GE JET213002, JET213001 Owner’s Manual

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Useand Careof model_T213
17o_t_1ro€ nf xTnzlr nvpn n_
TOUClqcontrol panel po
How to use the
AUTO ROASI leature
How to use the
t 1 t f
v A _ A i _l'ml _
Help Us
14f=In Vnl J
Read this book carefully.
It will help you operate and main-
n iVllb/UWCtV_ %JV_l I
tai your new'^' .......... n ....
r" -r- -- -s -
Keep it handy for answers to your questions.
If you don't understand something
or need more help... Call, toil free:
The GE Answer Center TM
consumer information service or write: (include your phone
General Electric Company
Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
Write down the model and
serial numbers.
You'll find them on a label inside
the oven on the upper left side. These numbers are also on the
Consumer Product Ownership
Registration .....................
your Microwave Oven. Before sending in this card, please write
these numbers here:
Model No,
_;,,H;li No
L,aru that uamu w_u_
Be sure your Microwave Oven is registered.
III|_UIt_IIL tll_ql! VV_ LII_ iiiClllt.J-
facturer, know the location of your Microwave Oven should a need
occur for adjustments.
Your supplier is responsible for
registering you as the owner.
Please check with your supplier to be sure he has done so; also send in your Consumer Product Owner-
chin l::h=ni_trntinn _nrd If v¢_li mnvn
or if you are not the original pur- chaser please write to us, stating
model and serial numbers. This
appliance must be registered. Please be certain that it is.
VV| I I,t; [U,
General Electric Company Range Product Service
Annliannn Park
r,."r-- ............
Louisville, KY 40225
if you recelveu...........a uamaUUU
immoHi_f_lv _nntnnt thn dnnlnr (c_r builder) that sold you the Micro-
wave Oven.
.J ..... .J
Save time and money.
Before you request service, check
the Problem Solver on page 15. It
lists minor causes of operating
_/I ,t,JL/l_l I IO I.i i(_1. y_Ju i %.,L, tl i b',_*L
Irn Aunln
IB V I"l'l[ Vilify"
Ila_A A A Ill lilRh il P
I'aU_l I:11.1¢
(a) DO Not Affempt to operate this oven with the door open since open
door operation can result in harmful exposure [u rnluruw_vu energy, is
imnnrt_nt nnf tn dRfRRt nr tamnRr
with the safety interlocks.
(b) Do Not Place any object between the oven front face and the
door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.
{c) Do Not Operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly important
L! l_tt LI I_ UVUI I UUUI _|U_ }J! u}_l ly
and that there is no damage to the:
in) ooor toerlt)
(2) hinges and latches (broken or
(3) door seals and sealing surfaceS.
(d) The Oven Should not be adjusted or repaired by anyone
except properly qualified service
Us(] fh_e_ nl inlhpr'_ in :,In',;
correspondence or service calls concerning your Microwave Oven.
Available at extra-cost from your GE supplier.
IV,,4,-I I----A--II--l:---- V;l
O_ I ! IIl'l_ilalli:lilUI! r_lt
Converts your countertop oven to a built-in wall oven. This microwave
oven is UL listed for installation over GE wall ovens with black glass doors.
:_,'_.;r,_ MIcrowavmg ............ 2
%;,,+_ty Instruchons ............ 3-4
V Features of Your Oven .......... 5
Cooking Complete Reminder .... 5
[ouch Control Panel ........... 6
Set the Clock .................. 6
Automatic Roasting &
Chart ...................... 7-8
Time Cook ................... 10
AUTO START ................ !0
Temp Cook/Hold ............. 11
M!N!SEC Timer ............... 12
Care of Your Oven ............ 13
Grounding Instructions ........ 14
Use of Extension Cords ........ 14
The Problem Solver ........... 15
Consumer Services ............ 19
Warranty ............. Back Cover
Mir_rnwavina Tips
Make sure all utensils used in
\/hi It" mJprn'+,,t,+_;;_3 n\l_n _r_+ I_h_J_rt
"suitable for microwaving'. Check
your Cookbook for specific test to determine '*microwave-safe"
Paper towels, wax paper, and plastic wrap can be used to cover
dishes in order to retain moisture and prevent spattering.
o Some microwaved foods require
stirring, rotating, or rearranging. Check your Cookbook for specific
instructions. o Some foods such as unshelled
eggs and hot dogs must be pierced
to aiiow steam to escape during cooking.
Read all instructions before using this appliance.
When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should
be followed, including the
I gl I1.1_11/I I I_J.
WARNING_To reduce the risk of burns, electric shock, fire,
injury to persons or exposure to excessive microwave energy:
Use this appliance only for its intended use as described in this
Read and follow the specific
_il"Jr_i"/'_A I I'l_l_klL _ "lPt"_ A_l_lr'_
ENERGY" found on page 2.
This appliance must be grounded. Connect only to properly grounded outlet. See
found on page 14.
I I UI UE;;aI. UIJ_E;I IEII.IUI I_ _JILI_::_ f.I llO
appliance into its own electrical outlet, to prevent flickering of lights, blowing of fuse or trip-
ping of circuit breaker.
Install or locate this appliance only in accordance with the pro-
Be certain to place the front
_.._1_,,.^ ,,.,it 1.1_^ +-I,.-.,_ ., I.Ik.r_,,_ $n,+*,l,+_.
or more back from the counter- top edge to avoid accidental tip-
ping of the appliance in normal usage.
Do not cover or block any
openings on the appliance.
Do not use outdoors.
Do not immerse power cord or plug in water.
® Keep power cord away from
heated surfaces.
Do not let power cord hang
over edge of table or counter.
® Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged power cord
or plug, if it is not working prop- erly, or if it has been damaged
sj+ L,H _jpd_++_.+',++++
_> See door surface cleaning
;notr_ =c',flr_ne OR n_n_ t 3
This appliance should be ser+ viced only by qualified serwce
personnel, Contact nearest
I_lUtl I_JI 1_..I;_I,.4 01;_1Vll_l_ 1_ll.411ty IUI
examination, repair or adjustment,
As with any appliance, close supervision is necessary when
used by children,
To reduce the risk of fire in
the oven cavity:
--Do not overcook food, Care-
plastic, or other combustible materials are placed inside the
oven to facilitate cooking.
--Remove wire twist-ties from paper or plastic bags before
placing bag in oven.
_Do not use your microwave oven to dry newspapers.
--_,aper towels ano napKins,
wax paper. Recycled paper
nrnrh inf_ P._nnnnt_in m_f_l flecks which may cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products con- taining nylon or nylon filaments
should be avoided, as they may
--Do not pop popcorn in your
cial microwave popcorn acces- sory or unless you use popcorn
labeled for use in microwave ovens.
--Do not operate the oven while
empty to avoid damage to the oven and the danger of fire. If by
empty a minute or two, no harm is done, However, try to avoid operating the oven empty at all
times_it saves energy and pro- longs life of the oven.
--If materials inside the oven
should ignite, keep oven door closed, turn oven off, and dis-
connect the power cord, or shut off power at the fuse or circuit
hr_k_r nnn+l
(cont nued next page,)
Some products such as
whole eggs and sealed con- tainers--for example, closed
glass jars--may explode and should not be heated in this
Avoid heating baby food in glass tars, even without their lids; especially meat and egg
Don't defrost frozen bever-
ages in narrow necked bottles; especially carbonated ones.
Fv_n if fh_ nnnf,-qin_r i_ nnan_.d
pressure can build up. This can cause the container to burst,
J .....
resumng m injury.
Use metal only as directed in
_,ggr_ggllwill_. IVI_LI=II _*LI IlJ;_ I_0 UOICTU
on meat roasts are helpful when used as shown in Cookbook.
TV dinners may be cooked in metal trays but when using shelf
they must be replaced in their
UUA, I IUVV_.JVt-.,I 7 VVI I_*._11 f*._ll I_ |II_L_I
in microwave oven, keep metal
(except for DOUBLE DUTY TM
shelf) at least 1-inch away from
_IUI#_ UI UV_(I.
L;OOKmg umns.s may
become hot because of heat
transferred from the heated food. This is especially true if plastic wrap has been covering
_1__ _ ..... J I.... -Jl__ _J_ ±L--
tl']f_ iO_ _[liL1 fldfl(Jl_ L)l Lfl_
utensil. Potholders may be needed to handle the utensil.
o Sometimes, the oven floor
can become too hot to touch. Be careful touching the floor
during and after cooking.
Do not use any thermometer
in'^^'+ _r_.... :......... _
,uuu you r=lmufuvv_vn =Lj
unless that thermometer is
designed or recommended for use in the microwave oven.
Remove the temperature vrom me oven when nul
probe ...................." -
using tt to cook wAh It you h:avo the probe InSide the oveli wdtlolit
inserting it in food or hqu_d and turn on microwave eeergy i! c_in
+",'a_fr_ tL_laPtriP_;tl llrPJntl ilr'_ ttwi
oven, and damage oven walls.
Plastic Ulensils--Plaslic utensils designed for microwave
cooking are very useful but
blIUUIU Ut_ I,!_'}t_U bo.IglLtlly, LeVi';It
microwave plastic may not be as
tolerant of overcooking condi- tions as are glass or ceramic
Ifli:llellal5 i:tl!U rrli:ly 5UIL_I! UI
t-h_r if _hir_P+f+=d tn _hnrt naric_rt_,
of overcooking. In longer expo- sures to overcooking, the food
and utensils could ignite. For
LIIE.;OG IG_._OUIh.._, I ! U_ I_ IIIIUl U
wave plastics only "and use thern" in strict compliance with the utensil manufacturer's
r_uo(H(Vl_()u_uuml_. ,') uu V_UL
_ _hi_nt _mntv _t_n_il_ tn minrn- waving. 3) Do not permit children
to use plastic utensils without complete supervision.
When cooking pork follow
UUI UIIt_UI, IUIIb UAcI.L, uy I:;111%1
always cook the meat to at least
170° . This assures that, in the
remote possibility that trichina may be present in the meat, it
VVIll UI_ _lll_U C_IIU lillE;Ok Will u,G-
safe to eat.
Rnilinn _r_ tin _nr! t_ll| _f
_v..,=l: ) _1:9_ %,,. _.,_ .....
shell) is not recommended for microwave cooking Pressure can build up inside egg yolk and may cause it to burst resulting
in ini_ Jr\/
skin such as potatoes, hot dogs or sausages tomatoes apples chicken livers and other gibiets and eggs (see above)
_. ,I,4 h_ _ _r.._A ÷z_ _11_^, b! iUUlU U_ tJill L,_L_ LU O.IIUVV
steam to escape during cooking,
"Boilabte" cooking pouche_
l!!lU IIWIUI' _
N|ilillhl [11) Sill, {)|()((L:(_(((l_)(v!)(!(il(( (IS ()lll:.+{:l{)l'l Ill C()_)ki)()(ik If lh+'y
ille 11(11,|it;fslic(:ould h_+_s( +lu+
Ih_] 1)( I!l!!l!l)(llillUly +ltll+! _+;ll!ll_l!+_ i (_(t+;_lhlv rr)++uiIlltlt'l ill I(IIIIlV At+,._
t)htstl(: gtol+l(J()()(:)lil+l)l'l()fhPi|)()ill(l he lit h}(|gt tlarll(illy !lfl(;¢lV(ffl)({
t)ec+ill_e they lorm +i |i(lii| _i)+li
IMl't=+rt ('+f+l+#il4[If+|l'+l with I'=+l't_));||ll(|t'=i
vvll_#ll .++_+,._.._i+i_,_ I vvl+,, _,.+-,,..,,,,.,,
.......... +.:,+l ,I ..... I * , ' ....... t ......
lightly covered with plllgtl(; wrdlt) remove coveting car(flu y _(ri+l direct steam away trom hilflfJg
[11 IkJ I[lb_,
* I l+^ --l Ik-- PI/"+.I II_I I_ + IP_I ITV_ ql I../III_ UI llll_ I./VIJI;IIL.I;. law l I
shelf _accessory, (See your Cook book for proper use.)
--Remove the shelf from own when not in use
--Do not store or cook with shelf on floor of oven. Product
damage may result.
--Use ..... ...... +'^- +'"_"':_-"
the shelf and utensils. They may be hot.
--Do not use microwave browning dish on shelf. The
shelf could overheat.
Features of Your Microwave Oven
(_.nntt;nn l_^mnl*-ta I:lAminrhlr
cycles:) Tr_,remind you that you have food in
the oven, the oven will beep once a
oven door or touch the CLEAR/
OFF pad.
1-'f"--_ ....... .... ,,,,,, , -- :-
II !IIJ_llll_l_ I"__I "HIIIIII I! _IIII .I \\ ))_ llIIIIll
\II !If
il \ III
llIl ;"/ llIl /
1. Door Handle. Pull to open door. Door must be securely
2. Door Laiches.
3. Viewing Window with Metal
Shield. Metal screen permits
microwaves confined inside
4. Antenna Cover, Protects the
microwave energy distributing
antenna. Do not remove this cover. "_buwiii damage the
5. Oven Vent.
6. Oven Interior Light. Turns on
when the door is opened or
. _ ..... i-I ....uven Ploor.
temperature probe. Use with
TEMP COOK!HOLD and AUTO ROAST functions only.
R_e_n|_nl_ fnr T_mn_r_tur_
...... r- ............. r- .......
Probe. Temperature Probe
must be securely inserted into receptacle when using TEMP
tJL}Ui"Xl MULU or /_U I U I'_U/_O I
DOUBLE-DUTY TM shelf. Lets
you microwave several foods at _r,_ nn not "_ eh_If _^_ithn_t
plastic spacers in place as
shown. (See Safety Instructions for special instructions.) When this shelf is not in use, please
r_rnnt;_, frnm fh_ n\l_n
IUUl;I_ _,,orllrOl r'ull_l illlU
hie_l_v _ n_f n_cI_ fnr
"19 _nnk|nn i_.h_rt ('l,,ir_k rmf_r-
ence Codes for many fre- quently prepared foods.
13. Model and Serial Numbers.
Features of Your Touch Control Panel
I i_t_ FL)UI_]I _UPIIIUI ¥ tt'llll(_l i'lllI.Jwli'lir;_
,!outo set the oven contrt_ls elec o trontca!ly w=th the lOu(-h O| a finger It's designed to be easy to use and
DISPLAY. Displays time of day, time
ovt#n, yolt may nlaki_ yoL|! own |it() gram_ tO _Ud yollr .'idlvlduah/i.,(l cooklri_| ._tyl_
functions, power level being used, cooking mode and instructions.
TIME COOK. Microwave for a preset amount of time using auto- matic Power Level i0 (or change
time. See page 10.)
CLOCK. Touch this pad to enter time of day or check time of day while microwaving. To set clock,
II1_1 IUMUII t.,,L_J'*_,'l'% _)i_U _IIIU |11_11
enter time of day. For example, if time is !:30, touch number pads 1, 3, and 0 and 1:30 will appear in dis- play. Touch :5I/-\HI pad. To reset
above process.
AUTO ROAST. Insert nroh_, tollnh
.................... p. ..... , .......
this pad, and desired number pad / for Code to slow-cook or tempera- "
ture cook meat with automatic preset program. (See page 7.)
NUIVli:IPH I-'t_lU_. I OUCh mese paas/
÷n anfar ,-,nf_Dinn r,lafrneflnn tlm_ /
time of day, temperature, Power / Level, Auto Codes or food weights
for Auto Defrost. POWER LEVEL. Touch this pad /
before entering another power level /
!11 III
_i ill
IlillltlilI I
I IC_._._._._i I\
IJpUiBl_lUi_| I \
/I I;:'"' ..........II
flli_]_]_ll I
/I !1_--,:=.-Ii I
forty} IttaWltlg at tlulOIT!iit!¢: POWi_r Level 3, (or ctmngo power h_wtl
after ellterlng dafrosltng tim_l _l_i; page 9 )
ll_llll_ll/llllllll_ _llUgl_ IIJ IDUUr*
a prose! temperature, Once oven
reaches preset temperature, it
switches to HOLD setting and mitin [ains mai temperature Unlll yell
page 11)
MIN/SEC TIMER. This feature uses no microwave energy when it tune..
tions as either a kitchen timer or as a noirJing penoa
and time or temperature cooking (See page 12.)
AI ITil .O,T&lIT AIInw£ vc)i, tr) om..
gram your oven to begin cooking _.t a preset time of day--up to a 12
hour delay. (See page 10.)
\ CLEAR/OFF. When touched, it
" shuts off the oven and erases all
_t_LLIII_5 [_XIJt_pL LIIIIL_ UI lJ_iy)
fly iiiifi(i
Ut-',I r ustoeiweeri
automatic Power Level 10 (HIGH) for cooking or Power Level 3 (LOW)
fordefrosting. / ![[ I
START. After all selections are / I_J - ----- --_ I
made, touch this pad to start oven. --"----
When using TEMP COOK!HOLD function, you have entered a temperature less than 90° or more
than 199 °.
When using AUTO START, you have not entered a
vallo CLOCK [tme.
lVIl_lt _LLIIt_ tJL771tl ]TtJ I1_1_ !l%Jt {jl iiCil_ el v(,.lllU
clock time
® Probe has been forgotten when AUTO ROAST or
TEMP COOKIHOLD functions are being used, Probe isnot securely seated in ow:n wall
+ 11 hidden pages