Safety Instructions ....... 9-6
Operating Instructions
Control I,ock ............... 7
Cookware ................. S
Dual Stack Burner . .......... 7
Flame Size ................ 8
I,ighting a Burner ........... 7
PowerBoil r'*Burner .......... 7
Sealed Gas Burners .......... 7
Care and Cleaning
Cooktop Electrodes ......... 10
Burner Bases .............. 10
Burner Caps and Heads ..... 10
Burner Grates ............. 11
Burner Head and
Cap Replacement .......... 11
Control Knobs .............. 9
Electrodes ................ 10
(;lass Cooktop .......... 19, 13
Porcelain Enamel Cooktop .... 9
Shipping Film and Tape ...... 9
Stainless Steel Surfaces ....... 9
J(;P3 3O
J(;P6 _0
0 0
Troubleshooting Tips ... 14, 15
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ......... 94
Product Registration (Canada) 19
Product Registration (U.S.) . . .17
Warranty (Canada) ......... 93
VL_rrantv (U.S.) ............ 22
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label under the cooktop.
49-80358 ll-05JR
WARNING: If the information in this
manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property
damage, personal injury or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or any other appliance.
Do not try to light any appliance. Do not touch any electrical switch;
do not use any phone in your building.
i_i:iImmediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
gas supplier's instructions.
i_i:iIf you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of California to
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers ofpotential exposure to such substances. Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon
monoxide, formaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or LP fuels. Properly adjusted burners, indicated by a bluish rather than a yeflow flame, will minimize incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
Have the installer show you the location of the cooktop gas shut-off valve and how to shut it off if necessary,
J; Hax> your cooktop installed and J;
properly grounded 1)ya qualified installer, in accordance with the Installation
h_structions. Any adjustment and service should be perforated only by qualified gas
cooktop installers or service technicians.
_;:Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of your cooktop unless it is specifically N recommended in this manual. All other
service should be refe_Ted to a qualNed technician.
J; Locate the cooktop out of kitchen traffic
pail1 and out of drafty locations to prex_nt pilot outag_ and poor air circulation.
J; Plug your cooktop into a 190_\_lt
grounded outlet only. Do not remox_ the round grounding prong from the plug.
If in doubt about die grounding of die home electrical sysmm, it is your personal
_esponsibili W and obligation m hax> an ungrounded outlet replaced with a
properly grounded, three-prong oudet in accordance with the National Elecuical
(;ode. Do not use an extension cord wifll this appliance.
let the burner grates and other surfaces cool betbre touching them or leaving
them where children can reach them.
Be sure all packaging materials are removed
flom the cooktop before operating it to prevent fire or smoke damage should the
packagJ ng material ignite.
Be sine your cookmp is coriecfly adjusted
by a qualified service technician or installer. This counmr unit, as shipped
from the t_acmtT, can only be operamd with
natural gas. Do not ttT to operate it with I,P (bottled) gas unless you follow the
Installation Instructions packed with your
cookmp. See I,P Com>rsion Instructions.
_5_iDo not leax> children alone or unatmnded
where a cooktop is hot or in operation.
They could be sefiousN buined.
_:_Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or
hang on tile cookmp.
CAUTION: temsofinterestto
childien should not be stoIed in cabinets abo_e a cookmp--<:hildren climbing on
file cookmp m reach imms could be seriously injuied.
appliance as a space heater to heat or
wam_ the room. Doing so m W result
in carbon monoxide poisoning and ox>Hleating of file cooktop.
_{;;Always kee I) wooden and plastic utensils
and canned lbod a salb distance awav from your cooktop.
_:;Always kee I) combustible wa]l co_ring:s,
curtains or drapes a safe distance flom your cooktop.
E:':Never wear loose-fitting or hanging
gwnnents while using the appliance. Be caieflll when leaching for items stoied
in cabinets ox_r the cookmp. Flammable material could be ignited if brouOlt
in contact with flame or hot snifaces and m W cause sex_Ie l)nTlls.
_{;_Teach children not to pl W with the
controls or any oilier part of file cookmp.
E:,IDo not store flammable mamdals near
a cooktop.
E:,:Do not store or use combustible mamfials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in tile viciniw of this or anv other
E:,IDo not let cooking gTease or other
flammable mamfials accumulate near
file cooktop.
_{:_Do not operam file burner without all
burner parts in place.
_?{:_Do not clean the cookmp xvifll flammable
or x_ladle cleaning fluids.
_?{:_Do not clean the cookmp when tile
appliance is in use.
E:,:Avoid scratching die cookmp with sharp
instruments, or with fing:s and oilier
jeweh T.
_fi_,iNex_r use tile cooktop as a cutting board, _fi_,iDo not use water on g_ease fires, Nex_r
pick up a flaming pan. Turn tim controls off. Smother a flaming pan on a surthce
burner by co_fing file pan completely wifll a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat
uay. Use a mnltiq)m])ose di T chemica] or
fbam-tvpe fire extinguisher Flaming giease outside a pan can be put
out by coxefing it with baking soda or, if
available, by using a nmldq)ml)ose dU
chemical or foam-type file extinguisher
q_{_For your safety, nex>r use your appliance
for wanning or heating tile room.
E:,IAlwws keep dish towels, dishcloflls, pot
holders and other linens a sad distance flom yonr cookmp.
Use proper pan size--avoid pans that are unstable or easily tipped. Select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover burner grates. Toavoid spiflovers, make sure cookware is large enough to contain the food properly. This will both save cleaning time and prevent hazardous accumulations of food, since heavy spattering or spillovers left on cooktop can ignite. Use pans
with handles that can be easily,grasped and remain cooL
E:,:Always use die LifE posit.ion when
ignidng dm top burners and make sure
tile burners haw ignited.
_:_Ne_ei lem_ tile surface bui_ners
unattended at high flame setting:s.
Boilox>rs cause smoking and greasy spillox>rs that mW catch on file.
q_{::Use only di T pot holders--moist or damp
pot holders on hot sur12aces In W resu]t ill burns flom steam. Do not let pot holders
come near open flames when lifting cookwaie. Do not use a towel or odler
bulky cloth in place of a pot holden Such cloths can catch fire on a hot burnen
_!{,:V_]len using gtass cookware, make snre
it is designed tbr cooktop cooking.
_7_::To minimize tile possibiliw of burns,
ignidon of flammable materials and spillage, turn cool<ware handles toward
die side or back of tile cooktop without extending ox>i adjacent burners.
_{_;AlWaYStl.lI'll tile sur12ace burner conools off"
before removing cool<ware.
E:,:Careflflly watch foods being flied at a high
flame setting.
E:,:Alwws heat 12atslowly, and watch as it heats.
may damag_ the burner grate and burner head. Also, it may cause the burner to work
improperly. This mav cause a carbon monoxide level abox> that allowed by
cunent standards, resnlfing in a health hazard.
_i:,:Foods for flTing should be as dU as
possible. Fiost on flozen foods or moisulre on flesh foods carl cause hot 12atto bubble
up and ox>I the sides of tile pan.
_i:,:Use tile least possible amount of fat for
eflOcfive shallow or deep-fi_t flTing. Filling tile pan too fllll of I:at carl cause spillox>rs
when food is added.
_i!_ii' Use a deep 12atthermometer whenever
possible to piexent ox>flleafing fat beyond tile smoldng point.
_:;Nexer u T to moxe a pan of hot flit,
especially a deei>fat fl?'en VVaitnnfil the fat is cool.
_i:,:When prepaling flaming foods under file
hood, ulm file tim on.
_{:;Do not leaxe plastic items on file cooktoi>--
they may melt if left too close to tile \_nt.
_{:;Kee I) all plastics away flom tile surface
E:,:Do not leaxe aW items on the cooktop.
Tile hot air from tile vent m W ig_ite flammable items and will inciease pressure
ill closed containers, which may cause
fllem to burst.
E:,:If a combination of oils or 12atswill be used
in flTing, sill tog>ther before heating or as flits melt slowlv.
_{:_Do not use a wok on the cooking surface
if"tile wok has a round metal ling that is placed ox_i the burner grate m support
tile wok. This ling acts as a heat trap, which
_{::If you smell gas, t/lill off die gas to file
cooktop and call a qualified service technician. Nex>r use an open flame to
locate a leak.
_::To a_oid file possibility' of a bnlxl, always be
certain that file connols for all burners are at the off position and all grates are cool
before attempting to remo\_ them.
Adjust the top burner flame size so it does not extend beyond the edge of the cookware. Excessive
flame is hazardous.
E:,:Clean die cooktop surface wifll cant.ion.
If a wet sponge or clodl is used to wipe spills on a hot surl_ace, be careflll to mold
steam burns. Some cleaners can produce noxious flm3es if applied to a hot surl_ace.
NOTE: _Ajerecommend that yon mold
wiping any surfitce meas until they have cooled. Sugar spills are file exception m
this. Please see Cleaning the glass cooktop
surface section.
q?{:_When tile cooktop is cool, use only
CE_ BRYTE _'_Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner and tile CERAMA BRYTE _'_
Cleaning Pad to clean file cooktop.
;fi:,:To ax_id possible damage to the cooking
surface, do [lot apply cleaning cream to file glass surl_ace when it is hot.
;_i:':After cleaning, use a dlT clofll or paper
towel to remove all cleaning cream residue.
E:.;Read and follow all instructions and
waming:s on tim cleaning cream labels.
_{_;Nex>r clean the cooktop sni_tce when it is
hot. Some cleaners produce noxious flnnes and wet cloths could cause smam bums if
used on a hot sni_tce.
_{_;Ne_>r leave jars or cans of tzat dlJpping:s
on or near your cooktop.
;_i:.:Don't use alnnfinum foil to line burner
bowls. Misuse could result in a fire hazard or damag> m the cookmp.
_{_Do ,lot coxer or block the area around the
cookmp knobs. This area mnst be kept clear for proper x>nfilafion and burner
_{_i,arge scratches or impacts to glass cookmps
can lead m broken or shattered glass.
E:.:Clean only parts lismd in fills Owner's
Cookmeatandpoultry thoroughly--meat to at leastanINTERNALtemperatureof 160°Fandpoultry toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainst
Yourcooktop is shipped from the factory set to operate only with Natural Gas.
If yon wish to use your cooktop with Liquefied Petroleum (;as, you must follow the Installation Instructions packed with your cooktop. See LP Conversion Insmlcfions.
This conversion must be performed by a qualified technician.
Usingthe cooktopburners, gecom
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Control Lock (on some models)
To lock the cooktop and prevent unwanted use, mrn the control lock knob
cotmterclockwise to LOCK.An indicator light will glow to show that the cooktop
is locked.
How to Light a Burner
Make sm'e the control lock knob is in the
Yore" cooktop burnet_ ate lit by electric
ignifi(m, eliminating the need _i)r standing pilot lights with constantly
bm'ning flames. Push the control knob down and mrn it
to the tirE position. _Mter the bm'ner ignites, turn the knob t() at!just the flame size. To turn the bm'ner ofl_ tm'n the
knob clockwise as fiw as it will go, to the
_: Checkto be sure the burneryou turn on is the
oneyou want touse.
X4q_en locked, the cooktop xdll sotmd
if any control knob is set to any position other than OFF..
To mdock, mrn the control lock knob to UNLOCK.
;;Ji::Besureyouturn thecontrolknobto OFF
when youfinish cooking.
;;Ji::In caseof apower failure,youcan light the
burners with amatch. Holda fit matchto the burner,thenpush in and turn thecontrolknob
to the LITEposition. Useextremecaution when fightingburnersthis way Burnersin usewhen
an e/ectncalpower failure occurswill continue
to operatenormally
;;Ji::Donot operate the burner foran extended
period of tlYnewithout cookwareon the grate.
Theflblshon thegrate maychip without
cookware to absorb thehea_
Sealed GasBurners
The smallest bm'ner in the right rear and the center burner (on sonle models)
are the simmer bm'nets. These bm'nets
can be turned down to LOor SIMMER
(depending on model) for a \'eta' low
setting. They provide precise cooking l)etl'imnance fin" delicate too(ls such
as sauces or foods that require low
heat tot a long cooking time.
Dual Stack Burner(onsomemodels)
The extra lmge right flxmt burner has maMmum heating and I)tedse simmer
capabiliF: It can be turned down fl'om PewerBoiF to SIMMER fin" a wide range
of cooking applications.
PowerBoil _Burner (on some models)
The extra lmge right fl'ont burner has special PowerBoiF settings. This feature
shouM only be used with cookware 11"
or larger in (liametet; and flames should
The medium (left rear) and the lmge
(left fl'ont) burnet_ are the general-
pml)ose bm'net_ that can be turned down fl'om HI to LO to suit a wide range
el cooking needs.
never be allowed to extend up the sides oI the cookware. This feature is designed
to quickly bring lmge am(rants _ffliquid in pots 11" or larger in diameter to a boil.
Usingthe cooktopburners.
How to Select Flame Size
Use a flat-bottomed wok.
Forsafe handling of cookware,neverlet the flamesextendup thesides of thecookware.
X'_atch the flame, not the knob, as xou reduce heat. The flame size on a gas
burner should match the cookware
yo[I are rising.
Wok This Way
Werecommendthatyouusea 14-inchorsmaller
fiat-bottomedwok Theyareavailableat your localretailstore.
Onh a fiat-bottomed wok should be used.
Make st/re the wok bottom sits flat on the grate.
Any flame larger than the bottom of the
cookware is wasted and onl_ ser\es to heat the handle.
Do not use a wok support ring. Placing the ring over the burner or grate may
catlse the burner to work improperly, resulting in carbon monoxide levels
above allowable standards. This could be dangerous to wmr health.
,41uminum: Medium-weight cookware is
recommended because it heats quickly
and e\ enl> Most foods brown evenly in aluminum cook_lre. Use saucepans
with tight-fitting lids wile** cooking
with I//illiI/]tlI/] allloHnts of _;itel:
Enamelware: Under some conditions,
the ellaI/lel o_ soI/le cookware iI/av
melt. Follow cookware manufi_cmrer's
recolllmen(latiolls [()r cooldng l/]etho(ls.
Glass: The*e are avo types of glass cookwaie: those _br ovell use only
and those tot cooktop cooldng
(saucepans, coffee and tea pots).
(;lass conducts heat xv_'_rslowly.
Cast#on: If heated slowly, most cookware will give satisfimtory results.
Home CanningTips
Be sure the canner is centered over the burner
To l)revent burns fl'Oln stealn or heat,
rise Carl[ion when canning.
Heatproof Glass-Ceramic: Can be used
fbr either StlliiJce or o\_ell cool_ing.
It conducts heat very slowly and cools
very slowly. Check cookwa_e mamdimturer's directions to be sure
it ca** be used on a gas cooktop.
Stainless Steel: This metal alone has
poor heating propei_ies and is usually
combined with coppeI; aluminum or other metals %_:"iml:)roved heat
distribution. Combination metal cookware usually works satisflmtorily
if it is used with medium heat as the
I//ant t_i_cttlrer recoil/ill ellds,
Use recipes and l)rocedures fl'om rel)utable sources. These are available
frOIll illantllilCtllrei's Stlch as Ball ')and
KeI'I_'_and tile Department of Agriculture Extension Service.
+ 16 hidden pages