GE JET203, JET200 Use and Care Manual

Useand Careof modelsJET200,JET203
bytemperature p8 Howto use
Defrost Savetimeandmoney,
Beforeyourequestservice, usethe MoblemSolver
Your Direct Line to General Electric
The GE Answer CenteF800.626.2000
Help Us Help You. . .
Read this book carefully.
Itwill help you operate and main-
tain your new Microwave Oven
Keep it handy for answers to your
If you don’t understand something or need more help. . . Call, toll free:
The GE Answer CenterTM
consumer information service or write: (include your phone
number); Consumer Affairs General Electric Company Appliance Park
Louisville, KY 40225
Write down the model and serial numbers.
You’ll find them on a label inside the oven on the upper left side.
These numbers are also on the
Consumer Product Ownership
Registration Card that came with your Microwave Oven. Before sending in this card, please write these numbers here:
Model No.
Serial No.
Be sure your Microwave Oven is registered.
It is important that we, the manu­facturer, know the location of your Microwave Oven should a need occur for adjustments.
Your supplier is responsible for registering you as the owner.
Please check with your supplier to be sure he has done so; also send in your Consumer Product Owner­ship Registration Card. If you move, or if you are not the original pur­chaser please write to us, stating model and serial numbers. This
appliance must be registered. Please be certain that it is.
Write to: General Electric Company
Range Product Service Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225
If you received a damaged
OVetlm .
immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the Micro­wave Oven.
Save time and money.
Before you request service, check the Problem Solver on page 10. It
lists minor causes of operating problems that you can correct yourself.
Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls
concerning your Microwave Oven.
Before Microwaving . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Safety Instructions . . . . . . . . . . . 3,4
Features of Your Oven . . . . . . . . . . 5
Time Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...6
Defrost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...7
Temp Cook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...8
Care of Your Oven . . . . . . . . . . ...9
The Problem Solver . . . . . . . . . . . 1(J
Grounding Instructions . . . . . . . . 11
Use of Extension Cords . . . . . . . . 11
Consumer Services . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Warranty . . . . . . . . . . . .. Back Cover
Microwaving Tips
Make sure all utensils used in
your microwave oven are labeled “suitablef ormicrowaving”. Check yourCookbook for specific test to determine ’’microwave-safe” utensils.
Paper towels, waxpaper, and
plastic wrap can beused tocover dishes in orderto retain moisture and prevent spattering.
Some microwaved foods require
stirring, rotating, or rearranging. Checkyour Cookbook forspecific instructions.
Some foods such as unshelled
eggs and hotdogs must be pierced toallowsteamto escape during cooking.
* SOnw
whole eggs and sealed ccm­takers-for example, ckwii glass jars-may explode and should not be heated in this
oven. @“AVVM
glass jarskeven without their lids; &@c$ially meat and egg . mixtures, “,
‘? CMst dMrost frozm bev4w-
ages in narrow necked bo~les;
especiafl~ carbonated roes. %@ri if th~ Contsiner is qxm!d,
pressure Gan build up, Ttii$ can
cause Ma aontainer to burst; resulting in injury.
? USE m@# only as dhacted .MJ Cooktxwk. -Metal atrip$ as used
mat, masts am Iwlpftil when
used as shown in CocM.mQk,
TV dinners maybe &oked, in
metal trays, However, when using mk%alin ‘rnicrowqve Qvw7~
frmn $iG@?C#faye?%
* C2Wkhlg utensils ma~ ‘ “ fmcom transferred from the heated
plastic Ywap has bean covering the tqp and handles of the 17’0°. This assures that, in the
utensil. Potholders m~y be ~
rmede@@ hsndkthe utms~l.
‘~ Somqthnasr the oven ffqor
~11 fi@0ti4! b~
Be wweful touching the floor .
. during andafter cooking. shell) is not recommended for
* m- -Aa ..** a-.. aka”--
products such m
hwtlng baby food in
l-inch aljVay
hot bemuse-of heat
This is especially trpe’if =
“tiC?ttQ tQlldi
rmometer h
commended for
Remove th$ temperature
probe from #@oven when not using it to cook with. If you leave
the probe inside the oven without
inserting it in food or liquid, and turn on microwave energy, it can create electrical arcing in the oven, and damage ov~ri walls.
* Plastic lJtensi9s-Plastic utensils designed for microwave cooking are very useful, but should be used carefully, Even microwave plastic may not be as tolerant of overbooking condi­tions as are glass or ceramic materials and may soften or char if subjected to shart period$ of overcooking. In kmger expo­sures to overcooking, the fmd and utensils could ignite. For these reasons: 1) Use rnicro­wave plastics only “and use them” in strict compliance with the utensil manufacturer’s recommendations. 2) Do not subject empty utensiis to rnicro­waving. 3) Do not permit children
use plastic utensils without
complete supervision.
When Cdd?lg p(Mk fOk)W
our directions exactly and always cook the meat tu at least
remote possibility that trichina
may be present in the meat, it will be killed arid meat will be safe to eat.
Baling eggs (in and out af
microwave cooking, Pressure can build up inside egg yolk and may cause it to burst, resulting
in injury.
Foods with unbroken outer
“skin”such as potatoes, hot
dogs or sausages, tomatoes, apples, chicken livers and other giblets, and eggs (see above) should be pierced to allow steam to escape during cooking
o ‘i&BoMMe” cooking pouches and tightly closed plastic bags shou!d be slit, pierced or vented as directed in Cookbook. If they are not, plastic could burst dur­ing or immediately after cooking possibly resulting in injury. Also, plastic storage containers shouk beat least partially uncovered because they form a tight seal. When cooking with containers tightly covered with plastic wrap remove covering carefully and direcf steam away from hands and face.
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