GE JKS10BM1BB, JKS10BM2BB Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ........ 2-4
_e. COrn
Operating Instructions
Clock and Timer ............ 8
Control I,ockout ............ 8
Controls ................... 5
Oven ................... 6, 7
Sabbath Feature ......... 13, 14
Special Feaulres ......... 11, 12
Thermostat ............... 10
Timed Baking and Roasting .... 9
Care and Cleaning
Control Panel ............. l 8
I,ift=Off Oxen Door ......... 16
I,ight Bulb ................ 17
Packaging Tape ............ 15
Painted Surfaces ........... 18
Porcelain Oxen Interior . .... 15
Racks .................... 15
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ......... 24
Product Registration ..... 91,92
_'arranty ................. 93
]A%702 7" Si_<<fe Waft Ove_
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label on
the side trim or on the ti'ont of the oven behind the oven door.
49-80433 02-07 JR
For your safe_, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including
the following:
Use this appliance only for its intended puq)ose as described in this Owner's
Manual. Be sure your appliance is properly
installed and grounded by a qualified mchnician in accordance with tile
provided installation insuucfions. Do not atmmpt to repair or replace any
part of your oxen unless it is specifically recommended in this manual. All other
servicing should be referred to a qualified technician,
Before performing any service, disconnect d_e oxen power supply at the household distribnuon panel by removing the filse or switching off" the ci_vuit breaker:
Do not leaxe children alone--<hildren should not be left alone or unattended in
an area where an appliance is in use. They should nex>r be allowed to sit or stand on
any part of the appliance. Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or
hang on d_e door They could damag> the o_n, or cause se_re personal injm T.
Have the installer show you the location of the circuit breaker or fl_se. Mark it for
easy reference.
Be sure die oven is securely installed in a cabinet that is firmly attached to tile house structure. Never allow anyone to climb, sit, stand or hang on tile
oven door
Never leax> die oven door open when
you are not watching tile ox>n. Always kee I) combustible wall cox>lings,
curtains or drapes a safe distance flom
yo/lr o\_n.
Always kee I) dish rowels, dish clotils, pot
holders and otiler linens a sad distance
from your oxen.
Always kee I) wooden and plastic utensils
and canned food a safe distance away
from your oxen.
Teach children not to play with file controls or any oilier part of tile oxen.
Larg> scratches or impacts to glass doors can lead to broken or shatmred glass.
Do not store flammable mamiials in an oven.
CAUTION: Items of interest to
children should not be stored in cabinets aboxe an oxen; children climbing on tile
oxen to reach items could be seliousN iiIjured.
Nexei wear loose-fitting or hanging gaI_nents while using tile appliance. Be carefill when reaching for imms
stored in cabinets ox>r tile oven. Flammable mamrial could be ignited if
brought in contact witil hot sur/aaces or heating elements and may cause sexeie
Use only di T pot holders--moist or damp pot holders on hot surfaces n/ay
result in bums from smam. Do not let pot holders touch hot heating elements.
Do not use a towel or otiler bulky cloti/. For your safety, never use your appliance
for wanning or heating tile room. Do not let cooking gxease or otiler
flammable mamlials accumulate in
or Ileal tile o\_n.
Do not use water on grease fires. Nmer pick up a flaming pan. Turn tile
controls off'. Flame in tile ox>n can be smothered
completely by closing tile oven door and turning tile o_ii off or by using a multi- purpose dU chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher
Do not store or use coinbustib]e mamrials, gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in tile vicinity of tills or any otiler appliance.
Cookmeat andpoultrythoroughlg--meat toat leastan INTERNALtemperatureof 160Fandpoultry toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotects against
Do not touch die heaung elenlents or tile
intelqor sniP, tce of the ox.en. These surt_aces
m W be hot enough m bum even though
they are dark in colon Dmqng and after use, do not touch, or let clothing or other flammable materials contact any inmiJor
aI.ea of file ox.en; allow sufficient time fbr cooling first.
Potentially hot surfaces include ox.en x.ent opening:s, SUI'ICdcesnear tile opening:s,
crevices around die oven door, tile of tile window and metal trim parts abox.e
tile door
REMEMBER:The inside surthce of die ox.en may be hot when tile door is opened. place cooking utensils or any other items on the ox.en floon There is a heating element beneath tile ox.en floon Placing items on file oven floor m W cause file ox.en m ox.erheat, i.esulfing in damag.e m
file oven and risk of damag.e or fire m cabinets.
Stand away from die oven when opening
tile ox.en door Hot air or smam which escapes can cause bums to hands, fl_ce
and/or eyes.
Do not heat unopened food containers.
Pressure could build up and tile container
could burst, causing an iI_ni T.
Kee I) tile ox.en x.ent unobstructed.
Kee I) tile ox.en free from grease buildup.
Place dm oven rack in die desired posidon
while tile oven is cool. If racks must be
handled when hot, do not let pot holder
contact tile heating elements. When using cooking or roasdng bags in
tile ox.en, follow tile manut_acturer's
Pulling out the rack to the stop-lock is a
comenience in lifting heavv foods. It is also
a precaution against bums from touching hot surfaces of tile door or oxen walls.
Do not use tile ox.en to di T newspapers. If ox.erheamd, they can catch on fre.
Do not use the oven for a storag,e area.
Imms stored in an ox.en can ignim.
Do not leax.e paper products, cooking
umnsils or food in die oven when not
in use.
After broiling, always take any bioiler pan out of the ox.en and clean it. gi.ease in a broiler pan can catch fire
next dine you use tile pan.
Never leax.ejars or cans of t_t dlJppings in
or Ileal yo/li ox.en.
Clean only parts lismd in this Owner's
Do not use ahuninum foil to line oxen
1)ottoms, except as suggested in this manual. Improper installation of
ahm/inum foil may resuh in a risk
of electric shock or fire.
Usingthe ovencontrols, gecom
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Time Controls
® ®®
Temp Hour Min
tocklUnlock _old 3 Seconds
Delay Start Pad
o ake Pad 0
Press this pad to select the bake timction.
Shows tile time of day, oven temperature, whether the oven is in the bake or broil
mode and the times set fiw the timer or
atltOll/atic oven operations.
/f "F--and a number or letter" flash in the display
and the ovencontrol signals, this indicates a
functionerror code. Pressthe Clear/Off pad Allow the
ovento cool for onehour.Put the ovenback into operation. If the function errorcoderepeats,disconnectthe power to
the ovenand ca//for service.
Use along with Cooking Time pad to set the oxen to start and stop automaticall_ at a
time _()u set.
O Clock Pad
Press this pad before setting the clock.
o Kitchen Timer On/Off Pad
Press this pad to select the timer teatm'e.
o Clear/OffPad
Press this pad to cancel ALL oxen operations except the dock and time_:
ff your oven was set for a timed oven operationand a
power outage occurred, the clockand all programmed
functionsmust be reseL
The time of day will flash in the display when there
has been a power outage.
O StartPad
Must be pressed to start an) cooking fimction.
O Cooking Time Pad
Press this pad and then l)r_s the Hourand Min +or i pads to set the amount of time
w)u want w)ur food to cook. The oven will shut off automatically when the cooking
time has run out, unless the Cook and Hold teature was set.
o Hourand Min + and- Pads
Press these pads to set times up to 9 hom_
and 59 minutes--for example, the time of day on the clock the time_, tile stinting
and length of cooking time for timed bake.
Tomp + and- Pads
Press these pads to set the cooking
teillpei'att/i'e yo[I ]V}lIlt to rise.
o Oven Light On/Off Pad
Press this pad to turn the oxen light on
oi" ( )f]}_
o Broil Hi/Lo Pad
Press this pad to select the broil flmcfion.
Usingthe oven.
Toavoid possible bums, place the racks in the desired posifion before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin...
The oven has4 rack positions.
The racL_ have stoI)-locLs, so that when placed correctly on the supports, they will
stop before coming completely out, and will not tilt.
When pladng and removing cookware, pull the rack out to the bumi) on the
rack support.
To remove a rack, pull it toward you, tilt
the fl'ont end up and pull it out.
To replace, place the end of the rack (Stol>locks) on the support, tilt up the
ti'ont and push the rack in.
CAUTION:Neverplacecookingutensilsoranyother itemsontheovenfloorThereisa heatingelement
beneaththeovenfloorPlacingitemsontheovenfloor maycausetheovento overheat,resultingindamage
totheovenandriskofdamageorfire tocabinets.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
[] Press the Bake pad. ] Press the Temp 4-or - pads to set the
desired temperature.
[] Press the Start pad. [] Check food for (hmeness at
minimmn time on recipe. Cook hmger if necessm):
[] Press the Clear/Offpad when
cooking is complete.
NOTE."Acoolingfanmayautomaticallyturnon andoff tocoolinternalparts.Thisisnormal,and thefanmaycontinuetorunevenaftertheovenis
TypeofFood Rack Position
Frozenpies(oncookiesheet) BorC Angelfoodcake A Bundtorpoundcakes A Biscuits,muffins,brownies, BorC
cookies,cupcakes, layercakes,pies
Casseroles BorC
If baking fi:,m" cake layers at the same time,
i)lace two laye_ on rock A and two lave_
on rack C. Stagger pans on the rock so one
is not directly al)_we the other:
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preheat the oven if' the recipe calls for it.
To preheat, set the oven at the correct
temperatm'e. Preheating is necessm T for
good results when baking cakes, cookies, past_ T and 1)reads.
Forovenswithout a preheat indicatorhghtor tone,preheat 10minutes.
Aluminum Foil
Aluminum foil maybe usedto catcha spillover
Never entirely cover a rack with
aluminum foil. This will distm'b the heat
circulation and result in poor baking.
A smaller sheet of foil may be used to
catch a spilhwer by placing it on a lower rack several inches below the food.
Baking results Mll be better if baking
pans are centered in the oven as much as possible. Pans should not touch each
other or the walls of the oven. If you need to use two rac!<% stagger the pans so
one is not directly above the other; and leave approximately 1½" between pans, from the fl'ont, back and sides of the wall.
How to Set the Oven for Broiling
Close the dora: Always broil with the door
[] Press the BroilHi/Lopad once fi)r
Hi Broil.
[] Place the meat or fish on a broiler
grid in a broiler pan.
[] Follow suggested rack positions in
the BroilingGuide.
Closethefloo_Always broil with the door closed.
If your ovenISconnectedto 208 volts,rare steaks
maybe broiled bypreheatlhg thebroiler and positioning the oven rackoneposition higher
Broiling Guide
The size, weight, thickness, starting temperature and Food
your prefi_rence of doneness will afli_ct broiling Bacon times. This guide is based
on II/e_lt8 at refligerator
f The IL& l)@mCme_z¢oJAg)';_:ufllm, Beef Steaks
s(l_'s '?_'(m'/)_.,./is/Jo/m/m; /)ul)0u Raret
skouht l_zo_ tkal _:ooki_¢it to 0_d_' Medium 140°l:mea_zssomefi)odpoiso_li_N Well Done
S@ Food Book. }5)znKi¢_:ken(;td(h,.
IL_l).l t_,v. pz_le 1985.)
Well Done
Raret Medium Well Done
LoBroil LoBroil
Fish Fillets
HiBroil LoBroil
Ham Slices
Pork Chops
Well Done
Medium Well Done
Medium Well Done
Garlic Bread
Quantityand/ orThickness
1/2 lb. (about8thin slices)
1 lb.(4 patties) 1/2to 3/4" thick
1" thick 1to 1Z Ibs.
1Z" thick 2to 2VLIbs.
1whole 2to 2Z Ibs.,
split lengthwise Pieces
2-4 6to 8 oz.each each
1/4to I/2" thick
1" thick
2(1/2" thick) 2(1" thick)about 1 lb.
2(1" thick)about 10 to 12 oz.
2(1Vz"thick)about 1lb.
To change, to Lo Broil, press the
Broil Hi/Lopad again.
[] Press the Start pad,
[] _,_en broiling is finished, press the
First Side
Time (min,)
6 8
10 15 25
18_0 12 15
10 12
14 17
5 6
78 1_16 20 25
10 15
18 20
10 12
12 14
Arrangein single laye
Space evenly. Upto 8 patties take about the
same time.
Steakslessthan 1" thickcookthrough
beforebrowning.Pan fryingis recommendec
Reducetime about5 to 10 minutespersid(
for cut-@ chicken. Brusheachside with
meltedbutter.Broil skin-side-downfirst.
Cutthroughbackof shell.Spreadopen.
Brushwith melted butterbefore broiling
andafter half of broilingtime.
Handleandturnvery carefully.Brushwith
lemonbutterbefore andduring cooking,if
desired.Preheat broilerto increase
browning. increasetime5 to 10 minutesperside for
11//"thickor home- curedham.
Usingthe clock, timerandcontrollockout.
ToSet the Clock
The clock must be set to the correct time
of da)fin" the autonmfic oven tinting
tractions to work properly. The time of
Make sure flTeclock is set to the correct time of da_
day cannot be chanoed duYhlo timed
To Set the Timer
[] Press the Clock pad,
] Press the Hour and Mill ÷ or -
pads to set the time of day,
[] Press the Start pad.
Ttie t#ner is a mflTute t#ner onl_ Ttie timer does not control oven
operations. Ttie maximum setting on ttie timer is 9 hours and 59 mflTutes.
[] Press the Kitchell timer ell/Off pad.
] Press the Hour and Mill + or
- pads until the amotmt of time )ou want shows in the display.
If you make a mistake, press Kitchen timer On/Off and beoin
[] Press the Startpad.
After pressing the Start pad,SET disappears,
this tells you the tkne is counting down,although the displaydoesnot changeuntil one minute has
passed Secondswill notbe shown in thedisplay
until thelast minute is countl)_gdown.
To Reset the Timer
If the display is still shoMng the time remaining, you may change it by pressing
the Kitchen timer On/Off pad, then press the Hour and Mill ÷ or - pads until the
time you want api)ea_ in the display:
[] X_q_en the timer reaches ;00, the
control will beep 3 times fi)llowed
bv one beep e\'els' () seconds tllltil
the Kitchen timer On/Off pad is
The6 secondtonecanbecanceledby followl)_g
the steps inthe Special featuresof youroven controlsection under Tonesat the Endof a
timed Cycle.
If the remaining time is not in the display (clock, delay start or cooking time are in
the display), recall the remaining time by
pressing the Kitchen timer On/Off pad and
then pressing the Hour and Mill ÷ or -
pads to enter the new time vou want.
i i i
Hour l'4in
Lock/Unlock Hold 3 Seconds
ToCancel the Timer
Press the Kitchell timer On/Offpad twice.
Control Lockout
Yourcontrol wi// a/low you tolock out the touch
padsso theycannot beactivated whenpressed
To lock/unlock the controls:
] Press the Hour and Mill -pads at the
same time fin" 3 seconds until the display sho_vs LOCON.
[] To unlock the control, press the
Hour and Mill -pads at the same
time fin" 3 seconds until the display sh(>_vs LOCOFF.
%]_en this teatm'e is on and the touch
pads are pressed, the control will beep and the display will show LOC ON.
Thecontrol lockoutmode affectsall touch
pads.No touchpads wi// workwhen this
featureis activated Theadjustment will be retained in memory
after a power failure.
+ 16 hidden pages