GE J2BP85WEL1WW, J2BP85SEL1SS, J2BP85BEL1BB, J2B912WEK2WW, J2B912SEL1SS Owner’s Manual

Safety Instructions ...... 2-7
OperatiC" Instructions
Alunfinun_ Foil ............ 13
Clock and Timer . ...... 16, 17
Ore n ................. 11-28
Baking and P,oasting . . .13, 14 Broiling, Broiling Guide . . .15
(),,'ell Control ............ 11
Power Outage ............ 12
Preheating .............. 13
Sabbath Feature ....... 22, 23
Self'Cleaning ......... 27, 28
Shelves ................. 13
Special Features ....... 19-21
Thermostat A@ustment .... 24
Timed Baking
and Roasting ............ 18
Surthce Cooking ......... 8-10
Griddle ................. 10
_'_hrming Drawer . ...... 25, 26
Care and Cleaning
Broiler Pan and Grid ....... 33
Burner Assemb]) . ....... 2(.!, 30
Burner ([;rates ............. 31
Control Panel and Knobs ..... 3<2
Cooktop Sm'thce .......... 31
Door Rein oxal ............ 33
Drawer . ................. 35
Griddle .................. 29
Oxen Bottom ............. 33
Oven I,ight Replacement .... 34
Seff_Cleaning .......... 27, 28
Shelves .................. 34
Stainless Steel Surfaces ...... 31
3<Oven vents ................ 2
Instruotions .......... 36-47
Air A(!justment ............ 41
And-Tip Device ......... 39, 47
Assemble Surth(e Bm'ners . . .44
Checking Bm'ner
Ignition .................. 45
Connecting the Range
to Gas ................ 40-49
Dimensions and Clearances . .38 Electrical Connections . . .43, 44
Leveling the Range ........ 46
LP ...................... 47
Tips ................. 4s-r, 1
Accessories ............. .:;5'2
Consumer Support
Consmner Support..Back Cover
Product Registration ..... 53, 754
_v\_lrranty fl)r Customers
in Canada ................ 59
Warranty fl_r Customers
in the LI.S.A .............. 58
_2BP8 5
In Canada contact us at: www. GEAppliances. ca
Write the model and serial
numbers here: Model # Serial #
You can find them on a label
on the front of the range behind the warnfing drawer.
49-85107-1 06-06JR
For your safetg the information in this manual must be followed to minimize the risk of fire or explosion,
electric shock, orto prevent property damage, personal injury, or loss of life.
WARNING:If the information
in this manual is not followed exactly,
a fire or explosion may result causing
property damage, personal injury
or death.
-- Do not store or use gasoline or other
flammable vapors and liquids in the
vicinity of this or any other appliance.
All ranges can tip and injury could result.
iJ_::i:Do not try to light any appliance. i_i:iDo not touch any electrical switch;
do not use any phone in your building.
_i.iImmediately call your gas supplier
from a neighbor's phone. Follow the
gas supplier's instructions.
@ If you cannot reach your gas supplier,
call the fire department.
-- Installation and service must be
performed by a qualified installer,
service agency or the gas supplier.
Toprevent accidental tipping of the range, attach it to the wall by installing theAnti-ºtp device supplied.
If the Anti-ºtp device supplied with the range does not fit this application, use the universal Anti-ºtp device WB2X7909.
Tocheck ff the device b installed and engaged properly, carefully tip the range forward. TheAnti-ºtp
device should engage and prevent the range from tipping over.
Kyou pull die rang_ out from die wall for any reason, make sure tile device is properly engaged when you push the range back against file wall. If it is not, flmre is a possible risk of die rang_
tipping ox_r and causing ilIjnry if you or a child stand, sit or lean on all open door Please retbr to tile Anti-Tip device information ill this mannal. Failure to take this plecaudon
could iesnlt ill tipping of the rang_ and inju U. ........
9 l _lifornia
The Caflfornia Safe Drinking Water and ToxicEnforcement Act requires the Governor of Cafifornia to
blL ha list ol
publish a list of substances known to the state to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm, and
lUJes busim
requires businesses to warn customers of potential exposure to such substances. Gas appliances can cause minor exposure to four of these substances, namely benzene, carbon
s __pliance,.
monoxide, formaldehyde and soot, caused primarily by the incomplete combustion of natural gas or
pn_dde, fore
LP fuels. Properly adjusted burners, indicated by a bluish rather than a yellow flame, will minimize
fu 'Is.Prope
,or plete cot
incomplete combustion. Exposure to these substances can be minimized by venting with an open
7d w or usir
window or using a ventilation fan or hood.
,vd the instal
Have the installer show you the location of the range gas shut-off valve and how to shut it off if necessary.
H; _e VO/II" l
q_{_:Hme VOIII" range installed and properly _{_:Phlg your range into a ] 20-xolt gTOuIlded --
gr alnded l
grounded by a qualified installec in outlet only. Do not remoxe the round ac ordance _"
accordance with the Installation Instructions. grounding prong from the plug. If in doubt
Any adjustment and service should be about the grounding of the home elecuJcal
At y adjusu: pe formed _"
performed only by qualified gas range system, it is your personal responsibility and in: tallers ot _'
installers or service technicians, oblig'ation to haxe an ungrounded outlet D_ not atte
N Do not attempt to repair or replace any
part of your range unless it is specifically three-prong outlet in accordance with
I)_t"tof yore recommended in this manual. All other
re ollli]]enq
se cice sho/ _'
service should be retbrred to a qualified tecllnician.
replaced with a properly grounded,
the National Electrical (;ode. Do not use an extension cord with this appliance.
;fi:.iLocate the range out of kitchen traffic path
and out of drafty locations to prexent poor air circulation.
Be sure all packaging mamrials are removed from die rang_ before operating it to prevent fire or smoke damag> should the
packaging material ignite.
Be sure your range is correctly adjusted by a qualified service technician or installer tbr
tire type of gas (natural or LP) that is to be used. Your range can be corrverted tbr use with either type of gas. See the Installation of
tho tango section.
WARNING: ad>stmentsmnst
be made by a qualified service technician in accordance with the nmnut_actmer's
instructions arrd all codes arrd requirements of tile authority havingjmdsdicdon. Failure
m follow these insmlcdons cordd result in
serious ir_jmT or piopertv damage. The qualified ag>n W perforating this work
assumes _esponsibilit 5'for the corrversion.
;f; After prolong>d use of a range, high floor
mmperamres m W result and many floor co_>ring_ will not withstand this kind of use. Ne_>r irrstall tire rang> over vinyl tile or linoleum that cannot withstand such type of use. Nexer irrstall it directly ox>r irrterior kitchen carpeting.
_{_Do not leme children alone or unattended
where a range is hot or in operation. They could be seriously burned.
Do not allow arp_'one to climb, stand or
hang on the o\_n doo_, wanning drawer or cooktop. They cordd damage tire rang_
and ex_n tip it ox_l; causing sex,re personal
CAUTION: temsofirrteresttO
children should not be stored in cabinets
aboxe a range or on tire backsplash of a
range---_:hildren climbing on tire range to
reach items could be seriously irljuied.
Nexer wear loose fitting or hanging gam_ents while using the appliance. Be careflfl when
reaching for imms stored in cabinets oxer tile range. Flammable material could be ignimd
if"l)ronght in corrtact with flame or hot o\_n
sniPaces arrd m W cause sex>_e l)niTrs. Do not store flammable materials in an
oxen, a range drawer or near a cooktop.
Do not store or use combustible materials,
gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids in the vicinity of this or arp¢ other
appliance. Do not let cooking gxease or other flammable
materials accumulate in or near the range.
Do not use wamr on grease fires. Nex>r pick
up a flaming pan. Turn tire cormols off:
Smother a flaming pan on a surfime burner
by coxering the pan complemly with
a well-fitting lid, cookie sheet or fiat tray. Use a multi-pull)ose d_T chemical or
foam-type fire extinguisher Flaming grease outside a pan can be put
out by co_>ring it with baking soda o,, if available, 1)5' using a multi-purpose d_T chemical or foam-type fire exdnguishen
Flame in the o_>n or winching drawer can be smothered completely by closing the o_>n door or drawer arrd mining tire corm_ol to off o,1) 5' using a multi-purpose dry chemical or foam-type fi_e extinguishen
Let tire burlier grates and other surfaces cool before touching them or leaving them
where children can reach them.
Never block tire \'ents (air openings) of tire
rang>. They provide tire air inlet arrd oudet
that are necessa U for the range to operam properly with cotxect combustion. Air openings are locamd at fire rear of the cooktop, at tire top arrd bottom of tire oven door; arrd at the bottom of the rang> under
the watching drawer Large scratches or impacts to glass doors
can lead to broken or shattered glass.
appliance as a space heater to heat or
warm tire room. Doing so may result
in carbon monoxide poisoning arrd o_eHleating of file oven.
Use proper pan size--avoid pans that are unstable or easily tipped. Select cookware having flat bottoms large enough to cover bumer grates. Toavoid spillovers, make sure cookware is large enough to contain the food properly. This will both save cleaning time and prevent hazardous accumulations of food, since heavy spattering or spillovers left on range can ignite. Use pans with handles that can be easily grasped
and remain cooL
_{_Ahvavs use the LITEposition when ignidng
the top burners and make sure file burners hal> ignited.
_:_Never leaxe tile sm£_ce bun_ers unatmnded
at high flame settinKs. Boilo_ers cause smoMng and greasy spilloxers tilat m W catch on fire.
;_i:':Adjust tile mp burner flame size so it
does not exmnd beyond ti_e edge of the cookware. Excessive flame is hazardous.
N Use only dry pot holders-- moist or damp
pot holders on hot surlaaces may result ill bun_s from steam. Do not let pot holders
come near open flames when lifting cookware. Do not use a towel or other bulky
cloth in place of a pot holder
N When using glass cookware, make sure it
is designed for rap-of-range cooking.
N To minimize the possibility of bums, ignition
of flammable materials and spillage, turn cookware handles toward tim side or back
of the range without extending over
adjacent burnel_.
_::CaIeflflly wamh foods being fded at a high
flame setting.
;F Alwws heat fat slow]> and watch as it heats. E:,:Do not leave ally' items on die cookmp. Tile
hot air flom the lent m W ignim flammable
imms and will increase p_essure in closed containers, which m W cause diem m burst.
E:,:If a combination of oils or fats will be used
in fEving, stir together before heating or
as fats melt slowly.
_::Use a deep fat thennomemr whenexer
possible m prexent ovedleafing fat beyond
tile smoMng point.
;_i:,iUse tile least possible amount of fat for
eftecdxe shallow or deeI>tzat fEving. Filling
tim pan mo fill of t_atcan cause spilloxers
when food is added.
_::Do not flame %ods on die cooktop, gyou do
flame foods under tile hood, turn file f,m on.
_::Do not use a wok on tile cooldng sur£_ce
if the wok has a round metal ling timt is placed oxer the burner g_am m support the
wok. Tiffs ring acts as a heat trap, which m W damag_ the burner gram and burner head.
Also, it m W cause tile burner m work improperly. Tilis may cause a carbon
monoxide lexel aboxe that allowed by cmxent standards, resulting ill a healtiI
_: Foods for flTing should be as di T as possible.
Frost on frozen foods or moisture on fresh foods can cause hot tilt m bubble up and
oxer the sides of tile pan.
E:,INexer uT m mole a pan of hot t_at,especially
a deep fat flTer V(ait until tile fat is cool.
_]_3Do not leaxe plastic items on tile cookmp--
tiley m W melt if left mo close m tile lent.
_]_3Kee I) all plastics away flom the suiP, tce
E:,ITo ax_id the possibility of a bum, always be
certain that tile controls for all bulilers are
at tile OFF position and all grates are cool
before atmmpung m remove ti_em.
E:,IIf range is locamd near a windo_, do not
hang long curtains tilat could blow oxer tile smt_ace burners and c_eate a file hazard.
E:,IIf you smell gas, troll off tile gas m tim rang_
and call a qualified service mchnician. Nexer
use an open flame m locate a leak.
_: Always tUlll the surt_ace bulller controls off"
before removing cool<ware.
E:,:Do not lift tile cookmp. I,ifting tile cooktop
call lead m damage and improper operation of tile range.
E:,ITile puq)ose of die wanning drawer
is to hold hot cooked foods at serving temperature. Always start with hot food;
cold food cannot be heated or cooked in tile warming drawee
E:,IDo not use the drawer to di T newspapers.
If oxerheamd, they can catch on fire.
_?{::Do not leax> paper products, plastics,
canned food, or combustible mamfials in tile drawer
_:;Never lemejars or cans of flit dfipping_s in
or Ileal your drawer
_{;:Do not warm food in die drawer for mole
than two hours.
_; Do not touch the heating element or the
interior surface of the drawer. Tilese
surfaces may be hot enough to bum.
REMEMBER:Tile inside surface of the drawer may be hot when tile drawer
is opened.
E:,:Use care when opening tile drawer Open
tile drawer a crack and let hot air or smam escape befoie iemoving or replacing food.
Hot air or smam which escapes can cause burns to hands, laace and/or eyes.
q_{_;Do not use ahmlinum foil to line tile
drawer Foil is an excellent heat insulator and will trap heat beneath it. Tills will upset
tile performance of tile drawer and it could damag> tile intelior finish.
Cook meat and poultry thoroughly--meat to at least an INTERNAL temperature of 160°!:and poultry to at least an INTERNAL temperature of 180°F.Cooking to these temperatures usually protects against
foodborne illness.
_{;:Be sure to wipe off excess spillag> be%re _{;:
self-cleaning operation.
E:,:Before self-cleaning tile oven, remo_e the
broiler pan, broiler grid, all cookwaIe and
any ahnninum foil. _:; Oxen shelves should be remoxed from tile
oxen before beginning tile self-clean cycle.
Clean only parts listed in this Owner's
Do not clean the door gasket. Tile door
gasket is essential for a g_od seal. Care
should be token not to rub, damag> or
move tile gasket.
If die self-cleaning mode n/alflmctions,
turn tile oxen off and disconnect tile power supply. Haxe it serviced by a qualified
technician. Do not use oxen cleaners. No comnmrcial
oxen cleaner or oxen liner of any kind
should be used in or around any part of the oxen. Residue Dora oxen cleaners will
damage tile inside of the oxen when tile
self-dean cycle is used.
Stand away from the range when opening the door of a hot oven. The hot air and steam that escape can cause bums to hands, face and eyes.
_]{_:Do not use the oven for a storage area.
Items stored in the o\>n can igafite.
_i:Kee I) the oxen flee flom grease buildup. _:;Place the oven shelx>s in tile desiled
position while die oven is cool.
_{_;Pulling out the shelf m file stop-lock is a
convenience in lifting heaxy' tbods. It is also a precaution against bui_ls flom ranching
hot surPaces of die door or oven walls. The lowest position is not designed m slide.
E:,IDo not heat unopened food containers.
Pressure could build/l I) and the container could burst, causing an iI_n U.
a, WARNING:NEVERcoverany
slots, holes or passages in the oven l)ottom or cover an entire rack with mamfials such
as ahmfinmn fbil. Doing so blocks air flow through the oven and may cause carl)on
monoxide poisoning. Alunfinun/foil lining:s m W also trap heat, causing a fire hazard.
E:,IDo not use alnminnm %il anywhere in the
oxen except as described in this mannal. Misuse could result in a fire hazard or
damage to tile range.
_::;When using cooking or roasdng bag:s in die
oven, follow tile mamdCacturer's directions.
_:;Do not use your oven to d U newspapers.
If ox>flleated, they can catch file.
E:,IUse only glass cool<ware that is
recommended for use in gas oxens.
_{_;A]wws iemove the broiler pan flom range as
soon as you finish broiling. Grease left in tile
pan can catch fire if oxen is used without
removing the gTease flom tile broiler pan.
E:,IWhen broiling, if meat is mo close m die
flame, the fat m W ignite. Trim excess l_at m prevent excessive tale-ups.
E:,IMake sine tile broiler pan is in place
correctly m reduce file possibility of giease fires.
E:,IIf you should haw a grease fire in the broiler
pan, much the CLEAPgOFFpad,and kee I)
file oven door closed to contain file mid]
it bm_ls out.
_{:_For sadly and proper cooking performance,
always bake and broil with tile oven door
_:_Tile unit should not be operamd in any
mode with tile bake element iemox_d.
Usingthe gas surfaceburners.
Throughout this manual, features and appearance may vary from your model.
Push the control knob in and turn it to the LITEposition.
Before Lighting a Gas Burner
};_:Make sure ;111burners are in place. iJi::Make sure all grates on the range are
I)r°I)erE',I)laced befi)re using, any burner
How to Light a Gas Surface Burner
Make sure all the suHia e bm'nel_ are placed in their respective positions.
Push tile control knob in and turn it to tile UTE position.
D)u will hear a little clicking noise---
the sound of the electric spark igniting tile burnel:
Tm'n the knob to at!just tile flame size. If tile knob sta}:s at UTE, it will continue
to click.
After Lighting a Gas Burner
!;_:Do not operate tile burner for an
extended period of time without cookware on the grate. The finish on
the grate ma} chip without cookware to absorb the heat.
iJi::Be sm'e tile bm'ne_s and grates are cool
before you place yore" hand, a pot holder;
cleaning cloths or other mamrials on them,
\\lien one burner is turned to UTE, all tile burnel_ spark. Do not attempt to
disassemble or clean aro/md any burner while another burner is on. An electric
shock may result, which coukl cause }_m to knock o\vr hot cookware.
Medium Small
Large Centerova[burner Extra
(onsomemodels) Large
Pow_ LO
8_6 us_wnm_ _aTs
POWERBOIUburner Onsomemodels)
Sealed Gas Burners
Depending on yo/Ir model, tile gas range cooktop has either tour or five sealed
_ls burnels. They offer convenience, deanabilitv and fle_bilitv to be used in
a wide range of cooking applications.
The smallest bm'ner in the right rear position is tile simmer bm'ne_: This b/m_er
can be turned down m LOfiw a very low simmer setting. It provides precise cooking
pell'iwmance fin" delicate foods such as SatlCeS of foods that require low heat for a
long cooking time. Tile medium (left rear) and tile large
(left fi'ont) btlFners are tile primary btlFners
for most cooking. These general-puq)ose
burners can be turned down fl'om HI to LO to suit a wide range of cooking needs.
How to Select Name Size
Forsafe handlingof cookware, neverlet the flames extend upthe sides of the cookware.
Watch tile flame, not tile knob, as you reduce heat. When filst heating is desired, tile flame size on a gas burner should
II/at('h tile cookware roll aI'e rising.
Tile extra lmge burner (right fl'ont) is tile maMmum output bume_: Like
tile other tour btlrne_, it can be turned down fl'om HIto tOfor a wide range of
cx)oking applications; howevex; this burner is designed to quic]dy bring laxge alnounts
of liquid to a ])oil.
On some models, tile fl'ont right burner also has a spedal POWER BOlE_setting designed
to be used with cookware 10 inches or linger in diam ete_:
Tile center ox:fl bm'ner (on some models) is the largest in size and is fin" large owd pots/pans, ro/md pots/pans l 0" or greater
in diameter or with the griddle,
Haines larger than tile bottom of tile cookware will not result in filster heating of
the cookware and could be hazardous,
Top-of-Range Cookware
Aluminum: ]Me(limn-weight cookware is
recommended because it heats quickly and evenly. Most toods brown evenly in an
aluminum skillet. Use saucepans with tight- fitting lids when cooking with minimmn
}lIllO/lntN 0][ watex:
Cast-Iron: If heated slowly, most skillets will
give satistactorv results. Enamelware: Under some conditions,
tile enai/lel of soille cookware ill,iv i/xelt.
Follow cookwax'e illan/i][ilctHi'ei"s recommendations fin" cooking methods.
Stove TopGrills
Do not use stove top grills on your sealed gas burnex_. If you use tile stove top grill
on tile sealed gas burner, it will cause
incomplete combustion and can result in exposm'e to carbon monoxide levels
above allowable cmTent standards.
Glass: There are two types ot glass
cookwax'e---those ti)x" ()veil tlse oxllv and
those for top-olXrange cooking (saucepans, coffee and teapots). Glass conducts heat
very slowly
Heatproef Glass Ceramic: Can be used if)r either sm_i_ce or oven cooking. It conducts
heat vex? slowly and cools vex'} slowly: Check
cookware i/lant/lilCttli'ei"s directions to be
sure it can be used on gas ranges.
Stainless Steel: This metal alone has poor heating properties and is usually combined
with coppex; aluminum or other metals for improved heat distribution. Combination
metal skillets usually work satisfi_ctorik if
they are used with medium heat as the
Ill_l n/llil Ctlll'ei" i'ecoli/iilends,
Use a fiat-bottomed wok.
Wok This Way
Werecommendthatyou usea 14@chorsma//er
fiat-bottomed wok. Make sure thewok bottomsits fiat onthe grate. Theyareavailableat your local
Onl) a fiat-bottomed wok should be used.
in Case of Power Failure
In case ot a power fidlure, you can light tile gas stlYfi*ce burnel_ on w/m" range with a match. Hold a lit match to tile bm'nec then
push in and turn tile control knob to tile LITE position, Use extreme caution when
lighting burners this way.
Do not use a wok support ring. Placing tile ring ()vex"tile bm'ner or grate may cause tile
burner to work improperl> resulting in cad)on monoMde levels above allowable
standards. This could be dangerous to veto" health.
Sm4ime bm'nel_ in use when an electrical po_,_er fidlm'e occurs will continue to
operate mnmall?.
Usingthegriddle. (onsomemodels)
Yi_m" non-sdck coated griddle provides
_lIl extra-large cooking Stli'J[ilce for IIle_lts, pancakes or other fi)od usualh prepared
in a ti'ving pan or skillet.
How to Insert the Griddle
A CAUTION:Placeandremovethe
griddle only when all prates and griddle are cool
and all surface units are turned OFF.
The griddle can only be used with the center burne_: To insert the griddle,
remove the center grate and replace with the griddle.
Using the Griddle
Most gdddled fi)ods require cooking on a preheated sm_i_ce. Preheat griddle
acc(nding to the guide below, then switch to the desired cook setting.
Tortillas Pancakes
NOTE."Yourgriddlewilldiscolorovertimeasit becomesseasonedwithuse.
IMPORTANTNOTES: _:Avoidcook/bgextreme/}/greasyfoodsandbe
oftime.Permanentstainingand/orcrazefineson thesurfacecouldresu£
_: Neverplaceorstoreanyitemsonthegriddle,
evenwhenit isnotin use.Thegriddlecan
becomeheatedwhenusingthesurrounding burners.
of t/_newithoutfoodcandamagethenon-stick
coa tlng.
Breakfast SausageLinks
HotSandwiches (suchas
NOTE: Griddle settings may need to be adjusted if the griddle is used for an extended time.
_: Avoidusingmetalutensilswithsharppointspr
roughsharpedgeswhichmlghtdamagethe griddlesurface.
_: Donotcutfoodsonthegriddle.
Usingthe ovencontrols, gecom
Touch this pad to select tile bake fimction.
NOTE:Forgas onlybakinghold the BAKEpad for
3 seconds.
Touch this pad to select tile broil fimction.
o Display
Shows tile time of day, oven temi_erature, whether the oven is in the bake, broil or
self:cleaning mode and the times set fin" tile tiI//er or atltOI//atic oven oi)ei'ations.
It will also show wakening drawer settings.
If "F- anda numberor letter" flash in the &splay and the ovencontrolslgna& this indicatesa function errorcode.
If your ovenwas set fora timed ovenoperationand apower outageoccurred,thedock andaftprogrammed
functionsmustbe reseL
Thetimeofdaywill flashinthedisplaywhentherehasbeen
apoweroutage.Resettheclock. If "Err"appearsinthedisplay,youhavetriedtoseta timeor
temperatureoutsideof thecontro/#bruits.TouchCLEAR/OFF
padandenteranewsetting. If thefunctionerrorcodeappearsduringtheself-cleaning
cycle,checktheovendoor/atch.Thelatchhandlemayhave beenmoved,evenif onlysh)ht/y,fromthe/atchedposition.
Makesurethelatchismovedtothewht as farasit wi//go.
Putovenbackintooperation.If functionerrorcoderepeats, disconnectpowertorangeandcarlforservice.
Touch this pad to cancel ALL oxen operations except tile clock and time_; and waHning
drawer settings.
Totlch this pad and then totl('h tile ntllllbeI"
pads to set tile aIl/O/lnt oil' time you want your tood to cook. The oven will shut offwhen the
cooking time has run out.
pads to set tile oven to start and stop
atltOii/aticallv at a tiI/le VOtl set.
Touch this pad to turn tile oxen light on
oi" o]_'.
Touch this pad to select tile timer feature. Touch and hold this pad, until the display
changes, to set the clock.
Must be touched to start all)' cooking or cleaning flmction, and wamling drm_r settings.
Number Pads
Use to set anv l[ilnction reqtliiJng ntllllbei's such as time of day on the clock, time_; oven
temperature, internal food temperature, start time and length of operation t0r timed
baking and sell:cleaning.
Totlch this pad and then totlch ntlillber pads 1-3 to tlse the wamfing drawe_: See tile
Using the electric warming drawer section.
Touch this pad to select self:cleaning fimction. See tile Using the self-cleaning
oven section.
Usingthe oven.
Toavoid possible bums, place the shelves in the desired position before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin...
Theoven has 5shelf positions.
It also has a special low shelf position (R)for extra large items, such as a large turkey.
Plastic items on flTecooktop may melt if left too close to the vent.
Vent appearance and location var,¢
The shelves have stop-locks, so that when placed correctly on the sheff supports (A
through E), the_ will StOl) before confing completely out, and will not tilt.
_,\qmn placing and removing cookware, pull the shelf out to the bum I) on the shelf
Oven Vent
Your oven is vented through ducts at the
rear of the range. Do not block these ducts
when cooking in the oven--it is important that the flow (ff hot air fi'om the oven and
ti'esh air to the oven btlYner be
tminterrul)ted. Avoid touching the vent openings or nearby Stllb{ilces dtwing oven or
broiler operation--they may become hot.
To remove a sheff, pull it toward you, flit the
fl'ont end up and pull it out.
To replace, place the end of the shelf (stoi>
locks) on the support, tilt up the ti'ont and push the shelf in.
NOTE: Theshelf is not dest)ned to s/ida outat the specta/low shelf (R)position.
!i>Handlesof potsandpansonthecooktopmay
becomehotif lefttoocloseto theven£
!i>Do not leaveplastic or flammableitems on the
cooktop--they may melt or ignite if left too close
to the vent.
iJi::Do notleave closedcontainerson thecooktop.
Thepressurein dosed contalbersmaylbcrease, whichmay causethem toburst.
iJi::Metalitemswill becomeveryhotif theyareleft
Power Outage
CAUTION:Donotmakeanyattemptto operatethe
electricignitionovendunnganelectricalpower failure.
The oven or broiler cmmot be lit din'in,, a power fifilm'e. (;as will not flow mfless the
glow bar is hot.
Oven Light
Touch the OVENLIGHTpad on the control panel to mrn the light on or off.
If the oven is in use when a power fifilm'e occm_, the oven burner shuts off and
cmmot be re-lit tmtil power is restored, This is because the flow of gas is automatically
stopped and will not resume when power is restored tmtil the glow bar has reached
operating temperature.
How to Set the Oven for Baking or Roasting
Theoven has a special low shelf (R)
position just above the oven bottom.
Useit when extra cooking space is needed, for example, when cookhTg a large turke,¢ The shelf is not designed to sfide out at this position.
Yourovenis notdesigned foropen-doorcooking.
[] Touch the RAKE pad. [] Touch tile ntli/lber pads to set tile
desired tenlperature.
[] Touch the STARTpad. The word ON and I0# ° will be displayed.
_s tile ()veil heats up, tile display will show
tile changing tenlperamre. When tile oven reaches tile tenlperature you set, a tone
will sound.
TochangetheoventemperaturedunbgBAKEcycle, touchtheRAKEpadandthenthenumberpadsto
[] (_heck fi)od fi)r doneness at nlinini uni
tinie on recipe. Cook lonoer_ if
necessa i'v.
[] Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad when
cooking is con/plete.
Preheating and Pan Placement
Typeof Food Shelf Position
Frozenpies(oncookiesheet) BorC Angelfoodcake A Biscuits,muffins,brownies, C
cupcakes,layercakes,pies Casseroles BorC
Roasting A Bundtor poundcakes C
Cookies Cor D
Cut slits in the fo usr m_e rne gno.
Preheat tile oven if' tile recipe calls fi)r it. To preheat, set tile oven at tile correct
tenlperature. Preheating is necessary for good results when baking cakes,
cookies, pastry and breads.
Forovenswithout a preheatindicator l/#ht or tone, preheat 10minutes.
Aluminum Foil
Never cover the oven bottom with aluminum foil.
You can use ahnninunl fl)il to line tile
broiler pan and broiler gild. HoweveI; you Inust nlold tile f0il tightly to tile grid and
cut slits in it just like tile gild.
Oven Moisture
_s your ()veil heats up, tile tenlperamre
change of the air in the oven nlay cause water droplets to titan oil tile door glass.
These droplets are haimless and will
e\;ipoi'ilte [lS tile ()veil contintles to heat up.
Baking results will be better if baking pans
aI'e centei'ed in tile ()veil as illuch }is
possible. Pans should not much each other
or the wails of the oven. If vou need to use two shelves, stagger the pans so one is not
directly above the othei; and leave
appro_inately 11/-,"between pans, fl'onl
the fl'ont, back and sides ot the wall.
Alunfinunl fl)il nIav also be used to catch a
spilloveI: To do so, place a snlall sheet ot toil on a lower shelf several inches below the
fi)od. Never entirely cover a shelf with ahuninunl
fi)il. This will disturb tile heat circulation and result in poor baking.
Usingthe oven.
How to Set the Oven for Gas Only Baking or Roasting
The oven has a special low shelf (R) position just above the oven bottom. Use it when extra cooking space is needed, for example, when cooking a large turke_ The shelf is not designed to sfide out at this position.
Yourovenis notdesigned foropen-doorcooking.
[] Hold the BAKE pad fo_ 3 seconds. [] Touch the ntli/lber pads to set the
desired teini._erature.
[] Touch the START pad.
The word ON and 100° will be displayed.
_s the oven heats up, the display will show
the changing temperature. _\]aen the oven reaches the temperature you set, a tone
will sotmd.
Tochangethe oven temperaturedunng BAKEcycle, touchtheBAKEpad and then thenumberpads to
get thenew temperature.
[] Check fi_od fi_r doneness at minim mn
time on recipe. Cook lom,er_ if
necess_l i'v.
[] Touch the CLEAR/OFFpad when
cooking is colnplete.
Typeof Food Shelf Position
Frozenpies (oncookie sheet) Bor C Angelfood cake, A
Bundtor poundcakes Biscuits,muffins, brownies, C
cookies,cupcakes, layer cakes,pies
Casseroles Bor C Roasting A
How toSet the Ovenfor Broiling
[] Place the meat or fish on the broiler
grid in the broiler pan.
[] _,_q_en broiling is finished, touch the
Always use the broiler pan and grid
that came with your oven. Iris
designed to minimize smoking and
spattering by trapping juices #7the
shielded lower part of the pan.
[] Follow suggested shelf positions in the
Broiling Guide.
[] The oven door must be closed during
[] Touch the BROILHI/LO pad once fi)r
HI Broil.
To change to LO Broil, touch the BROIL
HI/LO pad again,
Touch the START pad.
Broil Preheat- Mter touching START, tl_e display will show preheat for
approxhnately 10 minutes, The gas bake element will cycle on during
preheat. Place yore" food in the oven alter the preheat cycle has completed.
Serve the food immediately, and leave the
pan outside the oven to cool dm_ing the meal for easiest cleaning.
Use LOBroil to cook toods such as poultry or thick tilts of meat thoroughly without
ove_q)rowning them.
Bruiting Guide
The size, weight, thickness, Quantity and/ Shelf* First Side Second Side
st.,tin.otempe* ,t.*e ,nd IFood I orThickness PositionTime(rain.)Time(rain,) Comments
yore" preference (If Bacon 1/2 lb. C 4 3 Arrangein single layer.
doneness will affect I (about 8 thin slices)
is based on meats at Well Done 1/2 to 3/4" thick the8pattieSsametaketime.about
broiling times. This guide GroundBeef I 1 lb.(4 patties) C 10 7 10 Spaceevenly.Upto
refl'igerator tenlperature. Beef Steaks ]
says "Rare beef is popular, but you Medium ] 1to 1YzIbs. D
should know that cooking it to only Well Done D 12 8 9 Panfryingis recornmeoded.
140°Emeans some food poisoning Slashfat.
organisms may survive." (Source: RarU I 1V/' tbick D 12 8 9
Safe Food Book, YourKitchen Well Done I D 25 16 19
Guide USBA Roy.June 1985.)
_]tll t/] 12to 32oz. over. melted butter before broiling
' butterbeforeandduring
r_][_]/// cooking,if desired.Prebeat
' Ham Slices 1" thick C 8 8 9 broilerto increasebrowning.
Theoven has ,qshelf positions. )precooked) ] 1/2" thick D 6 5 6
Medium ] 2 to 2YzIbs. D 15
Chicken 1whole C 3035 15 20 Brusheachsidewith melted
LobsterTails 2 4 C 13 16 Donot Cut throughbackof shell.
i1] carefully.Brushwith lemon
Fish Fillets 1to 1_ Ibs. D 5 6 4 6 Handleand turnvery
PorkChops ] 2(1/2"thick) D 10 7 8 Slashfat. Well Done ] 2(1" thick}about 1 lb. D 15 8 9
LambCbops ] Mediuro ] 2(1"thick} about 10 D 180 _10zig Slasbfat.
Well Done I to 12oz. D weMediur°Done 2(1V/' tbick)about 1 lb. DD 1710 1_ _5
_See illustration for description ofshelf positions.
2to 2VzIbs., butter.Broil skin-side-down split lengthwise first.
6to 8 oz.each I turn Spreadopen.Brushwith
andafter halfof broiling time.
Usingthe clock andtimer.
To Set the Clock
ii i @i iIII
Make sure the clock is set to the correct time of day.
The timer is a minute timer only. The CLEAR/OFFpad does not affect
the timer.
The clock must be set to tile correct time of day tbr the automatic (wen timing flmctions
to work plopefl_. The time of day cannot be changed during a timed baldng or
selgcleaning cycle. [] Touch and heM the TIMER/CLOCKpad
until the displa} ch'm ,es
[] Touch the number pads.
Touch tile number pads the same x_a} }on read tllem. Fol example, to set ] 2:34, touch the mm_ber pads I, 2, 3 and 4in that ordel:
To Set the Timer
ThetlYnerdoesnot controloven operations. ThemaxlYnumsetting on the timer is 9hours
Touch the TIMER/CLOCKpad.
Touch the numl)er pads until the
_lIl/O/Int (If tillle _(/tl want shows ill the
displa}; Tile inaxiln uln time that can be entered ill ininutes is 59. Tilnes
more than 59 ininutes should be changed to houls and Illintl[eS. For
exalnple, to enter 90 ininutes as 1 hour 30 ininutes, touch I, 3andO ill
that ordeI:
If youmakeamistake,touchtheTIMER/CLOCK padandbeginagain.
If number pads are not to_.lched within one minute after you touch the CLOCK pad, the
display ieve_ts to the original setting. If this happens, touch the CLOCKpad and reenter
the time of dav.
[] Touch the START pad tmtil the time of
da_ shows in the displa}. This entel_ the time and starts the clock.
TocheckthetinTeof daywhenthed12play12
TouchandholdtheTIMER/CLOCKpaduntffthe tinTeofdayisdisplayed.ThetinTeof dayshows
Touch the START pad. _Mtex"pressing
the STARTpad, SET disappeax_; this tells "_Otlthe tilne is counting down,
although the display does not change until one ininute has passed.
X,_q_en the diner reaches :00, the
contlol xdll beep 3 dines fi)llowed b) one beep exer) 6 seconds until
the TIMER/CLOCKpadis touched.
The6secondtonecanbecanceledby following thestepsin theSpecialfeaturesof youroven
controlsectionunderTonesat theEndof a TimedCycle.
ToReset the Timer
If the display is still showing the time remaining, you may change it by touching
the TIMER/CLOCKpad,then touch the number pads until the time wm want
appea_ in the displa>
ToCancel the Timer
Touch the TIMER/CLOCKpad twice.
Power Outage
lfa flashingtlnTeL_InthealL,play,youhave expenencedapowerfailure,flesettheclock.
If the remaining time is not in the display
(clock, delay start or cooking time are in
the display), recall the remaining time bv touching the 77MER/CLOCKpad and then
touching the number pads to enter the new time VO/I W;lllt,
Touch and hold the TIMER/CLOCKpad until the display changes. Enter the correct time
(>fclay by touching the al)prop_iate number })ads. Touch the START pad.
Usingthe timedbakingand mastingfeatures.
NOTE" Foods that spoil easily--such as milk, eggs, fish, stuffings, poultry and pork--should not be allowed to s# for more
than 1hour before or after cooking. Room temperature promotes the growth of harmful bacteria. Be sure that the oven
light is off because heat from the bulb will speed harmful bacteria growth.
How to Set an Immediate Start and Automatic Stop
bngthof time.Attheendof thecookingtime,theoven
[] Touch the BAKE pad. [] Touch the imrrlber pads to set tile desired
o_en [emperattlre.
[] Touch tile COOKINGTIMEpad.
NOTE: If yourrecipe requirespreheating, you may need
toadd additional time to the length of the cooking time.
[] Touch tile nm-rfl)er pads to set tile desired
length of cooking time. The minimum cooking time you can set is 1 mimlte.
The oven temperature that w)u set and the cooking time that w)u entex_d will be in
the display.
[] Touch the STARTpad. The oven will mm ON, and die display will sho_
the cooking time cotmtdo_m and file changing temperature starting at 100°E (The temperature
(fispla} will start to change once the o_.en temperatm'e reaches 100°E) When the o_en
x_aches the mmperau/x_ you set, 3 beeps will
Tile o\en will contintle to cook tbr tile set an/aunt of time, then turn off automaficall 3
unless the Cook and Hold feature was set. See the Specialfeaturesofyourovencontrolsecdon.
After the oven turns Off, the end<_f:cycle tone will sound.
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpad to clear tile
displa} if necessar} Remme the tbod from the o',en. Remember, even though the
oxen turns off automaticall}, tbod left in the oxen will continue cooking after the
ovell [IlyI/S Off,
@ @
How to Set a Delayed Start and Automatic Stop
Theovenwillturnonatthetimeofdayyouset,cookfor NOTE:Anattentiontonewillsoundifyouareusing
aspecificlengthoftimeandthenturnoffautomaticallF timedbakinganddonottouchtheSTARTpad.
Make sure the clock shows the correct time of dat,
[] Touch tile BAKEpad. [] Touch the number pads to set the desired
0"_ ell temperature.
[] Touch tile COOKINGTIMEpad.
toaddadditionaltimeto thelengthofthecookingtime.
[] Touch tile nm-rfl)er pads to set tile desired
length of cooking time. The minimum cooking time you can set is 1 minum.
The oven tempemtm'e that wm set and the cooking time that you entex_d will be in
the displa 5
[] Touch the OEUIg SrART pad.
] Touch the nm-rfl)er pads to set the time of
(1_1_, VO[I "_\aIl[ the o'_en to [/Ir/l Oil ;:lnd Mar[
cooking. Touch the STARTpad.
NOTE:ff youwouldliketocheckthetimesyouhaveset, touchtheDELAYSTARTpadtocheckthestart timeyou
havesetortouchtheCOOKINGTIME padtocheckthe lengthofcookingtimeyouhaveset.
When the o'_en tm'ns ONat the time of day }x)u set, tile dispk_y will sho_ the cooking time
coulltdov4/and the changing temperature starting at 100°E (The tempemtm'e displa}
will start to change once the o\en temperature
*_aches 100°E) When the o_en reaches the temperatm'e }xm set, beeps will sotmd.
The oven will continue to cook fbr tile set al;qount of time, then turn oft automaticall 5
unless the Cook and Hold teature was set. See the Specialfeaturesof yourovencontrolsection.
)dier the oven tm'ns off, the end<#:cycle tone will sound.
[] Touch tile CLEAR/OFFpadto clear the
displa? if necessar}. Remove the food from the oven. Remember, even though the
o_en turns off automatical]}, food left in the oven will continue cooking after tile
()xell [ItrI/s Off,
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