Part NO, 164D3370P091 Pub No 49-40094 4-99JR 3828WSA1198
• DONotAttemptm operate
dais oven with the door open
since ope_vdoor operation
(m] result in hannlhl
exposure to microwave
energy. It isimportant not
lo deti:at or tamper with the
_ely imerlo( ks.
• Do Not Place any object
between the oven front lace
and the door or allow soil
or cleaner residue to
accumulate on sealing
• Do Not Operate the oven if it
is damaged. It is particularly
important that the oven
door close properly and that
there is no damage to the:
[] door (benO,
[] hinges and latvhes
(broken or loosened),
[] door se_dsmad sealing
• The OvenShouldNot be
adjusted or repaired by
anyone except properly
qualified smMce personnel.
Toreduce therisk of bums,fire, electric shock, injury to
persons,or exposure to excessive microwave energy,
follow basicprecautions, including thefollowing.
This microwave oven is not approved or tested for
marine use.
• Read and tallow dae specific
precautions in dae
PrecautionstoAvoid Possible
Microwave Energysecdon
• This appliance must be
gxounded. Connect only
m a properly grounded
oudet, gee the Groundin9
Instructions_cdon on page 8.
• Inslall or locate dais
appliance only in accordance
with the proxdded Installation
• Be certain u) place tim front
surface of the door daree
inches or more back li-om
the coumertop edge to aw)id
accident_d tipping of din
appliam e in n(nanal usage.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual.
• Do not mount this applimace
over a sink.
• Do not mount the mi( rowave
oven over or near any portion
of a heating or ( ooking
• Do not store anydfing directly
on top of the microwave oven
surface when the microwave
ovenisin operation.
• Do not operate dais appliance
if it has a damaged power
cord or plug, if it is not
working properly, or if it has
been damaged or dropped.
• Do not cover or block any
openings on the appliance.
• Use this appliance only tier its
intended u_ as described in
this manual. Do not u_
con-osive chemicals or vapors
in lhis appliance. This
microwave oven is specifically
designed u) heal, d_y or cook
load, and is not inlended for
lal_)vatory or indusuial u_.
• Do not store this appliance
outdoors. Do not use dais
product near water-for
example, in a wet
basement, near a swimming
pool or near a sink.
• Keep power cord away from
heated sin-faces.
• Do not immerse power cord
or plug in water.
• Do not let power cord hang
over edge oftahle or (-_mnler.
• To reduce the risk of fire in
the oven cavity:
--Do not overcook ti_od.
Carefully atmnd appliance
if paper, plastic or odaer
combustible malerials are
placed inside the oven while
-- Remove wire twist-des and
metal handles fi-Oln paper
or plastic ( onlainers beii)re
placing them in the oven.
-- Do not use the oven ti)r
st oFage puq_x)ses. Do not
leave paper products,
( ooking utensils or tbod in
dae oven when not in u_.
-- If materials inside the oven
should igafite, keep the oven
door cloud, mm the oven off
and di_'onnect the power
cord, or shut off power at dae
tla_ or circuit breaker panel.
Ifdae door is opened, the fire
may spread.
• See door surface cleaning
instructions in the Care and
cleaning of the microwave
oven section of dais naanual.
• This appliance should be
sendced only by qualified
sen,ice personnel. Contact
nearest authorized service
facility fi)r examination,
repair or adjustment.
• As with any appliance, close
supervision is necessm-y
when used by children.
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
Arcing is Itle mi( 1-owave lenn
tbr sparks in the oven. Arcing
is caumd hy:
• Metal or tbil touching the
side of the oven.
• Foil not molded to food
(upturned edges act like
• Do not pop popcorn in your
microwave oven uilless in a
special microwave popcorn
accessory or unless you use
popcorn labeled for um in
microwave ovens.
• N)me products such as
whole eggs and ,sealed
containers-for exmnple,
closed jars--will explode and
should not be heated in lhis
microwave oven. Such use of
1he microwave oven could
result in irljmy.
• Do not l_)il eggs in a
microwave oven. Pressure will
huild up inside egg yolk and
will cause it u) hm ,-st,possibly
resulting in ir_jmy.
• Metal, such as twisl-ties,
poulny pins, or gold-rimmed
dishes, in lhe microwave.
• Recycled paper towels
containing small metal pieces
being u_d in the microwave.
• Operating Itae microwave
with no fbod inside for more
than aminute or two may
cause d_unage |o the oven
and could start afire. It
increases flae heat around the
magnetron and can shorten
the litb of the oven.
• Foods wifla unbroken outer
"skin" such as potatoes, hot
dogs, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, ( hicken livel_ and
oflmr giblets, and egg yolks
should be pierced to allow
steam u) es(_tpe during
Microwaved water and other
liquidsdonotalways bubble
when theyreach theboiling
point Theycan actuallyget
superheatedandnot bubble
Superheatedliquidwill bubble
upoutof the cupwhenit is
movedorwhen somethinglike
aspoonor teabag is put intoit
Topreventthisfrom happening
andcausinginjury,do not heat
anyliquidformore than 2
minutesper cup.After heating,
letthe cupstandin the
microwave for 30seconds
beforemovingit or putting
• Avoid heating baby tood in, even with tim lid
otI. Make sm-e all intant lbod
is thoroughly cooked. Stir
lbod to disuibut e Ihe heal
evenly. Be ( m-eful to prevent
s( aiding when _ranning
lbnnula. The container may
{eel cooler than fl]e tbnnula
really is. Ahvays lest the
_bnnula be_bre tbeding
the baby.
• Don't defrost frozen
beverages in nanx)wmecked
bottles (especially
carhonamd beverages). Even
ifthe container isopened,
pressure can build up. This
can cause daecontainer lo
bm_t, possiblyresuhing in
• Spontaneous boiling--Under
( ertain special circumstances,
liquids may start to boil
during or shortly after
removal from the inicrowave
oven. To prevent hums fi-om
splashing liquid, we
recommend tim fi)llowing:
l)efore removing Ihe
( ontainer hx)m the oven,
allow the ( ontainer to stand
in the oven tor 30 u) 40
_(-onds after Ihe oven has
shut off. Do not l_)il liquids
in narrow-necked containers
such as soil drink hotfles,
wine flasks and especially
narrowme( ked coffee cups.
Even if the container is
opened, excessive steam cma
huild up and ( it to burst
or overflow.
• Hot toods and steam (an
(ause bums. Be careful when
opening any containel,'s of
hot lood, including popcorn
[yags, cooking pouches and
Ix)xes.'ro prevent possible
injmT, direct steam away
from hands and lace.
• Do not overtook potatoes.
They could dehydrate mad
(arch fire, causing damage
to your oven.
• Cook meat mad pouluy
timroughly--meat u) at
least an INTERNAL
mmpevature of 160 °F.
and pouluy m at least an
INTERNAL tempeFature
(ff 180°F. Cooking m these
tempeFatures usually protects
ag_alnsttbodhome illness.
Make sure all cookware used in
your microwave oven issuilable
tbr microwaving. Most glass
(asseroles, cooking dishes,
measuring cups, cuslard cups,
poue_y or china dinnerware
which does not have metallic
u-im or glaze with a metallic
sheen can be used. Some
(x)okware is laheled "suitable
tbr microwaving."
• If you are not sure ifa dish is
microwav_safe, use this lest:
Place in lhe oven Ix)da the
dish you m-e testing mad a
glass measuring cup filled
widl 1 cup ofwater-set the
measuring cup eidaer in or
next to the dish. Microwave
1 minme at high. If the dish
heats, it should not be used
tbr microwaving.
If the dish remains cool and
only the waler in the cup
heats, Ihen the dish is
• If you use a meal
lhen_ometer while cooking,
make sure it is safe tbr use
in nlicl-owave ovens.
• Do not use recycled paper
products. Recycled paper
towels, napkins and waxed
paper cma (xmtain metal
flecks which may cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products
containing nykm or nylon
filaments should be avoided,
as racy may also igafite.
• Some styroloam ways (like
those daat meal is packaged
on) have a thin strip of metal
embedded in dae l_)ttom.
When microwaved, dm metal
can bum dae floor of dae
oven or igaaite a paper towel.
• Do not use the microwave m
dPi newspapers.
• Not all plastic w_ap is suitable
lbr use in microwave ovens.
Check die package lbr
proper use.
• Paper towels, waxed paper
and plastic wrap can be used
to cover dishes in order m
retain moisture and prevent
spattering. Be sure to vent
plastic wrap so steam cma
• Cook_rare may become hot
because of heat wansfi:rred
from die heated tood. Pot
holders may be needed m
hmldle the cx)okware.
• "Boilable" cooking pouches
and tightly (losed plastic bags
should be slit, pierced or
vetoed as directed by
package. Ifflaey are not,
plasti( could bm'st during or
immediamly ai_er cooking,
posgtl}ly resulting in iqjmy.
Also, plastic storage
containers should be at least
partially uncovered becattse
they lblan a fight seal. When
cookingwith containers
tightly covered with plastic
wlTa p, ren]ove covering
careiially and direct steam
away li-om hands and Pace.
• Uselbil only as directed in
thisguide. TV dinnePsmay
be microwaved in tbil ways
lessthan 3/4" high; remove
the mp tbil cover and remm
the wayto the box. When
using Rill in the microwave
oven, keep Ihe tbil at least
1inch awayfi-omthe sides
of the oven.
• Plastic cookwarc_Plasfic
cookware designed lbr
microwave cooking is vePi
useful, but should be used
carefully. Even microwave_
safe plastic may not be a.s
loleFant of overcooking
conditions as are glass or
ceFamic materials and may
soften or char if suhjected
to short periods of
overcooking. In longer
exposures to overcooking,
lhe toed and cookwm-e
could igllit e.
[_U_ microwave-sa[_
plastics only mad use
1hem in strict {ompliance
with the cookware
[_Do not microwave empty
_Do not permit children
to use plastic cookware
will]out complete
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of
electric shock.
This appliance must be grounded. In lhe event ()fan electrical short
circuit, grounding reduces the risk of electric shock by providing an
e_ape wire ti)r the electric current.
This applimlce is equipped wida a power cord having a grounding
wire with a grounding plug. The plug nmst be plugged into an
outlet that is properly installed mid gTounded.
Consult a qualified elecuician or service technician ifdae
grounding inswactions are not completely understood, or if
douht exists as t() whether the appliance is properly gTounded.
If the outlet is a slandard 2-prong wall outlet, it is your perv)nal
responsibility and obligation to have it repla( ed with a properly
grounded 3-prongwall outlet.
Do not under any circumslances cut or remove the third (ground)
prong li-om the power (ord.
We do not recommend using an extension cord wida dais appliance.
If the power cord is too short, have a qualified elecu-ician or sel_ice
mchnician install an outlet near the applimace. (See WARNING--
For best operation, plug dais applian(e into its ova] electrical outlet
to prevent flickering ()flights, blowing of liase or Uipping of circuit
Usagesffuationswhereappliance'spowercordwillbe disconnected
l_cause of potential salbty
hazards under certain conditions,
permittedkl Canada_
useofan adapterplug.However, if
you stillelect k) use an adapter,
where lo(al (odes permit, a
made m a properly grounded lwo-
prongwall re( eptacle by file use of a
N°Ns/sl°ts .-
_Ensule properground
TEMPOP,ARY andtirolconnection
METHOD beforeuse
UL listed adaptor which is available
al most lo(_1 hardware stores.
'111elarger slot in the adapter must be aligned wit1 tile larger slot in
the wall receptacle to provide proper polarily in ltae conne( tion of
the power (ord.
CAUTION:Attaching the adaptergroundterminalto the wall receptacle
coverscrew doesnot groundtheapplianceunlessthecoverscrew is
metal,and not insulated,andthe wallreceptacle isgroundedthrough
the house wiring.
You should have the circuit checked by a qualified electrician to
make sure tim receplade is properly gxounded.
_kmn disconnecting tim power cord fi-om the adapter, always hold
lhe adapter with one hand. If Ibis is not done, lhe adapter ground
ten, final is vmT likely to break wilh repeated use. Should this
happen, DO NOTUSEIhe applimace until a proper ground has ag_ain
been established.
Usagesituationswhereappliance'spower cordwill be disconnected
Donot use an adaptur plugin flmse situations be(ause fl-equem
disconnection (fffl]e power cord plax;es undue swain on file adapter
and leads Io eventual tailure of the adapter ground lenninal. You
should have lhe twol)rong wall receptacle replaced with a lhrec-
prong (grounding) receptax;le by a qualified elecu-icima Imtbre
using lhe applimace.
A short power supply cord is prox_ded to reduce Ihe risks resulting
ti-om becoming entangled in or U-ipping over a longer cord.
Extension cords may he used if you are careful in using _hem.
If an extension cord is used--
] The marked elecuical ruling of dm extension cord should be
al leasl as great as lhe eleclrk al rating oflhe appliance;
] The extension {ord must be a grounding-type ,_wire cord and
il must be plugged into a Nslot outlet;
] The extension (ord should [m arranged so lhat it will not
dFape over the counter top or lahletop where il can be pulled
on hychildren or uipped over unimentionally.
If you use an exlension {ord, Ihe interior light may flicker and the
hlower sound may vmy when lhe microwave oven is on. Cooking
limes may Ix longer, too.
Readandfollow thisSafety
YouAre Now Part ofthe GEFamily.
Welcome to the GE t_tmfly. We re proud ()four quahty producls and we are comnntted
o provadmg dependable sePace. You'll see it m this easy-to-u_ Owner's Manual and
you 11hea t n the tiiendly \ ( 1 es ( f (ur usto ne selwace deparlment.
l_st ()fall, you'll experience these values ea(-h time you use your microwave oven.
'l]]at's imporlant, because your new mi( 1-owave oven will be part of your lamily tbr
many yem ,-s.And we hope you will Im part of om's lbr a long time t() (ome.
We thank you lbr buying GE. We appreciate your purchase, and hope you will
continue to rely on us whenever you need quality appliances tbr your home.
• , , . , ....
"_F_" Important!
_l_r_ Fill out and return the Consumer Produ( t Registration (_rd
that is pax ked with this product.
Write theModel & Serial NumbersHere.
Youcan find them ona labelinside the oven,
Staple sales slip or cancelled check here.
Proofof the original purchase date is needed to obtainservice
under the warran_