GE JES739WJ01, JES735WJ03, JES735WJ01, JES735BJ03, JES735BJ01 Owner’s Manual

700 Watts
Models: JES735
Microwave Oven
Owner's Manual
Important Safety Information
Operating Instructions
Helpful Information
15 18
GEAppli_ 382885A0003
0I @ JR
Start Here !. ..Be[ore using'your Microwave
Write down the model
and serial numbers here,
Th_3 arc (m a label inside
the' o_ t-n.
Model number
Serial number
Date of purchase
Read this manual
It ((mt_dns il_stru_ tions to
help )ou use m_d mainl_in }our microwave prop{ rl;_;
If you received a damaged ovee...imme(liatel_ ((intact
the (Icah-r (or b/lildm / that soM you the oven.
Save time and money.
Check 0_c secOot_ tMcd "If Something Goes
Wrol_g." Tbis section helps }_m solve common
ptob/e/))s thai migh_ occult:
Staple your receipt to the
inside back cover of this manual You will need R
to make a warranty claim.
Read and billow the spe_ i_]c 'Pre(aufions IO
Avoid Possible Exposur_
to Excessive Mk rowavc EnergLv" on page 2.
This appliance must be grounded. Connect only to propel ly glKmnded outlet. Scc Gtom/dirlg
Instl/]CtiOI]S se(lion on
page 9.
I)O not l//O/]llt this
appliance over a sink.
Install ot locate this appliance only in
accordant( with th( pl ovided hlstallation
Be ; ettain to place th_ t_ont surf;_ce of the door
lhree i]l(?hes <_]+ 131(_re
1)ack _olTi the cot/i/teltop
edge to avoid accidental tipping of the appliance
i_l i]oYl/_a] /1sage+
Do not II_lotlnl the
I_l]i(_l_WaVe OVel3 <}_i"
OI + near al3y porliol3 of
a heating or cooking appliance.
Do not store anything directly on top of Ihe
i/_licro_av( o*_en stlrl;l(e when the O_el] iS ill
opet al]on+
Do not operate any
heating or cooking appliance beneath
this micl ox_ave.
•/_se this appliance only for its inl< nded use as
described in 1his guide.
DO 1301 tlse corrosive
chemicals or vapors in this appliance. This
13/iCl-O_Vaxe<)veil is specifically designed to
heat, dry or <ook food, and is not intended
_br laborato W or industrial use.
Do ]lot operate lhis appliance i! il has a dal//aged poweF cord of plug, if it is not working properly or if it has been damaged m dropped. If the power cord is damuged, it mnst be replaced by General
E]ectric S{ rvic{ or an mlthorized sel ice :_gent
/isii/g a powel" fold availab]e {tom Gener;d Electric.
Do not co_er ol block ally optq/h/gs (m the
l)o not store this appliance outdoors.
Do not use this product n(m" watcT_l})r ex;unple,
irl _1Wet h;_scmcnt, neilr a s_imming pool, near
a sink or in similar locations.
Keep po_e* cord away from healed smh_ces.
Do ]lot Jl//l/lerse pcJ}ve]-
cord or phlg in watel.
Do not let powel cord hang o_er edge of mhk
of ( otlntel'.
To reduce lhe risk of fire in tile oven emily:
-- DO not overcook tood.
Cm eflllly attend applianc( when paper, plastic or other
combustible malerials are placed inside the
oven while cooking.
-- Remove wire twist_ties
and metal handles from papm or plastic
containm s betore placing them in the
-- Do not use tile overl
fbr storage purposes. Do not lear( paper pxoducts, cooking
utensils or food in the
ov{n when nOl ill rise.
--If materials inside o_en
ignite, keep the oven door dosed, I/lli] lhe
ove]l o[1 and disco]lnect
the power cord, or slmt
oft power at tile [use or circuit breaker panel. If the door is opened, tile fire m W spread.
See door surtu_e cleaning instructiolls in
tile Care and Cleaning section (s) of this g/fi<h.
This appliance must only be serxiced by qualified service persotmel.
Co]ltacl nearest authorized service li_cility
[or examination, repair or a(!jtlst ment.
As wilh ally appliance, close supervision is necessar} when used by chikhen.
Arcing is the micmwme t(rm for sparks in the men. Arcing is cansed by:
Metal or foil touching
the side of the oven.
Foil no1 rooMed 1o food
(upl/ll'11( d edges acl like
al31el]nas) +
I)o not pop popcorn in
yOHl" l//ic]'OWaVe O_(_n
unless in a special
mi( FO_,_ave po])coFn
accessol"y or/Inless y(m use pop(:orn labeled for
/Ise ill l//iCl+O\_ave ovens.
Some plod/](Is st]cb as
wbole eggs and sealed (:(mtainers--t_>r example, closed jars--arc able to explode and should not
he healed in this
micFo_,_ave oYel/+ S!]cll/ise Ot die Ini(IX)W_tve OVC]/
conld result in i1!jur):
Do not hoil eggs in a
ITli( P.)+_xave ovel]+ Pl+(ssure
will build up inside egg
yolk and will cause it to
burst, possibly _'esulting in iqjm'>
Metal, such as twisl-ties, poult W pins, (n"gold-
rimmed dishes, in
tht' I/IJCl owavc+
Re%cled paper lowels cot_taining small metal pieces being nsed in
the microwave.
Opetaling the ink:rowaxe with no ibod inside for moFe thai] a mJntlle of
tWO ilia} (arise damage to ill{! oven alld could st_/tt a
fire. It increases the heat arollnd the l//agl/etton
and can shorten th( li]k" of the oven.
Foods with tmhtoken otllel+ "skill" stlch ms
potatoes, hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, chicken lix ct.s and other giblets, and egg yolks sh(mld he pie+c{ d to allow steam to escape dtn-ing cooking.
Liquids, such as water, coffee ortea are able to
be overheated beyond the boiling point without appearing to be boiling.
Visible bubbling or boiling
when the container is removed from the microwave
oven is not always present.
"1_)rcdu(e the risk ot iqjtu y to pet sorls:
-- [)0 not overheat the
-- StiT tl/e liquid bolh before and haltk<ty
lhrough heating it.
-- Do not use slraight-sided
col/tainelN witll naIl'OW
-- After heating, allow tile
COl/taill(l to stand ill
tile II/ici'owa_e OVell tl}l
a short time be/k)m
I'el/lOVil/g tile COl/ta]llel'.
-- Use extiem_ (are wh(l/
inserting a spoon or
other utensi] into tile
Avoid healing ball} food in glass jals, even wifl/
lhe lid off. Make sure all intanl tood is lhor(mghl)
cook_ d. Stir food lo distribme tile Ileal ex<mly.
Be caretul to prevent scalding s_hen warming
_(;l/l'l/lla. The t ol/lail/er
may feel cooler than the h_lmula really is. Ab_ays
test tile tormula before feeding th( bab):
I)on't deh'ost f'roz{ n bevel ages ill i/al ]-ow-
flecked bottles (especially carbonated beverages).
Ewm if tile comainer is opened, l)l'eSSIlre (:all
buikl up. This can cause the containel 1o b/]_st,
possibly resuhirlg in injur):
Hot ti)ods and steam (an cause burns. Be
carefid wh{n opening any containers of hot tood, inch_ding popcorn bags, cooking potlches and boxes. To ple_em possible il!jm?, direct
Sleal?f/ awa} fl'OlII ]lands
and L_ce.
DO not oxert(lok
polatoes. They could dehy(hate and catch fire, (ansing damage
to }_}IIl" ()Veil.
Cook meat and pa_ultlv tbor_alghl}--meat Io
at least an INTERNAl temperature of 160°F
and poulh T t*; at least an INTERNAl, tcmlu-ramre of 180°E Cooking 1o these mmpemtm'cs usually pmtecls against foodborne
Make sure all cookware /ised ill yOtll I//i( I-ox,_ave
o_en is suitable for microwaving. Mosl glass
casseroles, (:ooking dish(s, iTleas/lling (ups, custard cups, potte W or china
dinnerwale which does l/ot have metallic trim or glaze
with a metallic sheen can be tlsed. Some ( ookware is labeled "suitable tor
ITli( IZI1_/VJ I/g. _
If you are not snre ira dish is microwaxe-satc, use this lesl: Place in the
oven both Ihe dish }_tl are testing and a glass measming cup filled with
1 cu l) of warm--set the
measnring cnp either in or next to the dish.
Microwave I mimlte al high. If the dish heats,
i1 shoukl not be used t%* mi(:r(*wavin g.
If the dish remains cool an(] only tile waler ill the
cu l) heats, then tile dish is mi( i'owave-sa]7_*.
If you use a melt Ihel'l//Ol IIet t'Y while
cooking, make stile it is sa['(" lot/ise ill
I//i( i-owave (WellS.
I)o not use re(Tcled paper product.s. Recycled paper Iowels, napkins and waxed paper can
era/lain metal flecks
which nl m cause a_(:ing
or ignite. Paper products c011tail/illg l/ylol/ 01" rlylon filam(nts should be avoided, as they mW also ignite.
SOll/e sl)rofoa]//trays
(like those lhat meat is
packaged on) haxe a thin snip of metal embedded
in the botlon/. When mi( ro_,xaxed, the metal call
bilE1] tile 1-]oo1 Of tile (ix, el/
or ignim a paper towel.
[)0 IlOI /]se tile i/li(l**wave
to dl T newspapers.
Not _11pkt_tic txlv/p is suitable for use in
micro_-ave ovens. Check file pa(:kag*- R)r plzq:ml U_.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic _ rap
(an be tlsed to (over dishes in order Io retain i//oist/lle and pr(vei/t
spaueling. Be sure to vent plasli( wlap so steam
(an es(ape.
Cookware may become hot because of heat tlansf_'Hed flora the
healed food. Pot holders may be needed to handle
tile (ookware.
"Boilabl( " cooking po/_ches and tightly closed plaslic bags should be sill, pierced or vellted as directed by package. If they me not, p]asti(: ((mid btllst during or immediately aher cooking, poxsibly resulting in i_!jur > Also, plastic
storage COl/t_lil/eIS shotl]d
be al leas1 partia]ly t/n(overed because lh(y fore/a tight seal. When cooking with containel_ tightly covered with plastic wlap, lemove coveling caret-nlly and direct steam away fl'om
hm/ds and thee.
Use foil only as directed in this guide. "IV dinners may be micro_vmed in R:>il trays less than 3/4" bigb; remme tile top Rlil Co*,el al/d rettltn Ihe tray to the box. When using
}_)il in the microwaxe oven, k<ep Ihe Rill
at least 1" a'_xay f'rom tl/e sides of tile oxen.
Improperuse of the groundingplugcan result
in a risk of electric shook.
Plastic cookwar_Plastic cook+_lrc designed tot
inicro_e (ooking is vet? useflfl, but sbould be used
ca*chill> Ewn mictx_x_me- sate plastic m W nol be as tolel'd+ll ol overcooklng conditions as are gla_s or ( etamic maietials and ilia} soiien or (bar if sul_jected u_ short periods o[ ovelx:ooking. In longer expostllt=s 1o or( i-cooking,
tile food al/d (ookx_11c could ignite.
Follow these guidelines:
I Use microwavt-sa{k
2 Do not mictowaxe empty
3 I)o not permit children
1'his appliance must b< grotmded, hi tl/e e',ent of
an ele(trkal short tir(uit, grounding reduces the
risk of electric shock by ptovidirtg an escap< wire
tot the electric current. This appliance is equipped
with a power cord baying a grounding wire with a gtounding phlg. Tile phlg must be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and groin/tied.
Consult a qualilicd ele( tlJdan or sei_,it e te(:hniciurl it:lhe
grou ndil_g h_slmclions are not complewly undelstood,
ot i£doubt exists ;Is to whelber tim applian(e is
plopefl} grounded.
If tile outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outk t, it is
_mr personal i_sponsibility and obligation to have it t_placed with a property grounded 3-1)lxmg wall
Do not und(r any
CiY(/ll_/SlallCeS CLII or
remove the third
(ground) prong fiom
lbe power col_/.
Fol best operalion, plug Ibis appliance into
its own electrical outlet to plevent flickering of lights,
blo'_ing of tuse or tripping ot circuit breaker.
pl+t_tics only arid use them in sllict compliance
with tile cook_</_c
rnan//_acl//l t,i _s
i c( oil/tile rl dalions+
to use pl:e, tic cook'<ire with(rot complete supervision.
Usagesituationswhere appliance'spowercordwill
be disconnectedinfreqeeet/g
Because of potential saf_l_
hazaFds under C(_I_IiD
conditions, we s_ongly reconnnend against the use of an adapter plug, Hm_eveL if sou still dcct
to rise all ad ipt_ 1;wh(re local codes permit,
be made to a properly grounded t_o-prong wall
receptaHe by the use of a
IL listed adaptor Milch is
available _ most local
hard_are SlOlK'S.
The larger slot in tile
adapter midst be aligned wi_h the larger slot in the wall receptacle to provide
p_per polarity in the
Col/nectlon i+f the power COlX_.
CAUTION: Attaching the adapter ground terminal 1o the wa]l _'cepmcle cowr
S(l't-I_ do(s l/Ot _l-otlnd tht _
appliance unless tile cover scl'cl_ is mct_l, and ]lot
insul Ited, and tile ;,,_fll v, ceptade is grom_ded flmmgh the house wiring.
Y_mshouhl have the
circuit checked b} a qualifi{d electrician to
make sure t:he receptacle is properly g_ounded.
When disconnecting lhe po\_er (old {I'oln the:
adaptm, al_a3._ hok/the
adapter with one hand. If this is i/or done, tile adapter grom/d tcrmina] is veW likely lo Neak _dth repeated use. Should this happen, DO NOT {SE the appliance
until a proper g_ourld has
again b{en established.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will
be disconnected frequently.
Do not use an adapter plug
in these situations because
fl+'q/leDt dlSCOlll/+-'(tlOl/ O{
the power <ord pla<es uuduc _t_d_ ot_ the adapter
and leads t. cvcmual fhilure
of the adapter ground terminal. _m should ha_c
the too-prong wall re_ept_lde replaced with a thl* e-prong (gronnding) receptacle I>_ a qnalitied electrician belozc using the appliance.
A short power supply cord is provided to _cduce the l-_sks resulting flora becoming {ntangled in or u-ipping o_er a l<mgcr cord.
Extension cords ma) be used if you are cmehll in using
If an extension <(rid is used
1 The marked electldcal
i_ting of the extension
co1_ sh<_ukl he at least a_
great as lhe dectrical rating of the appliance;
2 The ex_l/_on COlTI 1Dt_st
he a gr<_mding-_pe
?_+,'il+' co*d al/(] it _l/t]st
be phlggcd inlo a %sh_t outlet:
3 The extension cord
sho*_ld by' a_'rauged so
that it will not dl'ape _wer the cotmtertop or tablct_)p
where it can he pulled on
by children or tripped ow.q" unintentionally.
If }ou use an extension cord, file inlefior light ram' flicker
and the blol_er sound may
\ary when the l//iCl_lWaV+'
_en is on. Cooking thnes
may be Ionge_ too.
+ 22 hidden pages