SajbO_In6O_udions . ......... 2-11
Operating In_udions
Auto Feature ................ 21
Care and Cleaning ........ 29, 30
Changing Power I,evel ........ 14
Features of _)ur
Microwave Oven .......... 12, 13
Microwave Temps ............. 28
Other Features ........... 26, 27
Sensor Features ........... 22-25
Time Features ............ 15-20
7}+:mbleshooting Tips
Befln'e Y_m Call
fin" Service ............... 31, 32
Things That Are Nomml
_ith Y(mr Microwave Oven .... 32
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .... Back Coxer
_'arrantv. ................... 35
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
3i)u can tind diem on a label inside of
ill(! O_+(!11,
DEM-O29MA 49-40512 12-05JR

For your safe_ the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
OONot Attempt to opentt('
this oven with the door
Ot/('ll Sill((' O])('l/-(tOOr
()l/(W_tti()l/ (_tl/ l"('stlh ill
brain|ill ('xl/osur(' to
microwave ('n('rg}. It is
iHll/()l?t_H/t I/()t tO (t('J('_tt
or taml/cr with tilt' s+dbt_
Do Not Place any ol!iect
betw(,en the (.w('n /i'Ollt
lace and the door or allow
soil or (learner residue to
_((mmflatc on sealing
S/ll?til( ('S.
Do Not Operate tile o_en if it
is (lamagcd. It is pardcularly
in_portant that the oven door
(lose t)rot)crb" mM their th('l"('
is no (lan/age to the:
........................(broken or loosened),
SHl?{_t( (!S.
The Oven Should Not
be a(!justed or rell_dr('d t)v
_tl/_,%)l/( • ('XCt't)t 1)l?()|)('l'l} '
qualified service personnel.
When using electrical appfiances basic safety
precautions should be followed, including the following:
_! Re_l(t mtd tallow the st)cliff( ;_ Install or lotate this
t/recmltions in the Precautions
to Avoid Possible Exposure to
Excessive Microwave Energy
s('(tioll _(1)or('.
This at)llliance must be
grounded. Connect only
to a ])rollerb; gtx)unded
outlet. See the Grounding
Instructions se(tkm on t/_lge 8.
_tl)l)lial/((f Ol/]'_ ill at (ol'dall( e
with the t/roxided Inst_dlation
h lstrll( tiOl is.
Be certain to |/lace the front
sur/itce of the door three
in(hes or more 1)_l(k tix)m
thc ( omltertop e(Ig(' to _(_x)i(t
a((identM tit)ping at thc
apt/limt(c ill harmed us_g-c.

Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
J? This I//i€IX)W_IVC OV(ql is I/O| at)proved
OF tested ]'OF lIl_trille Hse.
J? Do not moron this appliance o\er
a sink.
_; Do I/O1 1//o111/1 [hc microwave ()\'(}I1
over or near any portion of a headng
or (ooking al)plian(e.
_: I)o not store anything directly on top
of the l//iC1;()W_l_,_' O_,_'1/ Stll']itce whell
the l//icrowave ovcI/is ill Opel?atiOl/.
N Do not operate this appliance if it has
a damaged pox,n'r cord or plug, if it is
not working properb4 or if it ha_, been
damaged or dropped.
J) Do not (o_vr or block any openings
on file appliance. If the power cord
is damaged, it must be repla(ed
by General Ele(U:k Servi(e or an
authorized ser_ e agent using a
power cord mailable/i:om
General ElecnJc.
J? Use this appliance only t6r its
intended use as des(ribed in this
mmmal. Do not use (orrosi_v
chemi( als or vapors in this al)plian(e.
This l/li( 1X)W_IVC(.IVOllis spe(ifi_ ally
designed to heat, d W or cook t_)o(t,
and is not imended/_)r laboratory
or indusufial use.
_: Do not store this applian(e outdoor.,,.
Do not use this product near wate_
ti)r example, in a wet basement, near
a swimmillg pool, near a sink or in
similar locadons.
J) Keep power (ord _l_r_ r{i'()l_ heamd
J) Do not immerse power cord or
plug in water.
J) Do not let t)ower cord hang over
edge of table or c(mnte_
J? "Ib reduce the risk of fire in tlle
oven c;Mtv:
--Do not overtook tix)d. Carefi_llv
attend appliance when 1)al)e_; plasuc
or other combustible materials are
placed inside file o_vn while cooking.
--Rein(we wire twist-ties and metal
handles ti'om paper or plastic
containers beti)re placing them in
tl/e ()V('ll.
--Do not use the oven t[)r storage
pm_)oses. Do not lemv paper
pro(huts, cooking utensils or/_)od
iH the overt wheH Hot iH use.
--If materials in.side file o_vn ig-nim,
keep the oven door closed, turn the
()V(}llof_'and (tis(Ol/l/e(t the power }
opened, the tire ma} spread.
--[)O I/()[ [IS(! the S(!IlS()17 Feattlres
twice ill S/IC((!SSiOll Oll the S_ll//e f(iod
portion. It toed is m_dercooked after
tor addition_d (()()king time.
thc first (ou,_'down, usc TimeCook _._ i!
J) See door sm'fa(e (leaning instru(dons
in the Care and cleaning of the
microwave oven s(ction of this mamtal.
_! Tllis a|)pliallce I/IllS[ ()1/1"_' |)e S(!F\_C(_(t
(_()I/[_tC| nearest _tHlholJz(!d S(?FVi((!
thcilit)_ tor examination, repair or
s/lper_isioll is lie( eSS_tFV Vv'h(!ll i
used bv (hildren.

If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
,\r(iHg is the HIiCFO\VHVe tel'Ill
Ibr sparks in the o_en. Ar(ing
is eaus( d 1V:
N Metal or/oil touching the
side of the oven.
_: Foil not molded to tood
(upturned edges act like
i(:: Metal, such as twist-ties,
t)oulu3 pins, or gold-rimmed
dishes, in the mierowa\ e.
i_);Rec}_led paper towels
containing small metal pieces
being used in the microwave.
Do not pot) popcorn ill yore:
uficrowave oven unless ill
a special micmwa\ e popcorn
accesso_x or mfless you use
popcorn labeled lot use in
microwm_' o_'ns.
_; Sol//e t)ro(hlctS S/Ich _ts
whole eggs and sealed
containers tor examllle,
closed ,jars--rex • able to
ext)lode and should not
be heated ill this micmwa\ e
oven. Such use of tile
lllielX)W_l_,_' O_,/'l/ Co[lld
resuh in in jm T.
N Do not boil eggs in a
IlIiCIX)V4_I_,t' ()_/'l/, PresS/llX'
will tmiM ut) inside egg yolk
mid \,,'ill cause it to burst,
possibly resulting in injury.
()t)emting the micro\rave
with llO R)od inside lot more
than a mimm' or taro may
(ause damage to tile ov(ql
al/(t ( o/ll(t staYt a fire.
It increases tl/e heat at(rand
tile magnetron and can
shorten the lilt of the o\en.
Foods with IIl/t)rokel/O/lter
"skill" such as potatoes,
hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, d/icken livers and
other gJblets, and egg yolks
shouM be pierced to allow
stealll to escape (hlrillg

Liquids, such as water,
coffee ortea, are able to be
overheated beyond the boiling
point without appearing to be
boiling. Visible bubbling or
boiling when the container is
removed from the microwave
oven is not always presenL
To reduce tile risk ofiqjury to
--Do not o\erheat tile liquid.
--Stir tile liq/fid both be{ore
al/d halt_va}' thro/l_h
headng it.
--Do not use straight-sided
(ontainers with narrow
--,Mier headng, allow the
contailler to stalld ill the
l//icl?owa_' 0'_'1/ [()r a SllOrt
time heR)re removing the
--[IS(? extl'elile (are "_'hen
il/sertil/_ a S])()/)ll /)]? other
/ltel/sil iIltO tile COlltail/er.
•\\ oid heating bah} {ood ill
glaxLjal:s, c\ en with tile lid
o/E Make sure all intimt/ood
is thoroughly cooked. Sur
/ood to distribme tile heat
evenlL Be care]ill to pl'evell[
scalding when warming
{()rl///lla. The COlltail/er lllHV
/eel cooler fllan tile/ormula
really is. Alwa\'s test the
/brmula be/ore {('e(ting
the bat)\.
i;); Don't defrost fi'ozen
be\ el_gt's ill llHI?I?OW-
ne(ked bottles (espe(ially
( arbonated be_'rages).
Even if the container is
opened, pressure can build
up. This can cause the
container to bursL possibly
resuhing in in jur}.
ii:: Itot {oods mid steam (an
cause burns. Be carefifl when
opening ally rcontainm:s ot
hot food, including popcorn
bags, cooking pouches and
boxes. "Ib pre\'ent possible
iqjury, direct steam _{_r_{_r
ti'on/hands and time.
[)0 llO[ o_er(ook |)otatoes.
The'_ could dehydrate and
(at(h tire, (ausmg damage
[O "_o/lr o'_el/+
Cook meat and pouhr}
thoroughl}mmeat to
at least an IN I'ILRNAI_
temperature o/160°F
alld t)O/lltl'_' 1() at least all
INTERNAI temperat tn:e
of 180°E Cooking to fllese
tel//peratm'es /lStlally protects
against {bodborne illness.

ii ?iiiii!+++:iii!lii
Make smx' all cookware used in
yo/w lllicl'ow;t\e OVell is suituble
Ibr mierowming. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dish_ s,
HleusuriHg cul)s , c[igtaFd clli)s ,
potwry or ehin_t diHnerware
which does not hme metallic
uim or gl;tze with a metallk
sheen can be used. Som_
cool;ware is 1;dleled "suitable
Ibr mierowming."
J) ff you are not sm:e if a dM_ is
mierowa_v-satb, use this test:
Place in the oven both the
dish you a_v testing and
a glass measm'ing cup filled
with 1 cup of water--set the
meamring cup eid_er in or
next to the dish. Microwa_x_
30_!5 seconds at lfigh. If the
dMl heats, it should not be
used tbr micmwm'ing.
If die dish remains cool
and only the _uer in the
cup heats, then the dish is
lllicrow_l_, e-sat('.
ffvou use a meat
theruiometer while cooking,
make sm'e it is sa/b/br use
in microwave o_ens.
i_)1I)o not use recy(led paper
products. I_.ecy(led paper
towels, napkins and waxed
paper can eolltain l//et_d
flecks which mt_v cause
arcing or ignite. Paper
t)roduets containing lib/lOll
or IMon filaments should
be twoided, as they mm
also ignite.
N Some stwotbau_ tr_c,ts (like
those th;-it menu is packaged
on) h_v a thin strip of metal
emt/edded ill the bottom.
When mi( rowm ed, tile metal
(m/burn the floor ot the
()\el/ or ignite a t)_q/er towel.
i(:: I)o not use tile mi(rowave to
(tl_ ' newspapers.
i_)1Not all plastic wrap is suitable
/br use in mierowm e o\ens.
Check die package tbr
tn:oper rise.
i(:: Paper towels, wm-:ed paper
and plastic wrap can be used
to cover dishes ill order to
retain moisture and prevent
spattering. Be sm:e to vent
])k_Stl(wI_]) so st('_l// (an
CS('_I] )e.
i_)_ Co()kx_]?e lll_W be(Ollle ]lot
because ot hetu transtbrred
fi'om the hetm'd/bod.
Pot holders muv be needed
to handle the cook_are.

J? "Boilal)le" cooking pouches
and tightly closed plastic
bag_ should be slit, t)ie)'ced
or vetoed as directed l>_
package. If tht\_ are not,
plastic could burst dining or
immediately atier cooking,
possibly resulting in il_im T.
Nso, plastic storage
containers should be at least
partially IInco_'lTe(t t)ecallse
tht\v/orm a fight seal. When
cooking with containers
tigh@ covered widl plastic
wr_lt) , tel/lOve covelJng
carefllllv and direct steam
_lwWv'/i'Olll hallds all(| /i_€e.
Use/oil onh as directed in
this guide. TV dimmrs ma}
be microwmvd in t[)il trm_'_
less than 3/4" high; remo_v
tile top loll co\'er and return
the trm to the box. When
using/oil in the microwave
o\en, keep the foil at leas{
l" mva} fi'on/the sides of
the ()\ell.
Plastic cook_,mre Plastic
cookware (lesiglle(t tot
mi(rowm e (()()king is very
usefill, bm should be used
(areflllh. E_en mi( row_\ e-
s_)/_'t)lasti( m m not be as
tolemm of o\ ercooking
conditions as are glass or
ceralilic l//ate]J_ds and
l//?lv' so/len or char if
sut!iected to short periods
of over(ooking. In longer
expos/ires Io o_'/'(ooking,
the ti)od and cookware
could iglfite.
Follow thoso guidolinos:
.....................t)lasti(s only and
use them in StlJCt
comt)liaHce with
the cookwa)'e
l//?ln [ It _tC t Ill'( '17 'S
_: Do not mi(rowme emt)t _
.....................COlltail leFS.
Do not t)ennit (hildren
.....................to use plastic ( ()()k'_'a];e
withoIH COllll )lete
iiii iiii//!!iliiii!!iii!

Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of
electric shock.
This appliance must be grom/ded. In tile e_ent of an elect_(al
short circuit, gTO/lI/dillg Fedllces tile £isk of electlic shock b}
llro_iding all escape wire K)r tile (lectlic (/lrF(n{,
This appliance is eqtfipiled witll a i)o_er cord hming a g-rom/ding
_ire witll a gl'ounding tlhlg . The tlhlg nmst be phlgg_ d into all
outlet that is l)roi/er)} instalk d a_ld gT(mnded.
Consuh a qualifi_ d elecu'ician or serxdc( technician if tile gyomlding
instructions ar_ not completely under'stood, or if doubt exists as to
whether tile appliance is lnx)perl} grounded.
If tile omlet is a standard 2-lining wall outlet, it is yore: personal
responsibility and obligation to hme i_ replaced widl a properly
gmmlded 3-prong w;dl omleL
Do llot under any circumstances cul or reln_._'_ tile third (Womld)
llmng tix)m tile po_vr cord.
X_,i'do not recommend using an extension cord wi[h this _q)pliance.
If tile power cord is too short, hm'e a (plalified elecu'ician or serxdce
technician install all omlet i/(ar tile appliance. (S_e WARNING--
Yor best opemdon, plug this applian(_ inlo ils own eleclri(al
omle_ to prevem flickering of lights, blowing of fl_se or tripping
oI (:ircuil l/reaker.

Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Because of potential salets
haza_xls under certain conditions,
we strongly recommend against the
use of an adapter plug. Itowe\ e);
i/vou still ele(t to use ml adapter,
where local codes permit,
be made to a prol>erly groml(h'd
2-prong wall recel)taeh' 1)},'the use
of a UL listed adalm'r which is
availal)le at most local hardware stores.
The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned wittl tlle larger slot
in the _M1 recel)tacle to provide t)rol)er t)olarity in the c(mnection
of the power cord.
CAUTION: Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the waft receptacle
cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the cover screw is
metal, and not insulated, and the wall receptacle is grounded through
the house wiring.
r.,i ed ,,ca,,adal
Alignlarge _ ][
prongs/slots _ I _ II
TEMPORARY andfirmconnection
METHOD beforeuse.
'_i)u should have the citx:uit checked by a qualified electrician to
make sm:e the recel)mch' is l)rOl)erly gt'(mnded.
When disc(mnecting the power cord fl:om the adal)tet; alwa}_'_hold
the adapter with one hand. If tiffs is not done, tl_e adal)ter gromld
terminal is very likely to break with repeated use. Should this
hat)pen, DO NOTUSE the apl)liance m)til a t)rol)er gTom_d has
again been established.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Do not use an adapter plug in these situadons be( ause ti'equent
dis(onne(don o/the t)owel <"(ol'd t)la(es m)(tue strain on tl_('
adal)ter and leads to e_entual/i_ilm:e of the adapter gT(mnd
terminal, hbu should hm_ • the 2-lining wall receptacle replaced
wifll a 3-t)rong (grounding))x'cet)taele 1));a qualilied elecu'ieian
belore using die at)pliance.
i iiiiiii,iiiiiiiii

.\ ShOF| t)OWCF supl)ly cord is provided to _x'(hu c die risks rcsulUng
/i'om becoming entangled in or tl_t)t)ing oxer a longer cord.
Extension cords may be used if you arc carefld in using them.
If an extension (ord is used--
.....................at least as gTeat as the clccu-i(al mdng of die applian(e;
The extension (ord must bca grounding-t3pe S-wire cord and
.....................it must be plugged imo a 3-slot omlet;
"['h(? (,xu.,nsion (oFd sho[lld |)(? _,FlT_lllg(?d So |h_,| i[ **,rill no[
dFap(! ()'_el _ the (Ollll|(?l;|Op oF tabletop wh('re il (an be pllll(?d
on by (hildrcn or t_ippcd o_'r mfintcntionally.
If you use an exmnsion cord, the interior light ma} flicker and die
bl()WC1; ,%011110 l//_l_, V_tFV wh('ll tilt' I//i(F()W_IVC (.wcn is Oil. Cooking
dines ma} be longer, too.
