GE JES1039WJ02, JES1039BJ02, JES1036WK02, JES1036WK01, JES1036BK01 Owner’s Manual
Safety Instruedons .......... 2-11
Operating Instruedons
Auto Feature ................ 25
Changing the Power I.evel ..... 16
Convenience Features ...... 23, 24
Features of Your
Microwave Tem/s ............. 28
Other Features ............ 26, 27
Care and Cleaning
..................... c(Inside .2.)
Outside ..................... 3(1
.................. ¢(Tm'ntnble •2.)
7b:mbleshooting Tips ....... 31, 32
Thinos That Are Nomml
With Yimr Microwave O_en .... 2
Consumer Support
Consmner Support .... Back Coxer
_._rra ntv. ................... 35
Write themodeland serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find these mmfl>ers on a label inside the o'_ el/.
For your safety the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
When using electrical appliances basic safety
precautions should be foflowed, including the following:
Do Not Attempt to operate
this (Ben with the door open sin{(' open-door ol)eration
(ml result in harmJid
ex])ostl£e to Illictx)wave
energ?: It is important not to deli'at or tamper with the
saI('t', interlocks.
Do Not Place any o]!iect
betweell tlle ovell ]i-Ol/t
]i_ce and the door or allow soil or (leaner residue to
acctmmlate on sealing
P.ead and ]ollow the specific ])recatttions in the Precautions
to Avoid Possible Exposure to Excessive Microwave Energy
se( tiOll _bov('.
This al)l)liance must be IgTotm(ted. Com]ect only to a ]}roperly gT()tmded
Otltlet. See tile Grounding
instructions se(tion oH ])age 8.
Do Not Operate the (Ben if it
is (tmnaged. It is particularly
ilil[)oFtal/[ tl}at the ovel/(too17
close t)roperly and that there is no damage to the:
hinges and k, tches
.....................(broken or loosened),
door seals and se_ding
St |l?_l( es.
The Oven Should Not
be a(!iusted or repaired b_
;-II/VOl/e ex(e]}| ])Foi)elPlv
(ttmliIied servi( e personnel.
Install or locate this appliance onl_ in _({ordm]ce with
the provided Installation
Be c( rt_dn to ])lace the flPont surIilce of the door three
inches or more 1)ack ]_'om the com]terto I) edge to _void
accidental tii)ping of the appliance in normal usage.
Use this appfiance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual
This microwave o_en is not appro_'d or tested Jar marine use.
Do not mount this appliance oxer a sink.
Do not re(rant the microwave oven over or near any pardon of a heating
or (()()king applian(e.
I)o not store anything directly on top
o_' in(' l//iCl?O_l_(' o_('l/ StlFlitC(' wh(']l
|h(' microvva_.(, o_.('1] is i]J,op('ra|iolL
Do not ot)eram this apl)lim](e if it ha_, a damaged po_,n'r (ord or plug, if it is not working properly, or if it ha_, been dmnaged or dropped.
I)o not (o_er or block m]y openh]gs on the appliance.
Use this applim]ce only t6r its intended use as described in this
mmmal. Do not use corrosive chemi(als or vapors in this applian(e.
This microwave' o_'n is specifically desiglled to heat, (Irx or cook tDod,
and is not imended/or laboratory or in(tust]Jal use.
Do not store this appliance grudgers,.
Do I/o|/Is( |his pl?o(hlc[ I/(_tl" w_t|('l _
t6r example, in a wet basement, near a _*imming pool, near a sink or in
similar locadons.
I)o not immerse power cord or plug in water.
Do not let power cord hang o_er edg-c of table or com]te_
"Ib reduce the risk of fire in file o\'cH (a_it_:
--I)o not o\'crcook ti)()(t. (;arefifllv
attend at)plim](e when pal)e_; plastic or other comt)ustible materials are
placed inside file ()_'n while cooking.
-- R,.'mo',_' wire twist-ties and metal handles fi'om paper or plastic
containers l)eti)re placing them i]] tl/e ov('ll,
--I)o not use the o_en t6r storag-c pm])oses. Do not lea_' paper produ(ts, cooking mensils or load
i]] th(' ()v('D wh('H HOt i]] _ls(,.
--ff materials in_i(te the o_en ig]]ite, keep the oven door closed, turn the ()v(,ll ()/1 and discollnect the power (or(I, or shin off power at the fi_se or circuit breaker panel. If the door is opened, the fire may spread.
See door sur/i_ce cleaning instrucdo]]s in the Care and cleaning of the microwave oven s(,..tio_:,of this mmm_l.
This appliance must only be ser\'iced 1>_'qualified service perso]mel.
Co]]tact nearest amho]Jzed ser\'ice Ihcilit*/or examination, repair or
As with an_' api)liance, close
supe_Msion is necessary when used by children.
il!i ii !iiiii!li iiii iiii!l!
If you see arcing, press the CLEAR/OFFpad and correct the problem.
.\l'('ill_" iS tile ]lli(row2l\ e reFill _ Metal, such as tWiSt-ties,
/or sparks ill the o_'n. Alxil:g t/ouhry pins, or gold-lfimmed is cruised l>v: dishes, ill tile l//icrowave.
Metal or toil touching the side of the o_'n.
Foil not molded to tood
(ut)tttmed edg+es act like
Do not pop popcorn ill your microwm_ o_'n unless in a
st/eci_d microwa\ e t/Ol/COrl_ accessor_ or _)u use
popcorn labeled for use ilk
l//icrow_lVe ovens.
Sol/le t)rod/letS S/lel/ as
whole egg_ and sealed containers ti)r example, closed jars--are able to
ext)h)de and should not be heated in this microwme
oxen. Such use of the microwme o_en could
resuh ill il+jury.
Do not boil eggs in a microwme o_en. Pressure
will build up inside egg yolk and will cause it to burst,
possibly resuhing ill il{jUry.
Rec}+cled paller towels containing smldl n/etal pieces being used ill the microwave.
Operating tile microwave with I_Oti)od inside/or more
than a minute or t_'v'o lll_l'vr eatlse damag+e to the o_+_+n
and could start a/ire. It illereases the ]'teat aI'Otllld
tile mag_letron and can shorter, tim lit_' of tim ovetl.
I_'oo(ts with tlnbroken ()liter
"Skill" Stlel/ as t)ot:atoes, hot
dog_,, sausages, toli/atoes, apples, chicken livers and
other giblets, and egg y)lks should be pierced to alh)w steam to esealle dulling
Liquids,such as water,coffee or tea are ableto beoverheated
beyond theboilingpoint without appearingto beboiling.Visible bubbling orboiling when the
container is removedfromthe microwave ovenis notalways
"Ib reduce the risk of iqiury to persons:
-- I)o not o\'efi_eat the liquid.
-- Stir the liquid both bdore and hal/i_ay through heating it.
--Do not use smlight-sided containers with narrow necks.
-- After heating, allow the container to stand in the
microwave o\en/_)r a short time be/ore removing the
( ont aine1%
-- Use extf'elile ('are whell
illsertillg _.spOOll or oilier utensil into the containec
£oid heating kd)y/ood in
glass jars, e_en with the lid o//i Make sure all intimt food is
thoroughly cooked. Stir t6od to (tistrilmte the heat evenly.
Be carefill to prevent scalding when warming tormula. The
container lna_ t_'el cooler than the/ormula really is.
Atwau_ test the t6rmula be/ore
/i_,eding the bab}. Don't deti'ost ti'ozen
beverages ilk narT'ow-necke(]
bottles (espedally (arbonated beverages), l+;um i/the
¢ol/tailler is opened, pl'esstlre
can build ut). This can cause the comainer to t)urst,
poxsibl} resulting in iqjur}. I lot t6ods and steam ,?an
(ause burns. Be ( arefi_l when opening any containers of hot
/_)o(t, in( lu(ting pop(orn bags, (ooking 1)omhes and boxes. To prevent t)o_sible i_/jm'},
(|ll'ect steal// a_'vg"_ ]iTOlll hands
and ti_(e.
Do not o\ercook potatoes.
They could dehydrate and cinch tire, (ausing damage
to your o\en.
(;ook meat and t)oultr} thorotlg]lly--meat to
at least an INTERNAI, temt)et_mn:e of 160+F
and poultry to at least an INTEI{NA[ _tempet_m,:e of IS()°F. Cooking to these tempet_m,:es usually protects ag_inst/6odborne illness.
iil++i! iiiiii
Make sure _dl cookware used ill
VO/lr iilicI'oW_l\ e o\ell is suital)le
/_)r n/icrowaving. Most glass casseroles, cooking dishes,
l/le_lStllillg Ctll)S, ctlstaFd Ctll)S,
])otterv or china (tinllevx_al'_! which does not l/my metallic
tlJl// or glaze with a metallic
sheen can be ilsed. Sol//e cookware is labeled "suitable
/()r l//icrowavil lg."
If you are not sure ifa dish is H/icrowave-sat(', /lse this test:
Place in the oxen both the dish you are testing and a
glass measm'ing cup tilled with 1 cut/of water--set the measuring CUll either in or
next to tile dish. Micro\sm'e
1 minute at high. If the dish
heats, it should not be used /_)r microwa_Jng.
If the dish rem_fins cool and only the water in the
cup heats, then the dish is microwa\ e-sale'.
If you use a meat thermometer while cooking,
make sure it is sale tor use ill microwave ovens.
Do not use reQvled paper products. ReQ,'cled t)aller towels, napkins and waxed
paper call contain liletal
flecks which ma\ cause arcing or igmite. Paller products
containing ll_l()n or n}lon
tilaments should be molded, as they ma} also ignite.
Some Stvro/_)am trays (like those that meat is tlackaged
on) have a thin strip of llletal embedded ill the tlottom.
Whel: microwa_vd, the metal can burn the floor of the
()\'en or igmite a t/aper towel. I)o not use tile IIli(TO\V_l\e to
d W newstmtlers.
Not all l/lastic wrap is suitaMe
tk)r _lse ill l/lic170\*_;ive O_'l/S.
Check the package for proper/lse.
Paper towels, waxed pallet and plastic wm t) can tie used
to cover dishes in order to
l'eti_ill IIlOiSl/lre _ln(t 1)revent
st)attering. P)e Sill'e to vent t)lastic wrat) so slealll Call escape.
Cookware n/a\ become hot be(ause o/heat tmns/brred ti'om tile heated/_)od. Pot
holders ma\ tie needed to handle the cookware.
;_ "Boilable" cooking pouches
and tightl} closed t)lastic t/ags should be slit, liierced or _'nted as directed by package. If thQv are not, plastic could burst dining or immediately alter cooking, possibly resulting in i_jm> Also, plastic stomg-e containers should tie at least lIarti_dly
un( o\ered because flier ]'o17111 a tight seal. When cooking
with (ontainers tig-htly covered with plastic wrap, remove covering careflllly
and (liFect steam away/l'OIll
hands and time.
:_ Else/t)il only as directed in
this guide. "IY dim/ers may tie mi(rowaved in/_)il trays less
than 3/4" high; remoxe the to l) loll coxer and return tile tray to file box. When using
/[)il in tile n/i(17ow_lv(' ovell, keep the foil at least 1" away
/i'om the sides of the o\en.
Plastic cookware Plastic cookware designed tk)r
microwme cooking is very usetifl, but should be used
care/illlv. E\en microwm_'-sat(' plastic lil_l'v not be as lolel_nt
of o\ ercooking conditions as are glass or ceramic materials
an(t lIl:dV so]ten or char if
su[!jected to short periods of oxercooking. In longer
ext)osHFes tO O\ el?cooking,
tile/_)od and (ookware (ould ignite.
Follow thoso guidolinos:
.....................plastk s only and
/ISe [hel/l ill stl'ict
compliance with the cookware i/l_Ii l[lt_Ic[ [iItw_s
Do not l//icrowave el//pW containeFs.
Do not permit (hildren to use plasti( (ook'ware
without complete sutier_ision.
il!i ii !iiiii!lli iiii iiii!l!
Improper use of the grounding plug can result in a risk of electric shock.
This appliance must be gromlded. In the e',ent of m_ electrical short circtfit, grcmnding redu(es the risk of electric shock 1U pro_i(ting an es(al)e wire/or the electric current.
This appliance is equipped with a 1)o_'r cord h;_ving a grom_ding wire with a g_xmnding plug. The plug must be plugged into ma outlet that is t)roperly installed m_d grounded.
Consuh a qualified electrician or service teclmician if the gTom_ding insu:uctions are not completely understood, or if doubt exists as to whether the appliance is properly gromlded.
If the outlet is a standard 2-prong wall outlet, it is }x)ur pel:_,onal responsibilhy and oblig_ltion to ha_' it replaced with a properly grounded 3-prong wall outlet.
I)o not under am circmnstances cut or remo\e the third (gTound) prong ti'om tile power cord.
We do not recommend using m_ extension cord with this appliance. If tile power (ord is too short, ha\ e a qualified electrician or service
technician install an outlet near the ai)plim_ce. (See WARNING-- EXTENSION CORDS section.)
For best operation, i)l/lg this ai)plim_ce into its (_r_ ele(t_Jcal outlet
to pre'_ent tli_ kering ot lights, blowing ot tuse or tripping ot dr(uit
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected infrequently.
ge(ause of potential sat_t}
h_izards tllK]er (eFtail/ (ollditiolls,
we strongly recommend against the permittedinCanada!
use ofan adapter plug. t ]()_r_ Afignlarge I _ II
it'you still elc(t to use _111a(l;_lt)ter , prengs/slots _ I_._ II
_r]_(_l_(local (odes permit, _,,,.,.,._-e__2-'_- II
2-t)ro7/g wall re(eptadc by the use of TEMPORARY andfirmc0enecti0n
a UL liste(t a(lal)wr whi(:h is axailal)le METHOD beforeuse.
_lI 77/OS1 171(_11 tl_lF(twaF(? SI()F('S.
The larger slot in tile adal)ter must be aligned wittl tlTe larger slot in tlle wall recet)tacle tT)t)rovide t)rot)er t)ola]Jty in tlTe cTmne(tion of die t)owcr cord.
CAUTION: .achlegthoadaptorground torminalto
the wall receptacle cover screw does not ground the appliance unless the cover screw is metal, not insulated, and the wall receptacle is grounded through the house wiring.
5bu should have tile circuit checked 1)} a qualified elecuJcian to
m_lke sure die re(et)m(le is t)rot)erl} grom/(/e(t.
Whe]7 (/is(Tmne(fing tile power (ord fl:om tile a(kq)te_; Mwm_'_177)1(t tile _(/al)ter widl one hand. If dfis is not done, the a(t_pter ground tennin_d is very likely to t)reak with tel)eared use. Should this hapt)en, 00 NOT USE die appliance until a t)rot)er WTmnd has again been esmt)lished.
Usage situations where appliance's power cord will be disconnected frequently.
Do not use an adapter plug in dies(' situations t)('caus('/i'('(tu('m
(lis(omw( don 7)/the power (ord places undue strain on the a(t_pt('r
mTd h'a(ts tT)cvcmual tifilm'(' 7)/dw a_(lal)wr g]:omTd wrminal. _i)u should have die 2-t)rong w_dl re(el)m(le rel)la(ed with a 3-t)rong
(g_:omT(ting) r('(et)tacle 1)y a qualilied ele(tfician be/br(' using
die at)t)liance.
A short ]_()_%r_'_"S_I[_]_I_' ('()_ iS provided to reduce flit risks rcsuhing
fl:om Ix'coming entang-lcd ill Or tlJ|)ping o'a'r a longer cord.
Extension cords ram' bc used iI VOtl are carefld in u.,,ing d_Cln. If an extension (ord is used-- legist _sgTeat _s the el(xtrk a] n_ting ot file _t)plian(e;
it must be t,lugged imo _ 3-slot outlet;
"['II(? OXt(,llSion (oFd SlloHld |)(? _I,'lT_,IIg(?d so t]l_It it will llOt (II_1})(?
.....................OX(+F tile ( Ollllt('lTtOp OF tabletop x_here it (ml be _)IIII('(I oI, |>v
ddldrcn or tript_cd o_'r mdntcntionally.
If _)u use m_ extension cord, the interior light ma} flicker and tl,e
blower SOtllld l//Wv' v_trv when the ,//icrow_lve ov('n is Oil. Cooking
times ma} be longec too.
+ 25 hidden pages