Safety Instructions ........... 2-6
Operating InsCru_¢ions
Broiling (;uide ................ 12
Clock and Timer . ............. 13
Convecuon ............... 15-18
Oven ..................... 10-24
Oven Thermostat .............. 22
Sabbath Feaun_e ............... 21
Self-Cleaning .............. 93, 94
Special Feauues ............ 19, 90
Timed Baking & Roasting ....... 14
Care and Cleaning
Broiler Pan & Grid ............ 97
Control l_obs ................ 95
Glass Cooktop ............. 99, 30
I_ift-Off Oven Door ............ 26
Light ........................ 27
Shelves ...................... 28
SurPaces ..................... 28
Troubleshooting Tips ...... 31-34
Accessories .................. 38
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .... Back Coxer
Product Registration ........ 35, 36
_A'ananty .................... 39
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model # Serial #
You can lind them on a label
behind the storage drawer on the tixmt of the range ti'ame.
164D4290P372-1 49-80220-1 12-03JR
For your safety, the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire, electric shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of fife.
All ranges can tipandinjury could result.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the wall and floor by installing the Anti--tip device supplied.
If the Anti--tip device supplied with the range does not fit this application, use the universal Anti--17p device WB2X7909.
Tocheck if the device is installed and engaged properly, remove the kick panel or storage drawer and inspect the rear leveling leg. Make sure it fits securely into the slot.
If you pull die range out flom dm wall %r any reason, make sure tile device is pioperly engaged when you push tile rang_ back against tile wall. If it is not, there is a possible iisk of
tile rang_ tipping oxer and causing il_juU if you or a child stand, sit or lean on all open door Please refer m tile Anti-Tip device infounation ill this manual. Failure m take this precaution
could Iesult ill tipping of tile rang_ and il)jm>
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of California to
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive
harm, and requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances. The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very small amount of carbon monoxide during
the cleaning cycle. Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
Use this appliance only tbr its intended pm])ose as described in this Owner's
Manual. Be sure your appliance is properly
installed and grounded by a qualified installer in accordance with the provided
installation instructions.
Have tim installer show you file location of die circuit breaker or fllse. Mark it for
easy reference.
Do not atmmpt to repair or replace any part of your range unless it is specifically
recommended in this mamml. All other servicing should be referred to a qualified
Before perforating any se_Mce, disconnect the range power supply at the household
distribution panel by _emoving the fllse or switching off"the ci_vuit breaken
Do not leave children alone_hildren should not be left alone or unatmnded
in an area where an appliance is in use. They should never be allowed to sit or
stand on any part of the appliance. Do not allow anyone to climb, stand or
hang on file doo,; storage drawer or cooktop. They could damage the range
and e_en tip it ovel; causing severe personal inju U.
Do not operate the oven or cooktop controls if the glass is broken. Foodsplatter or cleaning solution may penetrate a broken control panel and create a risk of electrical shock. Contact a qualified technician immediately should your glass control panel become broken.
Do not store flammable materials in an oven or near file cooktop.
CAUTION: temsofinterestto
children should not be stored in cabinets aboxe a range or on the backsplash of
a range-dfildren climbing on the range m _each imms could be seriously injmed.
Nexer wear loose-fitting or hanging g'annents while using the appliance.
Be careflfl when reaching for imms stored oxer the range. Flammable mamfial could be ignited if brought in contact with hot
surface units or heating elements and may cause sexere burns.
Use only dt y pot holders--moist or damp pot holders on hot surPaces m W result in
bums flom steam. Do not let pot holders touch hot sur/aace units or heating
elements. Do not use a towel or oilier bulky cloth in place of pot holders.
Do not use wamr on grease fires. Nexer pick up a flaming pan. Turn the controls
off. Smother a flaming pan on a surface unit by covering the pan completely with
a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or fiat tr W. Use a multi-pm])ose dU chemical or
foam-type fire extinguisher Flaming grease outside a pan can be put
out by covering it with baking soda o_;
it"available, by using a mulfi-pm])ose d U chenfical or foam-type fire exdnguishen
Flame in the oven can be smofllered completely by closing the oven door
and mining the oxen off orby using
a m/llfi-p/llI)ose d U chemical or
foam-type rite extinguisher: For your safety, nexer use your appliance
for warming or heating the room.
Do not operate the oven or cooktop controls if the glass is broken. Foodsplatter or cleaning solution may penetrate a broken control panel and create a risk of electrical shock. Contact a quadded technician immediately should your glass control panel become broken.
Do not let cooldng grease or oilier Do not store or use combustible matelJals,
flammable mamfials accumulam in or
near the rang_. Do not touch fl3e surfi_ce units, fl3e
heating elements or the inmrior surface
of the ox>n. These surthces may be hot enough to bllill even though they are
dark in colon During and after use, do not
much, or let cloflfing or oilier flammable
mamrials contact fl_e surfi_ce units, areas
nearby tim surt_ace units or any inte.rior area of file oxen; allow sufficient time for
cooling first.
Potentially hot surfaces include the
cooktop, areas facing the cooktop, oven \ent opening, s/li_aces near the opening,
crevices around the oven door.
REMEMBER:The inside sui_tce of die oxen
m W be hot when the door is opened.
gasoline or odler flammable vapors and liquids in die vicinity of dlis or any other
Kee I) file hood and grease filmrs clean to maintain g_od x>nting and to mold
grease fires. Teach children not to play with the
controls or any other part of the rang>. Always keep dish towels, dish cloflls, pot
holders and od_er linens a safe distance
fiom your rang_. Always kee I) wooden and plastic umnsils
and canned food a safe distance from
your rang_. Alwws kee I) combustible wall cox>tings,
curtains or drapes a safe distance flom your rang_.
Cookmeatandpoultry thoroughly--meat to at leastan INTERNALtemperatureof 160°Fandpoultry toat least an INTERNALtemperatureof 180°ECookingtothesetemperaturesusuallyprotectsagainst
Use proper pan size--select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit heating element. Theuse of undersized cookware will expose a portion of the surface unit to direct contact and may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of cookware to surface unit will also improve efficiency.
Never leaxe the suiiCace units unattended at
high heat settings. Boiloxers cause smoking and greasy spillox>rs that m W catch on fire.
Only certain types of glass, glassA:eramic,
earthenware or other glazed containers are
suitable for cooktop service; oflmrs m W
break because of the sudden change in
To minimize the possibility of bums, ignition of flammable mamrials and
spillage, the handle of a container should
be mined toward file center of the range without exmnding oxer nearby surt_ace units.
Always t/lill the surl_ace units off before
removing cool<ware.
When preparing flaming foods under die
hood, turn the t_an on.
Use care when touching the cooktop. The glass sur_ace of die cooktop will retain heat
after the controls haxe been turned off:
Kee I) an eye on foods being flied at high
or medium high heat settings.
Use proper pan size--select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit
heating element. The use of undersized cookware will expose a portion of the surface unit to direct
contact and may result in ignition of clothing. Proper relationship of cookware to surface unit will also improve efficiency.
Foods for fiTing should be as dry as possible. Frost on flozen foods or moisulre
on fresh foods can cause hot fat to bubble up and oxer tile sides of tile pan.
Use little f;tt for effecdve shallow or deep f:at flTing. Filling tile pan too fllll of tzat carl
cause spillovers when fbod is added. If a combination of oils or thts will be used
in fiTing, sill together befbre heating, or as thts melt slowly.
:: Always heat laatslowly, and watch as it heats.
Use a deep fat thermonmmr whenever possible to prex>nt ox>rheadng Pat beyond
tile smoking point.
Avoid scratching tile glass cooktop. Tile cooktop can be scratched wifll imms such
as shaql instrmnents, rings or other
jewelu, and rix_ts on clothing.
Do not operam file radiant surface units if the glass is broken. Spilloxers or cleaning
solution may penetrate a broken cooktop and cieam a risk of electrical shock.
Contact a qualified technician inmmdiamly
should your glass cooktop become broken. Nexer use tile glass cooktop surfitce as a
cntfing board.
Do not place or store imms flint can melt
or catch fire on die glass cooktop, exen when it is not being used.
Be careflll when placing spoons or other stirring utensils on glass cooktop surface
when it is in use. They may become hot
and could cause bnl_/ls.
Clean file cooktop widl caution. If a wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a
hot surPace unit, be careflll to avoid steam
bums. Some cleaners carl produce
noxious flnnes if applied to a hot surt_ace.
NOTE,"V(e recommend dlat you axoid
wiping any snrJ_ace unit areas nnfil flmy
haxe cooled and tile indicator light has
g_ne off. Sugarspills are the exception to this. Please see tile Cleaning the glass
cooktop secdon.
When tile cooktop is cool, use only CERAMA BRYTE _ Ceramic Cooktop
Cleaner and tile CE_ BRYTE Cleaning Pad m clean file cookmp.
To avoid possible damag> to die cooking
surthce, do not apply cleaning cream to tile glass sin-face when it is hot.
After cleaning, use a dU cloth or paper
towel to remox> all cleaning cream residue.
Read and follow all instruct.ions and
warnings on tile cleaning cream labels. Larg_ scratches or impacts to glass
doors or cooktops carl lead to bIoken or shattered glass.
Do not leave any items on tile cooktop.
Tile hot air flom tile x>nt may ignite flammable imms and will increase pressure
in closed containers, which may cause
fl/en/ to burst.
Do not leave plastic items on tile
cooktoI)--flley may melt if left mo close
to file \_nt, Do not lilt tile cooktop. Lifting the
cooktop carl lead to damag_ and improper operation of tile rang_.
Stand away from the range when opening the oven door. Hot air or steam which escapes can cause
bums to hands, face and/or eyes.
Do not heat unopened food containers. Pressure could build up and the container
could burst, causing all irljm T.
Kee I) tile oven _ent unobstmcted.
i: Kee I) tile oven flee flom grease buildup.
Place the oxen shelf ill die desired position
while the oxen is cool. If shehes must be
handled when hot, do not let pot holder
contact the heating elements.
When using cooking or roasting bags ill tile oxen, follow the mamffacturer's
Do not use tile oxen to dry newspapers.
If oxerheated, they call catch on fire.
Do not use the oven for a storage area.
hems stored ill all oxen can ignite.
Do not leme paper products, cooking utensils or food ill the oxen when not
ill rise,
Do not use aluminum foil to line oxen
bottoms, except as suggested in this manual, hnproper installation of
aluminum tbil may resuh ill a risk
of electric shock or fire.
Pulling out the shelf to file stop-lock is a
convenience in lifting heax T foods. It is also
a precaution against burns flom touching hot surtZaces of the door or oxen walls.
Do not use oven cleaners. No commercial oven cleaner or oven liner protective coating of any kind
should be used in or around any part of the oven. Residue from oven cleaners will damage the inside
of the oven when the self-clean cycle is used.
Do not clean the door gasket. The door
gasket is essential for a good seal. Care
should be taken not to rob, damag_ or
mow the gasket.
Before self-cleaning the oxen, remoxe the
broiler pan, grid and other cookware. Nickel oxen shehes (on some models)
should be remoxed flom tile oxen before
heginning tile self-clean cycle, or they may discolor
(;ray porcelain-coated oven shehes (on some models) may be cleaned in the oven
during the self-dean cycle. Be sure to wipe off excess spillage before
starting the seltkleaning operation. If tile self-cleaning mode malflmctions,
turn tile oxen off and disconnect the power supply. Hme it ser\_iced by
a qualified technician. Clean only parts listed ill this Owner's
Usingthe surface units.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
How to Set
Be sure you turn the control knob to
OFFwhen you finish cooking.
Push tile knob in and mrn in either direction to tile setting you want.
At both OFFand HI tile control clicks
into position. Ym may hear slight
clickingsotlnds (hlxJng cooking,
indicating the control is keeping the power level you set.
A HOTCOOKTOPindicator light will glow
when any radiant element is turned on,
and will remain on until the surtilce is cooled to approximately 150°E
comeonwhentheunitisturnedonorhot tothetouch.
stayonevenaftertheunitis turnedoff.
8 8
6 r6
(Low) Bread/Pastries (Medium) Chocolate/Butter (Medium) Sauces,Stews,
CreamSoups (Medium) Vegetables (High) Soups(liquid) (High) TeaorCoffee
TheWarmer Guideisfor reference
onlyand the SETTINGthatyou needwill dependonthe amount andtype of food,the starting
temperature of the food andthe
lengthof the holdingtime.
Using the Bridge Burner
To use tile bridge burne_; mrn tile control knob to tile BRIDGE BURNER
For flfll bridge btlrnei" operation, ttli'ii on tile rear burne_:
To use only tile fl'ont burne_; mrn tile control knob to tile FRONTBURNER
Using the Warming Zone
Tile WARMING ZONE, located in tile back center at tile glass stmfhce, will kee I) hot, cooked food at serving temperature.
Ahvavs start with hot fi)o(l. Do not use to heat cold toed. Placing tmcooked or
cold food on tile WARMING ZONE could result in toed-borne illness.
Push and mrn tile control knob to anv desired setting.
For best results, all tbo(ts on the
WARMING ZONEshould be covered with
a lid or almninmn foil. _]/en wamfing pastries or breads, the cover should be
vented to allow II/oisttlre to escape. _Mwa)'s use potholde_ or oven Initts when
reI/lO_lllg fi)od fl'Olll tile WARMINGZONE,
as cookware and plates will be hot.
CAUTION'.Do not warm food on the WARMINGZONEfor more than two hours.
NOTE:Thesurface warmer will notglow red like
the cookingelements.
A HOTslmfi_ce indicator light will glow when tile glass smti_ce is hot and will
remain on tmtil tile smti_ce is cool enough to touch, i,ower settings may not
heat the glass surfi_ce enough to cat_se the
HOTstm'i_ce indicator light to come on.
A WARMINGZONEindicatorlight will glow when tile trait is on.
Donotuseplasticwraptocoverfood.Plastic maymeltontothesurfaceandbeverydifficult todean.
Useon/}/cookwarerecommendedfor top-of-rangecooking.
Dual Surface Unit Control Knob
HI t, _ @HI
L0 2
Thedual surfaceunit has 2 cooking sl2estoselect fromso you canmatch thesize of the unit to the
size of the cookwareyouare usibg.
To use the small (5 or 6 inch) surfllce unit, turn the control knob to the
SMALL BURNER settings.
To use the lalge (8 or 9 inch) stutilce refit, mrn the control knob to the
About the radiant surface units...
Never cook directly on the glass. Always use cookware.
Always place the pan in thecenter of the surface unit youare cooking on.
The radiant cooktop featm'es heating milts beneath a smooth glass sm'fi_ce.
NOTE:A sh)htodorisnormalwhenanew cooktopis usedforthefksttl_ne.Itis causedby
andwilldisappearinashorttime. NOTE:Onmodelswith/ightco/oredg/ass
cooktops,it isnormalforthecookingzonesto changecolorwhenhotorcoolingdown.Thisis
temporan/andwill disappearastheglasscools toroomtemperature.
The sm'fl_ce refit will cycle on and off to maintain your selected control setting.
It is sate to place hot cookware on the glass suitilce ex,en when the cooktop
is cool.
Do not slide cookware across the
cooktop because # can scratch the
glass--the glass is scratch resistant, not scratch proof.
Even after the stmfhce milts are tin'ned ofl_ the glass cooktop retains enough heat
to continue cooking. To avoid eve> cooking, remove pans fl'Oln the surfilce
milts when the food is cooked. Avoid placing an)dfing on the surtilce unit until
it has cooled completely.
Waterstains (mineraldeposits)are removable
using the c/eanlbgcream or full strength white
vinegar Useof wlbdow cleanermay leavean
iridescent film on the cooktop. Thecleaning cream will removethis discoloration.
Don't storeheavy itemsabove thecooktop. If theydrop onto thecooktop, theycancause damage.
Donot usethesurfaceasa cuttingboarcL
Temperature Limiter
Every radiant smthce refit has a
temperatm'e limited:
The temperature limiter protects the glass cooktop fl'om getting too hot.
The temperatm'e limiter may cycle the
milts offlor a time if:
Thepanboils dry. Thepan bottom isnotf/aL Thepan is offcenter Thereisnopan on the uniL
Selectingtypesof cookware. CEA,,,i,,
Thefollowing information will help you choose cookware which will give good performance onglass cooktops.
Check pans for flat bottoms by using astraight edge.
Pans with rounded, curved, ridged or warped bottoms are not
Stainless Steel:
heavy weight recommended
(;ood conductivity. Muminun/residues sometimes appear as scratches on the
cooktop, but can be removed if cleaned immediately. Because of its low melting point, thin weight aluminum should not
be used.
Copper may leave residues which ('_ln appear as scratches. The residues can be removed, as long as the cooktop is cleaned immediately However; do not let
these pots boil dry: Overheated metal can bond to glass cooktops. An overheated
copper bottom pot will leave a residue that will pemmnenfly stain the cooktop
if not rein _wed immediatelv:
Porcelain EnamelCoveredCastIron:
_&_long as the cookware is covered
completely with porcelain enamel, this cookware is recommended. Caution is
recommended for cast iron cookware that is not completely covered with
smooth porcelain enamel, as it may scratch the glass ceramic cooktop.
Poor perfimnance. May scratch the stlrtilce.
Poor pertimnance. May scratch the
StlI'J[il ce.
Home Canning Tips:
Be sure the canner is centered over the surti_ce unit.
Make sm'e the cromer is fiat on the
Use recipes and procedm'es ti'om reputable sources. These are available
fl'oln InanuelctureI_ such as Ball ® and Kerr '_ and the Department _ff Agriculture
Extension Service.
To prevent burns fl'oin steain or heat, use caution when canning.
Flat-bottolned cannei3 ai'e I'eCOIllIllended.
Use _ff water bath canne_ with _ippled bottoms may extend the time required
to bring water to a boil.
Use only flat-bottomed woks.
Wok Cooking
Do not rise wolds that have support tings.
Do not rise i'otlnd bottoIll woks. _J_)tl
could be seriously burned if the wok tipped ove_:
Usingthe ovencontrols.
NOTE: Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Touch this pad to select the self:cleaning
fimction. See the Using the self-cleaning
oven sect.ion.
Touch this pad to select the bake fiu_cfion.
Touch this pad to select the broil function.
O Display
Shows the time of din' o_en temperatm'e,
whether the oven is in the bake, broil or
self:cleaning mode and the times set tiw
the tiiller or _ltltOii/_ltic oven ol)ei';ltions.
If "F- and a numberor letter" flash in the displayand the ovencontrols/_?na&this ihdlcatesa function errorcode.
If your oven was set for a timedoven operationand apower outageoccurred,the dock and a//programmed
functionsmust be reseL
Thet/kneofdaywill flashibthedisplaywhentherehas
Touch this pad befi)re ,setfim,_the clock.
Touch this pad and then touch the nmnber pads to set the amotmt of time you want
w_ur fi_od to cook. The oven will shut off when the cooking time has rtm out.
Use along with COOKINGTIME or SELF
CLEANpads to set the oven to start and
stop atltOmati('allv at a time veil set.
Touch this pad to mrn the o_en light on
OI" 0_.
iV]tlst be touched to start any cooking or
cleaning flmcfion.
Touch this pad to select the tinier feature.
Number Pads
Use to set any fimction reqtfiring numbers
such as the time of day on the clock, the time_; the oven temperatm'e, the start time and length of operation for timed baking and self=cleaning.
Touch this pad to select baking with the
con'_ ection [ilnction.
Touch this pad to select roasting with the
conx ection _ilnction.
Touch this pad to cancel ALL o_en operations except the clock and timer:
USing the oven. CEA,,
Toavoid possib/e bums, place the shelves in the desired posifion before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin.,,
Theoven has 6shelf positions.
The shelves ha_ e stop-locks, so that _])em) placed correctly on the shelf sLq_ports (A
throl_gh F), they _i]] stop be%re comh_g completely ol_t, ;rod _rH]] _Ot tilt.
\_l_e_ placim_g m_d removh_g cook_are, pllll the shell ollt to the blmlp o_ the
To replace, [)]ace the em)(]i of the shelf (stot>]ocks) (m the slq_lx)rt, tilt I_[_ the
f]'(mt m_d pus]] the s]]e]f h_.
CAUTION:Whenyouareus/?_g#_eshdf b the lowestpositionCA),youwi//needtousecaution b_C_enpulling ti_esi_elfout VVorecommendti_at
youpufftheshdf outseveralincha_andthen, usingtwopotholders,pufftheshdf outby
()m] some models, die bake heatim]g e]emem_t is m_der the ovem_ floo_;
Do inlet })]ace [(_ods oral the ovei? b/ittom))
ho/d/agi¢_esides"ofiL Theshdfis lowandyou
middleoftf_es'hdfandpullaNtf_ewayout Be
To remove a shelf, pu]] it toward }ol_
tilt the fr(mt e]_d Iq) ;rod [)ld] it olff.
_d_enusingtheshelfb be lowestposition(A).
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
[] Touch the BAKE pad. [] Touch the nulnber pads to set the
desired temperature.
[] Touch the START pad. [] Check toed tor doneness at
minimum time on recipe, Cook
longer if necessac}.
[] Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad when
cooking, is comi)lete.
Typeof Food Shelf Position
Frozenpies(oncookie sheet) D Angel food cake A Bundt or pound cakes Bor C
Biscuits, muffins, brownies, Cor D cookies,cupcakes,
layer cakes,pies Casseroles Cor D
Turkeyor roast onoffset shelf A
Do not place foods directly on the over floor,
Cut slits in the foil just like the grid.
Preheating and Pan Placement
Preheat the (wen if the recipe calls fbr it. Preh eati _g is _ ecessa r_ {br good res_] ts
w hen ba]d _ g ca kes, co()]d es, pa str} a _ d
Topreheat,settheovenat thecorrecttemperature. ThecontToIwillbeepwhentheovenis"prd_eated
andthedispiaywill showyoursettemperature.
Aluminum Foil
Never cover the oven bottom with a/urn/bum foil
Ym can use aluminmn foil to line the
broiler pan and 1)toiler grid. However; you must mold the fi)il dghfly to the grid
and cut slits in it just like the grid.
Balding res_]ts wi]] be better if balding [)a_s are ce_itered 1_ the ove]_ as milch as
possible. It balding/*_ri[]/ more t]lall o_le pa_L place the pans so each has at ]east 1"
t(> ] ½" of air space arom_d it. ff balding ibm" cake ]avers at the same time, [)]ace
two ]avelN o11 ]_ck g aild two ]aye]s o_] rack D. Stagger [)a_s o]_ the rack so o]_e
is _ot directly abo\e the othe_:
_Munfilmln fi)il Inav also be used to catch a spillovei: To do so, place a slnall sheet
of foil on a lower shell severa] inches below the t0o(1.
Never entirely cover a shelf with alulnilmln ti)il. This will disturb the heat
drculation ai]d result in poor bakii]g.
Usingthe oven.
How to Set the Oven for Broiling
Leave the door open to the broil stop position. The door stays open
by itself, yet theproper temperature is maflTtaflTedf17the oven.
The size, weight, thickness, starting temperature and VOtlI" preference
of doneness will affect broiling times. This guide
is based on meats at refligerator temperature.
"} 771e {7.'£ l)@(ol/l_en! o/
_g'dcuflun, s_Os '7_m_, be(jis
fio/_*lhn; I)*lt_ou *ho_dd t,'_mv thai
cookiuy, it to o_/_ 140] c mean* _ome /ood fioiso_zi_l,_o_;<wnisms m<q _u_'l,iv_'." (Sou_vw_ Food
//oo1¢. }a_zt Kitg:h(I* Guide. {'M)A l¢_,_,fi_ze 195'5.)
[] Place the meat or fish on the broiler
grid in the broiler pan.
[] Follow suggested shelf positions in
the BroilingGuide.
steaksmaybebroi/edbypreheatl)_gthebroi/er andposifioningtheovenshe/fonepomtion
Use LOBroil to cook fi_ods such as
poultx) or thick cuts of meat fl_orotwhlv_, without oxePbrowning them.
Broiling Guide
Food GroundBeef
Rarer Medium
W@ Done
Raret Medium
Well Done
Bakery Product
Bread (toast) English Muffin
Steaks Fillets
Pork Cbops
Well Done
Well Done
Well Done
*See illustration for description of shelf positions.
Quantityand/ or Thickness
1lb.(4 patties) 1/2to3/4"thick 4 Ibs.(12patties)
3/4to 1" thick
1to 11/_Ibs.
1 1/2"thick 2 to 2 1/z Ibs.
1wholecut up 2 to 2 _/zIbs., split lengthwise
2 to 4 slices 2 (split)
1 lb. (V4 to I/2" thick)
2 (1" thick)
2 (I/2 to a/4"thick)
1" thick 2 (i/2,,thick)
2 (1" thick)about 1 lb.
2 (1" thick)about 10 to 12oz.
2 {11/2"thick) about1 lb.
[] Touch the BROIL HI/LO pad once
tor HIBroil
To change, to LOBroil, touch the BROIL HI/LO pad again.
[] Touch the START pad.
[] _q_en broiling is finished, touch
the CLEAR/OFFpad.
10 15 2O
18 20
10 10
10 15
B 8
B 8
4 6 8
10 12
20 25
6 8
10 15
4 9
Steakslessthan3/y, thick aredifficult
tocook rare. Slashfat.
Brusheachsidewith meltedbutter. Broilskin-side-down first.
Spaceevenly.Place Englishmuffinscut- side-upandbrush
with batter if desired, Catthroughbackof
shell, Spreadopen, Brushwith melted
butter beforebroiling andafter half of
broilingtime. Handleandturnvery
carefully.Brushwith lemonbutterbefore
anddaringcooking, if desired.
Turncarefully.Do not turn skinside down.
+ 28 hidden pages