Ge Jes1133wn03, Jes1133wnp01, Jes1133wn01, Jes1133wnp02, Jes1133wnp03 Owner's Manual

Safety Information
Adapter Plugs ......... 8
Arcing ............... 4
Extension Cords ...... 9
Foods .............. 4, 5
Instructions ........ 7, 8
Cookware .......... 6, 7
Precautions to Avoid Possible Exposure to
Excessive Microwave
Energy ............... 2
Safety Precautions...2, 3
Operating lnstructions
FeaUlres ......... 18, 19
Microwave Terms .... 22
Other FeaUlres ... 20, 21
Oven FeaUlres ...10, 11
Power Levels ......... 12
Time Features .... 13-17
Care and Cleani_
Inside ............... 23
Outside ............. 23
Turntable ........... 23
Tips .................. 24
Things That Are
Normal ............. 24
Consumer Support
Support ..... Back Cover
Registration ...... 25, 26
Warranty, ............ 27
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these numbers on
a label inside lhe oven.
49-40168 01-01 JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize
the risk of fire, explosion, electric shock, exposure to excessive microwave energy, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
Do Net Attempt to operate m this oven with the door open
since open<loot operation can result in hm_nfhl
exposure tO nlicrowave energ T. It is important not
to deteat or tamper with the sat>ly interlocks.
m Be Not Place aW object
between the oven flont fa(e and tlle door or allow soil
or cleaner residue to m accumulate on sealing
Be Not Operate tile oven if it is damaged. It is particularly
important that tile oven door close properly and that
there is no damage to tile:
[-_ door (ben0, [_ hinges and latches
(broken c,rloosened),
[-_ door seals and sealing
a_!justed or repaired by anyone except properly
qualified se_,ice personnel.
This microwave oven is not approved or tested for
marine use.
m Read and/bllow the specific m
precautions in tile Precautions
toAvoid PossibleExposureto
ExcessiveMicrowave Energy
section above.
This appliance must be grounded. Connect only
to a properly grounded outlet. See tile &ounding
Instructions section on page 7.
Install or locale this appliance only in acc(:)rdance _5th the
provided Installation Inst_uctions.
1_ certain to place tile fiont suffhce of the door fllree
inches or more back fiom tile countenop edge to avoid
accidenlal tipping of tile appliance in normal usage.
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
Do not operale any heating or cooking appliance beneath
this microwm-e oven.
Do not mount this appliance over a sink.
Do not mount tile microwave oven over or near any pollion of ahealing or cooking appliance.
Do not store anything directly on lop of lhe microwave oven
surtace when tile microwave oven is in operation.
Do not operate this appliance -- ifit has admnaged power cord or plug, if it is not
_snking properly, or if it has been damaged or dropped. If lhe power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by
(;eneral Elecuic Service or an authorized sel_ice
agent using a power cord supplied by General Electric. -
Do not cover or block any openings on file appliance.
Use this appliance only tor its intended use as described in
this manual. Do not use con-osive chemicals or vapors
in this appliance. This microwave oven is specitically
designed U)Ileal, dD-or cook toed, and is not inmnded tor
laboraloly or indusuJal use.
Do not store this appliance ouldoors. Do not use this
product near waler-tbr example, in a wet basement, near a sxdmming pool or near a sink.
Keep power cord mvay Dora heated surtaces.
Do not immerse power cord or plug in wamr.
Do not let power cord hang over edge of table or counter.
To reduce tile risk of fire in the oven cavity:
Do not overtook food. Carefully auend appliance
if paper, plastic or other combustible materials me
placed inside the oven while cooking.
Remove xdre l_visl=liesand metal handles flom paper
or plastic containers betore placing them in the oven.
Do not use tile oven for slorage purposes. Do not
leave paper products, cooking utensils or toed in
the oven when not in use. If materials inside file oven
should ignite, keep lhe oven door closed, turn lhe oven off
and disconnect tile power cord, or shut off power at lhe
fuse or circuit breaker panel. If lhe door is opened, the fire may spread.
See door surface cleaning instructions in tile Care and
cleaning of the microwa ve ovensection of this manual.
This appliance should be serviced only by qualified service personnel. Contact
nearest authorized service ti_cility tor examinauon,
repair or adjustment.
As _dth any appliance, close supervision is necessary
when used by children.
If you see arcing, press the STOP/CLEARpad and correct the problem.
Arcing isthe microwave term
for sparks in tim oven. Arcing is caused by:
Melal, such as lxdsl-ties, poult D, pins, or gold-rimmed
dishes, in the microwave.
Metal or foil louching lhe side of lhe oven.
Foil not molded to food
(upturned edges acl like
Do nol pop popcorn in )xmr microwave oven unless in a
special microwave popcorn accesso_T or unless you use popcorn labeled for use in
microwave ovens.
_mm producls such as whole eggs and sealed conlainers_fbr example,
closedjars-_dll explode and should nol be heamd in lhis
microwm-e oven. Such use of lhe microwm-e oven could
resuh in inju U.
Do nol boil eggs in a microwm-e oven. l'ressure _dll
build tip inside egg yolk and _dll cruise il 1o bursl, possibly
resulting in inju U.
Recycled paper lowels conlaining small melal pieces
being used in lhe microwave.
()peradng dm microwave _dth no tood inside ff)rmore
than a minule or l_s) may cruise damage u) lhe oven
and could stmt a fire. It increases lhe heal around lhe
magnelron and can shorlen tim lite of the oven.
Foods _dth unbroken ()tiler
"skin" such as potatoes, hot
dogs, sausages, lomau)es, apples, chicken livers and
olher giblels, and egg >)lks should be pierced lo allow
sleam 1oescape during cooking.
Microwa vedwater and other liquids do not always bubble
when theyreach the boiling
point. Theycan actually get superheatedandnot bubble
at all.
Superheatedliquidwill bubble
up out of thecup when #is moved or when somethinglike
a spoonor teabag is put into it.
Topreventthis fromhappening
andcausinginjury, donot heat any liquid formore than2
minutesper cup.After heating, let the cup standin the
microwave for30 seconds before movingit orputting
anything intoit.
Avoid healing baby fbod in glassjars, even xdfl_ tim lid
off. Make sure all infant fbod is thoroughly cooked. Stir
tood to dislribule the heal evenly. Be careflfl lo prevent
scalding when wanning ftmnula. The container m W
teel cooler than the Rmnula really is. Always lest lhe
ft)nnula beft)re teeding tim bal)y.
Don't defiost ftozen beverages in nano,._mecked bollles
(especially carbonated
beverages). Even if the conlainer is opened, pressure
can build up. This can cause the container to burst,
possibly resulting in inju U.
Spontaneous boiling-I Jnder certain special circumstances,
liquids m W start to boil during or shortly after
removal ftom the microwave oven. To prevent burns ftom
splashing liquid, we recommend tim fblloxdng:
beRne rem(Mng the container ftom the oven,
allow tim container m stand in the oven fo_ a0 to 40
seconds after tim oven has shut off. Do not: boil liquids in
nanox_mecked containers such as soft drink bottles, _dne flasks and especially nantmmecked coffee cups.
Even if the container is opened, excessive slealn can
build up and cause it to burst
or overflow.
Hot fbods and smmn can cause bums. Be carefhl when
opening any containers of hot ft)od, including popcorn
bags, cooking pouches and boxes. To prevent possible
in,ju U, direct steam mvay ftom bands and face.
Do not overcook polaloes. They could dehydram and caleb fire, causing damage
to your oven. Cook meat and poultJ T
thoroughly-meal lo at least an INTERNAL
temperature of 160°F. and pouhJ T to at least an
INTERNAL temperature of 180 °F. Cooking to these
temperatures usually protects against toodbome illness.
Make sure all cookware used in
your microwave oven is suilable
for microwming. Mosl glass casseroles, cooking dishes, measuring cups, cuslard cups, polm U or china dinnerware
wlfich does nol hm-emelallic lfim
or glue x61ha melallic sheen can be used. Some cookware is
lalycled "mitable f{)rnfio_ )xxm6ng."
If you are not sure ifa dish is microwave-safe, use tiffs lesl:
Hate in lhe oven bolh lhe dish
you are lesfing and a glass
measuring cup filled x_lllt1cup ofwaler--sel the measuring
cup eilher in or nexl lo rite dish. Microwave 30-45
seconds at high. Iflhe dish lmals, il should nol be used
for microwm-ing. If lhe dish remains cool and
only lhe waler in lhe cup heals, lhen the dish is
Ifyou use a meat lhennomeler while cooking, make sure il is
sate f6rum in microwm-e ovens.
Do nol use the microwm-elo dU ne_:spapers.
Not allplaslic _Tapis suilable it)attsein_rficrox_'aveovert_.Check
the package fi_rproper use.
Do not use recycled paper producls. Recycled paper lowels, napkins and waxed paper can conlain melal flecks which may cause arcing or ignite. Paper producls conlaining nylon or nylon
filmnenls should be avoided,
as they may also ignite.
Cookware may become hot because of heal lransfimed
tiom lhe heamd tood. Pot holders m W be needed lo
handle lhe cookware.
Some sWotoam lrays (like lhose thai meat is packaged
on) have a flfin slrip ofmelal embedded in the botlom.
When nficrowaved, the melal can bum lhe floor of lhe oven
or ignile a paper l(mv1.
Paper lowds, waxed paper and plaslic x_aapcan be used lo cover dishes in order lo relain
moislnre and prevenl _)allefing. Be sure lo venl plastic wrap so
sleam can escape.
Use toil only as direcled in tiffs gafide. TV dinners may be microwaved in tbil uays less than 3/4" high; remove
lhe lop toil cover and remm the 11W u) rite box. When
using toil in the microwave oven, keep lhe toil al leasl
1inch awW flom lhe sides
of lhe oven.
"Boilal)le" cooking pouches and lightly closed plasdc bags should be slit,piemed or venled as direcled by package. Iflhey are not, plasdc could bursl during or immediamly after cooking, possibly resulting in i_jtn)-. Also, plastic su)rage
conlainers should be al leasl parlially uncovered because lhey fimn a light seal. When
cooking x_fithconlainers fighlly covered _dlh plastic _xaap,remove covering carefully and direct smam
awWfrom hands and thee.
I'lasdc cookware-Plaslic cookware designed for
microwave cooking isvery [77 usefifl, bu! should be used carefillly. Even microwave- sMe plastic may not be as loleranl of overcooking
conditions as are glass or ceramic materials and may [2]
soften or char if subjecled lo short periods of overcooking. [_
In longer exposures lo overcooking, lhe food and
cookware could ignile.
Follow theseguidelines:
I Jse microwave-sate plastics only and use
them in stficl compliance
_dth the cookware
manuiac mrer's recommendations.
Do not microwave emply conlainers.
Do nol permit children lo use plasdc cookware
withoul complele
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock.
This appliance must be grounded. In lhe event of an electrical shorl circuil, grounding reduces the risk of eleclric shock by providing an
escape _dre tor the electric cunenl. This appliance is equipped _dth apower cord having a grounding
xdre x_lh a grounding plug. The plug must be plugged inlo an oullel lhal isproperly inslalled and grounded.
Consult a qualified eleclrician or sela-ice mchnician if lhe grounding instructions are nol complemly understood, or if doubl exisls as 1o
whedmr ll_e appliance is properly grounded. If tim Duffel is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is your personal
responsibilily and obligation 1o have il replaced _dlh a properly grounded 3-prong wall oullel.
Do not under aW circumslances cul or remove lhe lhird (ground) prong flom lhe power cord.
We do not recommend using an exmnsion cord x_filhlhis appliance. If rim power cord is uJo shorl, have aqualified eleclrician or sel_-ice
lechnician inslall an Duller near ll_e appliance. (See WARNING-- EXTENSIONCORDSsection.)
For besl operation, plug this appliance inlo its oxm elecuical outlel 1o prevent flickering of lighls, bloxdng of fuse or nipping of
circuil breaker.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected
Because of polential safely h_ards under certain conditions,
you still elect to use an adapter, where local codes pemfit, a
made lo a properly gTounded lwo- prong wall receplacle by the use of a
IJL listed adapter which is availal)le at most local hardware slores.
The larger slot in the adapter must be alig_md _dfl_tim larger slot in the _-all receptacle t,) provide proper polarity in the connection of
the power cord.
CAUTION:Attaching the adapter groundtemfinal to the wall receptacle cover screw doesnot groundthe appliance unlessthe coverscrew is
metal,and not insulated,and the wall receptacle is grounded through the housewiring.
You should have tim circuit checked 1)ya qualified electrician to
make sure the receptacle is properly grounded.
When disconnecting the power cord flom dm adapter, always hold the adaptor xdth one hand. If this is not done, dm adapter ground
terminal is veU likely to break xdlh repeamd use. Should lhis happen, DONOT USEthe appliance until a proper gTound has again
been established.
Usagesituationswhereappliance'spowercordwill be disconnected frequently.
Donotusean adapterplugin these situations because flequent
disconnection of lhe power cord places undue suain on the adaptor and leads U)eventual tailure of tim adaptor ground mnninal. You
should have lhe t_s_-prong wall receptacle replaced _dlh a lhree- prong (grounding) receptacle by a qualified electrician betore
using tl_e appliance.
perrni#ed in Canada)
;""" '£ore roon
TEMPORARY andfirmconnection
METHOD beforeuse.
A shorl power supply cord is provided lo reduce the risks resulting flom becoming entangled in or tripping over a longer cord.
Exlension cords mW be used if you are careflll in using lhem. If an exlension cord is used-
77 The marked eleclfical raling of the extension cord should be
a! leas! as grea! as lhe eleclfical rating of lhe appliance;
_] The extension cord InllSI be a gToundinDl}I)e 3-_dre cord and
il musl be plugged inlo a 3-slol oullel;
[_ The extension cord should be ananged so lhat it _dll nol
drape over the countertop or tabletop where it can be pulled on by children or tripped over unintentionally.
IfDin use an exlension cord, tim inlefior light m W flicker and lhe blower sound mW vmTwhen lhe microwm-e oven is on. Cooking
times m W be longer, l,)o.
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