SafeOl Instrudions . ......... 2-4
Operating Instru_¢ions
(_ontrol Settings ............. 5
Features .................... 6
Care and Cleaning
Cleaning the Condenser . ..... 8
Cleaning the Deii'ost
Water Pan .................. 7
Cleaning the inside .......... 8
Cleaning the Outside ......... 7
Deti'osting .................. 8
Installation ................. 9
Moving .................... 8
_)_mbleshooting Tips ..... 1O, 11
Consumer Support
Consumer Support . . .Back Cover
_,_'arra ntv .................. 15
24Bottle Model
Write the model and serial numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
Find fllcsc nmnbcrs on _ label on the
ba(k of the wine (oole_:
197D4609PO01 49-60163-1 11-01JR

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described
in this Owner's Manual
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions
should be followed, including the following:
i_ This wine (ooler must be
prol)erly installed and located
in accordance with these
instructions belore it is used.
N Do not allow children to
(limb, stand or hang on tile
shelves in tile wine cooler.
"I'ht\_ could damage tile wine
cooler mid seriously il/jm:e
i_yI)o not store or use gasoline
or other [12tIIllIl_tbl(' V_II)()IN
and liquids in tile \'icinitv of
this or all_' other appliance.
i_ Keep fingers om of the
"pinch poim" areas;
clearances betweei/tile doors
_lnd between tile doors and
cabinet are necessarily small.
Be careflll closing doors when
( hil(h'cn m:e ill tile m:ea.
;_YLlnplug tile wine cooler tie/ore
demfing and making repairs.
NOTE: We strongly recommend
that any servicingbe performed by
a qualified bdividual.
i_ Tlll'l/Jllg" the telnller_ltur('
control dial to tile OFFtlosition
stops cooling but does not shut
ott t)0_']7 to tilt' win(' cool('12
Child cntra})lncnt and
suttbcation arc not problems of
the past.Junked or allml(toned
reliigeration llrodu(ts _re still
dangerous...c\'cn if they will sit
JOT'_iust a low da}_s." If you are
getting lid of _our old appliance,
please tollow tile inst] uctions
below to help llrl.'vl.'llt accidents.
Before You ThrowAway Your Old
Refrigeration Product'.
i_i;"I'_k(' o11 the doors.
I;YI ea_e the shel\'cs ill place so
that children mlw not easih
(limb inside.
CFC Disposal
()ld rctiigcr_tion products may
have a cooling s_'stcm that used
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons).
CFCs m:e believed to l/arm
stratospheric ozone.
II }_)u arc throwing _{x_r_{}_ old
rc/iigcratJon product, make sure
the CI_'(I l'('/iigerant is l:elnovcd
JOTproper disposal b} a qualified
servicer. If you intentionalN
release this CFC rc/iigcram _ou
call be suk!iect to fines and
illlt)l_isonlilent/ln(leF llro\'isions
of environmental legMadon.

Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions,
we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord.
t ]()_r_'_(_'_', i{vou must use ml extcnsion cord, it is ;_lb.,,olut(qv ]/c(cssarv
that it be a UI Aistcd, 3-wit( + Womlding t}])e apl)limlcc extension cord
h_ing _ g_xmnding t}])e plug mid outlet mid that tile ele(uical
r_ting of tile (ord be 15 amperes (minimmn) and 190 volts.
Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third
(ground) prong from the power cord. For personal safe_
this appliance must beproperly grounded.
The 1)o_x'r cord ot dfis
appliance is equipped with
a 3-prong (g_:omlding) plug
which mates with a standard
3-prong (g_xmnding) wall outlet
to minimize the possibility' of
electric shock hazard/i'om
this applim_ce.
t]m e the wall outlet and
circuit checked b} a quali/ied
electri(ian to make sm:e the
outlet is properly Womlded.
[]VOH ]/_1_,_' only _t St_tll(]_ll'd
2-t)rong w_tll outlet, it is _'O[IF
personal responsibility and
oblig_tion to hm e it ret)la(ed
x,ith a t)rol)erly W(mnded
3-prong wall outlet.
The wine cooler should
alwa}_'_be 1)hNged into its own
individual electrical outlet
whi(h has a \'oltage n_ting that
matches the rating plate.
This t)ro_ides the best
perti)rmance and also prevents
overloading house wiring circuits
which could cause a tire hazard
/i:om o\eflleated wires.
Nt%eF/ll/])hlg _'OH17 wine cooler
b} pulling on the power cord.
Mways gl:ip plug firmly and pull
straight out ti'om the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately
all power cords that hm_'
become ti'mx'd or otherwise
damaged. Do not use a cord that
shows cracks or _lbrasion damage
along its lengdl or at eitller end.
When moving the wine (ooler
_r_/ fi:()_l the W_tll, be caretifl
not to roll o_x'r or damage the
t)ower cord.
3 iiiHiii iiiiiiii!!i!!i !i !!i

Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions,
we strongly recommend against the use of an adapter plug.
][tOW('\('l; il YOUmust USe an
adapte_; where local codes
t)ermit, a temporary connection
gTotmded 2-prong wall outlet
l)\ Ilse of a UL-lJsted adal/ter
a\'_lilat)le at l/lOSt local hardware
The lalger slot in the adapter
must be _diglted with the
larger slot in the wall outlet to
tn:tMde proper poladty in the
COlllleCtiOll of the t)ower cord.
When (lisctmnecting the power
cord ti'on/the adapteJ; alwa_'_
hold the adapter in place with
one hand while pulling the
power cord plug with the other
hand. If this is not done, the
adapter gTtmnd terminal is _erv
likel} to break with repeated use.
If the adaliter grotmd terminal
breaks, DO NOr USE the wine
cooler mttil a t)roper grtmnd
ha_, been established.
Attaching the adapterground terminal
toa waft outlet coverscrew doesnot
ground theapplianceunless thecover
screw ismetal, not insulated, andthe
waftoutlet isgrounded throughthe
house wiring. Youshouldhave the
circuit checkedby a qualified dectriclan
tomakesure the outlet isproperly

About the control cEApp,a,oes.oo,,
Thetemperature control is located on the back of tile wine cooler.
For regular operation, the temperature control knob
should besetto the NORMAL position.
MAXisthe coldest setting.
MIN is the warmest setting.
Once the bottles are loaded, allow at least 48 hours
before making any adjustments to the initial setting.
The temperature range of the wine cooler is/i'om the mid-tbrties
to the mid-sixties in degTees I;ahrenheit.
As with an), reti'igeration produ€t, there is a slight temperattm'
varim_ce at di/t{'rent locations within the cabinet.
The coolest shelxes in the refit m:e the t'wo middle shelxes.
Position your wine inventory accordingly (i.e, white wines in the
cooler zones and tx'd in the warmer zones).
NOTE:Make sure thatthe winebottles do nottouch the hack wall.
Thebottlesmay collect condensation,which will drain intothe
bottomof the unit