Safety Instructions ........ 2-6
Operating Instructions
Convenience Features .... 13-15
Microwave Terms ........... 18
Oven Features ............ 7, 8
Other Features .......... ] 6, 17
Power Levels ............... 9
Time Features .......... 10-19
Care and Cleaning ........ 19
Troubleshooting Tips ...... 20
Things That Are Normal ..... 20
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . .Back Co_er
Product Registration ...... 21,22
Warranty ................. 23
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
_m can find them on a label inside
the oven.
3513913700 49-40495 07-06 5[7
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric shock,
or to prevent property damage, personal inju_ or loss of life.
(a) Do NotAttempt to o[)erate this oven with tile door
open since ol)en<loor operation can result in ham/fill
expiisure to n/ici'owave energy': It is iinl)ortant not to
defeat or tanll)er with tile sale U inmrloc!<s.
(11) Do NotPlace ai g ol)iect between tile oven fl'ont ti_ce
and tile door or allow soil or cleaner residue to
accunlulate on sealing surli_ces.
(c) DoNotOperatetile ()veil if it is daniaged. It is
l)articularly inll)ortant that tile oven door close
i)roi)erly and that there is no daniage to the:
(]) door (bent),
(2) hin,*es and latches (broken or loosened),
(3) door seals and sealing surti_ces.
(d) The Oven Should Not be ac!iusted or rei)aired b)
anyone except l)rol)erly qualified seIMce l)ei_onnel.
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appfiances basic safe_/ precautions should be followed, including the following:
• Read and fl)llow tile specific i)recaufions in tile
Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive
Microwave Energy section above.
• This apl)liance illtlSt be grounded. (]onnect only
to a i)i'oi)erly grounded outlet. See the Grounding
Instructions section on page 5.
• hlstall or locate this ai)pliance ()ill)' in accordance with
the provided installation instruct.ions.
• Be certain to place the fl'ont SUll'ilce of the door 3" or
inore back fl'oin tile counteitop edge to avoid accidental
til)ping of tile al)pliance in noimal usage.
• This nficrowave ()veil is not al)proved or tested fin,
IlI}lI]Ile rise.
• Do not nlount this al)pliance over a sink.
• Do not illO/lnt tile IllicI'owa\'e ()veil oveI" oi" Ileal" any
l)oi_ion of a heating or cooking apl)liance.
• Do not store anything direcflv on top of the nficrowave
()veil Stlll'ilce when tile IlliCFOWaVe oven is in ol)eration.
• Do not operate this apl)liance if it has a danlaged l)ower
cord or phig, if it is not working l)rol)erl > or if it has
been danlaged or drol)ped.
• Do not cover or block any ol)enings oil the al)pliance.
• Use this al)pliance only fin" its intended use as described
in this nlanual. Do not use corrosive cheniicals or val)oi_
in this api)liance. This inicrowave oven is specifically
designed to heat, (liT or cook tood, and is not intended
fl)r laboratory or industrial use.
• Do not store this al)pliance outdooi_. Do not use this
product near watei_fi)r exainl)le, in a wet baseinent,
near a swinmfing i)ool, near a sink or in sinfilar
• Kee I) power cord away fl'oIn heated surlilces.
• Do not inlinei_e i)ower cord or phig in wateI:
• Do not let power cord hang over edge of table or
• To reduce the risk of fire in the oven cavity:
--Do not overcook food. Carefiilly attend al)pliance
when papeI; plastic ()r other conibustible inaterials are
placed inside the oven while cooking.
--Renlove wire twist-ties and metal handles fl'oin paper or
plastic containei_ befiwe placing theni in tile oven.
--Do not use the oven for storage puil)oses. Do not leave
paper products, cooking utensils or fl)od in tile ()veil
when not in rise.
--If InateIJals inside tile oven ignite, kee I) tile oven door
closed, turn tile oven off and disconnect tile power cord,
or shut off power at tile flIse ()r circuit breaker i)anel.
If tile door is opened, tile fire may sl)read.
• See door surli_ce cleaning instructions in tile Care and
cleaning of the microwave oven section of this nlanual.
• This apl)liance ni ust only be sei','iced by qualified service
l)ei_onnel. Contact tile nearest authoiized service fi_cilitv
fin" exanlinafion, repair or a(!iusUnent.
• _s with any al)pliance, close supeiMsion is necessary
when used by children.
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct the problem.
Arcing is the microwave ternl tor sparks in the oven.
Arcing is caused by:
• Metal or toil touching tile side ot tile oven.
• Foil not molded to tood (Ul_turned edges act
like antennas).
Do not pop popcoi'n in yotti" I/ticI'OWa;'e oven
tmless in a special microwave popcorn accessm w
or tmless x_)tl use l)opcorn labeled fin" use in
microwave ovens.
• Some products such as whole eggs and sealed
containers--fin" example, closed jars--are able
to explode and should not be heated in this
tllict'owave oven, Sttch ttse ol tile microwave oven
could result in iqjmT:
• Do not boil eggs in a microwave oven. Pressm'e
will build ttp inside egg yolk and will cattse it to
bmst, possibly resulting in iqjtu>
• Operating tile microwave with no food inside fi:,r
tllot'e than a tllinttte or two tllaV Cause datllage
to tile oven and could strut a fire. It increases tile
heat at'ottnd tile i/lagnett'on and c}ltl shorten
the life of the oven.
• Foods Mth tmbroken outer "skin" such as
potatoes, hot dogs, sausages, tomatoes, apples,
chicken li\'ets and other giblets and egg yolks
should be pierced to allow steam to escape
dining cooking.
• Avoid heating baby food in glass jms, even
with the lid ofl_ Make sm'e all infimt tood is
thoroughly cooked. Stir food to distribute tile
heat evenly: Be carefltl to prevent scalding
when wamfing t0m/ula. Tile container may feel
cooler than the formula really is. Mwavs test tile
flm/mla before feeding tile baby.
• Don't defl'ost fl'ozen beverages in narro_mecked
bottles (especially carbonated beverages). Even
if tile container is opened, pressure can build up.
This can cause the container to bttt_t, possibly
resulting in iqjm>
• Met;fl, such as twist-ties, poultt T pins or gold-
rimmed dishes, in tile microwave.
• Recycled paper towels containing small metal
pieces being used in the microwave.
Liquids,such as water, coffeeortea are ableto
beoverheatedbeyondthe boilingpointwithout
appearingtobe boiling. Visiblebubblingor boiling
whenthe containerisremovedfrom the microwave
ovenis notalways present.THISCOULDRESULT
To reduce tile risk ot iqjtn 7 to persons:
--Do not overheat tile liquid.
--Stir tile liquid both befl)re and halfkvay through
heating it.
--Do not use straight-sided container with narrow
--_Mier heating, allow the container to stand in the
microwave oven fi:,r a short time betore removing
the container:
--Use extt'eille cat'e when inserting a Sl)OOn oY
other utensil into tile container:
• Hot foods and steam can cause burns. Be careful
when opening anv containers of hot food,
including popcorn bags, cooking pouches and
boxes. To prevent possible iqjtu> direct steam
away fl'om hands and ti_ce.
Do not overcook potatoes. They could dehydrate
and catch fire, causing damage to w_ur oven,
Cook ineat and poultt T thoroughlx_meat to at
least an INTERNAl, temperature of 160°F and
poultry to at least an INTERNAl, temperature
ot 180°E Cooking to these temperatm'es usually
protects against toodborne illness.
Make sure all cookware used in vo/li" iilici'ow_lve
oven is suitable fin" microwa\'ing. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes, measuring cups, custard
cups, potte_ T or china dinnerware which does not
have metallic trim or glaze with a metallic sheen
can be used. Some cookware is labeled "suitable
fin" micr_wa\'ing."
• If w)u are not sure if a dish is microwave-safe,
use this rest: Place in the oven both the dish
you are resting and a glass measuring cup filled
with 1 cup of water--set the ineasulJng cup
either in or next to the dish. Microwave
30-45 seconds at high. If the dish heats,
it should not be used fi:,r microwa\'ing.
If the dish remains cool and only the water in
the cup heats, then the dish is microwave-sate.
• If you use a meat them_ometer while cooking,
make sure it is sale for use in microwave ovens.
• Do not use recycled paper products. Recycled
paper towels, napkins and waxed paper can
contain metal fecks which may cause arcing
or ignite. Paper products containing nflon or
nvhm filaments should be avoided, as they
may also ignite.
• Some sWr()li)am tra)_s (like those that meat
is packaged on) have a thin strip of metal
embedded in the bottom. When microwa\'ed,
the metal can burn the floor of the oven or
ignite a paper towel.
• Do not use the microwave to d_T newspape_.
• Not all plastic wrap is suitable fin" use in
micrm_ve ovens. Check the package fl)r
proper use.
• Paper towels, waxed paper and plastic wrap
can be used to cover dishes in order to retain
moisture and pre\'ent spattering. Be sure to
vent plastic wrap so steam can escape.
• Cookware may become hot because of heat
transferred fl'om the heated food. Pot holde_
may be needed to handle the cookware.
"Boilable" cooking pouches and tightly closed
plastic bags should be slit, pierced or vented as
directed by package. If they are not, plastic could
bm_t dm_ing or immediately after cooking,
possibly resulting in injury. Also, plastic storage
containet_ should be at least partially uncovered
because they form a fight seal. _]/ell cooking
with containe_ tightly covered with plastic wrap,
remove covering careflfllv and direct steam away
fl'om hands and face.
Llse frill only as directed in this guide. TV dim_e_
may be microwa\'ed in foil trays less than 3/4"
high; remove the top toil cover and return the
tray to the box. X4]mn using fifil in the microwave
oven, kee I) the foil at least 1" away fl'om the sides
of the oven.
• Plastic cookware--Plastic cookware designed fin.
microwave cooking is very useflfl, but should be
used carehlllv_ Even micro_we-sate plastic may
not be as tolerant _ff overcooking conditions as
aI'e glass or ceI'alllic I//atelJals and Ill}IV st)lien or
char if subjected to short periods of overcooking.
In hmger exposm'es to overcooking, the fi)od
and cookware could ignite.
Follow these guidelines."
] Use microwave-sate plastics only and use
them in strict compliance with the cook\ware
Ilia n/llil Cttli'er's i'ecoi//illendations.
Do not illiCi'Owa;e ei/ll)t } containei3.
Do not pemfit children to rise plastic
cookware without complete supervision.
This appliance must be g_x_unded. In the event of
an electrical short circuit, grounding reduces the
risk of electric shock by providing an escape wire
for the electric current.
This appliance is equii)ped with a power cord
having a grounding wire with a grounding i)lug.
The i_lug must be phlgged into an outlet that is
propedy installed and grounded.
Consult a qualified electrician or se_Mce technician
if the grounding instructions are not completely
undeistood, or if doubt exists as to whether the
appliance is propedy grounded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet,
it is your personal responsibility and obligation
to have it replaced with a propedy grounded
3-prong wall outlet.
[)o not tinder _liiV cii'ctliiiS[;lnces Ctl[ OI" i'elllOve
the third (ground) prong ti'om the power cord.
_'¥1_ do not i'ecoiilillend using [111 extension cord
with this appliance. If the power cord is too
short, have a qualNed electrician or service
technician install an outlet near the appliance,
(See EXTENSION CORDS section,)
For best operation, plug this appliance into its
own electrical outlet to prevent flickering of lights,
blowing of fllse or tripping of circuit breaker:
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected infrequently.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions,
we strongly recommend against the use ofan adapter plug.
Howe\'e_; if you still elect to use an adapter, where local codes
pemfit, a TEMPORARYCONNECTION mav be made to a im,perlv
grounded 2-prong wall receptacle by the use of a LrI, listed adapter
which is available at most local hardware stores.
The laiger slot in the adapter must be aligned with the linger slot in
the wall receptacle to provide proper polarity in the connection of
the power cord.
(Adapter plugs not
Alignlarge [ "l_Fi I
prongs/slots _ .L_ [
_/" Ensure proper ground
TEMPORARY andfirmconnection
METHOD beforeuse.
CAUTION."Attaching the adapter ground terminal to the wall receptacle cover screw does not ground
the appliance unless the cover screw is metal, and not insulated, and the wall receptacle is grounded
through the house wiring.
_m should have the circuit checked by a qualified electrician to make sure the receptacle is properly
&,_]_endisconnecting the power cord flxm_ the adapte_; alwa):s hold the adapter with one hand. If this
is not done, the adapter ground temfinal is very likely to break with repeated use. Should this hai_pen,
DO NOYUSEthe appliance until a proper ground has again been established.
Usage situations where appfiance's power cord will be disconnected frequently.
Do not use an adapter plug in these situations because fl'equent disconnection of the power cord places
undue strain on the adapter and leads to eventual failure of the adapter ground te_ninal. Yi)u should
have the 2-prong wall receptacle replaced with a 3-prong (grounding) receptacle by a qualified electrician
before using the appliance.
A short power supply cord is provided to reduce the risks resulting fl'om becoming entangled in or tripping
oveI" a longer cord.
Extension cords may be used if you are carefifl in using them.
If an extension cord is used--
B The marked electrical rating of the extension cord should be at least as great as the electrical rafino of
the appliance;
_The extension cord nlust be a grotmding-t_ )e 3 "
I_l The extension cord should be arranged so that it xfill not drape over the cotmtertop or tabletop where
it can be pulled on by children or tripped oxer mfintentionall).
If )ou use an extension cord, the interior light ma) flicker and the blower sotmd max vat", when the
i/licrowa;e oxen is on, Cooking times I/l[ly be longeY, too,
, , /1 . -x_are cord and it must be i)lugged,, into a 3-slot outlet;
Aboutthe featuresof yourmicrowave oven. gecom
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Featuresof theOven
O Door Latches.
Window with Metal Shield. Screen allows
cooking, to be xiewed while keel)iw,
illici'owaxes contined in tile oxen,
O ConvenienceGuide.
O TouchControlPanelDisplay.
O oorLatchRelease.Press latch release to
open dooi:
O Removable Turntable. Turntnble and support
must be in place when using tl_e oxen. The
turntable ma_ be remo',ed for cleaning.
Removable Turntable Support.The mrntnble
support must be in place when using the
NOTE:Rat/))gplate, oven vent(s)andovenlightare located
on the inside walls of themicrowave oven.
Aboutthe featuresof yourmicrowave oven.
Youcan microwave by time or with the convenience features.
Check the Convenience Guide before you begin.
o Time Features
Amountof cookingtime
Amountof defrostingtime
Powerlevel0to HI