warlning lormula or breast milk.
The container Ill_t_'tbel cooler than tile milk realN
is. Alwm:s test tile milk belbr_ li_(lii/g the 1)abe..
o Don_t (teli'ost li'ozen
beverages ill narrow- n_eked bottles (especially
carbonated beverages}. Even if tile container is
op(ne(t, l)ress/lre Call b//ild up. "Ellis call cause
the c()ntainer to burst, l)ossibly r( s/llting in
iiI jur}.
* Hot li)o(ls and steanl
call ca/lse burns. Be carefill when opening
allY coi/taillers of hot
tood, inchlding pot;)corn b_tgs, looking tlcmIhes
and boxes. To prev_ nt l)ossible il_jm:}, (lire(t
stean/ awa V li:on/ hands and I?me.
® Do 1lot overcook
potatoes. Thev could d(hvdrate and catch
lira, causing danlage
to VO/lr ()Veil.
®Cook meat and i)ouhr}
thoro/lghl}--meat to at least all 1NTERNAI_
temilerature of 160°F and l)oultrv to at least all
INTERNAI __el/ll)_ ratm:e of 180°E Cooking to
these tenltleratm:es /lsuall V protects against
Ioodborne illn_ ss.
Make sure all cook_are used in your microwave oven is suitable tor
n/icrowaving. Most glass casseroles, cooking dishes,
l//eastll?il/g ClltIS , Cllstard
cups, potter} or china dinnerware which does not
have metallic u:im or glaze with a metallic sheen can
be/lsed. Sortie cook_are is labeled "suitable tor
How to test for a microwave
safe dish
I|vou are not s/Ire il
a dish ixlnicrowa,e-sali'. ux(+ tt_ix test: Place il tt_( ovel| l)ol]l the dish ",,(n
;-ire leSllll_t _111(| _1 _l_tss
ulea.suriug cut)/il|ed with
1 cut) (.ffw;tter--xet the
measuril/g CUll either in or next to the dish.
Microwave 30-45 see(rods
at high. /f the dish heats, it shouht not tie tlsed lot
If the dish remains cool and (rely the water in the
CUll heats, then the dish is microwa_ e-sati'.
If VO/l /lse a l//eat
thermometer while cooking, make sm:e it is
sat('/()r/Ise ill lilicrowave
Do not use recycled paper t/roducts. Recycled
paper towels, napkins aild waxed tlaper Call
contaill metal flecks which may cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products contaiifing nylon or
mhm filaments should be avoided, as they may also ignite.
Sol//e styro/()al// tr_lvs
(like those that meat is
tiackaged on) time a thin stritl of metal embedded
in the bottom. When micro_s_ed, the metal can
l)urn the floor of the ovell or ignite a patier towel.
Do not use the microwa\e to dr} newstlatiers.
Not all t>lastic wrap is suitable/ill: use in
microwave ovens. Check the package
tor tlrotier use.
Patler towels, waxed tlat/er and t/lastic wrap
can tie used to (over dishes in order to retain
moisture and lIrevem spattering. Be sure to veto plastic wrat> so
steal// can escalle.
Cookware lilav becolile hot because of heat transti'rred/i'om the heated/ood. Pot holders may be needed to handle the cookware.
"Boilable" cooking t)ouches and tightly closed plastic bags should be slit, tlierced or _emed as directed tiy tlackage. If they are not, tllasti( could burst durillg or
immediately atter cooking, l)ossitily restflting
in ii_jur}. Also, tllastic storage containers should be at least partially
m/covered 1)ecause they /orm a tight seal+ When
cooking with COlmUners tightly covered with t>lastic wrap, remove covering carefllllv and
direct steal// aw_lv Ji'ol// hands and {hce.
o Use Ibil only as directed ill
this man/_d. When using loll in the iIli(rowa_e
oven, keep the li/il at least
1" awm from the sides of
the o_en.
The ]kli/will operate autoulaticallv raider
certain (onditions (see Automatic Fan tbamre).
"E_k( care to t/revent tile starting and spreading of accidental (ooking lires
while tile x(nt lml is in use.
®Clean tile und(rside of
tile i//icrow_t\ e olien.
Do not allow grease to build ut) on tile
ulicrowa_e or tile thn lilter.
* Plastic rookware Plastic
cookwar_ designed lor ulicrow_ cooking is v_l'?
us(fill, lint should 1)( used ear(flfll}. E_en nlicrowu_e-
sate l)lastic nlay not be as tolerant of o_ ercooking
conditions _s are gl_lss or ceruulic materials _md
UlUy solien or chin: if subject(d to short l_eriods
of o_ ercooking, hi longer exl/osures to o_ercooking, tile lood and cookware
could ignite.
* Ill tile exent of a grease
fire on tile s/n:lhce units below tile l/licrowave
ov(n, smother a flaming lla]l Oll tile s/lrl_lce tlnit b} co_ering tile pan eonlpletely with a lid, a
cookie sheet or a fiat tra_,.
* Use care when cleaning
tile v(nt thn fiher. Corrosive cleaning
agents, su(h as h.e-based o,,(n cleuners, l/l_t} damage the lilter.
Follow these guidelines:
I Use microwm e-sate
plastics onk. and use thenl in StlJCt ronlt/liance
with the cookware
r( COI//Illei/d ati OilS.
2 Do not illicrowave (l//l)l},'
3 Do not permit chikh:en
to/lse plastic cookwalx without comlllete Still( rvision.
®When pr(paring
]laming loods raider the illi( rowa_e, tllril tile
vellt th]l Oll.
®N(ver lem:e s/lrlkice units
t)eneath VO/lr microwave oven unatlended at high heat settings. Boilovers cause smoking and greas} spillovers that nl m ignite and spread if the
l/licrow_t\( V(llt thn is
ollerating. "Ib ininimize
a/ltoI/lati( l;_11 oil(ration,
use ad(quate sized cook*_are and use high
heat on surlhee tlnits only whell n(eessar}.
Ensure proper ground exists before use.
hnproper use of the grounding plug can result
in a risk of electric shock.
This appliance Inust be g-rom/de(t. Ill tile event of
an electlJcal short circuit, gTounding reduces tile
risk of elecirie shock 1)_ t)roviding all escape wire
/_)r the electric current.
This appliance is e(tuiplled
with a t)ower cord having
a gTom/(ting _,ire with a grounding plug. The l)lug must be t)lugged into an ouilei that is t)rotlerl} installed and g_xmn(ted.
Consuh a qualified ele(u'i(-ian or service
te(hni(ian if tile gTom/ding instrucdons are not
eomt)letely undersiood, or if doubt exists as to
wheiher the appliance is
tlrot)efly grounded.
I/the ouilet is a standard 2-llrong wall outlet, it is
your personal resllonsibilip_
and oblig_don to have it ret)la(ed wifll a t)rollerly grounded 3-t)rong wall
[)O not, iin(teF _ll/V
CilTe/ll//stan(es, Ctl[ OF
remove the {hird (grom/(t) t)rong tix)m the t)ower cord.
Do not use an adat)ter plug with ihis atltlliance.
Do not use an exiension cord with this appliance.
If the power cord is too short, ha\ e a qualNed
ele(Ui(ian or ser_i(e te(lmi(ian install an outlet
near tile al)tllian(e.
For best ollet_don, plug this al)lllimwe into its ()_r_ elecilJcal outlet to t)revent flickering of lights, blowing offilse or u:itltling of cir(uit
Filler Panel Kits JX46WH/BL--White/Black dX4OWH--White JX41--Black
When ret,la(ing a 36" range hood,/iller panel
kits fill in the additional wi(hh t() t)rovide a custom built-in al)l)earance.
For installation between cabinets only; not/i)r
end-el:cabinet installation. Each kit contains t,,*,o
3"-wide filler t)anels.
axsIC--Recircolating Charcoal FilterKit (included with Model
Filter kits are /lse(t whell the microwave oven cannot be vented to tile outside.
Axailable at extra cost/i'om your GE supplier.
/il/ll//1i t \\\\N --[7
1 Door Handle. Pull to
op('n th(' (too_ The
door must bc secur('lv latched/i)r the microwave to operate.
2 Door Latches. 3 Window with Metal
Shield. Scre('n allows
cooking to be viewed while keeping
IIIi(TOW_tVeS confined ilJ, the o_en.
# Touch Control Panel.
5 Cooktop Light. 6 Grease Filters.
7 Removable Turntable.
Turntable and supt)()rt
must bc in t)la(c when using the o_en.
The turntable it)w,; 1)e removed ti)r cleaMng.
8 Convenience Guide. 9 Shelf(on some models).
I,(,isyou l//i( l-()w_l_+(,
several/i)ods at once. Food l//i(Fowa_es best
when pla(ed directly on the turntable.
10 Rating Plate. I,ocat('d
on tl't(' inside WC++]IO/ the mi(rowave o_en.
The Controls on Your Microwave Oven
(Tlnvug]_ou/ thL_ma_n_a/,f_alur_'._m_d a]_]_earm_c_ma) vm3 ji_mz 3our model.)
You can microwave
bytime, temperature ( Ti "
or with the m_
convenience LCoo k features.
Express Cook --_
1 2 3
4 5
Press Enter
TIME COOKI & II (Press once ortwice) Amount o[' cooki.g dm_'.
DEFROSTAUTO/TIME(Presstwice) Amount ol d('/i'osting tim('. EXPRESSCOOK Starts immediately!
POWERLEVEL Power lev('l 1-10.
ADD 30 SEC Starts imm_,diat_,lv!
Press Enter Option
POPCORN Starts immediateb;! more,/h'ss time
Serlill_ size
BEVERAGE Starts immediately! serving size REHEAT (See Reheat (;uide) serving size POTATO Starts mmle(hatel"" _,' serxing size VEGETABLE (on some models) Starts immediately! tood tH)e!serxing size DEFROST AUTO/TIME Food weight
(Press once)
+ 28 hidden pages