GE JES636 Owner's Manual

Safety Information
Adapter l'hNs ....... 9
Arcing .............. 4
Extension Cords .... 10
Foods ............ 4, 5
Instructions ......... 8
Cookware ......... 6, 7
Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to
Excessive Microwave
Energy .............. 2
Safety Precautions..2, 3
Operatil_g Instructions
(;are and
Cleaning ........ 25, 26
Changing tile
Power Level ........ 13
Features ........ 19-21
Cooking Guide .. 15, 16 Defiosting Guide ... 18
Features of Your Microwave Oven 11, 12 Microwave Terms ...24
()tiler Features .. 22-24 Time Features .. 14-19
Write themodelandserial
# #
l/ind these mn-nbers on a label inside the oven.
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You Call
For Ser_qce ......... 27
Things That Are Normal With Your
Microwave Oven .... 28
Co,uumer Support
Support .... Back (;over
Registration ..... 29, 30
Warranty ........... 31
164D3370P161 49-40170 12-00JR
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
Do IlletAttemptto operate this oven with tile door open
since open-door operation can resuh in harmful
exposure to microwave energ)'. It is important not
to deteat or tamper with the sately interlocks.
De Net Place any object between the oven li'ont tace
and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to
accumulate on sealing surtaces.
Do Not Operate tile oven if it is damaged. [t is particularly
irnportant that tile oven door close properly and that
there is no damage to tile:
door (bent),
...............(broken or loosened),
:_ door seals and sealing
N TheOvenShouldNotbe
a(!justed or repaired by anyone except properly qualified service personnel.
This microwave oven is not approved or tested for
marine use.
Read and lollow tile specific precautions in tile Precautions
toAvoid PossibleExposureto ExcessiveMicrowave Energy
se/lion above.
, This appliance must be
gTounded. Connect only to a properly grounded outlet. See the &ounding
Instructions section on page 8,
Install or locate this appliance only in accordance Mth tile
provided Installation Instructions.
Be certain to place tile front Sllrtace of the door three
inches or more back ti'om the countertop edge to avoid
accidental tipping of the appliance in normal usage,
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
Do not mount tiffs appliance over a sink.
DO not IllOlln[ the microwave
oven over or near an}-portioll of a heating or cooking appliance.
Do not store anything directl) Oil top of tile microwave (:),,'ell
surt_(ce when the microwaxw oven is in operation.
, Do not operate this appliance
if it has a damaged power cord or plug, flit is not working properly, or itit has been damaged or dropped. If the po_vr cord is damaged, it must be replaced by
General Electric Service or an authorized service agent
using a power cord available Fern General Electric.
, Do not cover or block any
openings on the appliance.
, Use this appliance only tar
its intended use as described in this manual. Do not use
corrosive chenficals or vapors in this appliance. This microwave oven is specifically designed to heat, dU or cook
R)od, and is not intended R)r laboratopi or industrial use.
, Do not store this appliance
outdoors. Do not use dfis product near water--tbr
example, in awet basenlent, near a swinnning pool or
near a sink.
, Keep power cord awW fl'om
heated surt_tces.
Do not immerse power cord
or plug illwater.
, I)o not let power cord hang
over edge of table or COllnter.
, To reduce tile risk attire in
tim oven {avity:
- Do not overcook toad. Carefully attend appliance
if paper, plastic or other combustible materials are
placed inside tile oxwn while cooking.
-- Remove wire twist-ues and metal handles fl'om paper
or plastic containers betore placing then1 ill tile oven.
-- I)o not use tile oven lor storage purposes, I)o not
leave paper prodtuts, {ookir, g utensils or food ill,whennotilluse. ii:_
-- I£materials inside the oven
door dosed, tl.lrn tile oven off
anddis.,nr,e.diepo,, er
.ird, s l.t po,,-eratthe
*,,seo.i .itbreakerpanel=11the door is opened, the tire
See door surlace deaning
instructions ill file Careand .........................................
cleaning of the microwave oven
section of this manual. _i This appliance shouM be
serviced onl} by qnalified service personnel. (2)ntact nearest authorized service {{}{{{{{
repair or a(!iusunent.
"_As with an, appliance, closesupervision is necessa D when
used b) chiMren.
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFF pad and correct the problem.
Arcing is the mi( rowave tem_
is caused b}:
N Metal or t0il touching the
side ot the oven.
, Foil not rooMed to t0od
(upturned edges act like
Metal, such as twist.ties. pouhi 7 pins, or gold-rirnnled
dishes, in the microwave.
Recycled paper towels containing small metal pieces
being used in tile microwave.
Do not pop popcorn in your
rnicrowave oven Ill]less in a
special microwave popcorn accesso U or unless }_)lluse
popcorn labeled tor use in
l-nicrowave ovells.
, Some products such as
whole eggs and sealed container,>-tbr exm-nple,
closed jar,v--will explode and should not be heated in this
microwave oven, Such use of the micro_ave oven could
resuh in injury.
"_ I)o not boil em s in a
microwave oven. Pressure will
build up inside egg yolk and will cause it to burst, possibly
resuhing in injm 7,
Operating tile microwave
with no tood inside t0r more
than a nlil-ltlte or t_\x) l-nay
cause dm-nage u) the oven and could start a fire. It
increases the heat around the magnetron and can shorten
the li_eot the oven.
Foods with unbroken outer "skin" sudl as potatoes, hot dogs. sausages, tomatoes, apples, chicken livers and
()tiler giblets, and e_,'o_yolks, should be pierced to allow
steam to escape during cooking-
Microwaved water and other liquids do not always bubble
when they reach the boiling
point They can actually get superheated and not bubble atall.
Superheated liquid will bubble up out ofthe cup when iris
moved or when something like a spoon or tea bag is put into it.
Toprevent this from happening
and causing injury, do not heat any liquid for more than 2
minutes per cup. After heating, letthe cup stand in the microwave for 30seconds
before moving it or putting anything into it.
Avoid heating baby tood in _,-lassars even with the lid off"
Make sure all intimt food is thoroughl} cooked. Stir tood
to distribute the heat evenly. Be careflll to prevent scalding when warming tornmla. The
container may teel cooler than tile tormula reallyis.
Always test the tormula beti)re feeding the bab).
, Don't deti"ost ti'ozen
beverages in narro'_necked bottles (especially carbonated beverages). Even if ttle
container is opened, pressure can build up. This can cause the container to burst,
poss )lvresultin_,-in niurv
" , ' o , ,*
Spontaneous boiling_U nder
certain special circumstances, liquids may start to boil
during or shortly after removal ti"om the microwave
oven. To prevent burns ti'om
splashing liquid, we
recommend ttle tollowing: bet_)re removing,- tile
container ti'onl tile oven,
allow ttle container to stand in the oven ti)r 30 to 40 seconds
after the (wen has shut otl. Do not boil liquids in narro'_=
necked containers such as soft drink bottles, wine flasks and especially narro'_mecked cottee cups. Even it tile
container is opened, excessive
smam can build up and cause it to burst or overflow.
Hot ti)ods and steam can cause burns. Be careflfl when
) rllrlO rl-"
oI e " ga }contmnersofhot t_)od, including popcorn bags,
cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent possible injury,
direct steam away ti'om hands
and tilce.
Do not overcook potatoes. They could dehydrate and
catch fire, causing damage
tO yollr oveIl.
Cook meat and poultry
thoroughlx_meat to at least an INTERNAL
temperature ot 160°K
and poulu?" to at least an INTERNAL temperature
ot 180°F. Cooking to
these temperatures usuall} protects against
t_odborne illness.
iiil!iii iiiii
iiiiii!iiii iiiiii!ii
Make sure all (ookware used [11
"}t)llr _![cr{ }_'(1_ e {}xetl is suitat)le
casseroles, (ook[ng dishes,
measuring (ups, (ustard (x_ps, potte_) or c[)illa ditltlel'w;_ffe
which does not have metallic
u4m or glaze with a metaNc slleen can be used. Some
cookware is labeled "alitable
Ityou are not sure it a dish is nlicrox_'ave-sa[e, use this test:
Place in the oven both the dish you are testing and a
glass measuring cup tilled
with 1 cup of water-set the
nleasuring cup either in or next to tile dish. Microwave
1nfinute at high. It the dish
heats, it should not be used
tiT)r microwavino-
It the dish remains cool and only the water ill the cup
heats, then the dish is nlicrowave-sat¢'.
[i yOll llSe a rneat
thermometer while cookino- l-hake sure it is sale tor use
in microwave ovens.
I)o not use reQvled paper products. Recycled paper
towels, napkins and wm-_ed paper can contain metal tlecks which ma} cause arcing
or igrfite. Paper products containing nylon or nylon t]laments should be avoided,
as tile)ma) also ignite.
, Some st)rotoam trays (like
those that meat is packaged on) have a thin strip ot metal
embedded in the bottom. When microwaved, the metal
can blAri1the tloor of the oven or ignite a paper towel.
, I)o llOt rise the nlicrowave to
dl)" newspapers.
, Not all plastic wrap is suitable
tot use in microwave ovens. Check the package tor
proper use.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap call be used
to cover dishes in order to retain moisture and prevent
spattering. Be sure to vent plastic wrap so steam Call escape.
, Cookware may become hot
because ot heat transterred ti'om the heated tood. Pot
holders may be needed to handle the cookware.
., "Boilable" cooking pouches
and tighdy dosed plastic bags should be slit, pierced or
vented as directed by package. If they are not,
plastic could burst during or immediately after cooking,
possibly resulting in injut). Also, plastic storage
containers should be at least partially uncovered because
the) form a tight seal. When
cooking with containers
tightly covered with plastic wrap, remove covering
carefully and direct steam away fl'om hands and tace.
Use tbil only as directed in this Dfide. TV dinners may
be microwaved in toil trays less than 3/4" high; remove
the top toil cover and return tile tray to tile box. When
sin( i....
ll _" g 011111the microwave
oven, keep ttle ioil at least
1inch awW fl'om tile Odes
of the oven.
, Plastic cookware-Plastic
cookware designed tbr microwave cooking is very
useful, but should be used carefully. Even microwave- sa_' plastic may not be as tolerant ot overcooking
conditions as are glass or ceramic materials and may
sotien or char it sut)jected to short periods ot
overcooking. In longer
exposures to overcooking,
the tood and cookware could ignite.
Followthoso guidolinos:
{ Use microwave-sale
plastics onl', and use them in strict compliance
with the cookware
l-nantlfactllrer' s
Ilo not microwave erupt?
cont ail-leys.
Do not pernfit children tOuse plastic cookware
without complete supervision.
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in arisk of electric shock.
This a!)pliance must be gTounded, in tile e,em ofa_l eJectrk:al short dr(tilt, gro].mdi_lg reduces tile risk of electrk shock by providing an
escape wife foF the elecuic ClllTe[lt,
This applia_lce is equipped with a po'_er cord having a gromlding
wire whh a groundi_lg plug. The plug must be plugged imo an
oudet that is properly insta!led and grounded. Conallt a qualified elecu'ician or sel'vice technician if the grounding
illSU'tl(i[h)_lsare not completely understood, or ifdoubt exists as to
whether the appliance is proper1) grounded.
if the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall oudet, it isTour personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a proper1}
gTounded B-prong wall outlet. I)o not under any (:ir(xnnstances cut or remove tile third (gTound)
prong fi:om the p{)vde[_COF(L We do not recommend using an exmnsi()n cord with this appliance.
if'the power cord is too short, have a qualified electrician or sen'ice technician insta!I all outlet near the appliance. (See WARIV/NG--
EXTENSIONCORDSsecdon.) For best o])eratio_'_, plug this applhm(e itlto itsov,n electrical outlet
to prex em flickering of lights, t)h)willg ofthse or wipphlg of (:h'cuit breaker.
Usagesituafionswhereappliance'spowercordwillbedisconnec_d in#equently.
gecause of poterltiaI salely hazards trader certain conditions, (Adapterplugsnot
we stronglyrecommendagainstthe perm!nedinCanada)
use of an adapter plug. However, if Afignlarge ](_ ]]
you soil ele(t to use an adapter, prengs/siots _ I _ 11
,,Tllere local ( odes pernlit, a __''_- "
made to a properl)grounded two-
TEMPORARY andfirm connection
prong w_dl re(eptacle by tile rise era METHOD beforeuse.
UL listed adapter which is available
at l-nest local hardware stores. The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned widl the larger slot in
the wall receptacle to provide proper polarity in the connecOon ot the power cord.
CAUTION: achingtheadaptergroundterminaltothewall
receptacle cover screwdoesnot groundthe appliance unlessthecover screw is metal,andnot insulated,andthe wall receptacle isgrounded
through the housewiring.
You should have the circuit checked i)ya qualified electrician to make sure the receptacle is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power cord Fern the adapter, always hold the adapter with one hand. If dos is not done, the adapter ground
terminal isvery likely to break with repeated use. Should this happen, DONOrUSEthe appliance unO1 a proper ground has again
been established.
Usagesituationswhere appliance'spowercordwill be disconnected frequently.
Donotuseanadapterplugin these simaOonsbecause ti'equent
dis(onrle(Oorl of the power cord pla(es tmdue strain on the adapter and leads to eventual t_olure ot the adapter ground terminal. You
should have die two-prong wall receptacle replaced widl a three- prong (groundirN) receptacle by a qualilied electrician belore
using the appliance.
iiilliH! !ii!il!
iiiiiii iiiii!
A short power supply (ord is provided to redu(e the risks resultir N
ti'om becornir N entangled in or u'il)pir N over a lorNer (ord.
Extension cords may be used iiyou are careful in using them.
II an extension cord is used-
.... The nlarked electrical radng of the extens on cord should be at...... , .....
least as great as the electrical rating ot tile appliance;
Tile extension cord must be a aoundirN-type 3-wire (ord and it
nmst be plugged into a 3-slot outlet;
Tile extension cord should be arranged so that it will not drape
over tile countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.
liyou use an extension cord. ttle interior light may fli(ker and the blower sound may vmy when the nficrow_ve oven is on. Cooking
times nlav )e lonu-er too
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