Sa]bO_Instructions .......... 2-10
Operating Instructions
Care and Cleanin<,__ ......... 3 1, 32
Changing the Power I.exel ..... 16
Conx enience Features ...... z. -zo
Features ofYbm _
' 5Micr(m'a'_e (-)\en .......... 12-1:
Microwa_ e Tem/s ............. 30
(-)ther Featm'es __" _(............ 2/-2.)
Time Features ............ 17-22
7}rmbleshooting Tips ....... 33, 34
Thinos That Are Nomml
With Yimr Microwave O_en .... 34
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .... Back Coxer
_'arrantv. ................... 35
o .-I
Write themodeland serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these mmg>ers on a label inside
the oxen.
164D3370P316 49-40388 08-03Jfl
For your safety the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
Do Not Attempt to operate
this overt wifll tile (tear o])en
sin((' open-door o])eration
(ml result in hamfful
ex])ostlI'(' |0 iilic£ow_l_e
ellerg?. It is ilIl])o]Tta]lt ]l()t
to (te]i_at or tami)er wifll the
sM('ty interlocks.
Do Not Place _,ny o])ject
betweell tile o_ell ]i'ol/t
]i_ce m_d the door or Mlow
soil or cleaner residue to
a((/llIltllate Oil s,t'aling
Do Not Operate the o_en if it
is (tmnaged. It is ])articulafly
ilIl[)oFial/[ tllat the o\el/ (too17
close ])roperly and that there
is no damage t(/tile:
hinges and lat( hes
.....................(])roken or loosened),
door seals and sealing
S/llT_l( es.
The Oven Should Not
be a(!justed or rel)aired b}
anyone except properly
(tualilied service persomlel.
When using electrical appliances basic safety
precautions should be followed, including the following:
J? Read and tollow fl_e s])eci[i( J? Install or locate this apl)liance
])recautions in the Precautions
to Avoid Possible Exposure to
Excessive Microwave Energy
se( tioll _lbov('.
"I]fis al)l)liance must be
grom_(te(t. Com_ect only
to a ])ro])efly grounded
outlet. See the Grounding
Instructions secdon on t)age 8.
Olll'_ ill a((ol:(lal/(e with |he
t)rox_de(t Installadon
lnsu:u( tions.
Be certain to ])lace the ]i'om
surli_ce of the door three
inches or more back ]i:om
tile counterto I) edge to _v(/id
accidental tii)l)ing ot the
appliance in normal usage.
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
J? This l//iClX)wave OVOll is I101 at)t)l:()_,_'(t
o17 tested ]'OF lllarille ilse.
_: Do not mount this appliance oxer
a sink.
_: Do I]Ot l//Otll]| the l//icrowave OVe]l
over or near ally portion of a heating
or cooking appliance.
J? Do not store anything dire(tly on top
of tile l//ic17owave ovel/sllrJitce whell
tile I//iC1;OW_IVe OVel] is ill operation.
_: Do not operam this appliance if it has
a damaged 1)o_*_'r cord or phlg, if it is
not working properb,; or if it liar, been
damaged or dropped.
_: 1)o not (o_er or block any openings
on tile appliance.
N Use this appliance only tot
its imended use as described ill this
nlanual. Do not use corrosive
chen/i(als or vapors ill dfis applian(e.
This mi( rowave oven is specifi( ally
desigaled to heat, dr} or cook t_)o(t,
and is not intended/_)r laboratory
or industri_d use.
_: Do not store this appliance outdoors.
Do not use this product near wate_
ti)r example, ill a wet basement, nero:
a s_,imming pool, near a sink or ill
similar locauons.
J? Do not let power cord hang over
edg-e of table or counter.
_: "Ib reduce tile risk of fire in tile
oven ( avit*<
--Do not overtook tbod. (;arefilllv
attend applian( e when paper, plastic
or other conflmsdble materials are
placed inside tile (l_vn while cooking.
--Remedy wire twist-ties and metal
handles ti'on/paper or plastic
containers betbre placing thenl ill
tile ovell.
--Do not use tile oven ti)r storage
purposes. Do not leave paper
pro(hi(is, cooking utensils or/_)od
ill the ()\'ell vchell llOt ill Hse.
--ff mawrials in.side tile o_en ig]lim,
keep tile oven door closed, turn tile
ovell ()11 and discolll/ect tile powel7
(ord, or shut off power at tile fllse or
circuit breaker panel. If tile door is
opened, tile fire may spread.
N See door sure_ce cleaning instructions
ill tile Care and cleaning of the
microwave oven s( orion of" this mmmal.
_: GE does not support any servicing
of tile microwmv. We strongly
FeCOlIllllelld that VOHdo I101 attempt
to service the H/ic]?owa\'e VOlll'sel]_
iiii iiii//!!iliiii!!iii!
J? Keep power (ord _r_{_r_)_]] heamd
;_} Do liar ili/l/]erse powel7 cord or
phlg ill water.
J? As with any appliance, close
S/lp(W_,isiOll is lie( CSS_tFV vdlell
used l>v children.
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
.\l'uing is tile Hli(row2l\ e reFill _; Metal, such as tWiSt-ties,
/or sparks in the o_'n. Ar(ing poultry pins, or gold-rimmed
is caused by: dishes, in the l//icrowa\+.'.
ii ?iiiii!+++: iii !lii
+5_Metal or t_)iltouching the
side of the o_'n.
+_?Foil not molded to tood
(upturned edges act like
Do not t)ot ) 1)ot)cOrll ill v(Mir
l/licrowa_' (.+_+t_1/ tlnless ill a
special microwa\ e popcorn
_.ccessorv or unle._,, you use
t)ot)corn labeled tor use in
I//icrow_lVe OV{+I/S.
_: Sol//e t)ro(hlctS S/l('h as
whole egg.', and sealed
containers tor examt)le,
closed jars--are able to
ext)lode and should not be
heated ill this microwave
o\en. Such use of the
l//icr()W_l_+t _ o_+t'n could
result in il}jur}.
N Do not boil eggs in a
microwave oven. Pressure
will build up inside egg yolk
and will cause it to burst,
possibly resulting in il{jur?,'.
+_?Reel+tied t)al)er towels
containing sm+Ol metal pieces
being used in the microwave+
()perating the microwave
with no tood inside/or more
than a lIlin/lte or two lililV
Catlse damage to the oven
and could start a/ire.
It increases the heat around
tile magaletron and (an
shorten the lit{' of the o_'n.
Foods with unbroken outer
"skin" stIch as potatoes, hot
dogs, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, chicken livers and
other giblets, and egg }_)lks
should be t)iet'ced to allow
stealll to escal)e d/llJng
Liquids,such as water,coffee or
tea are ableto beoverheated
beyond theboilingpoint without
appearingto beboiling.Visible
bubbling orboiling when the
container is removedfromthe
microwave ovenis not always
"Ib reduce the risk of il_iury
to persons:
-- DO llOt o\'erl/eat the liquid.
-- Stir the liquid both beti)re
and hal/i_ay through
heating it.
--Do not use smfight-sided
containers with narrow necks.
-- Arier heating, allow the
cont+dner to stand in the
microwave o\en/_)r a short
time be/kin' removing the
( ()l/t_lil/+.'E
-- Use extFelile C_t_re whell
illsertillg a st)OOll or other
utensil into the containec
_57•\_oid heating t)_d)y/_)od in
glass jars, men with the lid o//i
Make sure all in[imt food is
thoroughly cooked. Stir ti)od
to distril_ute the heat evenly.
Be carefill to 1)revent scalding
when warming t¢>rmula. The
container into t_'el cooler
than the/_)rmula re_dlv is.
Alwm> test the ti)rmula
beti)re/i_,e(ling the l>at)}.
_: Don't deti'ost ti'ozen
bever_++ges in I/arT'oW-I/ecke(I
bottles (espe(ially (arbonated
beverages), l+)+en if the
C()I/t:,tiller is ot)ened, 1)I/'SStlre
can lmild ut). This can
cause the container to burst,
t)oxsibl} restdting in it+jur}.
_: I lot t_)()(ts and steam can
(ause burns. Be ( arefi_l when
opening any cont_dners of hot
/_)()(t, in_ lu(ting popcorn bags,
(()()king 1)ou(hes and boxes.
To t)revent t)o_sible i_+jur},
(lit'COt ste_ll// a_+++;i_, /iX)lll hal/ds
and time.
;_} Do I/Ot oxercook t)ot_++toes.
They could dehydrate and
catch tire, (ausing damage
to your oxen.
Cook meat and t)oultr}
thoroughly--lneat to
at least an INTERNAI,
temt>emtm:e of 160°F
and poultry to at least an
INTEI(NA[, temt)emttn:e
of 180°E Cooking to these
temt>emtures usually protects
agvdnst/oodborne illness.
iiiiiiii++++i ii+ i+!;lii+ii!
iiiiiii+ iiiiii ii+ii
ii ?@Ji!lii
Make sure _dlcookware used ill
VO/lr iilicI_)W_l\ e o\ell is stlital)le
/or microwaving. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
]/leastllJIlg Ctll)S , ctlstaFd Ctll)S ,
l)otterv or china (tinlleFvvaFe
which does not hmv metallic
trim or glaze widl a metallic
s]leen c_ln be tlse(t. Sol//e
cookwat'e is labeled "suitable
]()r l//icrow_lvillg."
_: If you are not sure ifa dish is
H/icrowa_'-sat(',/lse this lest:
Place in the oxen both the
dish you are testing mid a
glass measudng cup tilled
_*_rith ] Oil t) ofwaterIset the
measuring cup either in or
next |o die dish. Micro_m'e
1 mimtte at high. If tl_e dish
heats, it should not be used
fi)r microwa_ing.
If tl_e dish remains cool
and only tlle water in the
cup heats, then the dish
is micmwa\ e-sale'.
If you use a meat
them_ometer while cooking,
make sure it is sale tot use
ill l//i(row_lve ovens.
J} Do not use recycled paper
t)mducts. Re(\vcled t)al)er
mv_'ls, napkins and w_lxed
paper call contain :lletal
flecks which max cause arcing
or igmite+Pal)er t)ro(tucts
containing ll_l()n OF n}lon
filamems should t)e molded,
sime they ma) also ignite.
_} SOl//e styro]'oal// trays (like
d_ose that meat is t)ackaged
on) have a thin su:ip of nleml
embedded ill the t)oltolll.
V_'hen lllicrow_it,_(t, the l//eta]
can b/lrn the floor of t]le
oven or igqlite a t)aper towel.
J} I)o not use tile mict'owa\ e to
J} Not all plasuc wrap is suitaMe
Ik)r rise ill l/licr()_,*_;l_ + o_+l/S.
Check the package for
proper use.
_: Paper towels, waxed paper
and plastic wnq) can be used
to co_vr dishes in order to
retaill IllOiSt/lrc _ll/(t 1)revent
Sl)att('ring. l_(' Stll_' tO vent
t)l_{s[ic wra t) so ste+llll (+ill
es( _ll)e.
_: Cookware ilia\ be(ome hot
be(ause of heat tnms/crt'ed
ti'om tile heated/ood. Pot
holders max t)e needed to
handle the (ookware+
/:: "Boilable" cooking pouches
and tightl} closed plastic t)ags
should be slit, pierced or
_x'nted as directed by package.
If tht\v are no|, plastic could
1)lit'st dm'illg or immediately
alter cooking, possibly
_'esulting in iniury. Nso,
plastic sto_g-e contaillel".s
should be at least 1)arti_flly
ml(oxered because they ]'o17111
a tight seal. When cooking
with ( ontainel:s tig-htly
covered with plastic wrap,
_'emove co_'*ing careflllly
and diFect stean/_,'_,,';_v ]l'OIIl
hands and ti_ce.
/:: Else/_)il only as di_'ected in
this guide. "I'V dinners may be
mi(rowa\'ed in/_)il tt'_1+,'sless
than _,/4" high; remoxe the
to l) t[)il coxer all(I t',._ttlm tile
tray to the box. When using
/_)il in tile mi( rowave oven,
keep the R)il at least 1" away
/t'om the sides of the o\e+l.
+!?Plastic cookware - Plastic
cookware designed ti)r
mi( ro_,,av(' cookillg is very
useflfl, t)ut should be used
( m:efllllv. 1_\ell IIli('lTO'_'Vr_l_._'--S;'lt{*
pl_*sti€ IIlil_ not be as tolei%znt
of o\ ercooking conditions as
_++t',.'glass or cet_uni( lnatetials
and lIl+lVso/ten or thai; if
suP!jetted to short l)e+'io(ts
of o_ ercooking. In longer
expOStll'es tO O\ elTcooking,
tile/[)od and (ookware
(ould ignite.
Follow these guidelines:
:::::+:::::::'_plastics ollly' _t_l/(
/ISe thel/l ill sit'let
compliance with the
cookware l/lal ltl{_tCt[Itt_F_S
l'e(?olillilendati ons+
Do not l//i(:]70&_r_l_.(!empty
+'+ ( ontaille_'s.
3' ! Do not permit (hildren
tO /lse t)las|i( (ook'_'vrare
withotlt complete
iiii iiii//!!iliiii!!iii!
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of
electric shock.
This appliance must be gromlded. In the c\ ent of m_ electlfical short
circtfit, grcmnding redu(es the risk of electric shock 1U providing an
escape wire/k)r the electric c/lrI'('ll[.
This appliance is equipped with a 1)o_'r cord h;_ving a grom_ding
wire with a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged into an outlet
that is t)rol)erly installed m_d grotmded.
Consult a qualified electrician or service technician if the g_:(mnding
il/strllctiOl/S are llOt colilpletely/ll/derstood, or if doubt exists as to
whether the appliance is t)_x)t)efly g_xmnded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-l)rong wall outlet, it is }xmr l)e_:',onal
responsibilhy and oblig_tion to h_' it replaced with a properly
grom_ded 3-prong wall omlet.
I)o not trader aH'_ circulnSmnCeS cut or remo\e the third (g_:otmd)
prong ti'om the t)ower cord.
We do IJ,Ot recommend using m_ extension cord with this appliance.
If the power (ord is too short, hm e a qualified electrician or ser\'ice
technician install an outlet near the applim_ce. (See I/I/ARN/NG -
For best ()peration, plug this applim_ce imo its (ran elect_Jcal
outlet to prexent tlicke_Jng of lights, |)lowJl/g Of IllS(! or tripping
of (ircuit breaker.
Usagesituationswhere appliance'spower cordwill be disconnected
Because of potential satbt}
hazaI'ds trader cert+dn conditions,
we strongly recommend against the
use ofan adapter plug. t lowered;
i[vou still elect to use ml a(t_lpter,
where loc_fl codes t)ennit,
be made to _ t)rOl)erly groml(h'd
2-t)rong w_dl receptade t)y tile use of
a UI, listed a(lat)ter which is m ailable
at most local hardware stores.
The larger slot in tile adapter must be aligned with tile larger slot in
the wall receptacle to provide proper polarity in the ( om/ection of
tile power lord.
p,ongs/sLota IW II
TEMPORARY andfirmconnecuor
METHOD r_eT_euse
CAUTION: ,achingtheadapter ground torminalto
the wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless
the cover screw is metal, not insulated, and the wall receptacle is
grounded through the house wiring.
"_bu should ha_' the circuit checked b} a qualified electrician to
make sm:e the receptacle is prot)erl } grlmnded.
When discomlecting the power cord ti:om the adat)ter, alwm_'_ hold
the adapter with one hand. If this is Hot doHe, the adapter gromld
temfinal is very likely to break with repeated use. Should this
happen, 00 NOT USE the appliance until a prot)er Wound has
again been established.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Do not use an adapter plug in these sittl_ltiolls t)e(a/lse/i'('(l/lell|
disconnectioH at the pl)'_r cord places undue strain on the
adapter and leads to evenm_fl/itilm:e of tile adapter gTound
tem/inal. "_i)u should have the 2-prong wall receptacle replaced
with a 3-t)rong (Wounding) receptacle l)}' a qualilied electrician
be/ore using the appliance.
i iiiiiii,iiiiiiiii
A short ])()_%r_'_"S_I[_])I_' ('()_ iS provided to reduce file risks resulting
fl:om becoming entangled ill or tlJ|)ping o'a'r a ]ong('r cord.
Extension cords may be used ilvou are carefld in u.,,ing them.
If ;m extension (ord is used I
.....................at least as gTeat as t]l(_ ele(tri(al l_ltJl/g" Ot i]l(_ apl)lJan(e;
_ The extension cord must be a grom_ding_type 3-wire cord _++1/(t
it must be plugged into a 3-slot omlet;
"['h(? (._xt(_nsi()n ((,Fd shoHld |)(? _t_l'lT_,llg(?d s(, |11_t1 it will ll(,t (tl_,})(.,
.....................OV(!Ft]/(_ (O/Ill{(!lTtO]) OF tabletop v,here it can be pulled on by
children or tripped o_vr unintentionally.
Ifg)u use m_ extension cord, the interior light ma} flicker and the
blowel7 SO[llld Ill,iV v_tIwx r when the l//icFow_lv(} ov('n is Oil. Cooking
times ma} be longen too.