GE JKP67G User Manual

UseandCareof built-in
Features Microwave
AUTODEFROSTfeature Howtooperatethe
x .
Usethe Solver
YourDirect L toG E
The center
sure’ your %wenis
Nwill help youoperate and maintain your newCooking Center properly.
Keepit hardy for answersto your questions.
Ifyou don’t understand something or need more help, write: (include your phone number) Consumer Affairs General Electric Company Appliance Park Louisville, KY40225
It is important that we, the manuf­acturer, know the Iocaticmof your Cooking Center should a need occur for adjustments.
Yoursupplier is responsible for registering you as the owner.
Pleasecheck with your suppiier to besure he has done so; also send in your Consumer Product Owner-
ship Registration Card. If you move,
(24)!30 Not to operate this oven with the door open since open door operation can result in harmful exposure to microwave energy. It is important not to defeat or tamper with the safety interlocks.
or if you are not the original pur­chaser pleasewrite to us, stating
hi? and
model and serial numbers. This
appliancemustbe registered. Pleasebecerlainthatit is.
(b) Do No?Mace any object between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue
to accumulate on sealing surfaces.
You’llfind them on a label on the front of the lower oven behind the door.
These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership Registration Card that came with your Cooking Center. Before sending in this card, pleasewrite these numbers here:
Model No.
Serial No.
Write to: General Electric Company
Range Product Service Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225
H you received $3damaged
immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the Cooking
save mm and muxq$.
(c) Do Not Operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important that the oven door close properiy and that there is no damage to the:
(1) door (bent), (2) hinges and latches (broken or
(3) door sealsand sealing surfaces. ‘--:’.
id) Th@Oven No%be adjusted or repaired by anyone except properly qualified service personnel.
Beforeyourequed swwice,check
Usethese numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your Cooking Center.
theProblemSolveron page 35. It lists minor causesof operating problems that you can correct yourself.
@ Make sure all utensils used in
your microwave oven are labeled
“suitable for microwaving”. Check your Cookbook for specific test to determine “microwave-safe”
The panel displays five 8’s and 18 POWERon the upper portion and all of the oven functions on the lower portion. After 15seconds, all
lights disappear and “RESET” appears in the upper portion. Touch the CLEAR/OFF pad and oven is readyfor use and the clock can be set.
utensils. @ Papertowels, wax paper, and
plastic wrap can be used to cover dishes in order to retain moisture and prevent spattering.
@ Some microwaved foods require stirring, rotating, or rearranging. Check your Cookbook for specific instructions.
If power is disrupted at any time, the above sequence reoccurs, and you must resetCLOCK after touching CLEAR/OFF.
@ Some foods such as unshelled eggs and hot dogs must be pierced ~-=-
t. allow steam to escapeduring ~:~~~-’ cooking.
‘r’Microwaving Tips. . . . . ........2
~afety instructions . . . . . . . . . .~-~
$$~$$$iaturesof YourOven . ........6
>ouch Control Panel.. .........7
Automatic Cooking. . ........8,9
Questions and Answers .. ...10
RecipeGuide . . . . . . .......11
Main Dishes . . . . . .. ....12, 13
Vegetables . ...........14, 15
Fruits & Desserts. . ......16, 17
Automatic Cooking Chart. .. ...18
Automatic Roasting
&Chart . ..............19,20
Automatic Defrosting . . .......21
Manual Defrosting . . . . .......22
Time Cook . . . . . . . . . . .......23
TempCook/Hold . . . . . .......24
Minute/Second Timer . .......25
basic safety precautions sh
b follinclt
follo WARNIret r
o bureleshfi injt pero expt
excemicrene ~ LJseapplonf i
inteu a desci t
6 13eyoappli
propinsta gro b a qualtechi
accorwit pro
e Thapplmub c
nect a groumet permwirsyso a
Safety instructions . .........3-5
Features. . . . . . . . . . . . ........6
OvenControls ., . . . . . ........6
—Oven Light . . . . . . . . . . .......26
=ven Shelves . . . . . . . .......26
_-,;&;= Timer, Clock,
Automatic CWenTimer .. ....26
king . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......27
aking Chart . . . . . . . . .......28
Roasting . . . . . . . . . . . .......29
Broiling . . . . . . . . . . . . .......29
RoastingChart . . . . . . . .. .....30
BroilingChart.. . . . . . . .......31
Self-Clean Operation . . .......32
shob r wit cir condua connt t equigrout
mio leo t appl e Thapplshb s
vionb qualser
persoConnea authoserfacf examinreo adjus
Before Using Your
Cooking Center . . . . ........2
Energy-SavingTips . . . ........5
Modei&Seriai Number
Location . . . . . . . . . . ........6
CleaningChart . . . . . . .......33
CareofYour Cooking Center ...34
OvenVentDuct . . . . . . .......35
LampRepiacement. . . .......35
OvenThermostatAdjustment ..35
ThePrQb~emSo~ver. ......36,37
ifYouNeed Service . . . .......39
. . . ....Back
O T CIFBRE a D n coo bla
openo t appl e D n u outd e D n opethapp
if it is not working properly, or if it has been damaged
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63 Wear proper Loose
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@ Never LMey43ur for
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@ Do not store mate­rii t o
Keep hood arldl grease filters
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—!not cqxt o wh
emptytoavoid damage
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TO reduthrio fii th
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in Cookbook.
o meroa helw usa shi Coo
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DOUBLE DUTYTMshelf) at least f in~~ away from sides d oven.
63(looking utensils may
become Imt
transfrt hefo
handle the utensil. $9~Q~~~~~~~, t~~ ~Ve~ f~~~~
can I&xmme too hot to touch.
heating baby food i
defrost frozen
i nane
metal only as directed
Fosta u
metal (except for
beco h
m b net
cartout fl
dura afcoo
@Foods cooked in liquids -—
( a p mab ‘ o m
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e D n u a f
YOU a miunk?ss
thermometer i
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recf u i t mio
1 Re
probe from the oven when not using it
the temperature
t c w I y l
t p i t o w
ini i f o l a
t o mie i c
crela i t o a d o w
Boiling eggs is not recommended in a microwave oven.
Prc b u
ine y a m c i
t burei i
Foods with unbroken outer “skin”
s a p
— —
satca chl a o g a e y ( p cas b p t a s t e d co
utdef m coa v u b shb u caE mip m n b a
too ovc
a a g o c m a m s o c i s
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reco2 D n sue utt mic3 D n p cht u p u
-“$ “EkM3k#’ (xmking pcwc
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dosed pksk bags
‘~houb slipiero ven
direci CookbI th
notplascouburdur o immediaaftcooki possiresulti injuAls plaststorcontai
shoubeleaparti uncovebecathfoa tigseaWhcookwi containtighcovewi
plastwraremocover carefuandiresteaw frohananfac
s sponta~boiling— certaspec liquimastat boduro shortaftremofrth microwoveT prevbur
frosp!ashliqustth liqubriebeforemov
—Remove thshefrov
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—Dnostoo cowishe o floo oveProddam maresul
b hot
—Dnous browndio sheTh shecouoverheUso she witAutomaCookfeat i nurecommen
‘$>staaw‘ham thov
hot airm’ steamwhich esca
openingovdoor. Th
s Keep ovventdu
unobst @Keovfrfrgr
@plovrack indesired
posiwhovi coI ramub hanwh hod n l pothcon heauni t ov
@Pulo sht t sh
@U prp l a
recommended and DONOT OVERCOOK.
DO not operate the ovenwhile
@ empty.If byaccident the oven should run empty a minute or two, no harm is done. However,try to avoidoperating the ovenempty at all times—saves energy andalso ensuresgood long-term life of oven.
sti a convei lif hefooR i ala prec agabufrtouh surfo t
* When using cooking or
roasbai ovfot manufacdire
@D n u yoovt d newspI overt c cafi
@Do lrmt clean door gasket.
T dogasi essf a goseCashb tan t rudao mot gas
@Do ~~t ~~~ ~v~~ c~~~~e~~,
N commeovcleo ovliprotcoao a kishob usi o aroa pao t ov
@Clonpalii U a CaBo
rembrop a
@~i~t~~ f~~ fan—af noise
shob hesom durt clecyI nocaf serbe self-caga
dooror ovenwalls.
@Preheat the oven only when necessary.Most foodswill cook satisfactorily without preheating. Ifyou find preheating is necessary, keepan eyeon the indicator light, and putfood inthe oven promptly after the light goes out.
e Alwaysturn oven OFF before
e Don’t open the oven door any moreoften than necessary during baking. Ifyou do haveto open it, close it assoon aspossible.
a+Besure to wipe up excess spillage before self-cieaning operation.
@Cookcomplete ovenmeals insteadof just one food item. Potatoes,other vegetables, and
some desserts will cook together with a main-dish casserole, meat loaf, chicken or roast.Choose foods that cook at the same temperature in approximately the same time.
@Use residual heat in oven whenever possible to finish cooking casseroles, oven meals,
etc.Also, add roils or precooked desserts to warm oven, using residual heat to warm them.
!DOHandPut op
door. Door must be securely latched for oven to operate.
hlside ?300rLatches.
3. AHOWScooking to beviewed while keeping microwaves confined in oven.
4. Plastic An@nna Cover. Protects
the antenna which distributes
microwaveenergy into the oven.
oven vent.
Oven Floor.
Mlperam%?probe. ReceptacleforTemperature
Probe. IXXJEILE-ENJTYMshelf. Lets
youmicrowave severalfoods at once. Do not use shelf without plastic spacers in place as
shown. (SeeSafety Tips for special instructions.) When this shelf is not in use, please removefrom the oven.
Readout Display and Touch
Ammam cooking chart.
12. Quick reference fo~Codes for many frequently prepared
withMetal shield.
Mode! JKP67
OvenSet (Clean) IKnob.
(hen Tmp (Clean) Knob.
(Men Cycling Light.
Automaticoven Timer, Clock,
OvenTimer (Clean) EM!.
Latch ReleaseButton.
Modeland SerialNwnbers—
located at right side of lower oven frame.
shelf SLq3pcwt.
(Men Frame.
Door Gasketm
28. Dow Liner.
BroilerPanand Flack.
(Mm LightSwiMw4Xmrm
31. C?venVent.
Displays time of day, time or cooking functions, power level being used,cooking modeand instructions.
2. before entering another power level number if you want to
change from automatic Power Level 10 &iiGi-i) for cooking or Power Levei 3 (LOW) for defrosting.
START. After aii selections are made, touch this pad to start the oven. When touched, this
pad responds siower than the other pads.This is n’ormal.The deiayed response is designed to heip avoid accidental opera-
tion of the microwave oven.
CLEAR/OFF. When touched, it
4. shuts off the oven and erases aii settings (except time of day).
iWN/SEC TM4ER.This feature
usesno microwave energy. it functions aseither a kitchen timer, as a hoiding period after defrost or asa deiay timer before time or temperature
cooking. (See page 25.) CLOCK. Touch this pad to
enter time of day or check time of day whiie microwaving. To set ciock, first touch CLOCK pad and then enter time of day. Forexampie, if time is 1:30, touch number pads 1,3, and O and 1:30wi!i appear in dispiay.
“Start” wiii fiash on dispiay directing you to touch START
thus setting the ciock. To reset
or change time, simpiy repeat above process.
padsto enter cooking, defrost-
ing time, time of day, tempera­ture, Power Levei, Auto Codes or food weights for Auto Defrost,
AUTO COOK. Touch this pad andthen number pad for de­sired Code number, and oven automatically microwaves at Ore-programmedpower ieveis anddetermines the proper ~mount of cooking times urttii :hefood is done and oven shuts off, (Seepage 8.)
ILEVEL. Touch this pad
PADS.Touch these
@– 63$--
AUTO FKMWT.Insert Probe, touch this pad, and desired
number pad for Code to siow­cook or temperature cook meat with automatic preset program.
(Seepage 19.) AUTO IDEFROST.Touch this
pad, then Code number and food weight. The oven automat­ically sets Power Levelsand defrosting time. (See page 2!).
COOK. Microwave for a
preset amount of time using
automatic Power Levei 10
(or change power ieveiafter
entering cooking time. See page 23.)
MANUAL DEFROST. Gentie, generaily uniform thawing at automatic Power Levei3, (or change power ievel after entering defrosting time. See page 22.)
13. the temperature probe to cook by using a preset tempera­ture. Once oven reachespreset temperature, it switches to HOLD setting and maintains that temperature until you touch the CLEAR/OFF pad. (Seepage 24.)
MIN. Use with number pads
to enter whoie minutes. For exampie, for 4 minutes touch 4 and MIN.
& —
— —
— ~.-
— —
— ~.
— —.
—r —-
— — –-–—
c— . —— — ——
EE.?M6?--- — —. —
The AUTO COOK pad may be used
to eliminate your need to look up
cooking time in the Cookbook or guessing how long to set cooking
time. By actwaiiysensing the steam
andaromawhichescapeas food microwaves,thisfeatureautomati­callyadjusisthe oven’scooking timeto varioustypesand amounts offood.
After touching the AUTO COOK pad, desired Code number and
START,you will seethe word AUTO on the display, which indicates that the sensor has beenactivated to
sensesteam and aroma from the food. To prevent the escapeof
steam and aroma from the oven,
do not open the door while the word AUTO is on the display. If door is opened, ERRORappears. Close door and touch START
immediately, Setting 1, which is designed for
easy reheating of foods, automati­cally turns the oven off assoon as the sensor detects steamfrom the foods. Other Auto Cook control set-
tings, which are for fresh or frozen foods, need additional time after steam and aroma havebeensensed.
Forthese foods, the oven deter­mines the amount of additional time needed,then automatically switches
the ovento Time Cook for the neces­sary cooking time remaining. Oven beepswhen it switches the oven to Time Cook (AUTO on display is
replaced by numbers indicating
cooking time), and ovendoor can
Be careful of steam when removing tight covers.When you remove cover, direct the steam away from hands and face.
Be sure the outside of the cooking container and inside of microwave oven are dry.
A few foods needstirrring or
rotating after partial cooking. Check the “Automatic Cooking Guide” section on page 11.
Wesuggest covering foods that tend to spatter to keepthe interior of the oven clean. This also helps the food heat more evenly,
Note: use of the DOUBLE
DUTY” shelfwithAutomatic Cookingisnot recommended.
Usemicrowave-safe casserolesor
bowls for entrees and vegetables. Cover with lid to dish. Wax paper or loose plastic wrap can also be used.
Useoblong or square containers for chicken or corn on the cob. Cover
with wax paper or loose plastic to
rxevent s~atterina.
Follow control panel or Automatic Cooking Chart settings for casse­roles. Cover casserolemeat and vegetableswith sauce,Cool hot ingredients or sauces.If not, use TIME COOK.
Do not use paper plates with auto­matic cooking. Use microwave-safe
plates or bowls for reheating. Cover with plastic wrap or wax paper and tuck edges under dish (you can still
use paper plates with regular Time Cooking, Defrosting, etc.).
l%wzenEntreesin PaperboardTray:
Do not removefilm over tray; re­move tray from box. Thick entrees may need longer time. See chart on page 18.Frozen !J%mdin MetalTray: Removefoil, reinsert into box and
close ends.
- d How toUse
WS3= Choking
Placecovered food in oven. Touch AUTO COOK pad. “Enter Code” flashes on display.
ouch number pad for desired ode. Code 2 shows and “Start”
flashes on display. Touch START.
Beepsounds when steam is sensed and AIJTO is replaced by cook time. At this point, door may be opened to check foods if desired. Whendone, oven beepsand stops.
NOTE: Refer to Automatic Cooking Chart on oven when door is open and also on page 18of this book.
Cooking Codes & Preference Control
Automatic cooking codes 1through 9 aredesigned to give you easy automatic resultswith a number of foods.
Codes are arranged in lowest to highest amount of power. For example, Code 1 gives least micro-
wavecooking power, Code 2 gives more power than Code 1,Code 3 increasespower over Code 2 and
so on. Code 1, which hasthe least power,
is usedfor quick reheating jobs while the longer cooking foods like stew or chili use higher codes. A
Cooking Chart and recipes,starting on page 11give many tested uses for automatic cooking codes.
Another feature to give you more flexibility in Automatic Cooking is
the preference control, which can
be usedto “fine tune” the power
of Codes 2 through 9. By simply adding a 1 after a Code, you can set the oven to cook using 20°/0less time than the code would regularly deliver. Forexample, if Code 4 cooks your vegetablesmore done than you like them, set Code 41 next time and you will get 20°/0less cooking time.
Likewise, if you wish slightly more time than a code delivers, add a 9 after the Code. Forthe vegetables in the example above,Code 49 would provide 20°/0more time for cooking than would the regular Code 4.
Touch AUTO COOK Pad.“Enter Code” flashes on display,
-—. —
-—..... .
misi$%w. —. —. —–
—– —-
— ~
— —– —— —
— —
— —
—. ~—
—— —
Word AUTO shows on display,
indicating steam sensor is acti­vated. DO NOT OPEN DOOR. COOKING PERFORMANCE MAY BE AFFECTED.
Touch number pads4 and 1 in that order, Code 4 shows and “Start” flashes on disdav.
Touch START. AUTO shows on display. If you wish to check foods, open door after first oven signal. Close door and touch START.
Q. Why does my oven
cutoffafterWeAUTO cyclewhen
usingAutoCook C%ntm)iCode1
V#Wnitdoesnot!or otfwrsettings?
A. When using Code 1,there is no second phaseof minutes counting down. All the cooking is completed in the first phaseor AUK?.
c1.Hthe food cooked Code, what shouk! ! do?
A. Differences in recipes may result in different cooking times. Use Time Cook and Power Level 10for a few minutes until completion or re-cover and useAuto Cook Code 1 if more time is needed.
CL!30 ailfreshor frozenvegetables
requireastandingperiodafter cookingwithAuto Cook?
A. Most vegetablesare cooked to a
crisp state during Auto Cook, just as in regular microwaving. There­fore, it is recommended that you let the vegetablesstand for up to 5 minutes depending on size and
density of pieces.This standing time also enhances the overall flavor and appearance of most vegetab~es.
CLWhat if !don’tcoverthedishin
A. While cooking without the cover
does not affect sensor performance, we suggest covering dishes that may spatter to keep the oven clean. Covering aiso helps foods heat evenly.
afterwing the suggested
C?.Do the shapes and sizesof food makea differencewhenusingAuto cook’?
A=Yes,in some cases,larger pieces
will require additional Time Cook-
ing, Be sure to check suggested arrangement of pieces in the dish, sirme proper arrangement is often a successful tip in regular microwaving.
Q. Should i useAutoCook tocook
puddingorsauces? A. Most pudding and sauce recipes
require stirring many times during
cooking; therefore, Time Cook is
recommended since you should not
open the door during the AUTO phase of cooking without affecting end cooking results.
Ct.My scallopedpotatoeswerenot
completelycookedwhen 1removed the dishafterAutoCook.M/hatis
A. If you prepared the sauce in the
oven prior to combining the sauce with potatoes, there may have been too much remaining moisture in the
oven. Makesure you dry the oven completely before using Auto Cook since this function operatesproperly by sensing steam and aroma in the oven. Also starting Auto Cook with hot foods creates steam and aroma in the oven too soon, and decreases
the first sensing cycle. Q. Are there any otherfoodswhich
are bestTime Cooked, ratherthan
Auto Cooked? A. Bakery foods, candies, melted
chocolate or foods when a dry or crisp surface is desirable, are
cooked best by Time Cook.
Q. 00 freshor frozen vegdabks
requirewaterwhenusin~Auto cook?
A. Yes.Add water to the vegetables asrecommended on chart and cover
well for even, complete cooking,
CLWouldmy piasticcontainerswith verytightfittinglids13eappropriate forAutomaticCooking?
A. No, most types of plastic storage dishes, butter tubs, etc. with tight fitting lids are not recommended for microwaving. Also tight fitting lids may prevent adequate steam and
aroma from escaping and food may not cook properly during Automatic Cooking. -
Q. I triedto warmsomechow mein noodlesusingAutoCook. Why didn’tthiswork?
A. Food must havesome moisture in order to createsteam which helps the auto sensorfunction. Extremely dry foods such aschow mein noo­dles, potato chips and other such
foods do not haveenough moisture.
Q. Should1useAutoCook when 1 ~
am cookingmanyfoodsin more thanonedishor casserole?
A. No, becauseof different food
densities, attention neededduring cooking, and food amounts, it is ­bestto useTime Cook when cooking many foods,
--- Automatic Cooking Control is a _-, ti;ly-automatic electronic control
systemthat lets your microwave
vendo the cooking for you. The
harts and recipes in this section are designed to help you makethe most of this feature.
Standard cooking techniques require setting the oven for aspeci-
fied cooking time or a selected fin-
ishedtemperature, And that means
looking up recipes in acookbook. . . trying to convert old recipes for microwave cooking. . .or just resort­ing to guesswork. This control
method works on an entirely dif­ferent basis—with a special elec­tronic sensorthat detects steam and aromas from cooking food. The oven “knows” how the food is cooking; so it can automatically set
the correct cooking time and main­tain the proper power level for dif­ferent types and amounts of food. And it’s adjustable to suit your indi­vidual taste.
Simply touch two control pads— AUTO COOK and the desired Code number—and then START.A chart on the oven control panel givesa list of Codes for frequently pre­pared foods. The display shows
AUTO until steam is sensedand then signals, and displays time counting down. During AUTO, oven should notbe opened, but after oven signals, door may be opened
to check foods if desired. Check the Automatic Cooking Chart for suggestions.
Appropriate containers and cover­ings help assure good cooking results. Containers should match in
size to the size of the food being cooked. Coverings such as wax paper, the lid that came with the container, or microwave-safe plastic
domes are ideaL For examples of containers and coverings, see page 8 and the following recipes.
With Preference Control, you can adjust the Automatic Cooking Fea­ture to your individual taste by adding either “l” or “9’ after Code number. If aftertrying the suggested Code, you would prefer lesscooking
time, simply add the number “l” after the Code and the oven auto­matically lessensthe cooking time
by 20°/0.If you wish more cooking time, add “!3”after the Code to increasecooking time by 20°/0
Jkubmtic Roasting
Automatic Roasting usesthe tem­perature probe rather than the elec-
tronic sensorto cook meatsevenly to the desired degree of doneness. The oven continually monitors the food’s internal temperature. Unlike ordinary Temperature Cooking, the
oven changes power levelstwo or three times depending on the degree of doneness during cooking to give you the best results auto­matically. Meat is cooked evenly, without toughening because lower power levelsare used asthe meat
temperature rises thus cooking meats evenly while retaining the
natural juices. After cooking the oven switches automatically to Hold for an hour. Food stays warm without overcooking.
FoN Fkc
— —
E ­— —
— —.
-— —–
—– —
-– —
—— —-– —— —
— —.
—. -
A wide variety of foods including meats, fish, casse-
roles, vegetables, leftovers, and convenience foods
c~fi be Auto Cooked. Match container size with the
.- -“food, cover securely, and do not open door while
AAUTO appears on display.
Recipesand foods which must be cooked uncovered,
or which require constant attention, or adding ingre­dients during cooking should be microwaved by TIME COOK, For foods that microwave best using temperature probe, use TEMP COOK or AUTO ROAST, Foods requiring a dry or crisp surface after cooking cook best with TIME COOK,
— —
— —
- . —
— — —
~ —
the round or loaf microwave-safe containers. Fish loaves made with
precooked or canned fish useAuto Cook Code 4. Beef loaf usesAuto Cook Code 8. Cover with plastic wrap. Seethe chart on following page for recipes.
Chickenbreas$sand pieces, or
turkeypartsshould beplaced in a
9x13x 2-in. dish. Coverwith wax
paper.Ifcooking bagis usedfor wholechicken, shield breast bone with small strip of foil. Microwave
usingAuto CookCode 6.
Chuckmastsshould be placed in a cooking bag with %cup water and placed in microwave-safe dish. Cut bag to fit close to the sizeof the roast and tie open end securely.
Cut a I-IW’ slit nearthe tie. Use
AuCook Code 7.
Fish fi!lets, whole fish or seafood piecesshould be in single layer in flat pie plate or oblong dish to fit. Cover with plastic wrap or wax paper. UseAuto Cook Code 4 for
fillets and Auto Cook Code 2 for seafood pieces.
Spareribsandbrisketshould be automatically cooked in oblong glass container. Cover with plastic
wrap. Make sure liquid covers meat.
Microwave using Auto Cook Code 7,
To adapt your casserole recipesfor Automatic Cooking.
1.Select recipesthat do not require
adding ingredients at different stages during cooking or recipes that require extra attention, stirring
or rotating.
2. Use microwave-safe containers that are appropriate in sizeto the food amount. Use3 qt. containers or less.
3. For saucy casseroles,cover con­tainer with lid or wax paper. (No vents.) For cheeseor crumb-topped casseroles, remove cover after oven
signals and add topping, then con­tinue cooking uncovered.
4. Aliow precooked ingredients or hot saucesto cool slightly before
adding other ingredients,
5. Meats and vegetables should be
submerged in liquid.
F%rkchopsautomatically cook well in 8 x 12x 2-in. dish, Cover with plastic wrap. Add barbeque sauce
or other sauce on each chop. Micro­wave using Auto Cook Code 8.
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