GE JBP60, JBP76, JBP65, JBP77, JBP75 Use and Care & Installation Guide

Safe~ Instrutiions ...................3-5
Anti-TipDevice ....... ......................... 3,30, 38
Aluminum Foil..... .......................... 19,23-25
ClockandTimer ......... ................................. 16
ControlPanel.... ............................................ 15
Features.~.. .................................................. 6, 7
Auto Oven Shut Off... .............................. 17
Baking...... ........................................... 18, 19
Broiling..... ........................................... 25,26
Roasting. ............................................ 23,24
Self< leaning Instructions.. ...........27-29
Timed Baking...... .............................. 20,21
Power Outage.... .......................................... 16
SurfaceCooking .... .............................. 1&l 4
CanningTps ............................................. 13
CooktopComparison ...........................8,9
ControlSettings....................................... 10
Cookware Tips.................................. 11, 12
SurfaceCleaning..................................... 14
Careand Cleaning...................3&34
Anti-TipDevice ... .........................................30
Door Removal..............................................32
Oven tight .... ................................................. 30
GlassCooktop.............................................. 14
Problem Solver......................39-41
Thermostat Adjustment–
DoIt Yourself........ ....................................22
More questions?
Installation ...............................34-38
Anti-Tip Device... ..................................34, 38
FlooringUnderthe Range......................... 35
Leveling..... ..... ... ......... ........... .......... ........ 36
Consumer Services...........42,43
Appliance Registration...... ...........................2
Important Phone Numbers....................... 43
Model and Serial Location................ ...... .. 2
WarranW .. ........... ... ........ ........... BackCover
Models: JBP60
6-95 CG
Congratulations! You havejust purchased one of the most innovativeand exciting products on the
market today. A great deal of research and technology has gone into the development of this appliance, and we believethat by choosing GE, you have made a wise investment that will provide years of enjoyment. With this range you not only get the assurance of GE quality,but many other exceptional features.
Quick Cooking Response
With radiant heating surface units you get fast,
uniform cooking. The heat cycles on and off to maintain the temperature level.
Hard to clean cracks and crevices are eliminated.
The full-width glass cooktop is sealed to the porcelain enamel spill-proof frame. The raised edges and recessed top contain spills.
Glass Cooktop
This durable “glass ceramic” material is impact,
stain and scratch resistant.
QuickSet Self-Clean Oven Controls
QuickSet controls make setting the self-clean
cycle easy. The controls also feature Auto Oven Shut-Off, electronic clock and timer, automatic oven timer, a singlecontrol knob, a preheat light and signal and more.
Safety Features
The four hot surface indicator lights let you
know which surface unit is turned on or still too hot to touch.
“Big View” Window (on some models)
An exclusive feature from GE, the big window
makes it easy to check baking progress without
opening the door.
Beforeusingyour range,readthis guidecarefully.
It is intended to help you operate and maintain your
new range properly. Keep it handy for answers to your questions. If you don’t understand something or need more
help, call:
GE Answer Center”
800.626.2000 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
You’llfind them on a label behind the range door or behind the storage drawer or kick panel.
These numbers are also on the Consumer Product Ownership Registration Card thatcame with your range. Before sending in this card, please write these numbers here:
Use these numbers in any correspondence or service calls concerning your range.
Ifyou receiveda damagedrange...
Immediately contact the dealer (or builder) that sold you the range.
Savetimeand money.
Beforeyou requestservice...
Check the Problem Solver in the back of this guide. It lists causes of minor operating problems that you can correct yourself.
TheCaliforniaSafeDrinkingWaterand Toxic
requiresthe Governorof Californiato publisha list of substancesknown to thestateto causebirthdefectsor otherreproductive harm,and requiresbusinessesto warn customers ofpotentialexposureto such substances.
Thefiberglassinsulationin self-clan ovens
givesoff monoxideduring the cleaningcycle.
Exposure can be minimizedby ventingwith an open windowor using a ventilationfan or hood.
If yourmodelhas a surfacelight,you must recyclethe fluorescentlightbulb accordingto local,state and federal codes.
When usingelectricalappliances,basic safety precautionsshouldbe followed,includingthe following:
Usethis applianceonlyfor itsintendeduse
as describedin thisguide.
Besure yourapplianceisproperlyinstalled
and grounded
by aqualifiedtechnicianin
accordancewith the providedinstallation
Donot attempt to repair or replaceany
part ofyour range utiess it is specifically recommendedin thisguide.
shouldbe referred to a qualifiedtechnician.
All other servicing
Alirang= cantipand injury could resulkTopreventaccidentaltipping ofthe range,
floor by installingthe Anti-Tipdevice supplied.
Tocheckif the deviceis installedand
engagedproperly,removethe kick panelor ;to&gedrawer and inspect the rear Ieveling leg.Make sure it fits securelyinto the slot.
If youpull the range out from the wall for any reason, makesure the deviceis properly engaged when you push the range back againstthe wall. If it is not, there is apossiblerisk ofthe range tippingoverand causing injuryif you or achild stand,sit or lean on an opendoor.
Pleaserefer to the Anti-Tipdeviceinformation in this guide.Failure to take this precautioncould resultin tippingof the range and injury,
whileusingthe appkance.
reachingfor items stored overthe range. Nammable materialcould be ignited if brought in contactwith hot surfaceunitsor heating elementsand may cause severeburns.
attach it to the wall and
Be carefulwhen
Donot leavechildrenalon~hildren should
notbe leftaloneor unattendedin an area where an applianceis in use. They shouldnever be allowed to sit or standon anypart of the appliance.
Donotallowanyonetoclimb,stand or hang
onthe door,kickpanelor storagedrawer or cooktop.They
tip it over,causingseverepersonalinjury.
Donotstoreflammablematerialsinan oven
coulddamagethe range and even
or near thecooktop.
Useonlydry potholders—moistor
resultinbumsfromsteam.Donotlet potholderstouchhotsurfaceunitsorheating elements.
For your safety,neveruseyourappliancefor
Do notuse a towelor otherbulkycloth.
warmingor heatingthe room.
(continued next page)
Keepthehoodand greasefilterscleanto
Donot letcookinggreaseor otherflammable
materialsaccumulatein or near the range.
on a surfaceunitby coveringthe pan completely with a well-fittinglid, cookie sheetor flattray. Use a multi-purposedry chemicalor foam-type fire extinguisher.
Flaminggreaseoutsidea pan can be put out by coveringit withbaking sodaor, if available,by using a multi-purposedry chemicalor foamtype fireextinguisher.
Flame in the ovencan be smotheredcompletely by closing the ovendoor and turningthe oven off or by usinga multi-purposedry chemicalor foam­type fireextinguisher.
Donotusewateron greasefries.
Neverpickup a flamingpan.
the controlsoff. Smothera flamingpan
QDonottouchthesurfaceunits,the heating
elementsor theinteriorsurfaceofthe oven.
Thesesurfacesmay behot enoughto burneven thoughthey aredark in color,Duringand after use,do not touch,or let clothingor other flammablematerialscontactthe surfaceunits, areasnearbythe surfaceunitsor anyinteriorarea of the oven;allowsufficienttimefor cooling,first.
Potentiallyhot surfacesincludethecooktop,areas facingthe cooktop,ovenvent opening,surfaces nearthe opening, crevicesaroundthe ovendoor and metaltrim parts abovethe door.
Remember:The insidesurfaceof the ovenmay
be hot when the door is opened.
Whencookingpork,followthe directions
exactlyand alwayscook the meat to an internal temperatureof at least 170°F.Thisassures that, in theremotepossibilitythattrichina may be presentin the meat, it will be killed and the meat will be safe to eat.
Keepthe ovenventunobstructed.
Keepthe ovenfreefrom grease
Placetheovenshelfin the desiredposition
If shelvesmust be handledwhen hot, do not let pot holder contact the heatingelements.
Pullingout the shelfto the shelfstopis a
conveniencein liftingheavyfoods.Itisalso aprecautionagainstburnsfromtouchinghot surfacesofthedoororovenwalls.
QWhenusingcookingor roastingbagsin the
Donot useyourovento dry newspapers.
If overheated,they can catch on fire.
Donot useovenfora storagearea. Itemsstored
Donot leavepaper products,cookingutensils
or foodin theovenwhennotin use.
Self-Cleating Oven
Donot cleanthe door gasket.Thedoorgasket
isessentialforagoodseal.Careshouldbetaken nottorub,damageormovethegasket.
shouldbeusedinoraroundanypartoftheoven. Residuefromovencleanerswilldamagetheinside
Cleanonlyparts listedinthisUseand
Beforeself-cleaningthe oven,removethebroiler
Besure to wipeup excessspillagebefore
If the self-cleaningmodemalfunctions,
turn the ovenoff anddisconnectthe power supply. Haveit servicedby a qualifiedtechnician.
Standawayfromthe rangewhenopeningthe
ovendoor. causebums
Donot heat unopenedfoodcontainers.
Hot airor steamwhichescapescan
to hands, face andor eyes.
Pressurecould buildup andthe containercould burst,causingan injury.
Cooktopand RadiantSufiace Unifi
Useproperpansiz*Select cookwarehaving
flat bottomslargeenoughto coverthe selected surfaceunit.Theuse of undersizd cookwarewill
exposea portionof the surfaceunit to direct contactand may resultin ignitionof clothing. Properrelationshipof thecookwareto the surface unitswill also improveefficiency.
s Never leavethe surface
heatsettings.Boiloverscause smokingand
greasy spilloversthat may catch on fire.
Donotoperatethe radiant surfaceunits if
createa riskofelectricalshock.Contacta
qualifiedtechnicianimmediatelyshouldyour glasscooktopbecomebroken.
instruments,rings or otherjewelry and rivetson clothing.
suchas sharp
Donotplaceorstoreitemsthat can meltor
catchfireontheglasscooktop,evenwhenitis notbeingused.
Becarefulwhen placingspoons or other
stirringutensilson glasscooktopsurface
when it is in use. They may becomehot and couldcause burns.
Tominimizethe possibilityof burns,ignition
of flammablematerialsand spillage,the handle of a containershouldbe turned towardthe center
of the range withoutextendingover the nearby
Alwaysturnthe surfaceunits off before
Foodsforfryingshouldbe asdry as possible.
Froston frozen foodsor moistureon fresh foods can cause hot fat to bubbleup and overthe sides of the pan.
. Uselittle fat foreffectiveshallowor deep-fat
frying.Filling the pan too full of fatcan cause
spilloverswhenfood is added.
If a combinationof oilsor fats willbe used
frying,stir togetherbeforeheating,or as fats
melt slowly.
Alwaysheatfat slowly,andwatchasitheats.
Usea deepfat thermometerwhenever
possibleto prevent overheatingfat beyond
the smokingpoint.
Cleanthe cooktopwithcaution.If a wet
spongeor clothis used to wipe spills on a hot
surfaceunit,be carefulto avoidsteam burns. Somecleanerscan producenoxiousfumes if appliedto a hot surface.
NOTE: Werecommendthat you avoidwiping any surfaceunit areas untilthey havecooledand the indicatorlight has goneoff. Sugarspillsare theexceptionto this.Please see the Glass CooktopCleaning section.
When the cooktopis cool,use only the recommendedcleaningcreamto cleanthe cooktop.
Usecare when touching the cooktop.
The glass surfaceof thecooktopwill retain heatafter the controlshavebeen turned off.
Toavoidpossibledamageto the cooking
surface,do notapply cIeaningcream to the glass surfacewhen it is hot.
Aftercleaning,use a dry clothor papertowelto
removeall cleaningcream residue.
Readand followall instructionsand warnings
on the cleaningcreamlabels.
Keepan eyeonfoodsbeingfriedat highor
Whenflamingfoodsareunderthe hood,turn
highheat settings.
the fan off. The fan, if operating,may spread theflame.
Not all features are on all nlodels.
BroilerPan and Grid
Feature Index Not all models have all features,
1 Storage Drawer or Kick Panel
2 Anti-Tip Device
See the Installation Instructions.
3 Anti-Tip Label
4 Bake Element
May be lifted gently for wiping oven floor.
5 Broil Element
6 Oven Door Latch
Use for self-cleaning only.
7 Hot Surface Indicator Lights
8 Radiant Surface Unifi
9 Surface Unit Control Knobs
OvenLight Switch
11 AUTOMATIC OVEN Light 12 Clock and Timer 13 OVEN ON Light
14 Oven Temperature Knob
I 15,20,21
15, 16,22
15, 16,22
15, 16,22,23,
25,27-29,31 15 Surface Unit “On” Light 16 Cooktop 17 Oven Vent Located at the rear of the cooktop. 18 Oven Interior Light
Comeson automaticallywhen thedooris opened.
19 Oven Shelf Supports
Shelfpositionsforcookingaresuggestedin the
Baking, Roasting and Broiling sections.
20 Oven Shelf with Stop-Locks
21 Model and Serial Number Location
Behind the storage drawer.
22 “Big View” Window (on some models) 23 Oven Door Gasket 24 Lift-Off Oven Door with Broil Stop Position
Easily removedforcleaning.
25 Broiler Pan and Grid
4, 17, 18,
4, 17-19,
I 2,20,31 I 4,27,32
b s
Yournew range has a radiant glass cooktop. If you are The best types of cookware to use, plus heat-up and used to cooking with gas burners or electric surface units, you will notice some differences when you use the radiant cooktop.
cool-down times, depend upon the type of burner or surface unit you have.
The following chart will help you to understand the differences between radiant cooktops and any other type of cooktop you may have used in the past.
~pe of Cooktop
Radiant (GlassCooktop)
(~) ‘,
Gas Burners
Electriccoils undera glass
Highfrequency inductioncoils underaglass
Flattened metal tubing containing electric resistance
wiresuspended overadrippan.
Solid cast iron disk sealed to the
cooktop surface.
Regular or sealed gas burners use either LP,gas or natural gas.
How it Works
Heat travels to the glass surface and then to the cookware, so pans must be flat
on the bottom for good cooking results. The glass cooktop stays hot enough to continue cooking after it is turned off. Remove the pan from the surface unit if you want cooking to stop.
Pans must be made of ferrous metals (metal that attracts a magnet). Heat is produced by a magnetic circuit between the coil and the pan. Heats up right away and changes heat settings right away,like a gas cooktop. After turning the control
off, the glass cooktop is hot from the heat of the pan, but cooking stopsright away. Heats by direct contact with the pan and by heating the air under the pan. For best
cooking results, use good quality pans. Electric coils are more forgiving of warped pans than radiant or solid disks. Heats up quickly but does not change heat settings as quickly as gas or induction. Electric coils stay hot enough to continue cooking for a short time after they are turned off.
Heats by direct contact with the pan, so pans must be flat on the bottom for good cooking results. Heats up and cools down more slowly than electric coils. The disk stays hot enough to continue cooking after it is turned off. Remove the pan from the solid disk if you want the cooking to stop.
Flames heat the pans directly. Pan flatness is not critical to cooking results, but pans should be well balanced. Gas burners heat the pan right.away and change heat settings right away.When you turn the control off, cooking stops right away.
The radiant cooktop features heating units beneath a
smooth glass surface. The surface units are shown by
outlines on the glass.
Before you use the cooktop for the first time, clean it with cleaning cream. This helps protect the top and makes clean-up easier.
NOTE: A slight odoris normalwhena new cooktop is used for the first time, It is caused by the heating of
new parts and insulating materials and will disappear in a short time.
When a surface unit is turned on, coils beneath the
surface unit radiate heat through the glass to the cookware. The red glow of the coils will be visible through the glass, It will take the surface unit a few moments to heat up. The coil cycles on and off to maintain your selected control setting. With poor cookware, you will see frequent cycling of the unit off and on. Good, flat cookware will minimize the cycling.
Use only flat-bottomed cookware. Do not let pots boil dry. Overheated metal can bond to glass cooktop. An overheated copper pot will leave a residue that will permanently stain the glass.
Sliding aluminum cookware across the glass may leave metal marks. These metal marks will appear as small scratches. They can be removed with cleaning cream and a razor scraper.
It is safe to placehot cookwarefrom the ovenor surface on the glass sutiace when the surfaceis cool.
Avoidsliding pans on the glass cooktop. Pan edges that are even slightly rough or grit on the cooktop can cause scratches on the glass.
Evenafterthe surfaceunitsare turnedoff,theglass cooktopretainsenoughheatto continuecooking.To avoidovercooking,removepansfromthe surfaceunits whenthefoodiscooked.Avoidplacinganythingonthe surfaceunituntilit hascooledcompletely.
The Hot Surface Lights will stay lit untilthe cooktop is safe to touch. It is not unusual for the lights to stay lit for 30 minutes.
A “HOT SURFACE’ light will glow brightly when any radiant element is turned on, and will remain lit after the unit is turned off until the surface is cool
enough to touch. Each element has its own “HOT
SURFACE’ indicator light.
It comes on instantly when the unit is turned on.
It stays on even after the unit is turned off.
It glows brightly until the unit is safe to touch.
A “HOT SURFACE”light will glow brightly when any element is turned on.
At both OFF and HI the control “clicks” into position. Youmay hear slight “clicking”sounds during cooking, indicating the control is keeping the unit
at the heat levelor power levelyou set. Switching heats to higher settings always shows a quicker change than
switching to lower settings.
Howto Setthe Controls
Push the knob in and turn in
either direction to the setting finish cooking. you want.
CookingGuidefor UsingHeat Settings
HI—Used to begin cooking or to bring water to a
boil. Reduce heat setting after water boils.
Medium High—(Setting halfway between HI and MED) Maintains a fast boil on large amounts of food.
MED—Sautd and brown; keeps food at a mediumboil. Medium Low—(Setting halfwaybetween MED and
LO) Cook after starting at HI; cooks with little water in covered pan.
LO—Used for long slowcooking (simmering) to tenderize and developflavors. Use this setting to melt butter and chocolate or to keep foods warm.
NOTE: Thesurfaceunit“on”indicatorlightmay glow betweenLO and OFF, but there is no power
to the surface units,
Be sure you turn the control knob to OFF when you
The surface unit “on” indicator light will glow
when ANY surface unit is on.
Medium Low ~ High
Appearance may vary.
Cooktop temperatures increase with the number of surface units that are on. With 3 or 4 units turned on, surface temperatures are high so be careful when touching the cooktop. The hot surface indicator light will remain lit after the surface unit
is off until the surface is cool enough to touch. NOTE:
At HI and Medium High settingsnever leave food
unattended. Boiloverscause smoking and greasy spillovers may catch fire.
At Medium Low and LO settings melt chocolate
and butter on a small surface unit.
When a surface unit is turned on, the unit can be
seen glowing red within a few seconds.The red glow will turn on and off (cycling) to maintain the selected heat setting. With poor cookware, you will
see frequent cycling of the unit off and on. Good, flat cookware will minimize the cycling. See the Surface Cookware Tips section.
It is safe to place hot cookware from the oven or
surface on the glass surface when it iscool.
~pes ofCookware
The following information will help you choose cookware which will give good performance.
Stainless Steel: highly recommended
Especially good with a sandwich clad bottom. The sandwich bottomcombines the benefits of stainless steel (appearance, durability and stability) with the advantages of aluminum or copper (heat conduction,
even heat distribution). Aluminum: heavy weight recommended
Good conductivity.Aluminum residues sometimes. appearas scratcheson the cooktop,but can be removed ifcleaned immediately.Because of its low melting point,thin weightaluminumshould not be used.
Cast Iron: usable, but not recommended
Poor performance. May scratch the surface.
Place only dry pans on the
surface units. Do not place lids on the surface units, particularly wet lids.
We recommend that you use
only a flat-bottomed wok.
They are available at your local retail store. The bottom of the wok should have the same diameter as the surface unit to insure proper contact,
Copper Bottom:
Good performance, but copper may leave residues
which can appear as scratches. The residues can be removed, as long as the cooktop is cleaned immediately. However, do not let these pots boil dry. Overheated metal can bond to glass cooktops. An overheated copper pot will leave a residue that will permanently stain the cooktop.
Porcelaitienamel: Good performance only with a thick, flat, smooth bottom. Avoidboiling dry,as porcelain can melt and fuse to the surface.
Glass-ceramic: usable, but not recommended Poor performance. May scratch the surface.
Stoneware: usable, but not recommended
Poor performance. May scratch the surface.
Do not use woks that have
support rings. This type of wok will not heat on glass
Some special cooking procedures require specific
cookware such as pressure cookers, deep fat fryers, etc. All cookware must have flat bottoms and be the correct size.
(c(lntinL{ednext page)
Howto CheckPanPetiomance
Use of correct cookware can affect the cooking performance and cleaning of your cooktop.
The correct cookware reduces the temperature of the cooktop surface and minimizes the chance of spilloversburning onto the cooktop.
You must use pans with perfectly flat bottoms. Some pans may have curved or rounded bottoms or may be warped. If you are unsure of the flatness of your pans you may do this quick test.
Turn your pan upside down on the countertop, place a ruler flat against the pan surface. The bottom of the pan and the straight edge of the ruler should fit flush against each other all the way across.
Turn the ruler a full 360 degrees, checking for any
space between the ruler and the bottom of the pan.
Another simple test to determine even heat distribution
across the cookware bottom isto put one inch of water in the pan, Bring the water to a boil and observe the location of bubbles as the water startsto boil. Good flat cookware will have an even distributionof bubbles over the bottom surface area of the pan. Bubbles localized in only a portionof the bottom indicate uneven contact of the pan to the surfaceunit, uneven heat transfer or an unsuitablepan:
Use pans that match the diameter of the surface unit. Cooking performance will not be as good if the cookware is either smaller or larger than the surface unit.
v-~ .“\? TwTm
Pans with rounded, curved, ridged or warped bottoms are not recommended.
Always place the pan in
the center of the surface unit you are cookingon.
Do not use the surface as a
cutting board.
across the cooktop because it can scratch the glass—
the glassis scratch resistant, not scratch proof.
Don’t store heavy items
above the cooktop. If they drop onto the cooktop, they can cause damage.
Canning should be done on the cooktop only.
Pots that extend beyond 1inch of the surface unit circle are not recommended for most surface cooking. However, when canning with water-bath or pressure canner, larger-diameter pots may be used. This is because boiling water temperatures (even under pressure) are not harmful to the cooktop surfaces surrounding the surface units.
Observethe FollowingPoink in Canning
HOWEVER, DO NOT USE LARGE DIAMETER CANNERS OR OTHER LARGE DIAMETER POTS FOR FRYING OR BOILING FOODS OTHER THAN WATER.Most syrup or sauce mixtures— and all types of frying+ook at temperatures much higher than boiling water. Such temperaturescould eventuallyharm the glass cooktop surfaces.
1. Be sure the canner fits over the center of the surface
unit. If your cooktop or its location does not allow the canner to be centered on the surface unit, use smaller diameter pots for good canning results.
2. Flat-bottomed canners must be used. Do not use canners with flanged or rippled bottoms (often found in enamdware) because they don’t make enough contact with the surface units and take too long to boil water.
Flat-bottomedcannersarerequiredfor~ass cooktops.
Safe canning requiresthat harmful microorganisms are destroyed and that the jars are sealed
completely. When canning foods in a water-bath canner, a gentle but steadv boil must be maintained for the requir~d time. When canning foods in a pressure canner, the pressure must be maintained for the required time.
After you have adjusted the controls, it is very important to make sure the prescribed boil or pressure levels are maintained for the required time.
The cooktop surface units have temperature
limiters that prevent the glass cooktop from getting too hot. If the bottom of your canner is not flat, the
surface unit can overheat, triggering the temperature limiters to cycle the unit off for a time. This will stop the boil or reduce the pressure in the canner.
3. When canning, use recipes and procedures from reputable sources. Reliable recipes and procedures are availablefrom the manufacturer of your canner; manufacturers of glassjars for canning, such as Ball and Kerr; and the United States Department of Agriculture Extension Service.
4. Remember that canning is a process that generates large amounts of steam. To avoidburns from steam or heat, be careful when canning.
NOTE: If your house has low voltage,canning may take longer than expected, even though directions have been carefully followed. The process time will be shortened by:
(1) using a pressure canner, and (2) starting with HOT tap water for fastest heating
of large quantities of water.
Since you must make sure to process the canning
jars for the prescribed time, with no interruption
in processing time, you cannot can on any of the cooktop surface units if your canner is not
flat enough.
What is a Temperature Limiter? Everyradiantsurfaceunithasa Temperature
Limiter.The Temperature Limiter protects the
glass cooktop from getting too hot. The TemperatureLimiter may cyclethe units off for
a time if
The pan boils dry.
The pan bottom is not flat.
The pan is off center,
There is no pan on the unit.
Cleaning of glasscooktops is different from cleaning a
standard porcelain finish. To maintain and protect the surfaceofyournewglasscooktopfollowthesebasic steps.
Before you use the cooktop for the first time, clean it with cleaning cream. This helps protect the top and makes clean-up easier.
DAILY CLEANING: Use only a recommended cleaning cream, such as Cerama Brite or the Cooktop Cleaning Creme, on the glass cooktop.
For normal, light soil:
1. Rub a few drops (less is better) of the cleaning
cream onto soiled area using a damp paper towel. Buff with a dry paper towel until all soil and cream are removed. Frequent cleaning leaves a protective coating which isessential in preventing scratches and abrasions.
2. Cleanthe surfacewith the cleaningcream after each use.
For heavy, burned on soil:
1. Applya few dropsof thecleaningcreamto the (cool) soiledarea.
2. Using a damppapertowel, rubthecreaminto the burnedonarea.As with anyburnedon spill,this mayrequiresomeeffort.
3. Carefullyscrapesoil withrazorscraper.Hold scraperata 30° angleagainsttheglasscooktop.
4. If anysoil remains,repeatthe stepslistedabove. For
additionalprotection,after all soilhas been removed, polish the entire surface with the cleaning cream.
5. Buff with a dry paper towel.
Using a razor scraper will not damage the surface
if the 30° angle is maintained.
Be sure to use a new,sharp razor scraper. Do not use
a dull or nicked blade.
Store the razor scraper out of reach of children.
SPECIAL CARE: Sugary spillovers (suchasjellies, fudge,candysyrups)ormelted plastics cancause pittingof the surfaceof yourcooktop(notcoveredby thewarranty)unless the spill is temoved while still hot. Special care should be tiken when removing hot substances. Follow these instructions carefully
and remove soil while spill is still hot.
1. Turn off all surface units affected by the spillover.
Remove hot pans.
2. Wearing an oven mitt, hold the razor scraper at a 30° angle to the
+ ,J.’!J :-
cooktop and scrape hot spill to a - , , cool area outside the surface unit.
I ,./’ ‘
3. Whh the spillin a coolarea, use a dry paper towelto
removeanyexcess.Any spilloverremainingshould
be left untilthe surfaceof the cooktop has cooled.
Do not continueto usethe soiled sutiace unituntil all of the spilloverhas been removed.Followthe steps underHeavy Soil to continuethe cleaningprocess.
COOKTOP SEAL: Toclean thecooktopseal,let a wetclothrest on it fora fewminutes, then wipeclean. Use a milddetergentif needed,Do notusea knifeor any sharpobjecton the sealbecauseit will cut or damageit.
GENEML INFORMATION: As the cleaning cream cleans, it leaves a protectivecoating on the cooktop surface. This coatinghelps to preventbuild-up
of mineral deposits (water spots) and will make future cleaning easier. Dishwashing detergents remove this protectivecoating and therefore make the cooktop
more susceptibleto staining.
To conveniently order more cream antior scrapers for cleaning your glasscooktop, please call our toll free number: National Parts Center
Cleaner 10oz.
Scraper Cream and scraper kit
#Wx10X300 #WX5X1614 # WB64X5027
If pots with a thin overlay of aluminum, copper or
enamel are allowed to boildry, the overlay may bond with the glasscooktopand leavea black discoloration. This should be removed immediately before heating again or the discoloration may be permanent.
Water stains (mineral deposits) are temovable using
the cleaning cream or full strength white vinegar.
Use of window cleaner may leave an iridescent film
on the cooktop. The cleaning cream will remove this discoloration.
If you slide aluminum or copper cookware across
the surface of your cooktop, they may leave metal
markings which appear as scratches. If this should
happen, use the razor scraper and cleaning cream to remove these markings, Failureto remove these residues immediately may leave permanent marks.
Most cleanerscontain ammonia,chemicals and
abrasiveswhich can damage the surface of your cooktop.Use only the recommendedcleaning
creamfor proper cleaningand protectionof yourglass cooktop.
Read and follow all instructions and warnings on the cleaning cream labels.
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