GE JES1358WK02, JES1358WJ02 Owner’s Manual
Safety Information ......... 2-6
Operating Instructions
Com'enience Features ..... 14-16
Microwave Terms ............ 18
()ther Features ........... ] 6, 17
Oven Features ............. 7, 8
Power Levels ................ 9
Time Features ............ 9-1,9,
Troubleshooting Tips ....... 20
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . .Back Coxer
Product Registration ...... 91-99
Warranty .................. 93
numbershere: Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label
inside the oven.
164D3370P329 49-40400 06-03JR
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
(a) Do NotAttempt to operate this oven with tile door
open since open<loot operation can result in ham/fill eN)osure m microwave energy': It is impommt not to deteat or tamper with tile satiety interlocks.
(b) DoNotPlace any object between tile oven fl'ont fi_ce
and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing stmfi_ces.
(c) Do Not Operate tile oven if it is damaged. It is
particularly important that tile oven door close properly and that there is no damage to the:
(1) door (bent), (2) hinoes and latches (broken or loosened), (3) door seals and sealing stmfi_ces.
(d) The Oven Should Not be a(!j usted or repaired by
anyone except properly qualified service pex_onnel.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual. When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
Read and fi_llow the specific precautions in tile Do not store this appliance outdoors. Do not use this
Precautionsto AvoidPossibleExposureto Excessive Microwave Energy section aboxe.
This appliance must be grounded. Connect only
to a propedy grounded outlet. See tile Grounding Instructions section on page 4.
Install or locate this appliance only in accordance with the provided installation instructions.
Be certain to place tile fl'ont surfhce of tile door three
inches or more back from tile countertoi ) edge, to axoid accidental filI) )in(,_ of tile appliance in n(mnal tlSaO-e._ .
This microwave oven is not approved or tested fi)r
Ill}lIJne rise.
Do not mount this appliance over a sink.
Do not i/lo[lnt tile IllicI'Owave oxen oxer or near _lilV
portion of a heating or cooking appliance.
Do not store anything direcflx on top of tile microwaxe
o'_en S/lil';ice when tile Illicl'owax e o_,en is in opei'ation.
Do not operate this appliance if it has a damaged power cord or plug, if it is not working proped); or if it has
been damaged or dropped. If tile power cord is
damaged, it must be replaced by General Electric Service or an authorized se_Mce agent using a power
cord available from General Electric.
D(:, not co_,er or block }111_,(:,i)enings, on tile Ila ) )liance.
Use this appliance only fin" its intended use as described
in this i/lantlal. Do not tlse corrosive chemicals or wq)oi_ in this appliance. This microwave oven is specifically
designed to heat, (h T or cook tood, and is not intended
fin" laboratory or industrial use.
product near watet_lor example, in a wet basement, near a swimming, I)°°1, near a sink or in similar
Keep power cord away from heated surti_ces.
Do not imlnei_e power cord or I)lug, in water
Do not let power cord hang oxer edge of table or
To reduce tile risk of fire in tile oven cax_la':
--Do not overcook fi_od. Careflflly attend appliance when
paper; plastic, or other combustible materials are placed inside tile oxen while cooking.
--Remove wire twist-ties and metal handles from paper or
plastic ('ontainets before I)lacim"_ them in tile oxen.
--Do not t/se tile o_,en t_)I" ,stoI'a_rea ptlI])oses. Do not leaxe
paper products, cooking utensils, or tood in tile oxen
when not in rise.
--If materials inside tile oven ignite, keep tile oven door closed, turn tile oven ofl_ and disconnect tile power cord, or shut off power at tile fllse or drcuit breaker panel. If tile door is opened, tile fire may spread.
See door surfi_ce cleaning instructions in tile Care and cleaning of the microwave oven section ot this manual.
This appliance must only be serviced by qualified service
personnel. Contact nearest authorized service facility fin. examination, repai_; or a(!jusUnent.
_s with any appliance, close supervision is necessmw
when used by children.
If you see arcing, press PAUSE/CLEARand correct the problem.
Ardng is tile microwave tem_ fin" sparks in tile oven. Arcing is caused by:
Metal, such as twist-ties, poult_ y pins, or gold-
rimmed dishes, in the microwave.
Metal or foil touching tile side of tile oven.
Foil not molded to food (upturned edges act like antennas).
Do not pop l)Ol)('oi'n in yo/li" Illi(Towaxe oven
tmless in a special microwave popcorn accesso_ T or mfless you use popcorn labeled fin" use in
microwave ovens.
Some products such as whole eggs and sealed
containe_--fln" example, closed jade--are able to explode and should not be heated in this
ii/ici'owave oven. _tlcll rise of tile illiCi'Owave
oven could result in injury.
Do not boil eggs in a microwave oven. Pressure will build up inside egg }_lk and will cause it
to bm_t, possibly _esulfing in iqjm y.
Operating tile mic_xm'ave with no fi)od inside fi)r I/lore than a minute or [\_x_may Catlse (lanlage
to tile oven and could start a fire. It increases tile heat aro/md tile magnetmn and can shorten
tile life of tile oven.
Foods Mth tmbroken outer "skin" such as potatoes, hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes, apples,
chicken live_, and other giblets, and egg yolks
should be pierced to allow steam to escape
(hllJng cooking.
Avoid heating baby fi>od in glass jm_, even with tile lid olt_ Make sure all infhnt food is
thoroughly cooked. Stir food to distribum tile heat evenly. Be careful to prevent scalding
when wamfing titan ula. Tile container may feel
cooler than tile tommla really is. Mwavs rest tile
tommla before fi_edin,* tile baby
Don't defl'ost fl'ozen beverages in narrow-necked bottles (especially carbonated bexerages). Exert
if' tile container is opened, pressure C_lllbuild up. This can cause the container to built, possibly
resulting in >
Recycled paper tcmvls containing small metal pieces being used in the microwave.
Liquids,such aswater, coffee or tea are ableto be overheatedbeyondthe boiling pointwithout
appearingtobe boiling. Visiblebubblingor boiling when the container isremovedfromthe microwave
To reduce tile risk of iqjm T to pe_ons:
--Do not overheat the liquid.
IStir tile liquid both befin'e and halfway through
heating it.
--Do not use straight-sided containet_ with narrow
I_Mter heating, allow tile container to stand in tile
illici'owave oven ]'()I" a short til//e betoi'e i'ei//oving
tile containe_:
IUse exti'ellle cai'e when insei'ting a Sl)OOn 0I"
other utensil into tile containex:
Hot fi_ods and steam can cause bm'ns. Be careflfl
when opening any containe_ of hot fix)d, including popcorn bags, cooking pouches, and
boxes. To prevent possible iqjury, direct steam away fl'om hands and ti_ce.
Do not overcook potatoes. They could dehydrate
and catch fire, causing damage to Your oven.
Cook meat and poult_ T thoroughlylmeat to at
least an INTERNAl, temperatm'e _ff 160°F and poultry to at least an INTERNAl, temperature
of 180°E Cooking to these temperatures usually
protects against toodborne illness.
Make sure to use suitable cookware during microwave cooking. Most glass casseroles, cooking
dishes, measuring cups, custard cups, potte_ T or china dinnerware which does not have metallic trim
or glaze with a metallic sheen can be used. Sollle cookware is labeled "suitable fin" microwaving."
If w)u are not sm'e if a dish is microwave-sate, use this test: Place in the oven both the dish wm
are testing and a glass measm_ing cup filled with
1 cup of water set tile meastwing cup either in or next to the dish. Microwave 30-45 seconds
at high. If the dish heats, it should not be used fin" microwaving.
If the dish remains cool and only the water in tile cup heats, then tile dish is microwave-sale.
If you use a meat them_ometer while cooking,
IIl_lke stlre it is sate fin" rise in illicrowave ()veils.
Do not use recycled paper products. Recycled
paper towels, napkins and waxed paper can
contain metal flecks which may cause arcing or ignite. Paper products cent;fining nyhm or nylon filainents should be avoided, as they Inav
also ignite.
Some sWroloam trays (like those that meat is
packaged on) have a thin strip ot metal
embedded in tile bottom. \,_l/en microwaved, tile metal can burn tile floor of tile oven or
ignite a paper towel.
Do not use tile microwave to chy newspape_.
Not all plastic wrap is suitable fin" use in
microwave ovens. Check the package fin" proper
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap can
be used to cover dishes in order to retain moisture and prevent spattering. Be sm'e to vent
plastic wrap so steam can escape.
Cookware may become hot because of heat transferred fl'om the heated lend. Pot holders
max be needed to handle the cookware,
"Boilable" cooking pouches and fighdy closed plastic bags should be slit, pierced or vented as directed by package. If they are not, plastic could bm_t dining or immediately after cooking, possibly resulting in injtu T. A]so, plastic storage containet_ should be at least partially tmcovered because they titan a tight seal. When cooking
with containe_ tightly covered with plastic wrap,
remove coveting careflfllv and direct steam away fi'om hands and ti_ce.
Use toil only as directed in this guide. TV dinne_ may be microwaved in foil trays less than 3/4"
high; renlove tile top foil cover and rettlrn tile tray to tile box. \_]/en using foil in tile microwave oven, kee I) the loft at least 1 inch away fl'om the
sides of the oven.
Plastic cookware----Plastic cookware designed fin. microwave cooking is ve_y useflfl, but should be used carefull> Even micro_we-satb plastic may not be as tolerant of overcooking conditions as are glass or ceramic materials, and may soften or char if subjected to short periods of overcooking. In hmger exposm'es to overcooking, tile ti)od and cookware could ignim.
Follow those guidelines."
B Use microwave-sate plastics onl) and use
them in strict compliance with the cookware
IIla n [Ilil ct/li'e i"s i'ecoli/iilen(lations.
] Do not i//icrowa',e elllpty containei3.
Do not pemfit children to use plastic cookware without complete superxision.
Any re)n-metal, oven-safe dish can be used when browning ill the oven. Place the dish directly on
the shelf.
The oven and door will get hot when browning.
Cookware will become hot when browning. Pot holdei_ or oven mitts will be needed to
handle the cookware.
Do not use paper to_vls or c()verings, containei_ or cooking/roasting bags made (ff fi)il or other
reflective material, plastic, _x or paper when browning.
Do not place food directly against the browner element.
Use of the browner shelf:
- I_emove the shelf fl'on/the oven when not ill rise.
- Use pot holdei_ or oven mitts when handling the shell It may be hot.
Be sure that the shelf is posifi(med properly inside the oven to prevent product dalnage.
Do not cover the shelf or any part (ff the oven
with metal fi)il. This will cause overheating of
the oven.
During and after use, do not touch, or let clothing, pot holdei_ or other flamnmble
inateiials contnct the browner elelnent or guard. These sui_i_ces may be hot enough to burn even though they are dark ill coloI; Mlow sufficient tilne for cooling fiIst.
I_.elnove cookware colnpletely fi'oln the oven heft)re turning food.
Make sure fl)od is cooked all the way through heft)re browning.
This ai)pliance must be grounded. In the event of an electrical short drcuit, grounding reduces the risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire
for the electric current. This appliance is equipped Mth a power cord
having a grounding wire with a grounding plug. Tile plug nmst be plugged into an outlet that is properly installed and grounded.
Consult a qualified electridan or service technician if the grounding instructions are not colnpletely
undei_tood, or if doubt exists as to whether the ai)pliance is i)roperly grounded.
If the outlet is a st;mdard 2-prong wall outlet, it is
vour pei_onal responsibiliQ' and obligation to have
it replaced with a i)roi)erly grounded 3-l)rong wall outlet.
Do not tinder [llly ciI'C[ll//St;Inces C/lt or I'elllOVe
the third (ground) i)rong fl'oln the power cord.
X4'e do not recolnlnend using an extension cord with this appliance. If the power coM is too short,
have a qualified electrician or service technician install an outlet near the ai)pliance. (See
EXTENSION CORDSsection.) For best oi)erafion, plug this ai)pliance into its
own electrical outlet to i)revent flickering of lights, blowing of fllse or trii)i)ing of circuit breakeI:
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected infrequently.
Because ot potential safe b' hazards under certain conditions, {Adapterplugsnot we stronglyrecommend against the use of an adapter plug.However; if permittedinCanada}
you still elect to use an adaptex; where local codes pemfit, a TEMPORARY Alignlarge
CONNECTIONnrav be made to a properly grounded tw_)-prong wall
receptacle by tile use of a UI, listed adapter which is available at most
local hardware stores,
Tile larger slot in tile adapter must be aligned with tile larger slot in
the wall receptacle to provide proper polarity in the connection of the TEMPORARY
power cord. METHOD
CAUTION:AttachflTg the adapter ground terminal to the wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and the wall receptacle b grounded through the house wiring.
You should have tile circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sm'e tile receptacle is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power cord fl'om the adapte_, always hold the adapter with one hand. If this is not done, the adapter gr()lmd temfinal is very likely to break with repeated use. Should this hai)pen,
DONOTUSEthe appliance until a proper ground has again been established.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected frequently.
Do not use an adapter plug in these situations because fl'equent disconnection ot the power cord places
undue strain on the adapter and leads to eventual fifilure ot the adapter ground temfinal. You shouM have
tile two-prong wall receptacle replaced with a three-prong (grotmding) receptacle by a qualified electrician
heft)re using tile appliance.
Ensureproperground andfirm connection
A short power suI)ply cord is pro\_ded to reduce tile risks resulting fl'om becoming entangled in or tripping
oveI" a longer cord,
Extension cords may be used if you are careflfl in using them.
If an extension cord is used--
] Tile marked electrical rating of tile extension cord should be at least as _ "at as tile electrical rafino of
tile appliance;
] The extension cord must be a ,'l
] Tile extension cord should be arranged so that it will not drape oxer tile c()tmterto I) or tabletop
where it can be pulled on b) children or tlipped oxer unintentionally:
If you use an extension cord, tile interior light may flicker and tile blower solmd may vary when tile
microwave oven is on. Cooking times may be hmge_; too.
,gr()lmding-ia, )e S-wire cord and it must be l)lugged,, into a S-slot outlet
(YI e
Aboutthe featuresof yourmicrowave oven.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Featuresof theOven
O Door Latches.
O indow with Metal Shield. Screen allows
cooking to be xiewed while keeping
iilici'owaxes conlined ii1 tile ox, en.
O Convenience Guide.
ControlPanel and Selector Dial. _q/en entering
cooking time using tile dial, time will add or sulXract in l O-second increments up to
5 minutes. D)_" cooking times of 5 to lO minutes, time will add or subtract in
30-second increments. When entering cooking times greater than 10 minutes, time
will add or subtract in 1-minute increments.
_h Removable Turntable.Turntable and support
r must be in place when using tile o_en. Tile
tm'ntable may be remoxed for cleaning.
O emovable Turntable Support.Tile turntable
support must be in place when using tile
0_, eI1.
NOTE:Rat/W plate, oven vent(s)andoven lightare located on the inside walls of themicrowave oven.
O rowner Element. _Mlows you to brown ah'ea(l):
cooked food quickly on top.
O Browner Shelf.
Aboutthe featuresof yourmicrowave oven.
Youcan microwave by time or with the convenience features.
Check the Convenience Guide before you begin.
Press Enter Option
TIME COOK Amountofcookingtime more/lesstime
Pressonce Foodweight Presstwice Amountof defrostingtime
POWERLEVEL Powerlevel0-HI EXPRESSCOOK Startsimmediately!
TOPBROWN Amountofbrowningtime more/lesstime
POPCORN Startsimmediately! 3.5oz.,3oz.or1.75oz. Pressonce,twice or more/lesstime
three times
BEVERAGE Startsimmediately! 1cup,2cupsor3cups Pressonce,twice or more/lesstime
three times
AUTOCOOK Foodtype1-9 more/lesstime
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