GE JES1334WD04, JES1334WD03, JES1334WD02, JES1334BH05, JES1334BH04 Owner’s Manual

ge, Com
Safely Infinnnation
Adapter Plugs ........ 9
Arcing .............. 4
Extension Cords ..... 10
Foods ............. 4, 5
Instructions .......... 8
Cookware .......... 6, 7
Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposm'e to
Excessive Microwave
Energy .............. 2
Safety Precautions . . .2, 3
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleanim, .. 1, 32 Chan,,ing the
Power i.evel ......... 16
Conx enience
Features ......... 2. -26
Features of Your Microwa',e Oxen . .12-15
Microwax e Terms ..... 30
Other Features .... 27-29
Tim e Fea rares .... 17-22
7}'oubleshooting Tips
Before You Call
For Se_wice ....... 33, 34
Things That Are Nomml With Yore"
Microwave Oven ..... 34
Consumer Support
Support ..... Back Cmer
_,_arra n tv . .......... 35
Write the model and serial
nmnbers here: Model #
Serial #
Find these mtmbers on a label inside the oxen.
49-40501 01-08Jfl
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
_: Do IVot Attempt t() at)cram i;i;
dfis ()\ell with the door open
Sill('(' op('n-door opcn_tion
can r('suh in harmflll exposure to microwave
energy. It is import;rot not to (tet('at or tamper with the
sal('t_ interlocks.
N Be Not Place any ot)ject
b('tw('('ll ill(' OVl'l/ {]:Ollt
th((' and th(' door or allo_,
soil or (h'ancr r('si(tuc to ii:: accunmlate on sealing
SHI?{_I( ('S.
Do Not Operate the o_en if it is (tmnagcd. It is particularly
illlpOFtal/[ tllat the o\el/door
close properly and that there is no damage to the:
hinges and l_,tches
.....................(broken or loosened),
door seals and se_ding
St |17_1( (!S.
The Oven Should Not be
a(!just('d or repaired by am(me ex(et)_ properly
qualified servi(e t)er.',(mnel.
When using electrical appfiances basic safety
precautions should be followed, including the following:
_: Read and t_)llow tile specific
precautiolls in tile Precautions
to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave Energy
se(don abe\ e.
J? Tlfis appliance must t)e
g_:ounde(I. (;(mnect only _o a properly grounded
outlet. See tile Grounding Instructions section OH t)agc 8.
Inst_dl or locate this appliance only in accordance with the
t)ro_ided Installation Instru(tions.
Be certain to place tile fl:ollt sur[ime of tile door three
inches or more t)ack ,i:om tile countertop e(tg-(' to avoid
a((ident_d tipping of the appliance in n(mna, usage.
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
J_ This microwave o\en is not appro\ed
or tested lot lnal_ne use.
_: Do not mount this applian(e over
a sink.
_; Do liar (IlO/lll[ the (Ilil'ro_"dve ovel)
o_er o]?/lear all_ 1)ortiol/ O/a heatillg
or cooking appliance.
J_ Do not store anything dire(fly on top
el the lllieFowa\ e o\ell s/lr[ilce whel/
the HIi(Fox*,_\ e O\ell is ill o])et_tiOll.
J_ Do not operate this appliance if it has
a damaged power (oral or plug, if it is not working properl}, or if:it has been
damaged or dropped. If tile t)ower cord is damaged, it must be replaced
b_ General Electr'ic SelMee or all authorized service agent using a
power cord a\ ailable ti'om General
J) Do not (()',el: or block am" openings
on tile al)plianl e.
_: Use this appliance only/or its
intended use as described in this
lllalltlal+ Do liar lisp corrosive
chemicals or vapors ill this appliance. This microwave ()\el/is specifically
designed to heat, (t_"_ r or look/()od, and is not intended tbr laboratol'v or
ind usufi_d use.
_: I)o not store this appliance outdoors.
Do not use this pro(hut near water--
lot exalill)le , ill a wet baseIilellt, I/ear
a swimming pool, near a sink or ill similm: locations.
N Keep power cord awa}/ix)m heated
J} Do not immerse power cord or plug
ill watel2
J? Do not let power cord hang (wer edge
of table or counter.
J) To re(lu(e tile risk of fire ill tile oxen
--I)o not overcook tbod. Careflfllv attend appliance when t)al)et; plasti(
or other combustible materials are placed inside the oxen while cooking.
--Remoxe wire twist-ties and metal handles/i'om paper or plastic
containe+\s be/bre placing them ill the oven.
--Do not use the oven/or storage puq)oses. Do not lea\ e paper
products, (()()king utensils or tbod ill the o_vn when not ill use.
--//materials inside the o_en ig_fite, kee t)tile oven door dosed, turn the
OVel/ O[] alld (tiSeOllllect t]le 1)()_'r
cord, or shut off power at the filse or circuit breaker panel. I/the door is
opened, the tire may spread.
_: See door surlil( e (leaning instructions
ill the Care and cleaning of the microwave oven section el this manual+
_: This apt)lianc e must only be serviced
by qualilied service personnel. Contact nearest authorized service/imilitv tbr
exalilillatioll, rel)air or _t(!i/ISlI//elll.
N ,ks with any appliance, close
supervision is necessar_ when used 1)_ children.
iiiiiiii!ilili !!iiiiiii+iiiii
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct the problem.
ii iiiiii!iii[:iii:!lii
A_x:ing is the microwme term lot sparks in the oven. Arcing
is cm_sed b}:
_? Meted or toil touching tile
side of tile o\en.
_: Foil not molded to/ood
(upturned edges act like
_11 lien] l_lS),
_: Do not pop popcorn in }_)ur
llli( l'o_\ e oven [Inless ill _
st)e( i_l llli(l'OWoVe ])o])coFn
_lc(essor} or unless }_)u use pOl)(orn labeled tot use in
lIli( l'OW_l\ e ovens.
_: Some products such as
whole eggs and sealed containers lot example,
dosed ira:s---are able to explode and should not be
heated ill this mi(rowm e
oven, _ll(]l /ISC O] tlle
lIli( l'OW_l\ e ()\ell co/lld
result ill inimy.
_: Do not boil egg's in a
llli( l'ow_\ e ovell. PFCSS[II'e
will build up inside egg yolk mM will (;_luse it to bur_t,
possibly resulting in il lj/ll_:v '.
i;i;Metal, such as twist-ties,
poultry pins, or gold-lilnmed dishes, in tile mi(rowa_'.
ii::I).ec}xled pallet towels
eont_fining sm_dl metal pieces being used in the mi(ro_mve.
()perating the microwave with no ti)()(t inside/or more
thm_ a mbmte or two m_w (ause dmnage to the oven
mM (oukl start a fire. It
illel'e_lses {lie tle_l{ aI'O[llld
tile mag_letron mM (an shorten the lit(' of the oven.
]_'oo(ts with/lllbroken ()liter "skiff' such as t)otatoes, hot
dog.',, sausages, tomatoes, _q)t)les, (hicken live_:,, mM
other gd[dets, and egg yolks should be t)ierced to _dlow stemn to escape during
Liquids, such as water,
coffee or tea are able to be
overheated beyond the boiling point without appearing to be boiling. Visible bubbling or boiling when the container is
removed from the microwave oven is not always presenL
"Ib red/lce the risk of illim" _' to t)ersons:
-- Do not o_'rheat the liq/dd.
-- Stir the liquid both be/ore and l/_d/i_,r;_l_' through heaung it.
--Do not use sn:aight-sided comainers with narrow
--Al{er heating, allow the
('olHainer to stand ill {tie
miclx)wm e oxen/or a shor[ [ime be/ore removing lhe
-- Use exQ)el//e cal'e \_]len i]lserting _lSl)OOn or oilier
utensil into the container.
ii::A_oid healing t):d U/ood ill
glass jars, ,.",_'lJ,widl [he lid oil Make sure all inlimt tood
is thoroughly cooked. Stir tood to dis{ribute {lie hea{
evenly, t))e carehd to tm'_ent scalding when warming
{ormula. The container mm {_'el (ooler than llle {Drmula
really is. Alw_,vs lest the tormula belore/['eding
{he bal_v.
i_i;Don't deli'os{ ti'ozen
beverages ilk narl'ow-necked bottles (especially carbonated beverages). Ev('n if the container is ot)ened, pressure (all build ut). This can cause
the container to t)urst,
possibly resulting in iq) ury.
ii::t tot toods and steam can
cause burns. Be careflll when ol)ening any containers of
hoi {ix)d, including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and boxes. "Ik)pre_'nt possible iqiur_; direc{ steam awm
ti'om hands and etce.
i£:: /)O not oxercook potatoes.
They could dehydrate and caich fire, causing damage
to your oxen.
ii::Cook meat and t)ouln'y
{horoughly--mea{ {o at least all INTI_RNAL
{emt)emture of 160°F
and t)otlllr} ' to at least all
INTERNA[, [emt)emture of 180°E Cooking to these [emt)emtures usually pro[e(ts ag,_dnst/oodborne illness.
iiiiiiiiii!ii ii i;!;liiii!
iiiiiii! iiiiii }}ii
ii iiiiiiKiii!lii
Make slur( all (ook_are used ill
VOtlI? illicl?owd_' O\(I/ 1S S/lit_d)lc t(_r l/li_ row;lvhlg. Most glass
(ass_ roles, cooking dishes,
I/leaS/lling Clips, C/lSt_tF(l Cll]/)s ,
l/otter} or china dinnerware which does not have metallic
trim or glaze witl_ a metallic
sheell (_tll l)(/lse(l. SoIlle
(ookwm:e is lal/eled "statable
t()r l//icrowaving."
ff you are not sure if a dish is
IlIiCIX)W_IV('-s_It( _, /ISC |his tUS|:
Place in the oven both the dish you are testing and a
glass measming cup filled with 1 cut/of water--set tile
nleasmJng CUll either ill or next to tile dish. Microwave
1 minute at high. ff the dish
heats, it should not be used tor micmwaving.
ff the dish rein;fins cool and only the _s_tter ill the cup
heats, then the dish is lllicrowa_, e-sat('.
ffvou use a meat thermometer while cooking,
make sure it is sa5'/or use ill nficrowave o_vns.
_5?I)o not use recycled pallet
tn:oducts. Recycled pal/er towels, napkins and waxed
pat/er C_tl/ €olHain l//elal flecks which n/ay cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products
COlltaillillg n}'lon Ol? ll_lOI/
filaments should be avoided, as they ill,iV _tlso igalite.
_5?Some stvrotoam tm_:s (like
those that meat is tlackaged on) tlmv a thin strip of metal
emtledded ill the bottom.
_Vtlel/ l//i( 1X)W_I\ed, the metal
call burn tile floor of tile ()\el/ or ignite a t)atler towel.
;_} Do not /lse tile Hlicrowav(' io
(tl_ ' newspapers.
_: Not ;dl plastic wm t) is suitable
/or use ill lnicmwa\ e o\ ens. Check the l/ackage tor
t)roper use.
N Patler towels, waxed t)aper
and plastic wrat/call 1)e used to cover dishes ill order to
Felain l//OiStlll?e all(I llFevell[ SllatlelJng. Be S/l]?e tO vent
plastic wFat) so steal// C_tl/
es('_l] )e.
_5?Cookware iililV t)ecolile ho{
be(ause of heat translcrred /i'om tile heated/ood. Pot
holders mm be needed to handle the (ookwaFe.
J? "Boil_d)le" cooking t)ouches
and tightly closed plastic bags shouM be slit, pier( ed or
\vmed as (li_vctcd by t)ackage, g {]ICy _tt'(' ltOt,
plastic could burst during or immediately after cooking,
t)ossibly resulting in iqjm T. Also, t)lasti€ storage
com_fin('rs should be at least
t)artially mtco\ ered because
|hcv ]'O]?Itl a tight se:d. When
cooking with cont_finers tightly co\cred with plastic
WIX'It) , r('lltO\ (' COVt'IJlI_
carefltlh and direct steam awm from hands m_d lace.
J? Use toil only as directed in
this guide. TV dimters mm be microwaved in loll trays
less thmt 3/4" high; remove the top tbil co_vr and retm:n
the tray to the box. When using toil in the microwa_v
oven, keep the ibil at least
1 in(h myra tix)m the sides
O/[tl(_ (.W('II,
ii::Plastic cookwarc Plastic
cookware designed/or mi(rowave cooking is very
use/ul, t)ut should be used (arelitll}. Even mi(rowaxe- sale' plastic _{yr not be as
tolerant of o_vrcooking condhions as are glass or
ceramic materials and mm soften or char if std)iected
to short t)eriods of over( ooking. In longer
('XI)OSHI?US tO O\ el?cookiltg,
the/ood m_d cookware (ouM ignite.
Follow these guidelines.
++ Use microwa',e-safe +::+ plastics on b at t(t ttse
fllem in su:ict compliance wifll the cookware
llt_ll I t Ilitc[ t tl'Cl?'S
l?eCOl/tl//el/(t_ttiOI tS.
_I)o not mi( rowaxe emt)t" _
( t)l tt_lil/el?S.
;NL)t,,totp+, ttit,hild,',,tt
tO rise t)lastit t ook'w_tl?e
wifllom ( oml)lete
Sill )('FvisioI/,
iiiiiiii!ilili !!iiiiiiiiiiii
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock.
This appliant e lm_st be grom/ded. In lhe event ot all ele( Irk al shorl drcuit, gr(mnding reduces d_e risk of electri( sho(k b} [)rovidillg _lll es(_li)(_ wire t_)l? |lie (]e( |lJ( c/irl?(]l|.
This appliance is e(ltdl)p_ d wilh }t i)o_er (ord bring a grom_ding wire with a gr(mnding t)hN. The plug must 1)e t)hNg_ d imo an
(mdet d_a_ is I °l)( 1} insmll_d and gT(mnded.
Cons_dt a qualifi_ d electridan or s_r_i(e tedmicim_ it the go ll(i/gii/sr ( DiS t(!11o (()/ll)( 1}z/ll(ersoo(,or
i["(Ioul)t exists as lo wh(!lh(?17 lhe ap1)lim_(e is 1)roi)erl} grom_ded.
It lhe ot_det is a standard 2-]_)rong w_'d] (mdel, il is _r__: personal r_sponsibilit_ and obligalion lo hm'e it replaced with a prop(rl}
grom_ded 3-prong wall outlet.
ii i@ J!lii
Do n(n m_(ler an) circmnsmnces (:m or remo_ d_e dfird (g_'(mnd)
'We do not recommend using an extension co_xl with this >q:)pliance. If the ]_ow(r cord is too short, hm'c a (p_alilied electrician or service
technician install all outlet n(ar the appliance. (Se_ WARNINg-- EXTENSION CORDSsection.)
For 1)es_ opemdon, ]_)lug this api)lian( ( into i_s own electri(al outlet to 1)revent tli(kering of lights, blowi]lg of tits(! or _ripping of cir( ui_
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected infrequently.
t_,e(m_s(' ot t)ot('ntiM s_d:vt_ haz_u'ds und('r (('rmin (onditions,
we strongly recommend against the
use of an adapter plug. I h)_c\ cn
i/ VOtl still ('h'(t to use ml a(taptcr,
wh(re local (odes tlermit, ;i
be made |o_, ,)rol)er]_ gl'Om_,ded __E_:te p;oPe/rground 2-prong w_dl re(cptadc by thc use of METHOD beforeuse.
a Eli, listed _(tal)t('r which is _1\_dkd)h'
at most lo(;d h_ll?dw_tI'('stoI'os.
The larger slot in the adal)ter must 1)e aligned with the larger slot ilk tile _M1 re(ellta(le to ptx_vide tltx)tler t)olm'ity in tl_e (onne(tion of the power (or(t.
CAUTION: Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the cover screw is
metal, and not insulated, and the wall receptacle is grounded through the house wiring.
_i)u should hay(' th(' circuit (he( k('d by a (tuMilh'd ch'(tri(iml to
make smx' the l'('(('l)t_(l(' is lllX)ll('fly groml(h'(l.
\Vhcn (lis(om/c(fing the t)ow('F (OF(t ti?ol// the a(t_lllt(m _dwa}:'+hold
th(' _t(]_lt)t('l" with o1/(' hm/(t. I/this is not don(', th(' ;_(tapt('r gromld terminal is v('ry likely to tm'ak with rcp('_m'd us(', Should this
hatltlen, O0 NOTUSE th(' apt)lira/c(' m/til a tlrol)('r gT(mnd has again t)('('n cst_d)lishc(I.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected frequently.
Do not use an adapter plug in th('s(' sit u_lfioHs t)('( m_sc ti'('(lU('nt
disconnection of th(' t)()w('r cord t)laces trod u(' str_fin on the adal)ter mid leads to ('_entuM/i_ilm:e of the adapter gT(mnd
terminal. '_bu should hm_' tile 2-1)rong wall receptacle replaced wifll a 3-t)rong (glxmnding) rccetltacle l/y a qualilied elecuicim/
betore using the atlpliance.
Alignlarge Ir_ II
p_ongs/sloB_ I _ II
TEMPORARYand firmc01}nection
i iiiii+i+iiiiiiiii
A short po_'r supply (ord is provided u) reduce the risks resuldng Dora be(oming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
Extension cords may be used if you are care{id in using them. If an extension cord is used I
{ The marked clc<trkal rating of the cxtcnsion cord should bc at
least as g37(_tl as the ele(tlJ(a] l'_lting +of the ap])liall(e;
The cxtcnsion (ord must be a grom_dinDrypc g-wire (ord and
::::::::::::it must 1)e pltlgged into a 3-slot outlet;
The extension (ord should l>carranged so that it ,,rill no| (tl"_tp(,
()'_(!17 the (otlnl(_rtop oF tabletop W]I(!I'(_ i[ (all be pulled on |)_r
children or tripped o\er unintentionall%
l/}_)u use an extension cord, the intelJor light may flicker and the blower sotmd may _m_ when the micmwa\ e oxen ison. Cooking
times may be long+.';,;too.
+ 25 hidden pages