GE JGP989TK2WW, JGP989TK1WW, JGP989KK2CC, JGP989KK1CC, JGP989BK2BB Owner’s Manual

0 0
Safety Instructions .... 2-7
Operating Instructions
Downdraft Vent System . .l 0
Features .............. 8
(;as Surface Burners ..... 9
Using Your Cooktop .... 10
Care and Cleaning
Burner Assemblies ..... l l
Vent Grille ............ 12
Control Knobs ........ 13
Glass Surface ....... 13, 14
Vent Filter . ........... 12
Installation Instructions
Ductwork ....... 19-22, 27
Connections .... 23, 28, 29
Final Assembly ........ 30
the Cooktop ....... 25-28
Installing the Gasket .... 24
Power Supply ......... 23
Preparation ........ 17-19
Safety Precautions ...... 15
the Cooktop ....... 16, 24
Tips .............. 31,32
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ..... 36
Registration ........ 33, 34
_4'arranty ............. 35
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label under the cooktop, on the side
of the vent chamber:
49-80388 12-05JR
For your safe_, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
WARNING:If the information in this manual
is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury
or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
_:_'iDo not try to light any appliance. i_i:iDo not touch any electrical switch; do not use
any phone in your building.
i_i:iImmediately call your gas supplier from a
neighbor's phone. Follow the gas supplier's instructions.
@ If you cannot reach your gas supplier, call the
fire department.
-- Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer, service agency or the gas
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of California to publish alist of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
Gasappliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or LP fuels. Properly adjusted burners, indicated by a bluish rather than a yellow flame, will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by venting with an open
window or using a ventilation fan orhood.
Have the installer show you the location of the cooktop gas shut-off valve and how to shut # off
ff necessary.
_]_;;Hm_ your cooktop installed and ploperly
grounded by a qualified installe_; in accordance with the Installation
Instructions. Any adjusnnent and service should be performed only by qualified gas cooktop installers or service technicians.
i_:i::Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of your cooktop unless it is specifically recommended in this manual. All other
service should be ret_xTed m a qualified mchnician.
_?:,:i,ocam fire cooktop out of kitchen traffic
pafll arrd out of drafty locations to prex_nt poor burner perfox_nance.
_?i::Plug your cooktop irrto a 190_\olt
gTounded outlet only. Do not remove the round grounding prong flom tire plug. If ira doubt about the grounding of the home elecuical sysmm, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to have an ungrounded outlet replaced with a properly gaounded, three-prong outlet in
accordance with the National Elecuical Code. Do not use an exmnsion cord with
this appliance.
;_?:':let the burner grams and other surlaaces
cool betbxe touching them or leaving them where children can reach flxem.
_fi:,:Be sure all packaging materials are
remoxed flom tire cooktop betbre operating it to prevent fire or smoke damag> should the packaging material ignite.
_i;;Be sure your cooktop is conecdy adjusted
by a qualified service mchnician or installer fox the wpe of gas (natural or I,P) which is to be used. Your cooktop can be corrxerted fox use with either type of gas.
See tire Installation Instructions in the I,P Corrx>rsion Kit.
WARNING: xesea ,xs,rrre,r,sre.s,
be made by a qualified service technician in accordance with the manut_acturer's
irrstructions arrd all codes arrd requirements of the authority having
jurisdiction. Failure to tbllow these
insuucfions could xesult in serious inju U or property damage. The qualified agency perforating this work assumes responsibility fox the corwersion.
;_?:':Do not leave children alone or unattended
whexe a cooktop is hot or in operation. They could be seriously burned.
;_?:':Do not allow arryone to climb, stand or
hang on the cooktop.
_;:Do not operam or clean your cooktop if
the glass is broken or cracked. Cleaning solutions arrd spilloxers could peneuam the broken cookmp and cream a risk of
electxic shock. (;all fox service immediately if the cookmp glass b_eaks or cracks.
_ CAUtiON: Items of interest to
children should not be stored ill cabinets aboxe a cooktop--<hildren climbing on tile
cooktop to reach items could be seriously iIOnied.
E:,IAlways kee I) wooden and plastic utensils
and canned food a safe distance away flom
your cooktop.
E:,:Always kee I) combustible wall coxerings,
cnrtains or drapes a safe distance flom
your cooktop.
_::Never wear loose-fitting or hanging
gam_ents while nsing file appliance. Be careflfl when reaching tbr items stoied
ill cabinets ox>r the cookmp. Flammable mamrial could be ignimd if brought in
contact with flame or hot surPaces and
nlaV cause severe bnrlls.
E:,:Teach children not to play with tile controls
or any other part of the cooktop.
_]{_For your safety, nmer use your appliance
tbr warming or heating tile room.
_: Always kee I) dish towels, dishcloths, pot
holders and other linens a safe distance
flom yonr cooktop.
_{_Do not store flamn/able materials near
a cooktop.
_{_:Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in rile vicinity of this or any oilier
_{_Do not let cooking grease or other
flammable materials accumulate on or near tile cooktop.
_{_Do not operate tile bunler without all
burner parts in place.
_{_Do not place hot cookware on tile glass
cooktop. This could cause glass to break.
_{_Do not clean tile cooktop with flammable
or xolatile cleaning fluids.
_{_Do not clean tile cooktop when tile
appliance is ill use.
_{_A\oid scratching tile cooktop wid_ shaq)
instrmnents, or with rings and otherje_h y.
'_!{?Nexer use tile cooktop as a cutting board. _7_:Do not use wamr on grease fires. Never
pick up a flaming pan. Turn file conuols off'. Smother a flaming pan on a surface burner by co_fing the pan complemly with
a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or fiat tra> Use a multi-puq)ose di T chemical or
foam-type file extinguisher Flaming grease outside a pan call be put
out by covering it wifll baking soda oi, if
available, by nsing a muhi-pull)ose dU
chemical or foam-type fire extinguisher
WARNING:-rereduce the risk of fire,
electrical shock, or injury to persons, observe the following:
A. Use tiffs unit only in die manner intended
by die manuflmmrer If you have qnesfions,
contact tile manufltcmre_:
B. Be%re servicing or cleaning dm unit,
switch power off at service panel.
C. When cutting or drilling into wall or
ceiling do not damage electrical wiring
and other hidden utilities.
D. Ducted fans must always be xented to
tile outdoors.
E. To reduce tile risk of fire, use only metal
E Do not flame foods on the cooktop. If you
do flame foods under tile hood, mrn tile
iqan on,
cooktop grease fire:
A. Kee I) l%l, fihers and greaseqaden surfaces
B. Always [/lIrl \>nt ON when cooking at
high heat.
C. Use high setting:s on cooktop only when
necessary. Heat oil slowly on low to
medium setting.
D. Don't leave the cooktop unattended
when cooking.
E. Always use cookware and utensils
appropriate for tile type and amount
of food being plepaIed.
CAUTION:Forgeneral ventilating use
only. Do not use to exhaust hazardous or explosive materials and vapors.
Use care when touching the glass cooktop surface. The glass surface of the cooktop will retain heat
after the controls have been turned off.
_{::Avoid sciatching tile glass cooktop surface.
Tile glass sn,fitce call be scratched with items such as shal 1) instFuments, iings or
othei]eweli T and lix>ts on clothing.
_fi:.:i,arge scratches oF impacts m glass
cookmps can lead to bioken oi shatmied
_{:_Do not operam tile cookmp if file glass is
broken. Spilloxel_s or cleaning solution m W penetram a b*oken cookmp and create a
iisk of elecuical shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately should your glass
cookmp surface become b,oken.
_i:.:Nexei use the glass cookmp surfi_ce as a
cutting boaFd.
_i:.:Do ,lot place or store items that can melt
oF catch fiie on tile glass cookmp smface, even when it is not being used.
_i:.:Be caiefld when placing spoons or otheF
stifling utensils on glass cooktop surPace
when it is in use. Tiley m W become hot
and could cause l)urns.
_{:_Clean tile cooktop smfitce with caution.
If a wet spong> oF cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot su,iCace, be caFefld m ax_id
smam bnFrls. Some cleaners can produce noxious fllmes if applied to a hot smface.
NOTE: _A'eiecommend that you a_id
wiping any sm_face aieas until they hme cooled and file indicamF light has g_ne off: SugaF spills ate tile exception m this.
Please see gleaning the glass cooktop
surface sect.ion.
_{::When file cooktop is cool, use only
CERAMA BRYTE c'oCeramic Cooktop CleaneF and tile CERAMA BRYTE '_>
Cleaning Pad to clean tile cooktop.
_i:.:To ax_id possible damage to tile cooking
sm_face, do *lot apply cleaning cFeam to tile glass surface when it is hot.
_i:.:AfteF cleaning, use a dU cloth oF papeF
towel to iemoxe all cleaning cFeam iesidue.
_i:.:Read and follow all insuucdons and
warnings on tile cleaning cream labels.
Use proper pan size--a void pans that are unstable or easily tipped. Select cookware having flat
bottoms large enough to cover burner grates. To avoid spillovers, make sure cookware is large
enough to contain the food properly. This will both save cleaning time and prevent hazardous accumulations of food, since heavy spattering or spillovers left on cooktop can ignite. Use pans with handles that can be easily grasped and remain cool.
_f;Always use file LITE position when igniting
the top burners and make sure file burners haw ignited.
J; Nexer leax_ file surface burners unatmnded
at high flame setfing:s. Boiloxers cause smoking and g_easy spilloxers fllat may
catch on file.
_{:_Use only dU pot holders--moist or damp
pot holders on hot surl_aces may Iesult in burlls flom smam. Do not let pot holders come near open flames when lifting
cookware. Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth in place of a pot holden Such
cloths can catch file on a hot bumen
;_:iiWhen using glass cookware, make sure
it is designed for cookmp cooking.
_{:_To minimize the possibility of buYlls,
ignition of flammable mamrials and
spillage, tUI'll cookwaIe handles reward the side or cenmr of the cooktop without
exmnding oxer adjacent burners.
_{:_Alwws turn the surl_ace burner conuols off"
before iemoving cookware.
J; Carefllllv watch foods being flied at a high
flame setting. J; Alwws heat l_atslowly and watch as it heats. J; Do not leave any imms on file cooktop.
Tile hot air from the \_nt m W ignite.
flammable items and will increase pressure
in closed containers, which m W cause
them to burst.
J; If a combination of oils or fats will be used
in flTing, sfis tog>ther before heating or as
fats meh slowly.
J; Do not use a wok oi1 die cooking surface
if file wok has a round metal ring that is placed ox>r file burner grate, to support file wok. This ring acts as a heat trap, which m W damag> the burner grate and burner head. Also, it m W cause the burner to work improperly. This may cause a carbon monoxide le\el abo_> that allowed by cmwent standards, resulting in a hea]th
J; Foods for flTing should be as dry as
possible. Frost oi1 flozen foods or moisun_e on flesh foods can cause hot l_atto bubble
/lI) and oxer the sides of the pan.
_:f_':Use file least possible amount of fat for
eflectixe shallow or deep-fat flTing. Filling the pan too fllll of tht can cause spillo_>rs
when food is added.
_?{:_Use a deep l_at themlonmmr whenever
possible to pre_>nt oveflleafing fi_t beyond the smoking point.
_?{:_Nex>r uT to move a pan of hot fat,
especially a deep fi_triTer VVaittmfil the fi_t is cool.
_?{:_Do not flame tbods oi1 the cooktop. If you
do flame foods under the hood, turn file
_tI1 O11.
Adjustthe bumerflame s_e so #does notextendbeyondthe edge ofthe cookware. Excessiveflame
_]_:_Do not ]eme plastic items on the cooktoI>--
they may melt if left too close to file \ent.
;_i:,:Keep all plastics away from tile sur/aace
_{:_If you smell gws, ttlI'/l Off tile gas to tile
cookmp and call a qualified service
mchnician. Nexer use all open flame to
locam a leak.
;;; To ax_id the possibility of a burrl, always be
certain that tile controls for all bulilers are
at the off"position and all grams are cool
before atmmpting to remoxe them.
_?{:_Nexer clean tile cookmp stli/_tce when it is
hot. Some cleaners produce noxious flmles and wet cloflls could cause smam btlFfls if
used on a hot surPace.
_t;:_Ne_er ]emejars or cans of/_t drippings
on or near your cooktop.
;_i:,:Do not use aluminum foil under btn-/ler
gxams. Misuse could iesu]t ill a file hazard or damage to tile cooktop.
;_i:,:Do not coxes or block the area around
file cooktop knobs. This area must be kept clear for proper xenfilafion and burner performance.
_:_Clean only parts listed ill this Owner's
Cookmeat andpoultry thoroughly--meat to atleast an INTERNALtemperatureof 160°Fandpoultrytoat least
an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainstfoodbomei#ness.
CONVERTINGTOLPGAS(or converting back to natural gas from LP)
This cooktop leaves the factory set for use with natural gas.
If you want to com_rt to LP gas, die comersion must be perforated by a qualified LP gas insta]lei:
Tile conversion instructions, conversion sticker and LP olJfices call be found attached to tile cooktop next to tile pressure regulator.
Tilere is a second set of instructions included ill tile eme]ope containing tile product wiring diagrams on tile side of tile cooktop. Keep these instructions and tile olifices in case you want to comert back to natural gas.
Featuresof yourcooktop.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
t (
Feature Index onpage
O Vent Grille 12
Vent Filter (located under the vent grille) 12
Simmer Spillproof Burner 9, 11
Spillproof Burners 9, 11
0 High Power Spillproof Burner 9, 11
O Vent Control 10
O Surface Burner Controls 9
0 Glass Cooktop Surface 13, 14
Cast-Iron Burner Grates 12
_) Vent Grille Gasket 12, 13, 14
Usingthe gas surfaceburners, gecom
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
How to Lighta Gas Surface Burner
Push the control knob down and mrn it to tile LITE position.
You will hear a little clicking noise>--the
sound of the electric spark igniting the
Turn tile knob to a(!iust tile flame size. If the knob stms at LITE,it will continue
to click.
Push the control knob down and turn it to the LITE position.
Sealed GasBurners
When one burner is tttnmd to LITE, all the burners spark. Do not attempt to
disassemble or clean arotmd anv btm_er
while another bm'ner is on. An electric shock may result, which could cause you
to knock over hot cookware.
Tile smaller bm'ner (right rear position) will give the best simmer results, It offers
predse cooking pe_mmance fi)r delicate fi)ods, such as sauces or toods which need
to cook over low heat tot a long time. It can be turned down to a ve_' low
simm er setting.
How to Select Flame Size
Forsafehandlingof cookware,neverlet theflames extendupthesidesof theco&ware,
_'atch tile flame, not tile knob, as you
reduce heat. The flame size on a gas
burner should match tile cookware vou are using.
In Case of Power Failure
In case of a power fililm'e, you can light tile gas S/li'iilce b/llllei's on VO/lI"cooktop
with a match. Hold a lit match to tile bume_; then push in and mrn tile control
knob to tile LITEposition. Use extreme caution when lighting bm'ne_s this wa>
Tile other burners are higher powered and will bring liquids to a boil quicker,
especially with the use of a lid.
An) flame larger than tile bottom of tile
cookware is wasted and only seYt es to heat tile handle.
Stwthce burners in use when an electrical power tililm'e occms will continue to
operate mmnallv:
Before Lighting a Gas Burner
iJi::Make sm'e all grates on tile cooktop
are in place befiwe usin,,._ any, burne_:
After Lighting a Gas Burner
::Ji::Do not operate tile burner for an
extended period of time without cookware on the grate. The finish on tile grate may chip without
cookware to absorb tile heat.
::Ji::Be sure the burners and grates are
cool befiwe you place yore" hand,
a pot holder; cleaning cloths or
other materials on them.
Wok This Way
Werecommendthatyouusea flat-bottomed wok,availableatyourlocalretailstore.
Use a flat-bottomed wok.
Only a flat-botton/ed wok should be tlsed, Do not use a flat-bottonled wok with a
wok holdei:
Do not rise a I']at-bottoilled wok on a
support ring. Placing tile ring over tile burner or grate nlay cause tile burner to
work inlproperly, resulting ill carbon
n/onoxide levels above allowable current standards. This could be dangerous to
your health.
Aluminum:Mediunl-weight cookware is
reconln/ended because it heats quickly and evenly. Most foods brown evenly ill
an ahuninunl skillet. Use saucepans with tight fitting lids when cooking with
lIlinilIltllIl alIlOtlnts ofwatei:
Enamelware: Under sonle conditions,
tile enaiilel o_f SOIIle cookware n/av
nlelt. Follow cookware iilanH[ilctHi'ei"s
reconln/endations fi)r cooking nlethods.
Glass: There are two t,ipes of glass
cookware: those fi)r oven tlse only and those fi)r cooktop cooking
(saucepans, coffee and tea pots).
Glass conducts heat veI_' slowly.
Stove TopGrills
Do not rise stoxe top grills on VOtll"
sealed gas burners. If you use tile stoxe
top grill on the sealed gas burner it will
catlse incoillplete coi//btlstion and C[lll
Cast#on:If heated slowly, n/ost
skillets will give satisfi_ctorv results.
HeatproofGlass-Ceramic:Can be used
fi)r either sui_fi_ce or ()\'el1 cooking. It conducts heat veI T slowly and cools
very slowlx: Check cookware
inantdi_cturer's directions to be sure it
C_lll be/Ised on _1 g_ls cooktop.
Stainless Steel'. This n/etal alone has poor heating properties and is usually
conlbined with coppeI; ahnninunl or other nletals fi)r inlproved heat
disti_Jbufion. (_onlbinafion nletal skillets usually work satisfactorily if they are used
with n/ediun/ heat as the n/anuthcturer
result ill exposure to carbon n/onoxide levels above allowable current
standards. This can be hazardous to your health.
How to Operate theDowndraft VentSystem
Thebuilt-in ventsystem helps remove cooking vapors, odors and smokefrom
foods prepared onthe cooktop.
Turn tile vent fan speed control knob to HI,MED or LO,as needed.
(_ontinuous use of tile vent system
while cooking helps keep tile kitchen
conltortable and less humid, reducing cooking odors and soiling n/oisture
that norn/allv creates a fl'equent need fl)r cleaning.
Tile appearance of tile burner flanles nlav be afl'ected when the vent tan is
operating. At high tan speed setting, the flanle nlav be drawn toward the
vent opening, afl'ecting cooking
pe l't() lIIl _1nce,
Careand cleaningof thecooktop,
Be sure electrical power is off and all surfaces are cool before cleaning any part of the cooktop.
Sealed Burner Assemblies
era I
@Burner cap
Q Burnerhead
_, CAUTION:Do not operate the
burner without all burner parts in
Turn all controls OFF befiwe removing
tile burner parts.
Tile burner grates, caps and burner
heads can be lifted off, making them
easy to clean.
Burner Caps and Heads
NOTE:Beforeremoving theburnercaps
andheads,remembertheir sizeand location.
Replacethem inthe same locationafter cleaning.Theburnerheads andburnerbases
are labeledA, Band C toaid reassemb/g
_ Electrode
When one burner is turned to LifE, all tile burnexs spark. Do not
attempt to disassemble or clean around any burner while another
bm'ner is on. An electric shock may result, which could cause you
to knock over hot cookware.
After Cleaning
Before putting tile bm'ner caps and heads back, shake out excess water and
then (hw them thoroughly b v setting in }1%;111/10Vell _'or .'40 Illilltltes.
After cleaning make sure the notch in the burner head is
positioned toward the electrode.
Rotatethe burner head around the burner base until it is level and
securely seated.
Lift off when cool. X.%shburner caps
in hot, soapy water and rinse with clean
water: You may scour with a plastic
scom'ing pad to remove bm'ned-on food particles.
Theslits lb theburnerheadsofyourcooktop mustbekeptdeanat a//timesforaneven, unhamperedflame.
_4m should clean tile smti_ce burners
routinely, especially after bad spilh)ve_,
which could clog these openings. Lift off when cool.
To remove bm'ned-on tood, soak tile bm'ner heads in a solution of mild
liquid detergent and hot water fi)r
20-30 minutes. For more stubborn stains, use a toothbrush.
Tile burner heads and burner bases are labeled A, B and C to aid reassembE.
Replace tile burner heads on tile bases matching file letters. ]?.el)lace the calls on
the heads. Make sm'e that the caps and heads are replaced in the correct location.
There is one small (A), two medium (B)
and one laroe_ (C) head and cap.
Medium Small Head Head
andCap andCap
& i
eB cO
Frontof Cooktop
Medium Large Head Head
andCap andCap
+ 25 hidden pages