GE JES1351WB05, JES1339WC04, JES1334BH02 Owner’s Manual

Safety Infin_nation
Adapter Plugs .......... 9
Arcing ................ 4
Extension Cords ....... 10
Foods ............... 4, 5
Instructions ............ 8
Cookware ........... 6, 7
Precautions to Avoid Possible EN)osm'e to
Excessive Microwave
Energy ................ 2
Sati_W Precautions .... 2, 3
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleanim, .31, 32 Chanoing the
Power i,e_el .......... 16
Featt/res ........... _. -_o
Featm'es of Yore"
' 5Microwave O\en .... 12-1:
Microwave Temps ...... 3(1
Other Featm'es _" ' (..... 2/-2.)
Time Features ...... 17-22
7)_mbleshooting Tips
getbre You (:all
For Service ........ 33, 34
Things That Are Nomml With Your
Microwave (-)yen ....... 34
Combiner Support
Support ...... Back Coxer
Product Registration .. t, 38
X4'arrant_ . ............ 39
Write themodel and serial nmnbers hem: Model # Serial#
Find these mmfl)ers on a label inside
th(' o\ ('n.
164D3370P319 49-40389 08-03Jfl
For your safety;,the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock, or to pre vent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
Do Not Attempt to operate this oven whh the door
Op('ll sin((' ot)en-door
operation can resuh in haml[nl exposure to
llliC]'()_ _{Ve ('l/('T'_'}.
It is iml)ormnt not to dcJi_'at or taml)er wi|h
the sa(('t'_ intcrlo(ks.
Do NotPlace am' ol:!iect between file oven ]i?()lH
_hce and the door or allow soil or (lem/er residue to
a((umulatc on sealing
:_ Do Not Operate the oxen if it
is damaged. It is particularly
important that tile (wen door
close properly and that th('r(' is no (tamag(' to the:
hino-e_, .. and lat(hes
.....................(brokell or looselled),
;_ The Oven Should Not
be a(!justed or rep_dred by m/}x)ne except prol)erly qualified service t)ersonnel.
When using electrical appfiances basic safety
precautions should be followed, including the following:
Read and t()llow the sl)e(ifi( Inst_fll or h)(ate this precamiolls in tile Precautions
to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave Energy
st'(tioll a|)ov('.
This apllliance must be
gFO/lllde(t. Col/lleC| Ol/1V
to a properly gmm/(ted outlet. See file Grounding
Instructions sectiou, on page 8.
a])plian(e Ol/]V ill a((or(lall(e with file t/roxided Inst_dlation
I1lstrtl( tiOllS.
Be certain to place the from surtime of the door
3" or more back [i:om the
(omm'rto]) edge to mold a((i(h'mal tipping of the apt/lim/(e in normal usage.
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
This microwave o_en is not appro_'d or tested/or marine use.
Do not mount this appliance o\er a sink.
Do not mount the microwave oven over or near any pordon of a heating
or (()()king applian(e.
I)o not store _mything directly on top
o_' the l//iCl?O_l_(' o_('1/ StlFlitc(' wh('ll
the micro_,,a_e o_en is ill operation.
Do not ot/eram this apl/lim_(e if it ha_, _ (tmnaged po_,n'r (ord or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it has been dmnaged or dropped, l/the power cord is dmnaged, it must be repla(ed
by General Ele(u:ic Servi(e or an authorized ser_ e agent using a
power cord av_dlable/i:om (;eneral
I)o not co_T or block any opening_ on the appliance.
[lse this applian_ e onl} tbr its intended use as des(ribed in this
mmmal. Do not use corro_i_ chemi( als or vapor. _,ill this applian_ e.
This mi_ towage o_en is specifi( ally (tesiglle(I to heat, dr_ or cook tbod,
_md is not intended/or laboratory or in(tustfi_d use.
Do not store this applim_ce ()mdoor._,.
Do not use tiffs product near watel_ tbr example, ill a wet basement, near
a swimming pool, near a sink or ill similar locauons.
Keep l/ower cord away ti'om heated
I)o not immerse power cord or plug ill water.
I)o not let power cord hm_g (l_'r edge of table or counter.
"Ib reduce tile risk of tire ill fl_e oven cavity:
--I)o not overcook tbod. Careihllv
attend appliance when paper, plastic or other COl//bllsti|)|e l//_t[('lJ_l|S are
placed inside the oven while cooking.
--Remo_e wire twist-ties m_d metal handles tix)m paper or plastic
(ontainers betore placing them ill the ()V('ll.
--Do not use the (l_'n tbr storage puq/oses. Do not lea_e p_qler t/ro(tu(ts, cooking utensils or/ood
ill the ()\'ell whell llOt ill _lse.
--ff materials in.,,ide the oven ig_fite, keep the o_'n door closed, turn the oven off and disconnect the power cord, or shut off power at the filse or circuit breaker panel. If the door is opened, the fire may spread.
See door sur/i_ce cleaning instructions ill the Care and cleaning of the microwave oven s(ction of this m_mu_l.
This appliance must only be serviced by qualified service personnel.
CoI/[_tc| I/eal'est _tlltholJzed service
thcilitv/or exmnination, repair or
As with ally applian(e, (lose
supelMsion is necessary when used bv children.
il!i ii !iiiii!li iiii iiii!l!
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct the problem.
_\r(ing is the H/i(]?OW_IVC |el'l// ;_ N_e|i4], sll(h 14s |wist-ties,
lot st)arks in the o_,_'n. Arcing poultry pins, or gold-)immed is caused b\': dishes, in the mierowa\ e.
Metal or/_)il touching the side of tlle o_en.
Foil not molded to tix)d
Do not pop popcorn in your
lIliCl?OW_lVe oven /lnless iI/ a
special l//ic1;OW_l\'e l)Ol)corn accessory or Ilnless VOII /ISe
popcorn labeled/[)r use in
IIIiCFOW_IVe cwens,
So]lie t)ro(hlctS s/ich as
whole eggs and sealed containers t_)r example, dosed,jars--are able to exl)lode and should not be
heated in this microwave oven. Such use of the
IIliel?OW_lt, e ot, en Cotlld
resuh in in jm'}.
Do not boil eggs in a
lIlic1;ow_t_e o_en. Pl;eSS/ll;e
will build up inside egg y)lk and will cause it to but'st,
t)ossibly resulting in i_)jur}.
;_ Recycled paper towels
containing small metal pieces being used in the microwave.
(upturned edges act like
()t)emting the microwave' with no/k)od inside ti)r more
thall a Illinllte ol <"two l)l_w caLtse d_ll//age |o the oven
and could start a th:e. It increases the heat arom_d
the magnetron and can shorten the li/b of the o\en.
Foods with ilnl)l?oken Oil|el; "skin" such as potatoes, hot
dogs, sattsages, tomatoes, apples, chicken livers and
other giblets, and egg yolks shottld be pierced to allow
ste_llll tO CS(;-II)C (hll?illg
Liquids,such as water,
coffeeortea, are ableto be overheatedbeyondtheboiling point without appearingto be boiling.Visiblebubbling or boiling whenthe containeris
removedfrom themicrowave ovenis notalways presen_
To red uce the risk of i_jm T to persons:
-- Do llot o_,_,rheat the liq/fid.
-- Stir tile liquid t)oth beJk)re
alld l/;tl/i_,r;_ly ' tim)ugh
healillg it.
--Do llot use straight-sided
colltainers with I/arl'()_ r
--Alter heating, allow tile
(O]l{_lil/er 10 Stal/d ill the
llliCl'O'W_l\ e ()\ell /()]? a short
time be/k)l'e rel//O\'il/g tile
-- Use extreme care whell iHsertillg a spoon or other
uteHsi] into tile contailler.
A\ old heating bah} tt)od ill
glax, jar.,, e\ ell with tile lid oil Make sure all intimt/t)od
is thoroughly cooked. Siir /t)od to distribme tile heat
e_t'l/]}. ]{e €are/ill to 1)l'eVellt
scaMing when wam/ing ]()rl///lla. The COlltail/er IiiHv
/_'el cooler dlan tile/t)rmula really is. Always test ihe /_)rnmla be/_)re t_'eding
tile bat)_..
;_ I)on't de/i'ost/mzen
be\ emges ill llHrrow- necked boules (espe<ially carbonated be_'rages).
Even if tile container is
opened, pl'ess/lre Call
build up. This call cause tile container to burst,
possibly Ix'suiting ill il_jury.
;_ Hot/_)ods and steam call
cause bin:us, ge careflll when opening ally' containers oI
hot/k)od, including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and boxes. "Ib pre\'ent possible
injllry, direci siealll _l_r_l_ r
/mm hands and ti.e.
1)O llOI o_,_'l'('()ok ])olklt()es.
The_ couM dehvdmw and catch fire, causing dmnage
10 VO/lr (1_,_1/,
Cook meat and pouhr} thomughl}mn/eat to
at least all IN I'ERNA[+ temperature of 1(iO°F
alld t)()/lltI'_ ' to at least all
INTERNAI temperat in:e of 180°E Cooking to dlese temperaulres usually protecis against tbodborne illness.
iiii/iiilii iiii:ili
iilii! iiiiii
Make sure _fllcookware used in
lot microwaving. Most glass (assemles, cooking dishes,
lIleas/ll+il/g " clips, C/lSt_lrd clips, t)ottery or china dinllerware
\vtlicl/does not ha\e n/etallic lrilll or glaze with a metallic
sheell c_++11 be/lsed. Sollle
cookware is labeled "suitable ff)r n/icrowaving."
:_ If you are not sure if a dish is
l/licrowa\ e-sa](', Ilse this test:
Place ill the o_'l/both tile dish \x)u are testing and a
glass measuring cup/illed with 1 cut) of ware(reset tile measm+ing cup either in or
next to the dish. Micm_,,v_\e 1 mimlte at high. If the dish
heats, it should not be used
lot l//icrow_M1 lg. If the dish remains cool
and only the water in the cup heats, then tile dish is
l//icrow_l\ e-sa] (L
If \x)u use a nleal theru/ometer while cooking,
n/ake sure it is sat{' tot use in n/icrowa\ e ovens.
Do not use recvcled 1)aper t((x)ducts. ReQ'cled t(aper towels, nat(kins and waxed
t)al)eF Call COl/tail/ llletal
flecks which nla\ (ause arcing or igl/ite. Pal)er
t)(x)ducts comaining nylon or n\lon filaments should
be avoided, as thl\v may also ig_lite.
Some styro/omn trays (like those that meat ist)ackaged on) have a thin strip of metal
embedded in the t)ottol(l. Whell lnicrowa_+_'d,tile l(/etal
Call bill?l/tile floor of the
oven or igmite a t(_q)er towel. I)o Hot use tile iiliC('OW;4\e 1o
dry (lewst)at(ers.
Not all 1)lasticwrap is suitable
t[)F/lse ill l/liCl?()w_l_' O_t'l/S.
Check the package/or t(mt)er/lse.
Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wmt) can be used
{o co_vr dishes in order to
l'etaill iilOiStllI'e _ll/d t)l?evellI
spattering. Be SH('e 10 ve(lI
plastic wrap so slealll (?all escape.
Cookware Ilia',become hot
be(ause o/heat tmnst_'rt'ed ti'on/ tile heated tood. Pot holders ma\ 1)eneeded to handle tile (ookw_+llTe+
"Boilalfle" cooking lxmches and tightly closed plastic bag_, should be slit, pierced
or vented as directed 1)_ package. If th( 3 are not,
plastic could burst dining or immediately atier cooking, possibly resulting in iqim T. ,\lso, plastic storage
containers should be at least partially tlnco_'l?e(t ttecatlse
tht\v/kmn a tight seal. When cooking with containers tightly covered with plastic
WFat) , YelttOVe covelJng
carefllllv and direct steam }lW?lV/i'Olll hallds all(| /[tce.
Use/[)il onh as directed in this guide. TV dimmrs ma}
be ltlict'ow_lved in tk)il trax_s less than 3/4" high; rem(.,_a'
tile top/k)il cover and return tile trm to the box. When
using fi)il in tile microwave oxen, keep the toil at least
1" aw_g ti'()m the sides of
tile o\ ell.
Plastic cook\*,rare Plastic cookv4at'e (lesiglle(t lot
microwa\ e cooking is ve W use/ul, but should be used
carelidlv E_cn microwa\ e- sail' plastic ma} not be as
tolerant of o\ ercooking ( onditions as ;+It'+.'glass or
(eramic materials and may solien or (hm: if su[!jected
to short periods of overcooking. In longer exl)osures to o_vrcooking,
the fbod and cookware could igllite.
Follow these guidelines.
Use l//i( ,X,,*_rax e-s_-if'e
.....................t)lasti(s only and
use them in StlJCt conq>liance with
the cookware
l//an tlt_tct/IFel?_S
:_ Do llOt l//i(rowa'+e elllt)t" _
.....................( Olltaillers.
.....................tO /Ise plasti( ( ook'_ral;e
witho/lt ( Ol//t)lete Sllt)eF\_sion.
il!i ii+!ii++ iiii++iiii!l!
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock.
This appliance must be grom_ded. In the event of an electric_d short (ir,.bdt, gl"om_(ting reduces the risk of elecu'i( shock bv providing an escal)e wire ti)r the electlJc cm:rent.
This al)l)liance is e(tuil)l)ed with a power cord having a g_:oun(ting wire with a g_'(mn(ting plug. The plug must tie 1)lugged into ml outlet that is t)roperl} installed and grom_ded.
Consuh a qualified elec0Jcian or service technician if the g_:omlding inst_ uctions are not completely tmderstood, or if doubt exists as to \_hether the appliance is tm)pe_t} g_:om_ded.
I/the outlet is a smndm:d 2-1)tong wall outlet, it is your personal responsibility and obligation to ha_e it replaced with a properly
grom_ded 3-prong wall outlet.
Do not m_der any circmnstances cut or relno_e the third (g_:om_d) prong ti'om the power cord.
_,i' do not recommend using an extension cord wi[h this apl)liance. If the power (ord is too short, have _ qu_flitied ele(tridan or ser_ke te(lmkian install an outlet nero: the _q)t)lian(e. (See WARNING--
For t)est ot)e_tion, plug this applian(e into its own ele( tri(_d outlet to t)rexem tli( keying of lights, blowing of fuse or t_fipping of (it( uit
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected infrequently.
gecause of polemial sat(gy hazards under certain con(lid(ms,
we strongly recommend against the use of an adapter plug. I t()_e\ er,
ilvou still ele(t to use ml _(tal/wr, where local (odes permit,
a TEMPORARY CONNECTION m_lv be made to a tlrol)erly gmtmded
2-prong w_lll recel/tacle 1)v the use of a UI, listed adapter \dlich is
available at l/lOSt lo(al hardware stores.
The larger slot ilk the adal/ter must be aligned with tile larger slot in the _s_ll recel/tacle to provide tlrol)er t)olarity in the c(mnection of the power cord.
CAUTION: Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the waft receptacle cover screw does not cround the appliance unless the cover screw is metal, and not insulateo and the wall receptacle is grounded through the house wiring.
flerrei#edin Canada)
T£MPORARY andfirm connection
METHOD" beforeuse.
3bu should have the circuit checked b} a qualitied electrician to
make sm:e the re(eptacle is llrolledy grotmded.
When discom/ecting the power cord/i:om the adatlter, alwa}_'_hold
the adapter with one hm/d. If this is not done, the adapter gromld terminal is vet} likely to break with repeated use. Should this hal/l/en, DO NOTUSE the applim/ce m/til a t/roper g_:otmd has again been established.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected frequently.
Do not use an adapter plug in these sit tl;-itiolls t)e(atlse ti'e(ltlent disconnection of the power cord places tmdue strain on tile adapter mid leads to eventual/idlm:e of the adapter gl:otmd terminal. 3bu should hm'e the 2-l/rong wall re(eptaele rel/laced wiill a 3-t)rong (g_x)tmding) re( et/taele [)_r _ quali/ied elecideian betore using die at/pliance.
,\ S]lOr| t)owcr supply cord is provided to _x'(hu c the risks rcsuhing /i'om be(oming entangled in or tl_pping oxer a longer cord.
Extension (or(is max be used if _)u are carefld in using them. If an extension cord is used--
iii +
:::::::::::::::::at least as great as the electlJcal mdng ot file appliance;
N "_'he_,,rd,,.,_,be.vo,,.di,,g-,>_,_.,ir_,.,rd..d must be plugged illlO a '_-slot oullet;
drape o'_er the (Olllllerlop or tal)letop wllere it (all |)e pulled
OH bv children or u'ipped o_'r mfintentioHall>
If you use an ex|ension cord, the interior light m W flicker and file blower soulld n/av vary when the microwme o_en is on. Cooking
times mm lie longel; too.
Aboutthe features of yourmicrowave oven.
Throughout this manual, features andappearance may vary from your modeL
i I ,
_-,[ I I _|
+ 28 hidden pages