Safety Instructions
Adapter Plugs ................ 6
Connecting Electricity ......... 4
Extension Cords .............. 5
Proper Disposal .............. 2
Safety Precautions ............ 3
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker .......... 11
Care and Cleaning ........ 12, 15
Shelves .................... 8, 9
Storage Drawers ............ 9, 10
Temperature Controls .......... 7
Installation Instructions
Preparing to Install
the Reli'igerator ............. 14
Reversing the Door Swing . . 19-24
Water Line Installation ..... 15-19
15, 16, 17, 18
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You Call For Service . .26, 27
Normal Operating Sounds ..... 25
Customer Service
Consumer Support .... Back Cover
Product Registration ....... 29, 30
Warranty for
Canadian Custome_ ......... 28
Warranty for U.S. Customers ... 31
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model #
Serial #
You can find them on a label on
the upper left side of the fi'esh food
162D3905P011 49-60250 02-03JR

Child entrapment and suffocation are not
problems of the past. Junked or abandoned
refrigerators are still dangerous...even if they
will sit for '_ust a few days." lfyou are getting
rid of your old refiigerato_; please follow the
instructions below to help prevent accidents.
Before You Throw Away Your Old
Refrigerator or Freezer:
N Take off the doors.
/})5Leave the shelves in place so that children
may not easily climb inside.
All refrigeration products contain refi'igerants,
which under federal law must be removed prior
to product disposal. If you are getting rid of an
old refi'igeration product, check with the
company handling the disposal about what
to do.
Les enfants pris au pi&ge ou morts d'asphyxie
sont tot_ours d'acmalit_. Les rdfrig_rateurs
abandonng_s sont toujours aussi dangereux,
m&me si on n'attend que _<quelques.jours>,
pour s'en d_barrassel: Si vous ne gardez pas
votre ancien rdfrig_ratem; veuillez suiwe les
directives ci<tessous afin de prdvenir les accidents.
Avant de voltsd_barrasserde votreancien
r_frig_rateurou cong#lateur :
Tousles appareils de r_fi'ig_ration contiennent
des rdfrigg_rants qui, confbrmg_ment aux lois
fdddrales, doivent _tre enlevds avant route
dlimination de l'appareil. Si vous vous
ddbarrassez de vieux appareils de rdfrig_ration,
vdrifiez, aupr_s de la soci_td qui s'occupe de
leur dlimination, ce que vous devez faire.
N D_montez les portes.
_ Laissez les clayettes en place afin d'emp&her
les enfhnts de grimper _ l'int6rieun

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
NThis refrigerator must be properly installed
and located in accordance with tile Installation
Instructions before it is used.
g_Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang
on the shelves in tile refrigerator. They could
damage the refrigerator and seriously injure
NDo not touch tile cold surfaces in tile freezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet.
Skin may stick to these extremely cold surfaces.
g_Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
vapors and liquids in tile vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
£;Keep fingers ott of tile pinch pont areas;
clearances between the doors and between
the doors and cabinet are necessarily small.
f f
Be carefifl closing doors when children are
in the area.
{In refiigerators with automatic icemakers,
avoid contact with the moving parts of the
ejector mechanism, or with the heating element
that releases the cubes. Do not place fingers or
hands on the automatic icemaking mechanism
while the refrigerator is plugged in.
{ Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning and
making repairs.
{Turning the control to the 0 position does
not remove power to the light circuit.
{Do not refreeze frozen foods which have
thawed completely.
N'utilisez cot filectromOnager que pour I'usage auquel il est destin6, comme expfiqu6 dans le
pr#sent manuel.
Lorsque vous utilisez unapparei161ectrique, observez toujours les mesures de sOcurit# de base,
y compris les suivantes.
/}_5Installez le r4frig4rateur conform4ment aux
directives d'installation a-cant de l'ufiliser.
/})5Ne laissez pas les enfants grimpm; s'asseoiJ;
se tenir debout ni se pendre aux clayettes du
rdfrig_rateur, lls pourraient endommager le
rdfrig_rateur et se blesser gravement.
/})5N'entreposez et n'utilisez pas d'essence ou
autres vapeurs et liquides inflammables it
proximit_ de cet appareil ou de tout autre
appareil 41ectrom4nageE
Nl_loignez les doigts des parties du rdfrig_rateur
off l'on peut lCacilement se pincer : les espaces
entre les portes et entre les portes et les placards
sont toujours 4troits. Soyez prudent lorsque
vous fermez les portes de l'appareil en prdsence
des enfhnts.
/})5Si votre r4frigdrateur est dotd d'une machine 'a
glaqons automatique dvitez le contact avec les
pi&ces mobiles du m&anisme _jectem; ou avec
l'_l_ment chaui_ant qui lib_re les gla{2ons.
Ne posez pas les doigts ou les mains sur le
m&anisme de la machine it glagons pendant
que le r_frig&ateur est branch£
_ Ne touchez pas les surfaces froides du cong41ateur
si vous avez les mains humides ou mouill4es :la
peau risque d'adh4rer 'aces surfaces tr_s froides.
_ND4branchez votre r4frig4rateur avant de le
nettoyer ou de le rdparer.
REMARQUE: Nousvousrecommandonsvivementde
_ Lorsque vous r4glez la commande sur 0 (&eint),
l'alimentation 41ectrique de l'ampoule n'est pas
_ Ne recongelez pas les aliments surgel& qui ont
compl_tement ddgel4. 3

Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety, this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (grounding) plug which mates
with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet
m minimize the possibility of"elecnic shock hazard
from this appliance.
Have the w-alloudet and circuit checked by a
qualified electrician to make sure tile outlet is
properly grounded.
Where a standard 2-prong w_dloutlet is
encountered, it is your personal responsibility and
obligation m have it replaced with a properly
grounded 3-prong wall oudet.
The refrigerator should always be plugged into its
own individual electrical outlet which has a voltage
rating that matches tile rating plate.
f f
This provides the hest performance and also
prevents overloading house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard from overheated wires.
Never unplug your refrigerator by pulling on the
power cord. Alwaysgrip plug firmly and pull
straight out from the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that
have become frayed or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage
along its length or at either end.
When moving the refrigerator av_-ayfrom the
w_dl,be carefltl not to roll over or damage the
power cord.
No coupez ni retirez on aucun cas la troisifime broche (mise _ la terre) de la fiche du cordon
d'alimentation. Pour votre s_curit_, cet appareil doit Otre correctement mis _ la terre.
Le cordon d'alimentation de cet appareil est
muni d'une fiche 5. 3 broches (mise 5_la terre)
qui se branche dans une prise murale ordinaire
5_3 alvdoles (mise 'a la terre) pour rdduire au
minimum les risques de chocs dlecniques.
Faites examiner la prise de courant et le circuit
par un _lectricien qualifid pour vous assurer que
la prise est correctement mise 5_la terre.
Si la prise murale est du vypestandard 5.2 alvdoles,
il vous incombe de la fMre remplacer par une
prise 'a3 alv_oles correctement mise 5_la terre.
Le r4frigdrateur doit tot_ours 4tre branch4 dans
sa propre prise de courant, dont la tension
nominale est identique 5_celle indiqu4e stir la
plaque signal4tique.
Cette precaution est recommand4e pour garanfir
un rendement optimum et dviter une surcharge des
circuits 41ectriques de la r4sidence, ce qui pourrait
crier un risque d'incendie par surchauffe des fils.
Ne ddbranchezjamais le r_fiigdrateur en tirant
sur le cordon d'alimentation. Saisissez fizrmement
la fiche du cordon et tirez droit pour la retirer
de la prise.
R_parez ou remplacez imm_diatement tout cordon
effilocbe ou endommag(_. N'utilisez pas un cordon
fendill_ ou pr_sentant des signes d'usure.
Lorsque vous d_placez votre rg_frigdrateur du mm;
faites attention de ne pas le taire rouler stir le cordon
d'alimentation afin de ne pas l'endommagen

Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend
againstthe use of an extension cord.
Howevm; if you must use an extension cord, it is absolutely necessary that it be a UL-listed (in tile United
States) or a CNA certified (in Canada), B-wire grounding type appliance extension cord having a grounding
type plug and outlet and that the elecnical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimum) and 120 volts.
Nous vous recommandons fortement de ne pas utiliser de cordons prolongateurs _ cause des risques
potentiels qu'ils pr6sentent dans certaines conditions.
Toutefois sivous d_cidez d'utiliser tout de m{:me un cordon prolongatem; il est absolument n_cesmire
clu'il s'agisse d'un cordon 'a 3 ills avec mise 5.la terre pour appareils dlectromdnagers homologud UL (aux
Etats-Unis) ou certifi_ CSA (au Canada), pourvu d'une fiche et d'une prise mises _tla terre de 15 amp&res
(minimum) et de 120 volts.

USEOFADAPTERPLUGS(Adapter plugs not permitted in Canada)
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against
the use of an adapter plug.
Howevm; if you must use an adapter, where local
codes permit, a temporary connection may be made
m a properly grounded 2-prong wall outlet by use
ofa UL-listed adapter available at most local
hardware stores.
The larger slot in tile adapter must be aligned with
the larger slot in the wall oudet to proxdde proper
polarity in the connection of the power cord.
When disconnecting the power cord from the
adaptm; always hold the adapter in place with one
hand while pulling the power cord plug with the
other hand. If this is not done, the adapter ground
terminal is very likely to break with repeated use.
If the adapter ground terminal breaks, DO NOTUSE
the refrigerator until a proper ground has been
Attachingtheadaptergroundterminalto a walloutletcover
ismetal,andnotinsulated,andthewaftoutletis grounded
bya qualifiedelectriciantomakesuretheoutletisproperly
f f
FICHED',4DAPTATION(Fichesd'_daptatiannonperm&esau Canada)
Nous vousrecommandons fortement de no pas utiliser une fiche d'adaptation _ cause des risques
potentiels qu'elle pr6sente clanscertaines circonstances.
Toutefois, si vous dg_cidez d'utiliser tout de m&me
une fiche d'adaptation, vous pouvez effecmer un
raccordement temporaire, si les codes locaux le
permettent, dans une prise de courant 'a 2 alv_oles
ad_quatement mise _tla terre en utilisant une fiche
d'adaptation homologude UL, en vente dans la
plupart des quincailleries.
La fente la plus longue de la fiche doit &tre align_e
avec la fente la plus longue de la prise murale afin
d'assurer la polarit_ appropri_e pour le
branchement du cordon d'alimentation.
Lorsque vous ddbranchez le cordon d'alimentation
de la fiche d'adaptation, saisissez tot_ours la fiche
d'une main pendant que vous tirez sur la fiche
du cordon d'alimentation de l'autre. Sinon,
la borne de mise _t la terre de la fiche d'adaptation
risque de casser avec le temps.
Si la borne de mise 'a la terre de la fiche casse,
N'_flLISEZPASI'appareil tant qu'une mise _t la terre
addquate n'aura pas _td rdtablie.
Lefaitde fixerla bornederaise_laterredelafiche
automatiquementlaraise# la terredel'appareil,flfautquela
raise_ laterreparfentremiseduc#blagedelarfisidence.
assurercluelapriseestad#quatementraise_ laterre.
/ /

Aboutthetemperaturecontroldial ww_.GEAppliances.com
Turning the dial to 0 stops cooling in both compartments-fresh food and freezer. It does not shut off power to the
Temperature ControlDial
The temperature control dial has nine settings plus 0. 1 is the warmest. 9 is the coldest.
At first, set the dial at 5.
After using the refi'igeratol, adjust the dial if necessal T.
Insert a coin into the slot in the middle of the dial and you can turn the dial to the setting
that's best suited to your needs.
Allow 24 hours for the refi'igerator to get cold.

Shelf supports at various levels allow you to custom-space your shelves. Not all features are on all models.
Half-Width Shelves
One end of the shelf rests on a molded
side-wall support; a bracket on the other
end hooks into a track on the rear
cabinet w-all.
TOremove, lift the shelf up at front, then
off the support and out of the track.
TOreplace, select desired shelf height.
With shelf front raised slightly, hook the
bracket's top lug into the track, then
lower the shelf onto the support.
Full-Width Shelves
Some models have a steel wire sliding
shelf, a stationary tempered glass shelf or
two steel wire stationary shelves. These
shelves can be moved to another place
in the fl'esh food compartment.
The full-width sliding shelf has stop-locks.
When placed correctly on the shelf
supports, the shelf will stop before coming
completely out of tbe refrigerator and will
not tilt when you place food on it or
remove food from it.
Toremovethefull-width shelves,lift the
rear of the shelf and pull forward.
NOTE:Theshelf to therightof the trackis
designedtohookinto the@t-hand slot,
theshelf tothe left is designedto hook
intothe leftqTandslot.
Toremovea full-width sheff when the fresh
foodcompartmentdoorcannotbe opened
fully,lift tile rear of tile shelf, pull
forward and down, tilt the shelf and
take it out.

About the freezer compartment shelves, ww .GEAppliances.com
Some models have an ice-tray shelf and some have a full-width step shelf.
Ice- Tray Shelf
To remove the ice-tray sheff, lift the left
side of the shelf off its supports, then
pull the shelf re the left to free it of the
plug supports. Pull the shelf to tile right
re free the pins fi'om the holes in the
cabinet wall.
Step Shelf
TOremove the step shelf:
[] Lift left side of shelf slightly.
[_ Move shelf to the left to fi'ee its right
ends from holes in the cabinet wall.
[]Lower right side of shelf; move shelf to
the right and take it out.
TOreplace the step shelf:
[]With shelf tilted as shown, fit left ends
of shelf into holes in cabinet wall.
[]Lift left side of shelf slighdy, swing shelf
up, fit right ends of shelf into holes in
cabinet wall, and lower shelf into place.
About the storage drawers.
Not all features are on all models.
Excess water that may accumulate in the
bottom of the drawers should be emptied
Fru, and Vegetable Drawers
and the drawers wiped dry.
Snacks Drawer
The snacks drawer can be moved to the
most useful location for your fhmily's

About storage drawer and cover removal.
Not all features are on all models.
Drawer and Cover Removal
Drawers can be removed easily by grasping
tile sides and lifting up slightly while
pulling drawers past tile stop location.
Full-Width Drawer with Plastic Cover
Toremovethecover, lift it of?["its supports,
pull it forward, tilt it and take it out.
Twin Drawers with Glass Cover
[]Remove the drawers.
[]Reach in, push the front of glass
cover up, and at the same time,
pull it forward as far as it will come.
Tilt it and take it out. Avoid cleaning the
cold glass cover with hot w-ater because
the extreme temperature difference may
cause it to break.
[]Remove the drawer frame. (Always
remove the glass cover before you
take out the drawer frame.)
Lift the frame off the supports at each
side and back, pull it forw-ard, tilt it and
take it out.
[]Lower the frame until it rests on the
supports at each side and back.
[]Replace the glass corm; pushing its
rear edge firmly into the rear frame
channel and gently lowering tile front
into place.
[]Replace the drawers.