GE JGP990WEL1WW, JGP990SEL1SS, JGP990BEL1BB Owner’s Manual
Safety Instruaions ..... 2-5
Operating Instructions
Accessories .............. 7
Controls .............. 8, 9
Cookware .............. 9
Electric Ignition ......... 8
Features ................ 6
Griddle ................ 14
Grill Module ......... 10-13
SurlXace Burner
Ventilation System ..... 6, 9
Care and Cleaning
Control l{a_obs and
Conuol Panel Seal ...... 15
Grease Jar ............. 15
Griddle Accesso,w ....... 17
Grill Burner. ........... 16
Grill Grate ............. 16
Ig_fiters ................ 17
Porcelain Burner Basin . . 17
Porcelain Cooktop ...... 15
Sealed Burner Module ... 17 Stainless Smel Surfi_ces ...15
Vent Grille and Filter .... 16
Ins_uc'_ions ......... 18-29
LP Conversion ...... 30-33
Tips ............... 34, 35
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ...... 40
.., /,38Product Registration 3_"
VV:mantv ............... 39
numbershere: Model # Serial #
Find these numbers on a label
under the cooktop.
49-80402 12-05JR
For your safe_, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
WARNING:If the information in this manual
is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury
or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
_:_'iDo not try to light any appliance. i_i:iDo not touch any electrical switch; do not use
any phone in your building.
i_i:iImmediately call your gas supplier from a
neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.
If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the
fire department.
-- Installation and service must be performed by
a qualified installer, service agency or the gas supplier.
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of California to publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
Gasappliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or LP fuels. Properly adjusted burners, indicated by abluish rather than a yellow flame, will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by venting with an open
window or using a ventilation fan orhood.
Have the installer show you the location of the cooktop gas shutoff valve and how to shut # off
ff necessary.
?_:Have your cooktop installed and properly ?_:
grounded by a qualified installex; in accordance with the Installation ]nstrt/cfions. Any iJi::
a(!jusm_ent and service should be perfimned only by qualified gas cooktop installers or
se_'ice technicians.
i_: Be sm'e yore" cooktop is correctly a(!justed by a
qualified se_'ice technician or installer for the tspe of gas (natural or I,P) which is to be used.
Yore" cooktop can be converted for rise with
either type of gas. See the Installation Instructions. Your model is factory a(!iusted for rise with natural gas.
::Ji::Do not attempt to repair or replace anv
part of your cooktop tmless it is specifically recommended in this manual. M1 other se_Mce
should be referred to a qualified technician.
::Ji::ix)cate tile cooktop out of kitchen traffic path
and out of drafty locations to prevent poor burner perfimnance.
_: Plug yore" cooktop into a 120-volt grounded
outlet only. Do not remove tile rotmd grotmding prong from the plug. If in
doubt about tile gro/mding of tile home electrical system, it is yore" personal responsibili b' and obligation to have an tmgro/mded outlet replaced with a properly grounded, three-prong outlet in accordance
with the National Electrical Code. Do not use an extension cord with this appliance.
::Ji::I,et tile burner grate and other surfl_ces cool
before touching them or leaving them where children can reach them.
::Ji::Do not allow anvone to climb, stand or hang
Be sm'e yore" cooktop is correctly a(!iusted by a qualified se_wi(e technician or installe_:
Do not leave children ahme or mmttended
where a cooktop is hot or in operation. They
could be seriously burned.
on tile cooktop.
should not be stored in cabinets above a cooktop----{'hildren climbing on tile cooktop
to reach items could be seriously iqim'ed.
Mwavs kee I) wooden and plastic utensils and canned food a sale distance away fl'om
yo/ir cooktop.
Mwavs kee I) combustible wall coverings,
cmtains or drapes a sate distance fl'om
yotlr cooktop.
Never wear loose-fitting or hanging gam_ents
while using the appliance. Be careflfl when
reaching t()r items st(wed in cabinets over the cooktop. Hammable material could be ignited
if brought in contact with flame or hot sm_hces
and Ill,IV ca/Ise severe blli'ns,
Teach children not to play with tile controls
or any other part of tile cooktop.
For your safety, never use your appliance for wamfing or heating tile room.
::Ji::Be sure all packaging materials are removed
fl'om tile cooktop before operating it m prevent fire or smoke damage should tile packaging material ignite.
Mwavs keep dish towels, dishcloths, pot holders and other linens a safe distance
from your cooktop. Do not store flammable materials near
a cooktop. Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flan/inable \;qxn_ aim liquids in tile vicinity of this or any other appliai_ce.
Do not let cooking grease or other flamlnable
IllateIJals _lCC/lI//tllate on oi" near tile cooktop.
Do not operate tile burner without all burner parts in place.
Do not clean the cooktop with flammable or w_latile cleaning fluids.
Do not clean the cooktop when the appliance is ill rise.
Avoid scratching tile cooktop with shaq) instruments, or with rings and otherjewehT:
Never use tile cooktop as a cutting board.
Do not use water on grease fires. Never pick up B. a flaming pan. Turn tile controls off. Smother
a flaming pan on a s/u'fhce burner by covering C. the pan completely with a well-fitting lkl,
cookie sheet or flat tray. Use a mulfipuq)ose dry chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher.
Flaming grease outside a pan can be put out by covering it with baking soda m; if awfilable,
by using a m ultipuq)ose dry chemical or E. foam-t},pe fire extinguishei:
A. Use this unit only in tile manner intended
A. Keep tim, filteI_ and grease-laden surtilces
Do not obstrtlct tile flow of COl//b/1stion and
x entilation aii:
i,eak tesfin,*,_ of appliance shall be conducted according to tile manufacturer's instructions.
WARNING:roredu etberiskoffire,
electrical shock, or injury to persons, observe the
by tile manufilcturei: If you have questions,
contact tile l//_lll/l[_lCttll'el:
B. Befi)re seiMcing or cleaning tile unit, switch
power off at service panel.
C. \4]/en cutting or drilling into wall or ceiling,
do not damage electrical wiring and other hidden utilities.
D. Ducted tiros must alwms be vented to
tile o/itdooi_.
E. To reduce tile risk of fire use only metal
grease fire:
Mways turn vent ON when cooking at
high heat. Use high settings on cooktop only when
necessary. Heat oil slowly on low to medium
Don't leave the cooktop unattended when
Mwax:s use cookware and utensils appropriate for tile _'pe and amount of food being
only. Do not use to exhaust hazardous or explosive
materials and vapors.
Cook meat and poultry thoroughly--meat to at least an INTERNAL temperature of 160°Fand poultry to at least an INTERNAL temperature of 18O°ECooking to these temperatures usually protects against
foodbome illness.
Use proper pan size--avoid pans that are unstable or easily tipped. Select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover burner grate. Toavoid spillovers, make sure cookware islarge enough to contain the food properly. This will both save cleaning time and prevent hazardous accumulations of food, since heavy spattering or spillovers left on cooktop can ignite. Usepans with handles that can be easily grasped and remain cool
_: Mwavs use tile £/TE position when igniting tile
top burne_ and nlake sure tile burnei_ have
::Ji::Never leave tile stli'l'ilce burne_ unattended at
high flame settings. Boilove_s cause slnoking
and greasy spillove_ that may catch on fire.
?_:Use only (h y pot holders--moist or damp pot
holders on hot stmfi_ces may result in btm_s fl'om
steam. Do not let pot holders come near open flames when lit_ng cookware. Do not use a towel
or other bulky cloth in I/lace ot a pot holder; Such cloths can catch fire on a hot bume_:
_: \,_]/en using glass cookware, make sure it is
designed tot cooktop cooking.
_: To minimize tile possibili_' ot bm'ns, ignition
of flammable materials and spillage, mrn cookware handles toward the side or cenmr
ot the cooktop without extending over
adjacent burne_.
::Ji::Always turn tile suYlilce burner controls off
befiwe removing cookware.
_: Careflflly watch roods being fl{ed at a high
flame setting.
_: Mwavs heat tilt slowly and watch as it heats. ::Ji::Do not leave any items on tile cooktop. Tile hot
air fl'om tile vent may ignite flammable items and will increase pressm'e in closed containe_,
which may cause them to built.
_: If a combination of oils or tilts will be used in
fl'ying, stir together befiwe heating or as lilts melt slowly.
::J_::Do not rise a wok on tile cooking s/IYI;l('e
if the wok has a rotmd metal ring that is placed
over tile burner grate to support tile wok. This ring acts as a heat trap, which may damage the
burner grate and burner head. Mso, it may
cause tile burner to work imi)roperl > This may cause a carbon monoxide level above that
allowed by current standards, resulting in a
health hazard.
::Ji::Foods fi,r flTing shouM be as d_y as possible.
Frost on frozen toods or moisture on fl'esh toods can cause hot tilt to bubble up and over
the sides ot the pan.
_: Use tile least possible amount of tilt tot effective
shallow or deep-tilt fl'ying. Filling the pan too fllll of flit can cause spillove_ when fi)od is
::Ji::Use a deep tilt them/ometer whenever
possible to prevent overheating tilt beyond tile smoking point.
_: Never t_w to move a pan of hot tilt, especially a
deep tilt flwet: Wait tmtil the lilt is cool.
::Ji::Do not flame toods on tile cooktop. If you do
flame toods under tile hood, turn tile tan on.
_: Do not leave plastic items on the cooktoI>--
tile}' may melt if leti too close to tile vent. N Kee I) all plastics away fl'oln tile SUll'ilce burnei_. _: If you smell gas, mrn off the gas to the cooktop
and call a qualified service technician. Never
use an open flame to locate a leak. ::_i::To avoid tile possibili_' of a bm'n, alwa):s be
certain that tile controls fi)r all burne_ are at
tile off position and all grates are cool beflwe
attempting to remove them. _: Never clean the cooktop sm'filce when it is hot.
SoIlle cleanelN l)roduce noxiotls ][ilIl/es and wet
cloths could cause steam burns if used on a hot
S tlI'J[iIce.
::_i::Never leavejms or cans of flit drippings on or
ne}lI" yl)/li" cooktop.
_: Do not use ahuninuln t0il under burner grate.
Misuse could result in a fire hazard or damage
to the cooktop. ::_i::Do not cover or block the area around the
cooktop knobs. This area must be kept clear tbr
proper ventilation and bm'ner i)e_fimnance. _: Clean only parts listed in this Owner's Manual.
Featuresof yourcooktop.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Feature Index
_) Grill Module (optionM)
O Vent (fan operates automatically when grill is in use)
Vent Filter (located below the vent grille)
Cast-Iron Burner Grate
Surface Burners
{_ Surface Burner Controls
Vent Control
Cooktopaccessories, gecom
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Grill Model JXGGgOL
Consists of a black grill grate and a grill burner.
Sealed Burner Module Models JXGBgOB(black), JXGBgOS(stainlesssteel) and JXGBgOW(white)
Tile grill assembly can be removed
and a sealed burner module
Griddle Model JXGLgOL
Can be used only with the grill
burner. Self-draining griddle makes many favorite foods easier
to fix. Family-sized surface lets you
cook several pancakes, hamburg>rs or grilled sandwiches at the
same time.
NOTE: Optional surface burner module (JXGB90) can replace the
grill assembly. Burners supplied
with cooktop and optional module
air shutters have been adjusted for compatibility on both sides.
Usingthegas surfaceburners.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
Electric Ignition
Push the control knob down and turn it to the LITEposition.
Your surtace burners are lit by electric
ignition, eliminating tile need fl)r standing pilots with constantly burning
In case era power outage, you can light
tile s[lri_l('e b/li'nei's on VO/lI" cooktop
with a match. Hold a lit match to tile
bm'ne_; then mrn tile control knob to tile high position. Use extreme caution
when lighting the burners this way.
How to Light a Gas Surface Burner
Push tile c(mtrol knob down and mrn it to tile LITEposifi(m.
Y)m will hear a little clicking noise--the sound of the electric spark igniting the
_Mier tile burner ignites, mrn tile knob
to adjust tile flame size.
Surthce burners in use when an electrical power fifilure occm5 will
contintle to operate norlllallv.
To mrn a burner off', mrn tile knob clockwise, as tin" as it will go, to the OFF posifi(m.
If tile flame is too low at tile setting, the
\:dve can be a(!iusted, l_.eti_r to Flamestoo
high or toolow at theLOWsetting in tile
Troubleshootingtips section.
How to Select Flame Size
Forsafehandling of cookware, neverlet the
flamesextendup thesides of the cookware.
_'atch tile flame, not tile knob, as y(m
reduce heat. Tile flame size on a gas burner should match tile cookware um
are using.
Any flame laxger than tile bottom of tile
cookware is wasted and only serves to heat the handle.
Before Lighting a Gas Burner
_: Make sure all grates on tile c()()ktop
are in place before using any bm'ne_;
_: Only surface burners may be used
on tile right side.
After Lighting a GasBurner
::Ji::Do not operate tile burner fin" an
extended period of time without cookware on tile grate. Tile finish
on tile gram may chip without c(_okware to absorb tile heat.
::Ji::Check to be sure tile burner vou turn
on is the one yell want to rise.
Be sure tile burnex_ and grates are cool before you place yore" hand,
a pot holder, cleaning cloths or
other materials on them.
::Ji::When t_Ting to simmer delicate
toods, use the right side of the unit fi)r best results, The LO setting on
the left side is hotter to accommodate the grill module, If wm find that the
LOsetting is too hot, you can a_!just
the wdve. See tile Troubleshooting Tips
::Ji::Do not allow large pans to extend
over tile control knobs. Heat trapped
between large pans and control
knobs c(mld cause possible damage to tile control knobs.
Wok This Way
Do not rise a I'lat-bottollled wok on a
support ring. Placing tile ring over tile
btlrner or grote I/lag Catlse tile btlrner to
work improped 5 resulting in carbon monoxide levels above allowable cmTent
standards. This could be dangerous to
your health.
Use a flat-bottomed wok.
Werecommendthat youusea flat-bottomed
wok,availableat yourlocal retail store.
(-)nlv a fiat-bottomed wok should be used. Do not use a fiat-bottomed wok with a
wok holder:
Uselargediametercookwareonrear burners.
Aluminum: Medium-weight cookware is
recommended because it heats quickly
and evenh'. Most fi)ods brown evenly in an ahnninunl skillet. Use saucepans
with tight fitting lids when cooking with IIlinilIltllIl alilOtlnts of wateI:
Enamelware:Under some conditions,
tile enai//el of SOille cookware ill}iV
melt. Follow cookware mamdactm'er's
recommendations fi)r cooking methods.
Glass: There are two t},pes (ff glass cookware: those for oven IlSe only
and those fi)r cooktop cooking
(saucepans, coffee and teapots).
Glass conducts heat ;'err slowly:
Usingthe downdraftventsystem.
Cast Iron: If heated slowly, n/ost skillets will give satisfi_ctox_' results.
HeatproofGlass-Ceramic: Can be used
tor either stlrfllce or oven cooking.
It (ondtl(ts heat very sh)wly and cools
ve_' slowly. Check cookware
nlanufilcturer's directions m be sure it can be used on a gas cooktop.
Stainless Steel'.This metal alone has poor heating properties and is usually
combined with coppe_; ahmfinum or other metals fi)r improved heat
distribution. Combination metal skillets usually work safisfi_ctorilv if thev are used
with medimn heat as tile manttfilcttlrer
How to Operate the Downdraft VentSystem
The built-in vent system helps remove
cooking vapors, odors and smoke from foods prepared on the cooktop.
To turn on tile vent tim, use tile vent
control switch on tile control panel. * Turn tile vent tim speed control
knob to HI, MED or tO as needed.
NOTE: Even if the switch is in the off position, the fan will operate
automatically when the grill burner is in use.
Continuous use of tile vent system
while cooking helps keel:) tile kitchen
comfl)rtable and less humid, reducing cooking odors and soiling moistme
that normally creates a fl'equent need flw cleaning.
The appearance of tile burner flames may be affected when tile vent tim is
operating. At high fhn speed setting, tile flame may be drawn toward the vent
opening, affecting cooking pe_fimnance.
Surfaceburnerandgrill modules.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Sealed Burner Module
ToInstall the Sealed Burner Module:
1. Make sure that all control knobs are set to OFF.
2. Clean tile cooktop basin to remove any grease accunnllafion. See tile Care
and Cleaning the Cooktop secdon.
24.With tile back of tile btlFneI" illodtlle
tilted up and tile two ro/md openings
and th tee pins ti_cing t()wa rd the front, inse_t tile module in tile cooktop basin.
ToRemove the Sealed Burner Module:
Make sm'e that all control knobs are set to OFFand that tile cooktop is cool.
i,ifl up tile edge of tile bm'ner module tmtil tile bottom of tile module clem_
tile edge of tile basin.
IMPORTANT. Do not lift the module too
high while it is still connected--you could damage the ignitor rods and mixer tubes.
4. Slide tile bm'ner module forward tmfil
5. I,ower tile back of tile module into
6. Place tile burner caps on tile burne_.
3. Hold tile module by tile sides and pull
4. Do not store or stack modules where
NOTE: Tile optional sealed b/m_er
moduleJXGB90 can replace tile grill burner assembly:
the pins start to engage the white
slotted receptacle,
place and carefiflly slide it fin'ward
tmtil tile pins are flflly engaged.
Careflflly place tile grate onto tile
module with tile two tabs on tile
trade,side toward tile center of tile cooktop.
it away fl'om tile slotted receptacle and brass orifices. Lift it ()tit of tile basin
when it is completely m_plugged.
they could edl or be dalnaged.
Grill Module
Thegrill consists of a black grill grate and the grill burner. Only install the grill on the left side
of your cooktop.
ToInstall the Grill Module:
Make sm'e that all control knobs are
set to OFF.
Position tile grill burner Mth tile two rotmd robes and three pins ti_cing
tile fl'ont.
Slide tile grill bm'ner fin'ward tmfil tile pins and ignito_s are engaged in tile
white slotted receptacle; then lower
tile burner tmtil it rests on tile
m otmting pins.
ToRemovethe GrillModule'.
Make sm'e that all control knobs are set to OFFand all grill components
are cool
Remo\e tile grill grate.
I,ifl tile grill burner up slightly and
pull it away flora tile white slotted
receptacle and brass orifices. Lift it out of the basin when it is completely
4. Careflllly place tile grill grate on tile cooktop. Tile grate is designed to fit
one way only. See tile illustration.
NOTE:Before using the grill for thefirst time, heatthegrill burnerto removetheprotective
shippingcoating.Heatthegrill burner on HI for 10minutesanduse the ventsystemto removeanyadditionalsmokeduringcooling.
4. Do not store or stack modules where tile)' could iidl or be damaged.
NOTE:Tile optional sealed burner
moduleJXGg90 can replace tile grill burner assembly.
Using the Grill
The vent fm_ will operate automatically when the grill
burner is in use.
gefi)re using the grill fl_r the first time, wash grill grate in hot soapy
water. Rinse and dry.
Precondition grate by brushing with vegetable oil or spraying with a non- stick coating such as Pare ®.Do this every time befl_re wm grill.
D)r easier clean-up, spray grate and bm'ner basin with a non-stick coating.
Use nmmletallic spatulas or utensils to prevent damaging the non-stick grill grate finish.
Preheat the grill on high tin" 5 to 10 minutes. Preheating improves tile flavor and appearance of meats and quickly sears the meat to help retain the juices.
F_xcessive amounts of fat should be trimmed from meats. Some tat is
necessary to produce the smoke needed tot that smoked "outdoor"
flavor. However; excessive tat can create cleaning and flare-up problems.
Allowing excessive amotmts of grease or drippings to constantly flanle wilds tile warranty on tile grill grate. Excessive flare-ups indicate that either the grill interior needs to be
cleaned, excessive }lIno/lnts of t;It aye
in tile meat or that tile meat was not properly trimmed.
Grease drippings will occasionally ignite to produce hamfless i)ufls of
flame tiw a second or two. This is a normal part of tile cooking process.
Never leave the grill unattended dm'ing operation.
Do not use aluminum foil inside the grill area.
Do not use charcoal or wood chips in
the grill area.
Do not aflow burner basin to become
overloaded with grease. Clean after each use.
Do not cover grate completely with
meat. Leave air space between each steak, etc., to allow proper ventilation as well as to prevent flare-ups.
Do not use cooking pots, pans, skillets,
etc., on the grill grate.
Should a Sustained Rare-Up Occur:
l. Use tile vent control to turn tile
t_lll on.
2. ]mmediatelv ttlrn tile grill control
knobs to tile OFFposition.
3. Remove tile meat fl'om tile grill.
Grilling Tips
" _'_]th your grill, any food wmk'e
considered "at its best" when prepared outdoo_ can now be
prepared indoors with less fllss and great flaw_r.
The tollowing suggestions are good _ules to follow and will increase vom"
enjoyment of the equil)ment. Be sure to tollow directions in this guide tot
using the grill.
Suggested cooking times and control settings are approximate due to w_riations in meats. Experience will quickly indicate cooking times as well as which settings work best.
For best results, buy top-grade meat. Meat that is at least 3/h-inch thick
will grill better than thinner cuts.
For the attractive "branded" look on steaks, be sm'e the grill is preheated.
Allow one side of the meat to cook to the desired aloneness, or tmtil the
juices appear on the top sm'tace,
before tm'ning. Tm'n steaks and hambmge_ just once. Moving the food ai'o/ind Catlses loss of juices.
* When basting meats or applying
sauces to foods, remember that
excessive alnounts wind up inside your grill and do not improve the food flaw_r. Apply sauces dttring the last 15 to 90 minutes of cooking time
mfless the recipe specifies otherwise.
Sugar-based marinade (Jm" example, barbecue sauce) will caramelize
on grill grate and will create a
cleaning chore.
* There am many meat marinades which
will hel I) tenderize less expensive cuts
of meat fi_r cooking on the grill.
" Certain fl_ods, such as poult_ T and
non-oily fish, may need solne extra tat. Brush with oil or melted butter
occasionally while grilling.
" Use tongs with long handles or
spatulas tot turning meats. Do not
use fin'ks because these pierce the meat, alh)wingjuices to be lost.
e To hel I) retain meat juices, salt after
turning meat or after cooking is
" Score the fiat on the edges of steaks
but do not cut into the meat to prevent cmqing while cooking.
+ 28 hidden pages