Part No. 164D3333P173 Pub.No. 49-8943 11-98CG

Welcome to the (;E li(mil V.
We're proud of our quality
products and _v are
committed to providing ............
dependable sec,'ice. You'll
see it in this easy-to-use
( )wner's Manual and _x)u'll
hear it in the fl'iendl Vvoices
of Otlf (tlStOillel" servk e
Best ()fall, you'll experience
these values each (lille VOll
tlse vo__irlallge. That's
important, because yore
new range will be part of
your lhmily lor many years.
And we hope g)u will be
part of oilrs for a long time
tO COllie,
We thank you tor bu}ing
GE. We appreciate yore"
purchase and hope you
will cominue to rely on us
whenever you need quality
appliances lot your home.
Staple sales slip or cancelled
check here.
Proof of the original purchase date
is needed to obtain service under
the warran_
Write the model andserial
Youcan find them on a label behind
the range door or behind the storage

GE& You,
A ServicePartnership.
Ask any GEappliance owner andthey will
tefl you we stand behind our products with
unmatched quality service. However, did
you know that most questions result from
simple problems that you can easily fix
yourseff in just a few minutes? This
Owner's Manual can tell you how.
Inside you willtind many
helpful hints on how to use and
maintain your range pr( perly.
Just a little preventive care on
yOllY part can save yo[1 a great
deal ot time and money over the
You'll find many answers to
common problems here.
Ilyou review our chart ot
Troubleshooting Tips first,
you may not need to call tot
service at all.
Safety Information
Anti-tip Device ............. 4
SafetyPrecautions........ 5-7
Oven.............. 8, 9
RadiantSurfaceUnits.... 1O-12
Usi_ theSurfaceUnits .. 1_15
Usingthe Oven......... 16-25
Usingthe Clockandtimer ...21
timed BakingandRoasting . .22
OvenThermostat.......... 23
CareandCleaning ...... 24-31
Installation Instructions
BeforeYouBegin ........... 32
PreparetheOpening........ 33
Flooring .................. 34
ElectricalConnection .... 34-39
Anti-tip Bracket............ 40
Leveling .................. 40
CallForSerwce......... 41-46
If YouNeed Service
Ilyou do need service, you can
rebe_,knowing help is onl) a
phone call away. A list of toll-fl'ee
(a_stomer service numbers is
included in the back section.
()r you can always call the
GE Answer Center <'_at
800.626.2000, 24 hours a (lay,
7 (lays a week.
Warranty ................. 47
Numbers.......... BackCover

For your safety, the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury,
or loss of life.
All rangescan tip and injury could result.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the
wall and floor by installing the Anti--tip device supplied.
Tocheck if the device is installed and engaged properly,
remove the kick panel or storage drawer and inspect the
rear leveling leg. Make sure it fits securely into the slot.
Ifyou pull the range out flom the wall tot any _eason,
make sure the device is properly engaged when you
push the range back against the wall. If it is not, there is
a possible risk ofthe range tipping over and causing
inju U if you or a child stand, sit or lean on an open
Please refer to the Anti-Tip device information in this
inanual. Failure to take this precaution could result in
dpping of the range and iqju U.
The California Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement
Act requires the Governor of California to publish a list of
substances known to the state to cause cancer, birth defects
or other reproductive harm, and requires businesses to
warn customers of potential exposure to such substances.
The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very
small amount of carbon monoxide during the cleaning cycle.
Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open
window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
Fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury, If your model has a
surface light, you must racycle the fluorascent light bulb
according to local, state and federal codes.

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions
should be followed, including the following:
Be sure your appliance
is properly installed
and gTounded by a
qualified technician in
accordance with tile
provided installation
Do not attempt to
repair or replace any
part of_)ur range
unless it is specifcally
recommended in this
manual. All ()tiler
selvicing should be
refelTed to a qualified
Bef)ie performing any
selvice, disconnect tile
range power supply at
tile household
distribution panel by
removing tile filse or
switching olf the circuit
Do not leave children
alone---childlen should
not be left alone or
unattended in an alea
where an appliance is
in use. They should
never be allowed to sit
or stand on any part of
tile appliance.
iJ_i:_Do not allow an}_)ne
to climb, stand or hang
on the door, storage
(kawer or cooktop.
They could damage tile
range and even tip it
over, causing severe
personal injury.
iJh::_Do not store flammable i_
materials in an oven or
near tile cooktop. _I
> caurtoN..Imms of
interest to children
should not be stored in
cabinel_s above a range .....................................
of a range-children
climbing on tile range
to reach items could be
seriously injured.
!i_Never wear loose-fitting
°r hanging g_arments i_while using tile
appliance. Be careful .....................................
when reaching for
items stored over tile
range. Flammable
material could be
ignited ifbrought in i!_
contact with hot snTlace
units or heating ...........
• , }:{{{i,,{{}
elementsandmay {
cause severe burns.

ij_::_Use only dU pot
holders-moist or damp
pot holders on hot
su_hces may result in
burns fl_mr steam. Do
not let pot holders
touch hot surf_tce units
or beating elements.
Do not use a R_welor
other bulky cloth.
_ For your safety, never
use your appliance
for wmming or heating
tire rx)om.
iJ_i:;Do not store or use
combustible materials,
gasoline or other
flammable vapors and
liquids in tire vicinity
of this or any other
iJ_i:_Keep tire hood and
gTease filters clean
to maintain good
venting and m avoid
g_ease fires.
_; Do not let cooking
g_ease or other
flammable materials
accumulate in or near
the range.
iJ_i:_Do not use water on
gTease fires. Never pick
up a flaming pan. Turn
tire conm)ls off.
Smother a flaming pan
on a sm_hce unit by
covering tire pan
completely with a well-
fitting lid, cookie sheet
or flat u W. Use a multi-
purpose dU chemical
or fbam-t)_oe fire
Flaming gTease outside
a pan can be put out by
covering itwith baking
soda or, if available, by
using a multi-purpose
dU chemical or foam-
type fire exting_fisher.
Flame in tire oven can
be smothered
completely by dosing
the oven door and
turning tire oven off or
by using a multi-
purpose dU chemical
or fbam-t)_)e fire
iiliii iiiiiiii!li!li! lli

hotenough to bum
even though they ar_
dafl_in color. During
mid _ier use, (k_not
touch, or let clothing or
other flammable
materials conutct, the
smtace units, areas
neafl)y the smtace units
or anyinterior area of
the oven; allow stdticient
time fbr cooling first.
Potentially hot surfaces
include the cooktop,
areas facing the
cooktop, oven vent
opening, smt_tces near
the opening, crevices
around the oven door
and metal trim parts
above the door.
REMEMBER: The inside
surf_ce of the oven may
be hot when the door is
Cookmeat andpoultry thoroughly--meat to at leastINTERNAL
16O°Eandpoultryto at bast INTERNAL18O°ECookingtothese
btemal temperaturesusuallyprotectsagainst foodhomeillness.
!iiiii li ili

_ Stand away from tile
range when opening
tile oven door. Hot
air or steam which
escapes call cause
burns u_ bands, face
and/or eyes.
_ Do not heat unopened
f()od containers.
P,essu,e could build up
and tile container could
burst, causing an in ju U.
iJ_Z:;Keep tile oven vent
iJ_Z:;Keep tile oven fiee
from gTease buildup.
iJ_Z:;Place tile oven shelf in
tile desired position
while tile oven is cool.
If shelves **lust be
bandied when hot,
do not let pot bolder
contact tile heating
_ Pulling out die shelf
to tile stop-lock is a
convenience in lifting
hea W f{)ods. It is also
a p,ecaudon against
burns from touching
hot surfaces of tile
door or oven walls.
_; When using cooking
or masting bags in
tile oven, t{)llow the
i_i:;Do not use tile oven
to d U newspapers. If
overheated, they call
catch on fire.
)_ Do not use tile oven
fbr a storage area.
Items sto_d ill an
oven can ignite.
N Do not leave paper
products, cooking
utensils or food in the
oven when not in use.
iiliii ii;iiiii!li!li! lli

iJ_i:;Do not clean the @)or
gasket. The door gasket
is essential for a good
seal. (]are should be
taken not to n|b,
damage or move
the gasket.
i_::;Clean only parts listed
in this Oxmer's Manual.
iJ_i:;Do not use oven
deaners. No
commercial oven
deaner or oven liner
pmmcfive coating of
any kind should be
used in or around any
part of the oven.
Residue fl_)m oven
deaners will damage
the inside of the oven
when the sell:clean
Q_cleis used.
ij_::;l_fbr,e sell:cleaning
tire oven, remove tire
broiler pan, gTid and
other cookwar,e.
_; Be sure to wipe up
excess spillag,e befor,e
starting the sell:
cleaning operation.
ij_::;If tire self(leaning
mode malfunctions,
turn tire oven off
and disconnect the
power supply. Have
it serviced by a
qualified technician.
!iiiiili ili
9 ......................................

Use proper pan size--select cookware having flat bottoms
large enough to cover the surface unit heating element. The
use of undersized cookware will expose a portion of the
surface unit to direct contact and may result in ignition of
clothing. Proper relationship of cookware to surface unit
will also improveefficiency.
iJ_Z:;Never leave tile smt_tce
units unattended at
high heat settings.
l'_ilovers cause
smoking and g_easy
spillovers that m W
catch oil fire.
_ Avoid scratching tile
glass cooktop. Tile
cooktop can be
scratched with items
such as sharp
instruments, rings or
other, je_s_lry and rivets
on clothing.
i_i:;Use little fat f()r
eftective shallow or
deep fat flying. Filling
file pail too full of fat
can cause spillovers
when f()od is added.
_ If a combination of oils
or faLs will be used in
fiTing, stir togedmr
1)ef()re beating, or as
fats melt slowly.
i_Z:;Alx_vtysheat fat slowly,
and watch as it heats.
i_i:;Do not operate tile
radiant smtace units if
tile glass is broken.
Spillovers or deaning
solution may penetrate
a broken cooku)p and
create a risk of electrical
shock. Contact a
qualified teclmidan
immediately should
your glass cookmp
become broken.
i_Z:;Never use tile glass
cooktop smthce as a
cntfing boar,1.
i_Z:;Do not place or store
items that can melt or
catch fire on tile glass
cooktop, even when it is
not being used.
_ Be caretul when placing
spoons or odmr SdrTing
utensils on glass
cooktop smt_tce when
it is in use. They may
become hot and could
cause burns.

_ To minimize the
possibility of burns,
ignition of flammable
materials and spillage,
the handle of a
container should be
turned towar_l tile
center of the range
without extending over
nearby snTl_l(:euniLs.
?_Always mrn the sutth(:e
units off bef()re
,emoving cookware.
_ When flaming fbods
under the hood, mrn
the fan on.
_ Use a deep tat
the,_mometer whenever
possible m p,event
overheating f_ttbe_)nd
the smoking point.
ij_::;Keep an eye on foods
being flied at high
or medium high
heat settings.
_; Foods fk_rfiTing should
be as dr}Tas possible.
Frost on fr,)zen foods or
moisture on fresh foods
can cause hot fat to
bubble up and over the
sides of the pan.
iJ_i:;(]lean the cooktop with
caution. Ira wet sponge
or cloth is used m wipe
spills on a hot su_tace
unit, be careful to avoid
steam burns. Some
cleaners can pm(hlce
noxious fumes if
applied m a hot su_1ace.
11/0)'£."We recommend
that you avoid wiping
any surface unit areas
until they have cooled
and the indicator light
has gone off. Sugar
spills are the exception
to this. Please see
Cleaning the glass
!iiiiiii liii!!iil

Use care when touching the cooktop. Theglass surface
of the cooktop will retain heat after the controls have been
turned off.
iJ_i:;_qmn tile cooktop is
cool, use only the
recommended denning
cr>am to dean the
_; To avoid possible
damage to dae cooking
sulthce, do not apply
cleaning cream to
the ginss suiihce
when it is hot.
iJ_i::After denning, use a
dU cloth or paper towel
m remove all denning
cream residue.
_; Read and follow all
instructions and
warnings on the
cleaning cream labels.
Yourcontinued health and safety are important to us.
Please read and follow this Safety Information carefully.
We want you to remain a happy andhealthy part of our

Usingthe surface units.
OFF How to Set
Push tlle knob in and turn in eidmr direction to tlle
setting you want.
At both OFF and HI the control clicks into position. You
mm hear slight clicking sounds during cook]no
indicatinc_ the ....control is keel)ino_ the power level you set.
Besureyoutun; the controlkeobto
Indicator Lights
• REAR •
' (i iI
2 cooking sizes to select from so you
A HOT COOKTOP indicator light will _,-lowwhen an',
radiant element is turned on, and will remain on until
the sm'l_tce is cool enough to touch.
k surt_tce unit ON indicator li_,-ht will _'l()w when ant,
.... o o h,
suditce urfit is on.
NOTE."Thesurfaceunit ON indicator tightmay glow between the
surfacecontrol settings of LO and OFF,but there is nopower to the
, o ,
Dual Surface Un# Switch (onsomemodels)
To use the small (6 inch) surth_e unit, push in the
SMatt BURNER portion of the switch next to the
(ontrol knot).
To use the laro-e (9 in(h) surt_tce unit, push in the
• o
LARGE BURNER portion of the switch.
!iiiiiii ii:ilil
_3 .....................................

Using surface units.
_£00 KING _ The radiant cooktop teatures heating units beneath a
iiiiiiiii iiilii!{Hi
Alwaysusecod(ware. The surt_tce unit will Q,cle on and off to maintain your
the su,dace unit you are cooking on.
About the radiant surface units...
smooth glasssurface.
NOTE:A sfight odoris normal when a newcool@p is used forthe
first time. /t is caused by the heatingof new parts and insulating
materials and will disappearin a short time.
selected control setting.
It is sat_' to place hot cookware ti"om the oven or surlace
on the glass surt_tce when the surface is cool.
Even _d'ter the surlace units are turned ate the glass
cooktop retains ellOtlgh heat to contintle cooking. To
avoid over4ooking, remove pans from the surtace units
when the food is cooked. Avoid pla( ing an) thing on the
surtace unit until it has cooled completely.
_ Waterstains(mineraldeposits)areremovableusingthecleaning
creamorfurlstrengthwhite vinegar,
_!:'_Useof windowcleanermayleavean iridescentfilmonthe
cooktop.Thecleaningcreamwill removethisdiscoloration.
_,_Don'tstoreheawitemsabovethecooktop.If theydropontothe
_,_Donotusethesurfaceasa cuttingboard
iiiiii!li iiiii
iiiiiiiii! iiiii!iiii
oo S ,Jecook areacrosscoo op
because it Canscratch the glass_the glass is
Scratch resistant, not scratch proof.

Selecting typesof cookware.
The following information will help you choose cookware which
will give good performance.
Stainless Steel."
Good condu_ tivity. Alumirmnl residues sometimes
appear as scratches on the cooktop, but Callbe removed
it cleaned immediatel}, l_cause otits low mehing poir_t,
thin weight aluminum should not be used.
Copper Bottom:
Copper may leave residues which can appear as
scratches. The residues c[-ll-ibe removed, as long as tile
cooktop is cleaned immediately. However, do not let
these pots boil d_)'. ( h_erheated metal can bond to glass
cooktops. An overheated copper bottom pot will leave a
residue that will permanently stain the cooktop if not
removed immediately.
Pans with rounded, curvea, nagea
0[ wafrJeO OOFiOflI$aro ROt
Porcelain Enamel Covered Cast Iron:
As long as tile cookware is covered completely Mth
porcelain enamel, this cookware is recommended.
Caution is recommended tbr cast iron cookware that is
not completely covered with smooth porcelain enamel,
as it may scratch the glass ceramic cooktop.
I:'oor f)erformance. _ [ay scrat(]l the stlrfa(e.
I:'oor f)erformance. _ [ay scratdl the stlrface.
!iiiiiii ii:ilil
_5 .....................................