Safety Instru_tions ... 2-5
Operating Instructions
Clock and Timer ....... l 3
Control Lockout ....... 13
Cookware ............ 8, 9
()yen .............. 10-20
Sabbath Feaulre ........ 20
Self-Cleaning ....... 16, 17
Special Feaun_es ..... 18, 19
SurPace Units ........ 6, 7
The_nostat ........... 15
Timed Baking and
Roasting .............. 14
Care and Cleaning
Broiler Pan and Grid ... 23
Conuol Panel ......... 22
Door . ............... 22
(;lass Cooktop ...... 25, 26
lv_obs ............... 21
Light Bulb ............ 24
Packaging _q)e ........ 21
Racks ................ 23
Stainless Smel Surfaces . .21
Storage Drawer
Removal ............. 23
Vent ................. 21
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You (;all
For Service 2/-, 0
Accessories ........... 32
Consumer Support
Support ...... Back Coxer
RegJstration ........ 33, 34
VVa_Tantv ............. 35
JDP4 7
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can lind them on a label
behind the open oven door
on the lower lett corner of the
range fl'anle.
49-80247-1 01-05 JR
For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric
shock, or to pravent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
Aft ranges
If you pull tile range out flom the wall tbr any reason, make S/lie tile device is properly
engaged when you push tile range back against tile wall. If it is not, there is a possible risk of
the range dpping oxer and causing ioju U if you or a child stand, sit or lean on an open door
Please refer to the Anti-Tip device infonnaOon shipped with the device and ill this manual.
Failure to take this plecaution could iesuh ill tipping of tile range and il_nry.
can tip andinjury could result.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the wall and floor by installing the
Anti-tip device supplied.
Tocheck if the device is installed and engaged properly, remove the storage drawer
and inspect the rear leveling leg. Make sure # fits securely into the slot.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, secure the attached Anti-tip bracket, under
the rear countertop.
Tocheck if the device is installed and engaged properly, lower the oven door and gently
apply medium force at the handle end until movement of the range is detected. Continue
pressing until the anti-tip bracket is engaged andmovement stops. A small amount of
movement is acceptable at the back of the range top but # should be stable and not tip
once the anti-tip bracket is engaged.
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of California to
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other raproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide during
the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation
fan or hood.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precaufions should be followed, including the following:
Use this appliance only %r its intended
purpose as described ill tills )wners
Be sure your appliance is properly
installed and grounded by a qualified
installer in accordance with tile provided
installation instructions.
Haxe tile installer show you tile location of
tile circuit breaker or fllse. Mark it for easy
Do not attempt to repair or replace ally
part of your range unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other
ser\_icing should be refeITed to a qualified
• (
Before performing any service, disconnect
tile range power supply at tile household
distcibution panel by removing tile fllse or
switching off the ciivuit breaken
Do not leave children alone----dfildren
should not be left alone or unattended in
an aiea where all appliance is ill use. They
shou]d nexer be allowed m sit or stand oil
any part of tile appliance.
Do not allow anyone m climb, stand or
hang oil tile dooi; storage drawer or
cookmp. They could damage file range
and e_en tip it o_el; causing severe
personal injm T.
Do not operate the oven or cooktop controls if the glass is broken. Foodsplatter or cleaning solution
mav penetrate a broken control panel or cooktop and create a risk of electrical shock. Contact a
qualified technician immediately should },ourglass control panel or cooktop become broken.
Do trot store flammable matelials in an
oxen or near file cooktop.
CAUTION: Items of irrterest to
childlen should not be stored in cabinets
aboxe a range or on the back of a rang_--
children climbing on the range to reach
items could be seriously injm_ed.
Never wear loose-fitting or hanging
g_mnents while using the appliance. Be
careflfl when xeaching fox items stored
o_er tire range. Flammable mam_ial could
be ignited if brougtr t in corrtact with hot
surface units or beating elements and may
cause se\_re bnrns.
Use only dU pot holders--moist or damp
pot holders on hot surfimes m W result in
burns fiom steam. Do not let pot holders
touch hot surfiace units or heating
elements. Do not use a towel or oflxer
bulky cloth in place of pot holders.
Do not use water on grease fires. Never
pick up a flaming pan. Turn the corrtrols
off. Smother a flaming pan on a sni/_tce
unit by cove_ing the pan completely with
a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or fiat tray.
Use a mnlu-pnrpose dU chemical or
foam-type fire exfinguishen
Flaming grease outside a pan can be put
out by coveting it with baking soda ox, if
available, by using a multi-puq)ose dU
chemical or foam-type rixe exfinguishen
Flame in the o_en can be smothered
completely by closing tire oxen door arm
turning the oxen off or by using a mnlti-
puq)ose d U chemical or foam-type fire
Fox your safety, never use your appliance
for wanning or heating the room.
Do not let cooking gaease or other
flammable matexials accumulam ira or
near tire range.
Do not much file snrPace units, rixe
heating elements or tire irrterior surJCace
of the oven, These surPaces may be hot
enougtr to burn even though flxey are dark
in colox: Dining and after use, do not
touch, or let clothing or other flammable
materials corrtact the surface units, areas
nearby the surPace units or any irrmrior
area of the ox>n; allow sufficient time for
cooling first.
Potentially hot sni/_aces irrclude tire
cookmp, areas facing the cookmp, oxen
_ent opening, surfaces near the opening,
crevices around the oven doon
REMEMBER:The irrside sniiCace of dxe oven
may be hot when the door is opened.
Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in the vicinity of this or arty other
Kee I) the hood arm grease filters clean
to maintain g_od x>nfing arm to ax_id
grease fires.
Teach children not to play with tire
cormols or arty other part of the rang_.
Always kee I) dish towels, dish cloths, pot
holders arm other linens a safe distance
from your rang_.
Always kee I) wooden arm plastic umnsils
arm canned food a safe distance fiom
vonr range,
Always kee I) combustible wall cox_iing:s,
curtains or drapes a safe distance fiom
voHr rang_.
Cookmeat andpou/trgthomughlg--meat to atleast an iNTERNALtemperatureof 160°Fandpoultrg
toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°/?.Cookingtothesetemperaturesusuallgpretectsagainst
Use proper pan size--select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit
heating element. The use of undersized cookware will expose a portion of the surface unit to direct
contact and may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of cookware to surface unit will
also improve efficiency.
Never leaxe the surt_ace units unattended
at high heat setting:s. Boiloxers cause
smoking arrd gIeasy spillox_rs that may
catch on fire.
Only certain wpes of gtass, glassA'eramic,
earthenware or other ,glazed containers ale
suitable for cooktop service; others may
break because of tile sudden chang> ira
To minimize tire possibiliw of bnlTlS,
ignition of flammable mamrials arrd
spillage, the handle of a corrminer should
be turned toward tire center of tile rang>
wJthont exmnding o\_r nearby snrfitce
Always ulrn tile surface units off befbIe
remo\'ing cookware.
When preparing flaming foods under tile
hood, umr fire _an on.
Use care when ranching tire cookmp. Tire
grass snrPace of tile cookmp will retain heat
after fire cormols have been tUllred off:
Kee I) an eye on foods being fried at high
or medium high heat setting:s.
Foods for flTing should be as &T as
possible. Frost on fiozen foods or moisun_e
on flesh foods can cause hot f:at to bubble
up arrd ox>r tile sides of the pan.
Use litde l_atfor effective shallow or deep
fht flTing. Filling tire pan too flfll of£_t can
cause spillox>rs when food is added.
If a combination of oils or l_atswill be used
in flTing, sill tog>ther before heating, or
as l_atsmelt slowly.
Alwws heat l_atslowly, arrd watch as it heats.
Use a deep Pat themromemr whenever
possible to ple\ent ox>rheating l_atbeyond
fire smoking point.
Avoid scramhing fire gtass cookmp. Tile
cookmp can be scratched with items such
as sharp irrstruments, rings or ofllerjeweh>
arrd rivets on clothing.
i,arg_ scratches or impacts to glass
doors or cooktops can lead to broken
or shattered glass.
Do not operate tire radiant snifi_ce units if
the glass is broken. Spillovers or cleaning
solution m W penetram a broken cooktop
and cream a risk of elecuical shock.
Corrtact a qualified mchnician immediately
should your glass cooktop become broken.
Nexer use tire grass cooktop sml_ace as a
cutting board.
Do not place or store items that can melt
or catch fire on tire grass cooktop, ex_n
when it is not being used.
Be carefld when placing spoons or other
surfing utensils on grass cooktop sml_ace
when it is in use. They m W become hot
arrd could cause bums.
Clean the cooktop widr caution. If a wet
sponge or clodr is used to wipe spills on a
hot surl2rce unit, be caieflfl to mold steam
bnnas. Some cleaners can produce
noxious flm/es if applied to a hot surl_ace.
NOTE: V\:e recommend that you mold
wiping arty snriCace nnit aieas nnfil they
have cooled arrd fire indicator ligtrt has
g_ne off. Sugar spills are the exception to
this. Please see tile gloaning the glass
cooktop section.
_llen the cookmp is cool, use only the
CE_ BRYTE ¢'_Ceramic Cooktop
Cleaner arrd the CE_ BRYTE
Ceramic Cookmp Cleaning Pad m clean
file cookmp.
To ax_id possible damage m tire cooking
surface, do not apply cleaning cream m
tile glass surface when it is hot.
After cleaning, use a d U cloth or paper
towel to remove all cleaning cream
Read and follow all instructions arrd
warning:s on tile cleaning cream labels.
Stand away from the range when opening the oven door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause
bums to hands, face and/or eyes.
Do *lot heat unopened food containers.
Pressure could build/l I) and die container
could burst, causing all iI_/l]_].
Kee I) tile ox.en x.ent unobstructed.
Kee I) tile ox.en flee flom grease bnildup.
Place the ox.en rack in tile desired position
while tile ox.en is cool. If racks must be
handled when hot, do not let pot holder
contact file heating elements.
_4]len using cooking or roasting bags in
file oven, follow file manulCacturer's
Pulling out tile rack to tile stop-lock is a
comenience ill lifting heax T tbods. It is also
a precantion against bniTlS fl'OIlI tonching
hot surPaces of tile door or oxen walls.
Do not use the ox.en to dlT newspapers.
If ox.erheamd, they call catch on fire.
Do not use die ox.en for a storag.e area.
Imms stoi.ed ill all ox.en call ignite.
Do not lem.e paper products, cooking
umnsils or food ill tile ox.en when not
ill use.
Do not use aluminunl %il to lille oxen
bottoms, except as suggested in this
mannal. Improper installation of
almninun_ foil may resuh ill a risk of
electric shock or fire.
Donot use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner or oven liner protective coating of any kind
should be used in or around any part of the oven. Residue from oven cleaners will damage the inside
of the oven when the self-clean cycle is used.
Do not clean file door gasket. Tile door
gasket is essential %r a g_od seal. Care
should be taken not to rub, damag.e or
mox.e tile gasket.
Before self-cleaning tile ox.en, remox.e
tile racks, broiler pan, gdd and other
Be sure to wipe/l I) excess spillage be%re
starting tile self-vleaning operation.
If die self-cleaning mode malflmcdons,
turn tile oven off and disconnect file
power supply. Hm.e it serviced by a
qualified technician.
Clean only parts listed ill this Owner's
Usingthesurface units.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
How to Set
3 7
4 6
Be sure you turn the control
knob to OFF when you finish
Push tile knob in and turn in either
direction to tile setting you want.
stay on evenafter theunit is turned off.
glow unrume unlr is cooied to approximately 150<_£
At both OFFand HI tile control clicks into
position. You may hear slight clicking sounds
during cooking, indicating the control is {_./_j_ I HI
keeping the power level you set. L0_ i_ 9
A HOTSURFACE indicator light, on tile 1 I _!_ li 8
cooktop, will glow when any radiant element 2 i_ _ "
is turned on. It will remain on until tile 3 6
\ / 7
st/rtilce is cooled to approximately 150°F. 4 5
Hot surface indicator light will:
comeon when the unit is hot to the touch.
Tile WARM setting on tile right REARsudhce
trait keeps ah'eadv heated fi)od wam_ tmtil
rea(h to serve. Do not use to heat cold food.
Dual Surface Un# Control Knob
Then)ht front surfaceunit has 2 cookingsl_esto
select fromso youcanmatch thesl2eof the unit to SMAU. (_ LARGE
the size of the cookwareyou are using. #/,HI _,_ I
tile ,,,nt,',,1 knob t,, tile SMArt settings. _ I ]
To use tile large (9-inch) smtm-e trait, mrn 4 '\_. _, //]
tile control knob to tile MRGEsettings. "%0 2!
\ _ t 6
The following information will help you choose cookwara which will give good performance on glass cooktops.
About the radiant surface units...
The radiant cooktop teatm'es heating
Never cook direct y o17TRegross.
aIwa} s use cooKware.
Always place the pan f17the center of
the surface unit you are cookflTgon.
andwill disappearin ashort time.
The smti_ce unit will cycle on and off to
maintain your selected control setting.
It is safe to place hot cookware on the
glass suriilce even when the cooktop
is cool.
Even after the sm'ti_ce units are turned
off, the glass cooktop retains enough
heat to continue cooking. To avoid
ore>coo!ring, YelllOVe pans t1"oI11 the
sm'fi_ce milts when the fl)od is cooked.
Avoid plating anything on the smti_ce
refit tmfil it has cooled completely.
Temperature Limiter
Every radiant smta(e refit has a
temperatm'e limited:
The temperature limiter protects the
glass cooktop fl'om getting too hot.
Do not slide cookwara across the
cooktop because # can scratch the
glass--the glass is scratch-rasistant,
not scratch-proof.
Don'tstoreheavy !ternsabovethe cooktop.
If they droponto thecooktop, theycancause
The temperature limiter may cycle
the milts off fi)r a time if':
Thepan boils dry
Thepan bottom/s not f/at
Thepan is off center
Thereisno pan on the unit
The following information will help you choose cookware which will give good performance on glass cooktops.
(' i!
Check pans for flat bottoms by
using a straight edge.
Stainless Steel'.
heavyweight recommended
(;ood con(luctix]q:. Muminun_ residues
son_etimes appear as scratches on the
cooktop, but can be relnoved if cleaned
ilmnediatelv: Because of its low nmlting
point, lightweight ahmfilmln should not
be used.
CoI)per may leave residues which can
appear as scratches. The residues can
be removed, as long as the cooktop is
cleaned immediately. However; do not let
these pots boil (liT: Overheated metal can
bond to glass cooktops. An overheated
COl)per bottom pot will leave a residue
that will pemmnenfly stain the cooktop
if not relnoved imlnediatelv
usable,butnot recommended
Poor perlbmmlwe. May scratch the
usable,butnot recommended
Poor perlimnance. May scratch the
Home Canning l_ps:
Be sure the caxmer is centered over the
sm_fhce unit.
Make sm'e the cromer is fiat on the
Use redpes and procedures fl'Oln
reputable sources. These are available
fl'Oln manufi_cture_ such as Ball '_and
KerI _'_and the Del)artment of Agriculture
Extension Service.
To prevent burns fl'om steam or heat,
use caution when canning.
Pans with rounded, curved, ridged
or warped bottoms are not
Use only fiat-bottomed woks.
Porcelain-Enamel CoveredCastIron:
_&_long as the cookware is covered
completely with porcelain enamel, this
cookware is recommended. Caution is
recommended fin" cast iron cookware
that is not coml)letely covered with
smooth porcelain elmmel, since it inav
scratch the glass ceralnic cooktop.
Do not rise i'otlnd-bottoill woks. _)tl
could be seriously burned if the wok
tipped ovei;
] F
Note: Rat-bottomed camTersare
required for glass cooktops.
Observethe Following Points in Canning
Pots that extend bewmd 1" of the
surfilce unit's circle are not
x'ecommended for most surfi_ce
cooking. However, when canning
with wate_q)ath or pressure canne_;
large>diameter pots may be used.
This is because boiling water
temperatures (even trader pressure)
are not harmflfl to tile cooktop
surtaces surrounding the surtilce units.
OTHER THAN WATEP,. Most syrup or
sauce inixtures--and all Vpes of
fl'ying---cook at telnperatures much
higher than boiling water: Such
temperatm'es could eventually harm
the glass cooktop surtaces.
] Be Stli'e the canner fits oxer tile
center of tile suriace trait. If your
cooktop or its location does not
allow the canner to be centered
on the sm'thce trait, use smalle>
diameter pots tot good canning
Flat-bottomed canners must be
used. Do not use canners with
flanged or rippled bottoms (otten
tO/md in enamelware) because
they don't make enough contact
with the surtace traits and take a
long time to boil water.
X'_hen canning, use recipes and
procedm'es from reputable
som'ces. Reliable redpes and
procedures are awfilable from tile
II/[Intlt_lCttlI'eI" of yO/li" c[innei';
ii/antlt;iCttlFei's of glass.ja_s lot
camdng, such as Ball ®and Kerr `=
brand; and tile United States
Department of Agriculture
Extension Se_wice.
[] Remember that cannino_ is. a
NOTE: If your house has low voltage,
canning may take longer than expected,
even though directions have been
carefully followed. The process time will
be shortened by'.
(1) using a pressure canner and
(2) starting with HOTtap water for fastest
process that generates large
_lIllO/IntS of ste_lIl/, To avoid b/lI'ns
fl'om steam or heat, be carefifl
when canning.
heating of large quantities of water
Safe canning requires that harmful
microorganisms are destroyed and that
thejars are sealed completely. When
canning foods in a water-bath canner,
a gentle but steady boil mustbe
maintained for the required time. When
canning foods in a pressure canner, the
pressure must be maintained for the
required time.
After you have adjusted the controls,
it is very important to make sure the
prescribed boil or pressure levels are
maintained for the required time.
Since you mustmake sure to process
the canningjars for the prescribed
time, with no interruption in processing
time,do not can on any cooktop
surface unit if your canner isnot flat.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
o BAKE Pad
Press O/is pad to select tile bake fimcdon.
Shows tile time of day, oven temperature,
whether tile o_en is in tile bake, broil or
selfk-leaning mode and tile times set for
tile tiiller or _ltltOli/_ltic o'_en opei'ations.
If "F-and a numberor letter" flash in the displayand the
ovencontrol m_?na/s,this indicatesa function errorcode.
Ifyourovenwas set for a flYneflovenoperationand
a power outageoccurred,the clockand aft programmed
functionsmust be reset
Thetime of day will flash in the display when therehas
beena power outage.
Press this pad and then press tile ntllllber
pads to set tile all/Otlnt of time }ou want
vat:u"food to cook. Tile oxen will shut off _'_
when the cooking time has run out.
Use along with COOKING TIME or SELF
CLEANLO/STD pads to set tile oxen to start
and stop automatically at a time _ou set.
Press this pad to cancel ALL oxen
operations except tile clock and timei:
o Number Pads
Use to set am flmction requiting numbers
such as tile time _ffday on tile clock, tile
time_; tile oven temperature, tile start time
and length of operation fin" timed baking
and self:cleaning.
Must be pressed to start an) cooking or
cleaning fimction.
Press this pad to select tile self=cleaning
flmction. See tile Using the self-cloaning
oven section.
Press this pad to turn tile o_en light on
OI" 0][]['.
Press this pad to select tile broil function.
Press this pad before setting tile clock.
Press this pad to select tile timer teatm'e.
Usingtheoven. www.GEAppliances.com
Toavoid possible bums, place the racks in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin...
Theoven has 7 rack positions.
Tile racks have stops, so that when placed
correctly on tile supports (A through G),
they will stop before confing completely
out, and will not flit.
\,_]/en pladng and removing cookware,
pull tile rack out/mtil it stops.
Toremove a rack, pull it toward you, tilt
tile fl'ont end up and pull it out.
Toreplace, place tile end _ff tile rack
(stop-locks) on the suI)port, tilt up the
fl'ont and push the rack in.
rackin the/owestposition (,4).youwH/need to
usecautionwhen puffing the rackout We
recommendthat youpuff the rackout several
inchesand then.using two pot holders,puff the
rackout by ho/ding thesidesof it Therack is low
andyou couldbe burnedif youplace yourhand in
the middle,of therackand pu//a// the way out Be
verycarefulnot to burnyour hand on the door
when using therack in the/owestposition CA).
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
[] Press tile BAKE pad.
] Press tile number pads to set tile
desired temperatm'e.
[] Press the START pad.
[] Check fi)od fi)r aloneness at
minimum time on recipe. Cook
longer if necessm3'.
[] Press tile CLEAR/OFFpad when
cooking, is coml)lete.
NOTE:A coolingfanmayautomaticallyturnon
andoff tocoolinternalparts.Thisisnormal,and
in turnedoff.
TypeofFood Rack Position
Frozenpies(oncookiesheet) CorD
Angelfoodcake A
Bundtorpoundcakes BorC
Biscuits,muffins,brownies, CorD
Casseroles CorD
Turkey A
If baking Ibm" cake layers at tile same time,
place two lave_ on rock g anti two lave_
on rack D. Stagger pans on the rock so
one is not directly above tile othe_:
Center baking pans in the oven.
Cut slits in the foil just like the grid.
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preheat tile oven if'tile recipe calls fin" it.
Preheating is necessary fin" good _esults
when baking cakes, cookies, past_ y and
Topreheat,set theovenat the correcttemperature.
Thecontrol wi// beepwhen the ovenis preheated
andthe &splay wi// show yourset temperature.
Thiswi// take approximately6 to 8minutes.
Aluminum Foil
Ym can use ahmfinum fifil to line tile
broiler pan and broiler grid. Howe\'e_;
VOlt IlltlSt I/lold tile toil tightly to tile grid
and cut slits in it just like tile grid.
_4]thout tile slits, tile toil will prevent tht
and meat juices fl'om draining into the
broiler pan. The juices could become
hot enough to catch on fire. If you
do not cut tile slits, you are essentially
fl'ying, not broiling.
Baking results Mll be better if baking
pans are centered in tile oven as inuch
as possible. If baking with inore than one
pan, place the pans so each has at least
1 to 1½" of air space aro/md it.
Donot usealuminum foil on thebottom of
the oven.
Never entirely cover a rack with
ahmfinmn fifil. This will disturb tile heat
circulation and result in poor baking.
A smaller sheet of foil may be used to
catch a spillover by placing it on a lower
rack several inches below the toed.