SaJbO_Inso_u_dons . ........ 2-10
ge. COm
Operating Instru_dons
Care and Cleanin(, .31, 32
Changing the Power I.exel .... 16
Conx enience Features ..... =. -zo
Features of Y])ur
' 5Microwax e Oxen .......... 12-1:
Microwaxe Tem/s ............ 30
Other Features ........... 27-29
Time Features ............ 17-22
7)xmbleshooting Tips ...... 33, 34
Things That Are Nom_al
_4ith Yotu" Microwax e Oxen ..... 34
Consumer Support
Constuner Support ...Back Coxer
_uxantv . .................. 3:5
Write themodeland serial nmnbershere:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on alabel insid('
th(f 0_, ('n.
DEM-O3316A 49-40581 04-O7Jfl
For your safetg, the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
Do Not Attempt to operate
this (.well with the door open
sin((' open-door operation
(ml result in hm_nflfl
cxl)osm'(' to mic_x)w_e
energy It is important not
to defeat or tamper with
_! Do Not P]ace any at)jest .....................(broken or loosened),
the s_d_,t', interh,( ks. _ hinges and latdles
t;ace ;_ll/(t the door or Mlow S/II)_IC(!S.
ac(tmmlate on sealing J? TheOven Should Not
i_ soil o17(1(?_t1/(?17resi(ltle to
N ......... (lualified service pets(mile1.
sm:fa(es, be _l(!justed or rel)_fired 1)}
_ Do Not Operate the o_en if it
is dmnag('d. It is particularly
ilIlt)()Ft_ll/t thilt |t1(' o\('1/(10017
close properly and that there
is no damage to the:
_t1/}'OI/(! excel)t t)rot)erly '
....... When using electrical appliances basic safety
J? Read and t))11ow the st)ecitic J? Install or locate this at)plim_ce
t)recautions in the Precautions onh' in a(cordm)ce with
to Avoid Possible Exposure to the t)rox_(te(t Installation
Excessive Microwave Energy lnstr,,( tions.
J? This apl)liance must be surI_( e at the door three
_TOlllld(?d. Col/l/(!([ o1/1}' ill( h(_s OF 1//O17(! t)a(k from
to a t)roperly gT()tmded the ( ()tmterto 1)edge to axoid
otttlet. See the Grounding _l(cidental tit)l)ing of the
2 Instructions se(tioll on t)_ge 8. _q)l)lkm( e ill nol-i//;-i1 iis;_lg(!,
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this
Owner's Manual
_}] This l//illTOD(}l_,e O'_e]l is I/Or }tt)t)lX)'_ed
(¸)17tested f()F lilarille ilse.
_! l)o not mount this applian/e oxer
a sink.
_: Do I/at l//Olll/t tile l//icrowave ovell
over or near ally pardon of a headng
or cooking apt/liance.
J? Do not store anything dire( tly on toil
of tile l//ic17ow}lvC ovcI/ sllrJitce whell
tile I//iC170W_IVC OVCI/ iS ill otleration.
_: Do not otlerate this appliance if it has
a damaged l/OVn'r (ord or plug, if it is
not working t)rot/erb; or if it has been
damaged or dropped.
N I)o not co_er or block any openings
on tile appliance.
J} Use this ai/i/lian(e only tk)r its
imended use as des(ribed in this
mmmal. Do not use corrosive
dlemi(als or vapors ill this applian(e.
This l//i( lX)W}l_,X'()_,Xqlis specifi( ally
desiglled to heat, d W or cook tbod,
and is not intended/_)r laboratory
or industrial use.
_: I)o not store this appliance outdoors.
Do not use this t)roduct near watel _
ti)r example, ill a wet basen/ent, near
a slvimming pool, near a sink or in
similar locations.
J} Do not let l/ower cord hang over
edg-e of table or ( am/tel':
_: "Ib red uce tile risk of fire in tile
oven (avit_:
--Do not overtook toad. Carefidlv
attend atll)liance when llaper, tllastic
or other con/tlustible materials are
t/laced inside tile o_vn while cooking.
--Remedy wire twist-ties alld metal
handles Dam pat/er or plastic
eol/tail/eFs betore placing tllelll ill
tile ovell.
--I)o not use tile oven t_)r storage
tmq)oses. Do not lemv paper
t/rodu(ts, cooking utensils or/_)od
ill the OVell Whell liar ill list'.
--ff materials inside tile o_en ig_lite,
kee l) tile oven door closed, turn tile
OVell o1t HI/It (tis(Olll/e(t the t)owel7
(oFd, or shill off power at tile ['llse or
circuit t/reaker tlanel. If tile door is
ot/ened, tile fire may spread.
_: See door sur/itee cleaning instructions
in tile Care and cleaning of the
microwave oven s( orion of this man ual.
_: GE does not sut/port any servicing
of tile microwmv. We strongly
YeCOllllIlelld that vail lie I/at ariel/lilt
to service tile l//ic]?owa\'e VOlllNeI]_
iiii iiii//!!iliiii!!iii!
;_} Ikee l) i)owel7 (OlXI a_'_t*v' ti'Olll heated
;_} Do I/at ill/l//erse t)owel7 lord or
t/htg in _r_tteE
J? As with any apt/lianee, close
S/I1)eY_,iSiOll iS lie( eSS_tFV wheH
used by children.
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct
the problem.
.\rdng is the 1//icFo\v_lVC [(17111
lot si/arks in die oven. Arcing
is caused b}:
_!}Metal or t_)il touching the
side of the oven.
_: Foil not molded to ti)od
(upturned edges act like
_5?Metal, such as twist-ties,
t)oultry pins or gold-rinmled
dishes, in the microwave.
_5?Rec}_led t)al/er towels
contldning sm_dl metal pieces
being used in the microwave.
Do not pop l/Ot/COm in Your
sl/ecial l//ic17ow_lve l)Ollcorn
accessory or m/less you use
t)ot)corn labeled for use in
I//ic17ow_IVC ovens.
_; Sol//e t)]7o(hlctS S/l('h as
whole egg.', and sealed
containers tbr examt)le,
closed jars--are able to
ext)lode and should not be
heated in this microwave
o\en. Such use of the
l//icrowa_,t • o_,t'n could
result in illjur}.
N Do not boil eggs in a
microwave oven. Pressure
will build up inside egg yolk
and will cause it t/) tlurst,
possibly resulting in il_jur>
()llerating the microwave
with no ti)od inside/or more
than a lIlin/l|e o17 two lililV
caHse dainage t/) tile oven
and could start a/ire.
It in(teases the heat around
the magaletron and (m/
shorten the lit;t' of the o_'n.
Foods with unbroken outer
_skil/" SIICl/ as t_otatoes, hot
dog.s, sausages, tomatoes,
apples, chicken livers and
other giblets, and egg }_)lks
should be t_iel',.ed to allow
stealll tO escal)e (ailing
Liquids,such as water,coffee or
tea are ableto beoverheated
beyond theboilingpoint without
appearingto beboiling. Visible
bubbling orboiling when the
container is removedfromthe
microwave ovenis not always
"Ib reduce the risk of il_iury
to persons:
-- DO llOt o_'fi/eat the liquid.
-- Stir the liquid both beti)re
and hal/i_ay through
heating it.
--Do not use smfight-sided
containers with narrow necks.
-- Arier heating, allow the
cont+dner to stand in the
microwave' o\en/k)r a short
time l>el_)re removing the
COI/t ail/eE
-- Use extFelile C_t_re whell
illsertillg a st)OOll or other
utensil into the containec
_5_•\_oid heating t)_d)y/_)od in
glass jars, men with the lid o//i
Make sure all intimt tood is
thoroughly cooked. Stir ti)od
to distribum the heat evenly.
Be carefld to l)revent scalding
when warming tcmnula. The
container ma',t_'el cooler
than the/_)rmula really is.
Alwm:,, test the ti)mmla
beti)re/i_,eding the bat>}.
_: Don't deti'ost/i'ozen
bever_.ges in I/arT'ow-I/ecke(I
bottles (espe(iall_ (arbonated
beverages). E_en if the
coi/tailler is ot)ene(t, 1)l'esstlre
can build ut). This can
cause the container to burst,
t)oxqbl} restdting in i_jur}.
_: Ilot t_)()(ts and steam can
(ause burns. Be (arefi_l when
opening any cont_dners of hot
/[)()(t, in_ lu(ting popcorn bags,
(()()king l)ou(l'ms and boxes.
To t)revent t)o_qble in jur},
(tiI'ect ste_ll// avv;l'_ /iX)Ill hal/(ts
and time.
;_} Do I/Ot oxercook t)otatoes.
They could dehydrate and
catch fire, (ausing damage
to your oxen.
Cook meat and t)oultr}
thorotlg]lly--Ii/eat to
at lea_,t an INTERNAI,
temt)emtm:e of 160°F
and poultry to at least an
INTEILNA[, telnt)emttn:e
of 180°E Cooking to these
temt>emtures usually protects
ag_dnst/_)odborne illness.
iiiiiiii++++i ii+{+lii+ii!
iiiiiii+ iiiiii }}ii
Make s/_re all cookware used ill
your inicmwave o_en is suimbl_
]br nli(rowa_ing. Most glass
casseroles, cooking dishes,
l/le_tstlYillg cups, ctlstard €lips,
p/lttery or cllii/_t dillllerware
which dots not hme metallic
trim or glaze with a m_ tallic
sheei/cai/be _lsed. Some
cookware is lab(led "s/dtable
lot n/icrowa_ing."
_: If you are not sure ifa dish is
microwave'-satin', /ISe this test:
Place ill the oxen both the
dish you are testing and a
glass measuring cup filh'd
with ] Clll) of water--set the
measm:ing CUll either ill or
next to tile dish. Microl_m'e
1 ininute at high. If the dish
heats, it shouM not be used
/or microwa_ing.
If the dish relmfins cool
and onh' the water ill the
cup heats, then the dish
is mierowa\ e-sale'.
If you use a meat
therulometer while cooking,
make sure it is sale t_)r use
ill microwave ovens.
J? Do not use recycled paper
products. ReQ:cled pal/er
towels, napkins and w_lxe(t
pal)el? (_ll/ (ontain llle|_ll
flecks whi(h lna_ cause ar(ing
or ignlite. Paper tn:oducts
containing ll_l()n or n}lon
tilaments shouM be a_oided,
as they nla} also ignite.
J? Sortie styro/omn {_:_rs (like
those that meat is tlackaged
on) have a thin strip of metal
embedded ill the t)oliolll.
When nlicrowa_a'(t, the n/etal
can b/lrn the/loor of ill(}
oven or igmite a paper towel.
J? I)o not use tile Inierowa\ e
to dry nel_'_t)al/ers.
;_}Not all plastic wrap is suit:aMe
tot use ill l/licrol*,;ive ovens.
Check the package for
N Paper towels, waxed paper
and plastic wrap can be used
to co_vr dishes ill order to
retaill IIlOiS|/lre 211lit 1)revel)t
Spattering. t_(' SHl'e |0 ven|
])l_lbtic wra t) so ste_lIil (_lll
CS( _lt)e.
_: Cookware ilia', become hot
be(ause o/heat rams/erred
ti'om tile heated/ood. Pot
hoMers into tie needed to
handle the cookware.
and direct steam away ]l'OIIl
hands and time.
>: Else/_)il only as directed in
this guide. "IY dimmers may be
mi(rowaved in/_)il trays less
than 3/4" high; remoxe the
to l) t[)il coxer and rettlrn tile
tray to the box. When using
/_)il in tile mi( rowave oven,
keep the foil at least 1" awm
/t'om the sides of the o\en.
+!?Plastic cookware Plastic
cookware designed ti)r
microwave cooking is very
useflfl, t)ut should be used
( m:efllllv. E\en IIli(lX)W_l+x_'-s[4t(•
plastic IIlil'v not be as tolet_zl/t
of o\ ercooking conditions as
are glass or (emmi( materials
and lIl:dVso/ten or char if
sul!jected to short periods
of o\ ereooking. In longer
CXt)OSHI'es tO O\ el?eookillg,
the/[)od and {ookware
could ignite.
Follow thoso guidolinos:
:::::::::::::'_plastics ollly _t_l/(
/ISe thel/l ill stFict
compliance with the
cookware l/l _t+ll[I{_t+Ct[IttW_S
l'eCOlillilendati ons+
Do not ]//i(]x)_*/_lt,(!emptY
( ontainers.
3' ! Do not pemfit (hildren
tO /tse t)lasti{ (ookware
withotlt complete
iiii iiii//!!iliiii!!iii!
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of
electric shock.
This appliance must 1)e grounded. In tile ('_em of an ek ctrical shori
circuit, g-Tom/dins reduc_ s tile risk of electric shock b}. ln'o_iding ->m
esc_tpe wire li)r the dectric cm:rent.
This aliplimlce is _ quipped with a power cord hm'ing a groin/dins
wire with a g_x)unding plug. The plug must lie plugged into an oullet
that is properly installed and gromlded.
Consuh a (plalified electrician or se_Mce technician if the grounding
instructions are nol ( Omliletely understood, or if doubt exists as to
whether the N_iiliance is i)_X_liefly grounded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is yo/lr personal
responsibili V and oblig_ttion to ha_ it replaced with a p_x)liefly
gTounded 3-prong wall outlet.
Do not ml(kr am. circumstances cut or r_mox( the thi_xl (g-r/mnd)
prong li'om th( power cord.
We do not recomlnend using an (xtension cord with this appliance.
If th( pow(r cord is too short, hay( a (plalilied eleclrician or service
technician install all outlet near the appliance. (See WARNING--
For l/esl opemdon, ph_g lhis ai/plian(e imo ils (_r_ elecnJcal oullet
lo 1)r__enl tli(kering ot lights, blowing ot tuse or lriliping of (Jr( ui_
Usagesituationswhere appliance'spower cordwill be disconnected
Because of l)otential satbt}
hazards trader cert+fin conditions,
we strongly recommend against the permittedin@nada)
use ofan adapter plug. t ]()_r(_X(_ AIJ_ _arg_ I _ ]1
ilyo,, _dllelect t(, ,,+e .. ad.pter, p,o,rgs/sLot_...€",_ I_ II
be made to a prol)erly gr(mnde(t __" _
2-t)rong "x_'_tllre(el)ta(le t)y the use of TEMPORARY"andfirmconnection
a UL listed adapwr which is mailable METHOD beforeuse.
at l/lOSt local hardware stores.
The larger slot in the adapter must t)e _diglle(t witll the larger slot in
tile wall receptacle to provide proper t)olm:ity in the com_ection of
tile power (ord.
CAUTION: ,achingtheadapter ground torminalto
the wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless
the cover screw is metal, and notinsulated, and the wall receptacle is
grounded through the house wiring.
5bu should haw tile circuit checked b} a qualified elecuJcian to
make sm:e tile receptacle is prot)erl } grom/ded.
When discomlecdng the t)o_r cord ti:om the adal)ter, alwm_s hold
the adat)ter with one hand. If dfis is not done, the adapter gr(mnd
terminal is very likely to break with repeated use. Should this
happen, 00 NOT USE the appliance tmtil a t)rot)er warred has
again been established.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Do notuse an adapter plug in dwse sitll_ltiOllS tle(a/Ise/i'('(lllellI
(lis(olme(tioH ot ill(' power (ord pla(es tmdu(' strain on the
adapter and leads to e\'(uml_d/i_ilm:e of tile adapter gTotmd
temfinal. "_bu should have tl_e 2-t)rong wall receptacle replaced
witll a 3-t)rong (g_:oml(ling) receptacle 1)y a qualitied electdcian
be/ore using tlle appliance.
i iiiii+i+iiiiiiiii
A short ]_()_%r_'_"S_I[_]_I_' ('()_ iS provided to reduce die risks resulting
fl:om becoming entang-h'd ill Or tripping ovcr a longer cord.
Extension cords may 1)e used ilvou are careflll in using tl/em.
If m/extension (ord is used--
'Filel..,'kedele(,,_(.l,'.t./gof,liee_te.._i(,..,rd_l/o,,ld1)e least as g_:eat as the ele(tri(al rating ot the apt)lian(e;
_ The extension cord must be a grounding_type 3-wire cord al/d
it must be phlgged into a 3-slot outlet;
"['he extel/SiOl/ ((,rd should be _ll'l:_,llg(?d s(, |h:c,| it will ll(,t (h_llle
.....................oveF the (O/llllelTtO t) OF tat)le{op x*,l/ere i{ Call 1)e t)ulled 011 1)_r
children or tripped over/lllilltelltiOl/_tll}'.
If }_)/l use an extension cord, tile intedor light n/a} flicker and tile
blower SOIIlld I//}IV V}tI'V whel/tile l//icyow_l\'e ovell is o11. Cookil/g
times ma} be longec too.