GE JMP31WC3WW, JMP31CL2CC, JMP31BL2BB, JMP28BD1CT Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ........ 2-_;
Operating IrL_uctions
Broiling, Broiling Guide ...... 13
Clo(k and Timer . ........... 14
Oven ................... 8-18
Self=Cl< aning ............ 17, 18
Sj?ecial Features ........... 9-i i
Surti_( e Units ................ 7
Thermostat ................. 16
Timed Baking and Roasting . . . 15
Control Pm_el and I_lobs ..... 19
Drip Pans .................. 22
tleating Elements ........... 21
Liti.Ott'Oven Door . ......... 20
Lifi-IJp (]ook_op ............. 22
Light ..................... 21
Painted Sut[_lces ............ 21
Porcelain Enamel Cook_op .... 19
Shelves .................... 20
Surthce [Joins ................. 22
"_2nl ...................... 19
Troubleshooting Tips . . "3 "_
, ,2.--Z'.)
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . . Ba(k Cover
Product Registration ...... 29, 30
Warra nty .................. 31
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model # Serial#
You cml find thrum on _ bd)el
behind the range door.
49-80467 07-07JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock, or to prevent proper_/ damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide
during the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a
ventilation fan or hood.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following,
_ Us_ this appliance only fbr its intended
[)tit [)OS( as described in tiffs Owner's
{_Be sur( your appliance is properly
it:smiled and grotmded by a qualified installer in accotxlance with the provided
insmllation instt u( tions.
{_Haw the insmll(r show you tll( location of"
ill,.: (ircuit btx:ak( r or fuse. Mark it tot eaEv
re_q'(:ll( (!,
_ Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of yolu- range unless it is spe(ifically recommended in tiffs mam*al. _MIother
s_lwicing shouM be t*fi.'rrcd tv)a qualified to( hni(ian.
{#_;Do not store flammal)le materials in an
OV(!II Of n(ar th( cooktop,
_ Bet}ore perfi)t ruing any service, disconnect
the range power supply at the househokl distribution panel by removing th( ti*se or swit( hing off the circuit brcakee
{_;I)o not leave children alon(_-children
shouM no_ be left alone or tmatmnded in an area where an appliance is in us(. Th( 3
shouM nev(r 1)( allowed Io si_ or stand on any part of the appliance.
_2Do not allow anyone t,:) climb, stand or
hang on the door or cooku)p. They couM
damage the i_t.ll_(! arid CatlS( severe
personal ilWty.
_ 7Ibach chikhcn not to play wifl_ the
controls or any oflmr part of the range.
_ CAUTION: hems of illtercst to chiMren
shoukt not be stot* d in cabinets abov( a _wngc>--children (limbing on th( rang-c
u) reach items could ])e seriously injured.
_ New'r wear loose-fitting or hanging
garments while using the applian( e. Be careflfl when rea(hing fbr it(ms stored over the range. Flammable material couM
be ignited if brought in contact with hot
sm'face units or heating elem( nts and may
(ause severe blllllS.
{_;Use only (1U pot hoMers--moist or damp
pot hoM(rs on hot sm-li_(es may r(suh in burns fl'OH'isteam. Do not let pot holders tou(h hot surts(( units or heating
elements, Do not use a towel or oth(r
bulky (lofl_ in pla(( of pot hoM( rs.
_gFor your satiq); never use your appliance
fbr wm ruing or heating tim room.
_gDo not let cooking grease or other
flammable materials accumulate in or
near the range.
{f;Never k aw! jals or calls of titt drippings
iil Ol 11( ai voltF l_tllge,
_gKeep the hood and grcase fihers clean
m maintain good w:nting and to avoid
grease fil*s.
{#;Do not use water on grease fir<s. N<xer
pick up a flaming [)all. Turn d_e controls
olE Smother a tlaming pan (m a surlace
unit 13 coveting the pan compl(mly
with a wdl-litting lkl, cookk sheet or flat troy. Use a muhi-l)urpose d U ch(mital
or f}.mm-type fire extinguishel: Flaming grease outside a pan can be put
out b7, <oveling it with baking soda ol,
if available, by using a multi-purpose dlx
dmmi(al or tbam-type fire _xfing-uishel: Flame in the oven can be smofllered /:ompl(tely by closing the oven door
and tm-ning the oven off or by using a nmhi-puH)os_ dt T / hemi/al or
fbanH?l)e fire extinguishel:
{f;Do not store or use combustible mat< rials,
gasoline or ofll(r flalnmable vapol_ and
Iktuids ill Ill<!vicinity ot tiffs or ally ofl_(r
_ _Mways keep dish towels, dish cloflls, [lot
hoMers and other linens a satb distan/e fi-omyour l-angc.
{f;Always ke(p wooden and plasd( ut_ nsils
and _anned tood a sal_ distance fl'om
VOUI" l_tllge,
_;_:Mways keep comlmstible wall coverings,
(urmins or drapes a safe distan( e h-onl
your range.
{#;Do not touch the surtime units, dlt!
heating demems or the interior surtime of th( oven. These smfi_ces may b( hot (hough to burn even flmugh th_ T are dark
ill ( olot: DulJng and alier use, do not
touch, or let cloflfing or other flammable materials contact, the surthce units, areas
nearby the sm-fi_ce units or ally im_ riot
area of the oven; allow sufl_k:i( nt time for
cooling first. Potentially hot surtsc(s include the
cooktop, areas ti,cing tim cooku)p, oven
v_nt op_ ning, surtimes n(ar tll_ opening,
cl*'xi(_ s around d_e oxen door and metal
lliIn [)aI1s above lhe dooF,
REMEMBER:The inside sullime of tile oven may be hot when the door is opened.
Cookmeat andpoultry thoroughly--meat to at least an INTERNALtemperatareof 160%andpoultry
toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°,£.Cookingto these temperatures"usuallyprotectsagaflTst
_;_Stand away flom the t_mgc wh(n opening
tile oven do(In Hot air or steam which escapes can cause butns to hands, ti_(e
and/or ey(s.
_;_Do not heat unopened tbod cotmdn(rs.
Pressure (ould build up and tlle (onminer ((mid burst, (ausing an il_jms:
_;gKeep tile oven vent unobstH_cted. {_;;Keep tim ow_n ti*e fixml gtvas( 1)uildup. {_;;Plate tilt` oven shelf ill file deshx:d posidon
whik the oven is cool. If'shelves must bt`
handled wh(n hot, do not let pot holder tonla( t the heating elements.
_;gPulling out the sh(lf to the stop-lot k is a
o.mvenit` rice in lifting heax) foods. It is also
a pre(aution agzfinst burns flx/nl touching
hot surfi_ct` s of the door or oven walls.
_ When using cooking or masting bags
in the oven, fbllow the ltlalltlf_lt` tIlrel"s directions.
{_ Do not use the oven to dlT l/t`_.'s[)a[)ers.
If ovt`rheat_ d, they can catvh on fire.
?_Do llO[ ltS_.' the ovetl It)t a stoIag-c arta.
hems stored in an oven can ignite.
_2 Do not leave paper products, cooking
umnsils tit-food ill the ovt`n when no_
ill fiSt..
{_Aft(r broiling, al_<_7,s take ally broik r [)all
out of th( tmlge and clean it. h't_over grease in a broiler pan can cat*:h on fire tile next tittle you us( the pan.
{_iI)o not use ahmfinum foil to line
ovetl bottottlS. Impropt` r installation
of ahmfimnn foil m W resuh in a risk of t`kcttic shock tit fire.
_;gDo not clean tile door gasket. "File door
gasket is essential fi.w a good seal. Care
should be token not to rob, damage or mov( the gasket.
{4_;Clean tml} parts lisIed in dfis Owner's
_;_ D() llOt rise ovetl t` l(atwIs. No t OltlIi]eYt` ia[
ovetl t;_ealleF or OVell liller pi_tective
coating of any kind should be used in or
around any part of tile oven. Residue ti-om
ox(n ( leaners will dan*age the inside of th( oven when tile selt:_ lean cy(le is used.
_2 Belore seltk:leaning tile oven, rt move
shin B silvermolored oven shelves (on some models) and all other cookware.
{_;Bt` sure to x,_,,ipt` tl[) t`X(ess spillage Ix tbre
starting the st`llLcleaning opetv, tion.
_2 If th( self:cleaning mode malflmctions,
tllill the oxen off and disconnect the power suppl}: ttave it se_Mced by a
qualified technician.
Use proper pan size--select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit heating element The use of undersized cookware will expose a portion of the surface unit to direct
contact and may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of co&ware to surface unit will
also improve efficiencg
_ZN(wer leave the surli_ce units unatt(nded
at high heat settings. Boilov(rs cause
smoking and greasy spillow_t_ that may catch on fire.
?_2Do not use ahmfinum foil to line the drip
pans or an?where in the oven, except as described in this matmal. Misuse could
rt sult in a shock, fire hazard or damage to tim range.
_2 Be sure the drip pans and the vent duct
arc not covered and art in plate. Th(ir absem e during cooking could damage
range pm-ts and wiring.
_4_;Only certain types of glass, glassA( mmic,
eartht mwm" or other glazed containers
arc suitable tot cooktop service; othe_
may break because of the suddt n change in temperature.
_2To minimize the possibilit T of burns,
ignition of flammable matt'rials and spillage, the handle of a (:ontainer should
bc turned to_s_td the (enter ofthe rangc
wilhout extending ov(r nearby Stltlilc( units.
_2 ;Mw, lys turn the surfi_ce units off l)et}.)rc
t-clllovillg cookwat-c,
_2 Do not imme_se or soak the remowd)le
surt_,ce unils. Do not put th(m in a dishwashen Do not stir:clean the surli,ce
units in the oven.
_2,M_ys heat fht slowl}; and watch as it
_2 Do not flame foods on the cooktop. Ifvou•
do flame foods under th( hood, tmn the
_111 Oil.
_ To avoid the possibility of a burn or
(l(c_lic shot k, always be certain that die o.'*ntlx)ls f(_t all surtace units art, at th(
OFFposition and all (oils are cool before
atmmpting to lift or t*:move a refit.
_2 Clean the cooktop with caution. If a wet
sponge is used to wipe spills on a hot cooktop, be careflfl to aw)id smam burHs.
_; Ktep an tT( on fi)ods being fli(d at high
or medium high heat settings.
_; Foods fi)r flying should b( as (hN as
possible. Frost on flozen fbods or moisture on fr(sh foods can cause hot fat Io bubble
up and over the sides of the pan.
{_;Us( little tat tor ettk:ctive shallow or deep
tilt fiTing. Filling tlle Dm too till ofti,t can
cause spillovers when tood is added.
_ ff a combination of oils or ihts will be used
in flying, stir together b( fi')te heating, or
as fats meh slowly
_2[ Jse a deep tia themlometer whenever
possible to pre_ent ov(flmating [i_t beyond th( smoking point.
{_;Ca_*_fillly watch [or spillov( _s or overheating
of foods whtn flying at high or medium
high t_mpemmr(s.
_ Ntxer ttT to move a pan of hot ti_t,
(specially a de(p t;_t fiT(l: Wait until
the tht is cool
{_;Do not allow wam_; odler liquids or grease
to remain on the cooktop or the control panel.
Usingthe surface units,
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
How to Set
Push the knob ill and turn ill either direction to the setting you _mt.
At botb OFFand HI tile control clicks
into lx_sition. You may hear slight
clickingsounds duling cooking,
indicating the control is ke(ping tile power level you set.
Be sure you turn the control knob ro OFFwben you finish cookfl?g
A surfhce unit ON indicator light will
glow when any stll-filce tlnit is oil.
Surface Cookware Tips
Is(' mediun> or hemy_wcight (ookware.
Aluminum cookware conducts heat thster
than other metals. Casl-iron and coated
cast-iFOll cook'¢,_tle are slow to absorb
beat, but generally cook evenly at low to medium heat settings. Steel palls may
cook unevenly if not (ombined with other metals.
Wok Cooking
wok 77}eyare.availableatyourlocalretailstore
I)o not use woks that have support rings. Ise of tbese types of woks, witb
or without tile ling in ])lace, call be
For best cooking resuhs, pans should be flat on the bottom. Match the siz( of the
saucepan to tile size of tile surfhce unit. "File pan should not extend over the
edgv ot tb( surfime unit more tbml 1".
Placing the ring over tile surfi_ce unit will cause a build-up of heat that will damage
tile l)ort elaill (o{)kt(:)[). Do llOt [IWto llSe
sucll woks without the ring. xZ:)ucould b( seriousl} burned if the wok tipped ovel;
Use only flat-bottomed woks
Deep Fat Fryhlg
I)o not ovcrfill cookwarc with flit that may spill over when adding R_o(I.FrosW
foo(Is bubble vigorousl?:
Watch fbod flying at high t(ml)emmrt, s.
Ke(p cange and hood clean from gr(ase.
Usingthe ovencontrols.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
I1 e)
OvenControlClockand timer FeaturesandSettings
F'ress this pad lO sele(t the bak( tim(lion.
Press this pad lo sele( t the broil fimclion.
Shows the tim( of (la? and th( time sel for 0
the limel:
If "F aodaoumberorletter"flashfi?thed_playandthe ovencontrolsignals,thisindicatesa functionerrorcode
If youroven was set for a thnedoven operation when dTe power outage occurred,the clockandall programmed functions most berese_
Thetimeof daywill flashb thedisplaywhendTerehas
Press Ihis pad and then press th( INCREASE or DECREASE pads Io s(t fl_(
al_lollllt O_ lilll( }'Otl "_all[ }'0111" _()(_l to
(ook. Tht ovtn will shin offwh_ n ill(
( )okillg tlll]( ltlll OtlL 7jr,4
Press this pad and the INCREASE or DECREASEpads to delay th( slatting ot
VOIIF ox, ell t/l ) tO 0 hoIll'S all(I 5(.) tllilltll(S.
F're_s lhis pad to select the limer tealure.
_[llSl l)e pFesse(I to Slal-t all V cookillg Ol-
cleaning function.
Short taps to this pad will decrease tile
time or telllp( l_lIIIl-( 1)}" small 3111o11111s.
Press and hoM the pad 1o d(( tease tile
[illl( _ O1" [_'lll])_'l_][lll'( 1)}" lal-ger amounts.
Short taps to this pad will incr(ase the time
O1" [t'llll)el'Hllll't l;,', small alllOtllltS. Press
and hold the pad to incr_ ase the time or
tClllpel_ltl/l'( by l?lrgel- AIIIOllIID,.
Press this pad to Calltel AU. ov(ll
OpelVlllOllS ( Xc(!pt Ihe do(k alld tilll( 1".
Press this pad to select the self:<leaning tunction. See tile Using the serf-cleaning
over S( C[iOII.
Press this pad/)( ['o1{s(tling the clock.
Special features ofyourovencontrol.
Yournew touch pad contro! has additional features that you may choose to use. Thefollowing are the features and
hew you may activate them.
Thespecial feature modes can only be activated while the display is showing the time of day They remain in the control's memory until the steps are repeated.
When the display shows your choice, press the STARTpad. The special features will remain in memory after a power failure.
12-Hour Shut-Off
.... J÷L0¸¸¸¸¸¸¸¸........
i i!!i!ii!i iiiiiiii!ii i
ovenon,thecontrolwillautoroaticallytamoff the ovenafter12hoursdaringbakiagfuactioasor
after3 hoof_daringa broilfunction
It you wish tt) mrn OFF this t_amr¢, fi>llov, the slq:,s b,.do,,,,.
[] Press the BAKEand BROILHIll.0
Fahrenheit or Celsius Temperature Selection
teroperatureselectionsbutyoumaychaago_1_ tousetheCelsiussobctions
[] Press the BAKEand BROILHIll.0
[] Press the BROILHI/LOi)ad. Th(
pads al the same t"n( f< - 3 s{(onds tmtil th( display sho_s SE
[:,adsal the sam,.: t"n( t'_"3 su. onds until th( display shov,s SE
display will show F (Fahr_ nhdt).
Press tht DELAYSTART pad. The
display will shov, 12shdn ( 12-hour shu',ofl). Prcss the DELAYSTART
F,ad again and the display ,,,,ill show noshdn (no shutof[).
Press th{ STARTpad to actixate th(
no shutoll and l(:a_+(the control
S{I ill this SF,:{ial f_ allll-eS ln(xl(.
[] Press thc BROILHI/LOpad ag'ain.
Th,.: disl)lay will sh,.,>_C (C(lsius).
[] Press tilt STARTpad.
Control Lockout
Yourcontrolwill allowyoutolockoutdretouch
I_ Press the BAKEand BROILHI/LO
pads at 1t1( sallle 1" 1( t " :_ S(X:OII(!%
until tim (lisping)"sh,.)wsSE
[] Press th{ SELFCLEANpad. The
display will show LOCOFF.. Press the SElf CLEANpad again.
The display will show LOCON.
[] Pressth_ STARTpad to a(ti',at_ th_
(Oll[l'ol lockou[ ]'1 attll( an(! l_l\(
thu ,.ontr,.4 set in this spc,.ial feamr,..s
When Ibis fbature is on and the lotlch
pads aT(' pressed tim control will [)eel;, and th_ diq)l_q will show LOC.
NOTE:Thecontrolloci<outmode will not afl_cttheCLOCKaMKITCHEA/TIMERON/OFF touchpads_
Tones at the End of a Timed Cycle
At theendof atimedcycle,3shortbeepswill soundfollowedbyonebeepevery6secondsuntil
"Ib ( ancel the 6-_econd be(p:
[] Press fll( BAKE and BROIt HI/LO
pads at ttl_ sameliln_ t) 3s((:)l(ls until the ,:lisF,lay sh,.)v,s SE
12-Hour,24-Hour or Clock Blackout
Yourcontrolis settousea 12-hourclock
]tyou would pref_!r to have a 24q/mr mililm'V lim_ clock or black out Ill(! clo(k
display, t'ollo_ th( sleps I)elo_.
[] Press tIl(! BAKEand BROILHI/LO
pads at the same time fbr 3 seconds
until the disl)lay shows SF..
[] Pr(ss th( CLOCKpad OllC(.The
display will show/2 hr. If this is
[h(_choic( "_Ol/ V_DII[ l)l'(_SS the
pad. "['h( display shows CONBEEP
(continu_ll bee[)). Prc_,',flw KITCHEN TIMERON/OFFpad _gain. The
di',pl_y show_, BEER(This _ml(cls tile on( be(p (v(l T 6 seconds.)
[] Press the STARTpad.
Press tile CLOCKpad again to changu to the 24-hour mililm-_ time
clock. The display will show 24 hr..
Ii this is tile choice 3ou want, press tile STARTpad.
Press tile CLOCKpad again to black out th( clock display. The display
will show OFF.[t this is the choice you want, pr(ss the STARTpad.
NOTE:If theclockisin theblackoutmodeyou willnot beable.tousetheDelayStartfancfioo
+ 22 hidden pages