GE JE85T Use and Care Manual

U andCake& Cooking Gui%
Adapter Plugs Aluminum Fofi 4 Mir~ute/SecondTimer 9
ApplianceRegistration Auto Defrost
Auto Start Careand Cleaning
Consumer Services 31 ControlPanel 6,7
CookingCompleteReminder 8 ProgramCooking 5 CookingGuide 20-26 SafetyInstructions
DefrostingGuide DelayedCooking
ExtensionCords Features 8 Warranty BackCover
GlossaryofMicrowaveTerms Grounding Instructions
Heating or Reheating Guide 16,17 Hold Time
Installation MicrowaveCookwareGuide 15 8470.626.2000
9 PowerLevels 10-13
Model and SerialNumbers One-TouchCook
Precautions Probe
Problem Solver
Temperature Cook TimeCook
11 10
2 9
Model JE85T
ofthis ovenis700 watts.
It is intended to help you operate
anti maintain your new microwave oven properly.
I{eep it handy for answers to your
c]uestions. If you don’t understand something
or need more help, write (include your phone number):
Consumer Affairs GE Appliances Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225
writedown themodeland
You’11find them on a label inside the oven,
These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership
Registration Card that came with
your microwave oven. Before sending in this card, please write these numbers here:
Model Number
Serial Number
Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your microwave oven.
Besure yourmicrowave ovenis registered.
It is important that we know the location of your microwave oven should a need occur for adjustments.
Yoursupplier is responsible for
registering you as the owner. Please check with your supplier to
be sure he has done so; also send in your Consumer Product
Ownership Registration Card. If yoLlmove, or if yoLlare nOtthe original purchaser, please write to
LIS,stating model and serial
This :applianeemustbe registered.
Please i)? certain t13atit is.
Write to:
GE Appliances Range Product Service Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the oven.
save time and
Check the Problem Solver in the back of this book. It lists causes of minor operating problems that you can correct yourself.
Steam or vapor escaping from
around the door. @Light reflection around door or
oute~case. eDimming oven light and change
in blower sound may occur while operating at power levels other than high.
eDull thumping sound while oven
is operating. 0Some TV-Radio interference
might be noticed while using your microwave oven. It’s similar to the interference caused by other small appliances and does not indicate a problem with your oven.
you needservice...
To obtain service, seethe Consumer Services page in the back of this book.
We’re proud of our service and want you to be pleased. If for some reason you are not happy with the service you receive, here are three steps to follow for further help.
FIRST, contact the people who serviced your appliance. Explain why yoL~are not pleased. In most cases, this will solve the problem.
NEXT, if yc~uarc still not pleased, write all the details—including your phone number-to:
NJanager,Consumer Relations GE Appliances Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225
FINALLY,if your problem is still not resolved, write:
Major Appliance Consumer
Action Panel 20 North Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60606
(a) Do Not Attempt to operate this
oven with the door open since open-door operation can result in harmful exposure to microwave energy.It is important not to defeat or tarnperwith the safety interlocks.
(b) Do Not Place any object between the oven front face and the door or allow soil or cleaner residue to accumulate on sealing surfaces.
(c) Do Not Operate the oven if it is damaged. It is particularly
important that the oven door close properly and that there is no damage to the:
(1) door (bent) (2) hinges and latches (broken or
(3) door seals and sealing surfaces. (d) The Oven Should Not be
adjusted or repaired by anyone .~~~~. except properly qualified service personnel.
Readall instructionsbeforeusingthis appliance.
If you are not sllre if a dish is microwave-safe, use this test:
Place in the oven both the dish you are testing and a glass measuring cup filled with one cup water—set the measuring cup either in or next
o the dish. Micr~wave 1 minute at
~+~+-gh. ]f the dish heats, it shotlld not
oe used for microwaving. If the dish remains cool and ofily the water in the cL~p!leats, then the dish is microwave-safe.
0 Paper towels? waxed paper and plastic wrap can be used to cover
dishes in order to retain moisture and prevent spattering. Be sure to vent plastic wrap so steam can
~Some microwaved foods
reqtlire stirring, rotating or rearranging. Check the Cooking
QSteam builds up pressure in
foods which are tightly covered
by a skin or membrane. Pierce
potatoes, cgg yolks and chicken livers to prevent bllrsting.
Ifyotluse a meat thermometer whilecooking,makesure it is safefor use in microwaveovens.
Whenusingelectricalappliances, basicsafetyprecautionsshouldbe followed,includingthefollowing:
theriskofburns,electricshock, fire,injurytopersonsorexposure toexcessivemicrowaveenergy:
euse thisapplianceonlyfor itsintendeduseasdescribedin thismanual,
~Readand fol~owthe
=Thisappliancemustbe grounded.Connectonlyto
properlygroundedoutlet. See“GROUNDING
@Usethisapplianceonlyforits intendeduseasdescribedin thismanual.Donotuse corrosivechemicalsorvaporsin thisappliance.Thismicrowave ovenisspecificallydesignedto heatorcookfood,andisnot
intendedforlaboratoryor industrialuse.
@For bestoperation9plugthis
applianceintoits ownelecfricaI outlet,topreventflickeringof lights,blowingoffuse‘or trippingofcircuitbreaker.
*Instaljor locatethisapp~iance
onlyinaccordancewiththe providedInstalIatien Instructions,
@Becertain to p~acethe front surfaceofthe doorthree inchesor moreback fromthe countertopedgeto avoid accidentaltippingofthe
applianceinnormal usage.
* Donotcover or blockany
openingsontheapp~iance. =Donot storethisapp!iance
outdoors.Donotusethis productnearwater-for example, ina wetbasementorneara swimmingpool.
~Donotimmersepowercord or plugin water.
~Keeppowercordawayfrom heatedsutiaceso
overedgeoftableor counter. @Donot operatethisappliance
ifit hasa damagedpowercord
or plug,ifit isnot working properly,or ifit hasbeen damagedor dropped.
~Donotoperateovenwithoutthe turntableandturntablesupport seatedandinplace.
restrictedsotheturntable cannotrotate.
~Seedoorsurfacecleaning instructionsin theCa~eand Cleaningsection(s)ofyourbook.
servicedoIIlybyqualified servicepersonnel.Contact nearestauthorizedservice facilityforexamination,repair oradjustment.
@Aswithanyappliance?close supervisionis necessarywhen
(colltiil[ie{l ~ze.~fl?age)
‘F(1Fedlleethe ris!{offirein
—DonotOvereoolifood. Carefullyat[endapplianceif
]}laterialsare placedinsidethe
~vel~tofi~~ilitateco~king, —Removewiretwist-tiesfrom
paperorplasticbagsbefore placingbagsinoven.
—Donot useyourmicrowave
oventodry newspapers.
—Donot userecycledpaper products.Recycledpapertowels, napkinsandwaxedpapercan containmetalfleckswhichmay causearcingorignite.Paper productscontainingnylonor nylonfilamentsshouldbe avoided,astheymayalsoignite.
—DoIlotpoppopcornin your n~ierowaveovenunlessin a
specialmicrowavepopcorn accessoryorunlessyouuse popcornlabeledforusein microwaveovens.
—Donot operatethe oven
whileemptyto avoiddamageto theovenand thedangeroffire.
runemptyaminuteortwo,no harmisdone.However,tryto avoidoperatingtheovenempty atalltimes-it savesenergyand
prolongsthelifeoftheoven. —Do~~otovercookpotatoes,
Theycoulddehydrateandcatch fire,causingdamagetoyouroven.
~ Dol~otusethe ovenforstorage purposes.Do products,cookingutensilsorfood intheovenwhennotinuse.
eIfWlaterialsinsideovenShould ignite,keepovendoorclosed,
the fuse or circuitbreakerpanel,
* Someproductssuchas whole
eggsaxldsealedcon~iners—for example,closedjars-will explodeandshouldnotbeheated inthismicrowaveoven.Suchuse ofthemicrowaveovencould resultininjury.
@.4voidheatingbabyfoodin glassjars,evenwithouttheirlids; especiallymeatandeggmixtures.
beveragesinnarrownecked bottles(especiallycarbonated beverages).Evenifthecontainer isopened,pressurecanbuildup, Thiscancausethecontainerto burst,possiblyresultingininjury.
~Usemetalonlyas directedin thisbook.TVdinnersmaybe microwavedinfoiltrayslessthan 3/4”high;removetopfoilcover andretuimtraytobox.When
usingmetalinthemicrowave oven,keepmetaIat least 1inch awayfromsidesofoven.
~cookwaremaybecomehot becauseofheattransferredfrom theheatedfood.Potholdersmay beneededtohandlethecookware.
~S~~e~i~es,the~~r~~able~a~ becometoohot to touch.Be
carefultouchingtheturntable duringandaftercooking.
~Foodscookedin Biquids(such aspasta)maytendto boilover morerapidlythanfoods containinglessmoisture.Should thisoccur,refertopage27for instructionsonhowto cleanthe insideoftheoven.
sT~~e~m~me~e~_~onotusea thermometerinfoodyouare
thermometerisdesignedor recommendedforusein the microwaveoven.
probe fromthe ovenwhenno
usingit tocookwith.
leavetheprobeinsidetheoven withoutinsertingitinfoodor liquid,andturnonmicrowave energy,itcancreateelectrical arcingintheovenanddamage ovenwalls.
~PIasticcookware—Plastic cookwaredesignedfor microwavecookingisvery useful,butshouldbeused carefully.Evenmicrowave-safe plasticmaynotbeastolerantof overcookingconditionsasare glassorceramicmaterialsand ~ay softenorcharif subjectedto shortperiodsofovercooking.k longerexposurestoovercooking, thefoodandcookwarecould ignite.Forthesereasons:1)Use microwave-safeplasticsonlyand usethemin strictcompliance withthecookwaremanufacturer’s recommendations.2)Donot subjectemptycookwareto microwaving.3)Donotpermit childrentouseplasticcookware withoutcompletesupervision.
~Whencookingpork9follow thedirectionsexactlyandalways cookthemeatto aninternal
temperatureofatleast170°F. Thisassuresthat,intheremote possibilitythattrichinamaybe presentinthemeat,itwillbe killedandmeatwillbesafetoeat.
~Donot boileggsin a microwaveoven. Pressurewill buildupinsideeggyolkandwill causeittoburst,possibly resultingininjury.
@F~~dswi~~~~b~~ken~~~e~ 66skin99suchaspotatoes,sausages,
tomatoes,apples,chickenlivers andothergiblets,andeggyolks (seepreviouscaution)shouldbe piercedtoallowsteamtoescape du~ingcooking.
. . . .
e ~~3Qllbll~OUS boili]lg—Under
- celltli]lspecialcircll]nstallces, lic!uidsmaystarttoboilduringor shhrtlyafterremovalfromthe microwaveoven.Toprevent
theliquidbrieflybefore removingthecontainerfromthe microwaveoven.
“Boilable” Cookingpouches
tightlyclosedplastic bags
should be slit, pierced or vented as directed by package. Mthey are
not, plastic could burst during or immediately after cooking, possibly resulting in injury.Also,
plasticstoragecontainersshould beat leastpartiallyuncovered becausetheyformatightseal, Whencookingwithcontainers
“ect steam away from hands
and face.
whenYouPlugin theoven
The displaypanel lights up. After 15seconds, all lights disappear and
“RESET” appears. Touch the PAUSE/CANCELpad and oven is ready for use and the clock can be set.
If power is disrupted at any time, the above sequence recurs and you must reset clock after touching PA[JSE/CANCEL.
Use your Touch Control Panel to Time Cook with choice of power levels from 1 (lowest,)to 10
(highest); to Auto Defrost, with the oven setting the power levels and cooking or heating times; to Temp Cook, using your choice of temperatures; to time kitchen tasks with the Min/Sec Timer; and to set
the clock. Create your own programs to suit
your individual cooking style. For example: use the Min/Sec Timer to delay the start of Time Cook or set Time Cook for a three-stage
program using different times and power levels.
Hot foods and steam can
cause burns. Be
openinganycontainersofhot food,includingpopcornbags, cookingpouchesandboxes.To
preventpossibleinjury,direct steamawayfromhandsandface.
.. .
.......—.._... _..
The ciisplay panel lightsup. After
15seconds, all lights disappear and “RESET” appears. Touch the PAUSE/CANCEL pad and oven is ready for use and the clock can be set.
If power isdisrupted at any time, the above sequence recurs, and you must reset the clock after touching the PAUSE/CANCEL pad.
1.DISPLAY. Displays time of
day, time counting down during cooking functions,power level, cooking mode and instructions.
2. AUTO DEFROST. Touch pad of the desired food type, and then enter the food weight using the number pads. The oven automatically setspower levels and defrosting time.
3. ONE-TOUCH ICOOK.Touch this pad once to quickly enter 1
minute of cooking time at power level 10(High). Touch the pad repeatedly to increase the cooking time in 1-minuteintervals.
Progr:~.nlup to 3 stages of memory cooking. Microwave for a selected amount of ti121eor temperature using automatic power level 10 (High), or change power level after entering cooking time. Once food reaches selected temperature, oven switches to Hold setting and maintainsthat temperatureuntil you touch the PAUSE/CANCEL pad.
5. NUMBER PADS. Touchthese pads to enter cooking time, time of day, temperature, power level or food weights for Auto Defrost.
6. CLOCWAUTO START.Touch thispad to enter time of day or check time of day while microwaving.To set clock,first touch CLOCK/AUTO STARTpad
and then enter time of day.For example, if time is 1:30,touch number pads 1,3, andOand “1:30”
will appearin display.Then touch CLOCWAUTO ST.ARTpad. To reset or change time, simply repeat this process.
Also use thispad to programyour oven to begin cookingat a later time of day—up to a 12-hourdelay.
7. Sr~AI?~.After time or defrost selections are macie,touch this pa to start the oven.
8. PQYVER I.EVEL. Touch this pad after yoLlenter the cooking time if you want to change from automatic power level 10 (High) for cooking.
9. MIN/SEC TIMER. This feature uses no microwave energy. It functions asa kitchen timer, as a holding period after Auto Defrost or as a delay timer before time cooking.
10. PAUSE/CANCEL.Touch this pad onceto stopmicrowave cooking.Remainingcooking time will appearon display.Touch STARTto resumecooking,or touch PAUSE/CANCEL again to erase the cookingprogram. The time of day willappear on the display.
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Door Latchese
Door Screen. NIetal screen permits viewing of foods and keeps microwaves confined inside oven.
3. Ove~~Vente
4. Model and Seriai Numbers.
50Receptacle for Temperature Probe. Temperature probe must be
securely inserted into receptacle
when using Temp Cook.
6. Oven Interior Light. Turns on when the door is opened or when the oven is operating.
7. Temperature Probe. Use with
Temp Cook only.
8. Touch Control Panel and DispIay.
9. Door Latch Release. Press
latch release button at indent to open door.
10.Removable~rntible Support.
Turntable support must be in place when using the turntable.The supportmay be removed for
11.Removable Wrntible.
Turntable must be in place when using the oven. perfo~nnancewill be unsatisfactory without the turntable in place. The turntable may be removed for cleaning.
130YvtoUse the Minute/SecondTimer
after defrosting.
TheMinute/Second Timer operates ~i~ithoutmicrowave energy.
HowtoTimea 3“Minute
1.Touch MIN/SEC TIMER pad.
2, Touch number pads 3,0 and O (for 3 minutes and no seconds).
3. Touch START.Display shows time counting down. The timer signals when time is up.
usinga HoldingTime
The hfinute/Second Timer can also be used to program a “holding time” between microwave cooking functions. The time can range from
ne second to 99 minutes aid 99
conds. A holding or standing
time may be found in some of-your
own recipes or in the Cooking
The Auto Startf’eatureallows
you to program your oven to begi~leookillg at a preset time of day—up to a 12-hour delay.
ToUse Auto Start Step 1: Enter your desired cooking
Step 2: Touch CLOCK/AUTO STARTpad (instead of START).
Step 3: Enter the time you want the oven to start. (Be sure your microwave oven clock shows the correct time of day. See Your Touch Control Panel section.)
Step 4: Touch STARTpad. The oven will automatically start at the desired time.
With this feature, you can qt~ickly program a short cooking operation with the touch of one pad.
NOTE: Oven operation begins automatically,without your having to touch the STARTpad.
TOUse Step 1: Place food in oven in
microwave-safe dish.
~R~-~OUCh Cook
Step 2: Touch ONE-TOUCH COOK. Oven operation will start.
To increase the amount of cooking
time, touch ONE-TOUCH COOK pad repeatedly until the desired time has been reached. The cook time will increase in one-minute
increments each time you touch the ONE-TOUCH COOK pad.
Step 3: When time is up, the oven
signals and “End” flashes.
To delay cooking up to 99 minutes and 99 seconds, touch TIME COOK/TEMP COOK pad and enter the cook time. Touch MIN/SEC TIMER pad and enter number of minutes to delay cooking. Touch START.Timer will count down to
zero and cooking will begin.
~cookiingby Time
Power level 10 (High) is recommenced for most cooking, bu: yoLlc:lnprogl”amLlpto ~
cooking stnges,varying the power
level foreach stage if desired. See
theCooking Guide. To become better acquainted with
time cooking,make a CLIpof coffee by followin~ the steps below.
Step ~: Fill a CLIp2/3 full of water, add 1teaspoon of instant coffee and stir to dissolve. Use a cup that has no metal decoration and is microwave-safe (refer to Microwaving Tips in the Safety Instructions section). Place cup in oven and close door.
Usingthe2& 3stage cookingreature
The Time Cook feature lets you set up to three time cooking functions within one program. This is ideal
if you want to change power levels during your cooking operations. Here’s how to do it:
Step 1.:Place food in oven in microwave-safe container and close the door.
Step 2: TouchTIME COOWTEMP COOK pad.
Step 3: Select your first cook time. For example, touch 2, 1 and 5 for two minutes and 15seconds.
Step 4: Touch TIME COOK/TEMP COOK pad again.
Step 5: Set your second cook time.
How toChange Power Level
After setting cooking time, touch POWER LEVEL pad, then touch desired number for new power level.
Q. I setmy oven for the time ‘““
called for ill the recipe, but at the end of the time allowed, my food wasn’t done. What happened?
A. Since house power varies due to time or location, many Time Cook recipes give you a time range to prevent overcooking. Set the oven for minimum time, test the food for doneness, and cook your food a little longer, if necessary.
Q. I touched the number pads and selected my power level. When I touch START’however, my oven didnYtcome on. Why not?
COOK pad must be touched before setting the number pads or else your oven will not begin cooking.
Q. Can I interrupt my Time Cook function to cheek the food?
A. Yes. To resume cooking, simply
close the door and press the ­STARTpad. The timer must be reset for cooking to resume unless
time is remaining oll timer.
Step 2: Touch TIME
COOK/TEMP COOK pad. Step 3: Select your time. Touch 1,
0 and Opads for one minute. Because automatic power level 10
is recommended for this cup of coffee, there is no need to change the power level. (If power level 10 is not appropriate, see “How to Change Power Level” at right.)
Step d: TOLIChSTART. Step ~: When time is Lip,
sigl~~ls and
light and fan shut off.
Step 6: Open the door.
flashes “End.” OveIl,
the oven
Step 6: Touch START. Step 7: “POWER 10”is displayed
and “COOK TIME 1“counts down. Step 8: At the end of “COOK
TIME 1,“the second power level is displayed and “COOK TIME 2“ is shown counting down.
Step 9: When time is up, the oven signals and flashes “End.” The oven, light and fan shutoff.
Step 10: Open the door. To program cooking stage 3,
simply repeat the steps for programming stage 2.
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