Aboutcrisper removal wwvv.GEApplianne com
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Crisper Removal
These dr_awers can be removed easily by
lifting up sligh flywhile pulling tile drawer
past tile stop k_'afion.
VVhnnthedoorcannotbe fully opened,
remove the drawec _rthest ti'ouz file d_)or
first. Make sure the drawer closest to the
&)or is fully closed, There Lsa latch at the
thmt of the center slide rail. Push down on
the latch and slide the center slide rail, to
which the drawer is attached, away lixan the
door. Remove the drawer.
Aboutthe automatic icemaker.
A newly.installed refrigerator may take 12-24 hours to begin making ice,
Automatic Icemaker (onsomemodels)
The icemaker will produce seven cubes
t_'r (Tcle-approxinaately 100-130 cubes
in a 24-hour period, depending on freezer
ConlpaFtnlen t tempel-ature, r¢)om
temperature, number of d_)or openings
mad other use condifiot_s.
If the reti'igezator ksoperated betore the
w-ater connection is made to the icemaker,
set the t)ower switch to 0 (off1.
When the refrigerator has been conuected
to the water supply, set. the power s_'itch to
I(nn). The green light will come Oil.
The icemaker will till with _vater when it
cc_)ls to 15 ° F. A newly-installed refrige]-atnr
may take 12 to 2,t hours to begin makiug
ice cubes.
Ihrow mx-aythe first f_zavhatches of ice to
annw the water line to clear.
Be sure nothing interfi_res with the sweep
of the f_eler arm.
When the bin fills to the level of the feeler
arm, the icemaker _¢dlstop producing ice.
It is normal tor several cubes to be joined
If ice ksnot u_d frequently, o d ice cubes
win become cloudy, taste stale and shrink.
Ifice cubes get stuck in the icemaker, the
green power light will blink. To correct this,
set the ix)wer m_4tch to 0 (off) and renlove
the cxtbes..Set the power switch to I (on)to
restart the icemaker.
After the icemaker has been turned on
again, there will be a delay of about
45 minutes before the k:emaker resumes
operati oiL%,
NOTE:In homeswith lower-than-averagewater
pressure,youmayheartheicemakerc_le multiple
timeswhenmaklhgonebatch of ice
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If )oltr reti'igecator did not come already
equipped with an automatic kelnaker,
an icemaker acce_,_)t), kit _ available at
ex tl*d COst,
Check the hack of the re|iS.gel*,ttor lk_r
the specifuzicemaker kit needed for
your model