
Safety Information
Adapter Plugs ............... 3
Connecting Elecuicity ........ 3
Extension Cords ............. 2
Proper Disposal .............. 2
Safety Precautions ........... 2
Operating lnstructions
Care and Cleaning ......... 5, 6
Control ..................... 4
Ice Service ................... 5
Storage Drawers .............. 4
Installation Instructions
Preparing to Install
the Refrigerator . ............ 7
Reversing the Door Swing .. 8-13
Troubleshooting Tips
Before You Call
For Service .............. 14-15
Normal Operating Sounds ... 14
Model 12
Consumer Support
Consumer Support .......... 18
Product Registradon ..... 19-20
Wan'anty for Canadian
Customers ................. 16
Wan'anty for U.S.
Customers ................. 17
Canadian Website
Write the model and serial
numbers here:
You can find 1hem on a label
inside the refrigerator on the
upper left side wahl.
WE6M437 350A4636PO09 162D7742PO06 49-60099-2 05-01JR

Use this appliance only for its intended purpose as described in this Owner's ManuaL
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should be followed, including the following:
@This refi_gerator must be properly installed
and located in accordance with the Installa0on
Instruc0ons before it is use(L
@ Do not allow children to climb, stand or hang
on 11aeshelves in the refrigerator. 1@ey could
damage the refiigemtor and seriously injm'e
@Do not touch the cold surfaces in 1he li'eezer
compartment, par0cularly when hands we
damp or wet. Skin may stick to these exu'emely
cold sufaces.
@ Do not store or use g_asoline or other flmnmable
vapols and liquids in the vicinity of this or any
other appliance.
_ In refrigerators wifla aulomadc icemakeis,
avoid contact will, flae moving parks of the
qjecmr mechanism, or will, 11,e heating element
that releases the cubes. Do not place fingeis or
hands on the antomaOc icemaking mechanism
while the refrigerator is plugged in.
Keep fingers out of tl,e "pinch point" areas;
clearances between the doo_ and between
the doors and cabinet are necessarily small.
Ik. cm'eful closing doors when children m'e
in the m'ea.
Unplug the refrigerator before cleaning and
making repail_.
Turning the control to the OFF(_) posi0on does
not remove power to the light circuit.
Do not refreeze frozen foods which have
thawed completely.
Child enu'apment and suffocation are not problems
of {liepast.Junked or abandoned refrigerators are
still dangerous...even if they will sit for "just a few
days." Ifyou we getOng rid of your old refrigerator,
please follow the instructions below to help prevent
Before YouThrew Away YourOldRefrigerator
or Freezer:
_ Take off the doors.
_ Leave Ihe shelves in place so that children may
not easily climb inside.
Your old re@igerator has a cooling system that used
CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). CFCs are believed to
harm stmlospheric ozone.
If you are throwing away your old refrigerator, make
sure the CFC refrigerant is removed for proper
disposal by a qualified servicer. If you inten0onalty
release flaisCFC re@igerant you can be sut_iect to
fines and imprisonment under provisions of the
Federal Clean Air Act.
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend
against the use of an extension cord.
However, ifyou must use an extension cord, it is absolutely nece_smy that it be a UI Aisted (in the United
States) or a CSA-listed (in Canada), 3-wire grounding type appliance extension cord having a grounding
type plug and oudet and that the elecu-ical ra0ng of the cord be 15amperes (minimum) and 120 volts.

Do not, under any circumstances, cut or remove the third (ground) prong from the power cord. For
personal safe_ this appliance must be properly grounded.
The power cord of this appliance is equipped
with a 3-prong (ga'()unding) plug which mares
with a standard 3-prong (grounding) wall outlet to
minimize Ihe possibility of etectlic shock h_ard
from this appliance,
Have 1he wall outlet and circuit checked by a
qualified etecuician to make sure the outlet is
properly grounded.
Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is
encountered, it is your pei,'sonal responsibility- and
obligation I()have it replaced with a properly-
grounded _prong wall outlet,
The refiigerator should always be plugged into its
own individual elecuical outlet which has a voltage
rating that matches the Fating plate.
"l_is pr_wides the best perfolTnance and also
prevents overloading house wiring circuits which
could cause a fire h_ard fi'om (werheated wires.
Never unplug your refrigerator by pulling on I11e
power cord. Always grip plug firmly and pull straight
out from the outlet.
Repair or replace immediately all power coMs flaat
have become fi_ayed or otherwise damaged. Do not
use a cord Ihat shows cracks or abrasion damage
along its length or at either end.
When m(wing the refrigel_alor away fi'om the
wall, be careful not m roll over or dmnage the
power cord.
USEOFADAPTERPLUGS(Adapterplugsnotpermittedin Canada)
Because of potential safety hazards under certain conditions, we strongly recommend against
the use of an adapter plug.
However, ifyou must use an adapter, where local
codes permit, a temporaryconnectionmay- be made
to a properly grounded 2-prong wall outlet by ttse
of a UIAisted adapter available at most local
hm'dware stores.
The larger slot in the adapter must be aligned with
the larger slot in the wall outlet to provide proper
polarity in flae connection of the power cord.
When disconnecting the power cord from Ilae
adapter, always hold the adapter in place wifla one
hand while pulling the power cord plug with the
other hand. If flaisis not done, the adapter gnmnd
temfinal is very likely to break with repeated u_,
If I11eadapter ground terminal breaks, DO NOT USE
the refrigerator until a proper gnmnd has been
Attachingthe adaptergroundterminaltoawaftoutlet
coverscrewis metal,andnotinsulated,andthe wall
outletisgroundedthroughthehousewiring. Youshould
havethecircuitcheckedbya qualifiedelectriciantomake
surethe outletisproperlygrounded.

Aboutthecontrolonthe refrigerator.
The temperature control on your refrigerator regulates the
temperature in the fresh food and freezer compartments.
Initially set the control at 5.
5 E
6 .,1._....[--..-i. _/_,,.
The temperature control maintains the temperature in Lx)tl, the fresh food and fi'eezer comparlments.
Setting 1is the wmanest setting and 9 is the coldest. Moving the control to OFF1_) stops cooling in both
areas--fresh food and freezer--but does not shut off power to the refiigerator.
After changingthecontrol,allow 12hoursfor therefrigeratorto reachthetemperatureyouhaveset.Controlsettingwill
If you want colder or warmer temperatures, move the dial
one number at a time. Adjust the control one increment at
a time, and allow 12hours after each adjustment for the
refrigerator to reach the temperature you set.
Controlsettingswill varybasedonpersonal preferences,usageandoperatingconditions,andmayrequire
Fruit and Vegetable Drawers
One or more storage dt_awers provide space to store
fruiks, vegetables and meats.
Models widl a single full-width drawer have a divider
to separate meats and vegetables. The divider can be
removed if a single lm'ge storage space isneeded.
The drawer will stop before coming all the way out
of the refrigerator to help prevent conlents fi'om
spilling onto flaefloor. It can be removed easily
by lifting up slightly and pulling past the "stop"
To replace the drawer and the cover above it, tlle
door must be fully- opened. In some installations the
refrigelamr may- have m be moved away- fi'om the
wall for the door to be fully opened.

Aboutice service, ww_.GEAppliances.com
Ice Trays
To release ice cubes, lurn the tray upside
down, hold it over a container, and twist
both ends.
Icemaker Accessory Kit
An icemaker access(n T kit is available from your dealer. Check Ihe back of the
refrigerator for the specific icemaker kit needed for your model.
Water Supply Kits
Kiks conlaining copper tubing, shutoffvalve, fittings and instructions needed Io
connect the icemaker to your cold water line are available at extra cost from your
dealer or from Parts and Accessories. In the U.S. call 800-626-2002. In Canada call
1-800-361-3400 and refer to kit numbers WX8X1 through WX8X4.
For only one or two ice cubes, leave the
tray fight-side up, twist bolh ends slightly,
and remove as many cubes as you want.
Washicetraysinlukewarmwateronly--do not
put themin anautomaticdishwashe_
Careandcleaning of the refrigerator.
Cleaning the Outside
Keep the outside clean. Wipe with a clean
clofla lightly dampened with mild liquid
dish detergent. DIy with a clean, soft cloth.
Donotwipetherefrigeratorwith a soileddish
clothor wettowel Thesemayleavea residue
that canerodethepaint.Donotusescouring
scratchand weakenthepaint finish.
Protect thepaint finish.The finish on the
outside of Ihe refrigerator is a high qualily,
baked-on paint finish. Wiflaproper care, it
will slay new-looking and rust free for years.
Apply acoat of kilchen/appliance wax
when the refrigerator is new, and then at
least twice a year.

Careand cleaning of the refrigerator.
Cleaning the Inside
Tohelp prevent odors, leave an open tx)x of
baking soda in the fi'esh food and fi'eezer
Unplugtherefrigeratorbeforecleaning.If this
is not practical, wring exce_s moisture out of
sponge or doth when cleaning around
switches, lights or conu'ols.
Use warm wamr and baking soda solution--
about a fableslx)on (15 ml) of baking soda
to a quart (1 1)of water. This both cleans
and neutralizes odors. Rin_ and wipe &y.
Other parts of the refiigemmr--including
door gaskets, fruit and vegelable dFawe_,
and all plastic parks-can be cleaned the
same way-,
After cleaning the &)or gaskets, apply a thin
layer ofpe_oleumjelly m the door gaskets
at Ihe hinge side. This helps keep tlae
gaskets from sticking and bending out of
shape. Do not use cleansing powde_ or
other abr'asive cleanei_.
Replacing the Lightbulb
Defrostwaterpan.The non-removable pan is
located under the compressor at the rear of
the refiigerator. It should be cleaned at
least once ayear. Move tim refiigerator out
from 11aewall as far as necessary, and unplug
the power cord from tlae wall outlet. I_t the
compressor cool before cleaning the pan.
U_ a clean Oath or sponge dampened in
wmrn water and baking soda solution--<me
mbleslx)on (15 ml) of baking soda to a
quart (1 1)ofwamr. DOnotusecleansing
Ix)wdel_, abrasive deane_, bleach or
cleaneL's containing chlorides.
Donot washanyplasticrefrigeratorparts in
Unscrew the burned4mt bulb and replace it
with a standard 40-watt appliance bulb.
Behind the Refrigerator
Once a year, move line refrigerator out
and vacuum the back coils, Ik, careful
when moving the refrigerator away-from
the wall. All types of floor covefing,'s can be
damaged, particularly cushioned covefing,'s
and tho_ with emL×)ssed surfaces.
Preparing for Vacation
For long vacations or absences, remove
food and unplug tim refrigerator, Move
the control to the OFFO position, and
clean tlae inlerior with a baking soda
solution of one tablespoon (15 ml) of
baking soda m one quart (11) of water.
1_'ave the doors open,
Pull tim refrigerator suaight out and
remm it m position by pushing it su'aight
in, Moving the refrigerator in a side
direction may- result in damage to the
floor covering or refrigerator.
Whenpushingtherefrigeratorback, makesure
Preparing to Move
Secure all loose imms such as grille, shelves and (h'awei_ by taping them _curely
in place to prevent damage.
Besuretherefrigeratorstaysinan uprightpositionduringmoving.