Safety Ins_rucvtions ...... 2-7
Operating Instructions
Aluinimml Foil ............ 12
Clock and Tiiner . ......... 14
I,ower (-)yen Drawer ........ 27
Surthce Cooking .......... 8, 9
Upper Oven ..... 10-26, 28, 99
Baking and P.oasting ...... 19
Broiling, Broiling Guide . . .13
(-)yen Control ............ 10
Power Outage ............ 1l
Preheating .............. 12
Probe .................. 16
Sabbath Feature ....... 24, 25
SelfzCleanhlg ......... 28, 29
Shelves ................. 19
Special Features ....... 22, 93
Thermostat At!justin ent .... 26
Timed Baking
and Roasting ............ 15
Timed Convecti(nl Baking . .21
Care and Cleaning
Broiler Pan and Grid ....... 35
Burner Assembly ........ 30, 31
Bm'ner Grates ............. 32
Control Panel and Knobs .... 37
Cooktop .............. 32-34
Glass ................ 33, 34
Porcelain ............... 32
Door P,em oval ............ 35
Lower Oven Drawer . ....... 36
Oven Bottom ............. 35
Oven Light Replacement .... 38
Oven Vents ............... 37
Sell=Cleaning .......... 28, 29
Shelves and Drawer Racks . . .38
Stainless Steel Surthces ...... 32
Ins_truotions .......... :_9-50
Air Ac!justment ............ 49
Anti-Tip Device ......... 42, 50
Checking Bm'ner
Ignition .................. 48
Connecting the Range
to Gas ................ 43-45
Dimensions and Clearances . .41 Electrical Connections . . .46, 47
Leveling the Range ........ 49
LP ...................... 50
Tips ................. _,1-54
Accessories .............. 55
Consumer Support
C/msm/ler Support . .Back Cover
Product Registration ..... 57, 58
_v\arrantx for (Mstomel_
in Canada ................ 63
\%_rrantx for Custon/ers
in the U.S.A .............. (52
JGB 92 8
In Canada contact us at: www. GEAppliances. ca
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model # Serial #
You can find theln on a label
on tile ti'ont ot tile range behind tile lower ()veil drawer.
49-85097 11-05JR
For your safetg the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion,
electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
WARNING:If the information
in this manual is not followed exactly,
a fire or explosion may result causing
property damage, personal injury
or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
All rangescan tip and injury could result.
iJ_::i:Do not try to light any appliance. i_i:iDo not touch any electrical switch;
do not use any phone in your building.
_i.iImmediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
gas supplier's instructions.
@ If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be
performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the wall by installing theAnti-ºtp device supplied.
If the Anti-ºtp device supplied with the range does not fit this application, use the universal Anti-ºtp device WB2X7909.
Tocheck ff the device b installed and engaged properly, carefully tip the range forward. TheAnti-ºtp
device should engage and prevent the range from tipping over.
Kyou pull die rang_ out from die wall for any reason, make sure tile device is properly engaged when you push the range back against file wall. If it is not, flmre is a possible risk of die rang_
tipping ox_r and causing ilIjnry if you or a child stand, sit or lean on all open door Please retbr to tile Anti-Tip device information ill this mannal. Failure to take this plecaudon
could iesnlt ill tipping of the rang_ and inju U. ........
9 l _lifornia
The Caflfornia Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of Cafifornia to
bli h a list ol
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm, and
luJ es busim
requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances. Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon
s __pliance,.
monoxide, formaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or
pn_ade, fore
LP fuels. Properly adjusted burners, indicated by a bluish rather than a yellow flame, will minimize
fu 'Is. Prope
,or plete cot
incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by venting with an open
7d w or usir
window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
Have the installer show you the location of the range gas shut-off valve and how to shut it off if necessary.
,vd the instal
H; ve VOIII" l
_i:':Have your range installed and properly _): Plug VO/lr range into a ] 20-xolt grouIlded --
gr amded 1 _"
grounded by a qualified installec in outlet only. Do not remoxe the round accordance with the Installation Instructions. grounding prong from the plug. ff in doubt
ac ordance At y'adjusu: _-,
Any adjusunent and service should be about file grounding of file home electrical
pe formed _,
performed only by qualified gas rang_ system, it is your personal responsibility and in: tallers ot _'
installers or service mchnicians, obligation to haw an ungrounded outlet D( not atte _"
_;:Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of your range unless it is specifically three-prong outlet in accordance with
I)_tt of yore
Ie oIllIllen_
recommended in this manual. All other se dce sho/ _,
service should be _efbr_ed to a qualified tecllnician.
replaced with a properly grounded,
the National Electrical Code. Do not use an exmnsion cord with this appliance.
_i:,:Locate the range out of kitchen traffic pail/
and out of drafty locations to prexent poor air ciIvulafion.
_{::Be sure all packaging materials are
remoxed flom tile range be%re operating it to prevent fire or smoke damage should the
packaging material ignite.
;_i:':Be sure your range is correctly adjusted by
a qualified service technician or installer for the type of gas (natural or IP) fl/at is m be
used. Your range call be converted for use
with eifl_er type of gas. See tile Installation of
the range section.
WARNING:Thesead>s,, en smns
be made by a qualified service technician in accoMance Mth file manulhcturer's
instructions and all codes and requirements of file authoci W havingjufisdicfion. Failure
to follow fl_ese insmmfions could result in sedons i_nry or property damage. The
qualified agen q perfoi_ning this work
assumes iesponsibility for the conversion.
_i:,:M'ter prolonged use of a range, high floor
temperaul_es m W result and many floor
coxering:s will not wifl_stand this kind of nse. Nexer install file range oxer vinyl die or
linolenm fllat cannot wifl_smnd such type of use. Nexer install it diiecflv oxer interior
kitchen carpeting,
q?{:_Do not leme children alone or unattended
where a range is hot or ill operation. They could be seriously burned.
;;; Do not allow anyone m climb, stand or hang
on tile oxen dooi; drawer or cookmp. They could damage the rang_ and exen dp it oxei, causing sexere personal injm T.
CAUTION: temsofinteres,to
children should not be staled in cabinets
aboxe a range or on fl_e backsplash of a range---<:hild_en climbing on file range m
reach items could be selJonsly iI)jnled.
_;i:,:Nexer wear loose fitting or hanging gai_nents
while using tile appliance. Be careflfl when
reaching for items stored in cabinets oxer tile range. Flammable material could be ignited
if"1)ronght ill contact with flame or hot oxen
sniPaces and m W cause sexere l)ni_ls.
;_i:,:Do not store flammable materials in all
oxen, a range drawer or near a cookmp.
_: Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in tile vicinity of this or any other
_i:,:Do not let cooking grease or oflmr flammable
materials accumulate in or near tlle Fange.
_{_:Do not use water on grease fires. Nexer pick
up a flaming pan. Turn the controls off.
Smother a flaming pan on a surthce 1)umer
by coxering fl_e pan completely with
a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or fiat u W. Use a multi-puq)ose d_y chemical or
foam-type fire extinguisher Flaming giease outside a pail can be put
out 1)y covering it with baking soda oi;
if available, 1)y using a mulu-pnrpose d_y chemical or foam-type file exfinguishen
Flame in the upper oxen or lower oxen drawer can be smotheied completely 1)y
closing tile oxen door or drawer and turning
tile conuol to offor by using a muld-
puq)ose d U chemical or foam-Wpe file exdnguishen
_]{_i,et file bnliler grates and other surfaces
cool before ranching them or leaving fllem where children can leach them.
_fi:,:Nexer block fine xents (air openings) of the
range. They provide file air inlet and outlet flint are necessai T tbr tile range to operate
properly with coITect combustion. Air openings are located at tile rear of tile cooktop, at tim top and bottom of the oxen
door and at file 1)ottom of file range under
tile lower oven drawer or kick panel.
appliance as a space heater to heat or
waI_n the room. Doing so m W Iesult
ill carbon monoxide poisoning and
oxerheafing of tile oxen.
_fi:,:Large scratches or impacts to glass doors
or cooktops can lead to 1)token or
shattered glass.
Use proper pan size--avoid pans that are unstable or easily tipped. Select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover bumer grates. Toavoid spillovers, make sure cookware is large enough to contain the food properly. This will both save cleaning time and prevent hazardous accumulations of food, since heavy spattering or spillovers left on range can ignite. Use pans with handles that can be easily grasped
and remain cooL
_{;_Always use the LITE position when ignidng
the top burners and make sure the burners hax> ignited.
_:_Never leave tile sm£_ce bun_ers unatmnded
at high flame settinKs. Boilo_>rs cause smoMng and greasy spillox>rs tilat m W catch on fire.
;_i:':Adjust tile top burner flame size so it
does not exmnd beyond ti_e edge of the cookware. Excessive flame is hazardous.
N Use only dry pot holders--moist or damp
pot holders on hot surtZaces may result ill bun_s from smam. Do not let pot holders
come near open flames when lifting cookware. Do not use a towel or other bulky
cloth in place of a pot holder
N When using glass cookware, make sure it
is designed for top-of-rang> cooking.
N To n/inimize tile possibility of bums, ignition
of flammable mateiials and spillage, turn cookware handles toward tim side or back
of the range without extending over
adjacent burnel_.
_::CaIefldly wamh foods being fded at a high
flame setting.
;F Alwws heat fat slow]> and watch as it heats. ;_?:':Do not leave ally' items on dm cookmp. Tile
hot air flom the xent m W ignim flammable
imms and will increase p_essure in closed containers, which m W cause diem m burst.
;_i:,:If a combination of oils or fats will be used
in fl;ving, stir mg>ther before heating or
as fats melt slowly.
_::Use a deep fat thei_nometer whenever
possible m prevent ovedleafing fat beyond
tile smoMng point.
;_i:,iUse tile least possible amount of fat for
eftecdxe shallow or deeI>lZat flTing. Filling
tim pan mo fill of fiat can cause spilloxers
when food is added.
_?_::Do not flame %ods on tile cooktop. If you
do flame foods under tile hood, turn tile
lqaI] on.
N Do not use a wok on tile cooking sur/aace
if the wok has a round metal ling timt is placed ox>r the burner gxam m support the
wok. Tiffs ring acts as a heat trap, which may damag_ the burner gram and burner head.
Also, it may cause tile burner m work improperly. Tilis may cause a carbon
monoxide level abox> that allowed by cunent standards, resulting in a healtii
;_?:':Foods for flTing should be as d_T as possible.
Frost on flozen foods or moisun_e on fresh tbods call cause hot t_t m bubble up and
ox>r tile sides of the pan.
_?_::Never taT to move a pan of hot fat, especially
a deep fat flTer V(ait until tile fat is cool.
_?_::Do not leme plastic items on tile cooktop--
tiley m W melt if left too close to tile x>nt.
;_?:':Kee I) all plastics awW from tile surface
_;:To ax_id the possibility of a bum, always be
certain that tile controls for all bulllers are
at the OFFposition and all grams are cool
before atmmpting to remox> ti_em.
_;:If rang> is locamd near a window, do not
hang long curtains that could blow oxer tile surfi_ce burners and cream a fire hazard.
;f; If you smell gas, troll off tile gas to the rang_
and call a qualified service mchnician. Nex>r
use an open flame to locate a leak.
;_?:':Always um_ the surfl_ce burner controls off
before removing cool<ware.
;f?:':Do not lilt the cooktop. Lifting the cooktop
can lead to damag> and improper operation of the rang_.
Use care when touching the glass cooktop surface. The glass surface of the cooktop will retain heat after the controls have been turned oK
_::Avoid scratching the glass cooktop surPace.
The glass surflace can be scratched with imms such as sharp instruments, _ings or
other jewel U and lix.ets on clothing.
;f?:':Do not operate file cooktop if file glass is
1)roken. Spillox.el_ or cleaning solution may penetrate a 1)roken cooktop and create a
lisk of elecuical shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately should your glass
cookmp surPace 1)ecome broken.
_i:; use the glass cookmp surPace as
a cutting board.
_:;Do not place or store items that can melt
or catch fire on the glass cooktop surface, ex.en when it is not being used.
_i:,:Be careflrl when placing spoons or oflaer
stirTing utensils on glass cooktop surface when it is in use. They may become hot
and could cause bums.
Do not place or store items that can meh
or catch fire on the grates, exen when tile cooktop is not 1)eing used.
q?{::Clean tile cooktop snr/_ace with caution.
If a wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot surface, be careflfl to ax_id
smam burns. Some cleaners can produce noxious fim/es if applied to a hot snr/_ce.
NOTE,"_A/erecommend that you avoid
wiping any sur£ace areas until they hax.e cooled. Sugar spills are tim exception to tiffs.
Please see Cleaning the glass cooktop surface
_{:_When tile cooktop surfiace is cool, use
only CERAMA BRYTE (_Ceramic Cooktop Cleaner and the CERAMA BRYTE ¢'>
Cleaning Pad to clean tile cooktop.
_{:_To avoid possible damag.e to the cooking
surPace, do not apply cleaning cream to tile glass surPace when it is hot.
_{:_After cleaning, use a &T cloth or paper
towel to remox.e all cleaning cream residue.
_{:_Read and follow all instructions and
warnings on tile cleaning cream labels.
_t{ place, use or self-clean tile lower ox.en
drawer pan ira tile upper ox.en.
_{:_The puq)ose of die wanning drawer and
V_;ARMZONE setting of the lower oven drawer is to hold hot cooked foods at
serving temperature. Alwws start wifla hot lbod; cold food cannot be heated or cooked
ira the wamaing drawer or the WARM ZONE setting of tile lower ox.en drawen
_i:,:Do not use file lower ox.en drawer to dry
newspapers. If ox.erheated, they can catch
on fire.
_i:':Do not lea_.e paper products, plastics,
canned food or combustible materials ira tile lower oven drawen
_:;Never lem.ejars or cans of fht dfipping_ ira
or near vonY ]ower ox.en drawer.
_fi:,:Do not warm food in flae lower oven drawer
for more fllan two hours.
_:_Do not touch theheating element or the
interior surface of the lower oven drawer.
These snr/_aces may be hot enough to 1)urn.
REMEMBER:The inside surface of the lower ox.en drawer may be hot when tile drawer
is opened.
_i:,:Use care when opening the lower ox.en
drawen Open tile drawer a crack and let hot air or steam escape 1)elb_.e _.emoving
or replacing food. Hot air or smam which escapes can cause 1)urns m hands, fi_ce
and/or eyes.
_:;Do not use aluminum foil to line the lower
ox.en drawer. Foil is an excellent heat insulator and will wap heat 1)eneath it. This
will upset tile perfommnce of file drawer and it could damag.e tile interior finish.
Cook meat and poultry thoroughly--meat to at least an INTERNAL temperature of 160°Fand poultry to at least an INTERNAL temperature of 180°ECooking to these temperatures usually protects against
foodbome illness.
Stand away from the range when opening the door of a hot oven. The hot air and steam that escape can cause bums to hands, face and eyes.
_{:;Do not use tire oven for a storage area,
Items stored in flae oven can ig_fite.
_: Kee I) the ox.en flee from grease buildup. E:,:Place the ox.en in the desired
posidon while the ox.en is cool.
_?{:_Pulling out the shelf to the stop-lock is a
convenience in lifting hem?' foods. It is also a precaution against bnYras from touching
hot surPaces of the door or ox.en walls. The lowest position is not designed to slide.
E:,:Do not heat unopened food containers.
Pt.essure could build up and the container could burst, causing an inju U.
slots, holes or passages in tire oven bottom
or cover an entire rack with materials such
as ahmfinum foil. Doing so blocks air flow through the oven and may cause carbon
monoxide poisoning. Alunfinum foil linings
may also uap heat, causing a fire hazard.
_{:_Do not use aluminum foil anywhere ira dte
oxen except as described ira this manual. Misuse could result in a fire hazard or
damage to the range.
_::When using cooking or roasting bag:s ira die
ox.en, follow the mamflhcmrer's direct.ions.
E:,:Do not use your ox.en to dU newspapers.
If ox.erheated, trey can catch rit.e.
_{_Use only glass cookwat.e that is
recommended for use ira gas ox.ens.
E:,:Mwws remox.e tire broiler pan from rang.e as
soon as you finish broiling. Grease left ira the
pan can catch fire if ox.en is used wifltont
removing the gTease flom the broiler pan.
E:,IWhen broiling, if meat is mo close m flae
flame, the fat may ignite. Trim excess fl_t to prex.ent excessive flare-ups.
E:,IMake sure the broiler pan is in place conectly
to t.educe the possibility of g_.ease
!:L!':If you should hax.e a grease fire in tire broiler
pan, press the CLEAR/OFFpad, and kee I) the oven door closed m contain fire until it
bums out.
_t_::For safe.W and proper cooking perfommnce,
always bake and broil with the oven door
_:; place, use or selt¥lean fire lower ox.en
drawer pan ira the upper ox.en.
_{:;Be sure to Mpe off excess spillag.e befbre
self-cleaning operation.
E:,:Before self-<leaning tim oven, remove the
broiler pan, broiler grid, all cookware, probe and any alunfinum foil.
_{:; place, use or self-dean the lower ox.en
drawer pan in the upper ox.en.
_t_::Nickel oven (on some models)
should be removed flom the oven before beginning the selt¥lean Q'cle.
_:;Gr W porcelain-coated ox.en (on some
models) m W be cleaned in the ox.en during the sell_lean cycle.
_{::Do not clean the door gasket. The door gasket
is essential %r a g_od seal. Care should be
token not to rub, damag.e or mox,e the gasket. _{::Clean only parts lismd ira this Owner's Manual. E:,:If the self-cleaning mode malflmctions, utm
the ox,en off and disconnect tire power supply.
Have it set\iced 1)ya qualified mchnician.
_{::Do not use ox.en cleaners. No commercial
oxen cleaner or ox.en liner of any kind
should be used ira or around any part of
tire ox.en. Residue fiom ox.en cleaners will
damag_ the inside of the ox.en when the
self-clean Q'cle is used.
Usingthe gas surfaceburners.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Push the control knob in and turn it to the LITEposition.
Before Lighting a Gas Burner
_: Make sure all burne_ are in place. ::Ji::Make sure all grates on the range are
properly placed before using anv burne_:
How to Light a Gas Surface Burner
Make sm'e all the sm_iae bm'nel_ are placed in their respective positions.
Push the control knob in and turn it to the L/TE position.
D)u will hear a little clicking noise--
the sotmd of the electric spark igniting the bm'nel:
Tm'n the knob to a(!just the flame size. If the knob sta_:s at L/TE,it will continue
to click.
After Lighting a Gas Burner
_: Do not operate the burner t0r an
extended period of time without cookware on the grate. The finish on
the grate may chip without cookware to absorb the heat.
::Ji::Be sm'e the bm'ne_s and grates are cool
before you place yore" hand, a pot holder;
cleaning cloths or other mamrials on them.
\\lien one bm'ner is turned to UTE, all the bm'nel_ spark. Do not attempt to
disassemble or clean arotmd any bm'ner while another burner is on. An electric
shock may result, which coukl cause }_m to knock o\vr hot cookware.
Medium Small
! ?
Large ExtraLarge
@ 0 0 FRO_
Extra-large burners only
Sealed Gas Burners
Yore" gas range cooktop has fimr sealed
g_s burners. They offer convenience, deanabilitv and fle_bilitv to be used in
a wide range of cooking applications. The smallest bm'ner in the right rear
position is the simmer bm'ner This btm_er can be turned down to LOfor a ve_' low
simmer setting. It provides precise cooking pe_fommnce fi:,r delicate fbods such as
s_ltlCeSoi"[i)o(ls that require low heat fin" a long cooking time.
The medium (left rear) and the lmge (left
fl'ont) burnei_ are the prima_ T burnei_ fin. most cooking. These general-ptupose
burners can be turned down fl'om HI to LO
to suit a wide range of cooking needs.
The extra lmge bm'ner (right fl'ont) is the nlaxinluln output burnei: i,ike the other
three burne_, it can be turned down fl'om HI to LOfor a wide range of cooking
applications; however; this bm'ner is designed to quickly bring lmge anlounts of
liquid to a boil. It has a spedal POWERBOlE_ setting designed to be used with cookware
10 inches or larger in diameter:
How to Select Flame Size
Forsafe handiingof cookware, neveriet the f/ames extend upthe sides of the cookware.
Watch the flame, not the knob, as you reduce heat. When ti_st heating is desired, the flalne size on a gas burner should
II/at('h the cookware VOtl aI'e using.
Haines larger than the bottom of the cookware will not result in filster heating of
the cookware and could be hazardous.
Top-of-Range Cookware
Aluminum: lMe(limn-weight cookware is
recommended because it heats quickly and evenly. Most too(ls brown evenly in an
ahmfinum skillet. Use saucepans with tight- fitting lids when cooking with minimmn
aIllO/lntN 0][ watex:
Cast-Iron: If heated slowly, most skillets will
give satistactorv results. Enamelware: Under some conditions,
tile enai/lel of soille cookware illay i/xelt.
Follow cookwax'e illan/ll[ilctHi'ei"s recommendations fin" cooking methods.
Stove Top Grills
Do not use stove top grills on your sealed gas burnex_. If you use tile stove top grill
on tile sealed gas burner, it will cause
incomplete combustion and can result
ill expostll'e to tax'ban i/lonoxide levels
above allowable cmTent standards.
Glass: There are two types at glass
cookwax'e---those fl)r ()veil tlse oxllv axld
those for top-olXrange cooking (saucepans, coffee and teapots). Glass conducts heat
very slowly.
Heatproef Glass Ceramic: Can be used if)r either suHi_ce or oven cooking. It conducts
heat vex? slowly and cools vex'} slowly: Check
cookware i/lant/lilcttli'ei"s directions to be
sure it can be used on gas ranges.
Stainless Steel: This metal alone has poor heating properties and is usually combined
with coppex; ahmfinum or other metals for improved heat distribution. Combination
metal skillets usually work satisfi_ctorik if
they are used with medium heat as the
Ilia n/llil ctlll'ei" i'ecoli/iilends,
Use a flat-bottomed wok.
Wok This Way
Werecommendthatyouusea 14-inchorsmaller
fiat-bottomedwok.Makesurethewokbottomsits flat onthegrate.Theyareavailableatyourlocal
Only a fiat-bottomed wok should be used.
in Case of Power Failure
In case (ff a power fidlm'e, you can light tile gas sm_sce burners on vent range with a
match. Hold a lit match to tile burnel; then push in and [tlx'n tile control knob to tile LlTEposition. Use extreme caution when
lighting burnel_ this way.
Do not use a wok support ring. Placing tile ring ()vex"tile bm'ner or grate may cause tile
bm'ner to work improperl> resulting in cad)on monoxide levels above allowable
standards. This could be dangerous to yam" health.
SmliJce bm'nex_ in use when ;m electrical po',_ er fldlm'e occm_ will continue to
operate mmnally.
Usingthe ovencontrols.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model
Touch this pad to select the seltkleaning flmction. See tile Using the self-cleaning
oven section.
O PROBE Pad (on some models)
Touch this pad when u.m% the Ill be t_ cook t0od to the desired internal
Touch this pad to select tile bake fimcfion.
Touch this pad to select tile broil flmction.
S o" "( ) (
Touch this pad to select roasting with tile
con% ec[ion lilnc[i()II,
O Display
Shows the tiIlle of day, oven teillpei'attli'e,
whether the oven is in the bake, broil, convection or seltk'leaning mode and
the times set fi)r the timer or automatic
oven opei'ations.
If "F- and a numberor letter" f/ash in the displayand the ovencontrol s/_?na/s,this indicatesa function errorcode.
If youroven was set for a tkned ovenoperationand
apower outage occurred,theclockand all programmed
functionsmustbe reset
Thetkneofdaywill flashin thedisplaywhentherehasbeen
If "Err"appearsin thedisplay,youhavetriedtoseta timeor temperatureoutsideof thecontro/#bruits.PressCLEAR/OFF
andentera newsetting.
Totlch this pad and then fetich the ntln/ber pads to set tile [lll]O/lnt of time VO/I W;IIIt VO/II"
toed to cook. The oven will shut off when the cooking time has run out
trse ahmg with COOKINGTIME or SELFCLEAN pads to set the oven to start and stop
atltOil/aticallv at a [lille Veil set.
OVENLIGHT Pad (on some models)
Touch this pad to mm the o_en light on
oI" oJ_'.
N_IIStbe touched to start _lIly cooking oI"
cleanintr J[ilnc[ion.
Touch this pad to select tile timer feature.
Number Pads
Use to set any fimction requiring numbe_
such as the dine of day on the clock, the time_; tile oven temperature, tile internal food temperature, tile start time and length _d operation fin" timed baking
and seltZcleaning.
CONVECTION BAKE Pad (on some models)
Touch this pad to select baking with tile
con'_ection ftlnction.
Touch this pad to cancel ALL o;en operations except tile clock and time_:
Touch this pad before setting the clock.
Usingthe upperoven. gecom
Toavoid possible bums, place the shelves in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin...
Theoven has 5shelf positrons.
It also has a special low shelf position (R) for extra large items, such as a large turke_¢
i ¸ ....................
Plastic items on the cooktop may melt if left too close to the vent
Vent appearance and location varg
The shelves have stop-locks, so that when placed correctly on the shelf suppo_ls (A
through E), they will stop betore confing completely out, and will not tilt.
_,,Vhen I_lacin°_ and removing, cookware, pull the shelf out to the bump on the sheff
Toremove a shelf, pull it toward you, tilt the
ti'ont end up and pull it out.
Toreplace, place the end of the shelf (stoI>
locks) on the support, tilt up the ti'ont and push the shelf in.
NOTE."Theshelf isnot dest)ned to s/ida outat the specta/low shelf (R)position.
Upper Oven Vent
Your oven is vented through ducts at the _:
rear _ffthe range. Do not block these ducts
when cooking in the oven--it is import;rot ::Ji:: that the flow of hot air ti'om the oven and
fresh air to the oven btlrner be
tminmrrupted. Avoid touching the vent openings or nearby stlIbfilces during oven or N
broiler operation--they may become hot.
Handlesofpotsandpansonthecooktopmay becomehotif lefttooclosetothevent
Do not leaveplastic or flammable items on the cooktop--they maymelt or/)nite if left too close
to the vent
Do not leave closedcontalberson thecooktop.
Thepressurelb closedcontatbersmay increase, whichmaycause them to burst.
Metalitemswillbecomeveryhotif theyareleft onthecooktop,andcouldcausebums.
Power Outage CAUTION:Donotmakeanyattemptto operate the
e/ectncignitionovenduringanelectricalpower failure.
The oven c,r broiler cannot be lit during a power fifilure. (;as will not flow unless the
glow bar is hot.
Upper Oven Light
Touch the OVENLIGHTpad on the upper
control panel to turn the light on or off. On some models, the OVENLIOHTswitch is
on the lower fl'ont control panel.
If the oven is in use when a power tifilm'e occm_, the oven burner shuts oft and
cannot be re-lit until power is restored. This is beca use the flow of gas is a utomafically
stopped and will not resume when power is restored tmtil the glow bar has reached
operating temperature.
Usingthe upperoven.
How to Set the Upper Oven for Baking or Roasting
Theoven has aspecial low shelf(R)
position just above the oven bottom.
Use it when extra cooking space is
needed, for example, when cooking
alarge turke,A Theshelf is not designed to sfide out at thisposition.
Youroven isnot dusli?nedfor open-doorcooking.
[] Touch the RAKE pad.
[] Touch the ntlillber pads to set the
desired telnperature,
[] Touch the START pad.
The word ON and //70° will be displayed, _&stile oven heats up, tile display will show
tile changing temperatm'e. When tile oven reaches tile temperature you set, a tone
will so/md.
Tochange the oventemperatureduring BAKEcycle, pressthe BAKE padand thenthenumberpads to get the new temperature.
[] Check fi)od fi)r doneness at minimum
time on recipe, Cook hmger if
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad when
c()oking is complete.
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preheat tile oven if tile recipe calls for it. To preheat, set tile oven at tile correct temperatm'e. Preheating is necessary
when convection baking and for good results when baking cakes, coo!<des, past_ T
and breads.
TypeofFood ShelfPosition
Frozenpies(oncookie sheet) Bor C Angel food cake, A
bundt or pound cakes Biscuits, muffins, brownies, C
cookies,cupcakes, layer cakes,pies
Casseroles Bor C Roasting Ror A
Baking results will be better if baking pans
are centered in tile oven as I/luch _ls possible. Pans should not touch each other
or the walls of the oven. If w)u need to use two shelves, stagger the pans so one is not
direcflv above the other; and leave appro_mately 1 I/_>"between pans, fl'om
the fl'ont, back and sides of the wall.
Cut slits in flTefoil usrm<eme gna.
Aluminum Foil
Never cover the oven bottom with aluminum foil.
You can use ahmfinum foil to line tile
broiler pan and broiler grid. However; you must mold the fifil tightly to the grid and
cut slits in it just like the grid.
Oven Moisture
_&svom" oven heats Ul), tile temperature
change of the air in the oven may cause
water droplets to form on tile door glass. These droplets are hamfless and will
eval)OI'ate as tile oven contintles to heat up.
_duminum fi)il may also be used to catch a spillove_: To do so, place a small sheet of
toil on a lower shelf several inches below
the tood.
Never entirely cover a shelf xfith almninmn
fi)il. This will distm'b the heat circulation and result in I)°°r baking
Always use the broiler pan and grid that came with your oven. It is designed to minimize smoking and spattering by trapping juices #7the shielded lower part of thepan.
How to Set the Upper Oven for Broiling
Ell Place the meat or fish (m the broiler ii i
grid in the broiler pan.
[] Follow suggested shelf positions in the
Broiling Guide.
[] The o_en door must be closed during
[] Touch the BROIL HI/LO pad once tor
To change to LOBroil,touch the BROIL
HI/LOI)ad auain_.
Broiling Guide
[] Touch the START pad.
[] _._qmn broiling is finished, touch the
Se_'e the food immediatel); and leave the
pan outside the oven to cool during the
meal fi)r easiest cleaning.
Use LOBroil to cook fi)ods such as poultI T or thick cuts of meat thoroughly without
eve>browning them.
The size, weight, thickness, starting tern )et'attu'e and Food
, [
yotlI" pI'ete'I'ence ot Bacon
aloneness will aHbct broiling times. This guide GroundBeef
is based on meats at
_'efi_ge_'ato_" tempe_'attH'e. Beef Steaks
tThe U.& Department ofAgriculture Rarer
says "Rare beef ispopular, but you Medium should know that cookflTgit to only Well Done
140°Emeans some food poisoning organisms may survive." (Source: Rarer Safe Food Boo£ Your Kitchen Medium
Guide,USDA Roy.June 1985.) Well Done
Theoven has 5shelf positions.
Well Done
Fish Fillets
Ham Slices
Pork Chops
Well Done
Medium Well Done
Medium Well Done
Quanti_ and/ orThickness
1/2 lb. (about8thin slices)
1 lb.(4 patties) 1/2 to 3/4" thick
1" thick 1to 11/LIbs.
11//'thick 2to 21/zIbs.
1whole 2to 21/zIbs.,
split lengthwise 4 boneqnbreasts
2q 6to 8 oz.each
1/4 to 1/2" thick
1" thick
1/2" thick 2(1/2" thick)
2(1" thick) about1 lb.
2I1" thick)about10 to 12 oz.
First Side
Time (rain.)
9 12 13
12 15
30 35
25 30
13 16
6 10
8 10
10 17
Second Side
Time (rain.)
7 56 89
10 12 16 18
15 20
10 15
12 14
Arrangein single layer.
Space evenly. Up to 8 patties take about
the same time.
Steakslessthan1" thick coo} throughbeforebrowning.
Panfryingis recommended. Slashfat.
Brusheachside with melted butter.Broilskin-side-down first.
Cutthroughbackof sheik Spreadopen.Brushwith meltedbutterbeforebroilinc
andafter half of broiling time.
Handleandturnvery carefully.Brushwith leroon
butterbeforeandduring cooking,if desired.Preheat
broilerto increasebrowning
*See illustration for description of shelf positimTs.
Usingthe clock andtimer.
Not all features are on all models.
To Set the Clock
Make sure the clock is set to the correct time of datz
I! IIIii iiiiii i iiiiii!
The timer is a minute timer onlg The CLEAR/OFFpad does not affect
the timer.
The clock must be set to the correct time of day for tile aumnmtic oven tinting flmctions
to work i)roi)efly. Tile time of day cannot be changed dining a timed baking or self-
cleaning cycle.
[] Touch the CLOCKpad. [] Touch tile number pads.
Touch tile number pads tile same way )ou read them, For example, to set 19:34, touch
the nmnber pads I, Z 3 and 4in that or(le_:
To Set the Timer
Thet/Ner doesnot control oven operations. Themax/Num setting on the timer is 9hours
and59 minutes.
Touch tile numl)er pads tmtil tile
ail/o/int of time xou want shows in tile
display: Tile maxim mn time that can be entered in minutes is 59. Times
more than 59 minutes should be changed to hems and minutes. For
example, to enter 90 minutes as ] hour 30 minutes, touch 1,3andOin
that order:
If number pads are not touched within one minute after um touch the CLOCKpad, the
display reverts to the original setting. If this hal)pens , touch the CLOCKpad and reenter
the time of (la_:
[] Touch tile START pad until tile time of
day shows in tile displa). This enters the time and starts the clock.
Tocheckthet/Noof daywhenthedisplay/s
showingotherinformation,s/Np/ytouchtheCLOCK pad Thet/meofdayshowsuntilanotherpadis
Touch tile STARTpad. _Mter pressing
tile STARTpad,SETdisappears; this tells you tile time is C()lmting down,
although tile display does not change tmtil one minute has passed.
X&q/en tile timer reaches :00, tile
control Mll beep 3 times followed by one beep exer_ 6 seconds tmtil tile
KITCHEN TIMER ON/OFFpad is touched.
The6 secondtonecan becanceledby following the stepsin the Special featuresof your oven
controlsectionunder Tonesat the Endof
a TimedCycle.
If youmakeamistake,presstheKITCHENTIMER ON/OFFpadandbeg/))again.
ToReset the Timer
If tile display is still showing tile time remaining, you may change it by touching
tile KITCHEN TIMER ON/OFF pad, then touch tile nmnber pads tmtil tile time w)u want
al)l)ea_s in tile display:
ToCancel the Timer
pad twice.
Power Outage
!fa f/ashingt/No/s in the d/sp/ay,youhave expenenceda power failure. Reset the clock.
If tile remaining time is not in tile display
(clock, delay start or cooking time are in
tile display), recall tile remaining time by touching tile KITCHEN TIMER ON/OFF pad
and then touching tile numl)er pads to enter tile Ile_v [lille v()[I w;Int.
To reset tile clock, touch tile CLOCK pad. Enter the correct time oI clay by touching
tile appropriate number pads. Touch tile
START pad.
Usingthe timedbakingand mastingfeatures(upperovenonly).
NOTE: Foods that spoil easilyISUCh as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and porkIShould not be allowed to sit for more
than 1hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that the oven
light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
i( ii( i!!i ii(!i!;iii !
i(D O(DO ¸
selectedlengthof time.At theendof thecookingtime,
theovenwillturnoff automatical/F
[] Tomh tile BAKEpad. [] Touch tile nm-nber pads to set tile desired
o_eI/ tefl/per_lt t/l_.
[] Touch the COOKINGTIME pad.
toaddadditionaltimetothelengthof thecookingtime.
[] Touch tile number pads to set tile desired
length of cooking time. The minimum cooking time _)u can set is 1 milmm.
The oven temperature that you set and the cooking time that w)u entered will be in
the dispkg.
[] Touch tile STARTpad. TJle o_en will ulna ON. and the display will sho_
the cooking time countdo_m and the changing temperature starting at 100°E (The temperature
(fispla} will start to change once the o_en tempen_ture reaches 100°E) When the o_en
reaches file mmperamx_ you set, 3 beeps will
The o_en will confim]e to cook Ibr the set amount of time, then turn off automaficalb;
unless the CookandHoldteature was set. See file Specialfeaturesofyourovencontrolsection.
_Mier the oven turns off. the end-of cycle tone will sound.
[] Touch tile CLEAlglOFFpadto clear the
display if necessa_). Remove the food fi'om the oxen. Remembec exert though the
oven turns off automaticalb, fi)od left in the oxen will continue cooking after the
oxell t/lI'/lS ()_"
I r,.#_
GO00 000
@@OOO 000
@@@O@ 000
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Theupperovenwillturnonat thetimeofdayFouset,
cookfora specificlengthof timeandthenturnoff automatical/F
Make sm'e the clock shows tile correct time of dat.
[] Touch the BAKEpad. [] Touch the nm-nber pads to set tile desired
oven tel//perat/ire.
[] Touch the COOKINGTIME pad.
toaddadditionaltimetothelengthof thecookingtime.
[] Touch the nm-nber pads to set the desired
length of cooking time. The minimum cooking time }_m can set is 1 milmm.
The men teml)emmre that wm set and the cooking time that w)u entered will be in
the displa}.
[] Touch the DELAYSTARTpad.
] Touch the nm-nber pads to set tile time of
day wm "W}li/ttile o'_en to t/iria Oil and start cooking.
Touch the STARTpad.
NOTE:ff Fouwouldliketocheckthetimesyouhaveset,
havesetortouchtheCOOKINGTIME padtocheckthe lengthofcookingtimeyouhaveset.
When the oven turns ONat the time ot dat
}ou set, the displa} will sho_ the cooking time
countdo_m and the changing temperature starting at 100°E (The temperature displa}
will start to change once the o\en temperature
x_aches 100°E) When the oven x_aches the tempen_ture you set, beeps will sound.
The o_en will contimm to cook tOTthe set amount of time, then turn off mmm-mticalb;
unless the CookandHoldteature was set. See the Specialfeaturesof Fourovencontrolsection.
)dter file oven turns off. the end-of cycle tone will sound.
[] Touch tile CLEAR!0FFpad to clear the
display if necessar}. Remoxe the food from the oxen. Remember, exert though the
oxen turns off automaticall}; fi)od left in the oxen will continue cooking after the
oxell t/lI'/lS ()_:
NOTE:Anattentiontonewillsoundif youareusing
For many foods, especially roasts and poultry, internal food temperature is the best test for doneness. The temperature probe takes the guesswork out of cooking foods to the exact doneness you want.
Use oI probes other than the one provided
with this product may result in damage to the probe.
Thetemperature probe has a skewer-like probe at one end and a plug at the other end that goes flTto
the outlet t7 the oven.
Use tile handles of tile probe and plug when inserting and removing them ti'om
the toed and outlet.
!i; Toavoiddamagingyourprobe,donotusetongs
AFter preparing the meat and plating it on a trivet or on the broiler pan grid, follow
these directions fi)r proper probe placement,
Insert the probe completely into the meat, It should not touch the bone, ti_t or gristle.
iJi::Donot store theprobein the oven.
For roasts with no bone, insert the probe into the meatiest part of the roast. For
bone-in ham or lamb, inse_t the probe into the center of the lowest large muscle.
Inse_t the probe into the center of dishes
Stlch as II/eat loat or casseroles.
Insert the probe into the meatiest part of the inner thigh fl'om below and parallel to the leg of a whole tm'kex.
g i ii
)ii¸@ i !
How to Set the Upper Oven For Cooking When Using the Probe
Insert the probe into the food.
Plug the probe into the outlet in the
oxen. Make sure it's pushed all the
wa_ in. Close the oxen dora:
[] Touch the PROBEpad.
[] Touch the nmnber pads to set
the desired internal food or meat temperature between 1()()°F and 200°F.
[] Touch the BAKEpad.
[] Touch the nmnber pads to set the
desired o;en temperatm'e.
[] Touch the START pad.
Thedisplaywfflflashif theprobeisinsertedintothe
The display will show LO tmfil the internal temperature of the fi)od reaches I00°F; then the changing internal temperature
will be shown.
] X_q_en the internal temperature of the
fi)od reaches the number _,ou haxe set,
the probe and the oven mrn off and the oven control signals. To stop the
signal, touch the CLEAR/OEEpad, Use
hot pads to remove the probe ti'om the fi)od. Do not use tongs to pull on
it--they might damage it.
To change the oven temperature during probe cooking, touch the BAKE pad and then the number pads to set the new
::Ji::If theprobe is removedfrom the food before the
final temperatureisreached,a tone will sound
and the displaywill flash until theprobeis removed from theoven.
!;>Youcanuse thetimereventhoughyoucannot
usetimedovenoperationswhile usingthe
Usingthe convectionoven.(onsome models)
The convection oven fan shuts off when the oven door is opened. DONOTleave the door open for long periods of time while using convection cooking.
To help you understand the difference
iil; ii
h7 a COITVectioI7 oveR, a far
circulateshotair over,underand aroundthefood.Thiscirculatinghot airis evenlydistributedthroughout theovencavity.Asaresult,foods
are evenly cookedandbrowne_
oftenin lesstimethanwith regular heat.
between comection bake and roast and traditional bake and roast, here are some general guidelines.
;;Ji::Preheattheoven.SeetheUsingthe Oven-
::Ji::Idealforfoodscookedonmu/tl))/eshelves. _; Goodforlargequantitiesofbakedfoods. ;;J_::Goodresultswithcookies,biscuits,brownies,
cupcakes,creampuffs,sweetroils,angelfood cakeandbreacL
Tile comecfion tim circulates tile heated air e',enl_ o',er and around the t0od.
_Ji:_Goodfor large tendercutsof meat, uncoverecL
Tile convection fire circulates tile heated air evenly over and around tile food. Using
the grid and broiler pan provided, heated air will be circulamd over and around tile
t0od being roasted. The heated air seals in
juices quickly for a moist and tender
product while, at the same time, creating a rich golden brown exterioi:
x. j
When w_u are convection roasting it is important that you use tile broiler pan and
grid for best convection roasting results. The pan is used u_ catch grease spills and the grid is used to prevent grease spatters.
!;>Placetheshelfinshelfposition(A). iJi::Placethegndonthebroilerpan.
Q(D(D(Z)(D (DOD(D(2D
Auto Recipe TM Conversion
You can use your fh',orite recipes in tile
con', ection o_, ell.
When using CONVECTIONBAKE,the oven will automatlcafly convert the oven temperature from regular baking to ConvectionBake temperatures.
[] Using the number pads, enter
tile temperature recommended in the recipe.
[] Touch tile START pad.
The display will show the telnperature you entered fix)in your
redpe. The oven will automatically convert it to tile convection cooking
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad when
baking is finished.
iJi::Usepan s/#erecommendedin the recipe. _: Somepackage instructions for frozen
casseroles,main dishes or bakedgoods have been developedusing commercial convection ovens.Forbest results in this oven, preheat the ovenand use the temperature, for regular baking, on the package.
Usingthe convectionoven.(o,some models)
Cookware for Convection Cooking
gefi)re using your convection oven, check to see if w)ur cookware leaves room fin" air
circulation in tile oven. If you are baking with several pans, leave space between
them. _Mso, be sure tile pans do not touch each other or tile walls of tile oven.
Paper and Plastic
Heat-resistant paper and plastic ('ontaine_ that are recommended fin" use in regular
ovens C[lIl be tlsed in convection ovens.
Plastic cookware that is heat-resistant to temperatures of 400°F can also be used,
when oven is below 400°E
How to Set the Upper Oven for Convection Baking or Roasting
Metal and Glass
Any type of cookware will work in veto" convection oven. However; metal pans heat
tile ti_smst and are recommended fi)r convection baking.
_: Darkenedormatte-fimshedpans will bake faster
thanshiny pans.
::Ji::Glassorceramlcpanscookmore s/ow/g
_l/en baking cookies, you will get tile best results if you use a fiat cookie sheet instead
ot a pan with low sides. For recipes like oven-baked chicken,
use a pan with low sides. Hot air cmmot circulate well aro/md food in a pan with
high sides.
When convection baking with only I shelf, follow the shelf positions
recommended f17the UsflTgthe
[] Touch tile CONVECTION BAKE or X_q/ell tile oven starts to heat tile thanein,,,_
CONVECTION ROAST pad. temperature, ,startim,_at lO0°k will be
displa)ed. _q/en tile oxen reaches tile
[] Touch tile nmnber pads to set tile temperatm'e you set 3 beeps will so/md.
desired oxen temperature.
[] Touch tile STARTpad. [] finished.T°uchtile CLEAR/OFFpad when
To cham,e,_ tile oven temperatm'e, touch tile
pad and then tile number pads to set tile
new telill)ei'attlre.
NOTE:Youwillheara fanwhilecookingwith convection.Thefan willstopwhenthedoor is openedbuttheheatwillnotturnoK
Multi-Shelf Baking
Thenumber of shelvesprowtied dependson your
Because heated air is circulated evenly throughout tile oven, fi)ods can be baked with excellent results using m ulfiple shelves.
Multi-shell baking may increase cook times slightly fin" some toods but the overall result is time saved. Cookies, muffins, biscuits and
other quick breads give ve_T good results with multi-shelf baking.
X4]/en baking larger toods on 3 shelves, place one shelf in the 2rid (A) position, one
on tile 4th (C) position and tile third shelf in the 6th (E) position,
\_]/en baking cookies, place tile shelves in the 4th (C), 5th (D), and 6th (E) positions.
How to Set the Upper Oven for Convection Roasting when Using the Probe
(onsome models)
For best results when roasting large turkeys and roasts, we recommend ushTgthe probe hTcluded h7the
COtTvect/oI7 oven.
0 ®,
The display will flash PROBE and the oven
control Mll signal if the probe is inserted
into the outlet, and you have not set
a probe temperatm'e and touched the
[] Place the shelf in the shelf position
(A). Insert the probe completely
into the toed.
[] Plug the probe into the outlet in the
oxen. Make sure it is pushed all the
wa_ in. Close the oxen door.
[] Touch the CONVECTION ROAST pad.
[] Touch the nmnber pads to set the
desired oxen temperatm'e.
[] Touch the PROBE pad.
[] Touch the immber pads to set the
desired internal fi_od temperature.
To change the (wen temperature during
the Convection Roast cycle, touch the
CONVECTION ROAST pad and then touch
the number pads to set the new desired
[] Touch the START pad.
_]_en the oven stnrts to heat, the word
£0 will be in the display.
_Mter the internal temperature of the fi)od
reaches 100°K the changing internal
temperature will be shown in the display.
CAUTION:Topreventpossibleburns,donot unplugtheprobefromtheovenoutletuntiltheoven hascoo/ecLDonotstoretheprobein theoven.
::Ji::If theprobe is removedfrom the food before the
final temperature/s reached,a tone will sound
and the displaywill flashuntil theprobe is
removedfrom theoven.
iJi::Youwillheara fanwhilecooktbgwith this
feature.Thefanwill stopwhenthedooris openedbuttheheatwill notturnoff.
I r,.#_
] _,_3_en the internal temperature of the
fi)od reaches the nmnber you haxe set, the probe and the oven mrn off
and the oven control signals. To stop
the signal, much the CLEAR/OFFpad. Use hot pads to remove the probe
fl'om the fl)od. Do not use tongs to pull on it--they might damage it.
Usingthe convectionoven.(onsome models)
Convection Roasting Guide
Meats Minutes/Lb. Oven Temp. Internal Temp. Beef Rib(3to 5 Ibs.) Raret 20-24 325°F 140°F
Medium 24-28 325°F 160°F
Well 28-32 325°F 170°F
BonelessRib,TopSirloin Raret 20-24 325°F 140°F
Medium 24-28 325°F 160°F
Well 28-32 325°F 170°F
BeefTenderloin Raret 10-14 325°F 14O°F
Medium 14-18 325°F 160°F
PotRoast(2½ to 3 Ibs.)chuck,rump 35-45 3OO°F 170°F
Pork Bone-in(3to 5Ibs.) 23-27 325°F 170°F
Boneless(3to 5 Ibs.) 23-27 325°F 170°F PorkChopsto 1" thick) 2chops 30-35total 325°F 170°F
4chops 35-40 total 325°F 170°F 6chops 40-45 total 325°F 170°F
Ham Canned(3Ibs.fully cooked) 14-18 325°F 140°F
Butt(5Ibs.fully cooked) 14-18 325°F 14O°F Shank(5 Ibs.fullycooked) 14-18 325°F 14O°F
Lamb Bone-in(3to 5Ibs.) Medium 17-20 325°F 160°F
Well 20-24 325°F 170°F
Boneless(3to 5 Ibs.) Medium 17-20 325°F 160°F
Well 20-24 325°F 170°F
Seafood Fish,whole (3to 5 Ibs.) 30-40 total 4OO°F
LobsterTails(6to 8 oz.each) 20-25 total 350°F
Poultry WholeChicken(27Jto 37JIbs.) 24-26 350°F 180°-185°F
CornishHensUnstuffed(1to 1½ Ibs.) 50-55total 350°F 180°-185°F CornishHensStuffed(1to 1½ Ibs.) 55-60total 350°F 180°-185°F
Duckling(4to 5 Ibs.) 24-26 325°F 180°-185°F
Unstuffed(10to 16Ibs.) 8-11 325°F 180°-185°F Unstuffed(18to24 Ibs.) 7-10 325°F 180°-185°F
TurkeyBreast(4to 6 Ibs.) 16-19 325°F 17O°F
_ Sh([/i_d birds g'ener_H(_' requh-e 30-45 minute,_ additional roasting time. Shield k%_ and bn_ast with /bil to pn_vent
over!)rowni_l_" (ind (hying" (_/skin.
}-The _ 'IS. D_JmHment (!/iAg'_'icultm'e s_13's'Wmr"be( i,spo/)u/m, but you should know Ik_lt cooki_t_" it to on(_' 140° F me,ins
somej_od poisoni_" o_2"_mi,sms m_)' sin's,ire. "(Source: S_(/i_Food Book. )+mr Kitchen Guide. L',ST)A leer. June 1985.)
+ 44 hidden pages