Safety Infol_nation
Safety Precautions ...... 2-4
Operating InsO'uctions
Cookware Tips .......... 6-7
Dual Surface Unit ......... 5
Surface Units ............ ,5
Temperature I,imiter ...... 7
Care and Cleanil_g
Conuol Knobs ........... 8
Glass Cooktop ........ 9-10
Troubleshootil_ Tips .. 11
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ...... 14
r, , •
W,arrant3 . .............. 13
Write the model and
serial numbershere:
Model #
Serial #
You can lind them on
a label under the cooktop.
229C4020P255 29-5018 12-OOJR

For your safe_ the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or
explosion, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including
the following:
iJ_i:_Use this appliance only for iLsintended use
as described ill this manual.
ij_::_Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of your cooktop unless it is specifically
recommended in this manual. All other
se,_icing should be refened to a qualified
ij_::_l',efb,> perfbmfing rely se,vice, disconnect
tile cookmp power supply at the household
disuibution panel by removing the fuse or
switching of[ tile circuit breaker.
ij_::_Be sure _xmr appliance is properly installed
and gTounded 1)yaqualified technician ill
acco_xlmlce with tile provided installation
_ Have file installer show you file location of
tile circuit breaker or filse. Mark it for easy
iJ_i:_Do not leave chikhen alone-chil(ken
shouM not be left alone or unattended in
all a,ea where an appliance is ill use. They
should never be allowed m sit or stand on
ally part of tile appliance.
_ Teach chikhen not to play wifll file
conm_ls or aW other part of file cooktop.
iJ_i:_Do not allow an_)ne to climb, stand or
hang on tile cooktop.
CAUTION: temsofinterestto
childien should not be smie(1 in cabineLs
above a cooktoI>-childIen climbing on the
cooktop m ,each items could be seriously
iJ_i:_Alx_vtyskeep dish towels, (fish cloths, pot
holders and other linens a safe distance
mvay fi_ml your cookmp.
iJ_::;Always keep wooden and plastic utensils
and canned food a safe distauce mvay from
your cooktop.
_ Never wear loose-fitting or hmlging
gammnts while using tile applimlce.
Flammable material couM be ignited if
brougtlt in conlact with hot snrface units
and may cause severe burns.
ij_::;Use only (hy pot holders-moist or damp
pot hoMers on hot smthces may rx_sult in
bums flom steam. Do not let pot holders
touch hot snrface units. Do not use a tox_l
or other bulky cloth. Such doths can catch
fire on a hot snrface unit.
_; For your safety, never use your appliance
for warming or heating tile room.
_ Do not use water on g_xmsefires. Never
pick up a flaming pan. Turn tile conmfls
offLSmother a flaming pail on a snrlace
unit 1)ycovering the pail completely with
well fitting lid, cookie sheet or flat uay. Use
a nmlti-purpose dU chemical or foam-type
Flaming gTease outside a pail call be put
out by covering with baking soda or, if
available, by using a multi-purpose (hy
chemical or fbam-bloe fire exting_dsher.
_ V_qmnflaming foods are under tile hood,
turn file fau on.
ij_::_Always keep combustible wall coverings,
olrtains or drapes a safe distance from your
Cookmeatandpoultry thoroughly--meat to at least anINTERNALtemperatureof 160°Eandpoultry
to atleast an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingto thesetemperaturesusuallypmtectsagainst

(i_i:DO not let cooking g_ease or otimr
flammable materials accumulate on tim
_ Do not touch surface uniLs.These surfaces
may be hot enough u) burn even tilough
they are daft<in color. During and after use,
do not touch, or let clothing or otimr
flammable materials contact tire smtace
units or areas neafl)y the smtace units;
allow s/dticient time for cooling first.
Potentially hot surfaces include tire
cooktop and areas facing dm cooktop.
ijh::;To minimize tire possibility of burns,
ignition of flamnmble materials and
spillage, tire handle of a container should
be turned toward tim center of tire cooktop
without extending over any neafl)y sm_ace
iJhi:;Always turn tire smla(:e unit control to off
1)efibre removing tire cookware.
ij_::;Use proper pan size-Select cookware
having flat bottoms large enough u) cover
tim smihce unit heating element. The use
of undersized cookware will expose a
portion of tire surface unit to direct contact
and may result in ignition of dothing.
Proper relationship of cookware to burner
will also improve efficiency.
iJ_i:;Nexvr leave sin:thee units unattended at
high heat settings, l_filovers cause smoking
and g_easy spillovers that may catch on fire.
ij_::;Only certain types of glass, glass/ceranfic,
earthenware or other glazed containers are
suitable fi)r cooktop cooldng; others may
break because of the sudden change in
_ Keep an eye on foods being flied at high or
medium high heat settings.
_ Use little fat fi_r ettective shallow or deep4at
fl-ving. Filling tire pan too fldl offat can
cause spillovers when food is added.
_; Ira confl)ination of oils or fats will be used
in t-ring, stir uNether before heating, or as
faLs melt slowly.
!_:7Always heat fat slowly, and watch as it heats.
_ Use a deep fat timrmometer whenever
possible to prevent overheating fat beyond
tire smoking point.
_ Never tt), to move a pair of hot fat,
especially a deep fat flyer. Wait until tire fat
is cool.
_ Do not store flammable materials near
tire cooktop.
_ Keep tire hood and gTease filters clean U)
maintain good venting and m avoid g_ease
iJ_i:;Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and
liquids in tire vicinity of this or aW
_ Clean only parts listed in this Owner's
ij_::;Do not leave paper products, cooking
utensils or fi_od on tim cookmp when not
in use.
_ Keep cooktop clean and five of
accumulation of g_ease or spillovers
which may ignite.
_ Never heat unopened fk_od conlainers.
Pressure buildup may make container
burst and cm_se in ju U.
_ Never leave jars or cans offat drippings
on or near your cooktop.
_ Foods for flying shouM be as (h T as
possible. Frost on frozen foods or moisture
on flesh foods can cause hot fat to bubble
up and over tire sides oftim pan.

Use care when touching the cooktop. Theglass surface of the cooktop will retain heat after the
controls have been turned off.
iJ_i:_Avoid scratching tile glass cooktop.
The cooktop can be scratdmd with items
such as sharp insul_ments, rings or other
jewel U and rivets on dothing.
_ Never use file glass cooktop stHih(:e as a
cntting board.
_ Do not place or store items on top of dm
glass cooktop smihce when it is not in use.
iJhi:_Be careful when placing spoons or other
stilling utensils on glass cooktop sui_h(:e
when it is in use. They may become hot and
could cause burns.
_;Avoid heating an empty pan. Doing so may
damage dm cooktop and tile pan.
_; Do not allow water, other liquids or g_ease
to remain on tile cooktop or control panel.
_ To minimize tile possibility ofburns, always
be certain fllat tile conux_ls f0r all snrface
uniLs ale at tile offposifion and the enfile
glass surface is cool betble attempting to
dean the cookmp.
iJhi:;Do not operate dm glass su_thce units if
the glass isbroken. Spillovers or cleaning
solution may penetrate a broken cooktop
and create a risk of elecuical shock.
Contact a qualified technician immediately
should your glass cooktop become broken.
iJhi:;(]lean tile cooktop widl caution. Ira _t
sponge or dotll is used to wipe spills on a
hot su_:[h(:eunit, be careful to avoid steam
bums. Some cleansers can produce
noxious flmms if applied to a hot sn_ta(:e.
NOTE."We recommend fllat you avoid
wiping any su_th(:e unit areas until flmy
have cooled and tile indicau_r light has
gone oftLSugar spills ale the exception to
this. Please see the Cleaning the Glass
Cooktop section.
_qlen tile cooktop is cool, use only tile
recommended deaning cream to dean tile
iJhi:_To axxJd possible damage to tile cooldng
sui_hce, do not apply file cleaning cream to
tile glass surface when it is hot.
_ After cleaning, use a dly doth or paper
towel lo lemove all tile cleaning cl_am
iJ_i:_Read and ff)llow all instnlctions and
warnings on the cleaning cream labels.

Usingthesurface units, www.GEAppliancescanada.com
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
How to Set
CE _
NG ®_
Never cook directly on the glass.
Always use cookware.
Always place tlTepan in tlTecenter of
the surface unit you are cooking on.
Push the knob in and mrn in either
direction to tl_e seuing you want.
At both OFFand/4/dm control clicks
into position. You may hear slight
clicking sounds during (ooking,
indicating dm control is keeping tile
power level you seL
Cooktop temperatures increase whh the
number of surlhce units tl,at are on. \.Vid,
3 or 4units turned on, sub,timetemperatures
are high so be cmefid when touching die
A HOTSURFACEindicator light _dllglow
when aW radiant element is turned on,
and will remain on undl dm snvlime is
The control must be pushed in to set only
flom tile OFFposition. When tile conuol
is in any position odler than OFF,it may be
rotated _dd, out pushing it in.
The UNITON indicau_r light will glow
when any su_:a_ e unit is on.
Be sure you turn the control knob to OFF
tooled to approximately 150°F.
>_It comeson when the unit ishot to the touch.
i2 Itglowsbwhfly untiltheunitiscooledto
when you finish _ooking.
About the radiant surface units...
Tile radiant cooktop features heating
units beneath a smooth glass surlace.
NOTE"Asfl)ht odorisnormalwhenanew
cooktopis usedforthefirsttlkne.It/s causedby
andwi//disappearina shortrime.
Tile surfhce unit _dll _ycle on and ()flu)
maintain your selected control setting.
It is safe to place hot cookware tiom the
oven or surlace on tile glass cooktop
when tile sudilce iscool. Donotslide
Even after the surfhce units are turned /X_ DRAGGING_ thecooktop
off; the glass cooktop retains enough heat _ becauseitcan
to continue cooking. To avoid over- _ scratchthe
cooking, remove pans fi'om the sur[hce Isscratch
units when the food is cooked. Avoid
plating anything on the sudhce unit until scratchproof
it has cooled completely.
>_Waterstains (mineraldeposits)are removable
using the cleaningcream or full strength white
i2 Useof windowcleanermayleavean
::Ji:Donot use thesurface as acuttingboarc{
Theright front surface unit has 2
cooking sizes to select from so you
can match the size of the unitto the
size of tlTecookware you are using.
Dual Surface Unit Knob (onsomemodels)
To use tile lmge (9 inch) surfa(e unit,
[llI'II tile COILSELECTknol) clock_dse to
@. Push in and turn the (onuol knob to
the desired setting. The unit will heat the
entire area contained by the larger circle.
To use tile small (6 inch) sudace
unit, mrn tile COILSELECTknob
counterclockxdse to O. l'ush in and
mrn the conuol knob to the desired
setting. The unit will only heat the mea
inside the smaller circle.

The following information will help you choose cookware which will give good performance on glass cooktops.
Check pans for flat bottoms by
using a straight edge.
Stainless Steel'.
Good ('ondu('ti_dty.Alumimml residues
sometimes appem as scratches on the
cookmp, but can be rem()ved if cleaned
imme(fiately. Because of its low melling
point, thin weight ahmfimm_ should not
be used.
Copper may leave residues which can
appear as scratches. The residues (:an be
removed, as long as tlle co(Mop is
cleaned immediately. However, do not let
these pots boil dry. Overheated metal can
bond to glass cooktops. An overheated
copper bottom pot will leave aresi&le
tllat willpermanendy stain tile cooktop if
not rem()ved imme(fiately.
PorcelainEnamel Covered Cast Iron:
As long as die cookwme is covered
completely with porcelain enamel, this
cookwme is recommended. Caution is
recommended fi)r cast iron (ookwme
tllat is not completely c()vered _ddl
smood_ porcelain enamel, as it may
scratch die glass ceramic cooktop.
usable,butnot reconTmended
Poor pe_tbrmance. May scratch tile
usable,but not recommended
Poor pexti)rmance. May scratch tile
Pans with rounded, curved, ridged
or warped bottoms are not
Do not place wet pans
on the glass cooktoP.
Do not use woks with support
rings on the glass cooktop:
Use flat-bottomed woks
onthe glass cooktop,
For Best Results
1lace only (hy pans on tile surface
units. Do not place lids on tile surf,Ice
units, particularly wet lids.
Do not use woks that have support
rings. This type of wok will not heat
on glass surthce units.
5_.iWe recolnlnend that you use only a
flat-bottomed wok. They are available
at your local retail store. The bottom
of the wok should have the same
diameter as the surfilce unit to insure
proper (onta(t.
;i;Some special cooking procedures
require specific cookware such as
pressure cookers, deep tat fiyers, etc.
All cookware must have fiat bottoms
and be the correct size.

Temperature Limiter
EveiT radiant sudilce unit has a
tenlperature linliter.
The teinperamre liiniter protects the
glass cookt()p fioln getting too hot.
Observethe Following Points in Canning
of tile surtace unit's circle are not
I'ots that extend beyond 1incll
re/'t)lillllended till" lilt)St Slll'I_/('e
Right! cooking. However, when canning
with water-bath or pressure canner,
larger-dianleter puts inW be used. This
is because boiling water telnperamres
(even under pressure) are not harnlflll
Wrong! to tile cooktop SUl'fhces surrounding
Note: Flat-bottomed canners are
requiredforglasscooktops. HOWEVER, DO NOT USE lARGE
tile SUllhce units.
OTHER THAN "v\L*_TER.Most s)Tup or
sauce nlixmres--:uld all Upes oftiying
cook at telnperatures nmch higher than
boiling water. Such tenlperamres could
evenulally harln the glass cooktop
Be sure tile canner fits over the
(enter of tile sui_a(e unit. If your
cooktop or its location does not
allow the canner to be centered
oil the surtace unit, use smaller
dianleter pots for good canning
Flat-bl)ttonled (anners nlust be
used. Do not use canners xdtll
flanged or rippled bottoins (often
tk)ulld ill enanlehvare) because
they don't inake enough contact
with the surtace units and take a
long tilne to boil water.
When canning, use recipes and
procedures fl'lml reputable
sources. Reliable recipes and
pro(edures are available flonl tile
Tile tenlperamre lilniter nlay {Tcle tile
units ofl tor a tiine if:
i_:Thepan boils dry
_i::Thepan bottom is not flat
_i::Thepan is off cente_
_i::Thereisno pan on the unit
inanuLtcmrer of your canner;
nlanuLmUlreis of glass jars for
canning, such as Ball and Kerr
brand; and the United States
Departinent of Agricuhure
Extension Service.
[] Reineinber that canning is a
process that generates large
anlounts ofstealn. To avoid burns
floin steain or heat, be careflll
when canning.
NOTE."If your househas low voltage,
canning may take longer than expected,
even though directions have been
carefully followed. The process time will
be shortened by:
(1) using a pressure canner, and
(2) starting with HOTtap water for fastest
heating of large quantifies of water
i:_:Safe canning requires that harmful
microorganisms are destroyed and that
thejars are sealed completely. When
canning foods in a water-bath canner,
a gentle but steady boil must be
maintained for the required time. When
canning foods in apressure canner,the
pressure must be maintained for the
required time.
>:After you have adjusted the controls,
it is very important to makesure the
prescribed boil or pressure levels are
maintained for the required time.
>:Since you must make sureto process
the canningjars for the prescribed time,
with no interruption inprocessing time,
do not can on any cooktop surface unit
if your canner is not flat.

Be sure electrical power is off and all surfaces are cool before cleaning any part of the cooktop.
How to Remove Packaging Tape
To assure no &unage is done to the finish
of the product, the safest wayto remove
tile adhesive left fiom pacl%ging tape and
labels on new appliances is an application
ofa househoM liquid dishwashing
detergent, mineral oil or cooking oil.
Control Knobs
Thecontro/knobsmaybe removedfor easier
Before removing tl_e knobs for
cleaning, please note that the knobs
are in the OFFposidon. When replacing
tile knobs, check tile OFF position to
insure proper placement.
Apply with a soft cloth and allowto soak.
Wipe dU and then apply an appliance
polish to thoroughly clean and protect
tile surface.
allparts.Itcannotberemovedifit isbakedon.
Wash knobs in soap and water but do not
soak. Axoid getting water down into d_e
knob stem boles.
The stem has a groox e in each side. Tile
groox e on one side has a spring (:lip.The
odmr groox e is clear. Check the inside of
the knob and find the molded rib.
Replace tile knob by fitting the molded
rib inside the knob into tile clear groove
on the stem.

Cleaningthe glass cooktop, vvww.GEAppliancescanada.com
Normal Daily Use Cleaning
Scotch-Brite* Multi-Purpose
No Scratch scrub sponge
ONLY use the recommended cleaning
(ream, Cerama Butd', on tile glass
cooktop. Other creams inay not be as
To maintain and protect tile sudilce of
your glass cooktop, folh)w tllese steps:
[] Befilre using tile (ooktop for tile
first time, dean it _dtll tile cooktop
cleaning cream. This helps protect
the top and makes clean-up easier.
[] Dailyuse of the cooktop cleaning
cream xdll help keep tile (ooktop
looking new.
Burned-On Residue
WARNING'.DAMAGEto yourg/asssurface
mayoccurif youusescrubpadsotherthan
BLUEScotch-Brite®Muiti-PurposeNo Scratch
[] Allow tile cooktop to cool.
[] Spread a few drops of (_eiatlla
Bute <''to tile entire burned residue
[] Shake the cleaning cream well.
Apply a tew &ops of the (ream
dire(tly to the (ooktop.
[] Use a paper towel or sponge to clean
the entire cooktop smth(e.
NOTE:It/a veryimportantthat youDONOT
heatthecooktopuntilit hasbeencleaned
[] If any residue remains, repeat tile
steps listed above as needed.
[] For additional protection, after
all residue has been removed,
polish tile entre surfa(e with
( eiatila Bute <Pand a paper towel.
NOTE:Razor blade is packed
inverted for safety reasons. Prior to
use, the blade must be rotated and
reinserted flTtoslot. Do not use a
dull or nicked blade.
TheRAZORSCRAPERis available
through our Parts Center. See
instructions under "ToOrder Parts"
section on next page.
[] Using tile scrub sponge, rub tile
residue area, applying pressure as
Heavy, Burned-On Residue
[] Allow tile (ooktop to cool. []
[] Spread a few drops of Cerama
B_Tte<Pto tile entire burned residue []
Hold tile razor scraper at
approximately a 45 o angle against
the glass surfitce and scrape the
soil. It will be necessaty to apply
piesstlie to the iazoi scraper ill
order to remove the residue.
Keep a small amount of cream on
the residue as you s(rape,
After scraping with tile razor
scraper, use tile scrub sponge to
remove any remaining residue.
For additional protection, after all
residue has been removed, polish
the entire surfitce with Cerama
BtTte<Pand a paper towel.