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GE Industrial Systems
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Innovation Series is a trademark of General Electric Company, USA
Functional Description
The IS200ADII Auxiliary ISBus (Innovation Seriesä Bus) Interface board (ADII)
interfaces an AcDc2000 drive to an ISBus Local Area Network (LAN). The ADII
board resides on the backside of the first board carrier of the AcDc2000 drive.
The ADII board connects to the DS200LDCC Drive Control/LAN Communications
board (LDCC) through the LNPL ribbon cable and COM1 wire. The ADII board
receives power through the 2PL power cable from the AcDc2000 drive's power
supply board. The ADII board includes a bypass relay to maintain ISBus electrical
continuity if the drive is powered down (no external bypass module is required).
The interface signal map is derived from the Innovation Series drive system
applications signal map. Many references and feedbacks are generic and AcDc2000
drive blockware must be created to imitate the Innovation Series drive functionality.
The ADII board provides an integer variable map between the drive and controller.
The integers must be scaled to the AcDc2000 units (given in the signal map
definition). Configuration of the interface is done with either the local keypad on the
LDCC board (see Figure 1) or the GE Control System Toolbox (toolbox). Refer to
the section, Data Mapping.
The ADII board has no fuses or hardware jumpers. Refer to the section, ApplicationData for information on the LED indicators, testpoints, and connectors that are on
the board.
Note The ADII board can only be used in AcDc2000 drives that have the LDCC
board. It cannot be used with previous design drive control and LAN communication
Figure 1. Keypad with Display
Auxiliary Drive to ISBus Interface Board IS200ADII GEI-100305
The ISBus has one controller (drop 0) and no more then 31 nodes (1-31). The master
sends out a stream of bytes containing each ISBus node's references. As the nodes
receive the stream of bytes, they pass the stream on to the next node substituting
their own feedback data in place of their reference data in the stream. When the
stream of bytes return to the master, it contains each nodes feedback data.
The ISBus frame rate is programmable and can be 1, 2, 4, or 8 milliseconds (ms).
The ADII board requires a time delay of 200 µsec. This allows the LAN Control
Processor (LCP on the LDCC board) to write the drive’s feedbacks into the ISBus
controller prior to the start of the next frame. The delay time at the end of a frame is
shown in Table 1. This time is valid as long as the number of pages per the frame
rate is not exceeded.
Table 1. Frame End Delay Time
Rate (ms)
*AcDc2000 drives use a double page (refer to the following timing diagram).
Number of
AcDc2000 drives*
End of Frame
Delay Time (µµµµs)
time delay
2 µs per byte (5 Mbits/s baud rate)
64 µs per page
End Of Serial Data (EOSD)
(ADII ISBus controller introduction to LCP)
The ADII board interfaces to the ISBus through two RJ45 connectors, P2 (TX/OUT)
and P3 (RX/IN). The user’s cables are run into the drive package and directly to the
ADII board.
The TX/OUT connector (P2) ties to the RX/IN connector (P3) of the next device on
the ISBus. The RX/IN connector (P3) ties to the TX/OUT connector (P2) of the
previous device on the ISBus.
GEI-100305Auxiliary Drive to ISBus Interface Board IS200ADII
On the ISBus, the controller sends control bits and references for each drive in a
single stream of bytes. The first drive wired to the controller receives the stream of
bytes, retrieves its command bits and references, and passes the stream of bytes onto
the next drive substituting its feedback bits and variables for the command bits and
references. When the controller receives the stream of bytes from the bus, it is
receiving the feedback bits and feedback variables from the drives.
The ISBus scan time can be selected to be 1, 2, 4, or 8 ms. These times are limited to
the number of devices on the bus. See Table 2 for performance factor descriptions.
Table 2. Performance Factors
Control logic
sweep rate
Configured frame
time of the ISBus
Types of devices
on the bus
Quantity of
devices on the bus
to DCP
LCP to ISBusLCP obtains drive feedbacks from the LCP/DCP dual-port RAM at the
Time required for a sweep of the control logic being executed in the
controller (typically measured in ms).
1, 2, 4, or 8 milliseconds (Set by the master).
The contribution of each device to the bus sweep rate varies with the
quantity of I/O data being exchanged with the controller. Each AcDc2000
drive contributes about 0.20 ms (200 µs). This data is used in calculating
what the frame time should be.
As the number of devices on the bus grows, so does the bus sweep rate.
This data is used in calculating what the frame time should be.
LCP will pass the reference bits and references to the drive control
processor (DCP) in one ms time with an average of 500 µs.
Many of the references are passed to the DCP in generic setpoint
variables. These variables are read by the DCP at different update times
(11, 22, or 44 ms).
Many of the feedbacks are passed from the DCP in generic feedback
variables. These variables are written by the DCP at different update
times (11 ms, 22 ms, 44 ms).
end of a frame and loads these feedbacks into the controller. These
feedbacks are sent to the master in the next ISBus frame.
Auxiliary Drive to ISBus Interface Board IS200ADII GEI-100305
Data Mapping
The drive is configured through its keypad or by the toolbox. Once configured, the
drive exchanges a fixed set of integer variables with the controller during each ISBus
• Variables sent to the drive are defined as references
• Variables retrieved from the drive are defined as feedbacks.
The integer variable interface map consists of 17 words of reference and 17 words of
feedback. The first two words of reference and feedback contain 32 bits. The
remaining 15 words of reference and feedback contain signed integer variables.
Tables 3 and 4 define the system application signal map and Boolean signals. Table
5 contains AcDc2000 reference and feedback values.
Table 3. Signal Map
Page 1 References
Innovation Series
1 Request Bits
2 Auto Speed RefLAN_SPD_REF MMSSETP (V.204)
4 Torque RefLAN_TRQ_REF LOADADJ (V.225)
5 Spd Ref Aux Appl LAN_AUX_SPD GS1 (V.218,219) DW5LCPCFB (V.559)LAN_I_MAGMotor Current