w voGEAppliances.com
Safe_ InsO'uaions . ........ 2-11
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleanino .31, 32
Changing the Power i.exel .... 16
Conxenience Features .... z. -zo
Features of Your
Microwax e Oxen .12-1:
Microwax e Terms ........... 30
Other Features .......... 27-29
Tim e Features .......... 17-22
7)_oubleshooting Tips ..... 33, 34
Things That Are Normal
_ith Your ]Vlicrowaxe Oxen .... 34
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . .Back Coxer
_'a rra n t_ . ................ 35
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on a label illside
164D3370P257 49-40323 02-03Jfl
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page 2 +
For your safety theinformation in this manual must be
followed tominimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
Do Not Attempt to ot)erate ;_ Do Not Operate tile ()_r('l_ if it
this oven with the door open
Sill((' opell-dooF ol)eratiO/l
(an l'X_suh ill hann/ul exposur('
to 1/11( rowave (qlel'_Tv. It is
il//t)OFlal/t llOt 10 (]e{(_l| Of
tallll)er with tile sal::'ty
interlo(ks. _ hinges and lat(hes
Do NotPlace an} ot)ie(t ( token or loo,_ene(),
between the oxen ti:ont t_,(e door seals and sealing
al/d the door or allow soil or StllTi_lces.
cleaner residue to accun/ulate ;_ The Oven Should Not
is (talnage(t. It is particularly
il/lt)Ortant that tile oven door
close tmll)efly and that tlier,.,
is no (tmnage to the:
) S
Oll sealing suriia('es, l:;:_i::lil((l_t(;((,:;:; ,i():t_;i)[;i, l)y
qualified ser\4(e persomwl.
...........................................:...... When using electrical appliances basic safety precautions
........... .............should be followed, including the following:
Rea(t and tallow the specific hlstall or lo(ate this al)l)liance
precautions in the Precautions onl 5 in accordance with
to Avoid Possible Exposure to the 1)roxide(1 Installation
Excessive Microwave Energy IllStHiCtiOllS.
se( tlOll ;4t)ove. )
[[[[[;_This al)l)lian(e I/IIISI be Sell'tit( e at the door ihYee
o • " "
grounded. (,onne(t ollly in(hes OFII/ore ba(k ti'onl
to a 1)rol)erl} gToullded outlet the (xmntertop edge to avoid
See the Grounding Instructions ac(idental tipl)ing oI the
section on t)age 8. at)t)liance in normal usage.
[,e ( errata to 1)lace the h'ont
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page 3 +
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described
in this Owner's Manual.
This mk rowme oxen is not
_tl)l)I'o_ed ()r tested _()I"
]//;-I]_l/e ITS(!.
Do not mount this at)plkmce
/)'_er a Sillk.
I)o not mourn tile microwa_v
oven over or near any portion
of a heating or cooking
;_ Do not store anything directly
Ol/1o t) of tile illiC)'OW_l\ e ()\ell
sIIr/itce wheH the ]//icr/)w_lve
OVel/ is ill operation.
;¢ I)o not operate this appliance
if it has a dmnaged power cord
or plug, if it is not _)t'king
properb;, or if it ha_, been
damaged or dropped.
;_ Do Hot (o\er or block aH'_
openings on tile appliance.
;_ LIse this appliallce only/or
its intended use a_, described
in this mamlal. Do not use
corrosive chelIliC_ds or vapors
in this appliance. This
micmwm e oven is spe(i/ically
designed to heat, dry or cook
/ood, and is not intended/or
lal)orator +`or i]J,dust)iM use.
I)o nOt store this appliance
outdoors. Do Hot use this
])l'o(hlct )le_tl? W_lteY {()l"
ex;41Dl)le, ill a wet b;4senR'nt,
I/e_tF _t S_il//l//i//g" t)OO], )le_tl?
a sink or in similm: locations.
Keep power cord _t_ra_ ' _l?/)l//
he_tted S/tl?_hces.
[)0 llO[ il//IIleFse t)/)_rer (/)r([
or phtg in +x%r_ttel_
;_ I)o not let power cord hang
over edge of table or couHtel:
;_ "Ib reduce tile risk of fire in
the ovel/C_lVit_:
-- Do not/wercook/ood.
Careflllly attend appliance
when t)al)el; plastic or other
combustible mamlJals are
placed inside tile oven while
-- Remove wire twist-ties and
metal handles ti'om paper
or plasti( containers be/bre
placing them in tile oven.
-- 1)0 I/Ot /lse tile OVell tel?
storage puq)oses. I)o not lea_v
paper products, looking
utensils or tood in tile o_vn
when not in use.
-- If materials inside tile oven
igl/ite, kee t) tile o\en door
closed, till?l/ the ovel/o11 _llld
(tJscoI/lleC[ the l)ower cord,
or shut off 1)o_x'r at tile filse
or ci)xuit breaker panel.
If the door is opened, the fire
ma} spread.
:_ See door sur/it(e cleaning
instructions in till' Care and
cleaning of the microwave oven
s(ction ol this mmmal.
GE does )lOt s/Ipi)ol?t ai/v
sevvicing of tile micmwm e.
\_' strongly recommend that
VOH (to I/Ot }tllel//I)[ It) ser\'ice
the lllic)'ow_\ e _3)/ll?sel]_
+%with an}' applian) e, (lose
S/tl)el_\_SiOl/ iS lie( ess;-i1w wh(m
used l)_ children.
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page 4 +
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
/\_(:h_g is the micr*_v, mc t(rm :; Metal, su(h as twisMi('s, ])ouhry
tb_ Sl>_ ks i_ the o_,__. Arcing pins, or gold-rimmed dishes,
is (m_sed b\: in the microwm e.
!iIH+ /ii!
Metal or toil tottching the
side of the ov(!ll.
Foil not molded to tood
(upturned edges a(t like
:_ I)o not t)op popcorn in your
l/liCF()t_t\'{' ov_.'ll ill/less ill a
special iilicl'o%_l\ e t)opcorn
_tccessort or/lllless VO/l rise
t)ot)corn labeled/or use in
microwm'e ovens.
;_ Some t)roducts such as whole
eggs and sealed contifiners--
/or examl)le, closed jars--
are _d)le to exl)lode m_d
should not be heated in this
H/iC]'OW_\'(' 0\'('11. Stlch list' ot
ill(, l/liCl?O%_lv(, o\,(,lX COtl]d
resuh in iqjury.
;_ I)o not boil eggs in _1
l//iCl?OW_lV(' ()%_'11. I)l'('SStllTe
will t)tdl(t up inside egg ?_olk
and will cause it to burst,
t)ossibly resuldng in iqjury.
Recycled paper towels
(ontaining small metal tfie(es
being used in the mk rowa,,e.
;_ ()l)emting the mi(row_wc with
no/i)od inside tor more than
a minute or two mm cause
damage to the oven m_d could
start a tire. It incre_ses tile heat
atx)tmd the maglletron and cm_
shorten the litc of the oven.
;_ Foods with trot)token outer
"skin" such a_, potatoes, hot
dogs, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, chicken li_,t's and
other giblets, and egg g)lk_
should be pierced to allow
steaH/ to escape (ttlFillg
;_ I)on't de/i'ost/i:ozen t)everages
in narro_*-necked t)ottles
(especially carbonauxl
be\ emges). Even if the
container is opened, tn:essm'e
cm_ build Ul). This can (mtse
the container to bin:st, t)ossibly
resulting in in jm_y.
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page 5 +
Liquids,such aswater,coffee or
tea areable to beoverheated
beyond the boilingpointwithout
appearingto beboiling. Visible
bubblingorboiling when the
containeris removedfrom the
microwave ovenis not always
To reduce the risk ofiojury to
-- Do not overheat the liquid.
-- Stir tile liquid both 1)elbre al/d
hal[isay through heatil/g it.
--Do not use smdgllt-sided
COlltainets with tlarrow necks.
-- After heat:lug, allow tile
cont_dner to stalad in tile
microwave o',vn/or a short
time betbre removing the
COIltai neF,
-- Use <_xtreine ,(are when
inserting a spoon or ()tile]:
uten,ql into the contain|el=
:_ Avoid heating baby tbod ill
glassjm's, even with tile lid off.
Make sure all inemt tbod is
thoroughl} cookt_d. Stir t+(xld
to diswibute the heat e+renl}.
N_ c_relid to prevem scNding
whell warllling R)rmula. The
colxt_ti/'+er lilYt_' t(,el cooler t]/all
the lormula really is. Nways
rest the formula be/ore
tbeding the baby.
+ttot foods and steam can
cause burns. Be carefltl whe_/
opening all_ cotlminers oI hot
tbod, in(luding popcorn bags,
(ooking pouches and boxes.
"Ib t::m'_ent possible il_jury,
direct stealn _l\_t'v' t_'olil h_llds
and e_ce.
Do llot overtook potatoes.
The_ could dehydrate and
catch/it'(', (ausing damage
tO Votlr oven,
Cook meat and poultry
d'_or¢mghl}--u_eat to at least
an INTERNAl, temperature
ol 160'F aud pouhr} to at least
an INTERN_\I, temllemture
ot 180'K Cooking to these
telnperatllres usually protects
against/0odborne illness.
iliiiii ii!ii
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page 6 +
!iIHi lii!
Make sm'e alI cookwace used in
%'O[I["IIIiCI'OV_[\e ovell is 8[lit_[)[e
[brmk cowa\h_g. Most glass
(ass(rok s, ( ooki_g dishes,
_leasH!Jilg (lips, cl/s[aud C[li)S ,
I)OttPF!, 01 chi!'_ _ (/i!_l/(l?W {ll'
wificb does not h_e metalli( t_im
or glaze with a metallic sh(e_ cm
[_. used. Sore( cooh_ace is labe]ed
"suitable [br miccow M_/g."
N If _x)u are not sm:e ila dish is
nlicrowave-saJi.',/lse this test:
Place in tile o\en both tile
dish y)u are testing and
a glass measm:ing cu t) filled
wJt]l 1 cup of water--set tile
measuring cup either ill or
next to tile dish. Mictx)wa\ e
30M5 seconds at high. If tile
dish heats, it shouM not be
used/or mi(rowa_ing.
If tile dish remains cool
and only tile water in tile
cup heats, then tile dish is
l//icYowave-saJ _',
;_ If\xm use a meat them/ometer
while cooking, make sure it
is sale tbr use in microwa_v
O\ ens,
:_ Do not use recycled pallet
products. P,ecycled paper
towels, napkins and waxed
patler can cont_fin metal flecks
which ma} cause arcing or
ignite. Paper products
COlltaillillg n}lon o17 ll'vlOll
/ilaments shouM be a\ oided,
since the\ may also ignite.
:_ Some styrotbam tm}:s (like
those that meat is packaged
on) ha_e a thin strip of metal
embedded in tile bottom.
When micro_\ ed, tile metal
can burn tile tloor of tile o_vn
or ignite a paper towel.
;¢ Do not use tile microwave to
dry newsllapers.
;¢ Not all plastic wrap is suitable
/br use ill microwa_v o_vns.
Check the package tbr
proper use.
;_ Paper towels, waxed paper
and plastic wrap can be used
to co\er dishes ill otxler to
retain moist ure and pre\ ent
sllatte_Jng. Be sm:e to vent
plastic wrap so steam can
;_ Cookx'v_t'e lll:dV become hot
because of heat translbrred
/i'on/tile heated tood. Pot
holders may be needed to
handle tile cookware.
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page 7 @
"Boilat)le" cooking pouches
and tightly closed plastic bags
should be slit, 1)ierced or
_vmed as dire(wd b} pa(kage.
If the\ are no{, plastic could
burst (hnJng or immediately
alter (ooking, t)ossibly
resulting in i_/jury. Nso, t)lastic
storage containers should t)e
at least 1)aNially mlco\ered
be(ause they titan a fight seal.
When cooking with comainers
tighdy coxered witl_ plastic
wlTat) , l'121llO\'e eo\elJllg
carefldl\' and dire(t steam
aw_l\ ]iX)I// hal/ds al/d tilce.
Use/oil onb,' as directed in
this guide. TV (timlers may be
micro_s_l\ ed in foil tra\:'_ less
than 3/4" high; remove the
top ti_,ilcoxer and return the
tray to the t)ox. When using
/oil in the I//i(1x)W_IVe ovell,
kee t) tl_e/oil at least 1" _l_r_l_'
/i'om the sides o/the o_vn.
Plastic cook\_,are--Plasdc
cookware designed/or
usefifl, t)ut should be used
carefifllv E_en microwa\ e-sa/i'
plastic 1//_1}/ llO| be as tolel?alll
of o_vrcooking conditions as
are glass or cel?alilie l//alelJals
and ma\ soften or char if
sub.jeered to short periods
of o_vrcooking. In lol/gel7
ex1)os/lres Io o_wcooki//g,
die R)od and cookware
could igmim.
Follow these guidelines.
::" plasti(s ()lily' al/d Ilse
them in SllJCt compliance
with dm cookware
l//al//llilcH ii'_!r_s
l'eCOIllIllel ldatiol/s.
Do not l//i(1x)_'ave emt)t }
( OI/t_lilleFS.
Do not permit (hildren
tO ILK! t)lad| ( (ookwaFe
without oomph're
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page 8 @
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in arisk of
electric shock.
']{'his q)p!i race m[_s_ t){ grolmded. [n the <_ent o! m electric d s[loH
ci_cuiL ZTom_dinz ['edu((s the risk of e]ec_rk: sho(k b} ]pr{}_ddi_g m
{.s(;t!)e wi]x. I{}1" the e]e(l[J< (/l['FeI][.
']{'his _ppIi m(e is equip]p( d with _ power cord h_Bin Z a g-rom_din Z wire
wid* a grom_ding pi/*g. The plug m_*st be ph*gged imo m omle{ thai
is properly i_*sml!ed a_d gvomlded.
Consuh a quaJitied eJe{ t[i(im_ or seB_ce mchnician i_ the groined!rig
i1/S{1"11C{1011S are no{ (omp!ete!y/li/deI's{ood, of i! ?dOubt <_,:ists ms to
whed*er the appliance is proper!y grom_ded.
!iIHi /ii!:
If the out!e{ is _ standard 2-pro_*g walI outk t, i{ is pro" perso_*aI
responsibilil? and obligation to h_xe i_ replaced wid* a properl
gmm_(k d 3-proI_g wal! omle_.
Do not under a_w circm]_stances cut or remove the third (gTOm*d)
prong li'0!]! the power col'd.
_\\'e do _/o[ Fo(;o!_ll_lelK! /Isillg t!/ ex{el_sion cord wi_h this _pp!iat_ce.
[f d_e pow(r cord is too short, ha_e t quaIified eI( c_d(:ia[_ or service
technician i_stall a_ omk_ near d_e appIi race. (S(< WARNffVG--
}or !)(s_ op( radon, ph_g If!is tppIi race imo i/s own elec{*ic _JomIet to
!)re_m Ilk:keying of ligh/s, blowing of I:us( o_/_/t)!)i]_g of CirCtlil !)r(! _k(!/2
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page 9 +
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Because of ] )OtelHi;d sa/i.t_. ]_azarde
m_der cert_dn couditions, we strongly
recommend against the use ofan adapter
plug. t toWeV+.'I'_ ityou still ele(t to use
1)e made to a ])rol)('rly grounded
2q)rong w_dl receptacle tg the use of
a UI. listed adapter Ivhich is availal)le
at l/lost local har(lwm'e stores.
The larger slot ill the adapter must be _digale(t witll the larger slot in
the v+vdlrecet)tacle to t)rovide t)rot/er t/olaril?, in the c/mnection of
tile power cord.
Afignlarge I r_ II
prongs/slots _ I _ II
TEMPORAB_, anoTlrm:onnecuer
METHOD eer_euse
A CAUTION: achingtheadapterground terminal to the
waft receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the
cover screw is metal, not insulated, and the waft receptacle is grounded
through the house wiring,
+_i)u should have the circuit checked by a qmdified electrician to make
sure tile recel)tacle is tlrol)efly g_:ounde(I.
When disconnecting tile t)ower cord ti'om tile adal)ter, always'+hold
tile adal)ter with one hand. If this is not done, tile adapter ground
terminal is very likely to break with rel)eated use. Should this hal)lien,
DO NOT USE tile appliance until a t)rotler ground has again been
Usagesituations whereappliance'spower cordwill bedisconnected
Donotuse anadapterplugill these eittlatJonst)('(9+tlSC/i'('(ttl(_llt
dis(omw(tion o/the t/ower lord t/la(es undue strain on the adal)ter
and h'ads to e\ entual {ifilure o{ the adal/ter ground terminal. You
sholfld have the uvo-l/rong I,rollrecel)tacle rel/laced with a 3-1/rong
(grounding) recel)ta(le 1_}a qualified electrician before using the
i i+liii J+iii!:!i
!iiiiii iii+i
i iiiliii:++!
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page i0@
A short power supply cord is provided to rcdu(c dw risks tx_sulting
Dora be(oming entangled in or u:ipping o_er a longer cord.
Extension cords may be used if you are care/ul ill using them.
//an extension cord is used--
The marked electri(al n,ting of the extension cord should be
at least as great as the electrical raung of the appliance;
"['lie extension cord must be a gTounding-t3])e 3-wil;e cord and
it must be plugged imo a 3-slot outlet;
"[lie extension cord should be arranged so thai it will I/or drape
o'_(!17|h(! (o/ll/t(_l'|Op oF tabletop where it (an be pulled on l)y
(hildren or tripped o_'r mfintentionally.
If you use an exmnsion cord, die imerior light max flicker and the
|)|OWC17 SOHI/d I//HV %_t1%' wh('l/t]lc l//icrowa\ (' OV(UI is OIl. Cookillg- til//cs
_I_ rbe longcO too.
49-40323v03 2/6/03 9:21 AM Page ii_