Part No. 164D3333PM5 Pub.No. 49-8781

YouAre Now Part ofthe GEFamily.
Welcome to the GE timfily.
We're proud of our quality
products and we are
c()mrnitted to providing
dependable service.
You'll see it in this easy-to-
use (hvner's Manual and
ym'll hear it in the fl'iendly
voices of otlr CtlStorner
service department.
Best ot all, ym'll experience
these vahles each tinle you
use y)ur range. That's
important, because y_ur
new range will be part of
y)ur t_mfily tor many years.
And we hope you will be
part of ours tot a long time
tO come.
We thank you tbr bu)ing
GE. We appreciate y)ur
purchase and hope you
will continue to rely on us
whenever you need quality
appliances tor your home.
Proof of the original purchase date
is needed to obtain service under
the warran_
Youcan find them on a label behind
the range door orbehind the storage

GE& You,
A ServicePartnership.
Ask any GEappliance owner and they will
tot you we stand behind our products with
unmatched quality service. However, did
you know that most questions result from
simple problems that you can easily fix
yourself in just a few minutes? This
Owner's Manual can tot you how.
Inside you will find many
helpful hints on how to use and
maintain your range properly.
Just a little preventive care on
your part can save you a great
deal of time and money over the
lid of}x)ur range.
You'll find many answers to
{ ol-nnioli problems here.
Ifyou reviewour chart of
Troubleshooting Tips first,
youmay not need to call tot
serviceat all.
Safety Information
Anti-tip Device.............. 4
Safety Precautions......... 5-7
Oven.................... 7, 8
SurfaceCookingUnits ..... 9, 10
UsingtheSurfaceUnits...10, 11
Usingthe Oven ......... 12-15
Usingthe Clockandtimer .... 17
timed BakingandRoasting... 18
OvenThermostat........... 19
CareandCleaning....... 20-27
Installation Instructions
BeforeYouBegin ........... 28
PreparetheOpening ........ 29
Flooring .................. 30
ElectricalConnection..... 30-35
Anti-tip Bracket............ 36
Leveling .................. 36
Before You
CarlForService ......... 37-42
If YouNeedService
IIyotl do need service, yotl can
reke_,knowing help isonl) a
phone call awW.A listof toll-fl'ee
o._ston]erservicenumbers is
included in the back section.
()r you can alwayscall the
GEAnswer Center <"_at
800.626.2000, 24hours a day,
7daysa week.
Warran8 ................. 43
Numbers .......... BackCover

Foryour safe_ the information in this manual must be
followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion, electric
shock, or to prevent property damage, personal injury, or
loss of life.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the
wall and floor by installing the Anti--tip device supplied.
Tocheck if the device is installed and engaged properly,
remove the kick panel orstorage drawer and inspect the
rear leveling leg. Make sure it fits securely into the slot.
Ityou pull tile range out from tile wall for any
reason, make sur_ file device is properly engaged
when you push tile range back against the wall. If it is
not, tbe,e is a possible risk of the range tipping over
and causing inju U if}xm or a child stand, sit or lean
on an open door.
ii iii i lii!!lil
iiiii!i!i iiiiHi
Please refer to the Anti-Tip device infbm_ation in this
manual. Failure to lake this precaution could result in
tipping of the range and inju, 7.
The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement
Act requires the Governor of Califomb topublish a list of
substances known to the state to cause birth defects or
other reproductive harm, and requires businesses to warn
customers of potential exposure to such substances.
The fiberglass insulation in self-clean ovens gives off a very
small amount of carbon monoxide during the cleaning cycle.
Exposure can be minimized by venting with an open window
or using a ventilation fan or hood.
Fluorescent light bulbs contain mercury, If your model has a
surface light, you must recycle the fluorescent light bulb
according to local, state and federal codes.

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as
described in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions
should be followed, including the following:
l',e sureyour appliance
is properly installed and
g_mn(led by a qualified
technician in
acc(ndance with tile
provided installation
.,_:Do not attempt to
repair or replace any
part of your range
unless it is specifically
recommended in this
manual. All other
se,vicing should be
role,Ted m a qualified
:;:l_fi),e performing any
so,vice, disconnect the
range power supply at
the household
distributkm panel by
removing the filse or
switching olf tim circuit
_:,iDo not leave chikh>n
alone-child[on should
not be left alone or
unattended in an area
where an appliance is
in use. They should
never be allowed to sit
or stand on any part of
the appliance.
:;:Do not allow anyone to
climb, stand or hang on
the door, storage
(kax_r or cooku)p.
They could damage the
range and even tip it
over, causing severe
personal in,juU.
_:,:Do not store flammable
materials in an oven or
near the cookmp.
:;: CAUTION:Items of
inte,>st to children
shouM not be stored in
cabinets above a range
or on the backsplash of
a range-child,on
climbing on the range
to reach items could be
seriously injured.
.,,:Never wear loose-fitting
or hanging garments
while using the
appliance. Be careful
when reaching for
items stored over the
range. Flammable
material could be
ignited it brought in
contact wifll hot sniihce
units or heating
elements and mW
cause severe bums.

!!ii!!i !!iiiii!
iiiiiii!i iiiiii
iJ_i:;Use only dD, pot
holders-moist or
damp pot hoMers on
hot sm_aces may result
in burns fl_)m steam.
Do not let pot hoMers
touch hot surface mills
or beating elements.
Do not use a R)wel or
other bulky cloth.
,'_:For your safety, never
use your appliance for
wa,ming or heating the
,'_:Do not let cooking
g_ease or other
flammable materials
accumulate in or near
the range.
,,_:Do not use x_>teron
g_ease fires. Never pick
up a flaming pan. Turn
the controls off.
Smother a flaming pan
on a smiace unit by
covering the pan
completely with a well-
fitting lid, cookie sheet
or fiat u W. Use a multi-
purpose (hy chemical
or fbam-t}_)e fire
Flaming gTease ouLside
a pan.can be put out by
covering it with baking
soda or, if available, by
using a multi-purpose
dU chemical or foam-
t}1)efire exting_fisher.
Flame in the oven can
be smotbe,ed
completely by dosing
the oven door and
turning the oven off or
by using a multi-
purpose dU chemical
or fbam-t_oe fire
_:,:Do not touch the
smtace uniLs, the
beating elements or the
interior surface ofthe
oven. These smtaces
m Wbe hot enough u)
burn even though they
are dark in color.
During and after use,
do not touch, or let
clothing or other
flammable materials
contact, the smtace
units, areas neafl)y the
sulia(:e units or any
interior area of the
oven; allow stdticient
time for (:ooling first.
Potentially hot sm_a(:es
include the cookmp,
areas facing the
cookt.op, oven vent
opening, smtaces near
the opening, crevices
around the oven door
and metal uim parts
above the door.
REMEMBER:The inside
snTlace of lhe oven may
be hot when the door is

,'_:Do not store or use
combustible materials,
gasoline or oflmr
flammable vapors and
liquids in tire vicinity of
this or any other
,,: Keep fire hood and
g_ease filters clean to
maintain good venting
and to avoid g_ease
Whencookingpork,follow the directionsexactlyand alwayscook
themeatto an internaltemperatureofat least 170°EThisassures
that,in the remotepossibilitythat trichba maybepresentb the
meat,it will be killed and themeat will be safe toeat
_: Stand away flom dm
range when opening
tile oven door. Hot air
or steam which escapes
can cause burns to
hands, face and/or
_:,:Do not heat unopened
fi)od containers.
Pressure could build up
and tile container could
burst, causing an in,ju U.
_: Keep tile oven vent
_:,:Keep tile oven flee
from g_ease buildup.
_: Place tile oven shelf in
tile desired position
while tile oven is cool. If
shekes must be
handled when hot, do
not let pot holder
contact lhe heating
,,_:Pulling out tile shelf to
die stop-lock is a
convenience in lifting
her W foods. It is also a
precaution against
burns from touching
hot smia(:es of tile door
or oven walls.
_: V_qmn using cooking or
masting bags in tile
oven, follow tile
IIlanufact/iFeF' S
):_:Do not use tile oven to
dU newspapers. If
overheated, they can
catch on fire.
Do not use tile oven for
a sR)rage area. Items
stored in an oven can
Do not leave paper
products, cooking
utensils or food in tile
oven when not in use.
7 ......................................

iJ_i:;Do not clean tile door
gasket. The door gasket
is essential for a good
seal. (]are should be
taken not to rub,
damage or move tile
_:;Clean only parts listed
in this Owner's Manual. If tile self:cleaning
,,_:Do not use oven
cleaners. No
commercial oven
cleaner or oven liner
protective coating of
any kind should be
used in or around any
part of tile oven.
Residue flom oven
cleaners will damage
tile inside of tile oven
when tile self:clean
cycle is used.
,,_:Before self:cleaning tile
overt, remove the
broiler pan, grid and
()tiler cookware.
Be sure to wipe up
excess spillage before
starting tile self:
cleaning operation.
mode malfunctions,
turn tile oven off and
disconnect tile power
supply. Have it serviced
by a qualified

Use proper pan size--select cookware having flat bottoms
large enough to cover the surface unit heating element. The
use of undersized cookware will expose a portion of the
surface unit to direct contact and may result in ignition of
clothing. Proper relationship of cookware to surface unit will
also improve efficiency.
):_iNever leave tile smtace
units unattended at
high heat settings.
l'_filovers cause
smoking and g_eas},
spillovers that m W
catch on fire.
_;:Do not use aluminum
foil to line the drip pans
or an}_vhere in the oven
except as described in
this manual. Misuse
could result in a shock,
fire hazard or damage
to the range.
_:,:Be sure the drip pans
and the vent duct ark
not covered and ark in
place. Their absence
during cooking could
damage range parts
and wiring.
_;:Only certain t}pes of
glass, glass/ceranfic,
earthenware or other
glazed containers are
suitable for cookmp
service; others may
break because of the
sudden change in
):_iTo nfinimize the
possibility of burns,
ignition of flammable
materials and spillage,
the handle of a
container should be
turned toward the
center of the range
without exmnding over
neaH)y smtace units.
,,_:Always turn the smiace
uniLs offbefbre
removing cookware.
_::Do not immerse or soak
the removable surface !i_
units. Do not put them
in a dishwasher. Do not _{
self clean the surface
uniLs in the oven.
are under the hood, ..............................
fan, ifoperating, may ....................................
spread the flame. :_
To avoid the possibility ii:_
of a burn or electric
shock, always be certain
OFFposition and all
coils are cool before
attempting to lift or
remove a unit. 9

iJhi:;Clean the cooktop with
caution. Ira wet sponge
is used to wipe spills on
a hot cooktop, be
careful m avoid steam
_: Keep an eye on foods
being flied at high or
medium high heat
):_iFoods for flying should
be as dU as possible.
Frost on flozen f_)ods or
moisture on flesh foods Use a deep fat
can cause hot fat to thernlometer whenever
bubble up and over the possible to prevent
sides of the pan. overheating fat beyond
):_iUse little fat for
efIecfive shallow or
deep fat flTing. Filling
the pan too full of tat
can cause spillovers
when food is added.
_: Ira combination of oils
or fats will be used in
flying, stir together
before heating, or as
fats melt slowly.
_:_iAlwws heat fat slowly,
and watch as it heats.
the smoking point.
Yourcontinued health andsafe_ are important to us.
Please read and follow this Safetg Information carefullg
We want gou to remain a happg andhealthg part of our

Usingthe surface units.
How to Set
lhlsh the knob in and turrz in either directiorz to the
setting you want.
At both OFFand HI tile control clicks into position.
You ma} hear slight clicking sounds during cooking.
indicating the control is keeping the power level you set.
Besureyou turnthecontrolknobto
Surface Cookware 77ps
Use medium- or hear} 4veight cookware. Aluminum
(ookware conducts heat faster than ()tiler metals. Cast,
iron _lil(l coated cast4ron ¢ookware are slow to absorb
heat, but generall} cook evenly at low to medium heat
settings. Steel pans ma} cook unevenly ifnot combined
with ()tiler metals.
Notover I inch
F'or best cooking resuhs, pans should be flat on tile
bottom. Match the size ot tile saucepan to the size of tile
surface unit. The pan should not extend over the edge
ot the surtace unit more than 1 inch.
Wok Cooking
Werecommendthatyouuseonlya flat-bottomedwok.Theyare
availableat yourlocalretailstore.
I)o not use woks that have support rings. Use of these
types ot woks, with or without the ring in place, can be
dangerous. Placing the ring over the surt_tce unit will
cause a build-up of heat that will damage the porcelain
cooktop. Do not u') to use such woks without the ring.
You could be seriously burned it the wok tipped over.

Usingthe ovencontrols.
Throughout this manual, features andappearance may vary from your model.
Clockand TimerFeatures
This lights am'dine the ()yen has been progrannned.
iiiii!i!i iiiiHi
Press this pad and the H( )UP. and MIN. pads to dela}
the starting of your oven up to 11 hours and 59 minutes.
Press this pad and then press the H( )UP. and MIN. pads
to set the amount of tinle y()tl want your t0od to cook.
Turn the ()yen Temperature knot) to the desired
temperature, The oven will shut ott when the Cook
Time has mn ()tit.
I'ress this pad beiore setting the clock,
Press this pad to sele(t the timer teature,
Shows the time ot day and the time set tor the timer.
HOURand MIN. Pads
These pads allow you to set times up to l l hours
and 59 minutes.

t II )
PREHEATED _v .^.r-:T_:__ .__. _u
500"450" 400
_ t::,,,,OVENONLight
;;" (;lox_ s anytirne the oven sheatil-i_. The light x_ill tlash
wllen tim oven atltornatica]l} tllFris of["tO rernind )ou to
Uu'n the ()ven Temperature knob to OFF.
(;lows wheri the overi is in the selRlean cycle. After the
selRlean c) cle, the light will flash. Unlatch the door and
turn the ()ven Temperattn'e knob to OFF.
NOTE."Do not lock the Ovendoor with thelatch during cooking. The latchis used
for self-cleaning only
_!__: ,, Oven Temperature Knob
As a safety feature, this oven will automatically shut off after 12hours.
()n rnodels with touch pad dock _gnu'Dis this teauue rnay be
deactivated to allow the oven to be left on tbr more than 12 hours.
_::_To deactivate or reactivate the Automatic Oven Shut-Off, press andhold
both theMIN. +/- padsfor about 4 seconds.
_:_On somemodels youmay use the ovenlight switch to turn the light on and off
whee thedoor is close_
(;lows wheri tile overl reaches v()tll" sele(ted
Turn this Mlob to the setting you want.
73 !i

Usingthe oven.
Toavoid possible burns, place the shelves in the desired position
before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin...
The shelves have stop-locks, so that when placed
con'ectly on the supports, they will stop betore coming
completely out, and will not tilt.
When placing and rernovirl _ cookware pull the shell
out to the bump on the shell support.
Toremove a shelf, pull it toward you, tilt the t['ont end up
and pull it out.
Toreplace, place the end otthe shell (stop-locks) on the
support, tilt up the t['ont and push the shelt in.
How to Set the Ovenfor Baking orRoasting
Turn the ()yen Temperature knob to the
temperature _()u desire.
Check tood for doneness at minimum time on
................................' recipe. Cook longer if necessal3.
Turn the Oven Temperature knob to OFF when
cooking is complete.
, o
iiiiiii!i iiiiii
Typeof Food Shelf Position
Angel food cakeand A
frozen pies(on cookie sheet)
Bundtor pound cakes A or B
Biscuits,muffins, brownies, Bor C
Casseroles Bor B