GE GTR16BBSARWW, GTS18GBSERBB, GTS16BBSARCC, GTS17JBWERWW, GTS16BCSALCC Owner's Manual And Installation Instructions

Safety Instructions .2- _
Operating Instructions
Automatic Icemaker ........... 8
(;are and Cleaning ......... 9, 10
Shelves .................... 5, 6
Storage Drawers ............. 6, 7
Temperature Controls .......... 4
Preparing to Install
the ReDigeramr ............. 11
Reversing the Door Swing . . 16-91
V(ater Line Installation ..... 19-16
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You Call For Service . .92, 93
Normal Operating Sounds ..... 99
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .... Back Cover
Product Registration
(Canadian) .............. 95, 96
Product Registration (U.S.) . 97, 98 V(arranty for
Canadian Customers ......... 94
_4'arranty for U.S. Customers . . . 99
Models 16, 17, 18
Cong_lateur sup&ieur
Lasectionfran_aise commence a lapage30
Congelador superior
La secci6n en espa#ol empieza en la pagina 60
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
Model # Serial #
You can find them on a label on
the upper lett side of the fl'esh toed
COIIlp}l I'tIIl en t.
197D5226PO04 49-60455 01-06 JR
Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's Manual.
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
_:i:This refrigerator must be i}roperl_ installed
and located in accordance with the Installation Instructions before it is used.
i)::Do not allow children to climb, st;rod or hang
on the shelves in the reli_igerato_: They could damage the refi_igerator and seriously iqiure
::_ Do not touch the cold sm_i_ces in the fl'eezer
compartment when hands are damp or wet. Skin may stick t() these extremely cold stm'aces.
_'_Do not store or use gasoline or other flammable
\:q)ms and liquids in the viciniv,, of this or any other appliance.
i)::In refi_igerato_ with automatic icemake_,
avoid contact with the moving parts of the ejector mechanism, or with the headng element
locamd on the bottom _ff the icemake_: Do not place finge_ or hands on the aUtOlnatic
icemaking mechanism while the reli_igerator is i)lugged in.
i)::Kee I) finge_s out _ff the "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the doo_ and between the doois and cabinet are necessarily small.
Be careflfl closing doms when children are in the area.
i)::UnI)lug the refrigerator befin'e cleaning and
making repai_.
NOTE."Westronglyrecommendthat anyservlcl))gbe performedby aqualified individual
_?_Turlfing the control to the 0 position does
not remove power to the light circuit.
i)_:Do not refi'eeze fl'ozen foods which have
thawed complemly:
Child entralmlent and suffocation are not
problems of the past. Jtmked or abandoned
reffigeratm_ are still dangerous...even if they will
sit fin" "just a few days." If you are getting rid of your old reliJgeratm; please follow the instructions below to hel I) prevent accidents.
Before YouThrowAway YourOld
Refrigerator or Freezer:
_: Take off the dome.
M1 refi_igeration products contain refi_igerants, which under federal law InUSt be removed prior
to product disposal. If you are getting rid _d an old refrigeration product, check with the company
handling the disposal about what to do.
iJi::I,eave the shelves in place so that children max
not easily climb inside.
Donot, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord.
For personal safety this appliance must be properly grounded.
Tile power cord of this appliance is equipped with a 3-prong (gro/mding) plug which mates with a
standard B-prong (gro/mding) wall outlet to minimize tile possibili_, of electric shock hazard
fl'om this appliance. Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a
qualified electridan to make sm'e tile outlet is properly gro/mded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is
enco/mtered, it is yore" personal responsibiliD' and obligation to have it replaced with a properly
gro/mded 3-prong wall outlet. Tile reli-igerator should alwa D be plugged into its
own individual electrical outlet which has a w)ltage rating that matches tile rating plate.
This provides tile best pe_om_ance and also I)rexents oxefloading, house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire hazard fl'om oxefl/eated wires.
Never unplug your refrigerator bv pulling on tile power cord. Mways grip plug firefly and pull
straight out fl'om tile outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power cords that have become fl'ayed or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord that shows cracks or abrasion damage along its length or at either end.
\4lien moving tile refrigerator away fl'om tile wall, be careflll not to roll over or damage tile power cord.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against the use of an extension cord.
HoweveI; if you I/ltlSt rise an extension cord, it is absolutely ne('essai'v that it be a UiAisted (in tile United States) or a CSA-lismd (in Canada), 3-wire gro/mding b'pe appliance extension cord having a gro/mding
_'pe plug and outlet and that tile electrical rating of the cord be 15 amperes (minimmn) and 120 volts.
Aboutthe temperaturecontroldial.
Turning the dial to 0 stops cooling in both compartments--fresh food and freezer. It does not shut off power to
the refrigerator.
Temperature Control Dial
The temperature control dial has nine settings plus O. I is the wam_est. 9 is the coldest. At first, set the dial at 5.
After using the refl'igeratot; a(!iust the dial if necessary.
Insert a coin into the slot in the middle of the dial and w)u can turn the dial to the setting that is best suited to w)ur needs.
Allow 24 hours tot the refl'igerator to get cold.
Aboutthe freshfoodcompartmentshelves.
Shelf supports at various levels allow you to custom-space your shelves. Not all features are on all models.
ITlTilt up
Half-Width Shelves
One end ot the shelf rests on a molded side-wall support; a bracket on the other
end hooks into a track on the rear cabinet wall.
To remove, lift the shelf up at fl'ont, then
off the stlpport and otlt of the track.
To replace, select desired shelf height.
_,_ith shelf front raised slightly, hook the
bracket's top lug into the track, then h)wer the shelf onto the support.
NOTE:Theshelf to theright of thetrackis des/)nedtohookinto theright-handslot,
theshelf to theleftis designedto hook
into theleft-handdot
Full-Width Shelves
Some models have a steel wire sliding shelf, a stationa_ T teml)ered glass shelf or
two steel wire stationary shelves. These shelves can be moved to another place
in the fresh fl)od compartment.
The fifll-width sliding shelf has stop-locks. When placed correctly on the shelf
SUl)ports, the shelf will stop heft)re coming completely ()tit of the reli'igerator and will
not tilt when you place food on it or ten/eve fi)od from it.
To remove the full-width shelves, lift the
rear of the shelf and pull forward,
Toremove a full-width shelf when the fresh
food compartment door cannot be opened fully, lifi the rear ot the shelf, pull
fin'ward and down, tilt the shelf and take it out.
Spillproof Shelves (onsomemodels)
Spillproof shelves have special edges to hel I) prevent spills from dfil)l)ing
to lower shelves. To remove or replace the shelves, see the above instructions.
About the freezer compartment shelves.
Some models have an ice-tray shelf and some have a full-width step shelf.
Ice-Tray Sheff
To remove the ice-tray shelf, ]itt file ]eft
side o_ the shell off its supports, then pull the shelf to the left to fl'ee it of the
plug supports. Pull the sheff to the fight
to fl'ee the pins fl'om the holes in the cabinet wall.
To remove the step shelf:
_]I_ifl left side ot shel_ slightl). _Move shelf to the left to flee its right
ends fl'om holes in the cabinet _<fll.
[_] Lower fight side of shelf, moxe shelf to
the right and take it out.
To replace the step shelf:
[_]_ ith shelf tilted as sho_*_rll, fit lett ends LJ of shelf into holes in cabinet wall.
_I,ifl left side of shelf slightly, swing shelf
up, fit right ends of shelf into holes in cabinet wall, and lower shelf into place.
About the storage drawers.
Not all features are on all models.
Fru# and Vegetable Drawers
Excess water that may accumulate in the bottom of the drawex_ should be emptied
and the drawers wiped dry.
Snacks Drawer
The snacks drawer can be moved to the most useflfl location fl)r wmr family's
About storage drawer and cover removal.
Not all features are on all models.
Humidity Contro!
Adjustable Humidity Drawer (onsomemodels)
Slide the control all the way to the Slide the control all the wm to the LOW
HIGH setting to provide high humidit_ setting to provide lower humidi_' levels recommended for most xegetables, recommended for most frtfits.
Drawer and Cover Removal
Drawers can be removed easily by grasping the sides and lifting up slightly while
ptflling (h'awe_ past the stop location.
Full-Width Drawer with Plastic Cover
Toremove the cover, lift it oft its supports,
ptfll it forward, tilt it and take it out.
i_ _ , _ii
ii iiiiiii
Twin Drawers with Glass Cover
_]llemo_e the drawers. [_ Reach in, push the front of glass
co',er up, and at the same time,
pull it forward as tar as it will come.
Tilt it and take it out. Avoid cleaning the cold glass cover with hot water because
the extreme temperatm'e difii_rence may catlse it to break.
_] Remo',e the drawer fl'ame. (Always
rei//o',e the glass co',er befi)re }o/'1 take out the drawer fi'ame.)
i,itt the ti'ame off the sui}ports at each
side and back, ptfll it torward, tilt it and
take it out.
_] I,ower the frame tmtil it rests on the
SUl)ports at each side and back.
V_ ReI)lace the ,glass cox er, I)ushin'"_ its
0 ( )
rear edge firml) int the rear frame channel and ,,entl_ lowering the front
into place.
[_]Replace the drawers.
About the automatic icemaker.
A newly-installed refrigerator may take 12to 24 hours to begin making ice.
Power Switch Icemaker
( PowerLight lerArm
Powerswitch model
FeelerArmi!/ (up)position
the ON (down!
Feeler arm model
Automatic Icemaker (on some models)
Tile icemaker will produce approxinmtely
100-] 30 cubes in a 24-hour period,
depending on tile fl'eezer compartment
teiilpei'atHi'e, i'OOill teiili)ei'atHi'e _ nHiilber
of door openings and other use conditions.
There are two types of icemake_: power switch models and feeler am/models.
If tile refl_igerator is operated befi we tile
water connection is made to tile icemake_;
set the power switch to 0 (off) or move the teeler ann to tile STOP (up) position.
\_]/en tile refl_igerator has been connected
to the water supply, set the power switch to tile I (On)position or move tile feeler arm to
tile ON (down) position. On power switch models, the green light will come on.
Ybu will hear a buzzing so/md each time
the icemaker fills with water.
Tile icemaker Mll fill with water when it
cools to 15°E A newl)qnstalled reli-igerator
may take 12 to 24 hom_ to begin making ice cubes.
Throw awm tile first taw batches of ice to allow tile water line to clear.
Be sure nothing interferes with tile sweep of tile feeler amL
\&lien tile bin fills to tile level of tile teeler amL tile icemaker will stop produdng ice.
It is natural for several cubes to bejoined together:
If ice is not used fl'equenfl> old ice cubes
will become cloud); taste stale and shrink.
On power switch models, tile green power light will blink if ice cubes get stuck in the
icemake_: To correct this, set tile power switch to 0 (off)and remove the cubes. Set
the power switch to ! (0t))to restart the icemake_: _Mter tile icemaker has been
turned on again, there will be a delay of about 45 minutes before tile icemaker
I'eStlllles opei'ation.
pressure, you may hearthe icemaker cycle multiple times when making one batch of ice.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
If your refl'igerator did not ah'eadv come equipped with all automatic icemakec
an icemaker accessory kit is available at
extra cost,
Check tile back of tile refrigerator for the specific icemaker kit needed for ?our
Care and cleaning of the refrigerator.
Cleaning the Outside
The door handles and trim (on sonle
models). Clean with a cloth (laml)ened with soapy water. Dry with a spit cloth.
Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean
cloth lightly dampened with kitchen
appliance wax or mild liquid dish
detergent. Dry and polish with a clean,
soft cloth.
Do not wipe the refrigerator with a soiled dish cloth or wet towel. Thesemay leave a residue
that can erode the paint. Do not use scouring pads,powdered cleaners, bleach or cleaners
containing bleach because these products can scratch and weaken the paint finish.
The stainless steel panels and door handles
(on some models) can be cleaned with
a commercially available stainless steel
cleaner. Do not use appliance wax or
polish on the stainless steel.
Cleaning the Inside
Tohelp prevent odors, leave an o[)en be×
el baking soda in the fi'esh food and
freezer cOiill)_l i'tiil en is.
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning.
If this is not practical, wring excess
moisture out of sponge or cloth when
cleaning around switches, lights or
Use waHn water and baking soda solution-
about a tablespoon (15 ml) of baking soda
to a quart (1 liter) of water. This both cleans and neutralizes odors. Rinse and
wipe d_y. After cleaning the door gaskets, apply a
thin laver of petroleum.jelly to the door
gaskets at the hinge side. This helps kee I)
the gaskets from sticking and bending out of shape.
Avoid cleaning cold glass shelves (onsome models) with hot water because the extreme
temperature difference may cause them to break. Handle glass shelves careful/)z Bumping
tempered glass can cause it to shatter Do not wash any plastic refrigerator parts in
the dishwasher
There is no need for routine condenser cleaning in normal home operating
envii'onillents. However, in eIIviI'()IlIlleIltS
that may be particulady dusty or greasy, the condenser should be cleaned
periodically for elticient refrigerator
el)era tion.
To clean the condenser; turn the temperature control dial to 0. Sweep
}IW}IV OI" V}IC[I[IIII I1 I) dust.
For best results, use a brash specially designed t0r this i)urpose. It is available
at most appliance parts stores.
Care and c/eanino of the refrigerator.
Behind the Refrigerator
Be careful when moving the refl'igerator
away fron/ tile wall. All types of floor
coverings call be (lamaged, particularly cushioned coverings and those with
eI//bossed sslr_lces.
Turn tile leveling legs at each fl'ont corner
of tile refligerator cotmterch)ckwise tmtil tile rolles_ support tile reli'igeratol: Pull tile
refl_igexvm)r straight out and return it to
position by pushing it straight in. Moving
tile refl_igemtor in a side direction may result in damage to tile floor coveting or
When pushing the refngerator back, make sure
you don't rofl over the power cord or icernaker
supply/1be (onsome models).
Mter rolling tile refl'igerator back into
place, turn tile legs (h)rkwise 5mtil tile legs again bear the weight of the
Light Bulb Replacement
To replace a burned-out bulb, unplug
the refl'igerator fl'om its electrical outlet, unscrew tile bulb when cool and replace
it with an appliance bulb of the same or lower wattage.
Turningthe centre/to the0 positiondoesnot
removepowerto the//ght circuit.
Preparing for Vacation
For long Vil(;ltions ol abse51(es, rel//ove
%od and 5mplug tile refl'igerat(51: Move
tile temperature control dial to tile 0
position, and dean tile interior with a baking soda solution of one tablespoon
(15 ml) of baking soda to one quart (1 liter) of water. I,eave tile doors open.
Set tile icemaker power switch to tile
0 (off} position or move tile tbeler ann to
tile STOP (5li)) position (depending o51 model) and shut off tile water supply to
tile refl'igerator.
If tile temperatm'e call drop below fl'eezing, have a qualified servicer drain
tile water supply system (on some models) to prevent serious property
damage due to flooding.
Preparing to Move
Serm'e all loose items such as grille,
shelves and drawers by taping them securely in place to prevent damage.
Be sure the refr/)erator stays inan upr/)ht position dur/bg rnov/bg,
Models 16, 17,18
Questions?Call 800.GE.CARES(800.432.2737)or Visitour X4_ebsiteat:
In Canada,call 1.800.361.3400or Visit,,mX_ebsite,t:
Read these instructions completely and carefully.
IMPORTANT - S.,e hese
instructions for local inspector's use.
IMPORTANT - Obse,,e.11
governing codes and ordinances.
Note to Installer - Be sure to leaxe these
instructions xdth the (_onsumer.
Note to Consumer - KeeI) these instructions
for future reference.
Skill level - Installation of this appliance requires basic mechanical skills.
Completion time - Refrigerator Installation
15 minutes
P,eversing the Door S*_ing
1 horn"
" Proper installation is the responsibilit} of the
Product failure due to iml)ioper installation is not co'_ered under the _'_u'rant}.
(on some models)
If the reliigerator has an icemaker, it will have to be connected to a cold water line. A water supply kit
(containing copper tubing, shutoff valve, fittings and
instructions) is available at extra cost fl'om your dealer, by visiting our Website at (in Canada at or fl'om Parts and Accessories,
800.626.2002 (in Canada 1.888.261.3055).
Do not install the reflJgerator where the temperatm'e
will go below 60°F (l 6 °C) because it will not mn otten enough to maintain proper temperatm'es.
Install it on a floor strong enough to support it flfllv loaded.
_Mlow the fi)llowing clearances fi)r ease of installation,
proper air circulation and I)lumbing, and electrical
Sides./4 (19ram)
Top 1" (25 ram)
Back 1" (25 ram)
Leveling legs near each fl'ont corner of the refl'igerator are a(!justable. They firmly position the refl'igerator
and prevent it from moving when the (loo_ are opened. I,eveling legs should be set so the fl'ont of the
refligerator is raised just enough that the doors close easily when opened about hallway.
Tm'n the leveling legs clockwise to raise the refl'igerator, counterclockwise to lower it.
Roflers next to the leveling legs allow you to move the
refrigerator away ti'om the wall tot cleaning.
Turn the legs com_terclockwise tmtil the weight of the reli'igerator is transferred fl'om them to the rollers.
After rolling the refligerator back into place, turn the
legs clockwise tmtil the legs again bear the weight of the refrigerator.
Installation instructions
Reconm_ended copper water supply kits are WX8X2, _X8X3 or _X8X4, depending on tile anmunt of
robing you need. Approved plastic water supply lines are GE SmartConnec( '_Refl'igerator Tubing
(_3X08X 10002, _3X08X 10006, _3X08X 10015 and
X43X08X 10025).
When c(mnecting yore" refl_igerator to a GE Reverse Osmosis Water System, the only approved installation
is with a GE RVKit. For other reverse osmosis water systems, tollow tile manufi_cturer's recommendations.
This water line installation is not warranted bv the refl'igerator or icemaker manufacturer. Follow these
instructions careflfllv to minimize tile risk of expensive water damage.
_'ater halnlner (water banging in tile pipes) in house plmnbing can cause damage to refl'igerator parts and lead to water leakage or flooding. (:all a qualified
plmnber to correct water hammer befi)re installing the water supply line to the refl'igerator.
To prevent bm'ns and product damage, do not hook
up tile water line to tile hot water line.
If volt/lse VO/lr refl'igerator before connecting tile water line, make sm'e the icemaker power switch is
in tile 0 (off) position (on power switch models) or tile feeler ann is in tile STOP(up) position (on feeler
arm models).
Do not install tile icemaker tubing in areas where temperatures tall below freezing.
When using any electrical device (such as a power drill) during installation, be sm'e the device is double
insulated or gro/mded in a manner to prevent the hazard of electric shock, or is battery powered.
All installations must be in accordance with local plmnbing code requirements.
Copper or GE SmartConnecP" Refrigerator Tubing
Mt, 1/4" outer diameter to connect tile refrigerator to tile water suppl> If using copper, be sure both
ends of tile robing are cut square.
To determine how much tubing you need: measure the distance ti'om tile water _:dve on the back of the
refl'igerator to tile water supply pipe. Then add 8'
(2.4 m). Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing (about 8' [2.4 m] coiled into 3 turns of about 10"
[25 cm] diameter) to allow tile refl'igerator to move
out fi'om tile wall after installation.
GE SmartConnect'" ReDigerator Tubing Kits are available in tile fl>llowing lengths:
2' (0.6 m) - WX08X10002 6' (1.8 m) -WXOSXIO006
15' (4.6 m) - WX08X100I 5
25' (7.6 m) - WX08X10025
Be sure that tile kit you select allows at least 8' (2.4 m) as described above.
NOTE: The only GE approved plastic tubing is that supplied in GE SmaxtCormect'" Refrigerator Tubing
kits. Do not use amy other plastic water supply line because the line is under pressure at all times. Certain
types of plastic will crack or rupture with age and
cause water damage to your home.
Installation Instructions
A GE water supply kit (containing tubing, shutoff
_dve and fittings listed below) is available at extra cost fl'om your dealer or fl'om Parts and Accessories,
A cold water supply. The water l)ressme must be between 20 and 120 p.s.i. (] A-8.I bar).
Power drill.
1/2" or adjustable wrench.
Straight and Phillips blade screwdriver.
Two 1/4" outer diameter compression nuts and 2 ferrules (sleeves)--to connect the copper robing
to the shutoff _dve and the refrigerator water _dve.
If you are using a GE Smart(kmnec( _ Refl-_gerator Tubing kit, the necessary fittings are preassembled
to the robing.
" If yore" existing copper water line has a flared fitting
at the end, you will need an adapter (available at phunbing supply stores) to com_ect the water line to
the refl'igerator OR you can cut off the flared fitting with a tube cotter and then use a compression
fitting. Do not cut _k)rmed end .4/'oIn GE SmartConnect'" Refi'igerator robing.
Shutoff valve to connect to the cold water line. Tile shutoff valve should have a water inlet with a
minimum inside diameter of 5/32" at the point of connection to the COLD WATER LINE. Saddle-t_pe
slmtoff valves are included in many water supply kits. Before purchasing, make sure a saddle-t_pe valve
complies with your local plumbing codes.
Install the shutoff xalxe on the nearest frequently used drinking water line.
Turn on tile nearest fimcet hmg enough to clear the lille of water.
Choose a location fi>r the valve that is easily accessible. It is best to connect into the side of
a vertical water pipe. When it is oecessarv to coooect into a horizontal water pipe, inake the
colnlectioo to the top or side, rather than at the bottom, to avoid drawing off aov sediu_eot fl'Oln
the water pipe.
Drill a l/4" hole in the "_ater pipe (e'_eo i_ using a sell'piercing vahe) using a sharp bit. R.emoxe an)
btu'l_ resulting frou_ drilling the hole in the pipe. Take care not to allow water to drMn into the drill.
Failure to drill a I "" ma_
/4 hole result in reduced
ice production or smaller cubes.
Installation Instructions
Fasten the shutotI xalxe to the cold water pipe with the pipe clamp.
Pipe Clamg
Saddle-Type--5# ShutoffValve
-- VerticalCold WaterPipe
NOTE: C(mmmnwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle wdves
are illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts. Consult with wmr licensed plumber.
Tighten tile clamp screws tmtil tile sealing washer begins to swell.
NOTE: Do not overtighten or vou mav crash tile tubing.
Pi End
Route tile tubing between tile cold water line and tile refrigerator.
Route tile tubing through a hole drilled in tile wall or floor (behind tile refl'igerator or a(!ja(-ent base
cabinet) as close to the wall as possible. NOTE: Be sure there is sufficient extra tubing
(about 8 feet [244 cm] coiled into 3 tm'ns of about 10" [25 cm] diameter) to allow the refrigerator to
move out fl'om the wall after installation.
Place tile compression nut and ferrule (sleexe) for coI)per tubing onto the end of tile tubing and
connect it to tile shutott xalxe.
Make sm'e tile tubing is flfllv inserted into tile
wove. Tighten the compression nut seem'ely.
For plastic tubing fl'om a GE Smart(:onnect" Refl'igerator Tubing kit, insert the molded end
of the tubing into the shutott wdve and tighten compression nut tmtil it is hand tight, then tighten
one additional turn with a wrench. Overtightening
IIl_lV Catlse leaks.
Saddle-Type ShutoffValve
Nut SmartConnect_
Packing Nut.
Outlet Valve-- --Ferrule (sleeve)
NOTE: Commonwealth of Massachusetts Plumbing Codes 248CMR shall be adhered to. Saddle wflves
are illegal and use is not permitted in Massachusetts. Consult with vom" licensed plmnber.
Turn tile main water supply on and flush out tile robing until the water is clear,
Shut the water off at tile water valve after about one quart (l liter) of water has been flushed
through tile tubing.
installation instructions
Before making tile ctmnection to tile refrigerator, be sm'e tile refrigerator power cord is not l_lugged,,
into tile wall outlet.
We recommend installing a water filter if yore"
water supply has sand or particles that could clog
tile screen of tile refrigerator's water valve. Install it in the water line near the refl'igerator. If using
GE SmartConnect >' Refl'igerator Tubing kit,
you will need an additional robe (WX08X10002)
to connect tile filter. Do not cut plastic tube to install filter.
Remo'_e the access co'_er.
Remo_e the plastic flexible cap from tile _<_ter vaEe (refrigerator cmmection).
Place the compression nut and terrule (sleeve) onto the end of the tubing as shown. (-)n GE
SmartConnect'" Refl'igerator Tubing kit, the nuts are already assembled to the tubing.
Insert tile end of tile tubing into tile water valve connection as flu" as possible. While holding tile
tubing, tighten tile fitting.
For plastic tubing from a GE SmartConnect _" ReKigerator Tubing kit, insert tile molded end
of the tubing into tile shutoff valve and tighten compression nut until it is hand tight, then
tighten one additional turn with a wrench. Overtightening may cause leaks.
Fasten tile tubing into tile clamp proxided to hold it in a xertical position. You max need to
pry open tile clamp.
1/4" Copper _ _ TubingClamp
Refrigerator _,_ SmartConnect Connection Tubing
Reattach tile access co_,er,
Tighten any connections that leak.
Installation Instructions
&_rranoe the coil of tubing so that it does not _ibrate
against the back of the refrigerator or against the
wall. Push the refrigerator back to the wall.
On power switch models, set the icemaker power switch m the I (On)position. On feeler am_ models,
move the feeler am_ to the ON (down) position. The icemaker will not begin to operate until it reaches
its operating temperature of 15°F (-9°C) or below. It will then begin operation automatically:
Powerswitch model
FeelerArmin theON(down)position
NOTE: In lower water pressure conditions, the water xalxe may turn on up to 3 times to delixer
enouoh water to the icemaker.
When re\'e_ing the door swing:
Read the instructions all the way through before
Handle parts careflflly to awfid scratching paint.
Set screws down by their related parts to avoid using them in the wrong places.
Provide a non-scratching work sm'tace for the doo_s.
IMPORTANT: Once you begin, do not move the
cabinet tmtil doo>swing reversal is completed.
These instructions are tbr changing the hinges fl'om
the right side to the leti side--if vou ever want to change the hinges back to the right side, tk)llow these same
inst_ uctions and reverse all references to left and right.
Phillipsscrewdriver Maskingtape
5/16" hex-head T20orT25Torxdriver, socketdriver (neededforsome
Puttyknife orthin-blade
5/16" open-end wrench
Installation instructions
1.1 Unplug the refrigerator ti'on/its electrical outlet.
2.2 X,_ith a 5/16" hex-head socket drixer, remoxe the
screws that hold the top hinge to the cabinet.
1.2 Empty all door shelves, including the dairy
COIl/ p}l I'tll/e n t,
CAUTION: Do not let either door drop to the floor, To do so could daIlla(reo the door stop,
2.1 Tape the door shut with maskiw,, ., tape.
2.3 I,ift the hinoe,_ (and the shim glued to it) straioht, up to free the hinge pin from the socket in
the top of the door and set it aside, ahmg with its screws.
TopHinge --
2.4 Remo_e tile tape and tilt tile door awa_ from tile cabinet, I,ifl it off the center hinge pin,
2.5 Set tile door on a non-scratching surfi_ce with the outside up.
2.6 Transfer the 2 screws from the opposite side of
the cabinet to the screw holes _acated b_ the top hinge removal.
Installation Instructions
3.1 Tape the door shut with masking tape.
3.4 Set the door outside-ui ) on a non-scratching
3.2 Using a 5/16" hex-head socket screwdriver and a 5/16" open-end wrench, remove the two
screws holding the center hinge (and the shim glued to it) to the cabinet. I,ift the center hinge
to free its pin ti'om the socket in the top of the doo_, and set hinge and screws aside. Be careful
not to lose the center hinge spacer mad washer.
3.3 Rein(we the tape and tilt the door away fl'om the cabinet. I,ifl the door fi'om the pin in the bottom hinge bracket. (If the plastic washer sticks to the
door bottom, put it back on the hinge.)
3.5 Transfer the two screws fl'om the opposite side of the cabinet to the screw holes _ _cated b_ the center
hin,,e I'eI/lO_,al.
3.6 Transfer the washer (if your model has one) to the
opposite side.
3.7 Take one of the scre_vs removed in step 2 and start
it in the outem_ost screw hole on the opposite side.
Do not drive it all the way down--leave enough
space trader the screw head tot thickness of shim and bracket.
Installation instructions
4.1 Ren/ove tile base grille (if' _our refrigerator has one) b} pulling it straight out.
4.2 Moxe tile botton/ hinoe_ bracket (and shim glued to it) and plastic washer from tile right side to tile
left side,
Models with a hinge bracket that has 2 screw holes.
Modelswith ahinge bracket thathas4 screwholes.
Switchthe hingepin to the oppositesideofthe bracket.
4.3 Interchange hinge (and the shim glued to it) and screws at top right with screws at top left of cabinet.
Do not tighten screws on hinge side at this time,
Installing the hinge on the left. Installing the hinge on the right.
Some hinges have fimr holes. Which holes vou
use fin" installing tile hinge depends on which
side wm install tile hinge.
Tile outer edge of tile hinge shotfld be parallel
to tile edge of tile case for correct installation.
5.1 Transfer fresh food door handle
5.1.1 Remove tile handle plug using a
tape-tipped putty knife under tile edge, and rei//ove tile sci'ew tlnderneath.
Remove tile two screws holding tile handle to tile top of tile (loot'.
5.1.2 Remoxe tile handle.
5.1.3 Remoxe tile screws from tile right edge of tile
door top and insert them into tile handle screw holes on tile opposite side.
5.1.4 With tape-tipped putty knite or thin-blade
screwdriver, pry out the pltlg button from the
hinge hole on the left side of the door and
insert it into the hole on the opposite side that was w_cated by remowd of the top hinge.
Plug Bu_
Installation Instructions
5.1 Transfer fresh food door handle
5.1.5 Pull the plug button ti'on_ the front
of the door and transfer it to the opposite side,
Plug Button
handleonthe oppositeside.
5.2 Transfer door stop
5.2.1 Mo_e the metal door stop
fron/ the right end to the Door Stop
le)tend. __
Left Sid
5.2.2 Mo_eam
screws fl'om Right Side the left end to
the right end,
5.3 Reinstalling the Fresh Food Door
5.3.1 Attach the handle to
the right side of the door with screws at
the top and trader the handle plug,
5.3.2 Reinstall the handle plug. _._-
5.4 Transfer Freezer Door Handle
5.4.1 Remo_e the screw
holding the handle to rite top of rite
door and the two
screws holding the
handle to the bottom of the door.
5.4.2 Remo_e the handle.
5.4.3 Remoxe the screw fl'om the right, toi ) edge of the
door and insert it into the handle screw hole on the leii side,
5.4.5 Attach the handle to the fight edge of the door
with screws at top and bottom, using bottom
holes _acated b_ removal of the door stop screws.
Installation Instructions
6.1 Rehang the fresh food door
6.1.1 i,ower the tresh food door onto the
botton_ hinge, pin. Be sure the washer is in place on the pin.
Modelswith a hingebracket thathas2 screwholes.
Plastic Washer
Bracket _
Models with a hinge bracket that has 4 screw holes.
6.1.2 Insert the pin on the center hinge into the socket in the top of the door. Place the spacer,
then the washer, on the hinge pin.
NOTE: The center hinge must be turned over
as shown when mounted on the left side.
Hinge Pin
and Spacer
6.1.3 Tilt the door toward the cabinet. As the door is
brought into position, slide the hinge under the head of the screw which earlier had been partly
driven into the outermost hole. Insert the remaining scre_, then tighten both screws
6.2 Rehang the freezer door
6.2.1 i,ower the freezer door onto the center
hiw, e_ pin. Be sure the washer and
spacer axe in place on the pin.
and Spacer
6.2.2 Tilt the door toward the cabinet, lifliw*_ the to I) hinge so the pin fits into the socket on the top
of the door.
6.2.3. Make sure the door is slightly above the top of the cabinet and the gap between the doors is
even across the fl'ont. Tighten the top hinge
screws. Do not overtighten these screws-tighten
them tmtil they are just snug, then tm'n them
another one-half turn.
Normal operating sounds.
Newer refrigerators sound different from older refrigerators. Modem refrigerators have more features and use newer technology.
Do you hear what I hear? These sounds are normal.
Tile new high eiiiciencv HUMMM...
('OUlpI'eSSOI" Ill}l_ ItlIl
i I Em iWA_ m iW
t_lsteI" _lIld loIl_eI" th_lIl -- _n_n,,.
your old reii'igerator and you may hear a high-pitched lmm or pulsating
sound while it is operating.
Ybu may hear a whooshing sound when tile (loo_s close.
This is due to pressure equalizing within tile reti_igerat(n:
Y_u may hear crocking or popping sounds when file retiigemUw is fi_st phgged in. This happens as tile
reiiJgemtor cools to tile con'ect temperature.
Tile compressor may cause a dicking or chiqfing sound when attempting to restart (this could take
tip to 5 ininums).
EN)ansion and conmwtion d cooling coils during and after deti'ost can cause a crocking or popping sound.
On models with an icemake_; after an icemaking cycle, 7>u may hear tile ice ctfl)es dropping into tile ice bucket.
WHIR./ You may hear tile tans s )inning at
high speeds.
_._ This happens when tile refrigerator
t is first I)lug°ed,,_ in, when tile doors
are opened frequently or when
a large aulount of food is added to tile reii'igerator or
freezer comi)artments. Tile rims are helping to maintain tile correct temperatm'es.
may make a gurgling noise like boiling water:
Water dropping on tile deii'ost hearer can c'attse a sizzling,
popping or buzzing sound during tile deli'ost cycle.
A _:_mr dripping noise may occur during tile deli't_st c)tle as
ice mdts ti'(nn tile e\_q)ommr and fl(>_s into tile drain pan.
Closing file door may cause a gmgling sound due to
pressure equali/_ltion.
Before you call for service...
Troubleshooting Tips Save time and money/. Review the charts on the following
pages first and you may not need to call for service.
PossibleCauses What ToDo
Refrigeraterdees not Refrigerator in defrost cycle. * Wait about 30 minuws fin defi'ost c\cle to end.
Temperature control dial * Move the telupel:ffure control dial to a temperature
hi OposJlion. settiu r
Refrigerator is unplugged, * Push the plug completely into the outlet. The fuse is blowtl/circuit Replace fi/se or reset the breakel:
breaker is tripped.
Vibration or rattling (slight Roller screws or leveling legs * SeeRollers and Leveling Legs.
vibrationis normal) need adjusting. Freshfood orfreezer Teinperature control dial * See About the temperature control dial
compartment too warm not set cold enough.
_ann weather or frequent * Set file temperature control (hal one step c()lde_:
door openings, See About the temperature control dial
Door left open. * Check to see ff I)acl_lge, is holding, door open. Package blocking air duct hi * Check to see if I/:lc]clge, is bh )cldng, air duct in fl'eezer
2_2 freezer comparmlent, compamnent.
Possible Causes
Motor operates for long Normal _daen refrigerator periods or cycles on and is first plugged in.
off frequently.(Modern Often occurs _daenlarge refrigerators with more amounts of food are
storage space and a larger placed in refrigerator. space anda largerfreezer Door left open. * ('he(k• to ,seeif l_a(kage,is,holding, door open.
require more operating time. Theystart and stop Hot weather or frequent * This is u( mu al.
often to maintain even door opellillgs.
T_uperature control dial See About the temperature control dial set at the coldest setting.
Grille and condenser * See Careand cleaning.
need clemfi_g.
Frostorice crystals Door left open. * Check tr) see if package is holding dr)or ()peu.
onfrozenfood (frostwithin package Too frequent or too long
is normal) door ope_m_gs.
Automatic icemaker Icemaker power s_vitch (-)u power s_it(h models, set tire power s_itch to tire
doesnot work is not on. I(on) posifton. On feeler :mu models, move tire feeler (on some models) ami tr) the ON ((h)wu) l)r)sifir)u.
Water supply turned off or * See Installing the water line. not cora_eeted.
Freezer compartment * _'_fit 24 houLs fi)r tire reflJge_ltor t() completely too warm. c()()l d()\_ll.
Piled up cubes in the storage * Level cubes by hand.
bin cause the icemaker
to shut off.
Frequent "buzzing"sound Icemaker is on but the water * Turn the i(emaker ofl_ On pr)werswit(h mr)dels, set tire
supply to the refrigerator has pr )wer switch t( ) fire 0 (off)p()sift( )u. On feeler am_
not been coralected, models, mrwe the feeler :mu to dre STOP(up)pr_sifton.
Keeping it on _dll damage d_e water \alve.
Cubes too small Water shutoff valve coraaeding * Call the pltunber tr) clear tire \alve.
refrigerator to water line may
be clogged.
Slowice cube freezing Door left ope_l, * Check, t() ,see if l)ackage, is,hr)ldiug dor)r r)peu.
Temperature control dial * See About the temperature control dial
not set cold enough.
Ice cubeshave Ice storage bhl needs clemlh_g. * Empb_ and wash l_in. Dis( ard r)ld (ubes. odor/taste
Food trm_slnitfing odor/tas_te * Wrap fl)r)(ls well. to ice cubes.
Interior of refrigerator * See Care and cleaning.
needs demfing.
Moisture forms on Not unusual during * Wipe stul'ilce (hy and reset tempe_mu'e cr)utrol dial
cabinet surface periods of high humidity, r)ue setting c()lclex: between the doors
Moisture collectsinside Too frequent or too (in humid weather,air long door openings.
carries moisture into refrigerator whendoors are opened)
Refrigeratorhas odor Foods lrm_smitfing * For)(ls \_ith ,strr)u,_()(h)Lssh()tdd be tightly wv4pped.
odor to refrigerator. * Keep an open box of baking soda in tire refiige_:ltr)r;
replace e\e_)" flu'ee mr)hills.
Interior needs feinting. * See Careand cleaning.
What ToDo
Wait 24 hr)u_s fi)r the refiige_m)r t() ('ompletely
(or)l (lr)_ll.
This is nrmnal.
(forcustomers inCanada)
Yourrefrigeratoriswarrantedto befree ofdefectsin materialandworkmanship.
Nhatis covered HowLongWarranted Parts Labour
(FromDateof Sale) RepairorReplace
at Camco'sOption
;ompressor GEProfile:Ten(10)Years GEProfile:Ten(10)Years GEProfile:Five(5)Years
GEandAllOther GEandAll Other GEandAll Other
Brands:One(1)Year Brands:One(1)Year Brands:One(1)Year
SealedSystem(including GEProfile:Five(5)Years GEProfile:Five(5)Years GEProfile:Five(5)Years _vaporator,condenser GEandAll Other GEandAll Other GEandAll Other
:ubingandrefrigerant) Brands:One(1)Year Brands:One(1)Year Brands:One(1)Year _,11OtherParts One(1)Year One(1)Year One(1)Year
Thiswarrantyappliesonlyforsinglefamilydomesticusein CanadawhentheRefrigeratorhasbeenproperlyinstalled accordingtothe instructionssuppliedbyCamcoandis connectedto anadequateandproperutilityservice.
Damagedueto abuse,accident,commercialuse,andalteration ordefacingofthe serialplatecancelsall obligationsofthis warranty.
Serviceduringthis warrantyperiodmustbeperformedbyan
NeitherCamconortheDealerisliableforanyclaimsor damagesresultingfromfailureof theRefrigeratororfrom servicedelaysbeyondtheirreasonablecontrol.
throughthe remainderoftheoriginalwarrantyperiodonly. Thiswarrantyis extendedtotheoriginalpurchaserandany
succeedingownerforproductspurchasedforhomeusewithin Canada.Inhomewarrantyservicewill beprovidedinareas whereitisavailableanddeemedreasonablebyCamcoto provide.
Thiswarrantyis inadditiontoany statutorywarranty.
Ownerisresponsibleto payforservicecallsrelatedto
productinstallationand/orteachinghowto usetheproduct.
Damagetofinish mustbe reportedwithin48 hoursfollowing thedeliveryoftheappliance.
Damagetofinish afterdelivery.
Improperinstallation--properinstallationincludesadequate air circulationtotherefrigerationsystem,adequateelectrical,
Replacementof housefusesor resettingof circuitbreakers.
Replacementof lightbulbs.
Damageto productcausedbyaccident,fire,floodsoracts of God.
Lossoffooddueto spoilage.
Properuseandcareof productaslistedin theowner's
manual,propersettingof controls.
Productnotaccessibleto providerequiredservice.
EXCLUSIONOFIMPLIED WARRANTIES--Your sole and exclusive remedy ispreduct repa# as providedin this Limited
Warranty.Any implied warranties, iucluding the implied warranties of merchantability orfitness fora particular purpose,
are limited toone year or the shortestperiod allowed by law.
IMPORTANT Keep this warranty and your bill of sale as proof of original purchase and purchase date.
Please have serial number and model number available when calling for service.
CamcoServiceis availablecoastto coast.Iffurtherhelp is neededconcerningthis warranty,contact:
Manager,ConsumerRelations CamcoInc.,ConsumerService 1 FactoryLane,Suite310 Moncton,NewBrunswickE1C9M3
Staple your receipt here.
Proof of the original purchase
date is needed to obtain service
under the warrant_
Please place in envelope and mail to:
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ONTAR;O, L4Y41:;1
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ofyour warranty,shou;dthe needarise.
-REG_STI_ROI_UNE: www.geapp; MA_LTO: E_N_R_EG_LSTREM_EN_T_SU_R_LN_Ri_N_E_T_2._w_z_____:e_;_e___romenag#__e,.c_a P_O_S_TE_R.A:
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.............................. .1 .................................................................................
GE Service Protection Plus rM
GE, a name recognized _ orklwide ff)r quality and dependability, offers you Service Protection Plus'"--compreher_sive protection on all your appliar_ces--
No Matter What Brand!
Benefits Include: * Backed by GE
* All brands covered * Unlimited service calls * All parts and labor costs included
* No out-of-pocket expenses o No hidden deductibles
o One 800 ntmlber to call
We 71 Cover Any Appliance.
Anywhere. Anytime. *
You _ill be completely satisfied with our service i)rotect]o_ or )ou ma} reqt_est _otlr n_o_ex back
on the remaining value of your cow,tract. No qt_esti(ms asked. It's that sinq)le.
Protect your refl'igerator, dishwasher, washer and (byer, range, TV; VCR and much more--any brand! Plus there's no extra charge fl)r emergency service and low monthly finallcing is available. Even icemaker coverage and fl)od spoilage protection is oftered. You can rest easy, knowing that all your valuable household prochlcts are protected against expensive repairs.
Place ,otu" coi_fidenre in (;E and call us in the U.S. toll-free at _SUU.OZD.ZZZ_
tot I//ore ]ll_orI//at]()ll.
*MI bl-illldS (N)'_(?l(!d, lip IO _0 y(?_tl'_ old_ ix) Ihe (OlltJl"_(!llt_l] I _.
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Warranty Registration Department
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