ge, Com
Safety I.fin_nation
Adapter Plugs .......... 9
Arcing ................ 4
Extension Cords ....... 10
Foods ............... 4, 5
Instructions ............ 8
Cookware ........... 6, 7
Precautions to Avoid
Possible EN)osm'e to
Excessive Microwave
Energy ................ 2
Safi_tv Precautions .... 2, 3
Operating Instructions
Care and
Cleanim, 31 32
Chanoing the
Power i,exel .......... 16
0_4 ol-Feattlres ........... a. --zo
Features olYbm"
Microwa'_e O\en .. .12-1:
Microwaxe Temps ...... 3(1
Other Featm'es ..... 27-29
Time Featm'es ...... 17-22
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You Call
For Service ........ 33, 34
Things That Are
Nomml With Yore"
Microwave Oven ....... 34
Com_mer Support
Support ...... Back Coxer
_rranla' . ............ 35
Write the model and serial nmnbers hem:
Model #
Serial #
Find these mmd)ers on a label inside
the o\ ('n.
DE68-O1828A49-40500 07-06Jt7
For your safety;,the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
OONot Attempt to operate
tllis oven widl the door
open sin(('ot)en-door
operation can r('suh in
haml[nl exposure to
lIliCF()_ _{Ve ('H('I_'}.
It is iml)ormm not to
(tl'JL'_{[ OF [_{l//p(']: wi|h
the sa[;vp_h/tcrlo(ks.
Do NotPlace am' oL!iect
between tile (wen ]ix)11t
[hce and tile door or allow
soil or (leaner residue to
a((mmdate on sealing
Do Not Operate the o_en if it
is damaged. It is pardculmqy
impormlu that tile (wen door
close properly and dlat dwre
is no damag(' to the:
.....................(broke,, or" loosened),
_i; The Oven Should Not
be a(!justed or rel)_dr('d t)v
_tl/VOl/(' l'XCl'p[ pl?Ol)(T1}'
qualified service pers(mnel.
When using electrical appfiances basic safety
precautions should be followed, including the following:
J? Rea(1 and tollow the sl)e(ifi/ i¢: Inst_dl or lo(ate this
precautiolls in the Precautions
to Avoid Possible Exposure to
Excessive Microwave Energy
sl'(tioll a|)ov('.
This apl)liance must be
groml(te(t. (;(mnect only
to a prol)erly gmmMed
omlet. See the Grounding
Instructions se(tion on page 8.
_t])p]]_tl/((! OI/]V ill a/(Ol;(tall(e
with file t)rovided Inst_dlation
Ii lstrll( tiOl is.
Be certain to place the
front sin;lime of the door
3" or more back [i:om the
(omm'rto]) edge to avoid
a((idemal tipping (A' the
apt)lim/(e in n(mnal usage.
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
_}} This l//i(]7ow}l_,e o'_e]l is not }tt)t)lX)'_,ed
(¸)17tested foF lllarille rise+
_} I)o not mount this applian(e oxer
a sink.
_: Do not l//otlnt tile l//icrowave OVell
over or near ally portion of a heating
or cooking appliance.
J? Do not store anything dire( tly on top
of tile I//iC1;OW}IVC oven stlrIitce whell
tile l//iC1;OW_lVe oven is ill operation.
_: Do not operate this appliance if it has
a damaged pov,vr cord or phlg, if it is
not working t)roperl 5 or if it has been
damaged or dropped. I/ tile pov,vr
(or'd is damaged, it must be replaced
bv C,eneral Electrk Service or an
authorized service agent using a
power ctm/available/i:oln (',eneml
J? I)o not co_vr or block any openh/gs
on tile a[/pliml(e.
N Use this appliance on]} tar its
imended use as described in this
manual. 13o not use corrosi_ •
chen/icals or vapor. +,ill this appliance.
Tllis mi( rowave oven is spe,.ifit ally
desiglled to heal, d W or cook tbod,
mid is not imended/or laboratory
or inthtstlJal use.
J? Do not store this appliance outdoor.+,.
I)o not use this product near watel_
tbr example, ill a wet basement, nero:
a swinlnling pool, near a sink or in
similar locations.
_! Keep power lord away ti'om heated
J} I)o not imnlerse power cord or
phlg in water.
_: Do not let power cord hang over
edge of taMe or counter.
_: +Ib red uce tile risk of tire in tile
oven cavity:
--I)o not overtook toad. Careihllv
attend appliance when paper, plastic
or other coH/btlstil)le HlatetJals are
placed inside tile oven while cooking.
--Remcwe wire twisHies and metal
handles ti'om paper or plastic
t ontainers betbre placing thenl in
tile ovt'll.
--Do not use tile oven tar storage
puq/oses. Do not leme paper
prothtt is, cooking utensils or load
ill tilt' OVell whell liar ill rise+
--ff materials in.qde the oven ig_lite,
keep tile o_vn door closed, turn tile
oven off and disconnect tile power
col'd, or shut off power at tile fltse or
circuit breaker panel. If tile door is
opened, tile fire may spread.
_: See door sur/itce cleaning instructions
in tile Care and cleaning of the
microwave oven s( ction of this mmlual.
J? This appliance must only be serviced
l)_rqualified service personnel.
Contact nearest atltholJzed ser\'ice
ti_cility/or examination, repair or
N As with any applian(e, (lose
supelMsion is necessary when
ttsed k>_rchildren.
iiii iiii//!!iliiii!!iii!
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
,\rdng is the i//icFo\v_[vetel_/l
Ibr sparks in tile oven. Arcing
is caused 1)):
_5)Metal or R)il touching the
side of tile oven.
_: Foil not molded to tood
(ut)umled edges act like
i(:: Metal, such as twist-ties,
t)ouluT pins, or gold-riuuned
dishes, in file mierowax e.
i(:: Recycled paper towels
containing slnall metal pieces
being used in tile n/icrowave.
Do not poll popcorn in yore:
ulicrowm_ +o_'n unless in a
speci_fl n/icrowave popcorn
accessory or Hnless voH /lse
t)otlcorn labeled lot use in
ulicrowave ovens.
;_) Sol//e t)Fo(hlctS s/Ich _lS
whole eggs and sealed
containers tot exaulllle,
(losed,jars--a)x' able to
exl)lode and should not be
heated ill this lIliCl'OWa_'
ovell. S/Ich use of tile
lllielx/wa_e o_en could
result in in jm>
_) Do not boil eggs in a
lllic1x/wa_,e o_,en. PlTeSS/lre
will build up inside egg }_)lk
and will cause it to burst,
possibly resulung in in jm 3.
()t)emting the ulicrowa_'
with no/ood inside tot more
thall a IIlintlte or tw(I lIla_
ca/tse (/_ll//age to tile oven
and Co/lld start a fire. It
increases the heat around
tile n/agnetron and can
shorten the li/b of the o\en.
Foods with [lnl)lToken O/ltel7
"skill" such as l)Omtoes, hot
dogs, sausages, ton/atoes,
apllles, chicken livers and
od/er giblets, and egg yolks
should be pierced to _fllow
stealll to escape (hlrillg
Liquids,such as water,
coffeeortea, are able to be
point withoutappearingto be
boiling when the containeris
removed fromthe microwave
ovenis not alwayspresen_
To red uce the risk of i_/jury
to persons:
-- Do llot o_a'rheat the liq/fid.
-- Stir the liquid t/oth be/ore
all(I hal/i_,r;-ly tim)ugh
heatillg it.
--Do llot use straight-sided
containers with ]__];tX)%_r
--Alter heating, allow tile
(O]l{}li//er 1o stal/d ill the
llliCI'ow;-i\ e o\ell/()l: a short
time 1)e/()l_' rel//O\'il/g the
-- Use extreme care whell
iHsertillg a spoon or other
uteHsi] into the contailler.
•\\ old heating bah} tt)od ill
glass jar.s, e\ en with tile lid
oil Make sure all intimt/ood
is thoroughly cooked. Siir
/ood to distribme tile heat
e_'l/l\. Be careflll tO lll'evell[
scalding when wam/ing
/orl///lla. The COlltail/er lll}p_'
/eel cooler than tile/orumla
really is. Alwa\'s test the
/ormula be/ore tk'e(ting
tile bah\.
i_i;Don't de/i'ost fi'ozen
be\ en_ges ill llarrow-
necked bottles (eslle<i_flly
carl)onated be_wag-es).
Even if the container is
ot)ened , pl'eSS/lre Call
build up. This call cause
the con|airier to b/its|,
possibly resulting in il_iury.
ii:: Hot/oods and steam can
cause bin:us, ge careflfl when
opening any containers oI
hot/ood, including popcorn
bags, cooking pouches and
boxes. "Ib llre\'ent possible
il/.jlll'y, direct siealll _i_r_i_ ,
Ibm/hands and tiice.
Do llOt o_wt'cook t)otatoes.
The_ couM deh\'dnlie and
catch/ire, causing damage
10 \_)/lr ()_,_'l/,
Cook meal and l)oultr}
thoroughl}mmeat to
at least an INTERNAl,
temperature of 160°F
alld t)o/llWy to at least all
INTERNAI tempera\ in:e
of 180°E Cooking to dlese
tel//lleratHFes /lSllally protects
against tbodborne illness.
iiiiiiiiii!ii ii i !;liiii!
iiiiiii! iiiiii ii ii
ii iiiiii!iii i Ji!lii
Make sure all (ook_mx' used ill
VOII17 Illi( l?O%_l\e o\ei/ IS S/litHble
lot nlicrowa'Ang. Most glass
c_tss_mk s, cooking dishes,
measm-ing ClipS, C/lstard clips,
[)otter} or (hiller dinnerware
which does not/la_ ln_ tallic
trim or glaze with a metallic
slleell (?all l)( /lSe(1. SOIlle
cookwm:_ is labeled "afitable
tot nlicrowaving."
N If you are not sure if a dish is
l/licrow?_\ e-sail', lisp this test:
Place ill the oven both the
dish _X)/l are testing and a
glass measuring CUll filled
with 1 cup ofwatelmset the
n/easufing cup either ill or
next to the dish. Micl'o_,,_\ e
1 minute at high. If the dish
heats, it shouM not be used
/or n/icrowaving.
If the dish ren/ains cool
and only the water ill the
CUll heats, then the dish is
microwa\ e-sa/i.'.
If _X)/luse a nleat
thennonleter whih' cooking,
n/ake sure it is sail' tot use
ill n/icrowm e ovens.
_: Do not use recycled llaper
products. ReQ'cled paper
towels, napkins and waxed
paper Call contain llletal
flecks which mm (ause
arcing or ig_/ite. Paper
products containingnylon
or talon filan/ents should
be avoided, as they lnw_'
J? Some styro/omn trays (like
those that meat is packaged
on) have a thin strip of metal
embedded ill the bottonL
When nlicrow_\vd, tile metal
can burn tile floor ot the
oven or ig_/he a t)_q_er towel.
J} I)o not use tile IIIi(TOW_I\e to
dFv newst )al)el_s,
J? Not M1plastic wyap is suitable
tDF/lse in l/liCl?O_lve ovens.
Check the package/or
_: Paper towels, waxed paper
and plastic wrap can tie used
to co\vr dishes ill order to
retaill iilOiS|lll'e and prevent
spattering. Be S{ll'e |o ven|
plastic wrap so s|ealll (?all
_: Cookware max becon/e hot
because of heat mulst_Tred
ti'on/ the heated tood.
Pot holders max be needed
to handle the cookware.
J? "Boilal)le" cooking pouches
and tightly closed plastic
bag_ should be slit, t)ie)'ced
or vetoed as directed l>_
package. If tht\_ are not,
plastic could burst dining or
immediately atier cooking,
possibly resulting in il_imy.
Nso, plastic storage
containers should be at least
partially IInco_'l?e(t t)ecallse
tht\v/orm a fight seal. When
cooking with containers
tigh@ covered widl plastic
wr_lt) , tel/lOve covelJng
carefllllv and direct steam
_lwWv'/i'Olll hallds all(| /i_€e.
Use/oil onh as directed in
this guide. TV dfimers ma}
be microwmvd in toil trm_'_
less than 3/4" high; remo_v
tile top loll co\'er and return
the trm to the box. When
using/oil in the microwave
o\en, keep the foil at leas{
l" mva} fi'on/the sides of
the ()\ell.
Plastic cook_,mre Plastic
cookware (lesiglle(t tot
mi(rowm e (()()king is very
usefill, bm shoukt be used
(areflllh. E_en mi( row_\ e-
s_)/_'t)lasti( m m not be as
tolemm of o\ ercooking
conditions as are glass or
ceramic materials and m_lv
solien or char if suk!jected
to short periods of
overcooking. In longer
cxpos/IFCS |O o_'l'(ooking,
the ti)od and cookware
could iglfite.
Follow thoso guidolinos:
.....................t)lasti(s only and
use them in StlJCt
c(/mtfliaHce with
the cookwa)'e
l//_ln [ It _tC t Ill'( '17 'S
_ Do not mi(rowme eml)t _
.....................( Ollt:clil lel's,
Do not t)ennit (hildren use t)lastic ( ook'_ral;e
withoIH COllll)let e
iiii iiii//!!iliiii!!iii!
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of
electric shock.
This appliance must be grtmnded, h/the e_ent of ml elet trical
short circuit, gTtmnding reduces the risk of electric shock by
1)ro_iding an escape wire lor tile electric current.
This appliance is equipped with a power cord hming a grounding
wire with a groui_ding i)lug. The plug must t)e plugged into an
omlet that is ln:oi)erl} instalk d mid gTom/ded.
Consuh a qualifi_ d elecn'ician or s_trice technician if the g_'omlding
instructions ar_ not c()ml)letely und_ rstood, or if doubt exists as to
whether the apl)liance is lm)perl} gromlded.
If the omlet is a standard 2-1m)ng wall outlet, it is yore: personal
rest)onsibilit },all(} obligation to hme it replaced with a prol)_ rly
grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Do not under anv circmnstances cut or remo_e the third (g_'om_d)
1)rang tix)m the i)ower cord.
We do not recominend using an extension cord wifl_ this al)pli_m(e.
If tile power cord is too short, have a q/*alilied electriciku/ or s_trice
technician install all outlet n(ar the appliance. (Se_ WARN/N_--
ii iiiiiiKiii !lii
For best operation, plug this api)lianee imo its own eleclrk al omlel
Io prevem tlickering of lighls, I)lowillg of tilse or lripping of circuil
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Because of t)olemial sat(qv
hazards under certain con(lid(ms,
we strongly recommend against the
use of an adapter plug. I to_e\ er,
ilvou still ele(t to use ml a(tal)wr,
where local (odes permit,
be made to a t)roperly gromlded
2-l)rong w_lll recel)tacle t)y the use
of a UI, listed adapter which is
available at most local hardwm:e stores.
The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned with the larger slot
in the x_ll receptacle to l)tx_vide t)tX)l)er t)olm-ity in the c(mnection
of the power cord.
CAUTION: Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the wall receptacle
cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the cover screw is
metal, and not insulated, and the wall receptacle is grounded through
the house wiring.
Alignlarge I _-_ 11
p,ongs/slots _ I _ II
TEMPORARY andfirmconnection
METHOD beforeusa.
'_bu should haw the circuit checked b} a qualified electriciml to
make sure the re(eptacle is l)rol)efly gromlded.
When (lisc(mnecting the power cord ti:om the adal)ter, alwa}_'_hold
the adapter with one hm_(t. If dfis is not done, the adapter grou]ld
terminal is vet} likely to break with repeated use. Should this
hal)l)en, DO NOTUSE die applim_ce m_til a t)roper gT(mnd has
again been established.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Do not use an adapter plug in these sit tl_ltions ])('(_t/lse ti'e(l/lent
disconnection of the power cord places m_(tue strain on the
adapter m_d leads to e_'nt ual/i_ilure of the adapter gT(mnd
terminal. '_bu should have the 2-t)rong wall re(epiaele replaced
wiitl a 3-t)rong (g]xmn(ting) re(et)tacle [)_r _ qualilied eleciricim/
betore using die at)pliance.
i iiiiiii,iiiiiiiii
,\S]lOri pOW(.+Fsupply cord is provided to tx'dme dw risks rcsuhing
/i'om becoming entm_gled in or tripping o\er a longer (ord.
Extension cords mm be used if you are carefid in using diem.
If an extension cord is used--
iii ,/
:::::::::::::::::at least asgreat as the electrical mdng ot the al)plim_ce;
The extension cord must 1)ea gromlding-tyl)e 3-wire cord _lnd must be plugged imo a 3-slot omlet;
drape o'_er the (OHIIi(?I?iOp (717 tabletop wllere it (all |)e [)tllled
on |)y children or tripped o_'r mfintentionally.
If you use m_ extension cord, the interior light ma} flicker m_d ttle
blower somld may vary when the microwave o_en is on. Cooking
times m_} be longel; too.