Safety Instructions .......... 2,s
Operating Instructions
Careand Cleaning
of the Washer...................... 7
Control Panels..................... 4
ControlSettings ................. 4,5
Features ........................... 6
Loading and Using
the Washer ........................ 7
Troubleshooting Tips ..... 10-12
Consumer Support
Consumer Support ................ 16
Warranty .......................... 15
English/Fra ngais/Espa fiol
Printed in the United States
Write the model and serial
number here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them
under the lid of
the washer.
49-90529 11-14 GE

_I_ Thisis the safety alert symbol.Thissymbol alerts to potential hazards that can kill or hurt and others.Allsafety
messages will follow the safety alert symbol and the word "DANGER","WARNING",or "CAUTION".Thesewords aredefined as:
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or seriousinjury.
Indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or seriousinjury.
you you you
_ Indicates hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result inminor moderate
a or inJury.
Toreduce the risk of death, fire, explosion, electric shock,or injury to personswhen using your appliance,
follow basic precautions, including the following:
[] Readallinstructionsbeforeusingthe appliance.
[] DONOTwash or dry articles that have been previously cleaned in, washed in, soaked in or spotted with gasoline, dry-
cleaning solvents, or other flammable or explosive substances, as they give off vapors that could ignite or explode.
[] DONOTadd gasoline, dry-cleaning solvents, or other flammable or explosive substances to the wash water. These
substances give off vapors that could ignite or explode.
[] Under certain conditions, hydrogen gas may be produced in a hot-water system that has not been used for 2 weeks
or more. HYDROGENGASIS EXPLOSIVE.If the hot water system has not been used for such a period, before using a
washing machine, turn on all hot-water faucets and let the water flow from each for several minutes. This will release
any accumulated hydrogen gas. As the gas isflammable, DONOTsmoke or use an open flame during this time.
[] DONOTallow children to play on or in this appliance. Close supervision of children is necessary when this appliance is
used near children. Before the washer is removed from service or discarded, remove the door or lid. Failure to follow
these instructions may result in death or injury to persons.
[] DONOT reach into the appliance if the tub or agitator is moving to prevent accidental entanglement.
[] DONOT install or store this appliance where it will beexposed to the weather.
[] DONOTtamper with controls, repair or replace any part of this appliance or attempt any servicing unless specifically
recommended in the user maintenance instructions or in published user repair instructions that you understand and
have the skills to carry out.
[] Keepthe areaaround your appliance clean and dry to reduce the possibility of slipping.
[] DONOToperate this appliance if it isdamaged, malfunctioning, partially disassembled, or has missing or broken parts
including adamaged cord or plug.
[] Unplugthe appliance orturn off the circuit breaker before servicing. Pressingthe Power button DOESNOTdisconnect power.
[] See "Electrical Requirements" located inthe Installation Instructions for grounding instructions.

This washer must be properly installed and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
#you did not receive an Installation Instructions, you can receive one by visiting GEAppliances.ce or by calling
Ensurethot the hot water hose isconnected to the "H"
(internalred screened)valve and the cold water hose is
connected to the "C"(internal bluescreened)valve.
Installor storewhere it will not be exposedto
temperatures belowfreezing or exposedto the weather,
which could cause permanent damage and invalidatethe
Properlyground washer to conform with all governing
codes and ordinances. Followdetails in the Installation
Toensure proper installation, run two small loud size
Whites cyclesBEFOREwashing the first loud.
[]This washer does not include water supply hoses.
GEstrongly recommends the useoffactory specified
parts.A list of factory hoses availablefor purchase are
listed below.These hosesare manufactured and tested to
meet GEspecifications.
GEstrongly recommends the useof new water supply
hoses.Hosesdegrade over time and need to be replaced
every 5 yearsto reduce the riskof hosefailures andwater
Parts and Accessories
Cull1.800.661.1616during normal businesshours or contact
your local authorized GEparts distributor.
Part Number Accessory
4 ft Rubber Water Supply Hoses
4 ft Braided Metal Water Supply Hoses
[] Turn off water faucets to minimize leakage ifa break or
rupture shouldoccur. Checkthe condition ofthe fill hoses;
GErecommends changing the hosesevery 5 years.

About the control panel-for models with "pull knob" start.
. Add detergent.
. Add diluted fabric
softener {on models
with a fabric softener
Step 2
. Add items.
• Select load size and
other wash options
• Select wash cycle
. Select OPTIONS
Step 4
. Close lid.
. Pull knob.
!1 I!l IB
Load Size
Loosely load items in the washer basket. Overloading may negatively impact wash performance. Adjust the load size
Ifyou decide that you want a higher water level, move the Load Size first to Reset and then to the higher water setting.
Select the water temperature for the wash and rinse cycles. Always follow fabric manufacturer's care label or
instructions when laundering.
Options (on some models)
Fabric Softener and Power Rinse
Set this option when adding fabric softener during the rinse cycle or when you use extra detergent or bleach to clean
heavily soiled items. It provides an enhanced rinse.

Wash Cycle-Cycle Selector Knob
Thechart belowwill helpyou match the wash cyclesetting with your items. The chart is ranked from greatest to least
wash intensity.
Yourwasher may not haveall these cycles.(Cyclesvary by model.)
Whites Forheavy to lightly soiledcottons, household linens,work and play items.
(Regular Wash/Fast Spin)
Colors Fornon-colorfast clothes and blends and itemsthat are labeledfor cold wash.
(Regular Wash/Fast Spin)
Permanent Press Forwrinkle-free and permanent pressitems, and knits.
(PulsedWashlFast Spin)
Rinse& Soar For rinsing chlorine, perspiration,stains, etc.,out of items. (FollowedbyDrain & Fast Spin.)
Drain & Spin Fordraining the tub and spinning water out of the clothes.(FastSpin)
Liquid Bleach Funnel
Thewater filldilutes liquid chlorine bleach as the washer fills for the wash cycle.
L_ Checkclothing care labels for special instructions.
r_ iVleasureliquid bleach carefully, following instructions onthe bottle.
[] Neverpour undiluted liquid chlorine bleach directly onto clothesor into the wash
[] Donot pour powdered bleach into bleachfunnel.
r_ Before starting the washer, pour measured amount of bleach directly into bleachfunnel.
Avoid splashingor over-filling dispenser.Ifyou preferto use powdered bleach,add it into
the wash basketwith your detergent.
[] Donot mix chlorinebleach with ammonia or acidssuch as vinegar and/or rust
remover.Mixing canproduce a toxic gas which may causedeath.
Q:What isthe difference between Heavy and Light settings?
A: ForWhites and Colors, the wash agitation time isincreased by 6 minutes and for Permanent Press,by !2 minutes.(Timesare
Q:Which cycle isbest for heavily soileditems?
A: Whites orColors cycles have the greatest wash intensity.This cycle providesthe best overall cleaning. Permanent Press
should beusedfor wrinkle-free and permanent press items.
Q: Howcan Ireduce linting?
A:Sort wash loads byfabric type and whether they collect lint (velveteen,corduroy) or produce lint (terrycloth, chenille).Wash
small loadsfor a shorter amount of time.
Q: Howmuch detergent do Iuse?
A: Forbest performance, always follow the detergent manufacturer's instructions on usage. Many detergents are concentrated,
so consult the product labeland follow the clearly marked lineson the detergent measuring cups.Excessivedetergent can
negatively impact the wash performance.
Q: Howdoesthe selection of Power Rinseor Fabric Softener affect water usage of my washer7
A:Selectingthe Power Rinseor Fabric Softener feature will increasethe amount of water usedby your washer during the rinse
cycle. The added water assistsin the properdilution of fabric softener.Thequantity of water used inthis cycle iscomparable to
the amount used inthe initial fill.

About washer features.
The Agitator Cap (on some models)
Theagitator cap fits intothe top ofthe
agitator. If itaccidentally comes off,simply
put it back on.
Fabric Softener Dispenser (on some models)
Thefabric softener dispenserautomatically
releasesliquid fabric softener.Setting the
knob ensuresthat it dispensesat the proper
Do not stop the washer or raise the lid
during the first spin. Thiswill cause the
dispenser to empty too soon.
Set when adding
To use,follow these steps:
[-_Make suredispenser securely
to agitator.
r21 use only diluted liquidfabric softener.
Pour into dispenser,using amount
recommended on package.
Never pour fabric softener directly on items.
It may stain them.
r3] Add water to dispenseruntil it reaches
the maximum fill line.
is attached
Do not pour anything into the
agitator if the agitator cap or
dispenser is removed.
[_Select Fabric Softener setting knob to
activate the cycle.
Note: Fabricsoftener will not dispenseif the
knob isin the "OFF"position.
Separate for cleaning
Cleaning the Fabric Softener Dispenser (on some models)
E] Remove the dispenser from the top of the agitator.
r_ Separate the dispenser cup from the cover by grasping the top and pushing down on the
inside of the cup with your fingers. Dispenser cup will pop free from the cover.
r3]To clean the dispenser, soak both the dispenser cup and the dispenser cover in the
following solution:
[] ! USgallon (3.8liters)warm water
[] !/4 cup (60ml)heavy-duty liquid detergent
[] ! cup (240ml)bleach
r411f necessary,loosen buildup with a clean,soft cloth after soaking.Do not usea stiff brush;
you may roughen the surface of the dispenser.
r_ Rinseand reassemble dispenser. Placedispenser back on the agitator.

Loading and using the washer.
Always Follow Fabric manufacturer's care label when laundering.
Sort by color (whites,lights,colors),soil level,fabric
type (sturdycottons, easy care, delicates)and
whether the fabric produces lint (terry cloth, chenille)
or collects lint (velveteen,corduroy).
- Fire Hazard
Never place items in the washer that are dampened with gasoline or other flammable liquids.
Nowasher can completely remove oil.
Donot dry anything that hasever had any type of oilon it (includingcooking oils).
Doingso so can result in death, explosion,or fire.
ProperUseof Detergent
Add detergent before adding items so that the
detergent can work effectively. Usingtoo little or
too much detergent isa common cause of laundry
Forspots,apply pre-treatment to items as
recommended onthe product label. Application
should bemade inthe basket to prevent overspray
which may cause the coloring on the lid or graphics
to fade.
the Washer
Load dry items loosely in the washer basket. When
_,_ v Oaedli_gwet items,make sure you set the load/water
ev _gnenough to allow the itemsto move freely.
Water levelshouldjust coverthe items.To add items
after washer has started, liftthe lidand submerge
additional items next to the agitator.
You can use lessdetergent if you have soft water, a
smaller load or a lightly soiled load.
When using high efficiency orconcentrated
detergents, consult the product label to determine
amount requiredfor optimum performance.
Excessivedetergent will negatively impact wash
[] Donot wrap longitems likesheets or pants around
the agitator.
[] Donot wash fabrics containing flammable
materials (waxes,cleaning fluids, etc.).
[] Washer will not agitate or spin with the lid up,
however the timer will continue to run.

Care and cleaning of the washer.
Wash Basket: Leavethe lid open afterwashing to
allow moisture to evaporate. Ifyou want to clean the
basket, use a clean soft cloth dampened with liquid
detergent; then rinse.(Do not useharsh or gritty
Fill Hoses:GErecommends changing the hoses every
Exterior..Immediately wipe off any spills.Wipe with
damp cloth.Try not to hit surface with sharp objects.
Moving and Storage: Askthe servicetechnician to
remove water from drain pump and hoses.Seethe
Installation Instructions packed with product for
information on how to reinstall the shipping rod to
keepthe tub stationary when moving the washer. For
more information, visitGEAppliances.com or call 800.
GE.CARES(800.432.2737).Donot store the washer
where itwill be exposedto the weather.
Long Vacations: Besure water supply isshut off at
faucets. Drainall water from hosesif weather will be
below freezing.

NO t e S . GEAppliances.com

Before you call for service...
Save time and money! Review the charts on the following pages,
_ roubleshooting Tips
WATER Possible Causes What To Do
Toomany suds Too much detergent , Measureyour detergent carefully. Use lesssoap if you have
Water leaks Using too much detergent , Uselessdetergent. Uselesssoap ifyou have soft water,
Water temperature Coolerwater temperatures , New laundry detergents have been formulated to work
seems incorrect provide improved energy with cooler water temperatures without affecting wash
or visit GEAppliances.com. You may not need to call for service.
soft water, a smaller load or a lightly soiledload.
Type of detergent , Switch to a lower sudsing detergent brand and follow
instructions on package.
Soft water , Try lessdetergent.
in washer a smaller load or a lightly soiledload.
Fillhoses or drain hose is , Hake sure hose connections aretight at faucets and
improperly connected rubberwashers are installed. Hake sure end of drain hose
iscorrectly inserted inand secured to drain facility.
Household drain may , Check household plumbing. You may need to call
be clogged a plumber.
Drain hose loose , Hake sure drain hose isfully seated in back ofwasher and
that the two retaining screws are fullyseated.
Drain hose rubs on wall , Hake sure drain hosedoes not makecontact with the wall.
Hay cause excessivewear onthe hose.
Constant water pressure , Tighten hosesat the faucets and turn the water off after
to the fill hoses at the each use.
water source , Checkcondition of the fill hoses;they should be replaced
every 5years.
efficiency performance.
Water supply isturned off , Turn both hot and coldfaucets fully on and makesure
or improperly connected hosesareconnected to correct faucets.
Water valve screens are , Turn off the water source and remove the water connection
stopped up hosesfrom the upper back of the washer. Usea brushor
toothpick to clean the screens in the machine. Reconnect
the hosesand turn the water back on.
House water heater is , Hake sure housewater heater isdelivering water at
not set properly 120°F-140°F(z_8°C-60°C).
Water pumped out before Lid lifted or cycle was put in , Resetcycle.
cycle is complete pause for over 24 hours
Water won't drain Drain hose is kinked or , Straighten drain hose and make surewasher isnot
improperly connected sitting on it.
Topof drain outlet should be lessthan 6ft (1.8m)
above floor.
Washer pauses during This is normal , Thisis normal.Thewasher alternates between agitate and
wash cycle soak during some wash cyclesto get your clothes cleaner
Washer pauses during This is normal , Thewasher may pause during the spin cycleto remove
spin cycle soapy water more efficiently.
with lesswear.

OPERATION Possible Causes What To Do
Washer won't operate Washer is unplugged • Hake sure cord is pluggedsecurely into aworking outlet.
Water supply is turned off • Turn both hot and cold faucets fully on.
Controls are not set properly • Checkcontrols.
Lid isopen--safety feature • Closelid and reset cycle,to the beginning if necessary.
prevents agitation and
spinning when lid is up
Circuit breaker/fuse is _ Checkhouse circuit breakers/fuses. Replacefuses or
tripped/blown reset breaker. Washershould have separateoutlet.
Timer knob not pulled • Pulltimer knob.
Lid magnet missing _ Callfor service.
Movement inside machine Shifting mechanism is , When the machine ismanually turned off,the shifter will
when shut off disengaging the motor disengage the motor before completely shutting down.
If lid israised beforethe motor isdisengaged,the processwill
stop and will resume when lid isclosed.
PERFORMANCE Possible Causes What To Do
Clothes too wet Incorrect spin cycle _ Hake sure the spin cycleselected matches the loadyou are
selected washing.Somefabricswillfeelwetter when rinsedwithcoldwater.
Colored spots Incorrect use of fabric , Checkfabric softener package for instructions and follow
softener directions for using dispenser.
, Hake sureyou have selectedthe FabricSoftener option.
, Pretreat stain and rewash.
Dye transfer , Sortwhites or lightly colored items from dark colors.
Greyed oryellowed Not enough detergent , Use more detergent (especiallywith larger loads).
clothes Be sure to follow detergent manufacturer's directions.
Hard water _ Usea water conditioner or install
a water softener.
Water is not hot enough _ Make sure water heater is delivering water at
Washer is overloaded _ Selectload sizeto match clothes load.
Detergent is not • Adddetergent beforeyou load items.
Dye transfer , Sortclothes bycolor. Iffabric label states wash separately,
unstable dyes may be indicated.
Lint or residue on Clothes are air or linedried , If you do not dry your clothes with a clothes dryer,your
clothes clothes may retain more lint.
Incorrect sorting • Separate lint producers from lint collectors.
Washing too long • Washsmall loads for a shorter time than larger loads.
Detergent not dissolving _ Add detergent before you load items.
Try a liquiddetergent.
Usewarmer water temperature.
Overloading _ Loadclothes loosely in the washer basket.Adjust load size
based on items sizeand materials.
, Make sure loadsize selected matches clothes load size.
Incorrect use of fabric
Checkfabric softener package for instructions
and follow directions for usingdispenser.
Make sure you have selectedthe FabricSoftener option.

Before you call for service...
\ Troubleshooting Tips
PERFORMANCE (cont.) Possible Causes What To Do
Pilling Result of normal wear on . Whilethis is not caused by the washer, you can slow the
poly-cotton blends and pilling processbywashing garments insideout.
fuzzy fabrics
Snags, holes, tears, rips
or excessivewear
Wrinkling Improper sorting . Avoid mixing heavy items (likework clothes) with light items
Pins, snaps, hooks, sharp . Fastensnaps,hooks,buttons andzippers.
buttons, belt buckles, . Remove looseitems likepins,objects in pockets and
zippers and sharp objects sharp buttons.
left in pockets • Turn knits(which snag easily)inside out.
Undiluted chlorine bleach . Checkbleach package instructions for proper amount.
Never add undiluted bleach to wash or allow clothes to
come in contact with undiluted bleach.
Chemicals like hair bleach or . Rinseitems that may havechemicals on them before
dye, permanent wave solution washing.
Trya fabric softener.
Overloading or incorrect . Load your washer so clothes have enough room to move
water level freely with water covering all of the clothes.
Incorrect wash and . Hatch Cycleselectionto the type of fabric you are washing
dry cycles (especiallyfor easy care loads).
Repeated washing in . Wash inwarm or cold water.
water that istoo hot
SOUNDS Possible Causes Reason
"Metallic clicking" Shifter mechanism is . Thedrive systemwill engage at the start of agitate and
engaging or disengaging disengage when agitate iscomplete. Thisoccurs multiple
times during the wash.
Back and forth "swoosh" Electric motor reversing . Thismachine has a drive system that doesn't use gears.
or light "clicking" sound direction Thissound isthe motor rotating back and forth to clean
during agitate your laundry.
"Click" when water Relay switch , The relay makes a click sound when activated. Thewater
stops filling levelactivates the relay and stops filling.
"Clicking" behind Control Automatic Temperature . Twovalvesmix cold and hotwater.The"clicking"iswhen either
Panel during fill Control Valve valve turns on or off to raise or lower the fill water temperature.
Water flow changes Automatic Temperature , Twovalvesmixcoldand hot water.Theflow changeswhen either
during fill Control Valve valve turns on or off to raiseor lower the fillwater temperature.
Motor "whining up" or Motor ramping up/down . Themotor will speed up incrementally during the spin cycle.
"coasting down" in spin during spin cycle When spin iscomplete, itwill coast until it stops.
"Humming" Water drain pump . Thedrain pump will make a humming sound when pumping
out water after agitation stops and continue until spin is
"Gurgling" Water drain pump , When the pump starts drawing in air, It starts to gurgle.
Thewasher should then begin spinning and the sound will
continue until it isdone spinning.
Washer is noisy Washer is uneven , Tolevel the front of the washer, adjust the front leveling legs
by rotating the individual leg inthe proper direction for up
or down. Tolevelthe back of the washer, lift the back of the
machine 4" (11cm) and set down.
Shipping rod is still assembled . Toremove the shipping rod from the washer, pull the yellow
in the unit tag and remove the attached rodfrom the bottom right hand
sideof the washer.

NO t e S . GEAppliances.com


GE Washer Warranty. GEAppliances.com
All warranty service provided by our Factory Service Centers,
or an authorized Customer Care®technician. Toschedule service,
on-line, visit us at GEAppliances.com, or call 800.GE.CARES
(800.432.2737). Please have serial number and model number
available when calling for service.
For The Period Of: We Will Replace:
One Year
From the date of the
original purchase
What Is Not Covered:
[] Servicetrips to your home to teach you how to usethe
[] Improper installation, delivery or maintenance.
[] Failure of the product if it is abused, misused, or used for
other than the intended purpose or used commercially.
[] Replacement of housefuses or resetting of circuit
[] Products which are not defective or broken, or which are
working as described in the Owner's Manual.
Any factory specified part of the washer which fails due to a defect in materials or workmanship.
During thislimited one-year warranty, we will also provide, free of charge, alllabor and related
serviceto replacethe defective part.
Staple your receipt here.
Proof of the original purchase
date is needed to obtain service
under the warranty.
[] Damage to the product caused by accident, fire, floods or
acts of God.
[] Incidental or consequential damage caused by possible
defects with this appliance.
[] Defects or damage dueto operation in freezing
[] Damage caused after delivery.
[] Product not accessible to provide required service.
EXCLUSION OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy is product repair as provided in this Limited
Warranty. Any impfied warranties, including the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose, are limited to one year or the shortest period allowed by law.
This warranty is extended to the original purchaser and any succeeding owner for products purchased for home use within the
USA.If the product is located in an area where service by a GEAuthorized Servicer isnot available,you may be responsible for a
trip charge oryou may be required to bring the product to an Authorized GEService location. In Alaska, the warranty excludes the
cost of shipping or service calls toyour home.
Ifyou need to order replacement parts, we recommend that you only use GEfactory specified parts. These parts are designed to
work with your appliance and are manufactured and tested to meet GEspecifications.
Somestates donot allow the exclusionor limitation of incidental orconsequentialdamages. Thiswarranty givesyou specificlegal
rights,andyou may alsohave other rights which vary fromstate to state.Toknow what your legal rights are,consultyour local
or state consumeraffairs officeoryour state'sAttorney General
Warranton General Electric Company. Louisville, KY40225