Safety Instructions .......... 9-0
Operating Instruc_tions
Microwave Control Pane] .... ]O, ] ]
Microwave Oven Controls ..... 10-91
Lower Oven Control Panel .... 99, 23
Lower Oven Controls ........ 92-32
Lower Oven Thmmostat ........ 30
Self-Cleaning Lower Oven .... 31,39
Care and Cleaning
Broiler Pan and Grid ........... 36
Door . ...................... 34
Light Bulb ...................... 35
Microwax e Oxen .............. 33
Shehes ...................... 36
Troubleshooting Tips ...... 37-39
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... Back Co_er
Product Registration ........ 41-49
X4'arrantv .................... 43
JKP86"27" Double Wall Oven
6 6"
fl'PS _-37 Double W_dl ChJen,
The microwave oven in this
cooking center is I000 watts.
© ©
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model # Serial #
You can find them on a label inside
the upper oven on the lelt side.
164D4290P090-2 49-80132-2 02-03 JR
For your safety;,the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
Do not attempt to operate fills oxen with tim door open since open-door operation can result in hal_nflfl exposure to microwme energ?'. It is important not to
defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
Do not place any object between tile oxen flont face and tile door or allow soil or
cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing
Tile oxen should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly qualified service personnel.
Do not operam ti_e oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that tile oxen door close properly and tilat there is no damag_ to tile:
[] door (bent),
[] hing>s and latches (broken or
[] door seals and sealing surPaces.
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of California to
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances. The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide during
the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
WARNING Groundinglnstructions:
This appliance must be connected to a grounded, metallic, permanent wiring system, or an equipment gronnding
conductor should be run wiflt the circuit conductors attd connected
m rite eqnipment gronnding mrminal or lead on the appliance.
WARNING Toreduce the risk ofburns,
electric shock, fire, injuryto personsor exposure to excessive microwave energy:
Use dtis appliance only fox its intended use as described in this manual. Do not
use conosive chemicals or vapors in
this appliance. This cooking cenmr is specifically designed to heat or cook
food, and is not inmnded for laborato W or industrial use.
Be sure your appliance is properly
installed and grounded by a qualified
mchnician in accordance with the
provided Installation Instructions. Haxe the installer show you the location of
the cixvuit breaker or flxse. Mark it fox easy
This appliance should be serviced only
1)yqualified service personnel. Contact nearest authorized service tZacilitvfox
examination, repair or adjustment. Do not
repair or xeplace arty part of this appliance
unless specifically recommended in this mannal. All other servicing should be
referred m a qualified mchnician. Do not stoxe this appliance outdoors.
Do not use flxis product near water fox
example, in a wet basement, or near a
swimming pool. Befoxe performing arty seiMce, disconnect
rite cooking center power supply at rite household distribution panel by removing the flxse or switching off the cixvuit
Do not operate this appliance if it has a
damag>d cord or ping, if it is not working properly, or if it has been damag>d or
Do not leme children alone---<'hildren should not be left alone or unatmnded in
an area where appliance is in use. They should nex>r be allowed m sit or stand on
arty part of the appliance.
Be sure dm cooking center is securely
installed in a cabinet that is firmly attached
to fire house suucture. V(eight on the oxen
door could cause the ox>n to tip and
result in injuU. Never allow attyone m
climl), sit or hang on flxe ox>n door
Don't allow attyone m climb, stand or hang on the door They could damage
the cooking cenmr attd cause sex>xe
personal itljm>
Do not use water on grease fires. Never pick up a flaming pan. Smother flaming pan by covering pan completely with weft-fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat tray. Flaming grease outside a pan can be put out by covering with baking soda or, if ava#able, a multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-type
fire extinguisher.
children should not be stored in cabinets above an oven; children climhing oi1 the
oxen to reach imms could be seliously i,_nred.
Teach children not m pl W with rite controls or any other part of the
cooking center im_g> scratches or impacts to glass door
can lead m broken or shattered glass. _a:ear proper clothing. I,oose-fitdng or
hanging garments should nex>r be worn while using the appliance. Hammable
mamHal could be ignimd if brought in contact with hot heating elements and may cause sex>re burns.
Use only &Y pot holders--moist or damp pot holders on hot surthces may result in
httlXlS fronl steam. Do not let pot holders much hot heating elements. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth. Such cloths can
catch fire on a hot element.
Always kee I) dish towels, dishcloths, pot
holders and other linens a safe distance
fron/vo/ti oxen.
Always kee I) wooden spoons and plastic
utensils and canned food a safe distance
away f1oi1/vo/ty oxen.
Mways kee I) combustible wall coxetings,
curtains or drapes a safe distance flom
VO/tI" oxen.
Do not store flammable mamrial in an oxen or near the cooking cenmr
Do not cover or block any opening:s oi1 the appliance.
For your safe_', nex>r use your appliance
for wanning or heating the room. Do not leaxe paper products, cooking
umnsils or food in the ox>n when not
in use.
Do not store or use combustible mamtials, gvtsoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not let cooking grease or oflter flammable materials accumulam in or
neat the cooking cenmr
Do not much heating elements or inmHor surface of the oxen. These surfaces m W be hot enougit to burn even though they are dark in colon Dining and after use, do not much, or let clothing or other flammable mamtials contact any inmHor area of the ox>n; allow sufficient time tbr cooling first.
Potentially hot surthces include o\'en \>nt openings, surfaces near the openings, and
crevices around rite ox>n door
REMEMBER:The inside surface of the oxen may be hot when the door is opened.
Cookmeat andpoultry thoreughly--meat toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 160°Fandpoultry toat leastan INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotects against
Read and follow the specific "Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave Energy" section in this manual
Toreduce therisk of fire in the evencavity:
Do not oxercook food. Carefully attend appliance if paper, plastic or other
combustil)le materials are placed inside
rite oxen to thcilitam cooking. Remoxe wire twist-ties flom paper or
plastic containers 1)efote placing bag:s ix) oxen,
Do not use your microwave oven to dIT
Do not pop popcorn ill your microwaxe oxen unless ill a special microwave popcorn accessot T or unless you use popcorn labeled for use in microwave
Do not oxercook potatoes. They could dehydiam and catch fire, causing damage
to your oxen.
Do not operate rite oxen while empw to
axoid damage to file oxen and fl_e danger of fire. If 1)yaccident the oxen should run empty a minum or two, no harm is done.
Howexel; tiT m avoid operating the oxen empty at any dine----it saxes energy' and prolongs the life of the oxen.
Do not use file oven for storage puq)oses.
Do not leme paper products, cooking umnsils or food in the oven when not
ill rise.
If mamrials inside the oxen should ig_lim, kee I) oven door closed, turn oxen off,
and shut off power at file fltse or citvuit
1)reaker panel. If the door is opened, the fire may spread.
This microwaxe oxen is not approxed or
msmd for mat-ine use.
Some pioducts such as whole eggs and sealed containers for example, closed
jars will explode and should not be
heated ill this microwaxe oxen. Such use
of file microwaxe oven could result in
i jury.
Do not operate tile microwaxe oxen wifllont file turntable and support ill place.
_void heating 1)aby food ill glass jars, exen with tile lid off. Make sure all iIffant food
is thorouOfly cooked. Stir food m distribum tile heat exenl> Be carefltl m prexent scalding when warming formula or 1)reast milk. The container may feel cooler titan rite milk really is. Always rest
the milk 1)etbte feeding tile 1)aby.
Do not boil eggs ill a microwaxe oxen.
Ptessule will 1)uild up inside the egg yolk and will cause it to burst, possil)ly
resulting ill iojury. Foods wiflt unl)roken outer "skill" such
as potatoes, sausages, tomatoes, apples, egg yolks, chicken lixers and oilier giblets
should be pierced to allow steam to escape during cooking.
Don't defrost fiozen bexerages ill natTow-
necked bottles (especially carbonated bexerages). Exen if file container is opened, pressure can build up. This can c;mse the container to burst, possibly
resulting ill injm T. Hot foods and steam can cause bums.
Be carefitl when opening ai U containers of hot food, including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent possible injm T, direct steam away fiom
hands and l_ace.
As with any appliance, close snpervision is
necessat T when used 1)ychildren.
Make sure aft cookware used in your microwave oven is suitable for microwaving. Most glass casseroles, cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard cups, pottery or china dinnerware which does not have metallic trim or glaze with a metallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is labeled
"suitable for microwaving."
ffyou are not sure if a dish is microwave-
safe, nse fllis test: Place in fl_e oxen both the dish you are testing and a glass
measuling cup flled with ] cup ofwater_ set file measuring cup either in or next to tile dish. Microwave 35-45 seconds at higil.
If the dish heats, it should not be used for microwaving.
If tile dish remains cool and only tile
wamr in tile cup heats, then file dish is
If you use a meat them/ometer while
cooking, make sure it is safe for use in
microwax e o, ens.
Do not use recycled paper products. ReQ'cled paper towels, napkins and waxed paper can contain metal flecks which may cause arcing or ignite. Paper products containing nylon or nylon filaments
should be a,_ided, since flier may also ignite.
Some Stvrofoam trays (like fllose fllat meat is packaged on) ha, e a thin stlip of metal
embedded ill d_e bottom. When microwa, ed, the metal can bum file floor of the o, en or ignite a paper towel.
Not all plastic wrap is suitable for use in microwa, e o, ens. Check file package for
proper rise. Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic
wrap can be used to co, er dishes ill order
to retain moisture and prevent spattering. Be snle to ,ent plastic wrap so steam
call escape.
()\ei_ized food or oversized metal cookware should not be used in a microwave oven. Electrical shock or fire could occur.
_A]lile paper plates may be used for timed cooking and deflosting, do not use fllem
with Auto Sensor cooking. Use microwa,e-
safe plains or bowls for ieheating. Co, er
with plastic wrap.
Cookware m W become hot because of heat uanstbrred flom tim heated
food. Pot holders may be needed to handle tile cookware.
"Boilable" cooking pouches and tightly closed plastic bags should be slit, pierced or ,ented as diIected by package. If they are not, plastic could burst duling or immediately after cooking, possibly resnldng in injm T, Also, plastic storage containers should be at least partially unco, ered because fl_ey form a fight seal. When cooking wifl_ containers tightly co, ered with plastic wrap, remo, e coveting carefillly and direct steam
away flom hands and tZace.
Use tbil only as direcmd in this manual. TV dinners may be microwa, ed in foil trws less than 3/4" higt_; remo, e the top foil cover and rental fl_e tr W to file box. _4]len using foil in tile microwaxe o, en, keep file tbil at least 1 inch away from the
sides of file oven.
Plastic cool<ware - Plastic cool<ware
designed for microwaxe cooking is xerv useflfl, but should be used caIeflflly.
Exen microwaxe-safe plastic may not
be as tolerant of overcooking corrdifions
as are glass or ceramic materials and may soften or char if subjected to short periods of overcooking. In longer exposures to overcooking, tile food
arrd cool<ware could ignite.
Follow theseguidelines:
[] Use microwaxe-safe i)lastics only and
use them in StlJCt compliance with
tile cool<ware manuiCacturer's recommendations.
[] Do not microwme empty corrtainers. [] Do not permit children to use
plastic cookware without complete super\ ision.
If you see arcing press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct the problem.
Arcing is themicrowave term forsparks in the
oven.Arcing is causedby:
Metal or foil touching the side of tile oven. Foil not molded to food (ui)turned edges
act like arrmnnas).
Metal, such as twist-ties, I)oultIT pins or g_ld-fimmed dishes, ira tile microwm_.
Recycled paper towels corrtaining small metal pieces being used in file microwme.
Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble when they reach the boiling point.
They can actuafly get superheated and not bubble at all
Superheated liquid will btd)ble up out of the cup when it is moxwd or whe_ somethi_g like a spoon or tea bag is pt_t imo it.
To pre_ent this fiom happe_ing and ca, lsiirg iqim > do not heat m_y liqtfid fL_rmore than 2 minutes per crop.
After heating, let the cup stand in the
microwave fLn"3(} se(onds bef_ne movi_g it or putting anything into it.
Spontaneous boiling
Under certafi7special circumstances, liquids"
may start to boil during or shortly after removal
from #le microwave oven.
To prexent bums flom splashing liquid, we recommend the fL}lloxqng bef_ne removi_g
the c(mtainer from the oxeye:
Allow tile corrtainer to stand in tile oven for 30 to 40 seconds after tile oxen has shut oft:
Do not boil liquids in nalTow-necked
corrtainers such :as soft drink bottles, wine flasks arrd especially nanow-necked coffee
cups. Even if tile container is oi)ened, excessive smam can build up and cause it
to bur'st of O\>FflO_X_
Steam or xapor escaping from around tile dooI:
Light reflection around tile door oi tile outeF case.
Dimming of die oxen ligtlt and change ira tim 1)lower sound may occ/li while operating at power lexels othei than high.
Tile microwax_ fan m W operam with both ovens off. It is cooling die control and will
turn itself off.
Some TV-radio inmrference might be noticed while using youi microwa_> oven.
It's similar to the inmrference caused by other small app]iances and does not
indicate a problem with your oven.
A dull thumping SOtlIld while tile o\_n
is operating.
ArcingIsthemicrowavetermforsparkslbtheoven. Arcingiscausedby.
metal or foil touchingthe side of the oven.
foil that isnot molded tofood(upturnededgesact like antennas).
recycledpaper towels contalhlbgsmall metal pieces.
Coversholdinmoisture,allowformoreevenheatlbgand reducecooklbgtlYne.Ventlbgplasticwraporcoveringwith waxpaperallowsexcesssteamtoescape.
Ina regularoven,you shieldchickenbreasts orbaked foodsto preventoverbrowning. Whenmicrowaving, you usesmaflstrips of foil to shield thlbparts, suchas thetips of wlbgs and legsonpoultg which wouldcook before largerparts.
Whenyoucookwithregularovens,foodssuchasroasts orcakesareallowedtostandtofinishcookingorto seLStandingtlYneis especiallylYnportantlbmicrowave cooking.Notethatamicrowavedcakeisnotplacedon acoolingrack.
After coveringa dishwith plastic wrap, youvent the plastic wrap by turningbackonecornersoexcesssteam
can escape.
Donot use aluminum foil to line oven bottoms, except as suggested in this manual. Improper
installation of aluminum foil may result in a risk of electric shock or fire.
Stand away flora file oven when opening the ox.en door Hot air or smam which
escapes can cause bums to hands, fi_ce
and/or eyes. Do not heat unopened food containers.
Pressure could build up and the container
could burst, causing an ir)jm% Kee I) the ox.en x.ent unobstructed. Kee I) the ox.en free flora gxease buildup.
Kee I) the cooking cenmr clean and flee of accnmnlafions of grease or spillox.ers, which m W ignite. leax.e the oven door open when yon
ax.e not watching fire cooking cenmr
Place rite ox.en shelf in the desired position while the oven is cool. If
must be handled when hot, do not let pot
holder contact the heating elements.
When using cooking or roasting bags ira the ox.en, follow the mamdnacmrer's dit.ecdons.
Pulling ont the shelf to the stopqock is a com.enience ira lifting heax?' foods. It is
also a precandon against burns flom
touching hot surfiaces of Ore door or ox.en walls.
Do not use the oxen for a storage area. hems stored ira an oxen can ignite.
Do not leme paper products, cooking utensils or food in the oven when not
ira use.
Do not use the oven to dr T newspapers. If oxerheated, they can catch on fire.
Nexer lemejars or cans of t_atdiippings
ira or near VO/lr oven.
Clean only parts listed ira this Owner's Manual.
Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket is essential for a good seal. Care should be token not to rub, damag.e or move rite gasket.
Do not use ox.en cleaners. No commercial ox.en cleaner or oven liner promcfive
coating of any kind should be used ira or around any part of the ox.en. Residue fiom ox.en cleaners will damag.e the inside of the ox.en when the self-clean cycle is used.
Before self-cleaning tim ox.en, remox.e the probe, broiler pan, grid and other
Be sure to wipe up excess spillag.e before stardng a selt)leaning Q'cle.
If the self-cleaning mode malflmcfions, tnY/a the ox.en off and disconnect the
power supply. Hax.e it serviced by a qualified mchnician.
Lismn for a fim--a Pan noise should be heard sometime during the cleaning
cycle. If not, call for setMce before selt_leaning ag:dn.
Alter broiling, always rake the broiler pan out of the ox.en and clean it. i*_ftover gt.ease ira the broiler pan can catch rit.e
next time you use rite ox.en.
Usingthe microwave ovencontrols.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model. Your model may have one of the following controls.
0 0
Displms, tile time dining, cookim, flmctions, the power level being used,
tile Auto Codes, tile Auto Defrost t0od
weights, tile cooking mode and
NOTE"Thetime on themicrowave display is shown i))ml))utesand seconds(1:30is one
minute, 30 seconds).Onthe loweroven, time/s shown in hours andminutes (1.30is onehour,
30 mlbutes).
Tile top row of pads lists specific items VO/IIll,IV choose to heat or cook.
Use to pop polx-orn.
Use when foods need a quick warn/ up.
Use when cooking whole potatoes.
Use to heat a cup of coffee or other beverage.
Use to wam_ a wuJeP,' of snack loads.
Use to automatically set tile cooking
times and power levels fin" a wuietv of loads.
Use Time Defl'ost for most other loads.
Use Auto Defl'ost for nleat l)oultr_
and fish.
_dloxvs _Otl to II/i(I'O]V}l'_ e 1()I" }lIIV time I/I)
to 99 minutes and 59 seconds.
Press to choose tile power level you want to set. X&'atch the display while pressing
this pad to select the power level you want to set. _m will also see a deli'ost level. This
setting will allow vou to choose wmr own
deli'ost power level by using tile number
Number Pads
_Mter pressing a flmction pad, press tile
ntlIllbeI" pads to set tile exact aI//Otlnt of
time you want to cook. For example, if
pm press tile I, 2 and 5 pads, you have set 1 minute and 25 seconds.
Pressing tile CLEAR/OFFpad cancels all
i/lici'owa_,e cookixlg _'ilnctions. ]t does not
cancel tile I_dtchen Time_:
After all selections are inade, press this pad to start tile oxen. Tile STARTpad
IlltlSt be pressed to ttlI'n on }lily _'ilnction.
Press to set tile timer up to 99 minutes
and 59 seconds. Press tile nuinber pads to set tile time. Press tile KITCHEN TIMER
MIN/SEC pad again to start. Press the KITCHEN TIMER MIN/SEC pad twice to clear tile display.
Does not turnon microwaveenergy
_kdlows yo/1 to set tile II/i(ToWa'_e to
dela) cooking up to 12 hom_.
Each dine you press this pad tile set time is increased 3(1seconds.
Press this pad befi)re setting tile clock.
Changingthe microwave power level.
Thepower level may be entered or changed immediately after entering the feature time for -time Cook,
-time Defrost or Express Cook. Thepower level may also be changed during time countdown.
Tochange the power level...
[] Press the TIMECOOKpad or the
[] Enter cooking or deli'osting time. [] Press the POWER LEVEL pad.
[] Select desired power level 1-10.
[] Press the START pad.
Variablepower levels add flexl_ihty to microwave cooking.Thepower levelson themicrowave oven canbe comparedto thesurfaceunits onarange. Eachpower level gives youmicrowave energya certainpercent of thetime.
Power level 7 is microwave energy 70% ot the time.
Power level 3 is energy 30% of th e tim e.
Here are some examples ofuses for
various power levels:
High 10: Fish, bacon, vegetables,
boiling liquids.
Med-High 7: Gende cooking ot meat
and l)oult_y; baking casseroles and
rehearing. Medium & Slow cooking and
tenderizing for stews and less tender cuts ()t meat.
Low2or3". Defrosting; simmering;
delicate sauces.
WarmI: Keeping fi)()(l wam_; softening
Most cooking Mll be done on High
(powerleve110) which gives you 100%
powe_: Power level 10 will cook tipster but to(:,d Inav need in ore fl'equent
stirring, rotating or tm'ning over.
A lower setting will cook more evenly and need less stirring or rotating of the
too(l. Some t0o(ls may have better fla\'m;
textm'e or al)pearance if one (ff the lower
settings is used. Use a lower power level when cooking toods that have a tendency
to boil ove_; such as scalloped potatoes. Rest periods (when the microwave
energ)' cycles off) give time tot the toed to "equalize" or transfer heat to the inside
ot the food. An example ot this is shown
with power level,_-the defl'ost cycle.
If microwave ener_' did not cycle off; the outside (ff the t0od would cook
bet0re the inside _;_s defl'osted.
Usingthe timedmicrowave features. OEA..lia.cescom
Time CookI
i_i ii i i
ii iiii_ !ii;_ _
Allowsyouto microwaveforanytimeupto99 minutesand59seconds.
Power level 10 (High) is a utonmticall_ set, but )ou may change it fin" more flexibility.
[] Press tile TIMECOOKpad.
[] Enter cooking time. For example,
press I, 5, 0 and 0 fin" 15 minutes.
Change power level if you don't
want flfll powei: (Press tile POWER LEVELpad. Select a desired power
level 1-10.)
Time CookII
Letsyou changepower levelsautomatically duringcooking.Here# how todo iL
[] Press tile TIMECOOKpad.
[] Enter cooking time. [] Change power lexel if you don't
want fldl power: (Press'the POWER
LEVELpad. Select a desired power
level 1-10.)
[] Press tile TIME COOKpad again.
[] Press tile STARTpad.
Y))u may open tile door dm_ing Time
())ok to check tile food. Close tile door and press tile STARTp'ad to
I'eS/lIlle cookiilg.
] Enter tile second cook time.
[] Chan,,e._ tile power lexel if you don't
want fldl power: (Press tile POWER
LEVELpad. Select a desired power
lexel 1-10.)
[] Press tile STARTpad.
At tile end of Time Cook l, Time Cook 11
CO/liltS dowIl.
Thisis a quick way toset cookingtime for 1-6 minutes.
Press one of the EXPRESS COOK pads
(fl'om I to 6) for 1 to 6 minutes ot
cooking "atpower leve110. For example,
press tile 2 pad fin" 2 minums of
cooking time.
Add 30Seconds
It Mll add 3(t sec_mds to tile time co/mting down each dine tile pad is
pressed. It can be used as a quick way to set
30 seconds of cooking time. No need to press the START pad; the oven will
Tile power level can be changed as time is counting down. Press the POWER LEVEL
pad and enter 1-10.
Using the timed microwave features.
Cooking Guide For Time Cook. Use power level High (10) unless otherwise noted.
(freshspears) 1lb.
(frozenspears) l O-oz.package 5to 8rain. In1-qt.casserole.
(freshgreen) 1lb.cut inhalf 12to 17r'nin, hr11½-qt.casserole,place1/2 cupwater. (frozengreen) 1O-oz.package 6to 9rain. In1-qt.casserole,place2tablespoonswater. (frozenlima) l O-oz.package 6to 9min. In 1-qt.casserole,place1/4 cupwater.
,'fresh.whele_ 1 bunch 18to 25rnin. hr2-qt.casserole,place1/2 cupwater.
Broccofi (freshcut, 1bunch(11/4to 11AIbs.) 7 to 10r'nin, hr2-qt.casserole,place1/2cup water.
(freshspearsJ 1bunch(11/4to 11/zIbs.) 9 to 13rain. In2-qt.casserole,place1/4cupwater. (frozen.choppea, l O-oz.package 5to 8min. In 1-qt.casserole. (frozensonars l O-oz.package 5to 8min. In1-qt.casserole,place3tablespoonswater.
(fresh 1mediumhead(about2 Ibs.) 8to 11rain. hr11A-or 2-qt.casserole,place1/4 cupwater. fwenges/ 7to 10min. In 2- or3-qt.casserole,place1/4 cupwater.
(fresh.sliceay 1lb. 6to 9rnin. hr11A-qt.casserole,place1/4 cupwater. (frozen 1g-oz.package 5to 8 min. In1-qt.casserole,place2tablespoonswater.
(flowerets) 1mediumhead 9to 14r'nin, hr2-qt.casserole,place1/2cupwater.
fresh.whole, 1mediumhead 9to 17min. In 2-qt.casserole,place1/2 cupwater. (frozen) 1g-oz.package 5_Ato 8 rain. In1-qt.casserole,place2tablespoonswater.
,frozenkerneJ 1O-oz.package 4 to 8rnin. hr1-qt.casserole,place2tablespoonswater.
(fresh) 1to 3ears 3to 5rnin. hr2-qt.glassbakingdish, placecorn.If corn is in husk,
perear usenowater; if cornhas beenhusked,add1/4cup
Mixed vegetables (frozen) 1g-oz.package 4to 8min. In1-qt.casserole,place3tablespoonswater.
,fresh.shellee 2 Ibs.unshelled 9to 12rnin. hr1-qt.casserole,place1/4 cupwater. (frozen) 1g-oz.package 4to 8min. In1-qt.casserole,place2tablespoonswater.
(fresh.cubed wnite, 4potatoes(6to 8 oz.each) 11to 14rain. Peelandcut into 1-inchcubes.Placein2-qt. casserole
fresh.whole sweez 1 (6to 8oz.) 2 to 5 rain. Piercewith cookingfork.Placeinthe oven,1inchapart, or white) in circulararrangement.Letstand5 minutes.
(fresh) 10to 16oz. 5 to 8 rnin. hr2-qt.casserole,placewashedspinach. (frozen,choppedandleaf) 1O-oz.package 5 to 8 rain. In1-qt.casserole,place3 tablespoonswater.
(fresh,summeranflyellow) 1 lb. sliced 4to 7rnin. hr11A-qt.casserole,place1/4 cupwater. (winter,acornor buttemutt 1 squash 7to 11rain. Cutin halfandremovefibrousmembranes.In2-qt.
1ear 5to 7rain. Placein a roundglassbakingdish.Coverwith vented 2to 3ears 2to 4rain. plasticwrap. Rearrangeafterhalfof time.
(about1 lb. each) glassbakingdish,placesquashcut-side-down.
Time Comments
7to 10rnin. hr11A-qt.casserole,place1/4 cupwater. Med-High(7)
water.Rearrangeafter half oftime.
with 1/2 cupwater. Stir afterhalf of time.
Turncut-side-upafter4 minutes.
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