GE JMP31WC2WW, JMP31WC1WW, JMP31CL1CC, JMP31BL1BB Owner’s Manual

49-80330 11-05JR
Safety Precautions ....... 3, 4
Oven .................... 5
Surface CookingUnits ...... 6
Operating Instructions
Using theSurfaceUnits ..... 7
Using the Oven ......... 8-18
timed Baking & Roasting ... 15
Oven Thermostat .......... 16
Self-CleaningOven..... 17,18
Lift-Off OvenDoor ......... 20
Broiler Pan & Grid ......... 21
Oven Light Replacement .... 21
Surface Units ............ 22
Lift-UpCookrop........... 22
Welcome to the GE fiunilv. We're proud of our quality products and we are committed to providing dependable service. Y_m'll see it in this easy-to-use Owner's
Manual and w_u'll hear it in the fliendlv ;_)ices of our customer selMce deparm_ent.
Best of all, you'll experience these _dues each time you use yore" range. That's
important, because your new range will be part of your fiunily for many years. And we hope you will be part of om_ fin" a long time to come.
We thank you fin" bufing GE. We appreciate your purchase, and hope you will continue to rely on us whene\ er you need quality appliances fin" your home.
GE& You,A ServicePartnership.
Fill out the Consumer Product Registration Card.
Two Easy Ways ToRegister YourAppliance!
_): Through the internet at
_):':Complete and mail the enclosed Product Registration Card.
Write the model and serial numbers here:
# #
For Service .... 23-25
ProductRegistratioo ....... 29
Warranty................ 31
Numbers ......... Back Covel
You can find them on a label underneath the cooktop.
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proof of the original pro'chase date is needed to obtain service trader the warranlw:
Inside you will find many helplifl hints on how to use and maintain
your range properly.Just a little preventive care on your part can
save you a great deal of tim e and monev over the lifi_ of w_m" range.
You'll find many answe_ to common problems in the Before YouCall
For Service section. If you review ore" chart of Troubleshooting Tips
ti_t, you may not need to call for service at all. If you do need se_'ice, you can relax knowing hel I) is only a phone
call away. A list of toll-li'ee customer service nunlbers is inchlded in the back section of this manual. Or um can always call the GE
Answer CenteF at 800.626.2000, 24 hem's a da> 7 days a week.
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
TheCalifornia Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act requires the Governor of California to
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
Thefiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide
during the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
_{_:Use this appliance only for its intended
purpose as described m this )wner s Manual.
J; Be sure your appliance is properly
installed and grounded by a qualified installer in accordance with the provided
installation instructions.
_7{_:Haxe the installer show you the location of
the circuit breaker or flxse. Mark it fox easy' reference.
E:,:Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of your range unless it is specifically recommended in this manual. All other
servicing should be refened to a qualified technician.
E:,IDo not store flammable mamfials in an
ox>n or near rixe cooktop.
_{:;Before performing any service, disconnect
the range power supply at the household disu-ibufion panel by removing the flxse or switching off the circuit breakex:
qT_:Do not leaxe children alone--_hildren
should not be left alone or unattended in an area where an appliance is in use, They
should nex>r be allowed to sit or stand on aW part of flxe appliance.
_{_:Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or
hang on tim door or cooktop. They could damage the rang> and cause sex>re personal injm>
N Teach children not m play with the
controls or any other part of the rang_.
N CAUTION:Imms of interest m children
should not be stored in cabinets aboxe a range--children climbing on the range
to reach imms could be seriously injured.
E:':Nexer wear loose-fitting or hanging
gvmnents while using fl_e appliance. Be carefifl when reaching fox items stored oxer the range. Flammable material could be ignited if brought in contact with hot surface units or heating elements and may
cause so\Pro bllillS,
E:,IUse only d U pot holders---moist or damp
pot holders on hot surfi_ces may result in bm_ls from swam. Do not let pot holders touch hot surthce units or heating
elements. Do not use a towel or oflxer bulky cloth in place of pot holders.
;_?:':Fox"your safe_', hexer use your appliance
fox wanning or heating the room.
;_;Do ,lot let cooking g_'ease or oilier
flammable mamiials accunmlam in or
near tile rang.e.
;_i:' leave jars or cans of fat drippings
in or near your range.
_{::Kee I) tile hood and gxease filmrs clean
to maintain g_od x.endng and to a_id
grease fires.
N Do not use water on grease fires. Ne\.er
pick up a flaming pan. Turn tile controls off. Smother a flaming pan on a surface unit by cox.eiJng tile pan complemly with a well-fitung lid, cookie sheet or fiat tray. Use a multi-pu,l)ose &T chemical
or foam-type rii.e exdnguishen Flaming gi.ease outside a pan can be put
out by cox.ering it wifll baking soda oi;
if"available, by using a multiq)mi)ose d*T chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher
Flame in tile ox.en can be smothei.ed complemly by closing rile ox.en door
and turning tile oven off orby using a multi-pul])ose d, y chemical or
foam-wpe fire extinguisher
_{::Do ,lot store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other
;_i:.:Always keep dish towels, dish clodls, pot
holders and odler linens a safe distance
fiom your rang.e.
_i:.:Alwws kee I) wooden and plasuc umnsils
and canned food a safe distance flom
yon*" rang.e.
N Always kee I) combustible wall cox.eiJngs,
curtains or drapes a safe. distance from
yon*" Ia ng.e.
q_{::Do *lot touch tile su,face units, the
heating elements or tile inmrior surPace of tile ox.en. These surPaces may be hot enough m bun_ ex.en though they are dark in color During and after use, do *lot
much, or let clothing or other flammable mamIJals contact, tile surface units, areas
nearby the surface units or any intelJor
area of file ox.en; allow sufficient time for cooling first.
Pomntially hot surthces inch,de the cooktop, areas facing tile cookmp, oven x.ent opening, surlhces ,lear tile opening,
crevices around the oven door and metal
uim parts abox.e tile door
REMEMBER:Tile inside surface of rile o_.en may be hot when tile door is opened.
Cookmeatandpoultry thoroughly--meat to at leastan INTERNALtemperatureof 16O°Fandpoultry toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotects against
;;; Stand away fiom die range when opening
file ox>n door Hot air or steam which escapes can cause burns to hands, lace
and/or eyes.
_:;Do riot heat unopened tbod containers.
Piessure could build up and tile container
could burst, causing an injm> ;_?:':Kee I) file oven lent unobstructed. ;f; Kee I) file oxen fiee from grease buildup. _f?:';Place the oxen shelf in file desiled position
while tile oven is cool. If shelx>s must be handled when hot, do not let pot holder
contact tile heating elements.
_i_;Pulling out file shelf to tile smi>lock is a
comenience in lifting heaxy' foo&. It is also a plecaution against bums flom touching
hot surPaces of file door or oxen walls.
_i:,iWhen using cooking or ioasdng bags
in tile oven, tbllow tile manu/_cturer's directions.
;_;Do riot use the o\_n to &T newspapers.
If ox>rheamd, they can catch on fire.
q_{_;Do riot use the oven for a storage area.
Imms stored in an ox>n can ignim.
_; Do riot lem> paper products, cooking
umnsils or food in die oven when riot in nse.
_::After broiling, always rake file broiler pan
out of tile range and clean it. Leftover grease in tile broiler pan can catch on fire file next time yon use the pan.
;_i:,:Do riot use ahm_inum foil to line oven
1)otmms, except as suggesmd in this manual. Improper installation of
alun/inum foil may result in a risk of electric shock or fire.
;f; Do not clean file door gasket. Tile door
gasket is essential for a g_od seal. Care
should be taken riot to nil), damag_ or
mow tile gasket.
_:;Clean only parts lismd in this Owner's
_f;Do not use o\_n cleaners. No commercial
oxen cleaner or oven liner protective coating of any kind should be used in or
around any part of tile oven. Residue flom
oven cleaners will damag_ tile inside of
the oxen when file self-<'lean Q'cle is used.
;f; Before self-<leaning file oven, remove the
broiler pan, gTid and other cookwate.
_?{:_Be sure to wipe up excess spillage before
starting tile seltMeaning operation.
_fi:,:If tile self-cleaning mode malflmcfions,
turn tile oven off and disconnect file
power supply. Ha_> it serviced by a qualified mchnician.
Use proper pan size--select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit
heating element. The use of undersized cookware will expose a portion of the surface unit to direct
contact and may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of cookware to surface unit will also improve efficiency.
;fi:,:Nexer leme the surface units unattended
at high heat settings. Boiloxers cause smoking arm greasy spilloxers that may
catch on fire.
_{;_Do not use aluminum tbil to line the drip
pans or arr>vhere in tire oven except as described in this manual. Misuse could
resuh in a shock, fire hazard or damag.e to the rang.e.
_:_Be sm.e the drip pans arm fire vent duct
are not covered and are in place. Their absence during cooking could damag.e
rang.e parts arm wiring.
_ti;:Only certain types of glass, glassAeramic,
earthenware or other glazed corrtainers
at.e suitable for cookmp service; others
m W break because of the sudden chang.e in temperature.
_?:':To minimize the possibility of burns,
ignition of flammable mamrials arm
spillag.e, the handle of a corrtainer should
be turned toward rite center of tire rang.e without exmnding ox,er nearby sur/cace units.
;_i:,:Alwws turn rite surfitce units off"before
Ietllo\'ilrg cookware.
_f;Do not immerse or soak fire removable
surface units. Do not put them in a
dishwashen Do not seltMean rite surfitce units in rite oven.
;_i:,:Always heat/cat slowly, arm watch as it
;_i:,:Do not flame foods on tire cooktop. If you
do flame foods under the hood, turrr the
/cart orr,
_{::To ax_id dre possibility of a bum or
elecuic shock, always be certain fllat file corrtrols tbr all surfiwe units are at tire
OFFposition arm all coils are cool before attempting to lift or remoxe a unit.
;_i:,:Clean fire cooktop wiflt caution. If a wet
spong.e is used to wipe spills on a hot cooktop, be carefitl to m_id steam bums.
_:;Kee I) an eye on foods being flied at high
or medium high heat settings.
_{;:Foods for flTing should be as dr T as
possible. Frost on fiozen foods or moisture on flesh foods can cause hot/cat to bubble
up arm the sides of the pan.
;_;!Use little tat for effective shallow or deep
/catflTing. Filling the pan too flrll of/cat can cause spillox.ers when food is added.
;f; If a combination of oils or/cats will be used
in flTing, stir tog.ether befot.e heating, or as flits meh slowly.
_:;Use a deep/cat thetlnometer whenever
possible m pre_.ent o_.erheafing flit beyond the smoking point.
;_i:,:Carefltlly watch for spilloxers or overheating
of foods when flTing at hiOt or medium
high temperatures.
q?{:;Never ttT to move a pan of hot/cat,
especially a deep flit fryer h'ait until
rite lCatis cool.
;f; Do not allow water; other liquids or grease
to remain on the cooktop or the cormol panel.
Usingthe surface units.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
LO; H[ Push the knob in and turn in either
... , direction to the setting )ou want.
How to Set
At both OFFand HI the control clicks
into position. Y)m may hear slight
clickingSOtlnds (hlIJng cooking,
indicating the control is keeping the power level you set.
Be sure you turn the control knob to OFFwhen you finish cooking.
A stmfi_ce unit ON indicator light xfill
glow when ally sm'li_ce refit is on.
Surface Cookware tips
Use medimn- or hea\)'-weight cookware.
J_dtli//intllll cookware condtlcts heat filster
than other metals. Cast-iron and coated
cast-iI'on cookwai'e aI'e slow to _lbsoi-b
heat, but generally cook evenly at low to medium heat settings. Smel pans may
cook tmevenlv if not combined with
Not over l'.
other metals.
For best cooking results, pans should be flat on the bottom. Match the size of the
saucepan to the size of the surli_ce trait. The pan should not extend over the
edge ot the sm_hce trait more than 1".
Use only flat-bottomed woks.
Wok Cooking
Werecommendthat youuseonlya flat-bottomed
wok. Theyare availableat your localretail store.
Do not rise woks that have support tings. Use ot these D])es of woks, with
or without the ring in place, can be
d_l ngei'o//s.
Deep Fat Frying
Do not oxerfill cookware with fi_t that
may spill oxer when adding toed. Frost) toods bubble xigorousl,x.
Placing the ring over the stmfi_ce trait will cause a build-up of heat that will damage
the porcelain cooktop. Do not try to use such woks without the ring. You could be
seriously bm'ned if the wok tipped over:
X_atch food flTing at high temperatm'es. Keep range and hood clean fl'om grease.
Usingthe ovencontrols.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
OvenControl,Clockand TimerFeaturesandSettings
Press tiffs pad to select fl_e bake flmcdon. Press this pad to select the timer feature.
Press dfis pad to select d_e broil function.
Shows the time of (lm and the time set for the time_:
If "F--and a number or letter" flash in the displayand the ovencontrols/gna& this indicatesa function errorcode.
If youroven was set for a t/knedovenoperation when the power outage occurred,theclockand all programmed
functionsmustbe reset
ThetlYneofdaywill flashinthedisplaywhentherehas
Press this pad and then press the
INCREASE or DECREASEpads to set the amount of time you want your fi)od to
cook. The oven will shut offwhen the cooking time has run out.
Press this pad and the INCREASE or DECREASEpads to delay the starting of
your oven tlI) to 9 houI_ and 59 minutes.
Must be pressed to start any cooking or cleaning flmcfion.
Short taps to this pad _dll decrease the time or temperature by small amounts.
Press and hold the pad to decrease the time or teml)erature by larger amounts.
Short taps to this pad will increase the time or temperature by small amounts. Press
and hold the pad to increase the time or
teml)erature by larger amounts.
Press this pad to cancel ALL o'_en operations except the clock and fime_;
Press this pad to select the selfk'leaning
flmction. See the Using the self-cleaning
oven secdon.
Press this pad before setting the clock.
Special featuresofyourovencontrol
Yournew touch pad control has additional features that you may choose to use. The following are the features and
how you may activate them.
Thespecial feature modes can only be activated while the display is showing the time of day. They remain in the control's memory until the steps are repeated.
When the display shows your choice, press the STARTpad. Thespecial features will remain in memory after a power failure.
12-Hour Shut-Off
VViththisfeature,should you forget and leave the []
ovenon, thecontrol wi// automatically turn off the ovenafter 12hours dunw bak/#gfunctions or
after 3 hours duringa broil function.
I[ yOtl wish to [t/Yn OFFthis J[_ltllI'e, fl)llow
the steps below.
[] Press tile BAKE and BROILHI/LO []
pads at the stone time fin" 3 seconds
until the display shows SF
Press the DELAYSTART pad. The display will show 12 shdn (12-hour shutoff). Press the DELAYSTART
pad again and the display will show
no shdn (no shutoit).
Press the STARTpad to activate the no shutoff and lea_e the control
set in this special leatt/i'es illode.
Fahrenhe# or Celsius Temperature Selection
Yourovencontro//sset to use the Fahrenheit [] Press the BROIL HI/LO pad again.
temperatureselectionsbut youmay changethis Tile displa_ will show C (Celsitls). to use the Celsiusselections.
[] Press tile BAKE and BROILHI/LO [] Press the START pad.
pads at tile same time fin" 3 seconds
tmtil tile display shows SF.
[] Press tile BROIL HI/LO pad. Tile
displa) will show F (Fahrenheit).
/ I iii!ii!i
Control Lockout
Yourcontrolwill allowyoutolockoutthetouch
[] Press tile BAKE and BROIL HI/LO
pads at tile same time fin 3 seconds
tmtil tile displa) shows SF.
[] Press tile SELFCLEAN pad. Tile
displa) will show LOCOFF Press tile SELFCLEAN pad again.
Tile displa)will show LOCON. Press tile START pad to activate tile
control lockout featm'e and lea'_e tile control set in this special teatm'es
_,_]/en this ti_atm'e is on and tile touch
pads are pressed tile control will beep and tile display will show LOG.
NOTE: Thecontrol lockoutmode wi// not affect the CLOCKand KITCHENTIMERON/OFF
Special featuresofyourovencontrol.
Tonesat the Endof a Timed Cycle
At the end ofa tinnedcycle,3 short beepswill sound followed by one beepevery 6secondsuntil
the CLEAfl/OFFpadis presse_ Thiscontinual 6-secondbeepmay be canceled
To cancel the 6-second beep:
[] Press the BAKE and BROIL HI/tO
pads at the same time fb_ 3 seconds m_til the display shows SF.
12-Hour,2#-Hour or Clock Blackout
Yourcontrolis settousea 12-hourclock.
If)ou would preier to have a 24-horn" militnrv time clock or black out the clock
display, fi)llow the steps below.
[] Press the BAKE and BROILHI/LO
pads at the same time fi)r 3 seconds
tmtil the display shows SF
pad. The display shows CON BEEP
(condnual beep). Press the KITCHEN TIMER ON/OFF pad again. The
display shows BEEP. (This cancels the one beep every 6 seconds.)
[] Press the START pad.
Press the CLOCK pad once. The
display will show 12hr. If this is the choice you want, press the
STARTpad. Press the CLOCKpad again to
change u) the 24-hour military time clock. The display will show 24 hr.
If this is the choice you want, press the STARTpad.
Press the CLOCKpad again to black out the clock display. The display
will show OFF If this is the choice you want, press the START pad.
NOTE:If the clockis in the blackoutmode you will not beable to use the Delay Start function.
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